Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I send to you …

Twin star lilies in a crystal vase ...
The sight of a baby Hippo, just born ...
Pygmy music from north Africa ...
Brand new underwear ...
One deluxe Violin serenade ...
Tiny seashells in a toddler’s hand ...
Jewel-tone glass bottles ...
A private poetry recital, just for you ...
Homemade biscuits with soft butter ...
The applause of your ancestors ...

The sending is power-full

So I send you, my dear.
A bowl of ripe fruit that stays that way until you’re ready to eat it.

I send you

A flannel nightgown that brushes the floor and a paintbrush that whispers to you what to paint …

I send you
A path in the woods that leads to the gate, which leads to the sea. Then, a carpet of moss and a tea party all set up!
You’re the first guest to arrive

I send you
Visions of ladders to the new places in your soul, and slides that lead out of the negative slots.

I send you
New knowledge of your resilience and fortitude.

I send you
Special glue for the broken places.

I send you
Beauty in any ugliness you see, and the ability to truly respect your own pain.


I send you
Turquoise water and pure white sand …

I send you
The Discovery of a key on the floor of the ocean …
this key is encrusted with tiny bits of shells
This is the key to your hidden self.
The only one you feel cannot be seen.
You are safe.
Let your hidden self float free …

I send you …
Daily prayers and the constancy of Love
Love is always with us …
Harder laughter and more tears (let’s cry more)
Rich butter cookies with no calories (shortbread is good)
A sudden, unplanned NAP

I send you a dream in which you fully realize that none of us are more alone,and that we are all seen, heard and loved just for being

I light a candle in your name

We are all succulent and brave, holy, ordinary, stumbling creatures

I send you ... Love

By Sark

From 'Eat Mangoes Naked'

If you like crazy … whacky … fun … odd books … check out ‘Eat Mangoes Naked’ by Sark. Here is the Website too:


Click on ‘Sarks Planet’ too – for some cool stuff.


ClickGirl said...

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Thanks for all of the great posts ... and for all of the affirmations and support and care that have gone out from so many of you ... to our 'Sisters'. That is what 'Community' is all about! I am blessed to be among you!

In a positive spirit ... let's move on to share here - the things that are important to us ... and the things that weigh upon our hearts.

I wanted you to know that I have had a tremendous response to the Heart Bracelets ... and have orders going out for nearly 70 bracelets this week! I will soon have our new Heart Bracelet Blog up and running ... and we can continue that effort - to send funds to two very worthy causes! Thanks to all of you for your continued support!

Blog on, Gals!

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

I am not sure where people are blogging these days, but I wanted to respond to your comments on my site...Your link did not work [AIM], and I wanted to encourage you since you are in the middle of a divorce....A divorce is like a death...Being disappointed by one you really love and have given your heart to is so very painful! I have a quote that I always remember when I think of the men I have loved...Only ONE TIME IN MY LIFE have I ever actually taken out a piece of paper and pencil in the middle of a movie, but when I was watching Ice Castles [not a major movie, lol]I did...I can't even remember which character said it, but she said, "OLD LOVES NEVER DIE, THEY JUST EXIST IN A QUIETER PLACE"...I thought that fully expressed my experience with love and disappointments...You WILL get over this, and YOU WILL learn to love and trust again!! Never doubt that!! According to psychologists different life events are given a certain rating in terms of 'stress points'....Divorce is only SECOND to DEATH in the number of 'stress points' assigned....Allow yourself time to grieve.....I am so impressed that you are involved with CASA...It is such a noble endeavor! Please let me know a real E-mail for you, as I want you to know that you are not alone!!

ClickGirl said...

Hey CJ. I think we are all still posting here ... I hope ... but I just started a new Blog - because the last was getting quite long. I got your Email ... will write back shortly. : )



Dale Savage said...

You are up LATE, Brenda... I hope you and the other ladies don't mind if I continue following the adventures of the Sisterhood.

And Nina, I know nothing of your circumstances, but CJ's words are so true--a divorce is a death--not just of a relationship, but of ideals, dreams, hopes for the future, etc. I hope you find (seek out if necessary) the kinds of support you will need as you go through the grieving process.

There are some very good groups that operate nationwide such as Divorce Care.

Nina said...

Brenda, I LOVE my bracelet and wear it proudly!!! I'm glad you have orders going out, yea!!

CJ-I left you a post on your site.

Dale, you are always welcome here and thanks. I'm doing ok and better than I thought I would.

Anonymous said...

CJ & Connie: Thanks for the peacock thank you. I had intended them to be a private thank you to all of you who have helped the NNBBSH along rather than just another written thank you on the blog. However, it ended up being public which was fun and called more attention to NNBBSH!

Even though I am late in posting, I want to share my thoughts on MB. I went with no expectations, and as you who were also there know, I got quite a bit more than expected. There were times when things/events did not seem to run smoothly, but it was the first time around for the organizers and I guess to be expected. I could have done with a less expensive place to stay, but the surrounding were lovely and the free breakfast and shuttle certainly helped in the expense category. Plus the candy, spa items, hosiery, door prizes, etc. were nice unexpected touches.

I have read all of the reflections and comments on MB, but being the optimist and Pisces that I am, I will continue to believe the best of all until definitely proven otherwise. If there is something more than meets the eye/ear, so be it. At this point, it is not hurting me or my fun and I am definitely enjoying the new friendships and camaraderie that has been developing on the blog and furthered by the meeting of everyone at MB.

Since coming back to reality and Houston I have attended a training for volunteers who are assisting the misplaced citizens of New Orleans. It was an hour training (common sense reminders), but to get to the training there was a 45 minute traffic back up! The church where we attended the training, had sessions going on in at least 4-5 different locations on the grounds. I believe they trained over 7,000 people in a 2 day period! It is great to see the turn out of volunteers.

More later. Mary Olive in Houston

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone....

I've read all the stuff here and on other blogs and just wanted to wish you all my very best wishes in whatever you do in life. I enjoyed interacting with you all over the last few months but have decided to move on.

Take care of yourselves and have good lives.

Love ....... Phyl

p.s. Brenda ... the Irish Heart Foundation is already selling red bracelets so unfortunately I can't cross them so to speak :)

linda in Tucson said...

Suzanne I miss you madly! Can we kiss and make up?
The NNBBSH website is back up and running
Brenda I'll make some modifications to the bracelet page (if I can find the suggestions you sent me awhile ago) and can set up a link to wherever you are going to sell them from.

Canadian Bloggette said...


Dale Savage said...

