Saturday, August 13, 2005

__ Tour ...

Are you planning to go to Los Angeles or Chicago? To meet __? To meet other 'Bloggettes'? Just for the heck of it? Head on over to Desert Flowers Blog ... as we are all 'meeting' over there to hear the latest updates on the trip to Manhattan Beach ... and to celebrate with the great crowd that will be getting together out there.

To get to Desert Flowers Blog ... open this Blog - and find a post from Desert Flower - click on her blue name ... and it will take you directly to her site!

You are also welcome to post here ... as I will be monitoring daily ... but most of 'the action' is going on over there right now ... as we share the excitement of our travelin' friends!


Anonymous said...

ANYONE who goes to the Manhattan Beach thing absolutely HAS to give us the scoop !!

Klew, you asked if I would be going. Chicago would be a more likely event for me. I, in fact, will be attending a 35th h.s. class reunion that weekend in Ohio, my original home state but not present home state. Chicago is about a 6 hour car trip or a quick flight. It's a possibility for that Thurs or Fri. Thanks for asking!

I would be curious to see RR in person to see if I feel any "zing" for him. He will certainly not be able to show any special attention to any one lady, but observing him in this situation in which he has placed himself would be very telling. I need to know if I find him attractive -- his looks, his manners, his graciousness or pomposity.

A 3 minute interview, if it is still that, seems it would accomplish what??? -- a brief look over, a placing paper and video with a real face?
I guess I have done enough online matchmaking to know that the "real" person behind the photos, words and phone calls can be shockingly different and downright disappointing !

I suggest that on our name cards we write our "blog" names as well as our real ones. And, of course, we will communicate who among us will be in Chicago and look for each other.

Linda in Tucson, I too have been pleasantly surprised that RR is back to answering emails -- always brief and never revealing much, but at least something.

The more info I have the better prepared I feel about making decisions regarding this whole venture...

ClickGirl said...

Suzanne (Desert Flowers)
I just posted over on your site. Check it out. : )

I think a few of the gals are planning on meeting up in LA. I wish I could go! But yes - they must come back with the scoop ... and lots of great pics! By the way ... will there be World Peace in Chicago? Just curious ... : )

Later ...

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

Hmmmmm ... I was just on the SB site. So ... people can bring their videos and bios with them to RR's new 'Tour'. And VERY IMPORTANT - bring a copy of the Bio you sent with you. : ) He truly is - truly - 'winging it all the way'. : ) Very interesting!

Click Girl

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here feel like Mr. Roe is having an open invitation party to possibly make some money for his proposed trip?

Dense Fog

ClickGirl said...

Everyone must be 'out and about'. It's must just be you and me, kid. And Anonymous. : )

Yes - I saw the conversation with CB. I was cracking up. Too funny. I can't believe how much went on - when I was just gone one day! : )

I also thought it was great that you caught on that Splashing Waters was making fun of the 'Dense Fogs'. Some of them seem so serious. Hard to believe people could be so 'gushy' over someone they don't really know. Even if I was 'caught up' in RR - I don't think I'd be doing 'love talk' so soon - and under these circumstances. And sending him love songs and poems. So odd. :) Did you see the lines that I put on your Blog? I was going to say something rude about 'I will hold on to your ship when things get rough'. ha ha I just was laughing so hard when I saw that. : )

And, yes, I noticed that he didn't really answer you about the Media - but, hey, bring your cameras (ha ha). And I notice that he answers only what he feels like. And what seems to help him. All of that 'sensitive' crap that some of the posters are writing (DF's) - I don't see. And - as Anonymous says - I'll bet this latest tour thing does have some profit feature for him. Seems like so much is tied to money making. I said before that I don't really have a problem with someone making money ... but this was originally 'sold' as a 'millionaire senior bachelor' - so it just seems odd that there are so many money making (for RR) features to it. Maybe he meant - he wants the women to make him a millionaire. ha ha Of course, as someone mentioned earlier on - today - a million dollars is not 'that' much.

It does bother me a bit - that people are having to pay to go to 'his tour'. It just is all beginning to be very 'tacky' to me. Seems - if he did have money - he would have waited until after the 9/16 deadline, chosen the top 30/60 (5/10 for each month) and fly them in for a 'meet and greet' and interview with his panel. Then he could choose his final six. The way he is doing it - is very strange ... and says to me that his whole process - is not a process. : )

I was telling both of my sisters about this - over this past week - and they were both saying that I should send in a video. But ... I really don't want to. I don't think RR and I would be suited to each other - and I think I would rather travel with the gals from the Blog! And ... I want to support the ones who have sent in vids! We have some strong contenders - in my mind! : )

Later ...

Click Girl

droma said...

Ladies, give RR a brake, he is a MALE!!!!!
I am blog hopping, a pain with only
one phoneline that keeps disconnecting. But the fun makes it worth it.

Anonymous said...

No word on World Peace. We are waiting several weeks to hear. But I was told there were a limited number of delegates.

Does anyone else get confused about which bloggette's blog they are blogging???

Anonymous said...

Hey Clickgirl!! great to see you again! just want to say hi!

did you get my email? i only have few minutes to spare.... :-) i am taking a break from chores!

It's a HOT HOT HOT HOT day in Kamloops! Holy moly!

ClickGirl said...

Hey Babette!
Hi back at ya'!

It is hot here too! In the 90's ... but 'feels like' 105 degrees! Whew!

No - I think that was another Anonymous - because the other keeps signing DF. But ... I can't be sure about that. : )

Have a good one, All! 'Talk' to you later.

Click Girl

Anonymous said...

Hello Suzanne
And you said you got a secret?? i didn't get your email...

ClickGirl said...

Hi Klew
I agree! He is just making it more difficult for himself. And what about the ladies who go all the way to CA to see him ... and he has no plan? What if 300 people show up? Will he have time to give them all the time they deserve?

