Saturday, August 06, 2005

More talk about __ 'Stuff' ... Anything Goes!

Just 'Real Women' ... continuing on our 'active' and 'candid' discussions from the last blog ... and trying to avoiding 'scrollitis'. All are welcome to join in the fun ... and the sharing!

Also - please don't forget that there are other Blogs below:
1. Discuss your desires for 'The Senior Bachelorette Trip'
2. Share your Support for Senior Bachelorettes who have sent in vids to __ for __
3. Share your Travel Stories
4. Share some of your Life Moments

5. Share your favorite Quotes, Poems & Musings


Anonymous said...

Oh My GosH, I am first... i better type fast before someone beats me to it.
I think RR is really pissed off huh? what's the big deal anyway, it's gonna come out sooner or later anyway. His real self is coming out and he doesn't even know it... sounds like a controling person to me.. like "don't do this and don't do that" Oh my Gosh that will totally drive me crazY..... i am glad i didn't send my video in.
i am posting this now cause i want to be the first...


Anonymous said...

None of those girls is wearing an SB thong, didja notice? Thanks for starting a new thread, Brenda.

I guess RR doesn't read your blog (thank goodness!) or would have noticed I reported that that email had been sent as well. Now I REALLY want to know how many got that email. I guess that's why RR didn't want it revealed b/c we would bug him about details and he is apparently not quite ready to SAY IT ONCE AND ONLY ONCE.

linda in Tucson said...

Wow. Richard is showing a whiny baby side, don't you think? How interesting that he stated
"If you (the anonymous writer)had a question about how many other people have received those e-mails, I am the single only person who knows the answer to that. Why wouldn't you ask me???"
Hello? Like when else has asking him a direct question resulted in an answer?
I think I'm seeing a side of him I'm not too wild about. I think I'll be like Suzanne in Mesa and start huggin you girls instead, ha

ClickGirl said...


You get the prize! You’re #1!

Suzanne (Mesa AZ)
Thanks for the clarification on the way the Cruise thing played out. You have a much better memory than I do! I always try to blame it on the Chemo (ha ha) – which did have an effect on me, in that regard, but it’s probably really that there is so much going on … and so many different opinions and mis-information – that it does get confusing sometimes. : ) But I will definitely check about sending something to Oprah on Wildest Dreams/Cruise … and we can see what they say. I can take pics from the Blog or Web sites that people have posted … and do a little video to send in. That might work. I’ll put together a little concept – and make sure everyone is cool with it first.

Regarding the extended deadline - I think that was because of the People magazine article – if memory serves me – (and, of course, we are beginning to see clearly – how bad my memory really is – ha ha). I thought RR said that he didn’t think it would be fair to the people who read the article – not to be able to participate.

Ah yes … The Hobo. What did you think of him? Definitely not ‘Bachelor material’.

You can join the ‘Bag Lady’ Club – with CJ and me! Oh – and I just had my hair colored. I’ve just started getting nice highlights done … which don’t make the white roots so dramatic. (ha ha) Actually - when my hair came back - I had solid white hair and tiny little ringlets. After about a year - I had it cut and colored ... and now I actually have a little wave and curls - which I never, ever had in my life. I was always so jealous of my two sisters - and their natural curly hair.

Also - thanks so much for your nice comments. I agree – that I’d almost rather hang out with great friends – than stress over dating. Oh – and glad you aren’t Gay! (ha ha) ‘Not that there is anything wrong with being Gay’ (a Seinfeld repeated line)! I guess I just assumed that everyone was not – because they were looking for Romance with Richard. : )

Oh my gosh! I was thinking today - about whether RR would check out my site … but just figured he has so much to do that he would just be glad he got rid of some of our ‘whining’ (ha ha) – and wouldn’t bother with going to our sites. But after I had that ‘near miss’ last night - with posting on the SB site – by mistake – I did think about maybe his ‘Blog Police’ person might check out our sites for him. Remember that he said he has someone who checks his Blog every hour and deletes any inappropriate posts. So … I wondered if that person would be researching stuff for RR – and might see our comments. Oh well. It is a free country! And, as I think I mentioned before – the very essence of a Blog – is that it is to be people freely sharing their thoughts. The idea of censorship just flies against the grain of what a Blog was designed for.

By the way, thanks for the explanation about Marginalization. I think I was out of town – and when I came back – there was all of this ‘talk’ about that Blog being deleted … and I just felt I missed out on everything. Especially – because I couldn’t figure out what the controversy was. I guess RR had not learned that he could just turn off the ability to post … without deleting everything. Not only does he seem to have control issues – he just doesn’t seem very grounded in reality at times.

Yes – and you are right – he does seem so evasive. I keep trying to figure out if it is because he is just that way … or if he is just so overwhelmed. But – his last post sort of answered that question for me. Because of one Anonymous person (forgetting that 99.9% of us are great) he doesn’t want to answer questions … because ‘the word will get out’. Anyway – no wonder we all keep getting confused! (Except Suzanne – because she has a much, much better memory than me)! : )

But it is really a good thing that it wasn’t you who ‘spilled the beans’! What was up with that? Why is he so upset over that? I don’t get it! I thought we were in ‘the inner circle’!

Suzanne may be right, when she says that RR might be hurting his chances with some terrific women – by the way he is responding to things. He might have been better off sticking with the original deadline – when we were all still in awe of him. : )

I did love the comment from one of the Anonymous posters though – saying that there hadn’t been any privacy notice on the Email. Ha Ha - See – he should have listened to CJ!!!

Ooooooh – The Thong. I could put the pic of the SB Thong on here! CJ – would I get sued for that? : )

Linda in Tucson
So True! And … maybe he doesn’t realize that we have a list on this site … for all who have signed up. Ha ha ha ha I think I’ll put a star next to the ones who have also received the Email – hee hee hee.

Thanks! So glad that you have joined us here too.

I think RR said his ex-wife was on the panel … and that they were still friends.

Hang in there! I can’t even imagine what you must be going through … but know that you are in our thoughts!

About going to the SB site … I like checking it out – because it provides such great opportunities for grins over here. (ha ha) Just joking – we don’t want to be mean. And … I am actually more interested now in the ‘movement’ for Senior Bachelors and Bachelorettes … and the marginalization issues. I do think that is a very positive thing – and would like to be involved in supporting that. That is one reason that I think having Oprah sponsor our Cruise would really be a great thing – and also important in helping to show 50+ people in a very positive light.

