Thursday, July 21, 2005

Hello Senior Bachelorettes!

After the __ site was shut down recently, I thought that we needed a place to go ... if it happened again. I had not been writing much ... because of an insane work schedule. But I read every day ... and felt like I was beginning to get to know all of the regular writers: Happy, Suzanne from Mesa, AZ, Wanda, VJ, CJ in SoCal, Cathy from Carolina, Ciao ... P, Marlyn, BDNC, Belizegial, Klew, Bikernut and Biker Princess, Leslie in VanCan, Travelin, Mary R, Debby Eddy, Blue Eyes 1947, Sybil, OnryNurse, California Bloggette, Canadian Bloggette, AuburnMichelle, Deebee, __ and Soft_Rain ... and the many different Anonymous posters. I missed the contact for those few days the Blog was 'off'. And realized that I probably was hooked on Blogging!

I haven't sent in a tape for __. I am considering it ... but don't believe I totally fit __'s criteria. But I may still do it! In the meantime ... reading about the trips ... and hearing comments from so many bright women on __'s Blog has caused me to pay attention ... and has me wanting to travel and to bring some romance into my life. And it has brought out a great desire to connect with others. So ... I decided to start this Blog ... as a first step in that effort. I've started with this general topic - but feel free to let me know if there are additional topics that you want to discuss. A Blog is not a Blog ... without Bloggers!

As I mentioned - no real rules. And ... no deleting. I believe that a Blog is supposed to be for honest and free expression ... so I don't anticipate deleting posts. As an Administrator, if you put yourself 'out there' - you should accept that you are going to receive some posts that may be of a different view point ... or offer a different opinion from your own. I don't think that questions ... or confrontation ... or having interaction with each other should be cause for 'deletable' posts. So ... hopefully ... people can feel free to share here - whatever their heart desires.

So ... again ... Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. Post away!!

Click Girl

P.S. This pic is my sister and me! P & B. : )


Canadian Bloggette said...

HI there from Montreal Canada,
Congrats on your Blog site....great!!.....could prove to be very fun!
Never thought I would have the opportunity to connect with so many fabulous, incredible women of a "certain age".
We rock, each and every one!
Will check in from time to time and add my 2 cents worth!
my email address is should you or any other Bloggettes want to say hi!
Bonsoir, a la prochain
Cheryl xox

CathyinCarolina said...

How Great "Click Girl", I am truely Dizzy, I have attempted to set up a Blog all day!!!!

This is great!!!

And you need to send in your stuff, of course you are fit for the trip!!!!And more than fit with your experience of Survival!!!You sound very interesting and we really have to get together, all of us and have a time while RR is off with one or the other of us!!!

Thank you for sharing your story, I love the pictures!!!!!Life is so good!!! I am glad I have lived until this moment. LOve to All

Belizegial said...

Hi Clickgirl,

In my opinion, you more than qualify. RR is looking for intelligent women who are ready for romance and adventure. Kudos on your blog set up.

ClickGirl said...


Welcome … and thanks for finding your way to my Blog

To Canadian Bloggette (Cheryl)

Thanks for writing … and for your kind comments! I agree! When I first signed on to the SB Blog – I was expecting interaction with Richard … and really had no idea that I would come into contact with so many amazing women. I feel ‘in good company’. : ) And, of course, we actually had more contact with each other – because Richard was so ‘absent’ from commenting at first. It is good to see him writing a bit more now – because I think his comments help us to see a bit about ‘who he is’ – and how he reacts is very enlightening.

Feel free to drop in … ‘whenever’! In particular, I thought it would be a good place for people to come to – if the SB site Blog is shut down again. And also – just so that people could have a place to share openly … without so many limits. Though – I do understand RR’s need to control the amount of content. He seems to be, understandably, overloaded.

To Cathy in Carolina
Don’t think that you are ‘Dizzy’! It took me over three days to get my Blog up and running! I did one – ‘Blogging with B’ – and somehow lost access to go to the Profile. So, I just started over. That was a sad Blog anyway … but was therapeutic for me (if you really want to appreciate life – read that Blog!). So … all worked out in the end. : )

Thanks for your positive support! I am leaning towards submitting my info to RR – just ‘because’. I’ll have to do some good ‘begging’ to have one of my Videographer friends help me out with the vid part though. : ) I’m much better at being behind the camera … rather than in front.

Regarding the pics – I’m working on a website (oh – this has soooo inspired me – ha ha) – so I can post pics of my travels and ‘at work’ directing, etc. And, of course, my favorite part – ‘shameless name dropping to compete with Richard’. I can hardly wait! Too bad we couldn’t have submitted a website – instead of a video. : )

And … you are SO right! Life is Good!!!!

To Claire
Thank you! Very kind of you!!

To Belizegial
Thanks to you as well! I greatly appreciate your comments! Glad you stopped by!

I was getting ready to post a message to you on the SB Blog – when it was shut down for that brief time. I wanted you to know that I love Belize! I went there – years ago – and you have such a beautiful country! The people were warm and friendly to us … and we had a wonderful trip. My former husband had gone to Emory University with the Pastor of the Methodist Church in Belize City – so we brought our church youth group over to lead a Vacation Church School program for a week. We brought books and materials to leave with the kids … and we sang in the evenings and days off – as we traveled around the countryside. We went in to Guatemala to see the Mayan Ruins at Xunantunich (which, ironically, means stone woman in Maya). We also took a Ferry to – somewhere – and we were so surprised to see Mennonites riding horse drawn carts down the dirt roads. We also took an incredible boat trip out to the Great Barrier Reef - where we spent the entire day swimming, snorkeling, laying on the beach and eating fresh fruit. I grew up in Miami, Florida … and lived in The Florida Keys … but the water in Belize put us to shame! I’ll try to post a pic of me … in the marketplace … holding up some little sharks. Don’t ask why! Ha Ha Ha I have many favorite ‘moments’ from that trip!

To CJ in SoCal
I so ‘get’ what you are saying! I was having a bit of a problem with the ‘censorship’ on SB Blog … but ‘to each his own’ – in the case of RR. But I hope people feel free to ‘vent’ … or share … or ramble … or tell their stories on here. After all – if there is something that someone doesn’t want to read … there is always the scroll feature (ha ha).

I cracked up at your comment about me looking ‘too young’. : ) I am way old enough! But your comment touched me. If you only knew what I went through when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer … and how I changed … and how I struggled with not being ‘me’ anymore. It was a long, difficult time. And I wondered if I would ever feel comfortable ‘in my skin’ again. I would look in the mirror at my bald head and my pale face … and wonder who that was staring back at me. When my hair grew back – it wasn’t mine! I had tiny, tight curls … and they were white! It took a lot of patience … and hope … to get to where I am today. And to even contemplate getting involved in an endeavor like SB. I will never be the person that I was before – but I hope that I am better for what I experienced. I feel good. I am strong. And my Docs say – I am healthy. They all love to see me – because they say that I give them hope … and my Chemo Nurse told me that it ‘does them good’ to see someone who has been helped by all of their efforts. Obviously, I am glad to be of service! : )

At any rate – I really appreciated your comment on the SB Blog … and here! So … simply … thanks to you! Hope to hear from you often!

