Monday, October 03, 2005

I'm Home!

this is an audio post - click to play


Anonymous said...

That was such a sweet welcome to your site. I am so glad you had a good time. My daughters party was a blast. And we have been recovering all weekend.
Have an awesome day.

dragonflyfilly said...

Brenda, on your dashboard you have your name, then at the bottom you have four BLOGS, all named differently, how do you do that? I have gone to help and i just can't find the right question to ask.

could you e-mail instruction on this for me when you have time? thanks,

Anonymous said...

Brenda, One of my few regrets of the great weekend was not getting to know you better. You are someone who is your own woman yet whom everyone, rightly, seems to like & respect.
I would be willing to do whatever I can to keep this going, i.e. help plan the P,J, party. I also suggested to RR that perhaps we could do a camp (not camping) get together since he talked about his experience & it would possibly be cheaper for the ladies.I'd help with that too.
Thanks to all the ladies who lent support & to those in Chi. who gave their marvelous energy. What RR has created, it's now our job to continue & build - making us all wining women. SInce I can't get on RR's blog, please post anywhere necessary so all will see my appreciation. All the best to all.

linda in Tucson said...

Brenda How sweet to hear your voice...that was fun! You win the prize for the best reporting!!

Leslie: said...

Brenda! That is WAY COOL! I'll have to check with metalxmonkey (daughter #2) to see if I can do an audio on my blog. It was great to actually hear your voice with a teeny American accent to my Canajun ears :) So glad you had a good time in Chicago and hopefully we will meet in person some day. Love and hugs.

sunnida said...

Brenda Loved the audio
Now we can put a lovely voice to
the new curly blond you!!!

And yes...I definitely heard a bit of the
south mixed in there!! Only we in the
west don't have accents!!! Just the pure
American dialect...although we do dangle
our participles!!!

willemina said...

I loved hearing your voice...great idea and thank you!

Funny thing about I don't think that I have one, but we've lived in so many places over the years and I've often been told that I have one. I think that I just pick up on whatever accent seems to be the most prevalent in the location we are living in at the time...does that make sense?

Ada, I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself in Chicago and that you had a place to lay your head at night. I sent you an e-mail with my tel #. I'd love to hear your impressions on Chicago.
I also know what you mean when you say that you wish you had gotten to know Brenda better. The days fly by and you're in a daze trying to figure everything out. I agree with you that Brenda has something special about her that we all seem to "feel". I truly hope that many of us will get to connect on a future cruise together. that would be a blast!

PS: Hello to the rest of you wonderful ladies also: Carol, PJ, Linda, Leslie, Val, we wait...and blog :)

Anonymous said...

Brenda-loved hearing your voice. I am adding my gratitude for getting us the Chi photos and stories. We know it was taking time out of your fun (and money,too, it seems --I'm sorry to hear). You are a dearheart and we are lucky to know you.
Hugs, Connie AKA dancingirl

Anonymous said...

Woops! I forgot to mention the audio - esp. with my daughter, Sherene, being an audio engineer at NPR. I'm even impressed with myself that I was able to hear you. Maybe we should have a conference with you techy girls running seminars for us dinosaurs.
Thanks again. Ada

P.S. Willy, left you a phone message.

Anonymous said...

Brenda, What is it with me or the blog ladies? Tried to e-mail NuttyMermaid off her blog & it came back to me???? Again if you would please send her my e-mail so I can get to her I would appreciate it. Her blog doesn't accept anons either. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Just read further on the blog & saw another e-mail address for her. Will try that. But now I want to reach dreamweaver & need her e-mail. How do I get that list again? I deleted it since I think Joe was going to publish the list we gave him. I guess I can't wait. I'm so charged after our get-together & want to connect with the ladies I didn't get to in Chi.dreamweaver doesn't give an e-mail address at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this is appropriate & don't wish to offend anayone but I thought this was a hoot & keeping up with the idea that we're old but not dead.

Three old ladies named Gertrude, Maude and Tilly were sitting on a park bench having a quiet conversation when a flasher approached from across the park. The flasher came up to the ladies, stood right in front of them and opened his trench coat.
Gertrude immediately had a stroke.
Then Maude also had a stroke.
But Tilly, Bless her heart, being older and more feeble, could not reach that far.

Nina said...

