Sunday, November 06, 2005

Day Three: Last Day on Clearwater Beach ...

A beautiful day on Clearwater Beach with the Pier in the distance ...

Our Sunday morning walk ...

Scenes along the way ...

Mermaid beached ...
far away from home ...

Sandcastles in the Sun ...

Boys at the Beach (a little too young for us)!

Trying to catch a wave ... not an easy task for this area!

The long stretch on the north Beach ... part of our file mile trek ...

'Jackenda's' Favorite Place (thanks Ada!!) - The Palm Pavillion

Jackie and Brenda ... one last time at the Palm ...

Good Eats!!!

Sunday ... Sunset ... what more to say?

Farewell to all of you 'Adventurous Hearts'! Thanks for sharing our journey with us!


Anonymous said...

Brenda and Jackie:
What amazing pictures of the beach! I love the sunset!
Safe Travels!

YO :)

heiresschild said...

hi brenda and jackie,

i second pennys from heaven's comments about the amazing pics of the beach, the sunset, everything. have a safe trip home, both of you.

good nite everyone.


Anonymous said...

You're welcome.
Brenjack - =time. You choose. Glad you had a good & productive(?) weekend.

That maybe weird post was so I could quickly get it out to let people in the next time zones catch CBS SUNDAY MORNING - a show that I set the alarm to wake up for.

MARTY - good to talk to you. Get well.

Not mine but I like them:

Ponderings du Jour

I planted some birdseed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to feed it.

I had amnesia once -- or twice.

I went to San Francisco. I found someone's heart.

Last week I forgot how to ride a bicycle.

Protons have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic.

All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

A beggar asked me for 50¢ for a sandwich. I said, "First let me see the sandwich."

What is a "free" gift? Aren't all gifts free?

They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them.

Teach a child to be polite and courteous in the home and, when he grows up, he'll never be able to edge his car onto a freeway.

Experience is the thing you have left when everything else is gone.

What if there were no hypothetical questions?

One nice thing about egotists: They don't talk about other people.

When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail.

A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.

What was the greatest thing before sliced bread?

My weight is perfect for my height - which varies.

I used to be indecisive. Now, I'm not sure.

The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.

How can there be self-help "groups"?

Is there another word for synonym?

Where do forest rangers go to "get away from it all"?

The speed of time is one-second per second.

Is it possible to be totally partial?

What's another word for thesaurus?

If you're cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you read all right?

Is Marx's tomb a communist plot?

If swimming is so good for your figure, how do you explain whales?

Show me a man with both feet firmly on the ground, and I'll show you a man who can't get his pants off.

It's not an optical illusion. It just looks like one.

Is it my imagination, or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda and all those that might remember me......
I have been MIA for personal reasons that I won't bore you with and now ask your permission to re-enter your "world"....Yes, I'm an original MB participant, but we won't go there...

Thankyou, I accept... LOL....Just because you have all been so gracious to everyone...

I have done my homework and tried to catch up on all the happenings here on the blogs.....ref. the two or three others that most of you all seem to follow...

Brenda, I will respect your wishes not to mention "the past"...Mainly because that's exactly what it is...THE PAST... I am not one to live for yesterdays.Life is about today and what tomorrow has to offer...only if we accept it...and I do with extreme open arms....Please allow me to say that I have learned alot from the "fantacy" adventure....If you learn to Believe in yourself, nothing else matters..there I said it and will move on....I'm so over it and now look forward to new beginnings...NEW FRIENDSHIPS.....

I am really interested in yours and Jackies new opportunities for all to discover....can't wait to hear more...At this stage of my life my main focus is to travel as much as I can possibly afford. I have 4 weeks vacation a year now at my job and I want to take full advantage of it.....As of this year I am single and living alone and just discovered how fun it really is to "take off" by myself...Not waiting for Nobody!!!!! I have surprised myself (and my family)with my newfound INDEPENDENCE...I am #2 of five daughters...The only one with a failed marriage, so needless to say my parents worry about me most...I keep telling them not to...It just goes to show that we as parents, no matter how old our children are , we will always worry... I was always "the rebel" child and here I am today proving them right....I'll never give up.....

I'm looking forward to the first adventure you gals plan...hopefully I can make it...I know it will be a blast and I would be honored to meet your aquaintence and toast to new friends......CHEERS.....LOIS

ClickGirl said...

Good Morning, Everyone!!

Thanks!! Glad you are enjoying our 'travelogue'!

It's early morning and Jackie and I are getting ready to leave - to head out for Tampa International Airport. We've had such a great time together ... and talked about 'everything under the sun'. The time has gone so fast ... and we are already talking about Jackie coming down again (she is loving the idea of being in Florida during the winter months - ha ha). And the little place where we stayed has really been great. It is not fancy or '5 Star' ... but simple and convenient ... and clean. It's like a little condo, actually, and has a full kitchen, 2 BR's, bath and little living room.

My 'goal realized' - was not to turn on the T.V. all weekend! At home, I turn the T.V. on when I walk in the door ... and leave it on all night long. It is like 'company' for me (and also drowns out noises from outside - I live in a townhouse ... so there are sometimes 'noisy neighbors' - ha ha). Anyway ... has been so great!

We've got to run ... but I just wanted to take a moment to say 'Hello', Lois ... and say that you are definitely Welcome here. With open arms!! Will write more later ... but just wanted you to know that ... before we head out!

All of you have a wonderful day!! Will be back in touch after I get home from work! Remember ... make the day count!

Warm regards,

Brenda (and Jackie too)!!
(or Brenjack or Jackenda - ha ha -
Ada you cracked us up)!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!
Weather Report: Not to bad here in the midwest tingles on the nose this a light jacket will do.
adaThe Pondering du Jour stanza about teaching a child to be polite and courteous in the home and, when he grows up, he'll never be able to edge his car onto a freeway.....(lol)
reminds me of my sisters driving this weekend...she picked me up for lunch on Saturday...(she is a put-put driver...)one car got really upset with her at a Right Turn on Red...well we were visiting...and she didn't head out fast enough..and another car honked at her for driving..well...slow...anyway....
Brenda&JackieHow about a Red Dream Chair Bumper Sticker....with all the www.advertising in the world about a dream chair advertisment? Could make people wonder why we are all so happy!!
Gotta run!
YO= (Y)hugs from Bun-Bun (O)hugs from Peg :)

Anonymous said...