Forest Hills/Suzan, why DO we? :P


Anonymous said...

and why do women have hairy legs?

Sure--let us know.

heiresschild said...

YEAAAAA.....! the site is back up. i feel like my friend is back. sad, huh? i think not. thanks linda.

phyl, i've never spoken with u but u've been a part of this site since i've been following it, and if u move on, i will certainly miss reading your comments. i liked that u were so protective of the ladies with your comments. there was nothing wrong with anything u said. i feel like today is a brand new day for everyone to start fresh with some things and to continue on with some things. i hope u continue to be a part of the "sisterhood." i haven't finished reading all of the comments yet, but wanted to say that to u phyl.


Dale Savage said...

Thanks, Suzan, now I can toddle off to work with a chuckle--AND another reason to THANK GOD I never used steroids when I did sports. LOL ;)


heiresschild said...

forest hills, so glad u're back. still love your humor. thanks for the man facts. got your email; will email u my address tonite. have finals this week so it's been a little ruff. just taking a bit of blog time to chill out.

we miss you on the blogs suzanne.

canadian bloggette, you are so loving and motherly. i always feel like you're watching over everyone, and when u don't hear from someone for a bit, i like how u check up on them. and i agree with u, LET'S HAVE SOME FUN AGAIN! LOL

i feel like things are returning to normal - can i say that? LOL

Welcome back FUN! lol


Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey heiresschild,
You go girl....You can use/say the "F" word as much as you like!! You are amongst friends and we are all about the "F" word...........("F"un!!)


Cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

Phyl: I hope you change your mind...We are all at different places in our lives, and even in different places in our healing from disappointments over life, love, etc...While I will not support a continued 'negative' tone, I believe in women supporting women...You know, the EACH ONE TEACH ONE thing...We can help each other so much..
Suzan: I realized that while I thanked Mary Olive for her peacock that I had totally forgotten to thank you SO MUCH for the FOREST HILLS baseball cap!! I LOVE baseball caps and wear them almost constantly...It was so thoughtful of you to remember all of us!! :)
Brenda: You have given so much of yourself personally and financially! I personally appreciate EVERYTHING you have accomplished in making the NNBBSH a real credit to women and 'women with heart'....:)...For everyone, and anyone, who has ordered bracelets I sent Brenda all I had minus some my daughter will sell...Plus, for Connie [lol] wanted you to know I sent Brenda a check for $268.00..When I said I had $160 you must have thought I had taken a 'mother-in-law' discount, lol....Anyway,Brenda will have 'heart' bracelets and her check by Friday....Thanks for everyone's patience..It is my fault if you haven't gotten your bracelet yet..Go ahead 'flog' me, lol!
My little Pom had to go to the vet today to have an x-ray to determine if she needs knee surgery...She had to have a shot of a sedative, and I just got her home and she is punchy...I will be staying real close to her for a few hours and then it is my hope to finish our contact/info sheet to which most of the NNBBSH contributed E-mail addresses, etc. in MB...I have the master and I will add all of the information I have and then send a copy by 'attachment' to each E-mail address I have...If there is anyone else who would like personal E-mail addresses included so that we can stay in touch with each other personally please let me know...
Mary Olive: I LOVE YOUR ATTITUDE GIRLFRIEND!! Bless you for all you are doing for those who are hurting in Texas...I gave real thought to just up and leaving my dogs and birdies with my daughter and heading down there, but she already has 4 dogs and I just couldn't do that to her....My prayers and my heart is with you!! I can't wait to hear the incredible stories of survival you will have....I am SO GRATEFUL to have my little condo...And, all of my family and animals are safe! Thank you Lord for Your great mercy to me!

CathyinCarolina said...

It's all about Fun!!!!

It's all about Love!!!!

Love to all!!!

Hugs to all that need one at this moment!!!

It's OK if you want to rest Suzanne, you are not forgotten!!!!!!!

and thanks for all the Love and Support that I have felt from this Blog!!!!


CathyinCarolina said...

I want to be included on the contact list, CJ. If you need anything from me please let me know on this blog. LOL

ClickGirl said...

Hey Dale … yes … story of my life (that staying up late stuff). : ) And definitely – do not mind you following the adventures (hey – that’s a great name … ‘Adventures of the Sisterhood’ – ha ha). Of course, you are always welcome here!

Hey EasyReader … consider yourself ‘joined up’! : ) Welcome!! If you want your pic on the NNBBS Website – just send one to Linda (click on her blue title – and send her an Email) – and she will post it when she has a chance.

Hi Nina. So glad that you got the bracelet. I love mine too! : )

Mary Olive: How wonderful that you did the training for volunteers! Good for you!! You are to be commended for that! Very cool!

Hey Linda Glad to see your smiling face! And glad to see the NNBBS site up and running again! I’m almost finished with the Heart Bracelet Blog – and will send you the link soon. Then we can really promote them! : )

CB – ‘Ditto’!! And … other ‘F’ words that we are (besides Fun):
Fen-om-inal (I know … spelled wrong … but was it funny?)

Others … anyone?

Hi Suzan: Too funny! Thanks for the funnies! And thanks for sharing!! : )

Cathy in CarolinaYes!! : ) Hugs to All!!

Thanks again CJ! Was so great talking to you today! Just like we knew each other ‘forever’! : )

Don’t Go Phyl!!! … I hope you won’t leave us. We would miss your posts … and … just ‘you’! Please consider staying – at least here! Don’t blame us for SB!! We don’t want you to leave!! And … no worries on the bracelets. We will bow to the Irish. : ) Did I tell you that one of my favorite people in the whole world is an Irish guy ... Robert Burns - truly ... that is his name. Great guy. We went with a group to a U2 Concert - and when I saw tears in his eyes during some of the songs ... he just had us weeping along with him.

Calling all Desert Foxes!! We miss you!! Come back when you are up to it!!

Okay – I’m going to go put up something - FUN – on the front of this Blog!! : )

Hugs and Hearts to All!!


linda in Tucson said...

Thanks Brenda! That new post is simply lovely!

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Linda. I love Buscaglia ... but ... thought we needed a little 'bright and cheerful'. : ) I think I want to take one of the Sark creative sessions. They look like fun! :)



Anonymous said...


the post is so beautiful. Thank you.

I just blew my stack on SB post. oh boy!!! I should have posted my answer to JoaninMD here too.

How About

Desertflower, you are missed. when you are done processing come back to us. Please.

How many of you are from Tucson?? Linda, Dale and ??? I have a couple of friends that live there. I love AZ.