Re: Guy
So … I checked out that $10,000 guy – and RR could take lessons from him in communication. On his website he tells all about who he is, what he is looking for, what his background is, why he is doing this … and even has a very long description of the type of woman that normally attracts him – even specifically giving height, hair color, etc. – and says that he is not trying to limit the number of people … but he just knows what he likes and he doesn’t want to waste people’s time (a novel idea!). He even described famous movie stars – to illustrate the type of people that he is attracted to. Now that may have been going a bit too far … because who can compete with Angelina Jolie, Brooke Burke and Terry Hatcher. But – he says he is not attracted to Paris Hilton types (and others). So … if you were looking for someone for him (to get the $10k) that would be very helpful to know.

He even has an audio recording of a radio interview that explains what he is doing – and he actually is pretty impressive. He would be the type to donate 10% of the proceeds of an ‘SB Shop’ to charity – had he been tacky enough to set up a Shop. : )

Veeerrrrry In-ter-est-ing. : )

Okay … and here is one little ‘whine’ from me (RR is rubbing off on me). A lot of people have posted very nice comments about Pop&Me. I wrote a nice little comment about it – and was very complimentary about it as well. And I've been a producer for over 20 years - so I thought he might appreciate my nice words. But in his last Blog – he just writes all about the movie … and repeats previous info … talks about the financial end of things … and I don’t think he ever even said – ‘Thanks’ for all the nice comments from all of you ladies. Hmmmmmmm My feelings are hurt. : )

G’night Gals!

Click Girl

Leslie: said...

Hi everyone! I just got home from babysitting my grandson ALL DAY until 1:00 am. Haven't been on the blog since early morning and came home to all this about an e-mail! My goodness! I distinctly remember asking RR on his blog whether all the videos were still being sent to Oprah and never heard a thing from him about it. So...I figure that he's only sending the ones he likes and if you don't hear anything, you can pretty much figure you're NOT on his short list. After those 2 comments he made today, I'm really wondering what's going on! Perhaps, as some of you said, things are not going the way he wanted it to??? If this venture is going to go "commercial" I think he owes it to every "entrant" exactly what he's planning. But, as I said before, we can always opt out if we do get to meet him and don't like him. No one says just because he likes us, we have to like him. Just my 2 cents (Cdn) on the topic.
Must get to bed - it's after 2 a.m. Yawn! See y'all tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Myriam said

I need to share this with you and maybe i'll be the one you'll send to the naughty mat!!! but I won't go without a fight!eh!eh!

I had the same response that RR had to someone that forwarded an email I've sent by replying to all adding my friends to her mailing list. I know it is a very different setting here but for me an email is also like a letter, private unless I am told I can share. this is what I usually state on stuff I receive and forward. This happened too when I emailed some of you and you came back asking me if it was ok to give my email address. I sent an email to the lady (I met her through the Internet after 9/11) who apologized and I now sent to myself with cc to everyone.

At this point I don't mind to see that side of Richard. He is human after all! I too like to tell it the way it is and it had been sometimes difficult at work as I can come up to someone and say: if you have something to say about me, what don't you tell me directly. I grew up in a small town where people were into everybodys' business mostly ours because of my father's work. I very early developped the sense that one could not please everybody so the hell with it. I have mellowed over the year and now say it with more love and compassion! and because of that I can work with very "difficult" people and go along fine. I know when I worked in the government many people were covering their bosses' arses. I couldn't and wouldn't do that. The truth eventually always come out. It is a matter of asking for it and being patient. "Ask and You shall Receive" said a great teacher once.

I got the following from the Angel Blessing Cards by Kimberley Marooney:"Somewhere in human history, we were taught to deny our ability to know what is happening within and around us. In pretending to be asleep, unaware and ignorant for such a long time, we lost the memory of our true existence. It is now considered impolite to hurt another feeling with directness, even when honesty could heal the situation. Instead we pretend not to notice and walk away from opportunities to reunite in love and understanding."

I read that years ago and I can see some changes, we are a bunch that are not afraid to speak up our mind but please, don't let waht RR hust you, become the observer, (tell me to shut up if you need to, it won't hurt my feelings) and let it go. He is not perfect and neither are we, as someone stated, how much are we willing to deal with (for me in order to grow. It is our call, our choice.

I cracked up reading Happy(?)s jokes on RRB. RRBlog. What a way to start the day!

I understand the lesbian comment as I have been asked before. I have a couple of friends that are lesbian but they know I am off limit.

Off I go,
Hugs to all of you!

linda in Tucson said...

Suzanne: I know what you mean about feeling at times like RR is speaking to you directly...I have felt that too (going back a ways, I have followed all this hoo ha from the very first minute last May). Actually, I think in his last post he was being sassy to "happy"...dissing her about the fact that a real Irishman (or whatever) wouldn't have someone write a letter for him.

So....I was at Starbucks yesterday and this perfectly nice older gent that I run into frequently asked me if I wanted to accompany him to Europe for a month. No video interview required! Seems to me I'd get the same benefit that RR is offering? However, the thought doesn't really jazz me so I have to question my motives around this venture...perhaps I just want my 15 minutes of fame? The big prize is starting to look like such a booby prize, ha.

Anonymous said...

One of my girlfriends had a somewhat older (20 years or so), wealthy gentleman friend who she accompanied as a travel companion. No hanky-panky at all! Of course, no one believed that, but I think it was true.

She went on fabulous $50,000 cruises, but at times also found herself having to play "nurse" as this really dear guy's health started to fail. What it worth it? She says yes, though the "care" (helping him get dressed, making sure he didn't fall, getting him to eat etc) she provided added stress.

This lovely guy eventually passed away -- left her nothing in his will -- but some wonderful memories.

Belizegial said...

I like honesty myself, which is why I enjoy the postings from Happy, Richard, Canadian Blogette and all else who are straight from the hips type of posters.

I agree with Myriam, though, that Richard's directness is not directed to anyone blogger. He got mad over at the other site because of the preceding bloggers' comments, not just anyone's and we have to respect his need for privacy, even when he communicates via e-mail to the participants.

That's my 2 cents (bzn) for the day. Have a good one y'all.

Anonymous said...

Happy????!!! really

figure me for what???

If this a preview to the women cruise, forget that!!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Brenda. Your sons are handsome.

I've met Dennis Bank at the Prayer Vigil for the Earth in DC where i volunteer every year. I took him to the airport. He is quite a character. Really nice.


Anonymous said...

I said many things in that blog so I like to clean the air. what did upset you in particular? and I have no intention to drag this on.

I have to apologize to you all for my comment on the cruise. I have enjoyed all of your emails and would love to meet you in person.

Hugs. Myriam

Anonymous said...

Chocolate anyone?

ClickGirl said...

Hi Suzanne
I agree with your comments – and Happy’s – about RR. Sometimes … I feel like we are treated like children on the SB site. Too much worry about what you can or can’t say. Just is silly to me. And … Oh – please – I pray that he doesn’t do any more extensions!