'Our gals' will go out and have a great time ... lots of grins ... and be great spies. But they are sharp, intelligent women - who know what they are doing. But there are some people, I am sure, that will go - without really being able to afford it.

From some of the posts - there are some who seem very naive and almost 'lost' in the hope and dreams of this type of thing (not grounded in reality). RR has to see that ... but doesn't seem to realize (or care) that they may spend money they don't have - without any hope of being a part of his adventure.

To ask someone to send a video is one thing ... but to 'invite' them to come meet him in California (and spend that kind of money) ... I just think that is irresponsible of him. I don't care if he has done this before - or not - (his favorite excuse, it seems). That doesn't excuse taking a little time - and thinking things through - and coming up with a plan that will work ... and that makes sense. It just seems that he is doing this 'out of order'. The only thing that makes sense - is that this will provide some media coverage or money making opportunity for him (as Anonymous suggested).

You know, I offered to help him ... but he didn't take me up on the offer. He sure could use me right now! ha ha ha ha

You take care. Talk to you later. And - definitely - we have to do the Cruise!

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

Thanks for posting your comments. I've been thinking the same thing ... about people meeting RR - and not having a 'connection' with him. That is probably the main 'plus' of this LA and Chicago thing. It will give some people the opportunity to see the real 'flesh and blood' RR - and maybe (maybe) determine whether they want to continue on. Even though - as I said above - this step seems 'out of order' from the way that things should happen. Oh well. Will be very interesting to see how it all plays out!

Take care,

Click Girl

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Dancingirl,
I hear you.....I spend most of my time in Blog Fog...nto sure who's on first or second or third for that matter..........tis all good......n'est pas!
Thanks for your sweet comments on my Blog!!
xox Cheryl

CathyinCarolina said...

Oh My Gawd!!!! First time I have had time to play on this Blog Thang in sometime, but I see that you ladies are keeping RR on task and that we are finally going to get to meet some of our new found friends.

Oh, I'll have to go to Chi-Town, been wanting to visit friends there for a long time. Can't wait to hear from you all about the west coast bash.

It's 2:00 am EST. I wonder if Linda has some help for a "Blog addition", I have a very serious problem.

Love to all, be back on-line ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Desertflowers -- its a repeat episode of Oprah, darlin' --CJ has to live through this again, but she is not in Chicago -- CJ we're here for you ----

Anonymous said...

Hey Suzanne

Read my post on Leslie's blog.
I've been away for last two days visiting my mother etc. so trying to catch up and getting confused with different postings on different blogs.

Not sure where I saw mention of RR thanking 'flowingwater' person for sweet/nice comments! That's the second time he's done that. Fawning pays off. Honest opinion gets deleted *LOL*. Maybe he thinks that she's gonna get millions for this compensation thing she has publicly spoken of ... I mean in the name of anyone's Universe, would ya put that on a public blog ... cmon ... also the bit about her wanting to pay for soft rain's trip on RR's cruise only (HIS POSSE) ....
Comments/opinions anyone, or am I being a beeeeech!!!!?

Hey Happy

I hope you're ok. I read what you said about your Mom and just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts :).

Ok everyone ...... attack, threaten or whatever ..... I can handle it *LOL*.

Love & ciao .... Phyl

ClickGirl said...

Hey Dancingirl
Thanks for the update! And yes - I get a bit confused - but have been trying to be more careful - since I did my big accidental post on RR's site. : ) But I was hopping all over last night. I can't stay on too long tonight - because I left my laptop power cable at my office ... and I'm running on battery power - which won't last much longer. :(

Cathy in Carolina
Good to see you again!

La Dolce Vida / Chi-Town Girl
I’m on eHarmony (not crazy about it) and just signed back up on – but haven’t tried Perfect Match. Are you on that service? Is it good?

Thanks for the offer … I would love to make it to Chicago … or L.A. – but I have two different edits those exact days. I looked at my schedule again today – to see if I could reschedule – but have deadlines of 9/9 for both videos … so I don’t have any wiggle room. So sad. : )

I grew up in Miami – but have been in this area for about 30 years. Have a few (very few) connections still in Miami – but more here in Tampa … and in Orlando. The company I work for has an Orlando office as well. Are you going to be in Orlando in August or September? And we will definitely have to get together. Let’s stay in touch on that.

BNDC / Babette
Ditto!! Feel for you with the packing! Hang in there!

Hey Desert Flowers / Suzanne
I wouldn’t count 'you' out yet. I think you are very attractive … and have thought that you would be someone RR would consider. You are strong and independent … and I think he would be looking for someone like that. And – you have such a great attitude. Anyway – you are right – whatever happens … we have made great friends here! And – because of RR. I just do worry – for some people. And – I don’t begrudge RR making money – I’ve said that before – ‘more power to him’. I guess I was thinking about it on principle more than anything. And, as Babette mentioned – just worrying about some of the ladies who are not as sharp as you and Linda, Dancingirl, Leslie … and the rest of ‘us’ on here. Know what I mean?

Phyl & Itchy Feet
I agree – those comments about a settlement – a bit uncomfortable. I hope it turns out as she expects. My son was hit by a police officer – who was backing out of an apartment complex – without lights (car or police lights), just tearing out to go to work (not on a ‘mission’). At the time, my son worked late nights – and was on his way home at 3 a.m. – driving down the road, minding his own business – when this officer flew out – backwards – at him. He swerved – but they still smashed into each other. Within minutes – there were six police cars surrounding him. He did not get a ticket – and all agreed that the officer was at fault. My son received $2,500 to replace his car. That’s it. Lawyer said it was near impossible to sue the police. My son’s insurance paid for physical therapy and treatment at first – and he has permanent injury – and will have back and neck pain the rest of his life. He is 29. Bless him – he just keeps going on … and never complains. You can just tell when he is in pain. So … doesn’t always work out the way you expect with those kinds of things.

