Wednesday, August 10, 2005

From Florida with Love ...

Hello Bloggettes!

Here is a new Blog ... so we don't get 'blogged down'.

Just continue on from our last Blog. Remember ... no rules ... no deleting ... just lots of sharing ... honesty ... humor and 'history'.

Also - please don't forget that there are other Blogs down below:

1. Discuss your desires for 'The Senior Bachelorette Trip'
2. Share your Support for gals with vids in to __ for __
3. Share your Travel Stories
4. Share some of your Life Moments
5. Share your favorite Quotes, Poems & Musings


Anonymous said...

Bummer! i'll take second place zoe...have to admit... am slower today but let me catch up on SBs site.. brb ;-)

ClickGirl said...

Hey All!
Starting a new Blog here … so please just continue your comments on from the last post.

Hello Happy
Thanks for the interpretation of ROTFL! I couldn’t figure it out … and it was driving me crazy. And … yeah – what is that with RR? He has been ‘possessed’! Taken over by a much ‘kinder and gentler’ man – or so it seems.

Hi Miriam in VA
I just was curious – and concerned – that you thought you were deleted on this Blog … and I wanted to make sure that you knew that I wouldn’t do that to you – or anyone. The whole point of this Blog was open expression. So … I just wanted you to know that … and to see if I could sort out how/when/where your post was ‘deleted’. And … also just a reminder … you are always welcome here. : )

I’d try one more time on the SB site … to get RR to mention the red hair! NOT! He is ‘clueless’! That was – the - funniest … and if he can’t even make a mention – something’s wrong – seriously wrong – with him! : ) Oh – I know - it’s because he has started yet another money making venture! The Cruise!! I’m sure he will find a way to capitalize on that! Does anybody else wonder how he is going to handle that? He is already not handling things well … so let’s add another project to the load. I am kind of astonished! I hope he takes the advice of all of the posters on SB that keep recommending that he get help with some of this stuff. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

No … No … Coffee Beans! <* _*>

Linda in Tucson
I’ll let you know how the guy on eHarmony works out. To show how eager I was … I came to this Blog – and haven’t even checked eHarmony yet tonight. In fact – I had forgotten it – until I read your post. (ha ha ha) You can see how full of hope I am. : )
I did the online stuff for years also – and it was more agony sometimes – than fun. I actually saved a lot of the paperwork and profiles during that time … and had thought about writing a book about my experiences (a humorous look at all of it). I’ve recently thought about asking my niece if she would be interested in writing a screenplay using some of the materials … but she has four projects in the works right now (‘Major Movie Star’ with Jessica Simpson, a screenplay that J-Lo bought, a Hallmark movie and one other – not to mention a 2 year old daughter!). But maybe I could start a research draft … and when she is between projects we could work on it. I had sooooo many crazy experiences … and I am sure that others have had similar experiences as well – so would be able ‘to relate’.

Anyway – I’m trying to ‘get back into the real world’ again … so I am going to at least make the effort. We’ll see where it goes. I do have a couple of guys that I stay in touch with – that live out of state. My two favorite ‘available’ guys. : )

You know – I actually know several people who met guys online – and got married. But I haven’t had that kind of luck … (ha ha)

I think it is interesting to read about RR’s ex … and, for those who have sent in vids, I think it is sort of like doing ‘due diligence’ to find out as much as they can about this man before they (if chosen) go off for a month with him. So … I consider it necessary ‘research’. For people like me – it’s just plain nosy-ness! : )

Thanks for sharing all of the ‘backstage’ stuff. It’s fun to hear all of that … and know about what happens behind the scenes. And I think it is great that you had some conditions of your own – the second time around. Good for you!

Though I think it is ‘cool’ that you received a call from Dr. Phil – I think you are very wise to say ‘No’ to that! If you had a bad experience with TOWS … imagine what Dr. Phil would be like. Because I would worry that the ‘on air’ part would be awful. He is definitely not know for being kind and gentle … and I would be very concerned about which way it would head. Though I did see him with the couple that argued on The Amazing Race (that Jonathon guy) … and he actually gave them space to express themselves – and to share their more loving and gentle sides. They said that there were many moments that were filmed – that showed them that way – but none ended up on the show. They were both hurt and embarrassed by the way they came across on the show (Amazing Race) – and said that they were ‘type cast’ and presented in such a way to bring out all of the negatives. Dr. Phil was actually very sympathetic to them – and Jonathon admitted that he saw a side of himself that he had never seen – and he had made a conscious effort to change. They also have a website … and they do seem to be very different – in real life – than they were portrayed on AR. So … I guess Dr. Phil has his moments too. : )