I was thinking this morning – about a scene in Pop&Me – when something went wrong and their Visa’s had expired (Visa – not credit cards). Chris and Richard were at the Airport – and Richard was getting really angry … and asked them to turn the camera off. They shot some stuff from a distance … and he was –not – happy. I had forgotten about that scene … until I read his recent posts. The thought came to me: ‘doesn’t cope well under pressure’.

I loved the comment on SB – that DNA and Heredity is no excuse for bad behavior. So true! I am an Aries – and I have always read about Aries being ‘fiery’ and tense … but I’ve never felt like I fit into a lot of what is said about ‘the typical Aries’. I am determined and have a strong will … but I listen to others and am considered a peace maker and very diplomatic. I just think that if you have respect for other ‘beings’ – you treat everyone kindly. You can be up front and honest and speak your mind – without being rude. I do it all the time!

I also think that he does sometimes write directly to you and Happy … and, of course, to the Anonymous posters. There have been several times when his comments seem very directed to what you have written. All the more reason for me to have hurt feelings that he did not appreciate my wonderful comments about Pop&Me (just joking). I really couldn’t care less. : ) I have noooooo expectations!

No ‘Shut Ups’ here (I believe Happy was joking). One thing about this Blog … there is no naughty mat! : ) You are free to say whatever you believe and feel … and welcomed to do so! Your opinion is valued … and we don’t always expect that everyone will agree with each other. So … no need to apologize.

Regarding Email being ‘private’ – I learned a long time ago that you can’t count on that! Just by the nature of having a ‘Forward’ and ‘Reply All’ – sets you up to have your messages sent to other people. I sent out an Email one time – that was a very “Inspirational” type of thing. One of my girlfriends hit ‘Reply All’ by mistake – and asked me how ‘Mr. Wants a Kiss’ was doing. Now – thank heavens the guy that was referred to had not been included in the original message (because it was a sort of personal joke that we had going on) – and only a couple of us knew what that referred to. But – the Email went out to a bunch of my business colleagues and other guys that I had been interested in. It was soooooo embarrassing. You can imagine how many Emails I got back – asking who ‘Mr. Wants a Kiss’ was. Anyway … since that time … I consider nothing in an Email ‘personal’! Anything that goes out on the web – is subject to being viewed. As an example – when my son was in Iraq – we received letters from the Army – with instructions that we were not to speak on the phone or send Emails mentioning anything about what my son was doing – and we were not even allowed to mention that he was in the military – or mention his rank. So … that just says to me … that everything is open for being viewed by somebody! It does sound like you at least let people know your intent – which, apparently, RR did not.

Anyway – thanks for your posts. And your honesty. And for saying that my sons were handsome. I agree! : ) And – they are great guys too!

What a coincidence that you met Dennis Banks too. You are right – he is very interesting man … and we had an amazing interview with him.

Do you think RR was just giving Happy a hard time about the real Irishman thing? I thought he was dead serious. He seemed really upset to me. And why is it that no nice old gents come up to me and offer to take me traveling? I’m not going to Starbucks enough! : )

Hey Happy – Pisseroffer of the Day
You are too funny! Thanks for admitting that you placed that Anon post. I did chuckle when I read that. Would be funny – if that happened. Also - No ‘losers’ here! I agree. I think we are all pretty great! Regarding ‘The ex-wife’ – I stand corrected! I should have gone back and checked that out on RR’s site.

Thanks too - for the supportive words. I’m really doing good … and don’t mean to sound like I am complaining or ‘a victim’. I have a good life … and actually feel very fortunate. Compared to some people – my problems are few. By the way, today – I found the names of three Professional Organizers here in town – and decided to call one of them to help me. So … one step forward! I know that if I ever get things back under control – I will keep it that way. This is the first time in my life that I’ve ever been in this kind of situation. In fact – I have always been a ‘neat freak’ and everything has its place. Unfortunately – everything has lost its place at the moment. Ha ha.

If you do make it to Orlando and would be interested in getting together … I’d be glad to drive over. I’m in Tampa – 1 ½ - 2 hours from Orlando. And my youngest son lives in Deland – which is ½ hour beyond Orlando. Would be fun to meet you.

Loved reading your dream … it was so insightful – even though it was also sad. It reminded me of a painting that someone gave me when I got married. It said:
“The day one of you no longer burns with love
The other will die of the cold”

In my case … it was true.

Oh – and that Gay comment actually started with Suzanne saying she wasn’t Gay – and me responding with a line from Seinfeld. So … I don’t think Miriam was referring to you … I think she just mentioned it after she made a comment to you. : )

To Bloggettes
Hope everyone had a good day! I go back to work tomorrow … and have to work late tomorrow night on a video that has to be finished up. So … hope to catch up in the evening. Have a good one!

Bye for now,

Click Girl

Anonymous said...

When my Dad passed away last December, it was my job as oldest of 5 to organize the job of cleaning out his stuff. I decided that I would try very hard not to put my children through that hardship.

I spent the next 4 months going through every nook and cranny of my house sorting and tossing. The way I looked at things-- 'If my children come across this are they going to have an easy time or a hard time getting rid of it."

It was very emotional at times and took me days to get through a single closet sometimes.I feel so much better now and feel I have more "room" in my life, too.

But I understand how hard it is to get motivated. And I also want to say -- menopause and hormone fluctuation causes depression, which may be why you are not motivated. I wish I knew that when I was doing menopause. I was crying alot and feeling generally worthless -- NOT AT ALL like the person I really am ! Looking back, I see it was the toll of that passage.

I am SO glad to be on the other side of menopause and feel for all you are still in it.

Gosh, Brenda, if someone wants to help you organize, take the offer! Its so much better when someone helps.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Zoe
You are too kind! I did know about hair coming back curly - after having Chemo. But I heard that it often – after a time – would go to back normal again. So I was just surprised. I had done a lot of work (conferences) for the American Cancer Society ... so had interviewed lots of cancer patients and had pretty good insight into what to expect (on some things). I also worked - when my husband was at Emory University) - at Emory University Clinic - in Hematology & Oncology - so I had known a lot of people on Chemo. In fact, ironically, when I was at Emory - we were doing blind studies on the very drugs that I ended up taking when I was diagnosed. So amazing.

When my hair was really short and curly, curly – I used to call them my ‘Chemo Curls’. When I was bald – I worked with a guy who was bald … and another gal that we worked with was going through Chemo at the same time. We all three worked in the same little wing of the building … and I always used to joke and tell everyone that three bald heads were better than one. : ) Ya’ gotta’ laugh!