Brenda, THANKS you did a wonderful job. You are the greatest!!!! Hugs to you my girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
I don't think Brenda has an accent. I live in Florida too.
But like Willemina, I have lived all over. But you can still catch me on a few words. I was born and raised on the Jersey shore. But I also mimick the locals with the best of them. No offense meant.
When I first started working at Disney World; my job was doing entrance and exit surveys in the parks. ( I know, if you have ever been stopped.) I thank you.
A couple from Geogia was nice enough to stop. No Joke. He no more opened his mouth and out came a deep Georgia accent. And I mimicked him. For a good 5 minute survey. My friend almost peed her pants.
I couldn't not mimick him. Or I would have insulted him. Not a good Disney cast member trait.
Unfortunetly, my children can do the same. That is what happens when you live all over the country. And if you can catch any trace of an accent on my 3 children, please let me know where it came from.
Have an awesome night everyone.

ClickGirl said...

Hi PJ - will try to help tomorrow - to explain how I get the different Blogs! Can't 'think' well enough tonight (ha ha!

Ada - thanks much! I agree! There just wasn't enough time! So we definitely need to do it again!! : ) Also - I think the best way to contact Dreamweaver is to leave a message for her on the SB Blog - as I don't think she comes over here often. If she doesn't have her Email address on her Blog - that would be the best way to reach her.

Thanks Linda! When I took Journalism in school - I knew that one day it would come in handy (ha ha)!

Thanks Leslie!! Ditto! That was my big regret ... that you and Suzanne, Linda, CJ, Connie, Babette, Zoe, and all of our other Sisters were not there with us (forgive me for not naming everyone - I am starting to fade)! We definitely have to plan a time for all of us to meet! I just felt like it was only 'part of us' there. All of you were really missed!

Hey Connie, Willy, Sunni, Nina - thanks so much for your very kind comments. I am touched!

Hey Itchey Feet! Right - (and Suzan too)! 'Ted' is from Uni'TED'. I actually thought that was kind of clever - after I learned that. But not before I told my sons fiance that I would not feel safe flying on a plane named 'Ted'. Yikes! That was just a half hour before boarding - and fifteen minutes before I found out that my flight was on 'Ted'! It was also strange - because I never stop and talk to Pilots - but when I was waiting for people to move down the aisle, I just said to the Flight Attendants that I was wondering how our Pilots were - and if they had had their coffee - and were awake and in good spirits. They practically insisted that I go in and talk to them. And once I stuck my head in - they all kept saying, 'Go in, Go in' - so I actually was standing in the cockpit. Too funny! I've never done that before.

Actually - what kind of prompted me - because I was a bit nervous flying on a 'Ted' - was a story that my younger sis told me once. Patty and her husband were flying on a long flight - I think from Australia - and, while on their trip, they had spent time with some pilots who were telling 'horror stories' and about how they sometimes sleep during the flights.

So she was sitting there - and was a bit nervous thinking about whether the pilots on her flight were sleeping - and not paying attention. So she sent a message up to the pilots - that said something like, 'Hope you are awake and having a good day' ... signed 'Passenger in Seat 2A'. A couple of minutes later - the Pilot came on - and gave a weather update and told the altitude, etc. - and then closed by saying, 'And to the Passenger in Seat 2A, we are awake and having a great day'. True story (though I may not remember the exact details - that the gist of it - ha ha).

Hey Chi-Town and Carol and others who commented on my 'Accent' - interesting comments - ha ha. I don't think of myself as having an Accent - and definitely not 'Southern'! I grew up in Cosmopolitan Miami ... and Miami is definitely NOT 'The South'. When I lived in Atanta, GA, when I was in my early 20's - I actually did pick up a bit of an accent - but didn't even realize it, until people mentioned it to me. I eventually lost that and, through the years, many people have asked if I am from Pennsylvania - because of the way that I talk. I'm not sure why - but I have been asked that many, many times. I have a friend who now lives in London - and she definitely has picked up on terminology and has picked up a bit of an accent as well. So ... guess my 'accent' is a combination of where I have been in my life. : ) And I don't usually say 'ya'll' - just did that to be funny. : )

Well ... this gal is going to go to bed - before 1 a.m.!!! : )

See you tomorrow!



heiresschild said...

hi brenda, your creative technology never ceases to amaze me. thanks for sharing some wonderful pictures from chicago. you did a good job. your hair is so beautiful.


Leslie: said...