Thanks for your kind offer to give me your 36DD’s! (ha ha) I can’t believe the stuff I say on here!! : ) Actually – my Plastic Surgeon did a wonderful job with the reconstruction for the implants. We had worked it out for him to be there when I had the Mastectomy – and he immediately placed Saline Expander Implants. After all of my ‘fill-ups’, he replaced them with permanent Saline Implants. I had a little problem with infection or rejection with the Saline – but we caught it quickly – and he was able to take care of that. I had a problem about 4 months after my original surgery, when I found out that my original General Surgeon had neglected to tell me that I had suspicion for microinvasion into the lymphatic system … and my Oncologist was really upset – because the GS did not remove a lymph node sample, as he had requested. Long story short … it held up my chemo until I was ready for my next reconstructive procedure. When I had the Silicon Implants put in – they also did the lymph node dissection … so I was able to wrap both of those together in one surgery. I am on a five year study for the new Silicon Implants – which are very nice … and I have had no problem with them. They are very much different than the old kind … and, after seeing the consistency of the filling, I don’t believe it is possible for them to ‘leak’. So … I ended up with a ‘D’ size (from a ‘C’) … mainly because it helped to fill out the part where the infection/rejection occurred. So that part of me – is actually better than before. It’s the excess under my arms … and the (o)(o) – that are the difficult part for me. : ) Okay – I’m embarrassed. I can explain more in an Email – if you are interested. Too ‘sensitive’ to write about here. : ) Anyway – I can understand what you are saying – but I thought you looked very nice – thin – and ‘balanced’. I, on the other hand, have plenty of extra body weight to support the ‘D’ size. (ha ha) I do think they made me gain weight though! Seriously! They have to! They are definitely heavier than my ‘original’ ones that I was born with. : ) But … I am losing weight … slowly but surely. Nine pounds … and counting.

Speaking of having guys see you with no make-up … have you seen Babette’s Blog? (BDNC) She has a pic – without make-up … and eating ice cream … and she looks great! And I love that. Her site shows that she is beautiful with … or without … and that she has a beautiful spirit as well. And with or without the red hair. (ha ha)

Well … ‘how she does it’. How does she respond to all the Blogettes?
She stays up half the night! : ) I can’t help it!

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!

Warm Regards,

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

Hello Again

Forgot to mention that I added another Link (to the right column) - for It is a place for photo storage and has a great gallery. For anyone who wants to post photos in that format. Just thought I'd pass that along.

Good night everyone!

Click Girl

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to ask you ladies something....BDNC brought up awhile ago about how really simple it is to get along with men: feed 'em, sex 'em and ignore everything else they do. (Actually I think you can get away with not feeding them -- they can get carry-out, for gosh sakes).

Females are such complex creatures (I have one son and 3 daughters) and am at a loss sometimes how to advise my son about women when he asks my opinion. Mostly I say -- you will never figure them out -- you have to keep listening ALL THE TIME. What works one time may not work the next (sending flowers). You ask "how can I help?" or "help me understand" and she'll say "you should know".

WHat do you or would you tell your sons about the mysteries of females?

Leslie: said...

There was something on TV the other night (forget the show) about how men "hear" women's voices. Apparently, it sounds somewhat garbled to them - some scientific explanation.

Babette yes CB is coming to Van Sept 10 (talked to her last night & she left you a msg). She sounds even more fun chatting and I'm so excited to meet her. If there's any way you can join us, please let us know.

Anyone else?? I have to work during the day (teach) but would be free in evenings/weekends so the rest of you could be tourists and I'd join in later. Let me know on my blog site.

Zoe and Babette THANK YOU SO MUCH for the explanation of how to do the bold and blue thingy. I feel so much more technically gifted now. :)

Anonymous said...

You are welcome Leslie! :-)

Anonymous said...

could somebody pass me a bucket cause I can't take much more of flowingwhitewater's blogs to 'our man of the moment ........I know ... I know ... sounds absolutely terrible but makes me want to ................

Phyl (*head covered with paper bag in shame*)

Anonymous said...

