Thursday, April 05, 2007

"NO! You can't suck on my big toe until the Movie starts!!"


That's what
my last date
said to me ...
just as
the previews
were starting.

So ... I thought I would share the humor in it ... and see if I could stir up discussion on your funniest ...
weirdest ...
strangest dating experience!

Check out what some other Bloggettes have posted ... about their dating times ... and tell us YOUR favorite 'moment'!

P.S. The feet in the photo are from the trip to Playa del Carmen, Mexico - February 2006.


ClickGirl said...

Okay - I KNOW that's a weird title! But - I swear - that's what this guy said to me last week! I'm still not sure if he thought it was funny ... or sexy ... or serious. I just thought it was odd! Mainly - because it was only a second date - and not one where we had much of a connection. And that didn't help (ha ha).

So ... what was the oddest statement made to you - when you were on a date?

Had a bad date,

Brenda aka ClickGirl

Belizegial said...


I thought he possibly was going for shock value with his comment to you at the movies.

The same as would apply were he to ask you outright about the craziest thing you've done in bed.

The best thing is to be 'cool' and refuse to be shocked by such outrageous talk :)


ClickGirl said...

Hi Enid. You might be right on that. And he actually did ask something similar to what you mention - on the first date. He asked what I liked (stuff like that). I just laughed - and said that came under the 'too much too soon rule of internet dating' - and he said I had given him the response he wanted.

Later he said that he was amazed at how much women would tell when asked questions like that - and that my answer had shown I had 'class'.

On that - I have a couple of thoughts. First - he was one of those guys who write 'no game players' - yet here he is - playing the game of trying to 'trick' people into talking about their sex life - then being 'horrified' that they actually do it. I have no respect for his games - nor his being horrified. I think it's a 'cover' - for him wanting to 'go there' - but knowing that it's not totally appropriate so soon.

To me - he showed a complete lack of class himself, in his broaching the subject (in the way that he did) on first and second dates. He had also - when I offered to help pay the bill for drinks/appetizers - he said that I could just exchange it for illicit sex. Again - I just laughed - and said 'that's not going to happen' - and told him they had a name for women who did that - and I wasn't one of them.

Anyway - I just find it all very interesting ... and intriguing - because everyone has their preferences. Some women probably enjoy those overt sexual references. I prefer the kind of underlying sexual tension that goes almost unspoken - but it's there. And the gentle touch on the arm, shoulder or small of the back. And certainly - those things - before someone starts making sexual references. With this guy - there had been none of that - and just no physical interaction at all.

Besides those odd (to me) comments - he had some weird behavior in the movie - that was distracting - and made me think he had the attention span of a two year old. Maybe he thought we were going to the movie to 'make-out' (ha ha) - but I was going to see the movie. After - we walked to our cars and talked a bit - our conversation went into a strange path - so I said that I better get going. Before I could continue and say that I had a long day coming up the next day (because I was going to be traveling - which he knew about) - he just said, 'Oh sure - you're bored' - and turned and walked away - didn't say good-bye - got in his SUV and drove away. I was standing there - a little stunned - but relieved.

I didn't hear from him all week (sort of a relief) - until last night. He wrote and said he had to ask 'what happened'. I just responded with 'what do you mean?' - because I'm curious to see what he thinks happened.

There are lots of other things - just too much to write about - but this is one of those ones where you wished it would work out (hence the second date) - but - there were too many 'oddities'. My younger sister always says that there are no perfect men - so you just have to find someone whose faults you can live with. I've always liked that statement - and - I guess, when it comes down to it, this guy had too many things that I wouldn't have been able to live with. And ... he wanted to suck on my big toe in the movie! Ha Ha

On a more positive note - I met a guy a couple of months ago - at one of my shows. He's in production also - and we both work on the same client projects. We've been in touch by Email - since we met - and he had wanted to know if he could see me again. So ... he's going to be in Orlando next week - and we are probably going to meet up. So - I'm excited about that. We had great interaction ... lots of that 'underlying tension' that I mentioned ... and he was very professional and had 'class'. He was also very funny ... and interesting ... and intelligent. So ... we shall see. The biggest problem ... he lives on the other side of the country. He has homes in Vegas and San Diego. But he's looking at getting a place on the East Coast was well ... and comes out this way pretty often. Anyway - one step at a time. : )

Thanks again - for your comments. 'Talk' to you later!


beachgirl said...