I better close out – because my power is going fast!

Later Everyone!

Click Girl

linda in Tucson said...

I've been laying a little low here, still processing just what the "pay off" would be for making the trip to LA. Hopefully Suzanne and I (and Leslie?) can just have some fun with it all. I've got all the high tech stuff to file a good report (digi-movie cam, etc.) I want to think of a payoff for us girls....a way to cash in on his game. I'm pretty sure at this point we're being played to fill his coffers, any ideas?

Anonymous said...

Evening Ladies
It's sharing time! :-)
Have few minutes to spare. few years ago i slipped and fell @ a big grocery store. Didn't think of it, didn't report, didn't do the right thing. 2 weeks after the accident i couldn't walk. Didn't get much settlement because i waited too long. How many times have i fallen on my butt and not even a bruise, that time it was BAD.
The moral of the story is, DO NOT WAIT TOO LONG. If you are in any kind of accident, slip and fall maybe?? huh? Make sure there's a report written up and go to your doctor right away! :-(

i hope your mom is feeling better. And the rest of your family as well.

Anonymous said...

BRUHA in the Philippines means "WITCH" is that what you meant? see yah :~]

linda in Tucson said...

Hi girls,
I plan to do some fun documentation of our journey to MB and I've got all the tech stuff to make that happen....but I am a bit "blog challenged" as far as the html, posting pics, etc. Soooo...BRENDA perhaps you can help us out. I could e-mail you digital pics, and you could post them during our journey? I'll have my laptop, even a micro voice recorder w/software to download conversations. Guess what I'm gonna have in my purse if I get my 3 minutes, ha ha. I'm getting jazzed!!

Anonymous said...

LOL@Linda ....... girl, you've been talking to the PI from Mesa too much!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ladies-- when I RSVP'ed to RR (did you all see that we are supposed to do that?) I asked if there would be a "meeting sign up" sheet and name tags. He said "yes" so if you want to "take a meeting " with the Big Guy, just sign up.

Linda, you sly one, you. We all need to sign a release that our voices and images will be used at the sole discretion of a certain Tucson Blogette. YIKES!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Everyone! Wow! What a day on the Blog!! I didn't get home until about 10 p.m. tonight - met friends on the other side of town (Hard Rock Hotel) - and have just finished reading all of the SB Blog ... and this one. I have so much to say ... but don't have time to do it right now. I have a very early meeting tomorrow morning in Sarasota (2 hours away) ... and have to get ready for that 'day trek' to see clients for a vid I'm doing. But ... just will mention a couple of quick things ... then write more tomorrow.

Re: the purple (or whatever color) bracelets - I found about six sites that feature 'Awareness Bracelets'. Here is one:

I don't know if that whole link will go in - but the main thing is that these can be ordered 'as is' or customized - and can be bought in bags of 500, etc. I was going to get some and offer to send them out from the website that I have been working on ... because I loved the idea of doing something altruistic. So ... let's discuss color ... wording ... etc. Maybe I could order some and have them sent to the ones going to L.A. - so they could be distributed? And send out to the others who can't make it. Whatcha think?

Also - love the idea of having a vid made ... stuff like that ... while you are in L.A. - that is great idea! I have a few ideas that I was thinking about - because I think Suzanne mentioned about doing something to send to Oprah - so 'the little wheels have been turning' in my head. : ) And Linda - we'll have to touch base - I have Sony Sound Forge for editing audio - and can take in most audio files. I have a simple edit program too - and, of course, at work ... we have two large edit systems (which I 'direct' editing on - but don't physically do it myself). Anyway - I know we can do something with it that will be fun and clever. I'll touch base tomorrow - when I get back in town. Definitely has great possibilities though!!

To those of you who are new on this Blog - we have two main rules:
1. No Deleting
2. No getting kicked out of 'The Club' : )
See ... everyone is welcome here ... to say whatever they feel or whatever they need to say. Glad to have you 'with us'!

Babette ... I thought we had 'lost you' earlier - on the SB Blog. Ha ha ha - you had me going there for a bit. I thought you had been abducted by Aliens. : ) Loved it! And Suzanne ... you are so brave! : ) I'll write to you at your Email ...

That's it for the moment ... though I have so much more that I want to comment on! : ) Until tomorrow ... have a good one!


linda in Tucson said...

I bought/registered the domain
what a hoot!
If I can get past some tech challenges (with Brenda's help) I'll start a website with tales of our journey!

sunnida said...

To CJinsocal

Thinking of you...stay strong!
Carrie's concert with your
daughter is perfect for today!

I'd write you at your site, but
can't seem to get it to stay
online.. a fault with my computer
or the blogger site.. don't know.

Anyway, I'm not much of an O fan
she can be brutally hard on people,
and it rubs me the wrong way.
You were brave to go on her show
and face your issues...

sending xoxxo and support

from rainyoregon

Canadian Bloggette said...

OH Linda you rock!! If I can't be in MB with y'all and I must live vicariously at the very least the web name was a little piece from the wild and crazy Canadian!!

Hey CJ girl!!!!
Never fear WE are here!! I also did not watch Oprah ( I actually rarely do as I feel at times there is little regard for the quests aftermath, all in the name of the almighty buck! I have no desire to see people being put through hell, once is one thing, twice is beyond cruel!!
Please promise me one thing only......that you will take this personal "Tragedy", work real hard to morph it into personal "Truimph". I feel that you have already done this unbelievabley well....and then got slam dunked this week! Don't let your guard down...the NNBBSH are so HERE for you and we see you for WHO and WHAT you are and we love you for WHO and WHAT you are UNCONDITIONALLY!!!!! And that my friend....... is a Triumph in of itself!! I have walked through and faced many many life altering "Tragedies" in life and empathize as I know it ain't easy........but you ARE DOING IT!! YOU ARE A SURVIVOR!! I salut you!

ps......anyone else having trouble getting into Suzanne's blog site!


