Monday, August 22, 2005


We are all Blogging over here this week (The NNBB Sisterhood - and welcomed guests) ... as many of our Blogger friends are traveling to Manhattan Beach to meet The __ - Mr. __ !

Our Sisters will be keeping us updated and posting pictues on the NNBBS Website (see below) ... and we are all so excited that so many are making the trip! Here is the latest list of those making the trek to MB:

1. Auburnmichelle aka Michelle
2. Coach aka Sharon
3. CjinSoCal aka Carol
4. Willemina
5. DancingGirl aka Connie in GA
6. Desertflowers aka Suzanne
7. Forest Hills aka Suzan
8. Ladejag aka Ann
9. Laurie in Texas
10. LindainTucson aka Linda
11.Leslie aka Leslie
12.Mod 317 aka Mary Olive
13.Mary R aka Mary Rose
14.Nancy S
15.Nancy F
17.Redtbird aka Leigh
19. ?? - Rich Old Geezer (if his Lawyers let him

... and, of course ... Richard aka The Senior Bachelor
... Joe, the terrific organizer ... and The Richard Rangers! : )


The NNBB Sisterhood
GO RED ...
because we are ...
"Women with Heart"

Go Red — for your heart, your health, your life.

The Go Red For Women
movement will raise awareness that heart disease is women's No. 1 killer. Red is a symbol for women and heart disease. But red is more than a color; it's the power of womenlike us — investing in their heart health.Cardiovascular disease is mostly preventable … but more research needs to be done on heart disease in women. And we could make a difference.

Your generous gift will have a Global Reach –
donations will be going to:
The American Heart Association
and World Heart Federation

Donations are $5. To order your Heart Bracelet ...
and for further information ... please send an Email to Brenda at:
Please supply your mailing address - and a Bracelet will be sent out to you.

For more info on the NNBB Sisterhood,
please go to our website at:

Something to Remember:
World Heart Day – Sunday September 25th

Thank you for your support!


Anonymous said...

Either one is fine with me; just so we all have something similar.

Mary Olive in Houston

sunnida said...

I like the rose one too,
and I'll go over to Suzanne's
site to vote...
You're so creative and such
a go-getter...I'm amazed that
all of this is happening...
bracelets...videos of MB...
I want all of you to have the
best time...I'll be there with you
in spirit!!!!!

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Suzanne and Sunni. I actually like the heart too (that's why I thought I'd throw it up ... and see if people liked that better - since there was concern about the blue/red look of Celebrate). I thought the heart one was a subtle tie to the Romance deal! : ) My favorite was a blue (I call it Senior Bachelor Blue) text on White Bracelet - with NNBBS or NNBB Sisterhood. But that would take 6-8 weeks for delivery. I'm going to mention about it though - because maybe it would be worth waiting - to have something customized - that no one else would have. Anyway ... more on that at Desert Flowers Blog! ;)

Thanks Sunni! I love this 'stuff'! : ) Sorry you can't go to MB ... I can't go either. I hope I can make Chicago ... but don't know if that is even possible. RR did mention a possible visit to Atlanta - which is closest to me ... and 2 hours south of my parents (a huge, huge incentive for going to Atlanta for me). Anyway ... we will all have fun ... waiting for updates and discussing all of the info from the NNBBS gals who go to MB. But ... it will be hard not being there! : )



linda in Tucson said...

I vote for the red hearts. Thanks for all your work!!

Anonymous said...

I like the rose colored with hearts. Thanks for all of your great work. Hope to see you in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

The rose hearts get my vote with the Celebrate message. Any good cause -- and since you're doing the work, Brenda, I think you should choose -- a woman's health issue would be appropriate IMHO.

Best to all

ClickGirl said...

BRACELET UPDATE: (Posted on Desert Flowers Blog also)

By an overwhelming majority … the NNBBS chose the red & white swirl bracelet – with the hearts on it - for our ‘official’ fundraising bracelet (you can see a pic on my Blog). I am pretty sure that we can have them in time for MB … and I will call tomorrow to confirm that.