I'll try to go to bed early tonight. I am pooped.

I just called my friend in Australia. Another country I want to visit. One day!

Big hugs.

Dale Savage said...

Forest Hills... RE the cherry bomb vasectomy, don't forget Arkansas where I was raised... should work there too. LOL ;)


Anonymous said...

You kill me this early in the morning.
I woke up to a night mare about my ex (but not my ex). Then my cell beeps with a text message at 5:45 am. Go buy me a new Miata today please.
Sure honey, anything to please you, What color would you like dear? Now to know me is to love me. I will go buy him a new car today and smile and act dumb all at the same time. I always buy the cars. I love the game.
I guess I needed something to keep me busy on a rainy day. Now my question is. Where does he want me to keep the new car while I am in Hawaii next week. Should I drop it off at his girlfiends? She just loves me. (he likes staying married, it keeps him safe from making another mistake) I live my life, he lives his, he pays me to stay married. Works for me. The best part of our 28 years ever. I left 3 1/2 years ago. I hate competition and being last. It works. I am first in the money, and last to see him. I love it..
What color should I buy for him? I am looking at sunlight silver. Nicer than Galaxy grey. I will have fun anyway. Hell, it's his money.
I so can't wait to go to Hawaii next Monday. A nice long week with my sweetie. And a new magnet for my refrigerator.
But I have to go some clothes that fit me too. A shopping day. But I really hate to shop.
Well ladies and now men. Have an awesome day, I am off to spend my ex's money for him. See what working my ass off all these years did for me?
Now time for more coffe, my dog drank mine.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something here? I just assumed that all of the women in this SB journey would be single.


Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda & everyone:

Just popped in for a mo to read what you guys are up to :).

Gosh Brenda I read your posting where you mentioned my name. Honestly hon, I don't 'blame' anyone for anything. I don't even know what went on in MB except for what I read. The reason I won't be blogging for the foreseeable future is I have other personal stuff to attend to and I found that the blogging, though enjoyable, was taking up more of my time than was realistic.

Yes, I did see a big change in things after MB ... dynamics always change as nothing stays the same ever ... it can't ... can it ... always moving forward, which is good ... but blame is not a word I use at all really. I believe we all create our own reality and from my own point of view, I felt I got a little too involved and gave whatever was going on too much energy (something which I fundamentally don't agree with doing if I can avoid it) ... hence my decision to cease blogging (yeah yeah I know I'm blogging now but didn't want you to think that this was about anyone there).

Thank you for your lovely words. Also thanks to Sylvia and CJ.

I love the quotes/title on this new blog. Will be checking the website.

Love & ciao ...... Phyl xx

p.s. I think you're all fantastic, wonderful women but I figure you know that anyway ;).

Anonymous said...

p.s. If Myriam blogs here will someone tell her I'm not psychic!!!! Don't know where that came from *LOL*.

Saw it on the SB site at some point.

linda in Tucson said...

Does anyone have Connie aka Dancingirl's e-mail address? I seemed to have lost it. She may not want it posted here but if so, could you e-mail it to me?
chappylees@yahoo.com thanks!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have Sunni's email address. Her blog doesn't allow anonymous posts so I can't post there.

Sunni .... if you read this can you send it to me @ phyllismoynagh@gmail.com.

Merci ..... Ciao ... Phyl

ClickGirl said...

Suzan – Love your irreverence!! : )

Hi Carol – I think the Sunlight Silver sounds lovely!! Happy Shopping! : )

Hi Phyl! Thanks for ‘splaining. Glad to know it is about ‘you’ … and not ‘the tension’. Know what I mean? Hope you will pop in from time to time … just to say ‘Hi’! We like having you around. : ) And – yes – I love the Sark stuff. I am going to get some more! It is all bright colors … and cool thoughts – though she does have some real meaningful ‘exercises’ too. Anyway – I like it … so thought I would share.

BABETTE!!! We miss you so much!! When are you going to have more time for us? Can hardly wait for your high-speed to be back up and running. Hasn’t been the same without you here!

Special Thanks!! To all of you who signed the wonderful card for me at MB … I just can’t tell you how much I appreciate that! When I got home tonight – and opened that envelope … I was just boo hooing away! You gals are great!!! Thanks … more than I can say! And … even ‘Rich’ and Joe signed!! Amazing. : )

‘Night to All!


P.S. Phyl - was just thinking - if Myriam is really Psychic ... she should know. (ha ha - just joking)

sunnida said...


Loved the SARK site...adorable
and the quotes are really up-
lifting my spirit...

And all you more tech proficient
sisters, I now accept anonymous comments
on my site...how formerly picky of me.
My son helped my set it up.
Now I've got to get him to change
my photo for me...I'm loving everyone
else's new looks....I want a new look too!!!

(I emailed Phyl my email address)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy in Ohio,
Not everyone is single, some are seperated. I just have a husband that refuses to sign some papers. I even tried a few weeks ago. it really isn't worth fighting about. I am his safety net. I also think a lawyer told him to just leave things alone. Cheaper that way.
If I offend you in any way, I will gladly sign off. Welcome to 2005. I bought him a silver Miata today. Had a martini and fell asleep for a few hours.
My deal with him is full paid medical, dental, and 50% of all income after taxes. He gets a 15% break if he signs papers. He won't sign.
We both hate lawers. Do you realise if you are not a Dr's wife or lawyers wife, and you walk into a lawyers office, you pay so much less. Like thousands. Welcome to Florida.
I don't know you. But after a 28 year marriage, 23 of them together, I consider myself divorced. And single.
He lives his life, I live mine, and we do holidays together, or seperate. When you know someone 31 years of your 47, you don't always do things the traditional way.
I was your perfect wife, mother, faithful, etc. He wasn't. We have 3 incredible children together. We have no desire to ever get remarried. Safety net.
I want what everyone esle does. I want love and commitment. And I am just letting things be. I beat rapid degnerating cataract disease, cervical cancer and another life long disease in 3 months last year. Do you want to insure me? And I am looking at more eye surgery in the near future.
Cobra is really expensive. Trust me. Cheaper to stay married at this point.
You know what. I am off. Have fun ladies.

Anonymous said...

PS Nancy in Ohio,
I actually thought I found a place I thought was safe and fun. My daughter and daughter inlaw got me here. Not me.
Anyone who knows me, has my e-mail.
Good night.

Anonymous said...


I just posted this on SB site.

Hello everyone,

FYI, I just came back from an orientation meeting at the Red Cross. they are looking for 40.000 volunteers and cash donation. For us, here is the DC area, fireman stations have stopped taking clothing donations, toys etc. only toiletries and tissue.