Hi again everyone Regarding accents - I seem to have a good ear for "accents" and I can usually tell if a person is from California, New Jersey, or the South. I am also aware of my own accent (Canajun) and Richard was even teasing me a bit about it. (EH?) Actually, the "eh?" is heard more back East than out West, just like you Americans have your own regional dialects or accents. I find it endearing and love listening to all sorts of speech patterns. I guess it all comes from my love of language (a French teacher who has also studied Spanish and Italian). So, there you have it - I just love hearing it all! Hugs to all of you, whether you're from Florida, Texas, Arizona, California, New York or anywhere in between.

Your new Canajun buddy

ClickGirl said...

If you want to hear my really 'tired' accent (ha ha) - go to my 'Click Girl's Photos' Blog - and listen to that message. I was in the airport - waiting for my flight - bored - and very, very tired. When I signed up for the audio stuff - I did a trial run - using my CG Photos Blog as a sample - in case there was a problem. When I was in the airport - I couldn't remember which code was which - so just did one of them - to see what would happen. So that message was actually my first. There are a lot of 'uhms' ... and I was so tired that I was talking somewhat 'haltingly' - which I now think is pretty funny. : ) Anyway - I don't think I have an accent. ha ha

So true, Leslie. I actually was raised spending a good amount of time, through the years, with my Dad's parents - and my Dad and his Dad were from Toronto, Ontario, Canada - and my grandmother was from Edinburgh, Scotland - and she had a very heavy brough ... which I loved. When she died, at 98, she still had that heavy accent! I'd like to think that I had a bit of her Scottish brough, tinted with a bit of my grandfathers Canadian voice ... filtered through with a splash of that Atlanta Southern Charm ... and mixed together with all of the other places that I have been to - and loved! : )

For those of you wanting to try to do your own audio, go to:
You just sign up, include your Blogger name and choose a four digit code. They give you a number to call - and it is very much like doing a voicemail message - and even allows you to re-record it. And ... it's Free! Have fun!!

Thanks Sylvia!!



Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda,
You deserve a good nights rest, and more, much more. All the praise and compliments are well deserved.

One can really notice a person's accent when talking on the phone with them. If moving to a different country after ~18 years old, the accent is never totally lost, and becomes more noticable when someone gets tired. This especially with another language.
That is why Opera singers surprised me, they can say anything without an accent. Guess they learn teriffic vocal control.

Gute Nacht you'all
ps:my attempt at a Southern drawl

Anonymous said...

Brenda, Knew that TED was the last 3 letters of UniTED. Think of it as your "personal" airline. The titans, PanAM, Eastern, TWA have fallen & SWA, which started small is a great airline.

ANYONE: I can't get on the SB blog so if someone has a way to contact Dreamweaver (her blog does not have an e-mail address etc.) please ask her to post her e-mail or give her mine:
Many Thanks

ClickGirl said...

Richard's newest movie trailer!

We all thought Richard was going to be on Oprah again ... but he has just made 'the big time' in the motion picture industry! To see Richard's latest project ... copy and paste this link into your browser (make sure to remove any spaces - or it won't work):

I honestly don't know how he had time to do this ... while he was trying to review 2,000 video tapes!! This just proves that he has an amazing amount of energy! What a guy!!



sunnida said...

Loved the Movie Trailer!!!

And the Seurat painting!!!
Did you see the play 'Sunday in the
Park with George' ? I think Bernadette
Peters was in the Broadway version.
You should see it's all about this
painting and his life!!!

heiresschild said...

hi brenda,
your chicago story parts I, II, and III were so well written and informative. it's always good to hear other people's viewpoints, especially when they can give that viewpoint based on their personal experience. i am glad u got to attend the chicago sb meet because u represent the original blogettes (if i might say that), who've been with the sb journey from the start. i value your viewpoint and appreciate that u were so willing and open to share with us that weren't able to attend.


ClickGirl said...

Hi Ada, I'll post a message for Dreamweaver for you - on SB.

Sunni - thanks! And no - I never saw that play ... but it sounds great. I always called that painting 'Sunday afternoon in the Park' - for years! I must have just made that up - because it was easier than remembering the real name (ha ha). It was so strange when we saw it - because Jackie sat down on a little bench, in front of the painting ... and I was in the back of the room. When I came back up to sit down - there were six Secret Service men and 2 AI people who were blocking off the area in front of the painting. There was a man giving a personal tour to this small group of Asian folks - and I asked who they were - and was told that it was a Prince and Princess (from 'somewhere'). Wish I knew where they were from. It was neat to be present for their personal tour though. : ) But the Secret Service guy would not let me sit on the bench - until the tour was over.

