Saturday, November 12, 2005

Share your 'Traveling Dream Chair' Stories!

Curl up
Close your eyes ...
You and Your Traveling Dream Chair
will Float through Spaces
to brand new Places

(From 'Eat Mangoes Naked' - by Sark)

On the road of life, we have all had our 'traveling dream chair' stories. Please share the stories of your dreams! What is it that would meet your hearts desire? Fill that hole within you that craves for something more? Help you fade into the night in a beautiful dream state?

Share your dreams with us ... and we'll share ours with you! In the 'Traveling Dream Chair'.


ClickGirl said...

Hi Everyone! I'll be out of town for a few days ... but checking in from time to time ... to see those 'Traveling Dream Stories'!!

Have Fun!!!

Warm regards,


Belizegial said...

Top o' the morning to Everyone,

It's great to be back on the blogs with all of you. Had a chance to scroll back on the last postings and catch up.

The four candles from Babette was awesome. Thanks for the reminder that peace faith and love is a requirement to get through our daily lives.

I have to think about where I may want to go on the traveling dream chair. The good part is, I have finally realized 'if it is to be, it is up to me'.

Here is an e-mail I received today which I want to share with you.


Come to the garden alone,
while the dew is still on the roses....



1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul


1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness


1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another


1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another


1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends


My instructions were to send this to people that I wanted God to
bless and I picked you.

Have fun today ladies!

CathyinCarolina said...

Hi to Clickgirl and all!!!

I hope you are taking your laptop, now Brenda, you know you have us hooked!!!

I already checked your blog this AM and had a panic attack , because I could not make a post.

But, went to my own and Miracleously changed my Post to a New One!!!!Hurrray!!!!for the Blonde from North Carolina!!

Promise I will work on the Picture next!!!

Anyway, I want to direct anyone who is in need of a Mini-Vacation to my Blog for information on the 1st Weekend in December and a little celebration back in Chicago!!!

With a little luck and some on-
line support I will be skilled enough to add photos of that event while we are there, and make like I am the reporter that you, Flowegirl and I
were the first trip!!!

So, just in case that anyone is worst than I am on this Blogging, you just have to click on my disappearing photo and read about an invitation to another adventure!!!!

LOve to all, have a great trip, Brenda.

CathyinCarolina said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Hey Bloggers,

My comments were not directed to anyone on the blog - I was just posting my thoughts for a Friday afternoon after having spent the last several days with people who were experiencing a great and unexpected loss in their lives. Just thought a little dreaming on the red chair of where people's dream destinations would be interesting and maybe thought provoking.

Everyone's dream of travel is so unique to their own personality. My travels throughout my life have reinforced my belief that traveling is the balm of stepping outside of your own personal circumstances. Your travels help to put life problems in perspective and certainly remind you that life is full of so much to celebrate, to be thankful for, to appreciate - traveling is a great healer.

And so yesterday after spending a day with many people who had experienced a great loss in their lives and trying to give comfort to them - I thought it might be fun to hear of and think of special dreams of travel from others.

Belizegial said...

Hi, great to see things cleared up so quickly here :)

Sitting in my dream chair, I would love to visit the island of Aruba in the Dutch Caribbean for a long anticipated visit with my friends TW and Sugarmommy.

Then, I would leave for Merry Old England and Scotland, land of yeoman tales and mystery.

To complete my dream sequence, the last leg of my journey would be to Aloha Hawaii for a pit barbecue and dancing under the stars.

Anonymous said...

My dream chair takes me back to New Zealand,ChristChurch; Aukland;Hobart Tasmania, and Australia, Sidney, Melbourne and Cairns (Green and Fitzroy Islands)preferably in Feb/march 2006.

I also want to go to southern France, Capri, Italy, and Ireland in the next two years.

To those whose dream chair is focused toward Hawaii and its islands, I live on Maui when I can help.


ReeltorMe said...

Hello traveling red dream chair,
As I am sitting here just contemplating where to go I am drifting off to dream land on my red dream chair. I would love to just brush by all the many places on earth that are fascinating and beautiful. Places that have many of the old historic buildings since I still have not seen so many places that I have left to visit. Life is too short to see it all but this way I have an over view of all the beauty everywhere and know where I want to go back to visit. That's what I offer you in my traveling red dream chair. My goodness, it is so comfortable to be so relaxed and touring the world. How sweet it is!
P.S. I always choose to be around the sun and water and those beautiful sun rises and sunsets.

CathyinCarolina said...

A new picure!!!!!

It's a bout time, Cathy!!!

My friend Wanda aka SharingintheNight
helped me out and posted a new picture for me today!!!!!

Hooray!!!!!I look 10 years younger!!!

But, you can still click on my new Pic and go to my Blog and read about the Chicago Trip, December
1st thru 5th.

After, Brenda and Jackie documented their lovely visit, we will be challenged to show ours off in Pictures as well, so everyone can travel along with us!!

What fun!!!