To All:
My best regards to you! Keep Writing!!

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

If you are interested in seeing more pics - 'Thru the Years' - including the pic in Belize - of me holding the little sharks ... go to:

You will probably have to copy into your browser. This is just a temp site - until I get my website up and running.

Have a good one!

Click Girl

Canadian Bloggette said...

Bonjour from Montreal!
Quelle belle journee!! (What a beautiful day)
I awoke to brilliant blue skies and the humidity is finally gone! Yaaaaaah!
Wondering if you can help me?? You appear to have mastered your PhD in Cyber Sapce Technology..if it isn't a pain could you or anyone please help me: I am desperatley trying to change my Blogger ID and have no clue re: the Photo URL????
I have successfully downloaded Picasa and Hello and tried entering to no avail.I have unsuccessfuly tried EVERYTHING....I will not give up!!
So.......if you or anyone could help me it would be an even sunnier day! All my tech support:daughters and husbands are all away and I AM GOING ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!!!!
Merci Beaucoup a tous
La Belle xox

ClickGirl said...

Hello Canadian Bloggette
Sounds beautiful in Montreal! We were at 83 degrees this morning at 8:30 a.m.! It is hot! But – I have lived in Florida all of my life – and I am fairly used to it. : )

Regarding the technology – especially on these Blogs – I am just learning myself, but will try to help pass on what I learned.
It did take me several days to finally get a set up that posted the way I intended.

There are a few ‘hitches’ in the programming – and I read on the Help pages that they were working on those problems. I also had problems with the password situation – and, as I mentioned to Cathy in Carolina, I have one Blog (Blogging with Brenda) – that I can no longer access to change things. I just recreated a new ‘account’ – and started over. : ( So … have patience! : )

First – I constantly kept referring back to the Blogger Home:

Blogger Knowledge and Blogger Help have a lot of info that helped me through some of my difficulties.

From ‘Home’ – on the top right there is a button – ‘Edit Profile’. That should take you to the page to make any changes – User name, etc.

Photos are a bit more difficult. There are two ways to add Photos – and I’ll try to take you through that – step by step (both of these are based on you already having a Blog set up:

1. Adding Photos in the Post:
From Edit Profile Click ‘Dashboard’. The next window should have your Blogger name and a ‘plus icon’ that says ‘New Post’ and a ‘gear icon’ that says ‘Change Settings’.

If you click ‘New Post’ – it will take you to a window where you can enter your comments – you will now be under the ‘Posting’ tab.

Enter your comments in the box – notice that you have the capability to bold, italic, etc. – as this is an administrator area.

To add a Photo – click on the little photo box – at the top of the box where you are inputting your text. It is to the far right – just beside the ‘eraser icon’. If you just place your curser over each of the icons – it will bring up a pop-up that tells you the function. The second one from the right is ‘Add Image’. Click on that – and a window will come up – that says ‘Add an image from your computer’.

Click ‘Browse’ and it will take you to your computer files.

Find your photo, highlight it (Click once) and then click ‘Open’. That will take you back to the ‘Add an image from your computer’ window – and your photo location should now be in the box next to the ‘Browse’ button.

You can choose the layout that you want – then click ‘Upload Image’. Your photo will now be loaded to the site. This may take a few minutes – so let it process.

A window will come up with ‘Done’ – and then you can go back to your post page. Your photo should be there – and you can continue to include text – or post to your Blog.

I always do a ‘Preview’ first (Click on ‘Preview’ on top Right). Then, if it is okay – you can just ‘Publish’ from there. You always need to ‘Publish Post’ – for it to go to the Blog site.

If you try to go out of any of these admin windows before you have completed the task – a window will pop up to remind you that you have unfinished processes waiting.

2. Adding Photos from Picasa and Hello:
Basically – Picasa is an organizer program and Hello is the program that posts it to the Blog (or where ever you want it to go). It is a bit confusing – having to use both – but I finally figured out the steps … after lots of trial and error.

So … First … Open Picasa (Go to Program Files and click on the Picasa Icon – or go to your Desktop and double click the Picasa Icon to open). I believe that Hello remains open - mine opens on Start up. You may also have to 'Sign In' your Blogger name and Password the first time out. Mine 'remembers' me now - so I don't have to sign-in each time

Find your Photo and select (single click).

Click on ‘Blogger’ Icon at the bottom. That will send the Photo to ‘Hello’.

In ‘Hello’ – the Photo will load in – and you should go to the tab (top left) that says ‘Friends’. There should be listings – mine has ‘Active Chat BloggerBot’, ClickGirl and Support. Double-click on ‘BloggerBot’ and it should take you to a window that says ‘Blogger’ – which explains about how to post Photos.

Your Photo from Picasa should be there – waiting for instruction.

Before you can do anything – you have to name the Photo in the box that says ‘Enter a caption for your Photo here’.

After you name the Photo – Click on ‘Publish’ (bottom right). That should publish it directly to you Blog.

Good Luck! Hope this helps! My only frustration is that I would like to keep my Photo and Quote at the top – but each new post that I make will push the next one down. So – I still need to play around with that to see if I can find a way to put that info in the title area. If I figure that out – I’ll let you know.

I do find it takes lots and lots of patience … and just messing around and trying things. And – it’s not like working in MS Word - and other programs – where you can just hit ‘undo’. Unfortunately! : )

Let me know how it goes … so we can check out your Blog!

Best regards,

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

P.S. to Candadian Bloggette:
The Photo URL is the web address - some people have Photos on a website or have Photo URL's that take you directly to their Photos (I believe through a service). I don't have that ... but my sister has a Mac and she sends us URL's all the time - that take us to her Photo files. I suspect you will be posting your Photos that you get from files in your computer - which is what I am currently doing - so all of my instructions were based on that assumption. bc

Canadian Bloggette said...

Thanks soooooooo very much!! Your idiot proof, step by step instructions were great and such a big help but...........
alas I am still stuck, I just can not figure out what to put in the "Photo URL" section of the "edit profile"....have tried and tried
Muchos Gracius, Merci Beaucoup, Danka...... THANK YOU!!!
La Belle xox.....will struggle close yet so far

Belizegial said...

MaryR, thanks for the keylime pie recipe posted on Richard's blog today.I also copied the other one from off your personal blog. Keep 'em coming!

Brenda, Happy, Canadian blogettes and all those of you who are discussing a post RR get-together.

Anybody feel like a hot, unbridled, soul-bursting session of...scuba diving?!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Happy
Thanks to you. How kind you are. Sometimes … we just do what we have to do.

And I had the same thoughts as you - about the ‘stipulations’ on SB. Not only do we all have some shortfalls – we, none of us, know what tomorrow brings. When I was diagnosed, I felt like I was in the prime of my life. At 50 – I looked 40 … and had a rich and vibrant life. I had a huge group of friends and was dating a lot. I was doing a lot of online dating – and my friends were always asking if I could have a party and invite all of the guys that I wasn’t interested in – so they could check them out. It was just a fun time. But you always hear that people never think ‘it’ is going to happen to them … and all of my doctors kept saying that the odds were so minimal – only a 2-5% chance of me having cancer. Even after the biopsy – the surgeon said everything looked great, didn’t see anything that looked abnormal. One week later – cancer. Just no preparing you for that. But – you know, life does goes on. And I just fought the only way that I knew how. And - I honestly was very fortunate. It could have been much worse. So ... despite it all ... I am grateful. Was a big 'life lesson'.