Brenda and Jackie -- Thank you for this vicarious reunion. Didn't we all want to be walking on the beach with you and watching those sunsets and chatting to our hearts content?

I assure you, we did.

Looking forward to seeing that happen.....
Best to all,

heiresschild said...

good morning everyone,

i know there are a couple of trips being planned for the ladies to meet and get together, and i thought florida would be a good place also--something like brenda & jackie just did. anyway, just thought i'd mentioned it.


Canadian Bloggette said...

Man alive..........I know we are all eating our hearts out!!
Acclolades........kudos to you both!
You BOTH are standing up and you arecounted!
ROCK ON GIRLS!! and don't leave "us" behind!!
Cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

traveln-hsr - Thanks for "truth in writing" - Think I have seen this before but not sure under whose attribution. I think Liz SMith. My daughter has the CD. If you google it - there are pages about it including an article in Hungary. Very interesting. It is also in SNopes. I ask folks who e-mail me to check things out there. I would ask everyone here to do the same.

Welcome back LOIS.

This article is from the N.Y. Times

October 30, 2005
What's a Modern Girl to Do?

I didn't copy it here 'cause it's long.

Hope everyone is home safe & sound. OK latter might be too much to ask. Would like to ask, however, what's the deal with some of the FFs.?

Probably back later with a Du Jour

Mary R said...

Hi again Brenda,

I've been away cause of yard work and regular work. Finally getting a handle, because of much welcomed help, on it so a little spare time again.

As usual, you post such neat pictures.

I have almost forgotten how--have you any new shortcuts?

Ps: before I leave. I got a great expresso/capichino machine at the church second-hand-store the other day. It had NO directions. Can anyone tell me how to make capachino? (
The machine has a seperate medal spout coming out the side but only one filling place on the top for liquid.????
Mary Rose

Anonymous said...

heiressFLORIDA!!! Count me in....made my ears perk right up!!!!!! Also, I was thinking the dream chair wouldn't have to be a bumper sticker..could be a red sofa sticker for our windows.


Anonymous said...

Decals..thats the word I was trying to think of decals..


Nina said...

Loved the photos girls!! I live in the city (Evansville, Indiana) where the tornado hit. It hit about 5 miles south of my house. I only had rain and some wind but the devastation for the others is terrible. I feel for their loss.
Hugs to all of you wonderful women!!

traveln-hsr said...

Brenda & Jackie,

Great photos! We were thinking about Boston and we're thinking about a trek to Florida instead!! Love the beach and you guys captured it right!! We like to go to the islands, Captiva, Sanibel, Cabbagge Key, Useppa. I just finished posting our journal pages at our website from last year:

I'm Pretty Sure It's Not Poison Ivy

traveln-hsr said...

It's chopping off posts again at live links!....

Nina I saw that you guys got hit by tornadoes. Wow, scary business and in the fall! We're in Southwest Ohio.

Have a good day!



Anonymous said...

nina I was reading about the devistation from the tornado..that is so close to your area...good to hear you are OK. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all those who were in the tornados path.

Anonymous said...

So, if a trip is planned for Florida can we have smart tags for our luggage in the shape of the Dream Chair?????

ReeltorMe said...

Hi J & B,
Thanks for keeping us "in the know." It looks like you two had a great time and thanks for sharing all those great photos with us.
I hope that your togetherness produced some positive end results so that we can all benefit from your time together.
P.S. Three cheers for the "Adventurous Hearts"

heiresschild said...

hi nina, glad you weren't badly affected by the tornado. will be praying for the others, of course.

RAH, RAH, RAH - those are my 3 cheers for the adventurous hearts chandra


ReeltorMe said...

It must be freightening just to be near a tornado, hurricane, whatever. I can't imagine how disruptive life would become. I know that it is life altering when there is a serious crisis that happens and I feel for any of the families affected by these horrid acts of nature. It certainly humbles one doesn't it? I pray for those who are involved in any catastrophe whether they be victims, workers, families or pets.
Let's just hope that any victims have the strength to go on both physical and emotional.

Anonymous said...

Hello All,

First, I want to thank all of you for all of your wonderful, wonderful, wonderful comments - you really made our adventurous hearts so happy sharing with you and then all of your so positive comments!!!!!

We wish you had all been there with us and we would have laughed even more than we did. So good to relax and laugh!!!

And you know that Brenda and I are both Aries - so we talked nonstop...if you stopped to take a breath, the other one took off on a different tangent - HA! So we literally solved all the world's problems in a little less than 72 hours...

Second, I want to thank Brenda, my host to her great state , and for her selecting a great place to stay, great restuarants, great walks - everything was perfect. She picked me up curbside and dropped me off curbside and waited until she knew I was checked in and ready to head for security. Thank you Brenda - not only was that thoughtful but that is CLASS!

We truly had a fun, fun, fun weekend and accomplished all of our work goals for the weekend.

I was back to my office by 1:30 pm and working away on my 'real' job!

Anonymous said...

Jackie:Glad you made it back safely! You and Brenda BOTH have alot of "CLASS". Keep up the great work, you gals are AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to send hugs................
Y=hugs from Bun-Bun
O=hugs from Peg

As a side note: the time from November to February has always been a sad and lonely time for me...This a new year...and I am looking forward to the Holidays!...I will be able to kick back and relax in the dream chair...think of far away places...and dream away! Have a great evening for me and Bun-Bun..we are settling in to watch "ROBOTS"! Light-hearted entertainment after a hectic day!:)

willemina said...

Brenda and Jackie
Thanks for sharing your get-together with all of us. Two wonderful ladies with class! Clearwater Beach is definitely on my list of places to see.
I loved your "special guest" surprise...I would love to know how to add people to my pics...kinda reminds me of "Forrest Gump"...