You guys can sit back in your lovely RED DREAM CHAIR and we will share our Adventure with you!!!

Clickgirlhad you thought of this use for the Red Chair????

CathyinCarolina said...

Don't you hate it when you miss the typo, until after you have posted!!


ClickGirl said...

Hey All!

I am just getting off work for the night ... and finally settled into my room (at midnight). I'm working at the Omni Hotel in Orlando ... but staying down the road in a Hampton Inn. Not a bad little place ... and as long as they have wi-fi ... I'm all set to check in on the Blogs. At least tonight. We actually had an early night - as I have been told we might be working until 2 a.m. some days. So ... just taking advantage of the moment.

Speaking of the 'Traveling Dream Chair' stories - that was actually Jackie's idea - on the last Blog. Thanks Jackie! I think it is a great way to 'escape' away ... when you are dreaming of travels to special places. Now - I am going to try really hard over the next couple of days - to take a picture of ... you won't believe this ... red chairs right outside of our ballroom - that look very similar to the little pic on my Blog (which is on the AH Website - and is from SARK). Anyway - when I saw those chairs - I just smiled ... and thought 'I have to get a pic of me sitting on one of those'! : )

Marty, I'm glad that you shared how you felt - and gave Jackie the opportunity to explain why she wrote what she did. I think sometimes, people are too quick to make judgments - and not really try to understand where people are coming from (this is a general statement - not aimed at anyone). And I think that often, people don't really take the time to read all of the posts - and then jump to conclusions that may not be totally accurate. I've mentioned many times that I was one of the very first Blogs to start up from the venture where we all met - and the whole reason was so that we could share openly and honestly - and without fear of deletion. Other than Spam, I have only deleted one posting.

I have - for quite a long time - tried to encourage a positive and uplifting attitude here - because I feel that it helps us all. Having said that, I have often said that I hope that people feel free to express themselves. But I also hope that we don't become a place where we have to rehash things over and over - to the point of tedium. Because I just don't think there is much point to it ... and, as I said to the gals in Chicago, I think we can take this to a higher level than that.

I'm sorry that some people feel they are being censored. I explained why I prefer not to have mention of SB here ... and I, frankly, just don't think they (SB)deserve our energy ... or our comments. And there are other places to go to discuss that. I think it is kind of fun to roam from Blog to Blog - to see the various discussions - and I also think it is great that several trips are being planned. As soon as I get back from this biz trip - I'll post info about those on the Website ... so that we can make sure that everyone sees that info.

Anyway ... I loved checking in tonight - and reading the red chair stories. It made me smile. And had me thinking of the places that I want to go. Ironically, the conference that I am working on is for PhoCusWright - and over the next three days I will be hearing all of the leaders in the travel industry speaking and doing roundtables. I just spent the past two weeks going through video footage from meetings in '03, '04 and '05 - and feel like I already know these people. I'll be sharing some of what I hear - because this stuff is amazing! I'm talking Prez of Travelocity, Mariott, Expedia, AOL, and many, many others. Pretty cool!

Well ... I am beginning to ramble ... and I better get to bed. I have to be up at 6 a.m. - and tomorrow will be a long day.

Thanks to all of you - ALL of You - for your posts ... and for honesty ... your humor ... your understanding ... and for sharing your red chair stories!! Hope to hear more!!

Dreaming in the Chair,


Anonymous said...

Cathy – 10 years younger yes. If you do the one with you in the beret Thursday night in Chi. you lose another 5. That’s what I think of when I think of you since I thought the old blog pic was matronly.

Reading the Dream Chair blogs made me think of H. Potter. Maybe ‘cause it opens this week.

Saw a great play, Cuttin’ Up today. It was a world premier but if it comes your way go see it. Especially you, Sylvia, it’s at Arena Stage.

Babette – Does that mean “muah” is Japanese?

It has been such a busy weekend & more tomorrow so I am going to sleep. I got this today so it is the Joke Du Jour. Republicans, substitute a Dem. President you didn’t like.

One night, George W. Bush is tossing restlessly in his White House bed. He awakens to see George Washington standing by him. Bush asks him, "George, what's the best thing I can do to help the country?"

"Set an honest and honorable example, just as I did," Washington advises, and then fades away.

The next night, Bush is astir again, and sees the ghost of Thomas Jefferson moving through the darkened bedroom. Bush calls out, "Tom, please! What is the best thing I can do to help the country?"

"Respect the Constitution, as I did," Jefferson advises, and dims from sight.

The third night sleep still does not come for Bush. He awakens to see the ghost of FDR hovering over his bed. Bush whispers, "Franklin, What is the best thing I can do to help the country?"

"Help the less fortunate, just as I did," FDR replies and fades into the mist.

Bush isn't sleeping well the fourth night when he sees another figure moving in the shadows. It is the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. Bush pleads, "Abe, what is the best thing I can do right now to help the country?"

Lincoln replies, "Go see a play."