By the way, I’m like you – on missing out on exactly what happened on the SB Blog. I read some of the ‘Old Geezer’ posts – but I honestly thought some of it was funny (guess that shows what a crazy sense of humor I have). I guess I can understand RR not wanting any guys posting on his site and trying to cut into the competition … but gosh – with over 600 videos in at that point – I can’t really imagine how much a threat that Old Geezer would have been. : ) Guess Richard wants the women all for himself … and isn’t into sharing. (Ha Ha)

Hey Klew
Thanks to you too. Love the Mexican Riviera Cruise idea. Any trip together would be fun! I like the idea that somebody suggested on SB – to mention it to Oprah. Maybe she would like to have all of the ‘unchosen' on her show … and send the group on a separate trip. I thought that was a terrific idea! Maybe I will write to her! : )

Sorry to hear that you are also a BC survivor. Would love to chat more! What a journey!

And too funny about CJ in SoCal being my attorney. I hope I don’t need that! I’m really not trying to be in competition with RR – but he did suggest that we ‘go elsewhere’ if we wanted to go ‘off topic’. : ) So … I took him at his word! So CJ can be my witness to that. (Ha Ha)

Just saw your new post. I’m not a Scuba person … but I have a Jacques Coustou mask and snorkel … and I’m a good ‘dog paddler’. : ) I’m game for almost anything. Especially if Oprah is paying. : ) (Just joking).

To All
Glad the instructions have been of help. It takes a lot of trial and error … ‘Help’ menus … and lots and lots of patience! : ) Actually, I think it was Happy who gave the instructions that taught me how to do bold, italic, etc. – on the SB site. I think.

Well … it is late … and my bed is calling me. I still have to go for check-ups every six months … and have the ‘all clear’ from Oncologist, Plastic Surgeon and even my Dermatologist (living in FL all my life and ‘baking myself in the sun’ as a teenager keeps me doing regular check-ups there as well… and I go to see my GYN tomorrow for Sonogram and Pap (I’m more at risk for Ovarian CA now) … so we check it all - just to be safe. After I see my GP next week – I will be ‘done’ for the next six months. A good feeling. : )

My best to all of you! Will catch you later … or on SB site. And … by the way … wasn’t that fun today! (Ha Ha) I wish everyone on SB Blog would at least post some kind of a screen name. Having so many ‘Anonymous’ posters on there can get very confusing. Sometimes it is hard to know who is writing – and who is responding – and if the first Anonymous is the same as the fourth Anonymous … or the second one is really the third. The funny thing is – that you can have a screen name and still be very anonymous. So – I think that is odd (not the ones that always post their name at the bottom – that ‘works’). I also think it is humorous that these people keep writing and getting all upset at what ‘we’ are doing. I keep thinking – why are they even on there. If they have such strong feelings about it … they should go … get a life. Let us have our fun. : ) I don’t think that the majority of us are ‘desperate’ – just enjoying a little challenge and doing it because it is unusual and different. And there is nothing wrong with having hopes and dreams. And even Oprah ‘sanctioned’ it. : )

I honestly don’t believe I stand a chance of being chosen (I have entertained some of the same thoughts as other posters, who suggested RR might be looking for ‘an arm piece’ – and the fact that he mentioned that the person he chooses will be 'like him' – free of disease or illness) – just has me thinking that he would not seriously consider someone in my situation. But, that doesn’t stop me from seriously considering being a part of it. The process of it could be very good for me … and already has me wanting to get back into dating and ‘life’ again (after a somewhat ‘self imposed’ period of solitude). So … I’ve already found something good in it – whether I send in a tape … or not. And … ‘meeting’ all of you ladies! That adds to the good of it. Anyway – just my thoughts. What do all of you think?

Take Care All,

Click Girl

Canadian Bloggette said...

Bonjour a toi Brenda!
You are one very strong and centered woman......with a great sense of humour!! Perhaps I could adopt you as my mentor...even though we are the same age!

Guess what??.I finally mastered the Bold and the Beautiful Blue of the Blog but STILL struggling with photo attachments..there is hope!

Warm wishes and copious hugs.....thinking of you for the next few days of testing. My Mom had a double mastectomy at the tender age of 35, consequently I am on high alert, even though I am very fortunate to have not been there I certainly can indentify and send you great Kharma!!

ps I agree 100% the "Angry Anonymous" could at the very least sign AA to identify herself...

Life is a terminal disease and it is very short, we all have to make the best of every minute of every day! Taste and savour each moment

Take care...thinking of you
Cheryl xox
( the one o and two x is because we in La Belle Province say "hello" by kissing a person once on each cheek followed by a total body hug.....we are certainly a mushy group.....don't ya love it?? It sure jump starts relationships by bypassing the awkward Hi handshaking stuff and accelerating right to GO!!))

Anonymous said...

Haven't checked your site here in a while, some great communication going on. I thought I would give the SB site a rest and the only thing I can think of to add here since you ladies are so great is filling in Clickgirl and Happy about what went on with Censorship.

Some of the rest of you correct me if I am wrong, but as I saw it Geezor was just jabbing RR too much, He was saying " I don't have to have my picture made in front of someone else's plane, I have my own" Saying that RR was stringing us along, just out right obnoctious.
He would post really early, esp. the last time from Martha's vineyard, and I would see it, before RR got up.

The last time I told him that we realized that he was a "vinegar type guy" but if he would try to be a little nicer, maybe RR would leave his post. I told him he was entertaining, he was outright brazen in his demeanor.

Bottem line, Happy, and what I was saying to you about your reference to the "Fart", was that any recognition that he had been on line was being deleted. So, we were forced to ignore him or get deleted. Someone deleted every reference to the "Geeze" there for a while and pissed off Wanda and Phyl, maybe others.

He must have found a way to block all his entries or the Geeze is having more fun, elsewhere.Gotta go........LoL Cath

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know there is a website where others are also trying to create a community of Romance/ Friend/Adventure seekers. Richard deleted this info when I tried to publish it on his blog, maybe because there are other men on that site! I thought it was a good way of giving us options in case we are not chosen or decide not to apply to Senior Bachelor. I am SO glad someone else started a blog. Thanks, clickgirl.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Dancingirl and all my new found buddies
I tried the and alas no can find!!
Is there perhaps a letter or something missing??
Let me know.........could be I am re entering the land of the Tech Dufus.......again! Been there before a few times !!
Brenda........... it is now are you doing?? I think of you and your journey each and every day...I send you my heartfelt best wishes!!Hope all well! Please let us know.
Take best care of all of you.
Beeg Hugs and kisses xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Oooops one more thing.... Suzanne Mesa Arizona,
Maybe it is that "Aries" thing........hmmmmmmmmm! Once upon a time I was married to one! hmmmmmmmmmm!
Ciao Bella xox

Belizegial said...