Yes – we could all go on Oprah … wear thongs … and say all of the Richard ‘lines’ and then ‘World Peace’. Ha ha ha ha

Yeah – I thought the same thing about that 10K4AWIFE guy. I was thinking – oh to be 15 years younger. : ) He was a pretty good communicator … and I really liked some of the things that he said. And I really appreciated his altruistic nature. Plus – wasn’t bad looking. Wish I had a niece that I could set him up with. But my adorable niece is married to one of the Co-Producers of ‘A History of Violence’ – shot in Millbrook, Ontario, Canada. Just was released in some markets and received a standing ovation at Cannes … but I have heard that it is somewhat controversial. But I’m proud anyway! : ) Speaking of Canada … I miss our Canadian Bloggette!!!

To All Bloggettes
Also – on a sad note … and one that brings some perspective about all things … I just heard that Peter Jennings, of ABC World News Tonight, died of lung cancer tonight – at age 67. He had his family at his side … and died very peacefully … and knew that he was loved and cared for.

Warm regards,

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

Hey Suzanne - Again - ha ha - since were are writing to each other on both Blogs tonight. : ) Or ... this morning! If I stay up much longer - I may get to see the shuttle fly by. : )

Please don't think I was upset about the Aries thing! I was just saying that to support what you and Happy and others were saying - that, basically, your (meaning RR's) Astrological sign is no excuse for poor behaviour! : ) So ... no need to forgive!

I'm off to bed! I'm such a 'night owl'. : )

Sleep tight, All. Don't let the bed bugs bite. : )

Click Girl

ClickGirl said...

Okay - just one more thing ... because I will never remember this by the time I get home tomorrow night. : )

Thanks Dancingirl and Happy - for the suggestion about how to organize. I think that something very personal like that - and thinking about my kids - will help to motivate. And I loved the idea of making a trunk or something for my kids. That is great! Thanks for sharing that.

I am going to schedule an appointment with the Prof. Organizer - and think that will work for me. I do know how good it will feel. I dream about it. The whole time I was going through Chemo (before my place was so bad - and I had a maid service coming to clean) - I watched all the Home Improvement shows ... and have a whole plan for how I want things to be. Certain parts of my life are very organized - so it's just this one area that is 'out of whack'.

I also had an odd thought tonight - thinking about putting myself out there and trying to meet guys (I have just had two guys from eHarmony communicating with me). Anyway, it dawned on me that having my house so unorganized keeps me from pursuing relationships - because I would not let anyone see my home so disorganized. So maybe, in my subconscious mind, it is a way to keep people away. Hmmmmmm 'Deep Thoughts' for nearly 2 a.m. : )


Click Girl

Anonymous said...

The gay thing was mentionned by I don't remember whom and there may eavesdropping (you know like the old geeser)there was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO implications whatsoever, Happy.

Humor does not come out very well on paper unfortunately.

Dark chocolate. Tons of it.
Myriamin VA

Anonymous said...

Happy: CB didn't apply , so that unfortunately,
cannot be the reason for her absence.

Suzanne, you ARE a babe! Now i see what everyone has been talking about. AND though I cannot see your "caboose", I bet its a toned one. My daughter has been called "the cutie with the booty" and I give you permission to adopt that name if you wish.

And if RR goes for "type", you resemble his ex -- a cute, blonde woman. I am not that at all, so we will see. Maybe I'll see you on Oprah! Woo-hoo. Love your Momsfurniture online store. Sorry about talking to you on this blog, instead of your own -- so many blogs, so little time!

Brenda -- I thought of you when seeing the news story about the anguished mother whose soldier-son died in Iraq. She is protesting outside W's ranch until he comes out to speak to her about why her son died in this war. I cannot imagine the absolute terror of having your son over there -- those days must have been endless. I am SO glad he is home to you safe.

Another day beckons....I thank God for every "normal" day....

Anonymous said...

Happy-- Right on!

Suzanne - about "mental pause". It seems like I was going through it for about 6 years-- around 45-51-- I am now 54--but I can't extricate some of the menopause "stuff" from other-- very trying-- parenting- of- adolescents "stuff".

My current peace and calm could be from being done with the physical "change" as well as the "getting through" that rough time. My brain cells and body and emotional self are indeed recovered/recovering.

I read that estrogen is stored in fat. I figured our bodies, in trying to hold onto the estrogen, start madly storing up fat -- 15 pounds in my case -- tough to take for someone who has always had a consistent weight and been very fit.

There are two things men have the physical ability to do to women-- take away our virginity and to impregnate us. With the "change" that power is forever gone (well, I guess unless you're still a virgin) I think its why we get so rowdy in our 50's.

AT any rate -- EVERYBODY-- check out the wisdom if Jean Shinoda Bolen's books: "Goddesses in Older Women" and "Crones Don't Whine". She uses the word "crone" to mean "wise older woman".....some of the chapters reflect us here:

Crones trust what they know in their bones.
Crones don't grovel.
Crones laugh together.
Crones together can change the world.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne-- I'm curious -since you got the Oprah email. Will you still see this SB venture through or are you over RR and onto cruisin' with the blogettes?

Leslie: said...

I call myself a "born again virgin"

Leslie: said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Leslie: said...

Hey Gals - I put something funny on my blog site, so check it out. I'll try to do one each day for a week. That way you won't have to make sure you have on your Depends. This one is called "Why Women Are Crabby."

linda in Tucson said...

Happy: I'm a bit tardy here, but thanks for the compliment! I actually don't think there is any chance of me being selected (even though I think I made a really good video) 'cause my age is 47 and I think RR would get some flack for hooking up with someone that much younger than him. My preference is for older guys, cause the ones my age are chasing the girls in their 30's....eeewwww!
Say, what's up with Phyl over on RR's blog? Being sassy and getting deleted? I missed it.
Suzanne desertflower....nice pic!
bdnc: loved the red hair gag!

Anonymous said...

I think after a year of no sex, you are a born-again virgin. In that case, I've been born again and then born again. :))

Suzanne -- I could have sworn you said you also got that Oprah email. No?

I can't remember how I found this out -- do some of you remember I actually called RR and we chatted --maybe 2 minutes! --back in June.

Anyway -- before RR even looked at the first 118 tapes, they were sent to Oprah's producers. I think at that point they had no idea he would get 500 more! RR said he had just received them back and had not looked at any of them yet.

Apparently the more recent email is part of a proposal from RR. Let's hope is involves LOTS of other SENIOR BACHELORS and a CRUISE.

Dreamer. Yeah, right......

Anonymous said...

Do I dare tell y'all that i sent a program idea to Dr Phil probably 2 or more months ago-- offering to be one of several senior bachelorettes with RR on the show-- so we could ask him "WHAT WAS HE THINKING???