Regarding who the donations will go to … I have a couple of thoughts. Though several people mentioned Alzheimer’s … and though I think that is a worthy cause … I was thinking of marketing … and being able to bring in more money – for whatever cause we end up supporting. As we have chosen a red bracelet – I looked up what the different colors represent – and Red is for: Lymphoma, AIDS and Heart Disease. (Alzheimer’s is Purple)

That got me thinking … and I decided to do a little research about Heart Disease … and was surprised to learn that Cardiovascular disease claims more women's lives than the next six causes of death combined — about 500,000 women's lives a year. Public Enemy No. 1 for women: Heart Disease and Stroke. One in 2.5 women will die of heart disease or stroke, compared with one in 30 from breast cancer. About 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 have Alzheimer's. Not to minimize the devastating affects of Alzheimer’s (my beloved Father-in-Law had Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s – and I know that others have been affected by it personally as well) – but it just struck me that if we could tie in the red bracelet with Heart Disease … maybe our dollars would go farther.

At any rate, ironically, there is also a promotion going on called:

Go Red — for your heart, your health, your life.

The Go Red For Women movement will raise awareness that heart disease is women's No. 1 killer. Red is a symbol for women and heart disease. But red is more than a color; it's the power of women — like us — investing in their heart health.

Cardiovascular disease is mostly preventable … but more research needs to be done on heart disease in women. And we could make a difference.

I was thinking that we could promote it with something like:

The NNBB Sisterhood Go Red
Because we are …“Women with Heart”

In addition, there is even a ‘Heart to Heart' E-Card Greeting that we could send out to people.

(I haven’t tried these yet – but it sounded cool):

Now, my research has been through American Heart Association … but our donations could go to Canada as well … since we have so many Canadian Sisters … or anyone else represented.

I don’t want to be pushing something that nobody wants … so please be honest – and let me know what your preference would be. It just seemed like a natural tie with the red bracelet … and the heart … and our hearts. : ) And after being in fundraising … and doing so many fundraisers … I just always look for ways to extend the reach of the money that is generously donated.

Let me know what you think!!

Heart-feltly yours,


Anonymous said...

I agree with the heart donation and the slogan is perfect for the cause.

Anonymous said...

Brenda-- check your hotmail email -- I am willing to sell the bracelets at MB if you want me to. Send them my way -- info in the email.

A million thanks for helping us show our "hearts",

ClickGirl said...

Thanks everyone! I think we have 'a winner'! I called today - and the company has plenty of the heart bracelets - and will send them out tomorrow. (Connie - I left a message for you on your Email).

Hi Klew. So sorry to hear about your husband ... but glad to know we are choosing a cause that will touch your heart - quite literally. : )

Carol - yes - of course you can get a bracelet. They are for all of us ... whether we are going to MB, Chicago ... and whether or not we have sent in vids. Anyone can participate. Hopefully, we will sell so many that they will be seen all over - like the Live Strong bracelets. Wouldn't that be great?!!

Also - thanks for your sweet comment. That pic was taken this past Christmas ... and I was with my son and his, now, fiance. My ex was taking the pic - and I told him to try to make sure he didn't show my 'waddle' (remember that term - from Ally McBeal?). I told him he always took bad pics of me ... and that I would appreciate a better pic. We were all laughing ... and 'it worked'. : ) I hate having my pic taken - and don't think I am very photogenic.

I'm heading over to Desert Flowers Blog - which is 'where the action is' this week! Join us over there! : )

Warm regards,


Leslie: said...

Brenda I just wanted to put my $3 Cdn in here and say what an awesome job you have done! You have such VISION and a HEART for others. I will be bringing some bracelets home for others. Really hope to meet you some day soon.

My prayers are with you and your family as you all get through this latest hurricane.

sunnida said...

Thanks Brenda,
You came by my site!! The art
is old, but at least it gives
people an idea who I
a nony mous here!!!

I'd like to buy a bunch of the
bracelets...will they be sold on the
NNBBSH site? $3 sounds like a fair
price...and I wouldn't worry about
stepping on RR's toes...this seems
pretty distant from him.

Can't tell you how great a job you're
doing...such a natural born organizer!!!
I bet you're really good at what you do.

Why would you want too chuck such a
great job to travel with RR?

Anonymous said...

Brenda-- I printed off the GO RED for women graphic and will create a flyer to take to MB for bracelets sales. This is not my expertise and I don't have fancy software but I will create something for now! I'll send it along for you to take a look when its done--So many thanks to you....

ClickGirl said...

Thanks everyone!

Suzanne - that is great to promote on your site - and your daughters. I think the more places we can promote - the better. And - I'll send the info to Linda - and see if she can put it on the site. I haven't quite finished it - because I wanted to wait for input regarding donation amount and confirm it's okay to go with World Heart Day Org. (don't like to just assume on these kinds of things). We should have enough input today for me to plug that in tonight. And then I'll send everything to Linda.

Connie - Sounds good! Sorry I didn't get back to you about that. Will send you an Email!