A few of us were interviewed by Channel 7 as why we wanted to volunteer. Hopefully we'lll get more people. It is an impressive organization.

Love and hugs, Myriam

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hye there y'all,
Just passing along some very sought after info re our Suzanne!!!
I just spoke to Suzanne's aka Desertflower's lovely daughter........AND... "Mom is fine ....she is away for a bit and will be back in touch (via computer) as soon as she returns....so not to worry!!

La Belle xox

linda in Tucson said...

La Belle Thanks for the update on Suzanne. I feel sooo bad about the spat we had! I think we both had a major emotional crash after all that hype. I have tried e-mailing her...hope she's doing something fun.

Canadian Bloggette said...

hey Linda.........I have no idea what is up but and far for me to judge......but can't ya fix it???

"If it ain't broke don't fix it".....
but it would seem to me that something is in fact "broke" and needs to be fixed........
la Belle xox

Anonymous said...

to carol/aka travelin
No judgement against you in my book! Married 35 years, separated 3 more years due to state "no-fault" laws (biggest Negative to hit women since reversal of R v Wade) finally divorced then spent 2 more years trying to get a 65 page "agreement" correctly enforced...."Cost of lawyers - $25K - Cost of peace of mind - Priceless" LOL! I'm advising a long-time married friend to do it 'your' way. Much easier on the psyche, purse, & people in general. Plus you don't enrich those ^&$@#$& lawyers....the only profession where you have to pay WAAY UP FRONT before they'll even listen to you---let alone offer advice!

heiresschild said...

suzan, it took me a few seconds, but i got it. (the cherry bomb joke) funny.

carol aka travelin, read the portion of your life story u just wrote. i know it's serious, but there is some humor in some parts the way u tell it (not health situations though). u sound like one smart lady to me.
and yes, it is SAFE and FUN here on this site. feel free to blog whenever and whatever.

babette, was just thinking about u today, and wondering how u were doing.


linda in Tucson said...

Chi-Town am I missing something? I don't seem to be seeing a "blatant disregard for peoples feelings"
Didn't get an e-mail from you

Canadian Bloggette said...

La Dolce Vida,
Great just great! I always set the table wiht two forks.....does that mean the best x2 is yet to come??I sure hope so!
Hey BDNC........WELCOME BACK TO BLOGVILLE, it has been a very busy place of late!!!!...we have missed your cheery attitude and quick wit. I leave for Vancouver tomorrow AM..I will call ya! ok??
Love to all
La belle xox

Anonymous said...

CB OKIDOKEE CB! Got my new p# and c# right? email me if you need to...

Am i screwed? or NOT! One of the Filipino traditions is we sometimes eat with hands... if CB gets 2x then do i get handfuls? :-)
And thank God for washers and dryers! *lol*

Anonymous said...

Forest Hills

Anonymous said...

This is a good one

A man calls home to his wife and says, "Honey I have been
asked to go fishing up in Canada with my boss & several of his friends.
We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting so could you please pack
enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and tackle box?
We're leaving from the office & I will swing by the house to
pick my things up."
"Oh! Please pack my new blue silk pajamas."
The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy but being the good wife she does exactly what her husband asked.
The following weekend he came home a little tired but otherwise looking good. The wife welcomes him home and asks if he caught many fish?
He says, "Yes! Lots of Walleye, some Blue gill, and a few Pike.
But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to do? You'll love the answer...

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - -

- - - - -

- - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - -

- - - - -

- - -

The wife replies, "I did, they're in your tackle box."

heiresschild said...

la dolce vida aka chi town, luv both of those names. my daughter thought la dolce vida means "sweet life," and i didn't know. said i'd ask, so what does it mean?

sometimes i miss things also. i see nothing wrong with the comments u make, or the way u respond to comments. u are very open and honest, and i think that's what makes you "you."


heiresschild said...

brenda, the new blog is so beautiful

Anonymous said...

Thank you ladies for all the kind thoughts. Call me pre-menopausal. I am totally starting to calm down, settle in and unwind after my road trip this summer.
Sometimes things just hit me wrong. Nancy's comment hit me wrong. Sometimes you just don't fit in a certain spot. That is me. I am an original. I laugh at my marital situation. But my "ex", and that is how I refer to him as. Because in my mind he is. Thanks to many hours with my shrink and councelor. It took me 2 years to get my head together. I still can't find my head though.
I have met La Dolce / Chi Town girl and her daughter. She is awesome and just as original as I am. Our daughters are also a reflection of their mothers huge personalities and have our inner strength. As we go from generation to generation, may we pass on our best traits to those we love.
Chi Town girl met me when I had just come off the road, moved and was being hit by a hurricane. I promise I am much calmer now. Still ADHD. But my inner and outer self is calmer. Beach time really helps.
Today I went to the beach in my new Miata / roof down / finally some sun. Had breakfast with a friend, read some of a suspense novel. Floated around in crytal clear water and calmed myself down. The beach has always been my best tonic.
When I left, I called a really great friend of mine that got fired yesterday for a BULLSHIT reason. He has been a friend for many years, he is having surgery in 2 weeks, and had waited for me to "come home" so I could nurse him back to health. I let him drive that brand new Miata, with the roof down, took him out to lunch at "LE TUB". The coolest local joint around these parts, with the best burgers on the planet. Hard to find, and worth it.
Then I just let him drive that really cool new car, talk, unwind, and never asked where we were going. I just let him enjoy his first day with no job. And unwind. As we drove down A1A, he said" where am I going?" I said go where you want to go. But rush hour starts in about an hour, and you promised your neice you would be there by dinner. And spend the night and weekend with her. You need to go home and pack and go to your brothers. 45 minutes away. No traffic.
And if you want the true essence of who I am. That is it. I am me. I don't lie, wouldn't remember what i told you. Have a huge heart and get hurt easily.
My special friend (Hawaii almost got cancelled today due to business) called and we were talking about friends and friendships. My friends are very close to me, and very long time friends. Almost all of my friends today were at my wedding and in it. I have real friends of a very long time. Some for 47 years. Most for over 30.
But the friendships on this site are so unique. We are all so different, but so alike.. I am one of the youngest. I did just turn 47 on Sunday. But we are all such strong, beautiful women. And we are all filling a need that we have. And that is adventure.
This site kept me going this summer, more than you know. The trip was awesome, but tough on me mentally and physically.
And the friendships we made are unique. I so want no part of the RR circus. I like where I am right now. And I withdrew myself from his COMPETITION.
But I like this blogg. This summer I met another traveling grandmother / grandaughter team. So if I have your e-mail I will send you her latest message. It's really funny.
And I have no clue how to cut and paste anything on this computer. I don't save e-mails to folders. Don't know how. Don't want to know how. I usually erase everything.
I am going to Hawaii on Monday and will be off line, by choice. But I promise some really cool pictures when I get back.
Ladies have fun, The Chicago date for RR has now moved to my Daughters birthday. I would have gone just to see Chi Town again. But alas my family is always first. Desert Flower may have a visitor the first week in October if I can pull it off.
Who knows!
Have an awesome day. And may we all stay true to who we are. And that is someone very special.
And Nancy in Ohio, I am sorry for jumping down your throat. Come on back and play. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Anonymous said...