Suzanne, Cheryl and friends on this blog, my 2 cents worth over my morning coffee on the situation over at the RR blog.

The blogs are certainly following true to tradition, in letting us learn more about the people behind the bloggings.

From what I can gather on RR, he is a straight shooter who knows exactly where he is at, at this stage in his life. No doubt about that.

As in all new relationships, it is best to take things at a slow and steady pace. Get the adventure underway first; give him the space and time needed to make the 6 selections and then we can start making other proposals thereafter.

I am sure that the SB adventure will not end with the 6 selections. This has all the appearances of a more lengthy scenario developing which can lead us into many interesting avenues for discussion ref. charities developing, other eligible senior bachelors taking up the mantle after RR comes "off the market" so to speak, etc.

The policing of the SB blog is a necessary evil, as there are some people out there who will take advantage of posting negative and ugly commentaries just to mess with the dynamics of the SB venture.

All in all, if we stay positive and stick to the requirements, this can be a highly entertaining journey for the next foreseeable future.

Have a pleasant day and let me know further.

Anonymous said...

Cheryl--Try googling "bachelorette". Did you perchance type "bachlorette" or "bachelorete'. Keep trying if you are interested.

To all- I do feel bogged by the blogs on SB, but am intensely interested and truly wonder about Richard, the man, the real person behind all this. Can we discuss what we know here?

I did receive a few brief emails from Richard before he shut that option down and even ventured a phone call, which he (gasp!) answered. Couldn't believe his number was published and he answered ! It was a brief and superficial conversation, just told him I needed to know there was a real guy on the other end of all this hoopla.

After seeing Pop & Me (which I purchased used for 65 cents from Amazon -- less than the shipping) I thought, geez, pretty intense. So I emailed Richard, asking if he has mellowed and noting that he'll need a stong, wise and gentle woman. He said "I've mellowed....a bit."

I tend to be attracted to complex, strong and arrogant men because they have the cahonnes to be self-made, but wonder about my tolerance at this time in my life. Do you think Richard will cherish and honor a woman for the gift she is? Or is he looking for someone who is so adoring and starry-eyed by the romance, she fawns over him and "yesses" everything he says.

The insights I can offer (information gathered from googling around) is that:
1. He is 64 and my observation is that some men get more sentimental and mellow with age and hopefully wiser.
2. In Pop & Me (which was filmed 10 years ago), Richard did, at last, give Chris some control, though Chris had to be strong enough to confront him.
3. I managed to find an article about Pop & Me after it first came out. Richard didn't want the unflattering scenes included in the film and Chris fought to keep them, knowing they were the most emotion-provoking for the audience. They actually had to go to a therapist to come to a truce. I find this encouraging because Richard allowed this therapeutic process despite his need for control and ultimately from his love and faith in Chris allowed his vulnerability to be broadcast to the world.
4. Richard's ex- wife was around 19 or 20 when they married and had 3 kids in 3 years right after that (I have wondered if this was to keep him from the Vietnam War?). I do not find it surprising that she needed to end the marriage and re-discover herself -- the married ended when she was around 50.
5. Richard's ex-wife is a petite blonde -- which I am not --wonder if that matters.

Anyway, I would love to hear anybody elses insights or musings. Glad to have this forum.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait! I forgot about the all-women panel ! They will surely keep Richard from picking a "yes" woman who would ultimately bore him silly.

SO, ladies. If you had 15 minutes with this panel and could get answers to your most burning questions -- answers that would truly determine if Richard is your match -- what questions would you ask??

This could happen! Shall we venture there???

Canadian Bloggette said...

Bonjour mes amies
"les Bloggettes femmes fatale"!!!! Yah!
I think in retrospect and with some introspection I feel by listening to and hearing what Richard doesn't say, I know him quite well. It is a fascinatng way to "get to know" someone via the written word, no eye contact, no voice, no body language etc etc. It is in complete reverse order to the normal "discovery" phase.
All said I would have only one question and that would be
"What happened to your original intent.... finding your true love of life, your soulmate (not loves and soulmates)"
It does bother me considerably. I consciously already know the answer: there seem to be huge "powers that be" behind the scenes, other driving forces and I must confess, I am not too comfortable with that. I truly feel Richard has lost his control of his "mission statement", his "quest" has taken on a life all of it's own. I also believe that he is true blue and had no way of knowing that his life would be taken over in such a powerful way and unfortunately now there is no turning back...I don't want to have the same thing happen to me by being No1,2,3,4,5,or6 etc I am a very private person as are my 3 adult professional daughters, and I cherish anonymity, not sure I am willing to give that up at any cost. I feel Richard made an honest heartfelt, albeit perhaps naive, offer in the hopes of finding "his soulmate"..the rest now is history and his life is forever changed....for the good?... I am not sure!

"choices are the hinges of destiny"

I am being very cautious and guarded re my "choices". I don't go through red lights and I see yellow lights at this juncture, so I am pumping my brakes.
I (as all of us) would go to the end of the world to find my soulmate,not sure if this is the best forum. I thought at the beginning when I saw this sweet man on Oprah, "What a wonderful, kind, sweet, right sided guy,who mirrors my exact thoughts re desires and voids in my life, so why not??
Unfortunately now I wonder.........why?
Is it possible to find and sustain your true love/soulmate in a fish bowl!!
Hope this makes sense.......would love input!!
Cheers and hugs to all
La Belle, Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Yo Dancingirl,
You are so sweet, thanks so much. I tried again and luck!! Not sure what si up wiht that!!??
La Belle, Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

OIEY!!!!!!!!..........SO SORRY ABOUT TYPE O' carried away with my last post!!!!
Cheryl xox

ClickGirl said...

Hello All!

So glad to see so many posts!! And so sorry that I haven't been able to respond. I went to GYN this week and had my yearly sonogram ... there were some changes ... they did an endometrial biopsy ... we are waiting for results. Don't expect any problems - they just did the biopsy because of my history - and to keep me from worrying (I love my doctors! They are so good to me.

Anyway - the biopsy had me hurting really, really bad night before last ... then last night I went out with an old friend and didn't get home until after midnight ... then worked late today. So ... will take time to write more tomorrow. I am particulary interested in the honest questions and heartfelt comments and concerns about RR and the SB venture. I feel that there are serious questions being asked ... and that there is nothing wrong with that - and that it isn't negative - just part of the curious mind of a woman. So ... will think on those things - and write more tomorrow.

Thanks again - I am very touched by so many of your kind comments.

More tomorrow ...

Warm regards,

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

I think I found the site that was mentioned earlier - regarding the Senior Bachelor / Bachelorette:

I've also made it a link on the column to the right - so you can just click on it to go there. I will be interested in hearing your comments. I haven't checked it out yet ... but it looks interesting - and is a result of the RR/SB adventure.

Take care, All.

Click Girl

Canadian Bloggette said...