Brenda you sure found a winner. He goes right up there with my 60 year old masking as a 49 year old.
Too funny. I never made it to the second date.
I bought a motorcycle instead of internet dating this time. Maybe I will find a real man with the same interests as I have. Riding is a must. Liking to be outside is a must.
I see a lot of biker bars. I just won't be at them. Drinking and driving is just not my scene.
I do have a cardinal rule I never break though. I never shit where I eat. Ever. So no work place romancing. Makes for a sticky situation
I did have a few dates with a local fireman. The guy was a total control freak. Hated his ex wife. I ran in the opposite direction.
I just wish us all a lot of luck. It is a very interesting world out there.

ClickGirl said...

Hey Beachgirl! Yes - there are some interesting guys out there. Sounds like you've met your share too. : ) That age thing is always 'funny'. So many say 'I'm a young __ (whatever the age is)'. Like that matters. And I always deduct several inches in height - from whatever is put on their profile - because they are almost always shorter than they say. The funny thing is - that I'd rather go out with someone who is 5'7" - who admits it - than someone who says he is over 6' - and not. : )

I agree about the workplace dating. I've 'been there - done that' ... and it certainly can be difficult.

Sounds like you've found a great thing to keep you occupied - with your bike. I think it's great that you are following your dream. Very cool!

I had several Emails from 'the toe guy' today. He thought that I should have called him - because I had called him to thank him after the first date. Who would know. Anyway ... I did respond to his Emails - and ended by wishing him well. I did say that there were a few things that he said that I was uncomfortable with - and I actually was hoping that he would want to know what they were - because maybe it would be helpful for him to know that some people might find that odd. But - as I told one of my former dates - it's not our jobs to 'fix' our dates - so unless he asked - I wouldn't go there.

Anyway ... that's it for now. I've got a busy week - with video shoots on Tues/Wed ... and then maybe to Orlando on Thursday (I hope).

Take care!


Leslie: said...

Interesting post,Brenda. I had a lovely dinner date last week with a fellow who's moved out here from back East. He'd contacted me mid-Feb when he was coming to town on business and wanted to know if I'd like to go for dinner. However, I was getting ready to go away for a week. When he moved into his new condo, he called and we spoke twice on the phone. He was funny and smart and seemed really nice. So I agreed to go out with him. He was as he was on the phone - smart, funny, polite, open, and paid for dinner. I emailed him the next day thanking him again for dinner and told him I'd really enjoyed the evening and maybe we could do it again sometime. He responded - agreeing. And now it's almost a week and no word. ???What's up with that? Is this the new dating world? I have to admit I didn't feel any real chemistry but I thought it had a distinct possibility of developing. Maybe he just thought I was a "nice lady" as he put it after he kissed my cheek when we parted ways. Will let you know if he calls again. In the meantime, we move on, right?