Anonymous said...

His number was listed ! ANd his home address! This was early on before blogging. I couldn't believe he answered. I asked if this was really the Senior Bachelor and asked if he had a minute to chat. He was not angry but much like his emails -- rather aloof and succinct. Nothing special. My curiosity was satisfied that there really was a guy making this offer.

CJ, you really had a nightmare of a time. Hope its better now.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey there y’all!!

Did y’all miss me????

I absolutely missed each and very one of my new found kindred spirits and Best Bloggette Buddies of life!!
Where to start???…………………

Was I picked and sworn to privacy??? Hmmmmmmmmm…..

HEllllllllllOOOOOOOO!! NOT!!!
As my buddy Happy so eloquently put it : I have not sent in anything (no video, no profile, nada, zip, nothing to date... and zero intent of doing so..unless something uber huge happens (snowball's hope in hell!)... highly doubtful at the rate things are
or are not going!!

Aneeeway on a much more real note…I spent a fabulous few days with family and friends, I am so fortunate to be so surrounded!

At this juncture in is the smallest of things (ya know ……the ones that come free of charge to the recipient!!) that matter these days, more and more with each passing day.

I know I try to be humourous most of the time but please hear me when I say: I am being very sincere, a perfect example of the "free" gifts of life... would be YOU……each and every one of you… Brilliant Beautiful Bloggettes from all over North America and then some. All of YOU have grown very dear to my heart, I have grown to feel and share your joy, your sadness, your pain, your emptiness, your fullness, your wit, your witlessness (LOL!!), your sense of self, your courage, your weaknesses (which by the way we all share and in the end makes us strong!) your tenacity, your love of life, your sense of adventure and above all your undying comradery !!

Please promise me but for one thing....
not ONE of you will compromise WHO and WHAT you are, for no one and nothing EVER..... no matter are far too precious and each deserves the best!

Never in my wildest of dreams (and I do have pretty wild ones …thank gawd!!) did I ever imagine finding such true blue buddies like I have here in Bloggville!!
It is the best feeling to know each and very day we wake to a heart full of new found friends and that we never will be alone!

I realise this may seem a bit schmaltzy for those of you that know me ( I did not fall on my head!) but I do have a very huge mushy side and you ALL hold a very special part of my heart and for that I THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE from the bottom of my heart, you have given me one of the greatest gifts of life!!

The ONE thing I thank SB and RR for is this gift of life: My Bloggette Buds....who'd of thunk!!


I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself, what a wonderful world

Oh yeah

Bon noit a tous,
Je t'adore
Cheryl xox

ClickGirl said...

Was the show ‘Let’s Make a Deal’? I could have won too! And I think your theory may have a lot of truth to it – about the losses. I have had many. But I have always held to the belief that we would never have more put on us than we can bear … and that ‘what doesn’t kill us – will make us stronger’.

As for you - I’d just hold on to that Denial, if I were you! : ) Remember – I (and others) recognized you – but didn’t really connect you with that Oprah show. So … I wouldn’t worry about it. (I know – that’s easy for me to say – ha ha). And … people may just think that you are famous. I do think that the majority of people consider you to have a lot of courage … and you really helped an enormous amount of people. Many more than I bet you will ever know. And you do come off as being very uplifting. I have found all of your comments coming across as being made in an effort to help – not criticize. So … your positive attitude is coming through! Anyway - we will both have to celebrate – when we get where we want to be!

You are correct – that RR’s father was an alcoholic – and, in fact, when RR finally saw him – after many, many years – his father was in an institution. And I think RR had a lot of anger to work through – because I believe his dad left when he was young – and they didn’t have contact for a long time. But he did make peace with his father – and that part of the movie was a tear jerker – along with the part where Chris and RR go to his father’s grave. He was very emotional about it.

Dancingirl is right – RR was giving out info at first – phone #, etc. I was really surprised. It does show that he didn’t have a clue – which is odd – since he has such a vast list of people’s names that he wants to name drop … and was related to royalty by marriage … and I had the impression that he might hang out with some of ‘the rich and famous’ in CA. So you would think he might have caught on to that need to be a bit careful.

Also … thanks so much for your very dear comments. Maybe – because I was sitting here laughing at the red hair … and the bean story … and the Crones … and thinking about war and peace … trying to think up some kind of Code – I didn’t even make a connection. (See how positively all of you affect me?) And maybe because it was a different type of cancer … and because I have such a low chance of recurrence … and I am so near to my five year cancer free mark - I only tend to ‘connect’ – when it is someone with Breast Cancer. Though – I know there are no guarantees for any of us. And I am sad for the loss of a great journalist … and feel for his family. And it made me want to call my older son – who is a smoker – and mention again – how much it worries me. I really appreciate your sensitivity though … and your words touch me. Thank you!

Welcome Back!! Yes – we missed you – and we were commenting that you would have a lot of ‘catch up ‘ to do when you returned! : ) So glad to have you back! And your comments are so wonderful. I feel the same way. I would never have imagined finding so many wonderful friends – by having an interest in SB. So, so incredible!

Ah … so we are the Blog Crones now!

About the phone call and stuff - I only remember being amazed that you actually had the guts to call RR … and that he answered. But I get confused about some of those other details. I think I have ‘Chronitis’. I definitely have to get those books!! Today I received two books that I had ordered – the ‘He’s just not into you’ book – though why I need that – I’m not sure. I suppose I’d need a man in my life – before I really worried about whether or not he was into me. (ha ha) I also got the Perricone Promise. I had heard about it on Oprah – and liked the food breakdowns that he suggests. Since you and Suzanne were writing about ‘Mental Pause’ and fat being stored and stuff - I thought I would mention that I actually gained 50 pounds after I came off Chemo. My Oncologist had warned me about that – and I’ve read on the ACS and Susan G. Koman site – that, for people who had my type of cancer and chemo, this is normal. And – unlike times in the past – I’ve found it almost impossible to get rid of the excess weight. I finally joined a Gym and started going to walk on the beach and changed my diet – and have finally lost 9 pounds – and maintained that loss. Lately, I’ve not been sticking with the exercise – but I’m doing pretty good on staying with healthy eating. So … to the Gym tomorrow! : ) And … I don’t have ‘M’ pause anymore. Nada. It all went away. Another little positive benefit of chemo. : )

Regarding your comment that you submitted a proposal to Dr. Phil. Love it! Love it! Love it! Can you imagine having all of us … telling our perspective … THAT would be a show!

I could not stop laughing when I saw your red Irish hair on the SB site! That was sooooooooo funny. I wonder if RR thinks it is funny. That would be a true test of his humor – if he cracked up over that! I thought it was so great!