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone,
I love the Red dream chair. As you all know I never travel. Not!
My dream is to go diving in the Caymans. Now on my list of things I must do first is pull my dive certificate. Which I will do very shortly.
I also want to go to Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Greece. And go back and finish the mid west. I missed Utah and Colorado and New Mexico. And I want to go back to several areas from my trip this summer and go exploring.
I have signed up for a photography workshop in Miami next month. Now I need to upgrade my camera to the level I want.
I also want to take some film and editing seminars and writing workshops.
Or I could go back to school and finally get my degree. But it would have to be several. Film and business degrees. Now I sound like my youngest at FSU. 3 majors and 3 minors. He spent the summer in China a year ago and loved it. One of his minors is Chinese.
And since it's a dream chair, I dream of finding someone to share my adventures with that can keep up with me. And I want to take ballroom dancing classes, get back into the shape I was in 3 years ago. Oh, and get jump certified. I love jumping out of airplanes. My youngest and I go tandem jumping together. Maybe we will go to Jamaica and go jump off that cliff into the water together.
And last but not least, I would love to get back into horseback riding. I have always loved to ride, so now I want to go riding on the beach with someone special. But first I have to find that someone.
I love this dream chair. Have an awesome day! Carol

Anonymous said...

Hello Red Chair Dreamers....

Ms. Babette - thank you cutie pie (smile - I don't know how to do the symbol) Wow...I can't wait to hear more and while I am waiting I clicked on Trevi Fountain and floated to Rome and back.....thank you for the history and dreams....

Callmelin...5th generation Californian - you lucky girl - I always wished I would have been a first generation California Girl instead of a Midwest Girl...maybe in another lifetime...what a cruise!!!!

And Carol...I love all of your dreams and wish for them all to come true for you...

Thank you everyone - the red dream chair took me all around the world this weekend and I certainly needed the escape and enjoyed reading up on many of the places you mentioned.....where next shall we go?????

Anonymous said...

I am writing now because it has been such a busy weekend that I may fall asleep. If I don’t, I may check in again.

You are all doing your flying in the red chair so maybe there should be a theme: Joke Du Jour will be travel related for the week. See below.

O.K. Babette – I think you need an extra ‘M” - then I would have known it wasn’t a foreign lang. I feel so dumb! Does anyone remember Dinah Shore & her ending her show that way?
As much as I love the Trevi Fountain & the romance ( 3 Coins in the Fountain) I think if anyone drinks from it, if the lead from all the coins doesn’t kill you the various diseases probably will.

Wow CallmeLin – Have you thought of writing a book? I guess it would be an epic! And was that sans husband?

Jackie: To make the smile: type a colon (the eyes), dash (nose) end parenthesis (mouth) I think there is something that tells you how to make these “cutsies."

Federal Aviation Agency
800 Independence Avenue S.W.
Washington DC. 20591

Dear Sirs,

I have the solution for the prevention of hijackings,
and at the same time getting our airline industry back
on its feet.

Since men of the Muslim religion are not allowed to
look at naked women we should replace all of our
female flight attendants with strippers.

Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear
of seeing a naked woman, and of course, every
businessman in this country would start flying again
in hope of seeing a naked woman. Hijackings would end
and the airline industry would have record sales.

Why didn't Bush think of this? Why do I still have to
do everything myself?

Bill Clinton

I actually have a funny photo that could go along with this. It came as an e-mail. How would I do that?

Hope everyone has a good week.

Anonymous said...


who says one still can't learn????? Thank you Ada! Now if I can just remember tomorrow - you will see lots of future smiles!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes P.S. :-)

I would love to fly over to Little Rock to Bill's Presidential Library - anyone been?????

I would also like to see Reagan's - as a political science major - I am "into" politics.

And in Springfield, Illinois there is a new Lincoln Library.....and Washington D.C. is one of my favorite towns....oh my gosh Ada, you unleashed my red dream chair travels fantasies....I would like to visit all the former Presidential Libraries that I have already not visited (which I have visited quite a few) how boring is that????? And sadly...or maybe not...I would really like to do that...anyone want to come with me????

Anonymous said...

Ok now you know the true me...confessions of a political junkie...had time allowed and I ventured to CA the first of the month - I had made plans to visit RR's Presidential Library...I only live 90 miles from Springfield, Il and the new Lincoln Library has only been open for a several months - so I will go there in the next week and do a first hand report. Bill's - I would love to see so I will do that hopefully before the end of the year. And I guess that leaves RR's which I will just have to do before the all inspired simple but I have been so blessed in my life and traveled so much that on Friday night as I tried to think of where I would like to go next...I was having a hard time...well now I know. must keep your political humor posting.

CathyinCarolina said...


I wonder where your Aunt is from in North Carolina, I live in the far western tip of the state, near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park!!!Cherokee, NC

Leslie: said...