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi Brenda et all,
It has been a long time!!
Couldn't resist......
Hang in everyone........IT can happen, there ARE good guys out there.
I met an intelligent, kind, gentle, honest, compassionate, right sided (yes!!), romantic, handsome etc etc etc online last August believe it or not. I was just about to go offline after one too many weirdo cyber lusters (one stalker, one Italian mobster , one 70 yr old masquerading as a 60 yr old! etc etc etc )and my kids persuaded me to try just ONE more viola!!
We had great email and phone chemistry before we met for "coffee" which ultimatley turned into a "wine" date at an outdoor terrace whist watching the grand finale parade of the "Out Games" (HIS suggestion!!) Our 1st date was spontaneous, wild and crazy and incredibly fun.... lasting 4 hours!!!.....looking back we both agree that we instantly felt as though we had known one another forever.
Today we share mutuality and commonality in all that we are. Never dreamt it possible.
The truth is he is not at all what I thought I was looking for
He has never been married
He has never had children
I have discovered that it is far more important in life to appreciate all the qualities someone has and not focus on what they don't have. It turns out that he never met the right "one" and who can fault that? He has fit right into my family like a glove. My kids, parents and grandaughter adore him and vice versa
Neither one of us can imagine our lives without the other, we do everything together.......all of this through the power of the internet......who'd of thought??
So keep the faith my friends, anything is possible IF you believe!!
You can check "us photos" out for fun on my Facebook site that I set up to communicate with my kids

Don't give up
Hang in and good luck
Hope all well in your worlds
Cheryl xox

ClickGirl said...

Hi Leslie and Cheryl!

Thanks for responding!! It's fun to read about the experiences of others - and just to know 'we aren't alone' and 'there is hope'!

Leslie - I'm with you. I wonder if it is just a different 'dating world' now. The 'Toe Guy' actually made an interesting comment - in one of our early Emails - that really struck me ... and probably was one of the reasons that I wanted to meet him ... and wanted it to work. He said that doing online dating was like hitting the 'dating lottery' - and there were so many people to choose from - that people got spoiled - and just thought they could have anybody they wanted. He said that people were not really living in reality - and that it wasn't uncommon for guys to send out batches of Emails to women - and then just pick the top ones that respond - ignoring the others. This was in response to my wondering why guys would wink or write - and when I responded - I would never hear from them again. I just couldn't understand why they would bother contacting me in the first place - if they were not interested.

Anyway - I do think it's totally different than meeting people in person - though I've had my share of 'I'll call you' comments (before online dating) - that never were followed through on. Guy friends have told me that they just say what they think you want to hear at the end of a date - whether they have any intention of calling - or not. So I guess that's true - whether we meet someone in person - or online.

In the Online World - I think that many guys (and probably gals as well) don't feel they have to follow the 'normal' rules of manners. There are just too many people to choose from - so they don't feel like the rules apply anymore. So ... I just have gotten to the point that I try not to take it personally. That's not to say I don't think about it - but I try not to be upset by it ... or let it bother me too much. And I try to find the humor in it.

Anyway - as you say ... we move on. : )

And Cheryl ... how great that you have met someone who has become a part of your life. I don't know about others - but that is what I hope for in my life. I'm not saying that I can't live without a man ... but just that I believe that would enrich my life ... and be something that I would want in my life. So ... good for you! And thanks for sharing!! Because it does give hope - to people like me - who are in the midst of the internet dating scene. And - it's always great to hear from you!!

To All:
Despite 'the bad date' ... which was really not such a big deal - and almost funny (because I really didn't feel much connection or interest in that guy) - I am moving forward. And ... I've just had a very fun week - communicating with a guy that I met a while back - at one of my shows (I've mentioned about him before). He was working a show in Orlando - and we were trying to find a time that we could get together. But ... with me having video shoots ... and him setting up for two concerts - it didn't work out. But we talked on the phone every day ... and it was just nice having conversations and knowing that he was interested. He'll be back in Orlando in two weeks ... and I'll be in Orlando that same week ... so ... maybe it will work out this time - though we will both be doing shows at different Hotels. I usually don't see the light of day when I'm on show site ... but we will both try to see if we can squeeze in some time. Anyway - it gives me hope ... and was just plain fun. So ... very nice week!

My best to all of you! Please feel free to tell 'your story' on here! I think it helps to share what we've been through ... what we are going through ... and to express our sadness ... disappointment ... humor ... joy ... in all of it! And that's whether we are searching ... in a relationship ... happily alone ... or wherever we are in our lives. Let's just share.