So … I don’t know what Craft Syndrome is … but I just think you were becoming a ‘bean’ this morning. I loved that carrot/egg/bean story.

Sadly, I guess I’m a born again virgin too – four times removed. : )

Thanks for the tip about the shampoo. Fortunately, my hair finally grew back in. The first year and a half was a nightmare – but I have a great stylist … and she is helping me a lot. So I am loving my hair now – because I can wear it straight – as in the pics … or just fluff it dry and have curls. Actually – the last two cuts I’ve have a more layered look – which I really like. And – highlights, of course … to hide the white roots! : )

A friend of mine saw Cirque in Vegas - and said it was amazing. My son has been to Vegas a couple of times – and loves it – I think he saw Cirque too. And my sis went with her husband – to a Doctors convention – and she was not expecting to like it at all – but said that it was great. They go there fairly often now – because her stepdaughter (Emily) lives there. Em is married to Penn Jillette – of Penn & Teller (see – I can name drop just like Richard – ha ha). But – seriously, my sis just became a grandmother (by marriage) to Moxie Crimefighter Jillette. From what I’ve heard and seen about Penn – and knowing Em – it is just like them to come up with a crazy name like that. Though – I have to admit – I kind of like Moxie. : ) And … Moxie is just precious!

Happy & Dancingirl
Regarding the war … and ‘stuff’ … will write more on that later. But my heart, too, goes out to the mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan. I can’t even begin to imagine his mothers’ pain.

Hi Miriam
That 3rd Annual Department of Peace Conference in September, in DC, sounds interesting. Will you attend that? I checked out the website – will write more to you on that later. Thanks for passing that along though!

Will have to check your site tomorrow. I had to work a long day today … and have a client meeting early tomorrow morning … so need to crash soon. Last night I just could not sleep – so I was yawning all day long. : )

I think RR might really want to go younger – but I think he was chastised by Oprah – but you know – he seems stubborn enough to just do whatever he wants … instead of listening to Oprah. He hasn’t listened to any of us women! Though – he did say Oprah was one of his favorite people. Anyway – I wouldn’t give up just yet.

Yeah - I felt bad for Phyl – on the SB site. Right after she made that one comment – RR posted another info deal. If that happened to me – I’d delete my post on my own. And you all know how quick I am at deleting my posts! Ha Ha.

To All Bloggettes
Okay – so in the name of secrecy … I have an idea. We could have a ‘Code’ for anyone who hears from Oprah. When my son was first called up to report to duty – he had to go to Georgia for training. We didn’t know if we would see him before he was shipped out (and, at that time, he was told they would go to Germany, Kuwait or Iraq). So we came up with a plan – for him to say that he was going to have to wash his beige socks – if he was going to Iraq or black socks if it was Kuwait or Germany. Fortunately, he was given a 48 hour pass to go home and say goodbye … and he brought his beige camouflage stuff home to wash – before heading out. And – he was able to tell us some of what he was going to be doing. (Some of it is still secret, by the way).

At any rate, we could have our own ‘secret code’. So … if you get word from the Oprah Producers – you can (should you choose to participate in this horrible breaking of ‘the rules’) just write a post that says, ‘Chicago World Peace in Two weeks’ (or whatever length of time it is). Then – we know you are going … and we will promise not to ask any questions – or compromise your situation. Promise! : )

Well … I’m off for now! Have a good one!
Click Girl

Anonymous said...

CJ -- a lot of RR info is gathered from Pop&Me -- he didn't have a Dad at home from age 14 on (thus his determination to be a good Dad); his mom and dad died, his 29 year marriage ended, and he lost a job all in the same time frame and at age 54 was doing mid-life crisis anyway. That's the backstory behind Pop&Me -- the result was a lot of the stuff you see in the movie. I give the man some credit for putting it on the big screen for all to see --including him crying and being an insensitive ass. Who knows who the REAL RR is ten years later behind all that Aries privacy?

Brenda: CRAFT (can't remember a F------ thing) syndrome -- . LOL

Love the code idea. Love that I have the blogging crones to "talk" to everyday. Since moving three years ago, haven't found like-minded ladies to laugh with and change the world !

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone

I have been popping in here but haven't posted anything till now. No sinister reason just usually a time thingy :).

I'm assuming ... and yeah I know one should never assume .... that I won't be deleted here if I vent a little!

I am so pissed off with that site and the person who runs it. I can understand what CJ says about people maybe not realising what's in store if you go public with something. However, RR has been there with the Pop & Me thing so I don't believe it in his case. I think he reacts in an extremely angry/arrogant and stupid manner to blogs which do not agree with him and are non-fawning. What's the big deal with being disagreed with??? Ok, no one loves the feeling of maybe being criticised but he brought all of it on himself by arrogantly refusing to answer general questions which were put to him via the blog and then acts like a 'victim' when this is pointed out to him ... ffs!!! While I'm sure he is a good person, when he reacts like this he is really showing up his downside bigtime. We all have our faults ... most of us are aware of them and get a bit uncomfortable when we realise we're acting them out, but jaysus (Dublin expression LOL) most of us don't go out of our way to advertise our faults!!!
From the outset I've seen the controlling/angry side with his proclamations like 'ILL ONLY SAY THIS ONCE' and I'LL ANSWER WHEN I DEEM APPROPRIATE' ..... oh man, the BIG BOSS SYNDROME which as we all know comes from huge insecurity.

I didn't see Pop & Me but from various comments about the movie, and from my experience on the blog, it would appear to me that he has huge issues he hasn't dealt with and that ain't great!! We all have issues of some sort but you gotta dump them at some stage or drive yourself crazy. He is an angry man and yes, I do understand that anger is the outer expression of hurt, but time for him to get real and maybe talk to your famous Dr. Phil ;).

I don't know if any of you saw my posting Sun night. I posted pretty much the same comment on Mon when Babette said she couldn't find mine and it was deleted immediately. And another which went off the scale also ... *LOL*.
Tres frustrating and IMO pathetic.

BTW ... I'm pretty sure I saw a comment from Myriam on the CB blog (not the current one) saying she was deleted from here????? Maybe I'm getting senile (at 54) and didn't see it so could someone confirm as I'm beginning to think I'm losing my marbles in a 'dense fog' ... LOL.

Incidentally, talking about 'dense fog'... is it just me that finds another blogger ultra fawning, switching nationalities practically when RR 'SPEAKS'. Wonder will anyone guess who I'm talking about and no .... it's not you BDNC darlin ... your red head and your blood transfusion isn't what I'm referring to .... ya mad yoke ya *LOL*... thought it was brill ;).