I didn't know that Aries talked non-stop. I'm an Aquarius and we'd get along just fine. I could help finish everyone's sentences...

I love your humor as usual. Thanks for making me smile all the time. Yes, it's all because of you :) and a few others too...

I'm so glad to hear that you are okay after that terrible tornado over the much tragedy in our world. My heart goes out to all of those affected and I pray that they will get the help they need to get their lives back together. When these things happen, it makes you so thankful for what you have and you want others to have those same comforts.

mary r
I love cappuccino's! But unfortunately I have never made one. I buy them at the coffee shops in town.

merry mary
Happy belated birthday to you!

For anyone interested
A few of us are getting together in January in Paso Robles, CA...
The dates are set! Jan 17th thru Jan 19th. Check my blog for more info or to leave a message if you'd like to come too!

Hey, we can walk on the beaches and watch the beautiful California sunsets together! How romantic is that?
I also thought we could have lunch one day at the Art Cafe in San Luis Obispo. (some of you may have seen this episode on Oprah...they make her favorite sandwich) YUMMY! I will also check into going on a whale watching expedition out of Morro Bay...
I know that those 2 days will fly by but we'll make the most of it and who knows where we'll meet next???

Let's all plan some get togethers across the country and share our fun here on the blogs through words and pictures just as Brenda and Jackie have!

PS: I'm going to post my grandaughters Halloween pic on my blog just for tonight and I'll remove it before I go to bed...I just have to share it with all of you...They're sooooo cute! Alexandra is Snow White and Gabrielle is Belle from Beauty and the Beast...

Anonymous said...

View of the country side from the top of Pilot Knob.
wwwhewwww(note the wind)wheewwwww
Iowa Fact: Blizzard was an invented word by a newspaper writer from Spencer Iowa in the 1800's. (Help me out here if I have the town named improperly) I do have a historian checking into this for me. The movie "Robots" was soooooooo funny! I usually dont watch a movie twice...this one I may...but not tonite.(lol) Time for this adventurous heart to get some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's ! Nite All!

Anonymous said...

Nina– Glad you’re o.k. Do you have any friends or family that were hit? They said on the news that it totally caught the weatherpeople unawares. We always said what an amazing job that was – you could be wrong so many times yet not lose your job. However, this past year the mistakes on everyone’s part seem to be above & beyond!
I also mean the mistakes are sending people to the beyond.

Willy– Thanks. & Thanks again to you & our speedy USPS. Hope to try it out real soon. Of course I’d have love to meet you in S.L.O. but it looks like I will be in Costa Rica. But like we spoke, would love to meet.

Had a computer crash tonight. Called Toshiba, my computer, but they said my extended warranty was only with the store. The latter is not open. AARRGGHHH

Appropos computers – can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em. Got this from a friend. Hope I didn’t already post this:

I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Harold the computer
guy to come over. Harold clicked a couple of buttons and solved the
He gave me a bill for a minimum service call. As he was walking away, I
called after him, "So, what was wrong?"
He replied, "It was an ID ten T error."
I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, An ID ten T
What's that in case I need to fix it again?"
Harold grinned.... "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?"
"No," I replied.
Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."
So I wrote down ..... I D 1 0 T

I used to like Harold

Anonymous said...

Morning weather report from the Midwest: No stocking hat and mittens needed today! Great weather for November :) When Bun-Bun and I are out for our morning HOP..(errrrrrrrrr I mean WALK) when I decide what jacket to wear...sweatshirt..sweater...light jacket...rain jacket..leather jacket...winter jacket.....gloves...hat...mittens...(lol)..
ada LOVE the ID10T post!! Hilarious!! I never heard that one before! Have a great day everyone!

Anonymous said...

Brenda & Jackie I thought about calling into work "WELL" today..(lol) But then I remembered the Bob Dylan Audio dug through the archives...listened to that...and I will make it through the rest of the day with a "TOE-TAP" in my adventurous heart!! (lol)
Canadian BlogetteWhere are you? You would be so proud of me...Saturday at the Music Section I actually had a Bob Dylan CD in my and Bobby....I did put it back on the shelf though...but I am strongly considering different music to listen to on the morning drive!
This time I really am off to work!! Later!Hoppy-Trails everyone!

heiresschild said...

good afternoon everyone,

babette, thank God for hope. this was nice. thanks


Anonymous said...

Soft Rain - on the other blog - Lovely Lion story.
Babette - nice site. How does one get Starbucks' recipes? What's "muah

Anonymous said...

Babette Love the Four Candles!! You are such an inspiration!
To Everyone Peace Faith Love and Hope for our futures:)

Anonymous said...

Mary R
For the best froth from your machine, use 'skim' milk. Use a metal container, make sure it is only
1/4 full..otherwise it will foam out, and first use another container at the beginning of the process for the steam to get will see some bit of water, and you don't want it in your milk, turn the steamer off and replace with your milk container. The temp should be around 160, (go buy a thermometer) no hotter or it will scald the milk. What's nice on the top is a touch of chocolate, sprinkled on. Plus, use the raw sugar, available at store, for a better taste. Enjoy

Anonymous said...

READ - HOT OFF THE E-MAIL from my daughter from Daria re SECOND WIND

Udate is we garnered 48% of TV GUIDE'S on-line vote for what pilot the
audience wants to see made. THat was the most in the drama catagory. That
buzz is doing great things. Audience award went to "off the hook" in the
comedy catagory. Bitter Sweet won best drama, but we did what we set out to
do: We got four networks asking for our stuff. ESPN, MTV, OXYGEN, A&E. The
story is HOT! ESPN HOLLYWOOD just did a piece on us last friday. Working to
get all this stuff up on the web page by end of the month. Please pass on
the good news to all. Will keep you posted.


For those of you new to the blog: I had people voting for this pilot that my daughter wrote the music for the trailer. THANKS ALL VOTERS

heiresschild said...

babette, unfortunately racism is still alive in the world. hopefully that wasn't it. maybe they wanted to make out and you and your friends' presence kept them from doing that. but then, the drink and popcorn...i dunno.

heiresschild said...

babette, by the way, what did you go see at the movies?