I JUST KNEW you were in pain....strange how connectivity can be so strong when you share such commonality with incredibley wonderful, outstanding, intelligent, passionate, compassionate women! I actually FEEL your cramps.......I just had one done as well...NOT FUN!! It takes a couple of days for everything to settle down...thinking of you!!
and Suzanne.........
What to say?? I am left feeling quite disillusioned and naive in one sense, however blessed in another to have had the opportunity to connect with so many truly remarkable women!
The bottom line is: Statistically speaking there are so many more single Bachelorettes than Bachelors in North America ......Why would a great "looking" "wealthy" "impassioned" guy have to appear on National TV to find a soulmate??
Me thinks he doth protest too much.....n'est pas??
Also his adament not wanting to hear about the possibility of an "Altruistic Shop" or even the sales of a bracelet ( refer to my post...I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt it would do great!! Perhaps WE BLoggettes should launch it!!!) going to a marginalised population somewhere/anywhere and sharing the wealth causes great concern to me. I am a firm believer in giving back!! Those that "got" should "give"!
"Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day,
teach a man to fish you feed him for life!"
I owned my own business for over 10 years and that is exactly how I conducted my business........I know it is hard work, highly doable and most rewarding!! All depends where your priorities are.
Ciao Bellas
Cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear some discussion about what you would do if you were chosen as one of 6. Now Richard says this gives 6 women a chance to see the world and for him to get to know them. I am having a real hard time with that and not sure I could handle being one of 6. I wouldn't do that to 6 men-- keep them dangling. It feels icky and demeaning, somehow. Would you give Richard an ultimatum or play along? I want to know if I'm being too ungenerous or self-serving. Please comment, fellow bloggettes.

It would make so much more sense to do a weekend travel "trial" before going off for a month. I think I couldn't agree to traveling with RR without getting to know him better somehow!

I also suggested (in an email) to Richard that he have some sort of psychological evaluation and a compatability test done for the applicants. There is some real weirdness out there -- what if a woman has lied or has awful raging fits! What a disaster!

I suggested Dr. Phil check out RR's choices and get also get Richard to reveal more about what he's thinking.

I honestly don't have sympathy with the fact that this is overwhelming -- it's OPRAH-- what did he expect!! Come on.

This whole endeavor is not very well thought out and Richard is not taking suggestions, even though he asks for them. Hard headed.

Hopefully he is finally accepting help from friends -- apparently the blog monitor and someone else seems to be signing for the mail (or was that the housekeeper).

I also don't think RR is wealthy. I think he is well-off but also generating sponsors -- why not? I wouldn't mind getting free clothes, luggage, hotel accomodations, make- over, whatever.

Enough venting, Good night ladies.

Anonymous said...

Brenda- I am so sorry to know you are in pain. Hope you have lots of wonderful folks helping take your mind off it (your sister looks like one). Take good care. All your blogging sisters here are sending good thoughts your way.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey there Dancingirl,
The thought of being one of the "six" I find highly debasing.....again dog and pony show??...hmmmmmmmm??
I will be the first to admit I would truly love to find the love of my life, my soulmate, but I put my dignity first and foremost. What ever happened to respect, trust...and MONOGAMY???.....This whole thing does not read like a good and healthy start to a solid loving relationship. I am sure quite a few of us have been to this movie before!!
A menage a six!! Don't think so........
HELLLOOOO!! What are we thinking??
The offer of a trip is at first glance temptingly wonderful but 100% not of any importance when it comes right down to the short strokes.......I WANT ALL THAT MONEY CAN NOT BUY!!! Think about it........that is ALL that really and truly matters in life.......been there, seen it, done it!!
OK Dancing Queen....NOW I have vented...thanks for listening
Ciao Bella
Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Klew,
if it is any solace....I quit my job exactly one year ago, then "ran away" for 3 months to Australia and Thailand to thing I have ever done in my life ( second only, of course, to giving birth to my 3 fantabulous daughters/best friends!)
I will think of you and wish you all and more in health, love and life! You go girl!
Cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

So if you were chosen as a "semifinalist" would you tell Richard he has to choose YOU and only YOU or you don't want any part of this?? I'd like to think I am so scintillating, he just couldn't help himself, but feel like having so many choices is making RR greedy. (Though that's not what he thinks....he believes he is being generous by giving more women a chance to travel). I really hope the all-women panel can talk some sense into him.

I think we all know we can find ways to travel if we want. It's the idea of possibly finding that male companion that is so intriguing. Believe me, I've tried and am sadly disappointed. RR comes closest to being the fit, interesting, smart, family-oriented guy that I'm looking for, so I suppose I'll see this through. But he's got to be absolutely exceptional in how he treats me. I think most of us won't put up with much at this point in our lives--- we know we deserve the best. After seeing Pop&Me, my girlfriend said she wouldn't go to the grocery store with him, much less around the world!

But I'm willing to cut the guy some slack in order to see this through, but it doesn't mean I'm giving up my power or that he is a god.

The newbie bloggers on the SB site are killing me. We've been through all this for 2 months and yes,have discussed Pop&Me and asked all those unanswered questions.

Brenda, hope you're better....hugs...

BTW (by the way).... on SB, I blog as anonymous, that's why you have not seen my name there.

Anonymous said...

Openheart-- I also did that math and can't figure out how he hasn't yet seen all the videos. Even if it took 10 minutes each (with looking at the bio ) or say he did 30 a day (that's 3 hours worth) and he only did this three days a week, he should have them done -- its been 13 weeks since his Oprah appearance!

I really resent if his time was spent on the SB shop which I think is silly and has nothing to do with Romance and Adventure. The ONLY way I could have supported that little side commercialism was if it the proceeds were used altruistically (thank you Cheryl). I can't imagine he's making any money on the underwear and mugs there and resent that our suggestion to use the proceeds generously turned into something about HIS donations to charity.

More venting -- OH MY-- the blog police on SB would have me in blog jail by now.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Having been in the "retail" business, in my past life for years......I believe one can make a s--- load of money selling panites....depends whose and how purdy they are!!!Chuckle!!

ps Check out my Blog....I FINALLY DID IT (sortof) It is not fancy like Brendas but it is a way ya go...just click on Queen of choices and you will see some photos of my odyssey!!
Let me know what y'all think...K??
Cheryl xox

Leslie: said...

Hi everyone:

Just joining in here - thanks Brenda for setting up your blog. It was a great idea and made me decide to give it a try, too. Well, my attempts didn't work so my daughter did it for me. Check my blog out (The Pedalogue) for some "other" topics to discuss.

Leslie in VanCan

Canadian Bloggette said...

Again....good on you!!
Your site is GREAT!
Bon Weekend
Cheryl xox

Watts on your mind? said...

Great work.

There is some limited cruise information on my website under "Ha Ha Hi" at if you are inerested.

Just click on my name, then my website, then Ha Ha HI.

I would also appreciate some input from readers on BlogSmog and Blogbusters when you have time.


ClickGirl said...

Hello Again!!
Thanks to everyone – for your concern and nice posts. I am feeling great now … and I’ve been anxious to get back on here – to respond to all of the great posts! I’m loving it!!

First of all – don’t worry about Blog Police on this site! Ha Ha I guess I can understand why Richard feels that need – but I don’t think censoring is the way to go. : ) So … always feel free to speak your mind here. To me, your opinion is valuable … and welcome here!