Sorry Brenda for taking up so much space. I have more to say (now I'll have everyone diving for cover and saying 'send her back to SB blog' ... tee hee ... but will do it another time.

You're all fantastic strong women here.

Incidentally I haven't entered the competition either ... I also was holding back to see what would unfold ... a little uneasy intuitive feeling!

Love to all you nuts!

Ciao for now .... Phyl

p.s. please excuse any typos, hate them but haven't time to scroll back at moment to check my spelling :)

Canadian Bloggette said...

hHey Phyl,
ouyay eraay ootay uchmay, esyay i
nowkay a ittlelay igpay atinlay.....tiay ashay eenbay a eryvay onglay imetay....a itbay ustray!
Good Morning to all,
I was positively rolling on the floor last night reading the comment "Romancing the Roe"
Mother of Gawd!! Unbeleivable!
I'll bet it was sent in by BDNC???
LOL!!! or perhpas Phyl, or happy..just kidding! Now THAT should get a reaction or two!!
Have a graaaaaaaaate day, I am almost finished Odyssey Chapter 4 Koh Samui for my blog site....hope y'all enjoy!
Cioa Bellas
Cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

Yes Happy, Kamloops can be as hot as Arizona. We are semi-desert city and we have cactus as well *lol* Can you believe that? One of the best in BC.
Phyl, how are you liking it here?... i love it.. Thanks to Brenda. :-)
I get emotional sometimes too. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by positive people, like you. I have learned and laugh so much. I thank you for sharing your mushy side...

Ladies, I'm off to enjoy the day!

Leslie: said...

Right on bdnc - a lot of Americans have no idea what Canada is like. There is a huge south central area of BC that is desert region and is only green because of the irrigation that goes on to help grow the fruit, etc. In the paper today, there was an article about all the forest fires going on right now in the province - most of the province is on high alert because of the heat. Also, the firefighters are too busy to worry about the rattlesnakes. Yes! there are rattlers up in them thar hills.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey y'all,
Phyl.....what to say??...I knew I shouldn't have been such a smart ass!! It gets ya every time! OK OK OK ivegay puay!!!!!What the heck is ayngwigelay!!!!!! I am laughing so hard i can barely type...I just ahd a light bulb moment....perhaps you should send all further SB posts in igpay atinlay....too much yah!!
I posted a photo of Montreal on my blog for fun to show all our lovely American Bloggette Buddies that we in fact do not live in igloos contrary to popular belief LOL!! and the temp here today would be 34 C + high humidity. Oh yes, one other little item, all our police men are not on horseback, the vast majority are in "Police Cars"

Canadian Bloggette said...

OH MY GAWD....I AM SOOOOO SORRY, it is all Phyl's fault, I clicked the login instead of preview cuz I was still hysterically laughing....I was not finished yet!!
The "Canajun"/"Americun" ribbing was all done in jest........I hope I did not offend anyone...that sure wasn't my intention.....aneeeeeway blame it on Phyl, she has not received any grief yet today!!
Cioa Bellas
Cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

Brenda -- can the CODE be-- "Let's have 14 seconds of silence for World Peace" -- no comments please after that has been posted !

Anonymous said...

*sighs dramatically*

Hey Can Blog ......... blame me for EVERYTHING why don't ya ... I don't mind .. really I don't ;).
Good to see you back from wherever.

CJ ... when you posted your pic I knew you looked familiar from someplace. I don't watch O that much believe it or not. She's not that huge here as far as I know!! However I did see the show you were on and I do think you were very brave to go on nationwide/international tv.
I think when some huge life-changing event occurs in someone's life, there are always repercussions(sp?) i.e. clutter, weight, addictions, isolation, lots more. I hope you're feeling a lot more positive (one step forward, 2 steps back) about you future now and I wish you all the best in the world while knowing you will be ok :).

Still think RR likes the limelight :)

Ciao ....... Phyl

linda in Tucson said...

Hi girls,
I broke down and watched Pop & Me tonite. Somehow I just couldn't drum up any warm fuzzies towards RR(though he did look kinda cute, but that was 10 yrs ago)...I got the impression he would be a very demanding travel partner. How about that description of "fit" he gave in the newsletter? Stamina for 12 hr days including constant hurried travel connections? Where is the romance in I missing something? My very lovely engergetic 75 yr old mum watched it with me, and she said "no NO" this wouldn't work for you...although she is hoping to accompany me to the Oprah show, ha.

ClickGirl said...

CRAFT! Love it!! That’s me!!

That is so cool that you took a Choctaw Class. I’m impressed! And I loved that movie with Nicholas Cage – about Code talkers. And, yeah – I’m still loving ‘Dense Fog’ … which is another form of Code talking. Ha ha ha Thanks for coming up with that clever name for us to use. The riot – is that I have seen it used over on the SB site – but most people don’t really know what it refers to. So I crack up sometimes – when people repeat it – and don’t really know where that came from … or why. Too funny.

Okay – so I am embarrassed to ask – but what is ROTF? I keep seeing it – but missed that in Internet Lingo 101.

I was thinking the same thing – about writing posts on SB in igpay atinlay – but mostly just when he writes his ‘I’M GOING TO SAY THIS ONE TIME …’ and stuff like that.

Too funny – do some Americans really think you live in Igloos? I only thought there were Igloos in Alaska. : ) It is like when my family moved to The Florida Keys to live – when I was 13. Our friends in Miami wanted to know how we were going to get from Island to Island. My older sister (who was going to be a Senior the next year), very seriously said, ‘By boat, of course.’ She was so serious – that they actually believed her.

Glad you joined us in posting. In fact, we were mentioning that we felt bad that you were getting deleted on SB. I even copied one of your posts to MS Word – in case it got deleted before I could finish. I don’t understand about all of that deleting … and the only real ‘rule’ here is – no deleting. So … you are welcome to post … and welcome to share, rant, rave … or just join in with the laughter. If you’ve been reading what has been posted … you know we have lots of crazy, funny things that have come up (Crones … Codes … World Peace and Dense Fog). : ) Glad you are with us! And … take up as much space as you want … or need! I certainly do! (ha ha) I think I have the record for the longest posts! : )

Regarding Miriam being deleted – I didn’t see that mentioned on the SB Blog – and I haven’t deleted anyone. I did delete a post that I put on SB – by mistake - as it was a post for on here. As far as I know, only BDNC saw it … but I think I deleted it before she could read much of it … because I was very fast … and horrified that I had made that mistake. : ) So … I know that Miriam was not deleted here. I do believe she may have posted on SB – in response to comments on this Blog – because there was a response over there … to something I wrote on here. So … I guess it is easy to get confused – if both Blogs are open. I’m being way more careful now! : )

Weren’t the beans the best ones to be? Carrots were hard and became mushy. Eggs were fragile and became firm and tougher … and coffee beans – they added color to the water they were placed in – so, in essence, spread their ‘good’, and they created a pleasing aroma and woke people up (I made up this last one – because I CRAFT)! Anyway – it was something like that. So … I thought we all would want to be beans (coffee beans). : )

By the way – if RR doesn’t say anything about your hair … I am going to be upset. That – honestly – was the funniest thing!