Desert Flowers

Sorry I am not a travel agent. Just enjoy traveling and do so whenever I can.

In my work life I taught graduate school (Business and Management related courses) and was a college administrator for several years.

I retired early (l998) except for teaching and last year I retired from teaching.

I have been doing educational and management consulting for about l0 years part-time and still have some clients.

I am a licensed realtor in 4 states, but usually don't stay in any of them to do much real estate.

I mostly do what I want to do on a daily basis (Watercolor and oils, real estate, consulting, travel, beach bum and so forth.

You might also get better airline rates at

I hope you all have a great time in Vancouver.

Anonymous said...

HA !! I LOVE it! :) Leave it to desertflowers to see right through me. OF COURSE I'm making fun!! How could I pass up a chance to dis c&@p like that drivel they gush!?


Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies,
been very busy this week and I am SIIIIICK of my job. I decided to take a mental health day!

Babette: I saw Le Cirque du Soleil in VA. What they can do with their bodies is totally incredible. I understand there is also a different theme everey time they put on a new show.

Brenda: I was not upset. I was just curious. I thing the HS people did it! eh! eh! did not like what I said about the phone.

CJ: I totally agree with you. I've had the same talk with some of my friends that expect their men to read their mind and are p...ed when they don't have a flying clue. If we can talk the way we do among ourselves, why can't we share with our men as well?

Happy: My thoughts are with you and your mom and sisters. I do long distance healing, if your mom is open to it, I will be glad to do that. I'll need her name. You can get my email address from Suzanne or go to my website.

Well, ladies
I was raped when I was an au-pair in England. I was on a date with one guy and his friend raped me. I had no way out so I lied back on the bed totally motionless and in control of my emotions. when it was over the guy said to me: you have a lot of guts!. I did not report it as I did not speak English and of course, at the time, thought it was partly my fault for putting myself into that kind of situation. I survived by telling myself that even though he defiled by body, he did not touch my soul.

It happened again in my early twenties, when I came here. I fell for a classic story. I missed France and this guy said his father was a diplomat and had lots of French records and his sister was home and they spoke French. We came to this appartment and when he bolted the door I knew I was in trouble! somehow I ended up on the floor with him sitting on top of my chest. this time I fought! but I am 5ft and weighed 100lbs at the time. finally he carried me to his bed and as he tried to unbutton my shirt I said to him; You may not beelieve me but I have gonorrhea (Aids did not exist 34 yrs ago)so it is up to you, but if you get sick don't come back to me!!! He took me home..and he called me the following day to go out again!!!!

I buried all of that until about 7 years ago when I learned the method I am using now. I knew I was completely healed when I was able to work with rapists at the jail. I was a mentor therefore I was meeting the men one on one.

Oh, shoot, I've got to call in and tell them I am not coming it. I'll go play!!!


Anonymous said...

OK Ladies-- if I ever get to speak for World Peace in Chicago here is what I will say and how you will know its me and it better not be edited out ( CJ, I realize I have no control over that) !.... RR has not "bought" me with this travel opportunity....I am giving him the opportunity to prove he is worthy of my companionship. Call me uppity if you want, but that's the deal and I'm not getting on a plane with him tell that's been proven.

I think O doesn't want the ladies coming off looking like old ho's (if you don't know what that means add a "wh" to the front and an "re" to the end) and would welcome this attitude.

If RR is a quality guy, he will recognize the relationship and long-term wisdom of that. If he doesn't. that's good for me to know.


Ah ladies, we all have our "hell" and we all have our "war" ... bless everyone in our challenges....hospitalized parents, disease, financial woes, hurtful pasts.....

Good that we have girlfriends!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mom. We are your shoulders to lean to and i wish for your mom's quick recovery.

Anonymous said...

i think it's to lean on.... ..and a group hug..


Leslie: said...

aka poofypassion

Phyl in response to your comment about flowingwhitewater (as well as, in my opinion, the one we've dubbed densefog)here's a HUGE bucket - gotta get my head in there, too!

desertflowers Pass the phone - we need to practise! :D (j/k everyone!)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your mom is feeling better. My mom is in the Philippines and I don't see her much. :-(

Anonymous said...

That's great to know dessertflower, my cute thongy sweet patoots pie of Mesa... ngek! i don't even know why i said that... i thought why not? ... but you trully are cute thongy sweet patoots pie
Oh.. don't say it, you were gonna say "Oh Gawd" i right?