Anonymous said...

I so agree...
Lets keep the candles burning!


Anonymous said...

You women ROCK!!
And DALE Where have you been?
Have a great night everyone! :)


ClickGirl said...

Hey Everyone!

Loving all of the comments ... and Willy - you have it!!! That is what Jackie and I hope for all of you/us! The CA trip sounds great ... and I know that Ada has some ideas for trips ... and I think Marty does too. This isn't just about the two of us (Jackie and me) ... it's about ALL of us! And the 'Adventurous Hearts' - is US ... ALL of US! And I don't want people to think that I am 'in charge' ... because everyone here has a voice. If you want to do something (red couch decals) - and you get a good response - take it and run with it. And if there are things that we can post on the AH Web - let me know ... and I'll put it on.

Re: trip locations ... definitely - Clearwater Beach is a great option to consider at some point. So many places ... so little time!

So ... if you have trips planned ... or want to travel somewhere and want others (or just one person) to travel with you - let's make this a 'meeting place' for those kinds of ventures. Or ... as with Willy ... a place to announce plans being made. Let's spread the word!

Amy has set up a List Serve/Newsletter type thing - that we could use to communicate - so that we don't have to post personal info on the open Blog. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet - but it sounds like it will be a good tool for us to use. (Thanks Amy)!

Babette ... this shows that my mind is in the gutter tonight (probably because Jackie and I saw so many men while we were at the Beach - ha ha) - but my thought on the movie theater thing was that maybe you and your friends interupted some 'excitement' - so the couple left to finish up (in the bathroom, behind the movie theater, in the back seat of their car - you get the idea). Maybe they planned to come back (hence leaving the popcorn and drink) ... but got too carried away. I hope that was the case ... because I would hate to think it was the alternative. But I am an optimist. And ... I guess I can't imagine anyone not wanting to sit next to you! : )

Hi Nina - so glad that you are okay. Tornados are scary ... and so hard to detect. Glad that you escaped without damage!!

So .... I'm still recovering from my exciting and active weekend ... so will post more later on. I have some stuff to do tonight ... and have a late afternoon meeting tomorrow ... and dinner with a friend after ... so will be home late tomorrow. All of 'ya'll' ... keep on Blogging!!



P.S. I noticed that requests are being made again - on another Blog - to write to Oprah ... and I think that is a great idea! I think that all views should be heard!

P.S.S. I am behind on a couple of updates to the web site (apologies ... but hope to do that soon) ... and I've been carrying around a bunch of bracelets to mail out ... but haven't been able to make it to the P.O. yet ... so, those of you who are waiting, please hang on ... and bear with me! : ) So, so sorry!!

ClickGirl said...

Hey Babette,

Love your new pic ... and really loved '4 Candles'! Thanks sooooo much for sharing that!! I was going to wait to look at it ... but I'm so glad that I took the time. I 'needed' that tonight. I needed those words.

I went to work yesterday to find that one of my friends went in for surgery at 7 a.m. If you go to Click Girl's Photos - and scroll down to 'The morning after' - you will see me and Gale - both cancer 'survivor's. At least we were both survivors ... when that photo was taken in July.

Gale was diagnosed last year with Colon Cancer. She had surgery and 8 months of Chemo. About a month ago, they found a spot on her liver - and none of the tests really helped them determine what it was - so they went in for an exploratory. It turned out that it was a tumor - that had shriveled, as a result of the Chemo. So ... it was bad news that she had another type of cancer ... but great news that it was 'gone'. Now ... a big tumor came up ... and they went in this morning to remove it. They got it all ... but it was cancerous ... and big. They don't think that the cancer is in any other organ ... but I feel sure that she will have to go through Chemo again. Yesterday, we were all crying for her. Today I sent flowers to her. Tomorrow she will be ready for visitors.

Today, I was thinking of all of the things that I say - that are my mantras. Things that help me. Like 'This too shall pass' ... and 'What doesn't kill you will make you stronger'. But those comments seem so inappropriate - and I wouldn't be able to say them to my friend. And they weren't helping me tonight ... and I sit and think about Gale ... and all of the moments that we have shared together. Because it might not pass. And it might kill her. And I have fear in my heart for her. And I hurt for her. Just a couple of weeks ago ... we were both laughing and giddy with excitement - because we both were feeling so good and healthy.

After looking at the '4 Candles' thing ... it reminded me that we have to hold on to hope ... even when we don't think there is hope to be had. So thank you, Babette. For that little reminder. And ... for those of you who pray ... would you please send up a little one for Gale? And those of you who don't pray ... but have other ways of sending positive thoughts, vibes, energy ... please send that along to Gale as well. All good thoughts are welcomed.

Thanks Everyone!

With Hope,


willemina said...

I believe in the power of prayer and your dear friend Gale is in my thoughts and prayers.
I can feel the love you have for words necessary...just be there for her. She will be comforted just by your presence.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Brenda My prayers are already sent for your friend Gale. Give her a hug from me. How wonderful she is to have a friend like you!

droma said...

How sad about Gale. Is the cancer/tumor the kind that does not metastasize? Where at?
I am thinking about her and all of you ladies while viewing 4CANDLES.

Thank you for sending us "HOPE".

That couple was probably only thinking about making out, and were in a hurry to get somewhere to use their hands unencumbert.
It is sad that racism came to your mind.
It reminded me of times when my posting was offensive, even though that was not on my mind at all.
I'll try hard be more considerate


Anonymous said...

Brenda Add my thoughts and prayers to all the others at this time of concern for your friend Gale. My friend Kathy has been living with cancer for many many years now and every time they say it will be over in a few months, she keeps on going. She's like the Energizer Bunny - never gives up. She says she will go down in the medical journals as NOT dying from cancer. She's had both breasts removed, has been through chemo twice, has had acupuncture, watches her diet, goes to a therapist, and also works part time plus teaches piano to kids. She takes her 3 grown daughters on trips to see the world and goes away with her husband on cruises. Right now she is taking a new drug that is supposed to "slow" the final stages, but so far so good. So, you never know - keep her spirits up and know that there are probably hundreds of women "out there" who have heard or read your request and who don't even know Gale, that are now besieging our Lord (or other higher being) on her behalf. God bless you both.