Sunni - Yep - I made it over there to your site. : ) And loved your work. And - I have a great career - but really want to go into Documentary work. I was initially interested in RR because of his plea ... and because I thought we had in common - our interest in documenting life. When he was offering 6 months - I didn't even consider it ... but when he changed it to 1 month ... that was doable. I could just take a month leave of absence. And - who knows what might come from it. And - SB would be a chance to travel ... which I love!

Also - if you go to the link on my site for DreamKeepers Media - you will see the site that I designed and a video demo that my friends and I created. I spent over a year helping them promote DKM - with the intention of going full-time with them ... once we got funding for our first big documentary. Unfortunately, w/o me being full-time, the two guys just couldn't do it alone. And I couldn't keep working 'two jobs' - my own ... and marketing them. So - I had to give that up ... because I felt I wasn't being fair to the company that I worked for. It was sad though - because we have a letter of intent from PBS - to air our work - provided we get the funding. They were very interested in several of our projects (Dennis Banks; a project in Peru; and one about 'Jewish Cowboys'). But - we were not able to get the funding needed. I felt sure that if we got the funding for one - and I could go full-time ... I could make the rest happen. But ... that didn't happen. I still look for every opportunity though ... and haven't give up totally. Anyway - that's 'my story'. : )

Later ...


sunnida said...

I watched the DKM video and
....major truly
are amazingly talented...I'm
very impressed!!!!

My best girl friend would love
to be doing what you do...she's
just trying to break into the field.

And I know Roger might
have seen his documentaries...he's done
so many..".Road Scholar" made it nationally,
but more recently, "Aging Out". It has a way
more relevant a topic...He's lucky that
he has the connections with PBS to
do any project he wants .

So many talented women on this sight,
I'm so lucky to have found you
inspiring...makes me want to get back
into my painting...which I dropped to
homeschool my teen.

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Sunni. And I agree. Finding this group of women is a real inspiration. I had put the documentary dream aside for the past year (after a year of intense dedication - working after regular work hours and weekends) to try to make it happen. Being here - and seeing all of the great talent and creativity - has just brought something out in me to not let that dream die.

I think you should definitely start painting again! I loved the way you had sort of hidden images - and that you almost had to look beyond what you first saw. I love stuff like that.

I used to be involved with an Artist (many moons ago). If you go to the Click Girls Photo Link - I have a Link about him - Ron Pieniak. The pics on that link are some of his more 'funky' stuff (girls with weird boobs and stuff)- but he also had a phase where he did very cool abstracts with sort of leaf images ... and just very neat colors and images (I wish there were some of those images on the web). I have a beautiful painting that he did for me - with a heart with wings - floating over a beautiful mountain range - and a full moon in the background. In the right lighting - there is an eye in the center of the heart. It's beautiful - and has much meaning for me. It was sort of 'the wings of love' deal, I guess.

Anyway - it has been fun to watch Ron's career - and he is now selling his work for $3,000 and up ... and is in a local gallery here in Tampa - and also in a gallery in South Beach - in Miami. I am so happy for him - and proud of him.

Well ... I'm off to work on the Bracelets. Will be back later - with updates ... : )

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda

If that day is World Heart Day I'm just wondering if all the Heart Foundations link up and if so maybe I could do something with the bracelets on this side on the pond? If you know anything about this maybe you would let me know and I'll also check it myself when I feel better. At the moment it would go straight over my head and into the ether :)

BTW you, as usual, are doing a fantastic job with the bracelets amongst other things.


ClickGirl said...

Thanks Phyl! I've been following the Anon posts on SB - but haven't had time to do a post. But how funny. They still don't 'get it' - that they can stay Anonymous on their heading - but just end with an initial or -something- so that we can tell the difference between one Anon and another. And - I've always felt that if you have something to say that you want heard - you should be willing to identify yourself in some way. Anyway - too crazy. : )

Here is the links that I found:

World Heart Federation:

World Heart Day Info:

The American Heart Association is an affiliate - and the WH Fed is associated with 100 countries - so we are covered for the Global deal. I was pleased that they were tied - so that we could be more inclusive.

Also - Connie wrote to Joe@SB about us doing this - and he was hugely supportive ... and had lots of great ideas to help us. Joe is helping us set up a table - and thinks we should ask for $5 - and he is going to put info in the packets (that Connie is putting together) that everyone will receive - and also will put it on posters. Isn't that cool? So ... I am excited. I think it has the potential to raise a lot of money - for a very good cause!