Carol - I'm so glad to see you back here! I wasn't planning on returning, because I'm the one who 'doesn't fit in', not you. I don't usually post on the blogs, and felt terrible that the one time I did, I hurt someone's feelings!!!!! I would never intentionally do that! I was just thinking that everyone here was involved in the pursuit of RR, but now I see that that isn't necessarily the case. This blog is so much more and rightfully so. I'm so terribly sorry for upsetting you and am happy to see that you're feeling better now.

Canadian Bloggette said...

To all my new found cherished Bloggette Buddies, at the risk of forgetting anyone I won't name y'all, you know who you are.

"My friends are my estate"
-Emily Dickinson

I am one very wealthy woman!!

Love and hugs to all...I am off to Vancouver to visit one of my dear sweet wonderful magnificent delightful daughters, what a gift they are to me!! YAH!!!
Will check in from time to time....so PLEASE take best care of yourselves and others and HAVE FUN.......LIFE IS SHORT and we only get one shot at it so cherish, savour and taste the moments, each and every one ladies!!
La Belle xox

Nina said...

Brenda, GREAT new page. Sorry girls I've been sick and finally went to the Dr at 7:30 AM today. I have a respiratory infection and after taking my first medication at 8:30 AM I can say I'm feeling some better.

CJ-my e-mail is nbms@insightbb.com

It's great to get caught up with reading the blogs :) You are all wonderful, witty and intelligent GREAT women!!

CB-I have not forgotten about you!

ClickGirl said...

Thanks for all of the positive comments! And all the ‘F’ words. : )

Check out the new Heart Bracelet Blog!

Please send this Link to friends, colleagues and family … and let’s spread the Heart Bracelet movement!

We also have a PMB address now and a designated Email for me to receive Email about the Bracelets. I’m hoping to keep this just related to the ordering of Bracelets:

I’ll have an update soon – on funds received – and how many Bracelets have gone out. In the meantime … please help spread the word!! Thanks much!

Myriam: – I’ve always wanted to go to Australia too. For a while – I was ‘hooked’ on the Trafalgar Travel Message Board (I know – sad, isn’t it?). I wanted to go ‘somewhere’ next year – to celebrate my five years of being cancer free – and Trafalgar is a vendor for AAA Travel – one of my biggest clients. So … I met some of their folks at the last conference … which led me to their Web. It was so fascinating reading all of the travel journals and I got so much info from the folks on there. And there were so many Aussies on that Board. Was very interesting getting to know them … and their wacky personalities and wild sense of humor. Made me really want to travel there!

Suzan: – Thanks for the funnies!! : ) And for the words of reason. Really, really appreciate it!

CJ: – Hope your puppy is feeling better! And – ha ha about the Maid! I need to get one here! : ) And that’s Great about the Bracelets! Tell your daughter ‘Much Thanks’!! Thanks also – for going to so much trouble to make ‘The List’! Wow!! I’m impressed! Also - I was confused about La Dolce Vida and Chi-Town earlier on as well. : ) So, I just chose one name – Chi-Town – because it was easier for me to type (hee hee). And it helped me remember that she lives in Chicago!! : )

Babette!! YEAH!!! We have truly missed you, Girl!!! Love the cute joke too. Ha Ha

Thanks Sunni. I love Sark too. The books are bright and fun … and all sort of ‘hand written’. I’m going to look for more ‘fun stuff’ to post.

Thanks Carol … and Nancy … for your comments and for sharing! Both of you are most welcome here!! And I hope it is a safe and comfortable place to visit. I know we have had some ‘moments’ here … but I hope we can move beyond … and ‘forgive and forget’. We really don’t know what someone might be facing … and what brought them here … so let’s continue to be caring and supportive … and welcoming of all. Thanks to all of you!! It is truly an honor to know all of you!

Hey CB: Thanks for sharing about Suzanne. And loved the Emily D. quote!
Safe Travels!!! Will look forward to hearing from you … when you are able!

Hi Nina: – So sorry you have been sick! Hope you are feeling better soon! Eat Chicken Soup! : )

Hey Sylvia: Thanks much – about the Blog. Just trying to have fun. : )

Hello Chi-town. – Thanks for sharing ‘The Fork Story’! I haven’t heard that for a long, long time … and it has special memories for me! My Mother-in-Law (when I was married) was an amazing women. She (Grace) didn’t graduate from High School, she didn’t have great wealth, she wasn’t into politics or discussing deep topics, she wore clothes that were ‘on sale’ and dressed very simply. But she had an amazing smile, was a master of ‘one liners’ and didn’t forget a birthday or anniversary! And she could make a delicious meal – out of ‘nothing’. And could she Bake!!! She worked in the kitchen at our High School … and also was ‘in charge’ of our Church kitchen … and cooked most of the wonderful meals that we ate there. She baked most of the cakes for events and weddings that were held at our Church. After school, we would all head over to the Church … to see what our ‘Other Mother’ (that’s what all of us teenagers called her) … had cooking in the kitchen. She almost always had cookies or brownies or fudge ready for us. After Church on Sunday’s … and many other days, she would invite people over for a meal. She was warm, and loving and gracious. I loved her dearly.

When I left her son … she still loved me and reached out to me … even when her husband refused to speak to me … or even look at me. The years (and Grace) softened his heart – and in their last years we were all very close. The last time I was with ‘Mom’, was a family Thanksgiving meal – where the two of us made her ‘famous’ home-made mashed potatoes together. We laughed and talked … and I got to dump the butter and milk in – while she worked the electric mixer. It was the last time I saw her – and it is one of my favorite memories of her. I called her on the following Mother’s Day ... and she died a couple of weeks later. At her funeral … we started by singing her favorite Hymn - ‘Amazing Grace’ (not a dry eye there!!) ... and she had requested for ‘The Fork Story’ to be read. It was so appropriate … and the final message from her son (who was also the Pastor officiating the service) was … ‘Keep your Fork … the Best is Yet to Be’! We then all stood and sang ‘The Hallelujah Chorus’ together. It was a joyous celebration of an amazing life … and I actually went out and got a bunch of old forks from a thrift store – to give away as ‘gifts’ – that would include the story … and a message about Grace. So … thanks for bringing back all of those very fond memories! : )

Have a great one … fellow Bloggers!!