Anonymous said...

Cathy in Carolina,
You wanted Chi town's blog it is
some of the post over there are hilarious. cat fights and all.
love your site Brenda. lokks like you are having fun.

Anonymous said...

I also liked the Vagina Monologues but it can be raw.

carol aka/travelin, that's was cute about the "broker." – ditto from me.

Brenda, It only took 2 days for me to get a pkg. from the W.Coast.

What Sylvia wrote below is what applies with your friend. All the best for her, her family & you ‘cause all are hurting.

friendship = sharing in the joys and pains in each other's lives. it's knowing how another feels, even though you may not have personally experienced it. it's being there for one another even when you can't physically be there. it's encouraging one another. friendship can't be bought with money, yet there is a price that you pay for friendship--the price of love, and sacrifice.

Marty – you have been given an open invitation !! Why didn’t you post your apology here? I spent 2 hours at the “ sweet life”!

Babette – What lang. is it? I love it ‘cause to say it you pucker up.

Nina – My daughter went to IU where she did crew. She mentioned how great your town was when they went there for races. Hopes for the future.

Yossel worked in a pickle factory. For many years he had a powerful desire to put his penis in the pickle slicer.

Finally, thinking he would probably never have any peace of mind he did it.

The next day he came home from work very early. His wife, Sarah,
> became alarmed and wanted to know what happened. Yossel tearfully confessed his tormenting desire to put his penis in the pickle slicer.

He went on to explain that today he finally went ahead and did it and was immediately fired from his job. Sarah, his wife, gasped and ran over to her husband.

She quickly yanked down his pants and boxer shorts only to find a normal, completely intact penis.

She looked up and said, "I don't understand. What about the pickle slicer?"

Yossel replied, "I think she got fired, too!


Anonymous said...

Windy good morning all
The midwest is so windy and cold it is one of those "Take your Breathe Away" lets make that a "Cuddle Dud Day"
(for those in the tropical climates Cuddle Duds is womens insulated undergarments)I never knew they existed until I moved back from Florida....that was when I realized how cold it really is here in the Midwest!
Brenda: Know my thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and Gale......

Anonymous said...

Babette: I wanted to let you know that I too think the young couple was just in the "Hanky-Panky Mode". Popcorn and pop was probably the last thing on their minds! Your kindness overflows.....I dont think they meant it against you at all...I have not met you and I can tell your warm heart radiates kindness!
Keep the candles burning!!

Anonymous said...

Brenda-- more prayers coming your way for Gale.

Best to all,

Anonymous said...

Ada -- Marty cannot post her apology here b/c we are not supposed to mention a certain peacock. Clickgirl got what amounts to a legal threat to not mention that person. So, out of respect to her, we don't. But we certainly have other places we can and do. hehe. like oprah email and other blogs.

traveln-hsr said...

Brenda, My thoughts are with you and Gale. We have lived with cancer in our family and now a dear friend of mine has also just been thru Chemo for breast cancer. -Amy

Anonymous said...

If anyone sees a hand-knitted camoflauge scarf in the South Eastern is mine (lol) The NorthWest winds are so strong they take your breathe away!! Walked at break time and I am still out of breath.
So glad I am putting on my winter insulation early...kept me from blowing away!

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon ladies,
Brenda: my thoughts and prayers are coming your way now for your friend Gale.
It looks like I will be sticking around the Orlando area thru next week sometime. They are not done poking at me yet and want to do more tests next week. So I said Monday morning, let's get them done, I want to go home. Then if things look like they are, I will be back up here in December for yet more CRAP. Let's just get it done and over with. I want 2006 to be a healthy year.
Nap time ladies.
Have an awesome day, Carol

heiresschild said...

pennysfromheaven, i found your scarf. want me to mail it back to you? lol just thought i'd join in on the joke. that was really cute. stay warm.


willemina said...

You're on a roll again with the funnies ;-) Loved the pickle slicer joke as I didn't have a clue! FUNNEEEE!
I meant to tell you that I called the post complain about the fast service! Let me explain to the others...
I sent Ada a small package/envelope. I mailed it at 11 am on Saturday from California and she received it (in Baltimore) on Monday! Now get this...they told me it would cost 60 cents for regular delivery and $3.85 for faster service. I went with the 60 cents. My question much faster could it have been delivered for $3.85?

pennies from heaven
I know all about cuddle duds. I used to live in Colorado and they sure came in handy. I bought a new pair to take to China with me last February. They're so cozy and comfy...I even wear them to bed on cold nights here in California! How sexy is that?

Lurisa aka easyreader
Are you coming in January?
Lurisa and I sure do have a lot in common...we both grew up in the South Bay area; she in Lawndale I believe? and myself in Torrance. (although I'm a few years older) :) We have both lived in Germany and Colorado Springs also. I would love to meet you! I'm sure we'd have lots to talk about.
I forgot to tell you Lurisa, that I lived in Lawndale when my husband was in Vietnam. I lived right behind Pep Boys on Artesia Blvd and I worked at May Co across the street...It's such a small world.

Thanks for the cappuccino I need the thingy to make it in! I'll drop hints to my kids...would make a nice Christmas gift for mom huh?

carol aka travelin
You're in my thoughts and prayers too...get well and stay that way so you can keep travelin with grams. My mother (84) is going on a cruise with us in December and now she's talking about going back home to Holland to visit her sister and the only brother she has left. I would love to go with her maybe this Spring...

Celia, It's so nice to see your smiling face...I always enjoy your posts. How's your grandson?

Hello also to everyone else I didn't mention by name but as always, I enjoy reading your posts here. Some good...some not so good....but always interesting.

willemina said...