I am sending 400 bracelets out to MB for Connie and CJ to distribute for donations ... and I saved enough to send out to the ones who are not going to make it to the events ... and will try to do that this coming week. So - if you want me to send some to you - just let me know. We are going to set up a PayPal account too - probably right after MB. I was telling Connie that this is all happening so fast - that I kind of have a little more sympathy towards Richard now - and how overwhelmed he was in the beginning. And this is nothing like what he is handling. :

Now - I better get going - because I have to finish getting the little tags ready - for the bracelets. : )

Take care,


ClickGirl said...

Hi Happy! Good to hear from you. You have been so in my thoughts! Hope you are hanging in there!

Love the flip-flop story. I had heard about it - but not really exactly what it was about. That is the kind of stuff I want to be doing. We have so many great potentials ... and great team ... just no $$'s. But ... being on here - and 'talking' about it has inspired me to continue pursuing it more strongly now. Unless you win the lottery (ha ha)! : )

Thanks for posting ... and don't forget that we are thinking about you ... and praying for strength for you.

Warm regards,


Belizegial said...

Hey Brenda,

I have been led to two new blog sites by you today. What a wonderful, bright spirit you are Brenda. All your hard work with the bracelets and linking us into each others sites is remarkable.

I would like to have a bracelet as well, so let me know how this can be done.

Have a blessed Sunday.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Belizegial!
Good to see you on here! And glad you posted over at Paul and Sandy's too. They both seemed like 'good folks'. : )

If you just click on my name - and then go to my Email - send me your address - and I will send the bracelet. And I'll send you my address to send the donation to.

Thanks much! Talk to you later!


ClickGirl said...

Hello Everyone!
Welcome back to my Blog. Will look forward to keeping up with what is happening at MB ... and to having the gang back over here for a spell. Next week - we'll go to Chi-Town's site. Maybe we can have a 'Blog of the Week Club'. : )

Happy Blogging!


linda in Tucson said...

thanks Brenda!
This is my last check more sleep. Suzanne and I will check in when we land in MB
See you soon!

ClickGirl said...

Travel Safely, Linda! Can hardly wait to hear reports back! : )

Have a great time!! : )


Nina said...

Hey ya Brenda, sorry to say Nina Leigh is not going on the trip, but I wish I were just to meet the great ladies! Can't wait to hear how things are going!!!

ClickGirl said...

Not sure how this is going to translate … and if you are not coming over from Desert Flowers Blog – none of this will make sense … but I’m just responding … and carrying on from that Blog:

I posted on the next to the last of Suzanne’s Blog (‘The Hills of Tuscany’ Blog) – to Dale … Carol … and Sandy … so check that out – if you are interested.

Cheryl – Thank you again – for your generous gift!! So very nice of you! I also still haven’t take time to choose one of your beautiful pieces – but really want one as well … so will touch base when you are back in town! Hope you have a good trip to Vancouver.

Hey CJ! Thanks for helping Connie with the bracelets. I sent 200 out today – to Connie’s attention – and will send out another 200 tomorrow. Joe – bless him (and everyone be sure to thank him as well) – has personally said he wants to make sure we get donations for all 400 of the bracelets … in addition to auctioning off items to raise money. This is one great guy!! There is lots of ‘behind the scenes’ that he worked on with Connie and me … and his support is going to help make this a huge fundraiser for us. We are so blessed!

Anyway – wish I could be there with you! But know they will be carefully cared for (not that much could damage them! If they could withstand the 91 degree weather here – and in my trunk – no telling how hot it really was – they could probably withstand almost anything!!) : ) Anyway … Thanks much!! Appreciate your help!

Happy – oh … so taking off your glasses!! That’s the secret to getting rid of cellulite! : ) I’m convinced that the reason that our eye sight goes as we age – is so that we look better – to ourselves … and to men (ha ha). Once, when going with my family to visit with my old Grandpa, he gave me a huge hug and said how beautiful I was … and he said that every time he saw me, I just got more and more beautiful. I was feeling pretty ‘special’ – until I overheard him tell someone else that he was ‘blind as a bat’ and could hardly see anything anymore. Couldn’t see two feet in front of him. I cracked up – but I still felt like I was beautiful to him … and that was all that mattered. : )

Klew – Thanks for a great post! Very good info!! You take care. Let us know when you return!

Suzan – you are too funny! Thanks for sharing all of ‘the funnies’ … and just for being back with us! On both Blogs! Good for you!!

Thanks Nina! I'll fix that!