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

Hi Frorrest Hills,
I tried to send an e-mail and it got bounced. Would you e-mail me an adress so I can send you a picture.
Thanks, Carol

Belizegial said...

Hey Brenda, I send to you and all of my sisters....thanks and much love for the sharing and the caring being expressed here.

I feel alive and I feel the love that's really real. I'm Walkin' On Sunshine (whoa oh )and don't it feel good!

Sunshine and best wishes to you and yours on this glorious day in the tropics.

heiresschild said...

did anyone say "fantabulous" yet as the "f" word? that's a combination of "fantastic" and fabulous."


willemina said...

Hello to all of you Fantabulous women! That's a great word Sylvia...
Brenda, Your new blog is beautiful and very inspiring. I always enjoy reading what you have to say.
So many compassionate and caring women on this blog and Dale too :)
To everyone whose birthday I have missed, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I wish you all the best life has to offer. For all of you who are troubled, I wish you peace and love. You are sharing your thoughts with a wonderful group of ladies (and Dale) who will be there for you in good times and in bad. They truly care and give of their hearts. I can feel the love on this blog and when there's a misunderstanding, it's usually cleared up rather quickly. Forgiveness is a wonderful trait and we should never hold grudges as it keeps us from truly enjoying life as it's meant to be. Live life, Love life and Love each other.
CJ; those Krispy Kremes are dangerous, thank goodness we don't have a shop where I live. Although they sell them in the supermarkets here, it's not the same as hot ones from the store...
Goodnight one and all, you're the greatest!

heiresschild said...

chi-town girl, am praying right now even as i write.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Chi-Town. So sorry to hear about your friend. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers!


Belizegial said...

Good morning sisters :)

Just checking in here and am reaching out to Chi-Town girl with words of comfort.

I work in a PCP (primary care provider) health center and on a daily basis we will encounter patients with all types of diagnosis. Some we can help immediately, others are referred to our main hospital.

The main thing you can do for your friend is to give her hope at this time and of course offer your strength through this difficult period. Hope is essential. Where there’s hope, there’s promise of a future. Take care God Bless you and your friend. I am praying for both of you at this time.

willemina said...

Chi Town aka la dolce vida;
Prayer can work Miracles and I'll be praying for your friend. By the way, what is her first name?

Anonymous said...

La Dolce,
My toughts and prayers are with you again and always. Don't they say things happen in 3's.. When all this saddness stops, let's all meet in Sedona and find the peace that area so offers our sprits and souls.
I had sent an e-mail to a long time / I thought of as a friend saying I was back. The response was ugly in just the way he said things. I was so hurt. I sent him a picture of my dog sitting on the down roof of my new car at sunrise this morning. My words were very short and sweet. "Please find peace in your soul and God Bless."
We only have one life, and we can either love and cherish those around us, or be miserable.
I pampered myself, got a haircut, ( all the top stylists volunteering their time for Katrina). Just fo a $25 donation. Bought some new clothes for Hawaii, had dinner with my son and his wife, dropped off my dog. And I will be in Hawaii tomorrow.
La Dolce, you and your family and friends are in my prayers daily. We sometimes reach a breaking point. But press on. Now I know why you haven't answered your cell.
As the ex wife of a DR. and daughter of a nurse, I know how serious things are and how quickly they get out of hand.
The more I think of it, I really like the thought of Sedona.. Cheap airfare into Vegas, Sedona not far away. Just a thought.
I wasn't going to bring the computer to Hawaii. But I am now. Keep me updated Chi Town please. And my cell is always on. Just reach out and touch, or cry or howl at the moon. It feels really good too. We can howl like the wolves in Sedona and no one would know the difference.

Anonymous said...

F words:
Femme(s) Fatale(s)

I wrote the f words before reading about Chi-Town's friend with the bacterial (blood?) infection; that
left me too speachless for even a little banter.
God be with YOU!


ClickGirl said...

Hi Happy! You are still in our thoughts!

Hey CJ - thanks for sharing. My 'Other Mother' (former Step-Mom) was truly an incredible woman. She was loved by many ... and just always had a smile on her face ... and was always doing for others - when she had so little. I felt very fortunate to have had her in my life ... and to have had such a special relationship with her. I was so happy that we had reconnected in those later years (after my father-in-law died) ... and that I took the time to call her on the Mother's Day before she died of cancer. She was so excited to hear from me ... and I had just lost my brother and his wife ... so it meant a lot to me - to have had that final conversation with her. It is why I feel it is so important to 'keep peace' - as you never know what tomorrow will hold. And you don't know how long you will have someone in your life.

Chi-Town - please keep us posted on your friend - and let her know that many prayers are coming her way.

Carol - What beautiful words of comfort you shared with Chi-Town. Have a wonderful time in Hawaii! We will be looking forward to updates ... and hope it is all that you dream it to be!

Night All!


Anonymous said...


Glad you will be in Hawaii tomorrow! Great time to come but then it is always a great time to visit the islands.

I just learned that DebbieEddy will not be here until the l8th and she has indicated that she would prefer to spend most of her time on Maui.

Another friend of mine from the east coast (also named Debbie) is going to be on the Big Island (Hawaii--Kona Coast)this coming week and has asked me to join them there on Tuesday (13th). If that works out, I might be able to go from Kona to Oahu (Waikiki) on
Wednesday or Thursday. (I need to buy a laptop and Honolulu is a good place to do that.)

If you will let me know what your plans are on Wednesday (14) and/or Thursday (15), we might be able to arrange a meeting time and place.

Have a great trip. Hope to see you soon. In the meantime enjoy Waikiki!

ClickGirl said...

Just deleted a 'repeat' Blog - not an original. : )

linda in Tucson said...

You know, I was a bit guilty in the past of reading stuff "over there", then coming over here and spouting off about it. I felt wronged 'cause I signed up for a game with certain rules, then the rules got changed, and I wasn't sure if I still wanted to play.

