Monday, August 01, 2005

Share your support for Our Senior Bachelorettes ...

Let's have words of support for the 'Ladies of the Blog' who have been brave enough to send in their videos and bios to The __! So far we have:

Suzanne Mesa Arizona
Suzan - from Forest Hills
Tango Lady
Debby Eddy
Linda in Tucson
B-lette A.F-F

We will keep a running list ... and will continue to send our good wishes to these great gals!

Here is a place for you to share your words of support and encouragement ...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this thread, Brenda.. I would really love to know the questions you would ask the all-women panel if you got to be interviewed. Hopefully the panel will be more astute and forthcoming than RR. Questions that would be most revealing about, asking their opinions about the most "challenging" as well as the most "endearing" aspects of Richard which I might encounter. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was me, Dancingirl ,above don't know what happened to my name...

Anonymous said...

I really wonder how romantic RR is....can't get a sense of his thoughtfulness or sweetness AT ALL....just his yearning and determination. My girlfriend's husband still brings her a cup of coffee every morning in bed after 25 years of marriage....that's what I'm looking for....small, constant, thoughtful, selfless acts of sweet kindness... anyone think its possible from RR?

ClickGirl said...

Hey there. Sorry to take so long getting back to respond to this.

I appreciated what you were saying about wanting a man who is thoughtful. That is important to me too. It really is the 'small things' that add up - that make it work for me. I've been with guys who do the big, grand gestures - but that is all they give. They think that one thing should 'count' for everything.

It's hard to tell what kind of guy Richard is, in that regard. He does seem romantic though - and I would suspect that if he found the right person - and was just so 'taken' with her - that he would be very kind to her. Especially, after being so sad about losing his wife. And - I think that men who are deeply hurt - do tend to be more thoughtful to the next person in their life.

My former husband said that he had lost the most important thing in his life, when I left - and, when he remarried, he said that he would make sure that his new wife never felt the way that I did. There were things that he learned about himself - that helped him change and grow.

So ... I suspect that RR will be the same. He has a sensitivity and caring that came through on Pop&Me ... and in a lot of his writing.

But, having said that, I guess that is something that we could only -really- know ... if we got to meet him.

Regarding questions to ask the panel ... I was thinking - would the participants actually ask them questions? Or would they be doing the asking? I would imagine that Richard would be asked questions. I would want to know:
1. Is he religious/spiritual?
2. What are his political leanings?
3. What is he looking for in a life partner?
4. What does he see for his future (last 1/3 of his life - as mentioned in Pop&Me)?

From the panel - as you mentioned - what they found endearing about him ... do they have respect for him (and why/why not).

Those things - I think, would be very revealing.

Hope that helps. Maybe others will add their thoughts too. : )

Later ...

Click Girl

Anonymous said...

Brenda --perfect-- you said just the right things to allay my anxieties (this whole thing just seems such a nutsy thing to do sometimes). Sometime I have to step back to get hold of this craziness and feel like I have some control about it -- which of course I do. Its just that its so much about RR and more RR. I have to be strong about who I am and what I want in the face of what will be a LOT of scrutiny not just from RR, but the Oprah audience, other media, the 'judges" as well as SB newsletter subscribers !

This is such a multi-layered endeavor. Think about it. First is this whole, long, uninformed selection process. Secondly is Richard the person. Third is Richard, the travel, possibly life companion. Fourth is having the eyes of the world watching while all this is going on. Fifth is being filmed and
marketed !

Are you applicants all ready to be the Senior Poster Girl along with RR AKA Senior Bachelor Poster Boy?

Yowza! My kids are going to be either very proud or quite embarrassed, depending on how this is handled.

I am serene....I am serene....I am serene.....

Leslie: said...

Hi all. With regard to what I'd like to know from Richard is this:

1. What were the reasons your wife gave you for wanting a divorce?
2. What steps have you made to make sure the same mistakes won't be made again.
3. How flexible are you with regard to what your future partner would want out of life?
4. If the lady you choose (and she you, of course) wished to be an "invisible" partner in the Search for Love & Adventure for Single Seniors, would you respect her space? (i.e. if she didn't want to be the "Poster Girl" but supported you in being the "Poster Boy" would that be okay with you?)

Just a few thoughts. BTW, finally got my icebergs and glacier pics uploaded so check 'em out.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne -- check out the SB June 13 Newsletter, where RR answers a few personal questions and he does say he keeps a clean house, but is not fanatical. But-- you might be more concerned about some of the conditions of the places on the travel plan ! They will not be like the USA --check out Canadian Blogettes travel journal for more details about what "deluxe" means!