Anonymous said...

heiresschild You can send it back ONLY if you include lots and lots of warm weather and sunshine! (lol)
willemina You are so sweet! (and the cuddle duds come in so many foxy colors!! (lol)
Have a Great Evening Everyone!
Gotta get back to watching a video tape my daughter sent me of the grandchildren!
Ohhhh how I do miss them!

heiresschild said...

willy, pennies from heaven, where can i buy cuddle duds from because it gets quite cold here in maryland during the winter months?


willemina said...

You can find cuddle duds at JC Penney...also many sporting goods and department stores. You can also find them on line. Just search the web for cuddle duds or is it cuddl duds? I think either will work. Target also carries something similar. Very cumfy!

willemina said...

Here's a new twist...

Blonde Sells House, Self on EBay

Nov. 4, 2005— For sale: house in Denver, Colorado, $600,000, complete with bride.

Jewelry manufacturer Deborah Hale, the house's owner, announced on a Web site that she is putting her home up for sale on the eBay online auction site with the twist that she comes with it.

The shapely blonde, 48, says she wants to find a bidder, aged 40-60, to share the home with in a longterm relationship.

On her Web site,, Hale said she bought and remodeled a 1910 bungalow in Denver, but was not satisfied living alone in it.

More, Deeper
Make time for Tanya Tucker at her fan site!
"There was only one problem — I had not met that special someone to share this house with. My attempts included dating services, blind dates and connections through friends, but I still had not met the man to build a life with," she said.

"Finally I decided to give my best effort towards something whereby that special man could 'find me'," she wrote.

She advertised the three-bedroom, three-bath home fully furnished, with a pool table, hot tub, tanning bed, big screen television and lawn mower for the lucky buyer.

The house is priced at $600,000, with herself added in as "priceless."

Photographs on her Web site show a statuesque woman with long, blonde hair — "100 percent Norwegian by heritage," she notes.

Hale said that she planned to sell the house on eBay in a nonbinding transaction, meaning that she and the winner of the deal could back out if necessary -- presumably if they find themselves incompatible.

Hale, who owns a firm which designs and produces jewelry, said she envies the long marriage of her father, a Christian minister.

"I was privileged to observe a successful, loving and giving marriage, and knew that it was not only achievable, but also immensely gratifying."

"I am committed to find that same success in a relationship," she said.

Anonymous said...

BRENDA - If you need to delete this o.k. I wrote this on Chi-Town.
I don't think the ban applies 'cause obviously I didn't see this on the "other" place. I have also deleted specific refs. Not everyone (incl. me) reads the other blogs regularly. When I have something personal to say I e-mail or call. The ban also makes me mad - 1st amend. - I think I am couching stuff so only the "in crowd" gets it.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005 2:01:35 AM
There, I did it again. Came to see Marty's apology (for what ?) &
spent 2 hours. This is why I limit myself to clickgirl's blog.

I can't believe that someone gave us the oportunity to write Oprah. On the clickgirl blog I suggested a pool to pick the Sorry Six. The $ could go to the fund Marty wants to start. I say Sorry because I feel all (even us) will be sorry 'cause our sisters could be left behind in some dangerous place if the behavior exhibited to Van. is typical. Vanessa, were not the other 2 women with you upset? I would think that you all would have exchanged cell #s (or were you not allowed?) & didn't the trinity have your #s to call when someone finally realized you were MIA? * How did you get to the home eventually? Shame on those other women. If these are your new best buddies, how do they treat their enemies?
Good Night & Good Luck to all. Ada

*Is this a variation on Where's Matt Lauer or Waldo?

Merry Mary – I think I have posted this before re your post on the other blog. Oscar Hammerstein wrote:
A bell isn’t a bell ‘til you ring it,
A song isn’t a song ‘til you sing it
& the love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay
For love isn’t love ‘til you give it away.

Vanessa call me please.

Anonymous said...

wOOPS - I was so upset about the bombings in Jordan. Every time I try to go to Petra something happens there. I had hoped to go in April. I feel like Typhoid Mary. Thus I forgot the DU JOUR.

I got this from my roomie in CHi.
It's hysterical. I want to know: Was she asked if there was a 2nd date or more? Leno usually doesn't go into the audience, the street yes.

If you didn't see this on the Tonight show, I hope you're sitting down when you read it. This is probably the funniest date story ever, first date or not! We have all had bad dates... but this takes the cake.


This was on the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno. Jay went into the audience to find the most embarrassing first date that a woman ever had.

The winner described her worst first date experience. There was absolutely no question as to why her tale took the prize!

She said it was midwinter... snowing and quite cold... and the guy had taken her skiing in the mountains outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. It was a day trip (no overnight). They were strangers, after all, and truly had never met before.

The outing was fun but relatively uneventful until they were headed home late that afternoon. They were driving back down the mountain, when she gradually began to realize that she should not have had that extra latte.

They were about an hour away from anywhere with a rest room and in the middle of nowhere!

Her companion suggested she try to hold it, which she did for a while.

Unfortunately, because of the heavy snow and slow going, there came a point where she told him that he had better stop and let her pee beside the road, or it would be the front seat of his car.

They stopped and she quickly crawled out beside the car, yanked her pants down and started. In the deep snow she didn't have good footing so she let her butt rest against the rear fender to steady herself.

Her companion stood on the side of the car watching for traffic and indeed was a real gentleman and refrained from peeking. All she could think about was the relief she felt despite the rather embarrassing nature of the situation.

Upon finishing however, she soon became aware of another sensation. As she bent to pull up her pants, the young lady discovered her buttocks were firmly glued against the car's fender. Thoughts of tongues frozen to pump handles immediately came to mind as she attempted to disengage her flesh from the icy metal.

It was quickly apparent that she had a brand new problem due to the extreme cold. Horrified by her plight and yet aware of the humor of the moment, she answered her date's concerns about "what is taking so long" with a reply that indeed, she was "freezing her butt off and in need of some assistance!"

He came around the car as she tried to cover herself with her sweater and then, as she looked imploringly into his eyes, he burst out laughing. She too, got the giggles and when they finally managed to compose themselves, they assessed her dilemma.

Obviously, as hysterical as the situation was, they also were faced with a real problem. Both agreed it would take something hot to free her chilly cheeks from the grip of the icy metal!