That’s it for tonight. See you on the Blogs tomorrow … to Cheer our Sisters on!

Warm regards,


CathyinCarolina said...

Clickgirl & The Sisterhood!!!!

I am staying here on the BLOG with you-all, Chicago must hold something special for us; 'cause I was practically on the plane to MB and have backed out.

"I would have been in-there like swimwear", but my traveling companion could not make it, so we'll set our sights on Chi-Town.

God Speed to our Sisters!!!!

heiresschild said...

suzan, i copied this from desertflowers site because now we are over here. u are so funny. that joke was hilarious. i had a hard time pronouncing the words; i couldn't understand the accent either, but by the time i got to the end, i was really laughing. it's been a long day, and i needed a laugh before going to bed.

welcome clickgirl as our new blog hostess. i've had some good laughs in the last few minutes. u all are all so funny.

desertflowers, sorry, no can pardy right now. my schedule just won't permit. my daughter is having her 1st baby in november, so i will be traveling to california then for 3 weeks, plus her job is giving her a baby shower in october, so i plan on surprising her then for a few days.

but i will be in mb in spirit and thru the pictures u all take and post, and am looking forward to all comments upon your return. have a great time ALL.


Anonymous said...

Some of us have one more sleep, but if you are too excited to sleep or you still have packing, etc. to do, is it still called a sleep??? :):)

Connie: I will be wearing a lime green straw hat with a wide brim, it will have a red flower on the side and to TOP it off (pun intended) there will be a peacock feather (but alas not a white one!). I will look for you in the taxi area.

Celia: I saw your note on SB Blog, sorry to hear about your mother; hopefully she did not suffer much. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Hope everyone stays out of harm's way. I'll see the gang in MB on Thursday and keep the rest of you in my thoughts.

Mary Olive

linda in Tucson said...

no more sleeps for me!
I may be the first blogette on the road. Look out Suzanne I'm on my way to fetch you!
Will report later :)

Anonymous said...

Cj-- I've been responding to you on the blogs about bracelets, but maybe it gets lost in all the words flying around. ANYWAY -- yes, we will connect in MB. Bring change (5's) and something to keep money in-- I have the rest.

See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Brenda, Thanks for the warm welcome over on deserflowers' site.

I have to admit, following the goings on with the Sisterhood is fascinating and fun--addictive, actually.

Safe travels today for everyone in the air or on the road!

... and a comment copied from the tail end of desertflowers' last thread:

Forest Hills... How senior?... about 10 yrs younger than RR if I read things right... LOL... RE your 'tenjewberrymuds' post... I've HAD that conversation! LOL

Desertflowers... thanks for the welcome. I hope it still goes for someone who's definitely NOT a lady. LOL...

And to all you intrepid travelers... have fun in MB!

oh.... and, Phyl, Thanks for the, "Hi," and hi right back at you.

Canadian Bloggette said...

G'day to all Bloggette buddies who are NOT in MB!!
Well....just would like to say that I have decided definitively that I have serious ABANDONMENT ISSUES!!!!
It's ok....
I mean really.....
who wants to be in California, stayting at a luxurious resort, wining and dining with great friends, PJ parties, meeting the "big guy", swimming in the ocean, frolicking about in the sun,relaxing and being pampered at a spa.I mean REALLY who on earth would want to be there???
ME!!!!!!!!, that's who!!
So maybe, just maybe if we collectivley whine on Clickgirls site we will feel much better...ya think??
Back to work...have a great day...well at least TRY and have a great day!! You are not alone!
Love ya
Cheryl xox

sunnida said...

Hey all,

LET"S PARTY....Have a good
time while waiting for photos!!!
Brenda... you're a doll to take
over the blog...

Did anyone see the post on the
Swaziland King? 50,000 bare breasted
women dancing for him, to become his
10th wife?
That's 100,000 BOOBS!!!!!!!

Imagine, if we lived there!!!! and he was
our SB .....


Anonymous said...

Hello all - keep us posted on all the fun!!

Chi-town I sent you an email.

ClickGirl said...

Hey Suzan – so glad to see you here! I don’t know why you couldn’t view from work. Hope you got my Emails. Hope you have a safe journey … and wonderful time!! Enjoy!!!

Hi Jacqueline in Illinois – Welcome!

Heiress Child (Sylvia) – Thanks much. Glad to have ‘The Girls’ back on my Blog again.

Sunni (Deb) – 100,000 Boobs! That’s scary!! But funny! Thanks much!!