Now – to finally respond to some of your comments!

Canadian Bloggette / Cheryl
I loved your site! And your photos!! Thanks so much for sharing. I can hardly wait to see more! What a trip you must have had! I would love to do that! Some day!

Also, thanks so much, for your kind comments. Much appreciated!

Sorry to hear about your mother. I was at least fortunate enough to make it to 50 – before my diagnosis. And I continue to be diligent in monitoring my situation. And my Mom and Sisters are both very careful now as well. It is good that you are on ‘high alert’, as you say. Always wise to be that way … especially with a family history. Both of my Sisters were very worried when I was diagnosed – they immediately thought they were ‘doomed’. But I reminded them that we had very different lifestyles and lived in different areas for most of our lives – so my diagnosis did not necessarily mean that they were going to get Breast Cancer too. And they haven’t. I pray they never have to go through that. But they helped me get through it – and I couldn’t have done it without them. My family was wonderful!

About your comments on Richard – I think you are right – in that he may have been a bit naïve in the beginning. I do think this whole thing has grown to be more complicated than he expected. And I, too, am seeing yellow and red lights. I grew up living
‘in a fishbowl’ (long story) – and I love being anonymous now. So - not sure this is for me after all. Though I am intrigued … and haven’t counted it out totally. And, like you, I wonder – if he is so ‘great’ – why he is having to find a woman this way. Food for thought. : )

One thing – you mentioned about the Oprah connection … and Richard recently said he had not been approached in that regard. And I believe that to be true. I went to the Oprah site last week – and there is nothing about it on there. In fact, there were people on the message boards trying to find out info … and they were having a hard time finding any connection. Several of the people on that board had ‘not so nice’ comments to make – after checking out the SB website. Though – I am confused – because I am not sure if he was being granted his ‘Dream come true’ by Oprah. So … maybe she IS paying for this trip. If not - I do think that he will have this journey documented – and I would guess that it would be similar to the way that ‘Pop&Me’ was done – if Oprah is not involved.

Your comments about being one of six cracked me up! What are we thinking?!! I’m not desperate … and I can definitely afford to travel on my own. It was his appeal on Oprah! He was so darn charming!! : ) Though – I feel now that, because of his somewhat rude handling of certain things – that Oprah would not be wanting to sponsor him. His attitude, at times, seems to be contrary to the way Oprah operates.

Regarding the altruistic side … I found that interesting as well. He just seems so upset when people suggest things – even though he keeps requesting more people sign up … and for people to share their feelings and ask questions. Doesn’t really seem to make sense – that he would get upset when people are just doing as he requests. Hmmmmmm. But - I do think that Richard has a right to do whatever he chooses. To each his own.

Speaking of being altruistic – I have put together a whole bunch of links to my favorite non-profits … and I am going to have that on my website. I even checked into the Awareness Bracelets – and they have purple ones. Violet and Black are for ‘Tsunami Relief’ and Purple is for ‘Relay for Life’ – but, of course, they can be customized for ‘whatever’. I will check into that cost … and maybe I can offer them on my site – and send the proceeds somewhere. I’ll have to research that a bit more. I think it is a great idea! I do a lot of videos and fundraising events for non-profits (homeless shelters, children’s home, children’s museum, Give Kids The World, American Cancer Society, Ophthalmic Hospital of Jerusalem, etc.) … and I worked at a big homeless shelter for a couple of years. So … I am definitely into that.

I don’t think I mentioned – but my Father and his Father were born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. So I have Canadian blood! : ) Unfortunately, I have never been to Canada … but hope to make it there some day in the near future.


Cathy in Carolina
Thanks for filling us in on what happened with the Old Geezer. Was funny to see him back on there again … but nice to see that RR was not so bothered by it this time … and had a more relaxed attitude about it. About the Geezer – if he was really traveling with the woman he met … I wonder why he was feeling a need to write to Richard. Seems odd, doesn’t it?

Suzanne of Mesa, AZ
Thanks for your comments … you are kind. I appreciate your caring nature. I also agree about all of the ‘beautiful’ women! Just lots of great women that we are meeting on here and SB!

I loved your ‘bossey butt’ comment! Too, too funny!!

Also – thanks for the info you shared – and your comments.

I’m like you – when I first saw RR on Oprah – I thought I would be perfect for him … and he for me. : ) Sigh.

But - I agree – I don’t think he has money. Not like – lots of it. He – twice – ‘spent all of his money’ and went on round the world tours. There were references (I think in ‘Pop&Me’) about business problems and difficulties after his wife left him. And creating ‘Pop&Me’ had to cost $$$’s. I tried for nearly two years to get funding for a documentary about Dennis Banks – and received lots of interest – but we could never get the money together. We had a budget of $250,000 – and couldn’t get any takers – even though we had a letter of intent from PBS – to run the doc, if we were able to produce it. So what they did … was a costly venture – because they probably had to cover the up front costs. And, because it wasn’t a first run movie – and in the independent category … they may have ended up covering their costs … but I doubt that they made huge amounts. I never even heard of it until I saw him on Oprah – years after the film was made. They probably got some sponsor money (I think I noticed Nike … and others) – and it was put out by MGM. But still … it is expensive – your first time out. And – when you turn it over to a big group like MGM – you lose control. If he had lots of money – I don’t think he would be selling “The Thongs” … and needing to have all of the Ads on his site. : )

I also agree that RR seems to have lost patience – though the last post or two has seemed a bit more mellow. But his irritation has definitely shown through in earlier posts – and I find that annoying. He started the thing – he could at least be polite. I also agree that he would be better off to just be honest … and answer as many questions as he is able. I also find it interesting that he doesn’t want to discuss politics, religion or charitable giving … which, to me, are pretty important issues. I wouldn’t want to travel a month with someone who has views and morals that are opposite to mine. I think that would be difficult. Don’t know why he wouldn’t/couldn’t be more open about those kinds of things. Though – I suppose that could be saved for the semi-finalists?? Guess he doesn’t want his views thrown up all over the web. I do understand that. : )

Thanks for your well wishes! And for sharing about Senior Bachelorette site. As I mentioned – I put that on as a link on my site – for anyone interested in checking it out (they have Senior Bachelor and Bachelorette at the same link).

Regarding discussing what you know about RR/SB … feel free! That is why we are here. Especially if you actually have had personal contact with Richard in the beginning. That is very interesting! And I loved that you called him on the phone … and that he answered! That sounds like something I would do! : )

I just saw ‘Pop&Me’ last night (you can see my comments to Richard on the SB site – and I found it interesting. Just when I was thinking this guy is a bit ‘much’ … and controlling … and has that ego thing going … I watch that documentary. I have to say – I actually was impressed with how he handled things … and was moved by how aging has affected him. I was saddened that he felt that he had nothing to go home to – and that the thing that meant the most to him – raising his kids – was no longer the same, because they had grown up and moved away, and had their own lives. I found him to be very ‘human’ and the way he approached people and convinced them to be interviewed – I thought was amazing. That is not easy to do – I do it for a living – and he got some great input from people – and had them sharing things that some people would only share in a therapist’s office. Beyond that – I thought that Richard was very typical of driven, successful, powerful men. And, as the movie progresses, we learn that the problems are really more about Chris – and that he is just going through the process of learning who he is … and finally realizing what a great Dad he already has. That self-realization was pretty powerful.