Hiya everyone! Okay, my turn on the red chair now. Remember this...Route 66! I'm driving my '65 red mustang convertible, sunglasses tucked in under my flowing scarf...cruising along to the tunes of the Beach Boys. Stopping off to see all the sights along the way - Sunset Strip, Grand Canyon, Chicago, New York, down to Virginia and DISNEYWORLD (okay okay not a 60s thing), Miami, back across to the Bayou, Galveston oh Galveston, up to Phoenix, and back across to the Redwood Forest. Hmmm...that was nice!

heiresschild said...

can someone tell me how i can get the little trash can at the bottom of the comments so people can delete if they want. it used to be there, but i must have done something because i don't see it anymore. thanx.


ReeltorMe said...

Hi all,
Oh, Leslie, you have hit my hot button with Rt. 66. I bought a book on it about a year ago and I was on a tiny portion of it with my National Parks tour last month. I have always wanted to take that trip since I am an old 50's gal with a Rebel Without A Cause spirit. I have so many memories of the 50's and have continued our 1957 high school class newsletter called Connections and collect all my classmates for our reunions. What a time to grow up!
And Jackie, I sure wish I would have known you when Clinton was in office. I could have gone to the Oval Office with you. I was in the Oval Office about 4 times and got so many people a "private" tour with my friend, Betty Currie, who was his private secretary as you might remember. She was one of my Waukegan High classmates from 1957. I had just been there shortly after Monica gave Bill a video tape and when all of that broke loose I was in the middle of the press when they found out I had just been there. I had breakfast in the White House cafeteria with Betty. I just made a call direct to her every time anyone was going to D.C. and she treated everyone so kindly with a private tour. It was surreal when I was there on Bill's birthday Aug. 20 with my oldest daughter who is a reporter in D.C. and we had birthday cake.
Such memories I will cherish and all of the friends and relatives that I got into the Oval Office said it was the higlight of their life.
Babette, I agree with you about Rome and Italy as it was my favorite place that I have been so far. I loved Pompeii and returning to our past history. My love of architecture was shown while there and I couldn't get enough photos of all those cathedrals, basillicas, churches and museums. I loved the outdoor cafes and drinking Chianti Classico wine and watching all those fountains. What a lover's city........
Thanks for allowing me to just pour out some thoughts and I guess I should have taken another turn on the red dream chair....

ReeltorMe said...

Hi all,
Oh, Leslie, you have hit my hot button with Rt. 66. I bought a book on it about a year ago and I was on a tiny portion of it with my National Parks tour last month. I have always wanted to take that trip since I am an old 50's gal with a Rebel Without A Cause spirit. I have so many memories of the 50's and have continued our 1957 high school class newsletter called Connections and collect all my classmates for our reunions. What a time to grow up!
And Jackie, I sure wish I would have known you when Clinton was in office. I could have gone to the Oval Office with you. I was in the Oval Office about 4 times and got so many people a "private" tour with my friend, Betty Currie, who was his private secretary as you might remember. She was one of my Waukegan High classmates from 1957. I had just been there shortly after Monica gave Bill a video tape and when all of that broke loose I was in the middle of the press when they found out I had just been there. I had breakfast in the White House cafeteria with Betty. I just made a call direct to her every time anyone was going to D.C. and she treated everyone so kindly with a private tour. It was surreal when I was there on Bill's birthday Aug. 20 with my oldest daughter who is a reporter in D.C. and we had birthday cake.
Such memories I will cherish and all of the friends and relatives that I got into the Oval Office said it was the higlight of their life.
Babette, I agree with you about Rome and Italy as it was my favorite place that I have been so far. I loved Pompeii and returning to our past history. My love of architecture was shown while there and I couldn't get enough photos of all those cathedrals, basillicas, churches and museums. I loved the outdoor cafes and drinking Chianti Classico wine and watching all those fountains. What a lover's city........
Thanks for allowing me to just pour out some thoughts and I guess I should have taken another turn on the red dream chair....

ReeltorMe said...

oooops - sorry to have taken up so much room when I hit the button twice.


willemina said...

Some amazing travelling dream chair stories here! Thanks to all for sharing...
I'll have to think about this but what comes to mind for me would be to travel back in time and meet my ancestors in Holland (both of my parents are from Holland) I would love to know more about my grandparents and great-grandparents and so on and so on...

For anyone interested...some ladies are meeting at my place (Paso Robles, CA) January 17th thru Jan 19th...anyone else interested? Check my blog for more information

hugs and goodnight

willemina said...

If time and money were no object...wouldn't it be wonderful to travel around the world?

Anonymous said...

Obviously, not an early night. Just got this so thought I would pass it on.

I was out walking with my 4 year old son.He picked up something off the ground and started to put it in his
mouth.I took the item away from him and I asked him not to do that.
> "Why?" my son asked.
Because it's been laying outside, you don't know where it's been; it's dirty and probably has germs" I replied.
At this point, my son looked at me with total admiration and asked,
"Wow! How do you know all this stuff?"
"Uh," ...I was thinking quickly,"All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mommy Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy."
We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but he was evidently pondering this new information.
"OH...I get it!" he beamed, "So if you don't pass the test, you have to be the daddy."
"Exactly" I replied back with a big smile on my face and joy in my heart.