Thinking about what had gotten her into the predicament in the first place, both quickly realized that there was only one way to get her free. So, as she looked the other way, her first-time date proceeded to unzip his pants and pee her butt off the fender.

As the audience screamed in laughter, she took the Tonight Show Prize hands down... or perhaps that should be "pants down."

And you thought your first date was embarrassing. Jay Leno's comment ..

"This gives a whole new meaning to being 'pissed off'."

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone:)
Willemena Is correct w/spelling of cuddl duds....there is no e at the end! They are not as bulky as the standard insulated undergarments but just as warm.
Cold here today again :( The Wabbit did not stay outside to long on her morning "HOP"! That tells me it will be a "cuddl dud" day for me here in IOWA!

CathyinCarolina said...


Didn't really have time to read, but saw that something was wrong with your friend and read to find out what you are going thru, So sorry, but you are right, you have to hold on to the possitive thoughts!!!

We are with you and I think that helps, the power of togetherness!!

Ada that story from Jay Leno was really something, What a site!!!

traveln-hsr said...

Hi, Brenda, I hope you are well and that Gale is getting along OK.

I am going for some happy thoughts for you all today!!

Ada That story about the first date is a scream! I used to live in Utah and I bet I know where that took place! The road to Alta is 1 lane and *slow* on the way down. Did she marry the guy? What a hoot!

In the morning, we study "current events", meaning we sit at the coffee house and read the papers and listen to the local gossip...anyway on the way home NPR had an author on who was hilarious. He was talking about his new book about the secret meanings behind corporate lingo. Some of these I haven't heard in years (gave up the panty hose over 10 years ago!)Here's one from the book "Green Weenies and Due Diligence Insider Business Jargon – Raw, Serious and Sometimes Funny"By Ron Sturgeon:

"Green weenie – The disgusting term that started my word quest. When I first heard “green weenie,” I realized there was another language being spoken in the business world with mysterious words and acronyms, some funny ha-ha, some funny weird, some just wacky, some with hidden meanings and some downright offensive. Imagine what a weenie must look like when it is left in a refrigerator (which is unplugged) and forgotten for six months. A green weenie in business wheeling and dealing lingo is an unpleasant surprise discovered belatedly as part of a transaction or deal. If you discover at the end of your negotiations with a distributor that your would-be supplier was in bankruptcy a year ago, that’s a green weenie. If, during your due diligence, you discover that the receivables are much older than expected or that the revenues are recognized on an accounting basis that is unacceptable to the IRS, those are green weenies. The image calls to mind something that would likely cause food poisoning.

Three finger booger - A situation that gets completely botched up (typically unexpectedly) and is extremely difficult to get rid of or to get away from, similar to a deal with a lot of hair on it. It can also describe something you end up with that you didn’t ask for and don’t want, but can’t get rid of.

Use: Mike got a new client referral, but it turned out that the client had all kinds of problems nobody expected to have to deal with, and was a general pain in the ass. His friend that referred the client said, “Man, I’m sorry, I didn't mean to send you a three finger booger.”"

I go these from the website, I'll put the link down below. I thought it was pretty funny!

Have a good day!


travln-hsr by day, SWF( by night!

Green Weenies

traveln-hsr said...

Oh, the other thing I wanted to mention, I saw in USA today that Lufthansa has some great airfare to big cities in Europe ($300 and less). I recently looked at a flight from one of the hubs here to Boston and it was more than these to Europe. Thinking about Germany, Switzerland or England instead of Stowe & Boston!!


heiresschild said...

willy, thanks.


heiresschild said...

ada, you definitely get the prize today for the best laugh of my whole day. i am laughing so hard, tears really are coming out of my eyes. this is truly the funniest story i have ever heard. i wonder did they go out for a second date.

lurisa, isn't it such a blessing that your daughter feels/knows she can come to you and say something like that--admitting she made a wrong choice? and aren't you the wise mom to encourage her with good, sound, and wise words. this just encouraged me, especially after my day today. i needed to hear those words. thanx.

amy, as a business major, those terms are very interesting to me. thanx, i will check out that website.


Anonymous said...

AMY - What NPR show was that? My daughter works for NPR in L.A.

Thanks Sylvia. Sounded like you had a bad day. Almost over, & so far we haven't had the promised rain. Hope tomorrow is better.

Cathy, good chatting with you. Keep me in the loop.

Since it's only 2 weeks away the Du Jour is to get you in the mood, esp. since Thanx. Wed. night I'll be picking my daughter up at BWI:


Anonymous said...

Quiet night tonite!
But I am wondering...where is Dale?
As for me....I'm going to try to rest and dream about Sea Shells...and Sunshine...and Warm Sandy Beaches...and Fresh Ocean air...and Bright neon lights..and those little reflectors on the divider lines on the interstate....and Palm trees...
Nite Everyone!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Everyone! I just got home from work a little after 9pm ... and have to go in early tomorrow ... but will be off early also. Will try to catch up then. Will start a new Blog tomorrow ... but loving all the fun stuff. And ... greatly appreciate all of the kind comments about my friend, Gale. I tried to call her today, but the line was busy ... then I got word that she was doing well and would be in the hospital through the end of the week. I'm hoping to talk to her tomorrow - before I leave to go out of town on Saturday.

Have a great night! Be back tomorrow.


P.S. Ada - and others - you can really feel free to write what you want ('freedom of speech' - you know). When I wrote asking for people not to write about a certain subject - I was mad ... and just didn't want to give them any 'free press'. But - share whatever you want/need to share. 'K'?

traveln-hsr said...

Ada I heard it this morning about 10,minutes before Diane Reahm came on WVXU, just before 10AM.


Anonymous said...

OK...I couldn't sleep...I think the loud city traffic is keeping me awake (lol)
Just hopping around, wondering what to do.

Hey.........anyone got their SASE's from April 29/May 2 back yet??

heiresschild said...

hey brenda, i think i'm the 104th person to comment on your blogsite. ding ding ding ding ding. hear those bells going off? doesn't that qualify me to win some kind of brand new car or something from you?


droma said...