Anonymous said...

Dang Ralph eh? he's a typical pisser... .*lol*

linda in Tucson said...

Now this is a hoot! RR has invited the whole world to his throne in Manhatten Beach. Suppose you already sent in a video, he filed it in the "puke" file, and you bother to travel to CA to meet his highness? Dontcha suppose a more personal invite to those he thought he might have a connection with (based on their videos) would be more appropriate? He's out of control!!

Anonymous said...


So very very sorry to hear about your mom's fall. Love & light to both of you. Try to make sure you get enough rest though, will ya?

Now could someone tell me who/what the f**k is Ralph????????


p.s. who's going to LA?

Anonymous said...

Hey Leslie

Thank you for sharing the bucket ... something about those postings really get up my 'Irish' *LOL*.
Also the person referred to never acknowledges anyone else even when asked a direct question. I know, cause I've done it. Ah puke .....
Oh sorry, Dense Fog gets answers and offers of cruise being paid for which IMHO should be something that should be discussed in private .... any opinions?

Leslie.. have also been visiting your blog and love it but you also have blocked anonymous bloggers (rightly so). Will have to get my act together in order to leave msg.

Phyl ;)

Anonymous said...

*lol* @ OK Phyl...
Ralph is just a sound when you barf! when your head is burried in a pisser (toilet), you call his name... did you get it? still lol
i didn't know if i could explain well enough... now, did I?

Anonymous said...

Linda in Tucson
Pardon me? did you get an invite?

Anonymous said...

Leslie & Phyl
i had to change my setting so anons can post in mine.

You all have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...


Got it now. We say 'having a conversation with God in the big porcelain telephone' ...... cause your usually gasping ......between barfs of course ..... oh god oh god


Anonymous said...

No Linda I didn't get an invite. Saw your comment on SB site.
I was just wondering if anyone here was going to go


Leslie: said...

I'll change my blog to include anonymous inputs just for YOU Phyl :D

Eneeeeewaaayyys: I thought it'd be a lot of fun to go & meet His Majesty, but I checked into some flights and considered the hotel cost plus the cost of the dinners, drinks, etc. and it'd be around a thousand bucks (Cdn). He doesn't have my video & stuff yet so what now? Even though I plan to send it in (yes, I still am going to) he probably wouldn't even have seen it by Sept 1st.

However, it might be a great way for us all to meet and make some of our plans for a bachelorette cruise. Plus I'd love to go see the Queen Mary in Long Beach.

I'd have to get the Thurs & Fri off from school (kids aren't back yet, but would still have to get permission from the principal.)

Do you all think the invite is for both nights? Or that we could attend either night? What would we do during the days? I assume we're on our own.

BTW I checked out the hotel on the Net and it does really look nice. I have asked RR on his blog if the cost is for a private room or per person double. Who wants to share if we could get two beds for $109?

Lots to consider about this part of the adventure.

Leslie: said...

Oh yeah Phyl we say "praying to the great white porcelain God."

linda in Tucson said...

Babette: The Manhatten beach trip is the subject of RR's new blog

Leslie: said...

Brenda where ARE you? Methinks we need a new blog to discuss the pros & cons of going to MB to meet SB. Who's going? So we can meet up & plan our own travel adventures.

linda in Tucson said...

I don't want to kiss and tell, and get sent to the naughty mat but this is interesting: RR just stated on his blog that he personally responds to all who have sent him their videos. This was new news to me....I wrote him right away, and heard back within minutes! Can't say that it was anything too personal (I was fishing for an answer around whether he had any clue who I was, and was it worth it for me to make the drive to CA)....don't want to be "fluff" just to fill up a banquet room! Sooo...since I don't have much of a life right now, I am actually considering doing this. Anyone else in??

Canadian Bloggette said...

Yo!!! fellow Blog Buds
Personally speaking I am quite excited at the prospect of meeting some of you guys in Chicago..we would bring the house down!!
I am going to Vancouver on Sept 10th to visit my daughter and am hooking up with Leslie, and hopefully with Babette and Suzan so I could swing by Chicago on my way!! Will see........hmmmmm! Depends on the response from Bloggettes!
BTW...Other terms of endearment for Ralph = Hurl & Chuck & Spew... clearly I am well versed in the land of Ralph!!!!
Ciao bellas
Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Babette girl,
How's by you??
You'll never guess what???
In my other life I was married to another 3 min Aries.......Yiiiiiiikes!
Caruuuuuuuuuumba!! :)
Don't let the bed bugs bite!!