Jackie, I’ve been to Hyde Park 2x & Campabello & loved them. I’m game.

Francessca – Fellini also is responsible for “paparazzo” (sing. of I ). Heard that today on NPR- "Justice Talking" 'cause of the law Arnold is trying to get thru in CA.

My husband had a pic of me with B. Clinton with his hand on my shoulder in his chambers. One day, after the Monica brouhaha, a lawyer asked to come in. He said "Judge, I just wanted to see if you still had that pic up." Clinton was unbelieveably charasmatic. Wish I knew you then too Chandra. Bring back the bad old days.

traveln-hsr said...

Brenda & Jackie, I haven't been on in a couple of days. Wow the Travel Dream Stories are a great idea! I have so many. I think the one that is the most adventurous would be a trip down the Amazon and then onto the Galapagoes and to Machu Picchu. I also want to see the Great Wall of China and I still haven't been to Italy.


heiresschild said...

good morning all,

ok, i've been giving this a lot of thought. basically, i'm a homebody. i love to travel, but after 4-5 days i'm ready to come home again for a bit. so, here's what i'd do with my traveling dream chair - i'd buy an rv and put my traveling dream chair in it and travel the whole united states and canada. then i'd buy my own private jet and put my traveling dream chair in it, fly outside the united states to see the rest of the world. once i land, i'll still have an rv while i'm traveling the rest of the world (with my traveling dream chair in it, of course).

so now i have my home on wheels, my home in the air, and my traveling dream chair with me at all times.

so this is my dream. hey, you did say dream, and you didn't say how big. the sky's the limit you know.

ah, life is good.


Anonymous said...

Good morning to all,

Ada - I have not been to Hyde Park but would like to!!! I love the Thanksgiving Day story on the main website for Hyde Park Presidential Library.

Chandra - Wow!!! Bettie Currie...I think I have read every book about the Clinton years in the White House. I will enjoy talking to you about that!!!!

Question: Has anyone been to the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA?

Sylvia - I like your style - if we are going to dream lets dream BIG!!!

ok - back to work...have a great week!

heiresschild said...

i just noticed that the blog says "traveling dream chair," but it doesn't state a color. i think people were saying red because sark's is red. so one small change in my traveling dream - my chair will be purple. that's a royal color, and it's always been my favorite color.


Anonymous said...

Ok Sylvia,
You want a ride in my silver Miata, I want a ride in your jet!
I have had the day from hell with DR's. But so what. Bring it on. I just did your trip with my Grams. Are you up for the challenge?
Have an awesome day everyone. The Dr. wouldn't let me go home today from the local area. But home I go tomorrow. I want my own bed.
And some peace from stress. The good news is my BP is going down, down , down!
I am taking a nap now. Have an awesome night. Carol

droma said...

Would you please repost 4candles?
I can't get past 20% loadng.
Also was not able to e-mail it when I had them burning.
Better yet, how does one post it to be able to upload?
Hec, I cannot do the HTMLs, even with all the instructions posted.
But someone else may enjoy keeping it on their sites.

La Dolce Anita Eckbert, so saftig!
You and Jackie, when on the READING CHAIR, come visit me; I got the Auto-Biographies of almost all the Presidents, and from Nixon onward, signed by them.

Happy Travel- Dreaming!

heiresschild said...

hi carol, just keep my seat warm for me in the miata. so glad your blood pressure is down. i understand about your own bed. to quote dorothy, "there's no place like home."


Anonymous said...

DrOma click my name and it will take you to my site, there you will find the candles... :-)

Anonymous said...

Blog is quiet tonight. Does anyone know dreamweaver18(aka Val the gal)? She mentioned Indigo Children on the other blog & I was wondering what those were. I have tried to reach her in the past but she doesn't have an e-mail & her blogs are blanks.

JOKE DU JOUR - A mother and her son were flying Southwest Airlines from Kansas City to Chicago. The son (who had been looking out the window) turned to his mother and asked, "If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don't big planes have baby planes?"

The mother (who couldn't think of an answer) told her son to ask the stewardess.

So the boy asked the stewardess, "If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don't big planes have baby planes?"

The stewardess responded, "Did your mother tell you to ask me?"

The boy said, "Yes she did."

"Well, then, tell your mother that there are no baby planes because Southwest always pulls out on time. Have your mother explain that to you."

Anonymous said...

It looks like I will be going to Costa Rica in Jan. for Global Volunteers. I would like to travel after my 9-14 day committment. Anybody been there & have suggestions? Marty said it was dirty but I think that's true of some of the cities. But cities are not what you go to see there.



Anonymous said...

Ms. Peg,

I visited your blog and liked the Forida pictures - we have no snow but a strong wind. I am glad you were able to do your book signing - I have never done one before but I think that would be fun.

I sent Clickgirl an email and told her that we were waiting for her red chair picture......somehow I think she will be able to produce one!

Sweet dreams to all....