Anonymous said...


I echo all of Cheryl's sentiments.
Oprah not adored this neck of the world to my knowledge. Well, maybe by some, I don't know.

You, my friend, would appear to have definitely moved on and good for you. Enjoy your evening with your daughter :).

CB ....... can't access Suzanne's site either!

linda in Tucson said...

crazy canadian blogette: Oh my gosh, I need to give credit where it is due! I tried to scroll back and see where the NNBBSH came from but got blogged down!
I think it is such a hoot, though maybe you needed to be there 'cause my mom just doesn't get it! Anyway, I AM working on a website (I have designed one all on my own before)and me with no html skills! Those templates work pretty good. Stay tuned!

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Linda,

Well ya It seems to ring a bell in the waaaay distant pour toi?? EH???

And on another note, Yes !!! It t'was
MOI MOI MOI and cuz I won't be in MB........
I is taking absolutely ALL the credit for the NannyNannyBooBoo Sisterhood so y'all put that in yer pipes and smoke !!!
Allow me to sit on the sidelines with a huge proud grin on my face whilst I toast my NNBBSH girlfriends and their trip to MB!!!! Soooo wish I twas going!

Hey DESERTFLOWERS!!! Twither art thou???
xox Cheryl

ClickGirl said...

Babette: Welcome back! Glad you were released from the Aliens. Oh … and I just ‘got’ what you meant by ‘and you have a choice of black, white, yellow, and even purple’. : ) I was a bit slow last night. : )

CB: I am with you. I want to go too! : ) Are you going to Chicago? I’m thinking maybe I could make some of that ‘party’ – with the ‘East Coast Girls’. Will have to wait to see what RR says on that – and until he confirms. And Atlanta is actually closest to me … but I’m not really what you would consider ‘a Southern girl’. Born and raised in Miami – and we were not considered ‘The South’. : )

I have release forms from my vids that I could convert. : )

That’s a great idea – to do a Documentary while on the Cruise! Love it!! And … actually … I bet there would be funding available for something like that. Remember – that Pop&Me took two years to edit. That is ‘the norm’. So would need $$$'s. Anyway – I’ll check into that too - when I have a few minutes.

La Dolce Vida
Nope! You aren’t crazy! : )

Very interesting about your communication with RR. Hmmmmmmm

And – I thought the same thing as you – that he said he spent his life savings to pay for Pop&Me. Certainly – he got money when he sold over the rights … which is why it sounds like he is not crazy about working with Hollywood connections this time around. It is cut throat out there. My niece worked as a PA (Production Assistant) to writers on a big film – with a very famous guy. He let her do all of the work – then, at the last minute, canned her and brought in someone he knew – and her name got in the credits – instead of my niece. Things like that happen all the time in that industry.

Hope you had a great day with your daughter. I love Carrie Underwood! What a treat! And … good for you! I did watch you today on Oprah … and it just reconfirmed what I thought about you before. You are an incredibly brave and amazing woman … and I have so much respect and appreciation for you! And, though I initially thought that Oprah didn’t handle it that well – she was actually not as negative as I originally remembered. In fact – she seemed very sincere and appreciative that you shared your story – and that you had helped so many other people out there. So … thank you! For being willing to help all of us ‘compulsives’ out here! And I hope you had a wonderful day – knowing that many more people were helped today! And I second all that CB said too!

Hello Happy
Thinking about you … and sending good wishes your way. Hope your mom is doing okay. We are missing you here. : )

OpenHeart: I’m with Suzanne – there are women out there who are just naïve – even at our age – and who are so full of hope that they will do almost anything … including spending money that they don’t have – for a wish and a prayer at having RR fall in love with them. Just think of all of those people who truly believe that they can get rich by helping out when they receive an Email from ‘a Nigerian agent’ … or take our their life savings – on the hope of doubling their money. These things happen every day. And can someone fall in love with an image? Think about people who become stalkers (CJ dealt with this after being on Oprah) … and people who seek out celebrities. Famous people have been assassinated by people who do not know them. So … yes, I think that someone who had made a video and a trip to L.A. could end up with a broken heart. Some people are just so open and trusting … and are full of so much desire … that I do believe some women will be hurt. Sadly – there are a lot of men and women over 50 who are, as you said, ‘just plain dumb’. : ) That is my biggest concern with all of this. You have read the SB Blog. You have to admit that some of those ladies are like ‘groupies’. And I am more worried about them … than RR. At least he has some people helping him. They may not be making the best decisions – but I guess what we might expect from three guys ‘who have never done this before’. : )

Having said all of that … I agree with you about hoping that someone doesn’t come in and use the situation. That would be a shame … because there are so many amazing women here … and I want some of them to get to do the ‘romance and adventure’ thing! ; ) Anyway … thanks for your great comments!

Hey Desert Flowers / Suzanne: I actually do have a lot of names to drop! : ) I actually had sort of planned out what I would do – should I make a video – and that was one section that I was going to do. I figured that I could list out all of my ‘connections’ … and famous people that I have worked with over the years … and my connections with up and coming people out in his area. I have some pretty good ones. Truly. : ) My sisters keep pressing me to send in a video … because they think I should be part of the adventure – even if I don’t think he would choose me … and even if I am not really wanting to (not sure about that being filmed thing) … though I would love to do the travel thing … and I do think that my style would be similar to RR’s. I’ve backpacked and been to third world countries … and can run circles around the young guys that I work with … and I’m used to pushing myself. I think I could keep up with him without a problem. : )

Also – I’m with you on the thing about wanting a man. I only want a man in my life if it is not going to be too complicated. He would have to be mighty special. So I am working on getting some men to ‘practice date’ with. : ) I do have some that I am going to hook up with The Cruise Newsletter – but not until that Newsletter comes out. I think the guys I know would get turned off by the SB site – so I’d rather wait until there is actual Cruise info available. : )

Sunni / Rainy Oregon: I checked out your Blog … and really appreciate your view point on things. So glad you have joined us!! A very warm welcome to you!!