I've had a shift in attitude that I maintain by reminding myself that this whole thing isn't about ME (ego stuff....hard to manage!). I for one have had a blast and RR can change the rules all he wants....I will still play until the end. I do work on not being overly invested in the outcome but for me all of this is cleary unfolding for a reason. I may not be clear on just what that reason is....probably a different one than I would have scripted but the Universe has strange and wonderful twists and surprises.

OK, that's about as philosophical as I'm gonna get about this silly thing!

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is just getting curiouser and curiouser....I am just going to hide and watch.....I am going to be very surprised if Oprah does a follow up on RR, but my real concern is way RR is catering to a few....Are any of the ladies going to feel really used if they are not chosen??? I think all of you are so very special...I pray that there will be no hard feelings when this is over...I am having a really hard time with RR telling everyone to go ahead and book their flights, which are usually non-refundable when he has no hotel! Does anyone else see this as wrong???? I have heard that his only reason to continue to change dates is his speaking engagements...Of course, if Oprah does do a segment they will not tell Richard until a week before the shoot...I just don't think 'his cause' caused enough interest after the rerun....If you go to Oprah's site there is not even a link to discuss Richard's appearance....That speaks volumns...What possible reason can he have to continue to change the dates, when all of the ladies attending cannot get decent plane fare, and have changed their lives around to suit this whole thing...I am sorry if I am ranting, but after reading his blog tonight, I am so angry...This is going to cost everyone so much and, as usual, he wants everyone else's world to stop until he is ready.......Sorry to be so 'nergative' as he said, but I hope I don't have to say ITYS! Darn there are going to be some really broken hearts and some bitter women when this is over....JMHO..

Anonymous said...

To La Dolce Vida: You're speaking out about what I have been thinking about Linda. Thank you for your boldness to confront this issue.

CjInSoCal: You are right on the mark!

I wish to remain anonymous.

linda in Tucson said...

I will admit to being rather self serving with my attitude on the blogs. Truth be told, RR and I would probably be a good match. I would be all over filming a documentary if that's where this is headed.
Making and keeping good g'friends is every bit as difficult as b'friends. I'd say I feel some sort of connection with about 1 in 20 men that I might meet through personals dating, etc. I don't automatically feel a connection with all women here just 'cause we are women.
Frankly Chi-Town I found your probing e-mail to me and your insistence that we talk on the phone very rude and offensive. I doubt we could be friends, but this isn't a popularity contest. I feel blessed for the friends that I have made.

Leslie: said...

I don't know exactly what's going on here, but I would like to state that Linda is a sweetheart. Just because she is openly honest about hoping to be part of RR's trip and maybe life, there should not be any nasty comments about her and her posts. I, too, found RR to be charming, intelligent, funny, and YES, I would like to be one of the chosen ones, if not THE one. If you have not met the man, or the ladies, I would suggest you keep your nasty comments to yourself. Just because others are blogging about other topics, it does not mean we are obligated to respond to them. And don't even bother to comment back to me because I will not respond. Methinks the green giant has raised his/her ugly head.

Anonymous said...

Hello CJ- although puppy love and sugar and spice......could we ask for one more of your humble opinion? Some references have been made to RR's attention to a certain type of lady in MB but that seems to be all that is said - just a vague reference. Would you mind sharing your details?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Suzan-- congrats on your accomplishments!!! Ladies, this is NOT easy. To earn this standing ONE of the things you have to master is to be able to orient yourself underwater when sometimes it is SO dark you don't know if you are UP or DOWN. I don't even know all the things you need to know to rescue someone.... Good going! Be proud, Suzan.

sunnida said...

la Dolce Vida I'm so sorry to
hear about your friend...I'm keeping
her and you in my prayers....
keep talking to her... I truly believe that
deep inside she knows that you are
with her and is comforted by your words
and your presence. Be brave, be strong
for her, and for yourself.

to everyone else HI...!!!!
I've had a house guest all weekend and
could barely find the time to read the
blogs. A MALE house guest...I haven't
spent that much time with a guy over
15 in ages. It was fun but I'm glad he's gone
back to the Bay area. He's just a friend...
and a really interesting man...so I was en-
tertained by all his stories of living with
Stanley Kubrick in London, working for
Dolby in Europe, etc etc. Made me feel
like I've done squat with my life.
Ah well...I'm a Mom, and that's my job
for the now.....

BRENDA I have a girlfriend
who is interested in producing documen-
taries like yours...would it be OK to have
her email you? I think she needs some
direction on how tho get her career off
the ground, and I'm so impressed with what
you've accomplished...email me or answer here!!

and ALL
I love reading all your thoughts,
critiques, support, poems, humor, and wisdom,
songs and stories. It makes me proud to be a
woman when I read the blog, you all are so
outspoken and brave...CARRY ON LADIES!!!!

SUNNI in Oregon

CathyinCarolina said...

CJINSOCALI sent to you my info for the NNBBSH contact list, I hope you will continue keeping it for us.
If not let us know and maybe some of us can pick it up.

If the rest of us ever get to Chicago, the list would be very helpful for me, at least, since I have not gotten to stay up on the Blog like I would like.

One last question for you: Did Richard ever buy a bracelet, we saw him pictured with one.

Clickgirl I thought that I would wait until Chicago to buy bracelets, but now since it going to be so long I will read back and see how to order.

You ladies, Make Me Want To Be A Better Person, I love You all!!!

heiresschild said...

i want to toss in my comments at this point after reading cj's and chi-town girl's comments.

I've always been on rr's newsletter email list. i saw him on oprah the first time, and was curious to what seniorbachelor was all about. so i read the newsletters. then the blogs started. i didn't read them at first, then starting reading them. i enjoyed reading the comments from the different ladies. there were mixed feelings then about rr being evasive about answering questions and i watched as changes were constantly made by rr concerning the trip. i thought "rr has all of these ladies vying for his attention, affections, and the chance to go on a trip with the possibility of falling in love, etc. nothing but trouble. anytime u have a situation like "seniorbachelor, the bachelor, the bachelorette," there will be trouble in the house amongst those who are trying to "be picked." because that what's rr is doing, "picking" 6 ladies to accompany him...

i watched relationships being formed on the blogs. everyone was so excited about a cruise next year. the ladies even talked about taking a cruise amongst themselves to have fun, meet one another, and possibly other bachelors other than rr for those who might not get "picked."

then the mb meeting was set up, and many of the ladies put plans into action to "go and meet the senior bachelor." oh yes, i know many said they were going to meet the ladies they've been blogging with for a while. some who were going did not submit materials, but were going as a support to the ladies who were interest, or to meet the other ladies, and even to meet rr.