Anonymous said...


I posted around my usual witching hour but this a.m. when I checked the blog it wasn’t there. Wha hoppin? Of course, I deleted the word document once I posted so I’ll have to do it from memory –oy!

I have been riding trains daily for the last two years, and the service on your line seems to be getting worse every day. I am tired of
standing in the aisle all the time on a 14-mile trip. I think the transportation system is worse than that enjoyed by people 2,000 years ago.
Yours truly,
A Commuter
> > > > > >
Dear Sir:
We received your letter with reference to the shortcomings of our service and believe you are somewhat confused in your history. The only
mode of transportation 2,000 years ago was by foot.
The Railroad
> > >
I am in receipt of your letter, and I think you are the ones who are confused in your history. If you will refer to the Bible, Book of David, 9th Chapter, you will find that Balaam rode to town on his ass. That, gentlemen, is something I have not been able to do on your train in the last two years.
Yours truly,
A Commuter

Anyway – Francesca – funny e-mail.

Callmelin – Your history is so interesting. I warned you that I was e-mailing you. I am going to Cost. Rica in Jan. for GLOBAL VOLUNTEERS. Want to be my roomie? Google them. If you contact them, ask for Diane & mention my name. They are very good about honoring your request of only sending you a brochure.



Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn,

You are on and I would also love to see the Getty Museum as well!!!!!

Let's do it!!!!

Leslie: said...

Hi Lin and Jackie When I was down in MB over the Labour Day weekend, I spent Sunday at the Getty Museum. It was absolutely fabulous! And I didn't even see it all - I had limited time, so spent it looking at all the paintings, especially the 19th century European paintings. I would definitely go back and it would also be interesting to go to the Reagan Library. Maybe in March???

Anonymous said...

Reagan Library and Getty followup

I spent a full Sunday at the Getty about a year ago and didn't touch the surface. Great place to spend 2 or 3 days absorbing its contents if you can stay somewhere close to it and return to spend the day. There are also scheduled events from time to time that are impressive and educational.

Can someone tell me the proximity to the Reagan Library to the Getty?

I seem to remember seing where it would be built enroute to a great place called CLUB MUD several years ago.

Is there still a place called CLUB MUT?

Thanks if you can help with locations.


Anonymous said...

dAMMIT - I thought writing a short blog I wouldn't have to do it in Word first. WRONG!

Jackie - Where did you hide Brenda? Hope she (& her friend) are o.k.

I love the Getty & it’s not just the stuff inside. It’s the museum itself & the surroundings. I agree with Neva. (Great name Club Mud.)
Also when you are there, try to see the courthouse in S. Barbara: I’d say one of the top 4 in the U.S. Since my daughter, Sherene, lives in L.A. I’m probably game for March. Her b.d. is the 9th

How come the blog is so quiet? Is it the quiet before the storm, tomorrow being THE ANNOUNCEMENT? I hope this doesn’t mean the end of us.


An out-of-towner in New York at the height of the tourist season decided to revisit an uptown restaurant he'd enjoyed on a previous trip to the city. Finally catching the eye of an overworked waiter, he said, "You know, it's been over five years since I first came in here."
"You'll have to wait your turn, sir," replied the busy waiter. "I can only serve one table at a time."

I’m a N. (you can take someone out of N,Y. but you can’t take N.Y. out of someone).

Anonymous said...

Jackie - Where did you put Brenda? Hope she (& her friend) are o.k. I too love the Getty & it’s not just the stuff inside. It’s the museum itself & the surroundings. I agree with Neva. Never heard of the place but a Great name CLub Mud.
Also if you get out that way, you must see the S. Barbara courthouse. I’d say one of the top 5 in the U.S. I too would love to do the Reagan library. Since my daughter, Sherene, lives in L.A. I’m probably game for March. Her b.d. is the 9th.

Welcome back C.J.

Good talking to you Linda. Hope to hear from you soon.

How come the blog is so quiet? Is it the quiet before the storm, tomorrow being THE ANNOUNCEMENT? Anyone want to place their bets (picks)? I hope this doesn’t mean the end of us.


An out-of-towner in New York at the height of the tourist season decided to revisit an uptown restaurant he'd enjoyed on a previous trip to the city. Finally catching the eye of an overworked waiter, he said, "You know, it's been over five years since I first came in here."
"You'll have to wait your turn, sir," replied the busy waiter. "I can only serve one table at a time."

I’m a N. (you can take someone out of N.Y. but you can’t take the N.Y. out of someone).

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies,
The pictures are out of the six finalists. No names under the 23 photos.
And I don't get his newsletter. So have some fun.

Anonymous said...

Vicki, Gael, Cindee, Lori, Corrine Jean and Vija

Anonymous said...

Again another quiet night.??? I expected the blog to be burning now that the 6 have been named.
Oh well, just another night, another JOKE DU JOUR.

Next time you think your hotel bill is too might want to use this logic!