Welcome to you as well! I love Saint Simons Island. My parents go there almost every year. They live in Ellijay – a couple of hours north of Atlanta. I lived in Atlanta when my ex was at Emory (in the 70’s). Now I’m in Florida - so not too, too far away from you.

Oh – by the way – no RR didn’t jump on the purple bracelet thing – or any other of those ideas. He said he gave - and … I forget what else – but, basically, he has his own things he gives to already. But – you are probably right that he was planning on becoming a millionaire after this venture … not before. : ) I know he was saying that he is spending lots – and this isn’t a moneymaker for him – but the thought came to me, ‘thou dost protest too much’. : )

Anyway …. that’s it for now! Hope everyone is having a great day/night!

Warm regards,

P.S. I sent an Email to Suzanne – to let her know her Blog link had ‘disappeared’. And … I am getting ready to delete a bunch of the Spammer Posts. I can’t believe how many there were today! Yikes! And that ruins my #1 Rule – no deleting! Ha ha Guess we have to make exceptions for Spammer Posts!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Linda: How cool that you registered NNBBS! I’ll be glad to help however I can. My current Website that I’m doing is through my Verizon Online Account – and I have a lot still to do. Just have one of those wizzywig type templates – but they had a great selection - so I’m having fun with it. It is easy to customize also. Just takes a lot of time to do it. And the hours are just ‘sucked away’ when you get online doing stuff like that. I don’t know where they go to!! Anyway – I also maintained a website for a singles group – through Yahoo – a little over a year ago … but that was much harder. The new formats and templates make it much easier now.

And – re: documenting stuff while you are in MB – that will work - if you just Email photos – then I can post them. That is going to be soooooo great! And will make it easier for those of us not able to make it out there.

I’ll research how we might be able to post audio files too. If you can send .wav or MPs or AIFF files – I can edit them in Sound Forge, if necessary. Maybe I’ll check with one of my editor friends – to find out how I can set up an FTP site – so that you could just place them on that site … which would be just drag and drop – and not having to send big files through Email. That would take less time for you (and give you guys more time to ‘spy’ (ha ha) … and assure that we got everything. We do that where I work – for client files – and if I gave you a password to access the site – it should be fairly ‘safe’ for that short period of time. I’ll find out about that.

I agree that we should have some plan for all of you to do something – while you are out there. Here are a couple of my thoughts:
1. Make a video to send to Oprah – to request getting on her show for the SB announcement
2. Make a vid to send to Oprah – to request going on the NNBBS Cruise – as part of ‘wildest dreams’ (the ‘begging for a Cruise vid).
3. Make a vid to send to Oprah – to show her the RR that you discover – and ‘true confessions’ of the women of the NNBBS – about the experience.

(One note – just FYI - Oprah always requests that there be no music background.

There are a couple of options on how we get a finished piece (actually – probably more than this – but this is as much as I am able to come up with at the moment):
1. The gals going to MB could make a complete video while there – and, if you have PowerPoint on your laptop, I could create a little montage of the photos of those of us not able to be there – with our ‘screen names’ … and you could have that on your laptop – and shoot that presentation running on the screen.
2. You could shoot footage … and we could get someone to shoot in Chicago too – then I could give you my Fed X # … and the footage could be sent to me – and I could put something together (begging a favor from the editor guys that I work with). Anyone who could not make L.A. or Chicago – could send pics – and they could be included as well.

(For samples of some of my video work – go to the DreamKeepers link – and there is a compilation piece that I co-created with a writer and editor that are dear friends of mine … and I did the design of the website (not the actual HTML programming – but I pulled all of the artwork together, co-designed the logo and directed the entire process – from formatting to determining what background, copy and photos went on the site – and editing the writers copy (he wrote most of the beautiful words). And … I took all of the photos of ‘the team’. Just saying that – in case anyone would worry about turning over footage to me – and whether I could do it). : )

Whatcha think? Let’s see what other people think too!

Bye for now!


Anonymous said...


You are so right about the templates. I can't even sign as a "real" blogger because i have no clue to what to put under as URL but I have Earthlink and set up my website with Trellix in one afternoon!!!a couple of years ago. It needs some improvement but it's there.

linda in Tucson said...

WOW Brenda, you rock! I am feeling soooo challenged here! I just downloaded movie editing software, but I fear the learning curve is more than I can handle in a short time.'s my stuff:

1)Sony IC voice recorder that uses a memory stick, I can transfer conversations to my PC but I'd need some help learning how to send the file.

2) Samsung Digital Video Camcorder that uses either micro tapes, or memory stick. I'm thinkin I'd need to send you the actual tapes.

3) Pretty decent Canon digi still cam, that's a no brainer. Can e-mail pics.

4) Blackberry for on the road e-mailing updates!

5) Laptop w/wi-fi I'm sure we can use in the hotel.

I'll be thinking of ideas for making this fun enough to get some media attention (like catching Suzanne in her undies, ha ha).

Anonymous said...

Brenda-- Just a few questions -- does anyone filming and/or posting photos have to get releases from the folks in the video and photos??? AND does a release need to be obtained from the hotel?

Linda, it might be wise to get a "release form" from Brenda.

Will Suzane be wearing the junior size Senior Bachelor thong undies??? HA

ClickGirl said...

Night Zoe!

Dancingirl - have me cracking up again! : ) Can't wait to hear Suzanne's response to that!