Have a great day!


CathyinCarolina said...

A Hello to all!!!

Glad to see recent communications here.

Weird title/Weird Guy---me thinks!!!

He was probably bored with himself, Clickgirl!!!

I like the sound of the new guy, make time in Orlando!!!! I have this feeling!!!

Love to you, Clickgirl and the others here. Good to hear from you all!!!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Cathy!

Good to see you on here again!!

Yes - weird title. : ) Was going for 'the shock value'. Anything for attention. Ha Ha
And ... I'm just trying to stir up interest - because I miss our old Blogging days - when we had so many folks on here.

The weird guy - yeh - I think he actually was just really out of touch with what was appropriate. He was an inventor and is now teaching Math - working on moving into college level Math. My kids kept teasing me - and saying 'Math Teacher' ... 'Math Teacher'. They said that wouldn't be their first choice of profession to date ... and were sharing about what their Math Teachers had been like. It was too funny.

Also - he said that he was abrupt and to the point about things - and that was true. He did share a lot - but it was weird stuff. And he had a lot of odd situations with family - that were sort of 'red flags' to me. He also didn't ask me anything at all. About my life. My family. My work. Nothing. I think I need to be with someone who is more into creative fields ... and writers seem to be the 'type' that I relate to best. So maybe there is some validity to what my boys were joking about.

And yes - the other 'real guy' may have potential ... but I'm not sure. I think he is quite a bit younger (maybe 15 years - yikes!) - but we had great 'chemistry' ... and he was really fun to be around. He does live on the other side of the country though ... so ... that makes it challenging. He left for Vegas today - and I hope we can find some time to at least have drinks or dinner when we are both in Orlando. Problem is - he arrives on my worst day - and I hardly have time to go to the bathroom - let alone get away to meet up with someone. And, this year, I go right from that event - to another big one in Tampa - the day after we strike. I'm not even sure I was going to have time to see my son and his wife on Mother's Day (the day after the Orlando event - and day that I travel home) - so ... not sure how all of that will work out. We do both work on shows for a mutual client though - so if Orlando doesn't work out - there will be many other opportunities. And I'm kind of enjoying the slow building up anyway.

The most important thing though - whether I see him or not - is that he stirred up something inside of me ... and has me excited and wanting for more. And hopeful about having someone in my life. For a few years there - I was just content to live a pretty solitary life. Now - I do want that interaction ... that male companionship ... that fun sexual banter. And more. : )

By the way - I sent an Email to my friend (the VO guy) - asking if he still had the cabins in N.C. I think he might have sold two of them (the ones he rented) - to buy a larger on in N.C. (not sure where though). I've seen pics - and it is just beautiful. Even has a jacuzzi in the master bedroom! On a stream (so Dave can fish). Very cool place! He just told me that he set up a Studio in that place - so he could work from there as well. He was up there a few weeks ago ... and plans to move up there (sort of early semi-retirement) in a few years. I told him he should consider having a party up there - for his 'favorite producers' - and he said that was a great idea - and he would let me help him plan it. I'm not holding my breath - but it would be fun. : )

At any rate, I haven't heard back from him about the rentals yet - though we sent Emails back and forth all day Friday afternoon (I was working at home). He's going to try to come to the fundraising event that I'm doing 5/14 - for a large Homeless Shelter. It's at our Performing Arts Center - and Neil Berg (NY Composer & Lyricist) and five leads from Broadway are coming to perform. It is going to be an amazing event - with a 'Who's Who in Tampa' audience. We also decided to go together to do some volunteer work at the shelter - over the holidays. So - that should be fun ... and meaningful.

Hope to see you - and many others - on here again! I really want to stay in touch ... and this is a great and easy way (I think). So ... thanks again - for stopping in! Come back soon!