Leslie: said...

Babette where did you read/hear about the 3 minute time limit with RR?

linda in Tucson said...

Suzanne: The response was nothing very personal (I'd paste it here but not sure if he has someone policing the joint and don't want to set him off again!)He just said he hadn't singled out anyone for approval/disapproval 'cause if he did that with one, he'd have to do it with all. He encouraged all to come to CA (I certainly didn't feel like he was encouraging ME in a personal way...very generic). I was just impressed that he actually responded to an e-mail. I might go for the fun of it if I can talk mom into sharing the ride (read: expenses, ha).

Anonymous said...

You've heard about the gummy bear boobs too eh? how sweet is that? OMG... my imagination is running wild! i better go back to housework...
I was molested few times as well... twas hard to talk 'bout it but i learned to use that in a positive way...

How funny is that? my accent... i can see that as well... very cool.

Desertflower, CB, Desertflower and MaryR
possiblitity of me making to Van is not very small... I am moving unexpectedly :-(
:-) But hey! i know we will someday.. .Sept is just not the right time and there's a reason for it...

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!! I love you guys! I am deeply touched... even just the thought of you girls thinking of doing that makes me want to AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH! scream???
God loves us so much ... Thank GOD! :-)

Anonymous said...

possibility of me making it to Van is small......

Anonymous said...

YOU crack me up.. there are Indian reserves but not the whole Kamloops..i don't think... you will see it's similar to Arizona... really hope you can come. I will make sure that I am available for you girls. Did you see that article about the 3 min man yet?

Anonymous said...

200 and some miles.. that's close right? i am geography challenged tee hee...
I will prolly be organizing my new place by then but i'll drop everything that i'm doing for you..well except the breakables
:-).. and how are you doing with your moving? are you thinking of staying overnight or just a day?

Anonymous said...

about the 3 minute meeting with RR... posted the link earlier...

Anonymous said...

7th line from the bottom of the article: "
“Starting in mid-July, I will go to a large hotel for a weekend and any woman can come for a three minute meeting,” he said. “Those meetings will be in the South Bay, Chicago, New York, Philly and Atlanta.”"

Anonymous said...

I'll always have my hands reaching for yours, but i'm sure you have climbed similar hills as well. And I .....admire..... your remarkable wit!

Happy Birthday Happy's Mom!

linda in Tucson said...

That just might work for us to hook up and make the drive to CA. That is, if you're up for a g'friend blind date,ha.
I'd have to scoot over there and back in maybe 3 days. I'm taking off for the day but lemme know your thoughts and I'll check back this eve.

Canadian Bloggette said...

OK girls......listen up......PLEASE SOMEONE...ANYONE HELP!!....AGAIN I SO DON'T GET IT!!?? "Wiener amongst us"????I am soooooooooo lost.......maybe it those lousy brain cramps!!

Also on a serious note: What a remarkable collection of women who have so successfuly taken personal "Tragedy" and turned it into personal "Triumph"!! Good on y'all!!!!!!! xox
Have a great one y'all

Leslie: said...

CB just a typo - she meant WINNER, that's all.

CJ Thanks for the offer to share a room. Can you wait until next week for an answer? I'm supposed to be at school the whole week, but will have to contact the principal to get 2 days off. Let me know which day(s) you've booked the room for so I can arrange the flight, etc. Do you think we'd go for BOTH evenings? or just one of them? That does make a difference to me re flights. Again, thanks so much for the offer.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Ah come on Leslie..........I just know you are pulling my leg!!! Ow!!
Not nice to make fun of the seriously challenged Bloggette!!!

I just relaised that when I meet you on the the 15th you'll hjave tons of scoop and poop for moi........eweee yee haw.How exciting! Perhpas best to take camera and a tape recorder!!! yah!!

Leslie: said...

Happy Bonne Fete a Mama! Happy Birthday to your Mom! Know that everyone is pulling for her.

desertflowers check my blog site for response to you.

CB better bring your bucket for the scoop and poop! :D

Phyl I seem to recall a certain person with several pseudonyms offering to pay Dense Fog's way to Alaska. I agree, they should discuss that in private.

Anonymous said...