Also - about Release Forms - I don't think the Hotel would require one. I've never heard of that before. Usually - if people are booking rooms - I think they look at is as 'promoting their facility'. I do lots of 'Candids Videos' for clients - and have been at resorts around the world - and we are always shooting video of the participants - doing all kinds of crazy things (singing in the lobby, singing from balconys, lighting sparklers by the fountains at night, holding up posters or flags or signs ... just 'whatever'). We've done some pretty wild things ... and I've never been told by a Hotel that I can't shoot. In fact - the staff are usually looking on - and laughing at us. I've only had two times - in downtown Tampa - at a City Center - we were asked to leave ... and at Pleasure Island in Orlando. So ... I wouldn't think that would be a problem.

But - use of the footage - might want to have people sign something. I am usually doing pieces that we are being paid for - so most of my releases are accepting that they will not receive any compensation - and that the footage would only be used for the purposes of that particular video. In other words - I can't take footage of a person from one clients project - and use it in a video for another client. I also have a statement that we will not use the footage in a way that would put the person in a bad light - and I always try to make people look good ... and often, with creative editing, we actually make people sound better. Anyway - I could easily put something together that would show 'agreed consent'. And then maybe CJ could let us know if it would legally hold water. : )

Hey Linda - sounds like you have a great set up. We will definitely be able to do something. Just need to sort out best approach - and have a little plan in mind (a flexible plan). : ) Talk at you later!

I'm heading over to Suzanne's site ... as she has been out ... and wants to catch up. 'Come on over'! It's 11:44 p.m. EST

Take care!


ClickGirl said...

Hi Leigh. Welcome! Don't feel bad about not being able to put your pic on. Most of us had problems with that! Here are directions that Babette posted a while back (edited slightly):

The URL is a file from your puter not the web. You have to upload the photo to your Blog - and once it's there you can do the following:
1. put your mouse over the photo
2. right click and click properties
3. a window will pop up and go to
address URL and copy the address
4. that is the Photo URL

or you can try:
1. put your mouse over the photo
2. right click and click
copy shortcut.

Hope this helps. It took me 'forever' ... and many attempts ... lots of patience! : ) Good luck!

I can't go to L.A. either ... so we will all be checking the Blog for updates. I anticipate it being quite humorous!

Take care,


sunnida said...

Hi all,
I can't wait to see the NNBBSH
site...brilliant idea... and for
those of us who can't go, it
will be great to see you all in
Aaaand what your impressions
are of the MAN...aaaaaand
what you're wearing!!!

For the tech challenged..I wish I
could rent you my son...he did
everything on my site for me
which is why it's all bout OUR
trips together and less about
ah compromise..

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know Happy's name or email? Can we get her address and send her our heart thoughts?? I get the feeling she's not able to check the blog lately-- but if she does --- lots of us are with you, Happy!

Anonymous said...

For those who are following Cindy Sheehan's protest at W's ranch to get an answer about what her son died for in Iraq-- go to for vigils supporting "no more mothers losing their sons"......some of you know clickgirl's son returned safely, thank god.

Anonymous said...

OH my gawd, everyone is doing a little self-promoting---smart, industrious, innovative women we are---so hope I can chime in here --- my little Montessori reference guide can now be found on!!! It's called 30 Questions/ 30 Answers: A Montessori Reference Guide by (ba bing-my full name) Connie Redwine. I have an ISBN and Libary of Congress number and everything!! It is priced so that Montessori schools will hopefully buy it for their parents -- and since its only 44 pages. I have copies if you know anyone interested (Amazon takes a chunk).

I'm working with an illustrator on my children's book "A Story from Grandfather Tree" which came from a 4-day Vision Quest on Mt Shasta in CA(considered a sacred place by Native Americans.) It's a book I wrote over 10 years ago about taking care of the Earth. It should be in print in a couple months.

I have the olive skin and cheekbones, but an untraceable Native American heritage (family lore has it that Pocohontas was in our lineage). Regardless, I have a deep spiritual link to the calling that we are all brothers and sisters and connected to the natural world in an infinite web of life. For ten years I taught little ones the same honoring philosophy in a summer camp we called Earthwalkers Camp.

I'm loving the sharing place we are coming to -- outside of the original reason we came here.
..... Best to all, Connie

Anonymous said...

I borrowed this today from the 'net'. Anyone reading this will say, "Well, duh! Of course - that's how women stay strong!!"

"Girlfriends are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you.

A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have
to walk it by yourself, your girlfriends will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you. Or come in and carry you out."

Leslie: said...

happy Glad to hear from you. Hopefully, even though your Mom is conscious, she isn't in any pain. All you can do is be there for her now, talk to her about your wonderful times as mother/daughter and hold her hand. I read some things to my Mom that were significant to us both and she loved to just hear my voice. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family.

Re RR's fitness, paunch, etc. Yes, we all have our "deficits" (rolls, wavy upper arms, etc.) but I think he looks pretty darn good for 64! And the fact that he's not perfect may be in our favour. After all, he's looking for someone probably 50+ so he can't expect a 25-year-old body or fitness level.

dancinggirl Omigosh! I can't believe you're writing children's books! That has always been a dream of mine - I have scads of rough drafts and even wrote one for a Children's Lit course I took years ago. We'll have great things to share when we meet!

splashing waters I've read that before and love it. Thanks for sharing it here.

Anonymous said...

Well, as several others have said, I am more a reader of the blogs than a writer. But on occasion I have put my two cents' worth on the SB blog.

Since I have read so much of the blogs - SB, Desertflowers' & Click Girl's, I already feel like I am part of this sisterhood,even though I know way more about you than you know about me. However, I am sure that can be corrected!

I was fascinated by the offer put out there by RR in April and decided to go for it. Not really expecting to be picked but to be able to say I stepped out of my comfort zone and went for it. Also, to be able to say I actually followed through on it and sent in the info [I am more a starter than a finisher]. I have a rough draft of the video and of a bio. I have bought a notebook to put it all in and will be getting my picture back from the Walmart Studio by 8/31, so I am planning to have the rest of it together by then and send it off.

As others, I am on the fence about going to MB. (I am in Houston, Texas.) But the more I hear you all talk, the more interesting it becomes. I need to go check air fares, etc.