I laughed when you said your girlfriend wouldn’t go to the grocery store with Richard. Maybe she is just not attracted to his type. I suspect you are … and I am too … though, as you mentioned – not enough to give up our power or to think he is ‘god’. : )

Regarding Richard’s wife – I doubt that there could be any article or publication that could tell us what happened. Half of the marriages in this country fail – so there could be many reasons. I left my husband after 13 years of marriage – and he was totally shocked – even though I kept telling him I would be gone one day – if things didn’t change. But he didn’t/couldn’t hear me. He was, like Richard, successful, driven, etc. And – he was (and is) an extremely good man. So … I would never judge Richard about his wife leaving. It happens.

I do think that your suggestion to Richard - about a psychological evaluation and having Dr. Phil get involved - is probably not a bad idea. Will be curious to see if he follows that good advice.

Yes – ‘the newbie bloggers’ on SB are quite interesting! Giving me lots of grins. : )

Loved the idea of sharing what questions we would ask the panel. I’ll have to think on that! Anyone else want to tell us what you would ask?

My younger sister always says, ‘All men are alike – you just have to find one whose faults you can live with’ … and I have come to believe that is pretty true.

I appreciated your comments … and you brought up some interesting thoughts about whether RR will find ‘the right person’ from the 6 he chooses. According to some of his recent comments – it doesn’t sound like he is going to be spending much time with any of them before traveling … so it might not go as smoothly as he is anticipating. As you say – it will be an interesting journey to follow – whether any of us are one of the 6 … or not. And I definitely agree about staying positive!

Welcome! Glad to have you on here! Thanks for checking us out … and for your comments! Interesting idea – what does he do if he finds ‘the one’ during the first month. Does he continue on?

Yeah – it seems it is taking him a long, long time to get through those videos! It almost seems like he let them pile up … and is now having to play catch up. Or – maybe he is like me … and a horrible procrastinator! Ha Ha Ha Ha

Sorry I misunderstood about breast cancer – but glad to hear you have been cancer free for a long time. Good for you!

I agree with you also – about not wanting to give up independence … to be with someone controlling. That would be a concern to me as well. I’ve been on my own for over 20 years … and I am somewhat spoiled by the lifestyle I lead … and by my freedom to do whatever I want.

Checked out your Blog! Good for you! Your daughter sounds so sweet. I loved that she posted the first comment … and then was going to tell you later how it all worked out. You are very lucky!

Welcome! Loved your site! My favorite: ‘Fish Tales Maui’! Loved the quote!! : )
I want to go to Maui!!!

Thanks! I will try that technique to get the pic to post!

To All
One last thing … about selling ‘The Thongs’ – did anybody else notice – they were Junior sizes? : )

Warm regards,
Click Girl

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you are feeling better, Brenda and nice of you to respond to all the bloggerettes. Am I the ONLY one on this blog who has applied?? Please speak up if you have!

And I wonder if ANYONE is buying from the SB shop. I know I have no interest. Junior thongs, indeed.

Yet--like Brenda, I,too, was impressed by Richard's interview questions in Pop & Me, prompting without being invasive or off-putting.

Cheryl -- your photos and travel notes are awesome -- am enjoying them immensely, but decided to post my comment here.

Be well all.

Anonymous said...

OPen Heart-- what an astute comment about the SB objective needing to be "let me look at you". Well said.

I have this great cartoon showing two women talking over coffee -- one says to the other-- "You know how he is, he's a guy." That says it all.

I, for one, am very confident about my "chances". The man is a fool if he doesn't check me out. I qualify in aces -- not gorgeous but attractive enough, an excellent mom (of 4) and grandmom of 1, very fit, smart, feisty, strong, many interesting adventures, and wise with age. What I can't predict is the chemistry or whether he is MY match.

Come on ladies, one of us has to go the distance.
If you're not going for it, I hope you will cheer me on!

Leslie: said...

Hey good on ya dancinggirl - if it's not gonna be ME, then let it be YOU. I agree that he would pass up a good woman by passing me by. I think I'm sort of cute (in my own peculiar style of beauty), smart, emotionally strong (considering all I've been through in life) and I could "handle" him.

From his Pop & Me video, I can see beneath the surface bravado and recognize a hurt little boy who did everything he could to escape his heritage and succeeded, only to find out he had been a sh__y son. I also sensed that he lived his whole married life for his boys and when they all had left for university, as he himself said, there was nothing left for him. He had sacrificed his marriage for the temporary life of a Dad to 3 little boys. When he realized what he's done, wife was already long gone. Hopefully, he has changed his attitude towards "relationships" and will be able to find someone he can truly love and who truly loves him for the person he is.

But I also agree that there has to be chemistry on both sides. If he has a "type" in mind,then forget it - he'll choose who he chooses, regardless of the fit, etc.

I remember finally meeting a lawyer who I'd chatted with on line and even talked to on the phone several times. I was going to San Fran for a week's vacation so we agreed to meet. NADA! He was arrogant, stuffy, and rude.

So no matter who RR picks, it's the lady who gets the final say. I would love to meet him just to see what he's really like. If he's a REAL man, he will look beyond the exterior and listen to his "panel."

This is the kind of woman I think he'll choose: tall, willowy, blondish, independantly wealthy, but with a career in something like real estate where she meets lots of rich and famous people. Waddy'all think?

Regardless Daughter #1 is doing the video for me next Thursday. If I like it enough, I'll send it in and await rejection. LOL kidding. Good luck to all of us who are willing to go for it. After all, I certainly haven't met any decent men around here!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ladies
Thanks God for leading me to SB's Blogsite. I now have so many brilliant friends. Oh yeah, YOU are ALL BRILLIANT!
I just want to say that, I think Oprah said she had nothing to do with RR, he was just given a chance to speak about his (or somebody's) wildest dream.
Is this just to feed a man’s ego? If it is, it need not be fed. J
Why wouldn’t he take 6 women on a funded trip? First Pop & Me, then books, seminars, clothing etc….
But then, he could be real.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Happy
Thanks for all of your great insight! Have fun at your daughter’s wedding! We will miss you! Will look for you when you return!

So true – about all of the deleting going on – on SB. Sometimes – it removes other comments as well … and then the following comments don’t make any sense. Does get confusing. I used to go to the Trafalgar Message Board – as I was considering doing a trip with them. A lot of posters would write – then delete their own posts when it became controversial – leaving all of the remaining responses with no purpose … and very confusing, if you had not been on the Board for a couple of days. It just seems to me - that we are all adults – and should be able to skip over anything that we don’t want to read. Just my opinion.