A three min Aries Man??!!! what a combo! No wonder you had to have a fling with Ralph!

wha happened to your sexy pic girl?
you prolly changing your profile photo?

does anybody know where Brenda is?
hope she's ok...

Anonymous said...

oh there you are.. .:-) DesertFlower

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Babette,
Yah.........."3 min Aries" not the most satisfying combo!! Arrrrrrrgh!
HOWEVER.........truth to tell....I am working on a 6 HOUR!!! LEO!! Marathon man!! THAT IS ALL GOOD!!!
I PROMISE...once I get this photo (it is absolutley hysterical, not at all serious),on my profile I will stop harrassing ya, ya know why when I copy a photo address to the Photo URL it says over and over "illegal characters" I can't wait for y'all to see "my" will wet your depends!!

Canadian Bloggette said...

Seriously....hope all ok!!
cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

Will you post the URL here and i can prolly check it for ya

Anonymous said...

Suzanne $ Chery
I published a pic of Kamloops in my blog. Not the best angle but that's when i remembered to bring my cam...

Canadian Bloggette said...

Here ya go Babette, Just dunno what I am doing but it sure ain't working!!
There are actually 2 photos:

"C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\Chiang Mai\IMG_1449.JPG"

"C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\Oz & Tasmania,Sydney2005\Tassie 2005\Tasmania, Mar 05.jpg"

Not sure why the "photo URL" constantly says "illegal characters??
Thanks, muchos gracius, merci buckets!

Anonymous said...

You have not uploaded these photo?
This is a file from your puter not the web. You have to upload and once it's there you can do the
1. put your mouse over the photo
2. right click and click properties
3. a window will pop up and go to
address URL and copy the address
4. that is the Photo URL

or you can try:
1. put your mouse over the photo
2. right click and click
copy shortcut

Anonymous said...

:-) why do you need the URL for again? cause you can upload them just like you've been doing right?
Or are you wanting to put that in your profile?
6 hours?!!!!! holly smolly Girl! that would be a great workout.

Anonymous said...

I know that when you upload your photos it goes to your blog. But after you get the URL, you can go to your dashboard and delete that posting by:
1. Logging in to
2. will take you to dashboard
3. click your blog and will take you to the list of your posting where you can edit and delete

Canadian Bloggette said...

Yo again Babette,
I actually upload photos in my blog an entirely different way which is why I am so messed up......I only wnat to post one of the pics to my profile and That is where I am having problemos. I ahve done the shortcut, copy paste thing......nada....if you have any other suggestions?? I seem to be able to o everythign BUT this.......driving me batty!!If not perhpas I will call tomorrow for phone support...does that work for you...I really am in a quandry (oewww BIG word for a Saturday!!)

Re the 6 hour thang....whoa!!! is all I can say.....and that is why I am relatively IS the best workout I have ever had!
ps.BTW what is up with MOVING suddenly??? Yuck!!
Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Does anyone think we should start to worry about Brenda?? Forgive me but that is the "Mother" in me talking!!

Anonymous said...

you read my mind!

Canadian Bloggette said...

BRENDA OH BRENDA........don't you love us anymore??? EH??
cheryl xox

linda in Tucson said...

Suzanne: I know I haven't done a lot of bonding w/you & the other girls here. I was initially frustrated that RR set up this blog thing, then didn't participate, and some people who's names were associated w/water were really annoying me so I stayed on the sidelines.
Anyway, I know you and I have the one thing in common in that we rushed out into the desert to do videos to meet the May deadline, and whether we are still enamoured w/his highness or not, we do have some sort of emotional investment in the outcome of all this hoo ha.
Sooo...I am up for driving to the Phoenix area to meet up w/you, then heading to LA for a couple days (digital camera in tow of course so we can report back!) I have a decent car, and would be glad to split the driving and share a room (I don't snore, ha ha). If you want to know more about me you can check out my profile under "lindawishes", although I was in a sassy mood when I last did my profile. Also, this is way personal but my business is which says a bunch about where I am coming from at this stage in my life. My gut tells me we could have some fun with this!!

ClickGirl said...

Hello Everyone!
Sorry that I've been out of touch. Did a movie last night ... and 'Day-O-Beauty' today ... so haven't been online. Boy ... did I miss a lot (ha ha). I started a new Blog ... to discuss the latest news about the trips. See you over there!

Warm regards,
Click Girl

P.S. Thanks for your concern! More to come - on the next Blog