Monday, August 01, 2005

Share some of your 'life moments' ...

Do you have an achievement ... career highlight ... or proud moment that you would like to share? Not for 'bragging' - but don't you have moments that just make you want to burst with excitement ... and have you feeling like you want to 'tell the world'? I have one (that I'll share 'on the Blog') about spending time, with my colleagues, in Ken Wilbers loft, in Denver.
(Photo L-R: Steve, Burt, Ken, Me)

Here is a place for you to share your thoughts ...


ClickGirl said...

Dancingirl about me about Integral Naked - and my connection with that site (check them out on my favorite Links). When my colleagues and I went to Minnesota, to shoot for the documentary about Dennis Banks (see DreamKeepers Link), we came back through Denver (one of our team had family there). Our writer had been in contact with Ken Wilber ... and they had been communicating via Email. Ken had extended us an offer, 'if you are ever in this area ...' - so we took him up on the invite. He is an amazing man ... very intelligent ... and spiritual … and with a great sense of self … and wry sense of humor. We were there at the same time as another production team and Ken sat with all of us and just talked and talked - and answered questions - and he asked us a lot of questions about the work that we did. I was pretty awestruck in his presence. (And – can you tell by the pic that I had gotten up really early … and traveled several hours from the Leech Lake Reservation in Minnesota, in to the city to catch the flight to Denver … then headed to ‘The Loft’? I look really ‘rough’ – ha ha)

If you haven’t heard of Ken – he is one of the most widely read and influential philosophers of our time. Of his many books, my favorites are:
'Grace and Grit' - Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber - which is the deeply moving account of the five-year journey that Ken and his wife, Treya went through - after she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It is an amazing ‘weaving’ together of the journals that Ken and Treya kept – along with commentary from Ken. Very touching!

And - 'The Simple Feeling of Being' - Embracing Your True Nature – I am reading now.

He also wrote 'Boomeritis' - A Novel that will set you free. I have only read excerpts from this book - but it has some amazing concepts about Baby Boomers!

At any rate, this was another ‘career highlight’ for me. Just to be in Ken's presence and soak in the thoughts that flowed from his mind. Incredible!

Click Girl

Anonymous said...

I read Grace and Grit many years ago. Wow, Brenda. Ken looking for a new companion??? ALso.....please explain further the connection of IntegralNaked and Ken Wilber for those who have not checked out the link.