Warm regards,

Leslie: said...

Hi Brenda, well a friend told me that since "he" had emailed last, I should just send a quick one asking how things were going. So, I did and he emailed back right away apologizing that he had been called away on work - he owns a small publishing company based back East but he has other sites in other cities across Canada as well as in New York. He said he'd be back around May 10 and we'd go for coffee. I'm not really holding my breath, but as you were saying in your last post about stirring "up something inside of me ... and has me excited and wanting for more. And hopeful about having someone in my life." He, too, is younger than I am by about 7 years but I found him to be so much fun - and that is so important to me. Wish me luck. :D

ClickGirl said...

Good Luck Leslie!!

That sounds promising!! : )

Sandy's Space said...

Well it's not so much what the guy said but what he did. On the second date he took the liberty to French kiss me! YUCK! It was only the second date and I wasn't that fond of the guy to begin with! Dating, sometimes I think it just isn't worth it!

beachgirl said...

Hi Brenda,
I think I have found a way to meet guys. I have more guys approach and give me their numbers while riding. The bikers all check out each others bikes. Everyone likes to ride in groups. Much safer that way. Today I met a 34 year old European. Nice, huge bike. A new riding partner. And I ride every day.
I was having a piece of pizza up on the beach and another biker saw I had my helmet with me. He came over while I was getting on my bike to say hello and gave me his card. Call if you want to ride. Now this is a new tactic. We are outside, safe and they can't find you again if you don't want them too. I should have bought the bike years ago.
Now i usually ride with a 27 year old male coworker. You should see the looks we get. Now why can't women date younger men? Men sure like to look like they robbed the cradle. OK. I do draw the line of dating kids. And my kids are all in their mid to late 20's. Too creepy, and they are so young.
Ok, so we're not Demi Moore.
I hope everyone had as much fun as I did this weekend.
Have an awesome day!

Leslie: said...

Whooeeee Carol...the size of a man's bike = ???? ROTFLOL

ClickGirl said...

Hey Carol. Good for you! Sounds like you have a plan that works for you! : ) Keep us posted on how all of that works out.

Leslie - any updates on the guy that you were communicating with? Can't wait to hear more!

Hi Sandy! I've had that happen too. One guy - that did have a bit of potential - a Banker from Sarasota, FL - who I had a great evening of conversation with - just went in for 'the big kiss' - waaaayyyy too soon. And too much. It just killed everything for me. So sad - isn't it!?!

I've heard from Sunni also - and she may be checking in soon! Was great to hear from her again.

It's so great reconnecting again ... and I hope we can get more people coming around again. Thanks to all of you ... who continue to stop by ... and share your thoughts! I love it! And appreciate it!!

Regarding 'guys' - it's funny ... because lately I've been putting myself out there - and trying to get back into 'the guy scene' again ... and parts of it are agony ... and other parts are just ... so fun. Yesterday ... I had one of those 'so fun' moments. I was working on logging video tapes for a vid that I'm doing for a big fundraiser that I'm doing for a large Homeless Shelter (Metropolitan Ministries). I had just finished one show and one small video on Friday ... and had worked late Friday night. I started working early on Sunday - and had been working all day long. I'm so tired right now ... but just have to keep plugging away - to get everything done. So ... I just had such a pleasant surprise - just before going to bed on Sunday - when I noticed that a little Text Message had come in on my cell phone. It simply said, 'Hello Beautiful'. Those two little words had me smiling all day today. It was a sweet, unexpected gesture - and so appreciated.

So ... you have 'The Toe' Guys ... and the 'Hello Beautiful' Guys. I'm voting for the latter. : ) Anyway ... there are some nice ones out there.

Hope all of you have an amazing day! I'm in the middle of a crazy busy time - with the Met Min event ... and a huge Black & White Gala for Give Kids the World - which happens next week, in Orlando. And one other video that I'm coordinating shoots for - in Dallas, Atlanta and Jupiter. So ... just lots going on! On June 15th, I'm taking the day off and sleeping all day long! : )

Best to All!!


beachgirl said...