Brenda: About the bracelet idea - I think it sounds great. I do not know if it could be done in time, but having "NNBBSH" on it would be fun. People would have to ask what it stood for. Purple goes along with the Red Hat Society, which could be good or confusing.....

Also, if it did not take very long to get the bracelets, we could each send you a contribution with an enclosed stamped self-addresses envelope. If we got them in time we could wear them to MB and be able to identify other NNBSH members and/or ladies who blog. Or they could be over-nighted to MB and everyone could know the one person to contact about getting a bracelet. [Code word optional??] Just some thoughts.

I'll be reading more soon; adding comments when appropriate.

Mary Olive D.

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Connie (Dancingirl)!
As you mentioned – my son Chris returned home safely from Iraq. I had written something a while back that I was going to post - about his time over there – because you and Happy had written very kind comments. But it seemed like such a long post … so I never put it on. But my heart really goes out to Cindy Sheehan. I really can’t even imagine what she is feeling. When my son was gone, I lived with the fear of that happening - every - single - day … and it was really horrible. Really beyond description. And my son lost two from his group – one of them, a very close friend – Jeffrey Wershow. I write occasionally to his mother, Annie, from time to time … because I want her to know that I haven’t forgotten her son … and what he gave up for the freedom that I pray the Iraqi people will one day have.

Today, I read that Cindy Sheehan left her vigil (though others will continue it for her) … to be at her mothers side. Her mother had a stroke – and was in the hospital. I couldn’t help ‘feeling’ for her … that she has lost her son … lost her marriage … and now she will be helping her mother recover from this stroke. What a lot she has on her shoulders. My heart just goes out to her. (By the way - I am signed up on!

Thanks also for sharing about your book and what you are doing. It sounds so wonderful. I will have to get that for all of ‘the little ones’ in my life (and me too!). I’m not surprised that such a wonderful gift would come from an experience at Mt. Shasta. What an incredible place! My whole family went there, with my brother and his wife, when he graduated from Cal State at Chico. It was such a special time for all of us. My brother was in a swimming accident when he was 28 – and was paralyzed. He was a Quad-C … and was give five years to live. He lived thirty! And he did so much more than doctors gave him hope for. He used to go with his wife – to meditate on Mt. Shasta. It gave him much joy … and he was a great inspiration to many of the people who knew him in Chico. When he died, a few years ago, he was working on his Masters degree – and was teaching classes and had a website to help people with disabilities – to share resources and help guide them in dealing with what they were going through. At any rate, Mt. Shasta has always held a special place in my heart … because of our time there. It was the last time I saw my brother. His loving wife (who had been his nurse – talk about ‘true love stories’ … and ‘soul mates’) … she died four months later.

So glad to hear from you … and to hear an update on your mother. Know that we are with you!

Thanks much!!! Great words. Very appropriate.

Mary Olive (Mod317):
Great idea about NNBBS! I agree – the purple might be confused with the Red Hat Society. Anyone else have any thoughts on that? Or any other color preference? They even have multi-colored … and some that are a little ‘sparkly’ – but not tacky sparkly. : ) I have links to a bunch of the sites … so will go there (when I finish catching up on the Blogs) … and see how much … how long, etc. I bet it is ‘doable’. I’ll try to post an update later tonight. Thanks for the suggestions … and for your posts! : )

Warm regards to all of you! Thanks for being here today.


ClickGirl said...

My last Blog felt a little serious and sad ... because of the subject matter. And I have to admit ... I shed a few tears thinking of my brother, Howard. But I couldn't resist (and Howard would appreciate this ... because he had such a wonderful sense of humor) ... so ... 'for Howard':

Straight from the SB Blog (hope I don't offend anyone):
Powerful words from Nelson Mandela. Strikes me that these in particular apply to our very own richard....

"We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us. It's in everyone, and, as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberate others."

... don't you think with all that he has done by letting his "light shine" he has helped to liberate us?

Hmmmmmmmm - 'light shine' ... 'liberate us'? He definately has opened a door for all of us to meet ... and I am grateful to him for that ... or to Oprah ... because that is where I first heard about RR. But 'light shine' ... 'liberate'. : ) Hmmmmmm ... I think I was 'liberated' back during the bra burning days. Ha Ha

Sorry ... couldn't resist!


ClickGirl said...

Zoe Okay - I know this may sound 'sad' - but I am jealous! I wish I could do that kind of stuff! I don't have the patience for it ... so greatly admire people who can install flooring, put down tile, paint ... and all of that 'cool' stuff. I'm impressed! : )

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Zoe: The Red Hat Society has its base in the poem you quoted. It is for "older" women. They wear red hats and purple clothing, if they want, and do fun things together. In our area you can get all kinds of items associated with them - pins, hats, purses, etc. And I am sure there is a web site about them.

Mary Olive D.

ClickGirl said...

(Not the 'I'm only going to say this one time' kind) : )


You are still welcome to post here - if you want to communicate with me. I’ll still be around! : )

Warm regards,


ClickGirl said...

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your comments. It's after midnight - so I won't respond to everything tonight ... but will post more tomorrow night - or Sat. morning (going to a movie and dinner tomorrow night - with a friend). But ... just wanted to say - of course, Suzan - you are welcome here! Always! I know that we will go on long after RR has found his traveling partner! So ... welcome! So glad you found us!!

And Suzanne - yes - I have known of many people who died soon after their loved one - especially couples who have been married many years. My parents have been married over 60 years - and my sisters and I worry that when one of them goes - the other will go very soon after. My mother has already made statements that they will 'go together'. They have been together since my mother was 16 and my father was 18. I imagine that it would be almost impossible for them to live life without the other. They are in their mid-80's.