Dale from Tucson – Thanks! Glad you enjoyed our craziness! Of course, you know we weren’t expecting any guys to read all of this! : ) Hope you will stay with us … as we do like guys. A lot. : ) And … I think that age may just be perfect. (hee hee)

Hello Girlfriends Suzanne and Linda! I am so, so jealous … but a happy jealous! Love the first pic … and can’t wait for details!! Lots … and lots of details!!!

Hi Cathy –Glad you are here with us. Maybe I should start a list of those of us who are still here (ha ha).

Here is the ‘Wishing We Were There’ List:

1. Cathy in Carolina
2. Canadian Bloggette (Cheryl)
3. BDNC (Babette)
4. Chi-Town Girl
5. Heiress Child (Sylvia)
6. Sunni (Deb)
7. Sharing The Night (Wanda)
8. Celia (prayers are with you, Girl)
9. Phyl
10. Dr Oma
11. Vj (Senior Bachelorette aka Dreamweaver)
12. OnryNurse (Linda)
13. Myriam in VA
14. Happy
15. Jacqueline in Illinois
16. ClickGirl (Brenda)

‘Night All!


Canadian Bloggette said...

Bonsoir Brenda, Bloggettes, Bloggers

I can not find words to describe how vital this Blog site has been over these past few days. I know I am not alone when I say I can no longer watch the news, my heart is so heavy and my feelings of inadequacy and impotence are overwhelming.

Never imagined that I would be running to the computer for my "uplifting and inspirational moments" via the wonderful Bloggettes anecdotes and dialoguing

I am positive RR also never realised at the onset what a truly wonderful gift he has bestowed on us all at a time such as this. To be able to share with and receive support from so many like minded people is a deeply heartwarming experience which humbles me greatly. I hope Richard realises now and accepts thanks!

I also want to send heartfelt thanks to all of my new found Bloggette/Blogger friends for being who and what you are. If it were in my power I would beam us all up to MB to be enjoy, savour and taste the moment!

However.... as that is clearly NOT in my power....we will enjoy these moments vicariously via the Blog (RR's, Clickgirl's etc) and the NNBBSH site....and that is a great thing !!

Get down and jiggy for us homies all you NNBBSH Bloggettes in MB!! Rock on!! Yah!

Wishing you all and more in health, life and love
La Belle xox

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:26:33 PM

heiresschild said...

yeaaaaaaa, i made a list after all.

heiresschild said...

ok, everyone, here's a little late nite humor:

A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife
stayed home. He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed:

"Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife
merely stays at home. I want her to know what I go through, so pleaseallow her body to switch with mine for a day. Amen.

God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish. The next
morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman. He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awakened the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches,

Drove them to school, came home and picked up the dry cleaning, took it to the cleaners
And stopped at the bank to make a deposit, went grocery shopping,
Then drove home to put away the groceries,
Paid the bills and balanced the checkbook.

He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog.

Then it was already 1 P.M. and he hurried to make the beds, do the
laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor.

Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with
them on the way home.

Set out milk and cookies and got the kids organized to do their
Then set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the

At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for salad,
breaded the pork chops and snapped fresh beans for supper.

After supper, he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded
laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed.
At 9 P.M. he was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren't
finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he
managed to get through without complaint.

The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said, Lord, I don't know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all day. Please, oh please, let us trade back."

The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied, "My son, I feel you have
learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the
way they were. You'll just have to wait nine months, though. You got
pregnant last night."

Voted Women's Favorite Email of the Year


Nina said...

Suz and others, we are wanting to KNOW NOW who you are gonig to dinner with, would it the "the Man" himself?!!!!!

Clickgirl Brenda, I want on the list that wish I were there!! LOL!!
Maybe Chicago, who knows? I can't wait to get my bracelet!

Cheryl, my sister in Chicago thinks your jewelry is awesome but she is also talking about how wonderful your pictures are and she is going back again so she can look and take her time.

ALL our girlfriends in MB-let us know every little detail, please!!!

Canadian Bloggette said...

Wow!! Thanks Nina...sure made MY day!! Tell your sister to feel free to email me...there is a contact email on my Blog...would love to hear from both of you!!

BTW.... Bloggette Homies don't you think we should have given those wayward NNBBSH Bloggettes a curfew?? I just knew it!!!!...I should have been there to chaperone!! It is 9:30 pm and THEY are clearly NOT back from dinner with the Big Guy!!! Not good!! Just imagine what THEY are up to!! Tsk Tsk!!