A husband and wife are traveling by car from Key West to Boston. After almost twenty-four hours on the road, they're too tired to continue,
and they decide to stop for a rest. They stop at a nice hotel and take a room, but they only plan to sleep for four hours and then get back on the road.

When they check out four hours later, the desk clerk hands them a bill for $350. The man explodes and demands to know why the charge is so high He
tells the clerk although it's a nice hotel; the rooms certainly aren't worth $350. When the clerk tells him $350 is the standard rate, the man
insists on speaking to the Manager.

The Manager appears, listens to the man, and then explains that the hotel has an Olympic-size pool and a huge conference centre that were
available for the husband and wife to use.

"But we didn't use them," the man complains. "Well, they are here, and you could have," explains the Manager.

He goes on to explain they could have taken in one of the shows for which the hotel is famous. "The best entertainers from New York,
>Hollywood and Las Vegas perform here," the Manager says. "But we didn't go to any of those shows," complains the man again.

"Well, we have them, and you could have," the Manager replies. No matter what facility the Manager mentions, the man replies, "But
we didn't use it!" The Manager is not moved, and eventually the man gives up and agrees to pay. He writes a check and gives it to the

The Manager is surprised when he looks at the check. "But sir," he says, "This check is only made out for $100." "That's right," says the
man. "I charged you $250 for sleeping with my wife."

"But I didn't!" exclaims the Manager.

"Well," the man replies, "She was here, and you could have".

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday everyone,
Welcome home to Florida Vanessa. I hope the trip was a pleasant one.
Today is a pamper Carol Day. My daughter and I are going to a salon to get our hair done. Next week she heads to New Jersey to visit family with her Dad. She is spending a few days with my family side first. Gotta love these 20 somethings. Her Dad is flying her in. So she arranged to have her cousin pick her up, instead of waiting at the airport for her Dad. (6 hours)
Have an awesome day everyone. And be well!

Leslie: said...

Hi Vanessa et al good to hear you're getting settled finally. And SO glad you are going to continue to be "with" us.

The following is part of a post I wrote on Suzanne's blog the other day, in case you haven't seen it. It was some thoughts I had re continuing the travel adventure for us ladies.

Yes, we original bloggettes DID come up with the idea of cruising and RR took it and ran with it. So, now we have to take back OUR OWN IDEA and go with it. I'm so glad you posted this, Suze, 'cuz I'm sure more women would be interested in getting together to have a great time on board ship plus do some fun things on shore, be it in Alaska, Hawaii, the Caribbean, or the Mediterranean.

Another idea could be to go as a group on another type of holiday - perhaps with a tour company like Trafalgar (where they take care of luggage and every little detail - done it twice & it was great) OR make up our own itinerary and just GO. What do you ladies think?

So I know a lot of us still want to stay in touch, travel together, and become more than "blogging friends." We are so spread out in the country(ies) that there would always be a place to stay - or someone to arrange very nice moderately priced B&Bs, motels, hotels, etc. It's great that Cathy has arranged a meet in Chicago (Dec), Willy in Paso Robles (Jan), and Lin in Santa Cruz (Mar).

I really like your idea, Vanessa, so are you up to doing the database? If I didn't work such long hours, I'd do it, but...I also think since the majority are Americans it makes sense for one of you to do it.

My dream locations - Tuscany and the Italian Lake District in the Spring, anywhere near the Alps, South Africa and Australia. Okay, your turn. :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone,

Brenda is alive and well and working her full time job and then working on a website that should be up and running by tomorrow!!!! Then we can let her come back as the one and only Clickgirl!!!!!

In reading all of your posts - I am so glad that so many of you will be attending the Birthday Party in Chicago. Chicago was absolutely gorgeous on our SB weekend and the weather on the night of the cruise for September 30 was unbelievable! It really could not have been more perfect. So get ready for an extra special holiday treat with Chicago dressed in its' best holiday finery.

From the wreathes around the Lions neck standing guard at the Chicago Art Institute, to Marshall Field's traditional Great Christmas Tree in the Walnut Room, to all the display windows filled with holiday magic, to the millions and millions (well that may be overstating by several thousand) of all the tiny white sparkling lights on every tree lining and lighting Michigan Avenue - and now Chicago has its own ice-skating amid the skyscrapers at Millennium Park (we rival NYC) - Chicago is the place to be in December!! Not to mention every store, restaurant and other establishments totally decked in holiday cheer.

My daughter and I spent last New Years Eve downtown Chicago and started the New Year at 10:00 am ice skating and it could not have been a better start to a wonderful 2005. As the year draws to a close with so many new and wonderful relationships established via the monitors in everyone's home around the globe - I truly think this is the year to step into the snow shaker of holiday dreams and wishes. The holidays with our children have been magical and now at the different stages of individual lives we can all put back the magic of Holiday Cheer, Mistletoe and Snowflakes into our lives.

I promise Brenda will be back soon to add all of her spice to a great group of friends.

(I am especially fond of eggnog and have the best recipe ever from Virginia Beach if anyone is interested)

Belizegial said...