And my brother - sadly, his wife died of cancer. She had gone to Texas for experimental treatment - and he died in the night, while she was gone. She came home ... and went downhill very rapidly. Her daughters took their ashes - and threw them off Fisherman's Wharf in San Fran. Their favorite spot. In a way - her passing was a blessing ... and she was glad that he went first - because life without her care would have been rough for Howard.

Not to dwell ... but right after they died, I also lost my former mother-in-law ... who I loved dearly. I had know her since I was 16 (all of us teenagers called her 'Other Mother' - because she was that to all of us). I had just helped her make her famous 'whipped potatoes' at our family Thanksgiving Dinner ... and we were very close. I called her on Mother's Day ... and she died a few weeks later. And right after that - a man who had been like a grandfather to my boys passed away as well. Four people in five months. It was a very sad time in my life ... but I tried to take all that I had learned and gained from each of these amazing people ... and just live life to the fullest ... for them.

And - honestly - I was going into my junior year of high school when my brother had his accident. The courage and strength that he showed ... and the way he changed and lived his life ... just so changed my life. He was so amazing. Everything they said he would never do (except walk) - he did. He found ways. He just was such an inspiration ... and through my whole life - every thing that happened to me - I thought was not even close to what my brother had to live with.

It helped me to keep things in perspective ... and I learned that we can survive more than we can imagine - if we keep a positive attitude and try to find the good and the humor in every situation. And that phrase, 'what doesn't kill you will make you stronger' has almost become my mantra.

Anyway ... didn't mean to go on so long. I have had a lot of things happen in my life (almost like in sets or pairs ... through the years). But I have been fortunate to have a very strong and loving family ... and a faith that has sustained me through it all. And ... as much as I have been through ... I can look around and find ten people who have it much worse than me. So ... I actually feel very blessed. I have known great love. : )

Oh ... it's 1 a.m. here ... and I am tired ... and rambling. : ) Sorry to go on and on ... but thank you for letting me share a part of 'my story'.

Take care all ... I'll touch base tomorrow night.

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

I have already checked flights and no matter the time all of Continental's, round trip from Houston, are $247.00.

OK, so now I am looking for a roommate -- any ideas on that?

I like your suggestion of bringing my "package"; I'll do it so everyone can have a good laugh!

Click Girl:
I like the idea of a multi-colored bracelet - would show our diversity and many wonderful auras!

Time to go exercise then go to work. I'll check in later.

Mary Olive D.

Anonymous said...


Re: the multi-colored bracelet -- they would also match everything/whatever each of us are wearing! I know how fashion conscious we all are! :)

Mary Olive D.

linda in Tucson said...

Brenda, I have read your stories a couple time this morning, and it gave me chills! Wow, what an inspiration you are. I live with my mom (my best friend). Although I nearly died from alcoholism 2 years ago, I am now perfectly healthy and so is she. We spend hours chatting and having coffee in the morning and think our biggest problem is whether we are going to have a good hair day.
Stories like yours bring me back to the reality of what is really important in life.

Anonymous said...


Connie, I taught a 3 weeks summer camp in French at a Montessori school. That was really cool. I loved it. I gave all the kids a French and we covered France and Canada.

Linda in Tucson, Are you familiar with Cottonwood in Tucson. A friend of mine used to work there. He has a private practice now and works at Miraval as well? Have you also heard of the man Name? blank!blank! wrote wrote the book "It's not about the horse?" He does some emotional work with the horses at Miraval? I would love to meet him. But Miraval? $$$$$$$$ maybe I should write O and tell her that is my wildest dream, eh!eh!

I can relate to your stories. My nephew (38) was in a scooter accident last year and is paralyzed from the neck down. He breathes on his own but has to wear a belt to support his rib cage. He is still in the stage where he does not want to live. He will be leaving the rehab center next month. I am his godmother and it's very hard as he is in France.

Alcohol, depression, anger and gun are a deadly combination, my daughter high school boyfriend, a week short of his 24th birthday, was shot and killed by a single bullet by someone very close to him. they loved each other and were like two peas in a pod. Both straight A students. I was already involved in spiritual work and was able to find out why it happened (a karma story). It eased the pain a little. In a split second two brothers were lost. one in jail and the other dead. the same week one of their brother in law died too, a heart attack. 2 songs were playing at the time "You are not alone" by Michael Jackon and Boys II Men "It's so hard to say goodbye". I listened to those over an over again. He was like a son to me. long story. When I received the phone call ice run through my body. I never felt like that before and never since.

but as you said. What does not kill you make you stonger but right now I am strong, thank you very much, let's do a little bit of growing with ease and grace!!!

Anonymous said...

Brenda and all -- thanks for sharing your stories. We all are humbled in the face of these life challenges...and look at these smiles than we open to see on this blog! Amazing women every one...

Best to all,

linda in Tucson said...

Hi girls,
I posted this news flash on the other blogs but here goes:
I published a starter version of so check it out.
Not much there for now but I did have fun putting my own RR video on there (hope no one minds!)

ClickGirl said...

Hi CJ! You are so funny. I don't think we would ever get tired of seeing your face! : ) Just do like me ... and write one Blog so long ... that it takes three pages to scroll through (ha ha). I worry about doing that - when I do that. : )

Thanks for the input on the Bracelets. I also liked the idea of doing white bracelets - with the blue text - NNBBS. Someone (one of the new gals - maybe Leigh ??) suggested that - and it would prompt people to ask about it.

I also think donating to cancer would be good - though, of course, I feel it would be unfair for me to push that view. : ) So ... will be interesting to see what people think.

I just tried to check out RR's Blog - and couldn't access it. So will try again after checking Desert Flowers. I am getting a late start - because my older sister and I were talking - for several hours. She had just come back from a big conference ... and was teaching painting classes - and needed to share about 'everything'. So ... we had a good 'sister chat'.

I actually came home early - because I was so tired and sleepy - and here I am - up still at 11 p.m. EST! : ) Better get going for now. Will touch base later.

Warm regards,