Yes – poor Wanda. I also wondered - if a lot of the ‘Anonymous’ posts were Stephenie (and wondered why she was so angry?) … but I was not really sure – as some posts sounded like her … others didn’t. Was very hard to tell. That is why I think that even an ‘Anonymous’ should have some name – just so we can distinguish one ‘Anonymous’ from another. : ) By the way, I saw Phyl on SB today – and hope she will find her way here. Or to one of the other Blogs. I’m going to check some of the others out as well. I also just love Cheryl’s photos! Puts mine to shame!! : )

Sorry about your sister having bc. Hope she continues to have good reviews! : )

About the videos – I must have missed the part about them going to Oprah first. I just thought that, after he viewed them, Oprah would have access. Hmmmmmm - very interesting. He did just say that he had not been approached about a T.V. Show (which I think meant – ‘reality show’ – but we do know that he was on Oprah and there is a disclaimer that says the videos could be used on her show. So … curious …

I was just finishing my comments to Claire – when your post came in. What you said in your post - is what I thought. I mentioned in an earlier post – that I went on the Oprah site – and couldn’t find anything about SB. And, on the Message Board, there were several women asking how to locate SB – but no responses from Oprah’s team. There were some responses from other posters – but mostly negative. He was on Oprah – as part of the ‘Wildest Dreams’ series. But – was it his wildest dream? Is Oprah paying for the trip as part of his wildest dream? Or was she just allowing him to share his wildest dream on her show – to jump-start his search? It did sound good. Is Oprah sending a camera crew? Are Chris (and his buddies) doing another Documentary – perhaps entitled: ‘Pop & His Senior Bachelorette’? Enquiring minds want to know! (hee hee hee) : )

You know, in ‘Pop&Me’ – Richard was asking the question - what was he going to do with the last third of his life. Maybe this ‘Senior Bachelor’ venture – with all of the commercial side to it – is the beginning of that for him. And, honestly, I wouldn’t begrudge him making money off of it. If he can have success that way – more power to him.

My issues come more with the censorship and his somewhat angry responses to ladies on the Blog … and comments like – ‘I liked 99.9% of the wonderful ladies’ ... who have used the Blog. I don’t know – just seems a bit condescending to me.

But – you know – I was just thinking … what if he is upset because he thought this was going to lead to reality type show and book deal … and nothing came from it … so now he is frustrated. In his comments at the beginning of the latest Blog (which now runs 268 posts!!) – he says “As of today, July 26, 2005, I have not had ONE conversation with anybody about a reality show. Nor a book. Again, I will not answer this question again. If there was ever a change, believe me, you would all know about it.” … yet his website says: “IMPORTANT: Read excerpts from Richard's upcoming book about his life and travels by signing up for the free Senior Bachelor Newsletter.” and “ I am writing a book about my travels and the interesting people I have met in my life and hope to have it finished upon the completion of the Senior Bachelor Adventure Journey, sometime in 2006.” Could be he was expecting some deals – and nothing came through. Hmmmmm More food for thought. : )

Loved the cartoon! : ) Sooooo true!

I think you have the same impressions that I have … on RR … and on ‘Pop&Me’. And I loved your – ‘I could handle him’. Too funny! I also agree with you on the type of woman that he will probably choose … I think you are so right on that – though it would be nice to be wrong. Several others have mentioned that as well though. Will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.

At any rate - good luck on that Vid!! Have fun with it!! : ) You are a beautiful and intelligent woman … and you seem to be very wise. So … ‘Go for it’! : )

To Dancingirl and Leslie
I will definitely be cheering for both of you!! It wouldn’t be any fun … if there wasn’t someone in there that we were routing for! So good for you!!

To All
Who else has submitted tapes? We’ll keep a ‘Support Blog’! : )

Have a good one!

Click Girl

P.S. I think I'll close off this Blog - and start a new one ... so we don't have to scroll so far. : )

Anonymous said...

Leslie- about RR's type, I think that's exactly the kind of lady he could find / choose where he lives if he wanted to. I think he wants someone more "real". From Pop&Me what I got was that -- RR is not as pretentious as you might think..arrogant, controlling, impatient, yes...but not a "fancy" man and although he has been around some very "fancy" people, I don't have the feeling he aspires to be one.

I think the kind of woman you describe sounds "high maintenance" . I can't imagine RR being very patient with someone who spends lots of time on hair and make-up and clothes and shopping--heck, he hardly wanted to take time for Chris to eat! Also he did not have daughters to train him!

Ten years ago RR said in Pop&Me -- "you need love, you just do" -- now who knows whether he is capable of giving it, I still think his intentions are sincere; I just wish he'd thought this out more and gotten help early on in organizing / planning this endeavor.

I am really curious how he will "narrow" the field, but it is obvious he will not reveal that right now--no matter how we ask.

P.S. I also have tried all sorts of online dating connections and been VERY disappointed in the difference between the guy on "paper" or on the "phone" and the reality. I have not been at all shy about attending singles events, attending community classes, taking people up on no avail. I have a very blessed life and would never compromise that for a match with someone less than extraordinary. We will see !

Anonymous said...

Brenda, yes, please start a new blog post- and MANY THANKS-- I will be looking for support and when I feel comfortable will reveal more about myself so you will recognize me. I like the anonymity of being able to vent, criticize, ridicule and discuss RR here-- its the best and helps the "angst"-- thanks.

ClickGirl said...

Very good points! And - now that you mention it - you are right about RR probably not wanting to deal with someone who is 'high maintenance'. Glad you mentioned that.

Also - since you have already sent in your video - I hope you don't feel we are being too negative. I still may submit mine ... but just looked at this Blog as an opportunity to openly discuss all of our concerns. No man is going to be perfect ... and Richard does seem to be an interesting and intelligent guy. And his style of travel is very in keeping with the way that I would love to travel. And just going off for months at a time - I admire his doing that. As several of us have said - he seemed so perfect for us. So ... thanks for bringing balance to our discussions! : ) It is appreciated - and needed!

I've also done a lot of the online dating stuff - before I got sick. I only met a couple of guys who really were as good as they sounded (or looked on paper) - and my friends and I used to call it 'practice dating' - to get ready for when we met someone really great. (ha ha)

I recently tried eHarmony - thinking that I would be matched with people who were more like-minded ... but didn't find that to be true. In fact, despite the long profile and process ... I found I was matched over and over with people who were not even close to my criteria on politics, religion, philosophy, etc. For the amount charged - I was a bit disappointed. I was thinking about trying again - because I did meet a couple of nice guys on that service. My favorite was CaringSingles (based on meeting through volunteerism) - but the people were all out in CA, it seemed. So far away from me. : (

I'm really just getting back into things again ... regarding dating, etc. - and have reconnected with a couple of guys from my past - who both live out of state. But it's a long and slow process for me. : )

That's all for now! See you all on the newest Blog!! (top o' the page)

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

Guess I was writing while you were posting! : )

Just wanted to say: DITTO!! Thanks to you as well! Glad you feel that way. I was worried that we might be sounding like the angry one ... and I don't really think any of us want to be coming across that way. I think we are all just wanting to be able to get things out in the open ... try to understand everything - since there have been changes and misunderstandings and lack of input on some things ... and also just have the chance to bounce thoughts off of each other. So ... alls good. : )

See you at the top next time!

Click Girl