Hi Brenda,
I love the Hello Beautiful text. It just makes your whole day.
I did call the guy who gave me his card. What a really nice guy. He said it was very unlike him. I think he's a little on the shy side when it comes to dating and approaching woman.
I know he's interested because he met me on the beach for sunrise pictures, then drove me to the west coast for sunset pictures in Marco Island. Bikes in the morning, car for the afternoon.
He is restoring my faith in men. He's not an octopus or a pelvic cruncher. He keeps his hands and his tongue and his pelvis in his own space.
Now while taking sunrise pictures another photographer came over and hit on me. And wouldn't leave when my new friend arrived. Kept getting in my way while taking pictures. I kept asking him to move out of my shot. He asked if he could take pictures of my legs in a mini skirt and very high heels. CREEP!!!!! I will NOT call that guy. It sure takes all kinds.

Have an interesting week.

Leslie: said...

Hi Brenda, no news but he did say he wouldn't be back in town until around the 10th. that guy who was on Oprah said, "He's just not into you." I figure if he really was interested, he'd still email. So...

beachgirl said...


Leslie: said...

Hi Brenda, hope you had a great Mother's Day. If you're interested in what the latest guy emailed me, check out my blog site and see the posting "Judge Not" - guess which one "he" was! :(

ClickGirl said...

Hello Everyone!

I finally had my 'Sleep Day'! And a few days off. Much needed!!

I made it through my third really hectic, stressful, crazy busy time - since last September - and just feel relieved to have it all behind me. The Met Min event was a career highlight (more on that later - in another Blog post) - and just was a great end to all of that hard work. I'm back at work tomorrow - and traveling to Charlotte for a biz meeting with two or three of my colleagues. Then back to the office on Wednesday - to a more regular schedule for a while. I hope!

Yes Carol. That 'Hi Beautiful' was 'sweet'. I received many more similar messages - while my friend was traveling from Vegas to Orlando - and we actually got to spend a short time together - just having a drink - while we were both working in Orlando during the same week. We were at different Hotels - but he came over one night and it was fun spending a little time with someone who was definitely 'into me'. Unfortunately, I had to work that night - and he was very respectful of that (which I greatly appreciated). So we didn't get to spend enough time together - but something ... was better than nothing. He's in Atlanta now - doing another show ... and won't be back to this area until August. I don't expect anything to develop with this guy (long story - see below) but I am grateful that he awakened something within me.

Your new friend sounds great ... and that guy on the beach sounds like such an annoyance. It's too bad that people like that don't 'get' that they are a bother. I wonder what they are thinking? At any rate - at least you had your friend coming to meet up with you. Hope that works out!!

Leslie - I read your Blog - about 'Judge Not'. Wow - talk about 'creeps'. That definitely was someone with a judgemental attitude ... that you can do without!! From what you wrote - and comments from Josie - it sounds like you made a wise and educated decision - and didn't take lightly what you did. And - when it comes to the end of the day - you have to do what is right for you - and not worry about what other people think of it. Especially people who are so willing to be critical and mean - as that guy was.

I do think it is hard though - when someone comes across so strong like that - when they were someone you considered a friend - and maybe more. So - I feel for you on that regard. And - it just shows - as we've been discussing here - how words that you give out do make a difference. You were hurt and disappointed by comments sent to you (by the judgemental guy) ... I was bouyed up and excited (by the 'Hi Beautiful' guy). It makes me want to be more careful about what I write and say. To make sure that I don't 'accidently' hurt someone ... and to be more 'intentional' about lifting people up.

So Everyone ... Good thoughts ... for a Sunday afternoon. And appropriate - for my upcoming comments.

