Monday, August 01, 2005

Share your favorite Quotes, Poems, Musings ...

Excerpt from 'The Invitation'
by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are, I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

Here is a place for you to share your thoughts ...


ClickGirl said...

Cheryl/Canadian Bloggette
Ahhhhh ... yes ... kindred spirits! I was feeling the same way! I just came from viewing your last set of photos (glad I took the time to read the entire journal - or I wouldn't have noticed the 'Cabbage and Condoms' restaurant). Too, too funny!! : )

At any rate - I was looking at the pics and reading what you wrote - and thinking how much fun it would be to travel with you! And I cracked up over your posts on SB. You have such a great sense of humor ... and beautiful spirit. And your photos are incredible! Really capture so much!

I have to tell you - when I first discovered 'The Invitation' - I read it in one sitting - one night - crying through so much of it. There is one chapter that just said everything that I could never express - about what I was going through when I left my husband and went through my divorce. I have so many highlights, underlines and yellow sticky notes in my book - and there is not much in it that does not move me to my core. It is my favorite book. I bought six copies - and sent them to people who meant a lot to me. Very special reading. : )

Well ... I am off to bed. Will check in tomorrow morning.

Best regards,
Click Girl

Canadian Bloggette said...

G'day Brenda!
We all share such commonality it is incredible We should start a mutusl admiration society, it is so empowering to have such support of dear frinds!
Cheryl xox

Belizegial said...

Brenda, Cheryl

Thanks for the excerpt shared from 'The Invitation'.

If I want to purchase this book, what is the complete title and name of the author?

BTW, great community and team spirit going on here. I can 'feel' the love :)

ClickGirl said...

Hi Belizegial & Cheryl
So true!

The book is:
"The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It is a small book - but so full of 'good stuff'!


Click Girl

Anonymous said...

Many of you have alluded to or openly expressed the hardships and sometimes heartbreaking challenges life has seasoned us with. I have learned that we all have our "hell" and we all have our "war". WE, ladies here, know it is our choice to rise from the ashes of the fire which has tried to consume us and to live more fiercely and passionately as a result of what we have of my favorite quotes:

" I would only believe in a god who could dance"... Freidrich Nietsche....

And ...

"May your eyes see beautiful and significant things
and your soul always dance to good music..."

Keep dancin' in whatever way you dance, my friends....