Good morning Ladies,

It's a fairly cold day here in Belize. We are under tropical storm watch for 'Gamma' which is heading our way. Keep us in your prayers that it doesn't develop into a hurricane.

Carolakatravelin, good going with the clean bill of health from your doctor. God's blessings are with you at this time. Keep living strong.

CJ, you got me good this time! Andy is a 'dolphin'?!lololol

Brenda, you are missed. Come back soon to us, ya hear.

Here is prayer for all of you today.

Dear God...

I know you're watching over me
and I'm feeling truly blest
For no matter what I pray for,
You always know what's best!

I have this circle of friends,
Who mean a lot to me;
Some days I "post" and "send,"
At other times, I let them be.

I am so blessed to have these friends,
With whom I've grown so close;
So this little poem I dedicate to them,
Because to me they are the "Most"!

When I see each name download,
And view the message they've sent;
I know they've thought of me that day,
And "well wishes" were their intent.

So to you, my friends, I would like to say,
Thank you for being a part;
Of all my daily contacts,
This comes right from my heart.

God bless you all is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend";
I pray God will keep you safe,
Until we write again.

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone,
Has anyone been watching the weather? I did it again. It seems Tropical depression Gamma is going to hit my area on this Monday. I will have been home less than a week. I am really laughing over this. That is 4 for 4.
Just alot of rain this time. So much for decorating this weekend for the holidays. I will wait until Tuesday.
Today is celebration day. We are popping the cork at 1:30 p.m. Eastern time.
For anyone who wants a warm place to visit. Come on down to South Florida sometime. Sylvia already has her seat reserved in the Miata.
Have an awesome day everyone. I know I will.

CathyinCarolina said...

Hi to everyone!!!

Thought I would drop in and say Hello, I think the pace on all the Blogs are a little slower, but that's the way things go sometimes, cyclic!!!

Is CJ just kidding with us about moving to Paradise Island????

I am trying to remember the Hotel there, i thought it covered the entire island, Incredible place!!

I am hanging out in the Marilyn Monroe Room at my motel and catching up on the computer alittle. I can kinda of hind out from all the work at this place out here with Miss Monroe, and take it easy with a long luxurious Bath in her Antique Tub!!!

A note to Ada and others who asked about a possible gathering here, I have some wonderful folks helping me here now and I think the possibility of doing something here in the Spring may be more realistic than when we talked eailier. We are getting a lot of things accomplished and I think by early Spring or late Winter, i may
feel like entertaining here, again.

Chicago, first and glad to see so many gathering, organizing, may an East Coast one later would be good!!

I was glad, and a little surprised to see that Corrine Jean had made the finalists, we had some very good contact in Chicago as she helped us with the Marilyn skit and seemed like a really nice person. I did not meet any of the other ladies.

Which one of the FF was Dancinggirl??? I guess I missed that altogether, I remember her from the Blog, but do not know who she was????

I guess that I am alittle surprise about Corrine, because she seems like a working girl, and I think she is the youngest. She and Richard would be like 16-17 years apart, huh???Anyway, I think she was wonderful, I don't however know if I think they are that compatablle!!

I think he may need some of the older more mature ladies that will make him step around alittle!!!

I don't know why I am being so opinionated over here on Clickgirl's site, maybe if she comes home she will reprimand me, but I wanted to ask one other question.

Did anyone see, must have been on the SB site, something about contacting the Finalists by contactin Joe or Richard???
Did I dream this or what, surely, I am wrong!!!

But I was thinking about congratulating Corinne and really do not know how to contact her.


Anonymous said...

Carol: Glad to hear about the good bill of health. One we all are glad to pay.

CJ - Glad you had so much fun despite losing your heart. There's a joke I'm not sure I remember totally but you made me think of it: This spinster woman goes on a trip where she meets this gorilla & is absolutely fascinated. Unfortunately, the last time she visits him he mauls her. When her sister comes to visit her in the hospital & see all her wounds she says "OMG, are you o.k.?"
The spinster replies: " No I'm not. He doesn't write, he doesn't call..."

To all you Southern folks in the path - Gamma, gamma ding dong – Hope this one doesn’t even ring once.

Nice poem Belieze girl.

Where have all the Blog girls gone? Long time passing…
Come back out & play.
No more joke du day .

heiresschild said...

hi belizegial, that was a beautiful poem. is it a "belizegial original?" stay safe.

brenda, miss you. hope things are improving with your friend.

hi everyone else. we had a blog party on la dolce vida's blog last nite. still recuperating. lol lol lol have a great evening.


Anonymous said...

BELIEZE GIRL - I was just talking to my cousin & she told me about Julia Manard because she is going to the service on Sat. Are you familiar with this story? Is it o.k. if I e-mail you?

Anonymous said...

Cathy in Carolina: Dancingirl was not even one
of the semifinal 24. 5 out of 6 F's is blonde and she isn't. Probably didn't know blonde was one of the F's. teehee