Does that mean I qualify for the ding dong booby prize?
I'll settle for a facial, pedicure, and eyebrow shaping, all stuff I've not tried. You ladies teach me how to live!!!
Hugs and prayers to all,

Anonymous said...

I must be #106?
Hey Marty Gotta love ya!
Y=hugs from Bun-Bun
O=hugs from Peg

Anonymous said...

Does this make Bun-Bun #107?

heiresschild said...

peg, i guess you and i are the only ones up early this morning. everyone else must be out catching those veteran day sales.

hey brenda, you take such good pictures. i need a pic to put up on my blogsite. can you come over my house today, and take a picture of me?


Anonymous said...

Send my prayers to your friend w/cancer. How wonderful you two are planning a cruise together. That is so much what life is about! Be out making memories!! :)
Glad to know you and all the wonderful people here on the ClickGirls Blog spot! Lets make that PROUD to know you wonderful people...I better get back to work...later!

Anonymous said...

Sounded very nice..yes. Classy even!!:)
Now I have a question also...For those that met the May 3rd Deadline ($30.00 or something like that for a FED EX delivery)remember MB...get the bio and picture etc sent in....for a possibility of being on a show??? In response to an urgent message sent out...(has anyone heard back from that yet?)WAYYYYY BAAAAAAACKKKKKK about 6 months ago...WAAAAYYYYYY BAAAAAAAACKKKK...there were 118 of us?? Close to that number anyway...Just interested if any of the 118 have heard anything back, and if that is where my SASE is??

Anonymous said...

P.S. I just hope my wabbit doesn't start to say "GOBBLE-GOBBLE-GOBBLE"

Anonymous said...


YAAAAAHHH!! Thats neat!
Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter how stressed out I am...I find that Penny from Heaven and life is good again!!


heiresschild said...

pennys from heaven, i love your rabbit's name "bun bun" so much, i decided to give my granddaughter (the 7-month old) a little pet nickname just for me and her which is "cuddle buns."


Anonymous said...

heiress child
Love the nickname "Cuddle Buns".

Seven month't gradchildren such a gift....As Thanksgiving grows closer I just sit back and think of all I really do have to be thankful for...And GrandChildren is right at the top of the list!! I have a fun side, but I also have a very very serious side, and children are so much the pride of our future! Give your grandaughter a hug from me!

heiresschild said...

thanks, pennys from heaven, i will the next time i see her.


Anonymous said...

Good Friday Afternoon,

A busy work week after Clearwater Beach - I am ready to get on the next plane for the next great adventure!

This week was filled with lots of emotions - I think for me and everyone else as I read through the postings. A client that I have had for over 20 years died on Monday and the funeral was yesterday. As I sat in the pew and listened to a wonderful message it struck me how petty people can be without even realizing. Somehow the really important things seem to fade in the background when people forget what really is important......and the really important thing is to have great relationships with all of those who our paths cross....even if for a moment in our lives.

Everyone is important and all of their dreams are important. I so appreciate reading positive things rather than the negative. We all face the negatives in our daily lives so the refreshing moments in life are really the positive energy put forth by others. Although this is Brenda's blog, could we maybe sit on the red couch and travel to the destination that we each individually dream to see????

I have SO MANY -but one thing I would like to do before I die is to hike Machu Picchu and unveil the mystery of the Incas!!

Next seat on the red couch......

Anonymous said...

I mean the traveling dream chair...
but it is definitely RED!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I will sit on the red sofa next..My trip is to Iowa City...(actually Coraville now)..for the Book Signing of Richard Paul Evans!! He now will be in Coraville and Iowa City! Not a big trip, miles wide, but sometimes the little dreams are great also. Nice "SIS" time...girl chat..road trip..ya know!
Sylvia I just love the nick name "Cuddle-Buns" cute!!
I am off and running....Friday night is "Laundromat Nite" Friday night hang-out..(LOL)
Next seat on the red couch......

Anonymous said...

P.S.Forgot to say good-nite all!
and Good-Bye....
Time to hop on down the bunny trail

Anonymous said...

It’s past the 11th but what I want to say is whether or not you are for this war you must support the troops. I never did not support the guys in Viet Nam just not the war, but I guess in those days one =ed the other. Today, our president makes these speeches about supporting the war. To hell with the war but if our soldiers are there at least support them by giving them as much protection as possible. They have to buy their own boots if they don’t want to walk thru backed up sewage in boots with holes in them ‘cause they’ve worn out their 1st pair & the military doesn’t have a 2nd pair for them. That’s the least of it. Their weapons are outdated, they have to jerry rig & steal parts to make vehicles & all sorts of other embarrassing scenarios. If we can’t bring them home, at least don’t leave them hanging out in the breeze. SOLDIERS. I SALUTE YOU. DISMISSED!


Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." –Paul Rodriguez

"A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what's left of your unit" Army's magazine of preventive maintenance.

"Aim towards the Enemy"
-Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher

"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend. -U.S. Marine Corps

"Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate. The bombs always hit the ground." U.S. Air Force

"If the enemy is in range, so are you."-Infantry Journal

"It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed." -U.S. Air Force Manual

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."-Gen. MacArthur

"Try to look unimportant; they may be low on ammo." -Infantry Journal

"You, you, and you . . . Panic. The rest of you, come with me." -U.S. Marine Corp Gunnery Sgt.

"Tracers work both ways" -U.S. Army Ordnance

"Five second fuses only last three seconds." -Infantry Journal

"Don't ever be the first, don't ever be the last, and don't ever volunteer to do anything." -U. S Navy Swabbie

"Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid." -David Hackworth

"If your attack is going too well, you're walking into an ambush." -Infantry Journal

"No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection." -Joe Gay

"Any ship can be a minesweeper... once." -Anon

"Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do." -Unknown Marine

Saw the group Chicago tonight. I am getting old: We were in nose bleed seats, thank goodness. It was so loud my pocketbook on my lap was vibrating (no my cell phone was home!). They played for over 2 hrs. without an intermission and all were excellent musicians. I did however feel there was some canned music.

Have a good weekend all.