Yeah, I'm guessing, the marriage crumbled because RR didn't notice that the relationship was all about HIM. I did the math, and Meg was only 19 or 20 when they married -- no wonder she had to go seek an identity-- and I betcha RR had no clue how to allow her.

My ex was guilty of emotionally neglecting me. Ya gotta forgive 'em I guess, they just don't know better, especially given the Dad role models they had.

I take solace in what Brenda said -- that her ex's new wife got the benefit of what her ex learned from losing her.My ex didn't learn a thing and still tyrannizes the kids with his fits and selfishness. But its good to know some men are willing to learn.

So -- I'm a tad skitsy about overbearing men. But not attracted to mild-mannered men, either.
I guess I'll eventually find out whether I have to decide!

Anonymous said...

Brenda-- if you have a moment-- tell me what you know about Aries people (being one yourself and whatever else)...thanks

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi y'all,
Just to add:
-I would ask RR if he has any regrets and if so what are they?

-What does he feel his weak points are and his strong points are?

-What would his kids say were his strong and weak points were?

-What would his Ex say were his strong and weak points

-If he could change one thing in one life....what would it be?

-What, if anything, brings him to tears?

- Has he "forgiven" his wife? and How?

-What does he want to be remembered for in life?

Just a couple of extras for fun...I am sure we can think of a kagillion more within time!
Cheryl xox

ClickGirl said...

Hi CJ,
If you have the chance to watch Pop&Me - even if you are not still interested in this venture - it is well worth viewing. It is very moving - and really was a rare chance to see men and sons opening up - without realizing what they were doing. Some of the bonds that formed - as a result - were pretty incredible. I've spent 20 years of my life producing videos and interviewing people - and I was very impressed. It is only an hour and half - and really quite well done.

It's late - okay - early ... 2 a.m. - but I wanted to just say that I know of where you come ... when you talk about being lonely - while in a relationship. I had the same kind of situation. My husband did a lot of little things - like bringing flowers - and everybody just loved him. But he often didn't see me or hear me. It was so sad ...

Well ... my brain is starting to 'go' (ha ha) ... I think I might actually be falling asleep while I'm typing ... : ) So ... I better sign off for now.

Later ...

Click Girl

Anonymous said...

I think I was one of the first 118.

I had difficulty with the video though and sent it later.

It was a major step for me to even consider something like this.

Admittedly, I have seen yellow lights a few times since sending it in.

I recently watched Pop and Me and believe it could be worth the adventure with caution.

Anonymous said...

I imagine the panel of women "judges" having a conversation with each seminfinalist applicant over coffee / lunch / breakfast or something w/o RR.
AND-- I feel like WE will also have the right to ask them questions and get some answers. Even RR said it is a 2-way match. I'm sure the panel wants to see us relaxed and see how we interact in new situations and be darn sure we know what we're getting ourselves into.

I think these lady judges really know RR and would say,( like his friend of 50 years did) that RR can be a real pain, but is a good guy at heart. I do not think they will lead the applicants astray. That would be majorly unkind and lead to some ugly repercussions.

I am banking on them advising him well and am really glad they have a say. I wish RR would tell us more about them. He promised it in a newsletter, but didn't follow through. So what's new?

Anonymous said...

Speak up ladies -- anyone else on this blog get that latest "special" email from RR?

I don't think RR's ex-wife is on the panel. There is a "wonderful woman" who has known RR for 30 years, but that wouldn't be Meg who would have known him for around 40 years.

Two daughters-in-laws were mentioned and a "celebrity". Of course, we all assume that's Oprah.

I also wondered if an SB blog monitor might check in here. Some of us have remained pretty anonymous, no face or name. I guess that could be a good thing in that case.

A comment elsewhere (who was it?) said Aries men are very private. That would explain a lot and piques my curiosity even more about RR's real self one-on-one.

Having this blog is a breath of fresh air. Merci.

Canadian Bloggette said...

I can't believe we forgot such a crucial question for RR:

What is his shoe size?? LOL!!


Anonymous said...

CB - you horn dog, you!

Leslie: said...

CB - ROTFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My first thought about Meg was that she was not as interested in traveling as Richard was. Plus, she may not have liked the down sizing and economic living to allow the money for travel.