Friday, December 24, 2010

A Gift for the Season

I've been blessed with so much in my life, and though things have been tough from time to time (especially in this current economy), I still feel like I have so much more than many others. So, in the spirit of this season, I honor my family with a gift that will benefit others. I hope they accept this gift as a small token of my love and appreciation for all of them, and what they mean to me in my life.

My gift this year goes via Kiva:

Kiva's mission is to connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty.

Kiva empowers individuals to lend to an entrepreneur across the globe. By combining microfinance with the internet, Kiva is creating a global community of people connected through lending.

Because I love Mexico so much, the first loan goes to this sweet little lady:

Georgina González Hernández, from Acuna, Mexico, has been selling used clothes for 3 years. This is her only source of income to cover her household's expenses. She seeks this loan so that she can purchase seasonal merchandise to grow her sales and generate additional earnings.

And because I realize that so many in our own country have had difficulties, I felt this was a good cause as well:

Norma Montalvo, from San Antonio, Texas, opened Bistro Six to fulfill her dream of working the in food industry. She decided to start a food truck because she wanted to make buying excellent food more convenient for people. Norma and her husband used to grab breakfast at food trucks before work. These experiences helped Norma learn about this model of food production. Bistro Six is successful because of the commitment of Norma and her family. Her oldest son, Javier, is the executive chef and her stepdaughter, Stacey, is the sous chef.

I have had four loans successfully repaid, through Kiva, and feel it's a great way to give others the opportunity to be successful, while giving them the chance to have pride in what they are doing, and a sense of self-respect as well.

To all who find their way to this page, and these words, I give my best wishes to you - for this very special holiday season ... and for the new year. May you know Joy and Peace. Always.

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