No problem – I think it is great that you take the time to respond to questions! Answer away! I’m curious too … and love to read the answers!

I read the article about Meg (Roe) Parker. Very interesting – and yes, she seems very down to earth and nice. Almost an innocent charm.

Let’s see … ‘F’ – must be for ‘Fit’? ‘Fun’? ‘Free’? ‘Female’? Ha ha – just joking. Couldn’t resist RR’s four ‘F’s’. : )

I’m addicted to ‘Sea Towers’ on Solitaire … and ‘Pipeline’. : ) Ugh!

And … Thanks!! : )

How do we do it? ; ) I stay up until 2 a.m. … and yawn all day the next day! Ha ha ha That is why I am ‘skimming’ tonight … apologies if I’m not responding to everything. I was on vacation last week – and ‘night owl’ that I am … I stayed up late and could sleep in – so had plenty of time. But Monday … I was back at work … worked late last night … and went out to dinner with a friend tonight. Two Margaritas later (RR said it was okay to drink a little) … and not getting much sleep the last two nights … I’m soooooo tired. : ) But – my trick … is I open up a word document, copy and paste a few of those bold thingy’s and my name and, as I read, I plug in the persons name … and write responses as I go. Because – we know I CRAFT (sorry – when I learn something knew – I just have to try it out a few times – ha ha) – and would never remember by the time I got finished reading. : ) I know – that is weird of me. : )

Don’t feel bad about the pig Latin thing – it took me a while to figure that’s what it was. I thought it was just a bunch of mixed up letters. : )

Re: working during Chemo – I’m not really sure how I did it either (ha ha). The company I work for was very supportive and let me work at home. I live two miles from the office – and people would drop stuff off to me … or pick stuff up from me. The week after my bilateral mastectomy, I wrote a big proposal for a client (like 30-40 pages). We presented the proposal in Orlando on my second day back to work. I flew to Chicago for a conference – with bandages still on from another surgery. And the biggest conference that I did – the clients didn’t even know that I had cancer – until after the event was over. I didn’t want them to feel they were getting someone ‘less’ – or have them worry that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. The last day – they somehow found out … and we all had good hugs and tears together. Sometimes – I think it was good that I continued working hard – because it helped to keep my mind off of things … and it gave me a purpose. But I read this one book – about how to survive Breast Cancer – and it had all of these testimonials from women. When I read it – all but one or two had taken off work … and just dealt with getting better. That actually made me a bit jealous. I kept thinking, ‘I want to take off work too!’ – but … wasn’t really an option. I did take off one week every time I had surgery – and my older sister came to stay with me. My younger sister (feeling guilty that she couldn’t come all the time) paid for maid service the entire time I was going through chemo. So … that made it easier … and was so appreciated. Now – if I had to go through something like that again, I have insurance that would cover taking off as well. Anyway – thanks for your nice words!

The trip with your daughter sounds wonderful. Several of my friends went with a Choir to England and Vienna … and sang in some of the big Cathedrals. They came back with wonderful photos … and beautiful memories. All said that it was an amazing experience. One of my really good friends was describing it to me … and said that you just can’t imagine as you walk in – that you are actually going to be singing in such a place. This woman sings all the time … but she said her knees were knocking a bit … and she was in awe of being there. How wonderful that your daughter will have that experience! (The trip - not the knees knocking) : )

Yes – it sounds like a perfectly romantic trip, doesn’t it? Will there be no time for sitting at the corner cafĂ© and drinking coffee and ‘people watching’? What fun will it be – rushing from country to country? And with separate bedrooms! (Just joking)!! I know now that I could keep up with RR … I just don’t want to! : ) By the way – I bravely ‘turned on’ my eHarmony account this past week (I’ve been paying – but had it set to not receive notices of matches) – and so I’ve been doing their little Q&A thingy – and now have a guy that wrote last night – giving me his number – and wanting to know if I wanted to chat. I said that would be great – and then very nicely requested a photo from him. Like to see what I’m getting into. : ) Anyway … yikes! : )

And Yes again! We have to be on Oprah!! I’ll try to finish up the stuff I’m working on over the next couple of days – and will post to see what everyone thinks!

Good Night All!
Well … I’m off to bed. Every time I think I’m going to keep these short … they stretch longer and longer. : ) But I so enjoy this! I had dinner with a gal from work tonight – and I was telling her about our Blog … and ‘World Peace’ … and ‘stuff’ … and she was laughing so hard … and thought it was wonderful! It’s become a fun part of my evening! Thanks to all of you … who are bringing their wit, their honesty, their knowledge and their kindness to this Blog! I’m sooooo glad we all met!!

Warm regards,

Click Girl

Anonymous said...

Actually, I am still posted on Richard's under Pop and me. the same one I posted with "oops I did not mean to post on RR was deleted". doesn't matter. LoL.


Anonymous said...

CJ -- would you be willing to give me at least the intitials of the "mean" producer you dealt with on O -- just curious. NO ladies, I am sorry to say, there is no WORLD PEACE yet.

Anonymous said...

RR's ex is a cutie and must be near 60 years old. Notice her new hubby doesn't resemble RR a bit.
I have also googled all RR's sons names and discovered Gabby works/ worked with Professional Volleyball/ Rugby leagues and met his wife in Aspen. Chris continues doing very well in film. He and his wife have two little boys. Can't find anything about RR Jr.

Not being a stalker! Just doing my best to get a sense of RR as dad and grandfather and man through his kids. They all seem stable and high-functioning. If they weren't, all this publicity would "out" something.

I personally want my ex and kids not included in this, unless they choose. Pursuing this in my choice !

linda in Tucson said...

Brenda: You'll have to let us know how the picture test goes w/your e-Harmony connection. I was an online dating addict for about 3 years during which I met 100's of men in person....yikes! Since I'm still single, you can pretty much figure how that worked out for me! Men are such terrible picture takers and have all kinds of excuses for not having decent/recent ones. Make sure he is smiling in such a way that you can actually see his teeth!

Anonymous said...

Brenda-- know you've got a big work day, but when you manage to get here -- Blog bog! Help!!!!! New thread alert!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Everyone!!

Let's move on over to the new Blog! See you there!

Click Girl