Thanks Sylvia!!



willemina said...

Happy Birthday Leslie!!!

Hello Sylvia!

It's so nice to see you blogging again. I know that you're in California and was wondering how your precious grandaughter is doing? And your daughter Karrene and brother Kevin...?

I have been having the most fun with the
"Wedding Crashers" trailer you sent...
I've done one of my son and his wife in Denver and sent it to them and then I did one of my two sons and sent it to them both. Wait til they see it! They are going to think mom is so cool! Again, I had tears streaming down my face watching them...This is so much fun!
Now I want to play around with the voice recorder...someday...

I'm a little behind in reading the blogs...

Hello to all of the "Pioneer Bloggettes" and also to the new bloggers out there. Isn't this so much fun? I don't want it to end...are we going to keep it going and cheer for Richard and his 12 ladies and eventually 6 ladies? I hope so!!!

I have twelve ladies in mind and wonder if Richard will chose any of them? Of course I realize there are so many more than the ladies here who many very smart, beautiful, talented, charismatic, funny, witty, loving women out there who are eager to get to know Richard Roe better and maybe find love in the process. At the very least, I hope that Richard finds some very compatible travel partners and that they find joy in each others company...

And I guess that's all I've got to say about that..."Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get".

heiresschild said...

hi willemina,
i posted on your site. thanks.


Belizegial said...

Good morning Brenda,

Due to my slow dial up your pics came up slowly, but worth the wait!!!

I was on the blogs last weekend during the Chicago event and was able to read your report part one. Just had a chance today to read the subsequent second and third postings you did. As I had mentioned before, your insight and eye account info is so helpful to those who could not be there. Thanks ever so much!!

I have my own conjectures on the lucky 12 list and will see if it matches up with the reality when Richard post the names during next week.

Have a great day Brenda and see ya later.

droma said...

Hi Brenda and Blogette ladies,
I must have really upset Joe with my 2 posts 10/7, he not only deleted those, but every one I posted as droma on >5 last blogs.

Did any of you read it? I was trying to make a little fun at RR, that now he has time to travel around the country, and spend this week end with his family, after making his DIFFICULT AND PAINFUL selection of the 12 chosen ladies.
Than I wished everybody a good week end.

I am more concerned about offending any of you than RR. So if my postings upset or offend you, let me know, I'll stop.
Cannot e-mail any of my blog friends, I am taking care of my 4 young grandchildren for a few days, and do not know the password of my daughter's computer. Did not know enough of computers to ask her for it.
You all do have a nice week end followed by a sucessful week

heiresschild said...

dr oma, i'm laughing because i read joe's comments that he had deleted two rude and negative blog comments and would continue to do so. i was trying to figure out what had been deleted because i had just read the comments posted there. i couldn't figure it out until now that you said it was you. i do remember seeing them.


droma said...

Was I glad to see you post!!!!
Please, please, family news, especially of your daughter and grand daughter.
This time I am not being sarcastic when I say I am waiting with baited (or whatever kind of ) breath.
I cannot acess anything except the blogs until Wednesday. And surely every one else here would like to know.......I actually cried when I read the BIRTHBAY NEWS.

heiresschild said...

hi dr oma, sorry you hadn't heard the news yet. i've posted, but you must not have seen the comments. my daughter is doing so well. after the doctors delivered the baby on 9/23, my daughter was still kept on bed rest for a few days. her doctor told her she would lose all of the fluid, which was extra weight, within a week. and exactly on the 8th day, when she woke up, all of her fluid had disappeared along with the swelling, and she was back to normal. she hadn't gained but 6 lbs during the whole pregnancy, but the last 3 weeks, with all of the expected complications, she gained about 19 extra pounds. she did have a cesearean, of course, but she really is doing good. she went back to the doctor on friday, and the report is good.

the baby, Karyce (rhymes with paris and is greek for "grace") is still in the hospital in the nic unit. she weighed 3lb, 8oz when she was born, and is now weighing 4lb,1oz, and will probably be home by next weekend. as of yesterday, she was taken out of the incubator and they are trying her on her own to make sure she can maintain her own body temperature. she is no longer being fed thru the tube, but is able to take the bottle. my daughter is breast-feeding, but she pumps the milk for karyce right now, and feeds her thru the bottle until karyce can develop her sucking techniques some more.

thanks for asking.
