Sunday, July 31, 2005



Thought I'd start a new thread ... so we didn't have to scroll
- all - the - way - down - to - the - bottom anymore. : )

So ... just carry your comments on over to this new post.

We are getting lots of great thoughts and comments on here ... and it is interesting to notice that so many of us seem to be thinking along the same lines. Seems that it is true - 'great minds think alike'! I appreciate this opportunity to get to know all of you ... and I really am enjoying checking out the other Blogs ... and seeing how creative and clever all of you are. So cool!

A few things to think about:

1. Let me know if you have sent in your video/bio to __. We will do a 'Support Blog' for those participating ... and cheer them on. So far, I know Dancingirl is 'in' ... and Leslie is going to submit hers soon. Will be fun to know who has taken the plunge!

2. Do you prefer the long running threads? Or would you prefer separate threads for different subjects? We could have one __/__ thread ... one thread for 'Traveling Stories' ... one thread for 'Life Stories' ... one for 'Relationship Stuff' or 'Online Dating Escapades' ... etc. Whatcha think?

3. How many of you are serious about us meeting up? I think that it is a great idea ... and maybe it would be worth having a thread just to discuss that. I've heard comments about a Cruise ... Belize ... someone has a place in N.C. ... and a few other suggestions. Let me know what you think! I'll mention it on the other Blogs too - so we can see if we can organize something.

Regards to all,
Click Girl

P.S. Several people have mentioned that they wished the Blogs had Spellcheck. Just thought I would pass along what I do. I write all of my posts in MS Word - then copy and paste into the Blog box. That works much better for me - and then I can just copy and paste the < > dealies in too. Anyway - just thought I'd share my little 'tip' with you.


Anonymous said...

Not sure what happened Claire, but archives seem to be working OK from where I am.

Brenda, I clicked on your Integral Naked link. Far out. How did that forum come to your life? BTW -- I checked out your photos-- you are dynamic and your boys are adorable!

I love the idea of threads for different topics. Please do that. It would be so much easier if RR would do the same. Often, I just want to see if there is any news on the SB blog and having to scroll thru 280 posts with a variety of info -- from weekend news to song lyrics-- is not what I had in mind.

A support blog here for those "going the SB distance" would be great. If anyone else has had any direct RR email contact and / or info that helps us know the man, that would be appreciated

Also -- do not fear, Brenda (which BTW is also my sister's name), I am not feeling "negativity" here, just girlfriends talking among themselves, as we do, candidly and irreverently. AND -- truth be told, if I cannot work through any doubts about this Search, Romance and Adventure-- I shouldn't be going for it. The "finalist" certainly cannot be faint-of-heart and must be confident of her worthiness, strength, presence, wisdom, fortitude and, looks.

"Balancing" comes natural -- Ms. Libra I am.

Be well all.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Claire
Hope you can see the archives now. I may have been making changes when you tried to access. If you still can't access it, let me know ... and I will see if I can figure out what it wrong. Dancingirl was able to view it ... and I am able to as well. So ... hope it works now. : )

Hello Dancingirl
Thanks for your input. I'm glad we are 'on the same page' with things.

I'll do some different topics - and see how that works. When SB started, he had different Blogs - but they were not specific ... so I'll try to structure them - and limit them to just a few ... so we don't have so much to go through.

About Integral Naked - I'll actually write about that in one of the new threads ... and will post a photo with it.

Greetings Klew
I saw that on SB - about RR wanting to do a Cruise next summer - maybe to Alaska. I have always wanted to do that - and liked that he suggested it might be a way for all of us to meet - with a lot of other senior bachelor people. So - that could be quite fun. But - I agree that it would also be great to do a cruise before that ... and I thought some people had suggested a Cruise during some of the time RR would be gone - for the 'unchosen'. I'm curious to hear what others think about that - and know that some folks have been doing Email communication about it. Anyway - hope we can all connect on that.

I don't envy you considering a move. I debated that a while back - because I live in a 3BR townhouse - that was great when the boys were here. Unfortunately, part of it now has become 'storage' (I jokingly tell people that one of my rooms is my 'garage'). I am off this week - trying to reorganize, so that I can do some renovation. Sometimes, I think it would be easier to move though. : ) Good luck with your search.

I've never been to Washington State - but my son, Chris, lived there when he was in the Army - at Ft. Harris. Looks so beautiful out there. : )

Best to all of you!

Warm regards,
Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

Good points OpenHeart.

I'm working on some new subject titles right now. But glad you mentioned about 'fitting RR's profile'. If you haven't seen Dancingirl's comments from the last post (go all the way to the bottom of the home page - and click on '64 Comments' - and go to her last posts). She made some great points ... and actually had me re-think my opinion on that. So ... check it out.

Shortly - I'll have the new 'Blog Topics' up. : )

Click Girl

Anonymous said...

Happy August to you as well Brenda:-)
Count me in for the cruise and i am cheering for all of you who sent videos in. I am just an observer and will gladly help if asked and if i can. I am not a participant in the search for simple reasons.
And have a good evening to all of you!

Anonymous said...

BTW, Brenda, have you read Leo Buscaglia's LOVE? lovehimmmmm

Leslie: said...

Hi Brenda, I love your site and am really trying to do some things on mine. However, I am having a lot of trouble today with it. Whenever I post pictures I end up with 3 or 4 of the same one! So I posted about Alaska and put up one picture. I want to put up more but the only way I can figure to do it is to make a new blog with each one. How do you create links? I want to do that so all my Alaska photos could be on one link. Oh I am so exasperated today. Metalxmonkey may be extremely bright and computer literate, but she is one h... of a teacher - just does it over my head and expects that I can follow along! Not so for me.

Re the cruise idea - I love how RR says that he has this great idea that he got from the blogs - makes it sound like it's HIS idea. Now I'm all in favour of cruising and would love to go - either Belize or Alaska. I think Suzanne should go ahead and check out prices, etc. and let's see what RR actually does do with his idea.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Leslie
I'll try to offer whatever help I can regarding the photos. I did each photo as a separate post though - and don't know how to link them either. Maybe Cheryl can help with that.

I did a Photo Blog - trying to do what Cheryl (Canadian Bloggette) did - but I wasn't able to do mine - like hers.
You can look at mine at:

I still haven't gotten a pic on my profile either - but realized that it was because the file that I was trying to attach was too large. So - have to go back and save pics in a smaller file.

That would be great if Suzan would check prices. I'm open for a Cruise - to any where. : ) And yes - Openheart ... would be good to have guys. And while RR is gone. I think the original idea was for those of us not going or chosen - to meet. So, if there are enough interested, we can do that - and do an Alaskan Cruise (or whatever) with SB too. Can't ever go on too many Cruises (ha ha).

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

Hello All
I've set up six new topics (these aren't the exact titles - just the ideas):
1. Senior Bachelor/RR Comments
2. 'The Trip' - Cruise
3. Support 'Our' Senior Bachelorettes
4. Share Travel Stories
5. Share Life Moments
6. Share Favorite Quotes, Etc.

Hope this will make it easier to plug in to what you are interested in reading. I can add others - but thought this was a good start ... to see if it works.

I'll close off this thread now - just so it won't be so confusing.

Take care,

Click Girl