On Friday I went to get my nails done ... then drove over to Clearwater Beach (you might remember the photos from when Jackie and I were over there). I went to Palm Pavilion and had a late lunch - and had a couple of little margaritas - before doing a four mile walk. As I was sitting there 'contemplating life' - I was thinking of people who I missed having contact with. I sent a text message and photo of the scene before me - to the Vegas guy (who was, at that moment, traveling to Atlanta). He's the one who actually got me into the texting stuff. I just wanted to thank him. But - as I mentioned - I don't think anything will come of our attraction to each other. So ... there is one guy who I've thought of quite a bit lately ... and written to a few times over the past year. We had known each other before my cancer dx. and after. So ... with the margaritas taking away my usual inhibitions - I sent a text message: 'At Clearwater Beach. Thought of you. Hope all is well with you'.

Just a few little words. I wasn't even sure if he lived in the area as he had been doing projects in Savannah ... and somewhere in Alabama ... and Baltimore. Anyway - I just 'sent it out' ... not really expecting a response.

I walked up the beach - and found my favorite spot ... and sat down. It was beautiful out. In the 80's - but cooling off - and a strong wind blowing - so there were bigger than usual waves hitting the shore. It was quiet ... very few people at this end of the beach. I ending up laying down and falling asleep.

While I was floating away in dream land - my cell rang. It was the guy I had sent the text msg to. He was just in from Baltimore ... and excited to hear from me. He came over to the beach - right from the airport - and it was a great 'reunion'. It was an amazing night ... and yesterday morning he gave me a 'personal concert' with his new Fender guitar ... and we looked through his old photos and memorabilia from his days of playing with 'The Beach Boys' and 'The Righteous Brothers'.

So ... point being ... you just never know when you reach out to communicate ... with a phone call ... an Email ... a text message ... what is going to come back to you. My 'taking the risk' (thanks to those margaritas) resulted in moving past a huge hurdle in my life ... and taking me to a new place - and helping me move forward.

Not to get too personal ... but it's been over six years since I've 'been' with a man. Because of my cancer dx, chemo, my many surgeries and resulting scars and 'losses' ... I've just not felt comfortable - and have just not known how to handle it. So it was ironic ... and appropriate - that the last man I was with (before) - was the first man I was with after all of this time. All because of a little text message. : )

So ... I'm feeling relieved ... and good. And looking forward to seeing what might come from this reconnecting.

Ah ... what a nice Sunday afternoon! : )

Hope all of you are having an equally wonderful day! And hope you will take a moment ... and communicate with someone special in your life. : )

Until next time,


beachgirl said...

Congratulations Brenda on such a huge step out and about. It sure feels good doesn't it.
The guy on the bike just fizzled out, he never called, I had to always call. I stopped calling, and I haven't heard from him.
I am going for my first long ride next weekend with a group of guys. The lead rider has been a good friend for 12 years and invited me to ride with his group. I have met several of his riding group. They seem very respectful and nice. Otherwise I wouldn't go.
I am pretty much done with the airline. My shoulder is still not healing. The Dr. won't clear me to go back to work. Silly. And I already resigned.
I have a much needed vacation in my future. Then hopefully back to work for another airline or in photography.
Enjoy your new confidence. You have so earned it and all good things coming your way.

Leslie: said...

Wow, Brenda, you do sound happy. And you're right, you never know what is in the future and what can happen when you communicate well. I sort of feel, though, that you can't go must always push forward. But in your case, pushing forward brought back someone who may keep bringing you forward. (does this make any sense at all? lol)

beachgirl said...

Happy Memorial Day!!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Carol and Leslie,

Thanks much - for your comments!

Carol - the riding stuff sounds fun! Enjoy!

Leslie - yes - that made sense! And I agree - that most of the time it doesn't make sense to 'go back'. I guess - in this situation - we never really had much of a past - and I just kept thinking about 'what if'. So ... figured it was worth a shot. : )

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Please see my updated post - about Memorial Day!