Hey Brenda ya gotta put Nina on the list!!
nite all
cheryl xox

ClickGirl said...

Here is the ‘Wishing We Were There’ List -
updated just for Nina: : )

1. Cathy in Carolina
2. Canadian Bloggette (Cheryl)
3. BDNC (Babette)
4. Chi-Town Girl
5. Heiress Child (Sylvia)
6. Sunni (Deb)
7. Sharing The Night (Wanda)
8. Celia (prayers are with you, Girl)
9. Phyl
10. Dr Oma
11. Vj (Senior Bachelorette aka Dreamweaver)
12. OnryNurse (Linda)
13. Myriam in VA
14. Happy
15. Jacqueline in Illinois
16. Nina
17. ClickGirl (Brenda)

ClickGirl said...

Hey Cheryl - so right! I bet they are having a ball right now though! Can't you just picture it? : )

By the way - I meant to tell you - I am so glad to finally find out who had suggested the bracelets. I kept saying it wasn't my idea - but I couldn't remember who mentioned it ... and you know how that is. If you miss something on the Blog - and then have to go back and retrace the posts - it could take three years (ha ha). So I was so glad to know it was your great idea! Things just evolved after that ... and I think it is going to be a great way to raise funds ... and to do something good for others. And I love that we are able to be Global with it. So ... thanks so much!! See all of the cool things you started! (NNBB Sisterhood too)!

Well - I am off to bed. Have been working late ... and driving to another city every day this week to edit ... so better get a bit of rest. : )



ClickGirl said...

Hey Nina - Yes ... 'The' Man himself!! : ) Cool, isn't it!!

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey da best!!
I am hoping to do a necklace to auction for either the disaster relief or the Heart Foundation...will wait til after the dust settles post MB!!
sleep tight...sweet dreams!!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the ack... and the invitation to stay.

The "craziness" is infectious, and I wouldn't miss it for the world! LOL... Of course, knowing one of the Sisterhood makes it even more fun... Sleep well all.

Anonymous said...

Oops... I meant to enter the username--DalefromTucson--to the just previous comment... old age? late nights? LOL... sigh...

Nina said...

To all the Sisters in MB, LOVED the pictures!!! You all LOOK FABULOUS! Joe looks like such a great guy and Richard doesn't look too bad himself. Umberto is a hottie!! Know we are all with you in spirit and have a GREAT time! I'm sure Linda and Suz for sure will have some "stories" to tell!!
Leslie you look great with RR! LOL at Linda's wedding rehersal photo!
Sell those wonderful bracelets! CB congratulations to you as I didn't know who came up with this idea and now I do. Bless you! CJ bless you for promoting these at MB!

Canadian Bloggette said...

Good Morning y'all!!
Well it sure looks like a good time is being had by all...good on them...yah!!!
PS...For those who did not understand the Nanny Nanny Boo Boo thingy....this would be exactly when our MB NNBBSH would be putting their thumbs to their noses, waving their fingers in the air, swaying their hips and singing back at us "Homies" in unison:
Get it now???

Nina said...

Hi Happy,
If you keep scrolling down you will see the pictures. Try it again and see if it works. If you saw Suz in front of the mirror, keep scrolling down.
Forest Hills (aka Susan) have a safe flight and tons of fun!!

Nina said...

Brenda, maybe you can tell us who all the "sisters" are in the picture. I know some but not all their names. Like you don't have anything better to do! ha!

linda in Tucson said...

Hey girls! we're dashing to breakfast, but I did post more pics on NNBBSH. Of course now it looks like Joe has outdone me on RR's blog (I am such an amateur)
Suz and I are going to the beach later...."private"? meeting w/RR around 2, cocktail party tonite.
Gotta fit a nap in there somewhere

sunnida said...


I want to be there to cheer you
all on...............

Ditto on the names.......who is
the "sister" in the black and white
print blouse? And the one in the
green top? Are they on the blog?

You all look sooooo beautiful, love
seeing your clothes....and full length
shots of you all....and RR looks just
plain giddy with excitement. I don't
know how you're getting any sleep...
get those beauty zzzzzzzzz's girls...
there's a lot of competition heading
your way!

From HOME....cheering you all on!!!!


OK , aka Deb...that finally slipped out
in a tired moment....No offense to other
Debbies out there, but I have the hardest time
seeing myself as a 60 year old Debbie!!!!
So, it's Sunni for oldest pals still
call me DDay, from a 30-something identity

Anonymous said...

Brenda -
Please add me to the 'Wishing we were There' list! I feel so left out and am anxious to learn the definite Chicago dates.


Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone:

All feeling a bit flat???? Great pics though ....

Babette: Don't blame you being nervous .... it's the 'what if' factor isn't it? Ah you'll be great though. Glad you enjoyed the spa. Got your email ... very appropriate for me at this time also believe it or not :).

Take care pet.

You guys will all start blogging when I'm gone to bed as usual so I'll catch up tomorrow. Don't get too jealous now *LOL*.

Hey Brenda .... we know Dale is here (Hi Dale :) but wonder if the other strong silent types from SB blog have visited!!

Ciao .. Phyl

Nina said...

Suz and Linda behave yourselves, NOT!!! LOL!!! Sounds like a fun time! Think of all of us who are reading the posts. LOVE the new pics!!!!! Cheryl, the necklace is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Yes, saw the red bracelet on RR! I'm glad you gave us the number of women there as I was wondering how many showed up. Can't wait for pics of the cocktail party!

ClickGirl said...

Hey, hey Suzanne!! Thanks so much for keeping us updated! You are so very kind to take time away from your ‘fun’ – to think of us! You are amazing!! We are loving the pics … and the inside scoop!! Keep it coming (in between the fun, of course!!!)

Oh – And I was thinking Richard looked like …
a kid in a candy store? Hee hee hee
How fun!!! : )

Hi Babette … I’m with you …. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
But your Spa Day (or ‘Day ‘O’ Beauty – as I call it) … must have helped just a tiny bit! : )
I hope!

And … YES … Babette! Come to Chicago! That would be incredible!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that the dates will move back a week (which, at one point, Richard said was the most likely)! I can’t make it the first two dates (boo hoo). I want to do Chicago though! : )

Okay – so Easy Reader posted this link on SB: If only the Bloggettes would take Richard to this video cam – we could see them on vid! If they told us when they would be there …

CB/Cheryl– very cool! Good on you for your generosity!! And beautiful necklace that Suzanne is sporting! I have to get to your site again. I love the turquoise one – with the little fish (looks like Florida … and I just bought a bracelet that has – what looks like – a very similar stone). So …. will touch base with you soon via Email – probably over the weekend – when I have a few ‘me’ minutes. : )

Thank you CJ! Your comments mean so much to me! I will be thinking of you … on this difficult day. I hope being with the NNBBS – will help to bring some wonderful new memories – to share with the ones of your dear Mother – and make this day more special for you. Bless you.

Ah … Suzan – Such great words of wisdom! Thank you! Hope you have a safe and wonderful trip!

Nancy in Ohio – consider yourself added (very soon)! I had you on – then took you off – because there were two Nancy’s on the list to go … and I wasn’t sure if you were one of those Nancy’s! So – sorry! Don’t want you feeling left out! You are definitely part of the gang! And I agree - I'm anxious to know exact dates on Chicago. : )

Excellent Dale! We will look forward to getting to know you! And, trust me, we all know about that ‘old age’ thing. Ha ha And … it is fun – isn’t it?!!

Phyl – I know, I know! I asked if there were strong, silent types on the Blog – but no one responded … except Dale, of course (Thank You, Dale!). Maybe I was being too subtle. So … ANY GUYS ON OUR BLOG (besides Dale)? YOU WOULD BE CONSIDERED ‘THE STRONG, SILENT TYPE’! Just checking to see if anyone out there wants to chat with us! : )

Well Everyone … I’m off to set up the new Blog … can’t have Suzanne getting scrollitis!! Catch you in a few!

Warm regards,


ClickGirl said...

Hi Nina. I think I will defer to Suzanne to I.D. the gals in the pic. I'm sorry to say that I only can recognize Linda, Suzanne, Leslie and Zoe! Now that could be because of my eyesight! : ) Many Suz can help out ... in between the parties!! I may call and say 'hi' tonight!! : )

Later ... now off to do the new Blog!


P.S. Okay - now I feel 'challenged' I started looking closer at the pic - and I do think I recognize others ... but will have to study it further. Maybe we should have a 'test' - to see who can guess the most ... and correct order! : )

Canadian Bloggette said...

Popcorn222 and ChiTown and all affected.......
I am speechless....can not find words that begin to express how heavy my heart is at this moment for all the incredible pain being endured by so so many people.....I feel as though my heart is literally breaking
...and there is nothing I can do... but send love to you all...and let you know I think about you all with every single breath I take.

all all my love and more

la Belle xox

Thursday, September 01, 2005 6:04:26 PM