but i saw trouble. it's no way we can be friends and like the same man, hoping to be one of the 6 ladies "picked" to accompany on the trip, hoping for a "chance at romance". no way we can be friends because we're in "competition" for the same thing. call it what u want, it is a competition. a rose by any other name is still a rose.

and after mb, there was a change on the blogs. feelings had been hurt, insulted, and a whole different tone took on the site, so much so that some were saying "let's get back to the fun." fun it no longer was because of ill feelings.

i believe if a person is my friend, and that person lets me know i've done something to offend them, then if i value the friendship or relationship, i'll humble myself and apologize. but i won't flaunt myself or something that i know would upset the person in that person's face. that's not love, or friendship, or caring about a person. if i care about a person, then i care about that person's feelings.

i've seen some things, seen some comments, even noticed how a couple of people are different since they've been back from mb, and i don't like some of what's going on.

it's like a game is being played, and rr's ego is getting bigger and bigger. i don't care that some ladies who went to mb say "he's so nice, he's so considerate, he's so this, he's so that." those ladies only met rr for those few days in mb, and that is not enough time to really know a person or their real motives.

trying to get a trip with mr. senior bachelor is causing negative comments on the blogs against others, hurt feelings, and egos to soar (and not only rr's either).

and people spending all that money to travel across the states to vie for a chance to meet mr. senior bachelor himself, go on a trip, and possibly find roe-mance as vj/out of africa so delicately puts it.

it's a game to me with people being hurt now, and probably more to be hurt later. these are my opinions, and i'm glad to finally release them. as i've been reading lately, all i say is um, um, um, i can't even believe some of what i see.

the majority of my comments have been to encourage, or complement. i shared a similar opinion a couple of weeks ago that this is trouble. cj and chi-town girl, i agree with both of u, and understand u completely.


Anonymous said...

ForestHIlls Congratulations!!!! meant to say it sooner, sowwwwwwy. :-) Rescue and Master Diver? That is BIG!!!! Wahooooooo!
I envy you....I can only swim a little bit.... and that means very little tee hee.......

linda in Tucson said...

Babette I think it's OK to say we heard from our sister Suzanne. I for one was thrilled.
Chi-Town You certainly spent a lot of energy creating a spin that her taking a break had something to do with me. She will let those who are close to her know the situation when she is ready. I'm quite tickled that you posted our e-mail exchange, although RR would surely send you to the naughty mat for breach of confidentiality. I hope everyone enjoys your tone as much as I did.

Anonymous said...

Or like I used to say, "Can't we just all get a bong?"...lol...back to the naughty mat, or housework, which is worse???? Glad to have a house to work :)...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know what you mean girlfriend.....Glad you got a kick out of that one...As for Suzanne, I must be on her SHITLIST, as I did not hear from her......I love her though, and I pray that she is so very happy...
As for the Chicago List: [I saw on RR]:
1.) Paula in Fla
2.) Nancy in Ohio
Anyone else signing up???
I did see that RR posted something about waiting for 'one phone' that would make 'all of us happy', which says to me that there might be an outside change that 'O' will do a segment...If that is the case, even though she likely will not pay the ladies' plane fare, she might either give free or reduced price rooms at the Omni downtown...I can't imagine anything but this outcome making the SB this happy.......Time will tell...So, who is going??? I am curious?? I support all of you.....

Leslie: said...

Those who are true friends of Suzanne have heard from her, but we will not divulge the reason for her absence. If she wishes to do so, she will do it herself. You may as well stop the guessing games because you're all wrong. I will say this, though, she does need our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that heads-up...Suzanne you are in my prayers, and I think you are a wonderful woman........We miss your sweet personality on the site, and I guess that is what I really wanted to say....I hope to see you around if/when you feel like it........

Anonymous said...

C U ALL LATER! Gotta get something healthy for supper going... how's Tilapia, Salmon, wild rice and avocado and tomato salad sound to you??? hmmmm

Anonymous said...

1.) Paula in Fla
2.) Nancy in Ohio
3.) Neva

ClickGirl said...

Hey Suzan. Congrats!! Good job! I really admire you … because I could not do what you are doing. When I was married my husband and some of our friends all took diving lessons together. They begged me to go … but I knew myself well enough to know that if I was underwater and saw a shark – I would be going to the surface so fast that I would surely get an embolism. So I commend you for your bravery! : )

Also – I got the hat today! Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! So nice of you!

Hi Sunni – I’m jealous (a male house guest)! : ) I’m going to two events this week … and hope to meet some guys. A few were men that I interviewed last year … so that might make it a little easier. And, if not, the group that we have going are cool folks … so it should be a fun time. Anyway … your friend sounds so interesting. Living with Stanley Kubrick! Wow. I bet that was an experience for him!

And - Yes – feel free to give your friend my Email address. I would be glad to offer whatever help that I can. I’ve not actually done documentaries – yet – (just the preview) but it is my plan to do that. : ) But I have been doing production for over 20 years … and they are all somewhat related. I’ve been researching more about getting into documentary stuff now … and making plans to move in that direction. Fingers crossed! : )

Hey Carol in Carolina – if you go to:
… that has all of the info on ordering the Heart Bracelets. I have a bunch of them ready to go out. Just sent out 20 today! You could just send me an Email – but, if you don’t mind, I’d like to test out my new system. : ) Thanks much!

And CJ - the new PMB address for the bracelets is on that site as well. Try it out! I'm anxious to see how it works. : )

To All: I heard from Suzanne today also. I am not at liberty to share what she wrote to me … but I wanted you to know that she has been away … and that is why she has not been posting. As soon as she is able … she said she would be back.

Also – I just wanted to say … we have so many people suffering …
-- Hurricane Katrina Victims
-- 9/11 family and survivors – re-living that horrible tragedy
-- Chi-Town’s friend
-- One member of our group has daughter and brother going through tough times
-- Sisters in our group who are going through difficult times
-- Scares about LA – with terror threats and power outages (My dear niece lives there with her family)
-- And last night I received an Email from one of my cousins, saying that his brother (Mike) had called to say his 24 year old son had been found with a self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head.

I haven’t had contact with either of these cousins for many years. Long story … but was for good reasons. When I heard the news – I immediately responded … and Mike wrote back with a very touching Email. Last night … and today … I just kept thinking what a difficult time this must be for him … and just couldn’t even imagine going through something like that.

Then I got home and had Emails from two members of our group … sharing difficulties. It was with those things on my mind that I came on the Blog. And … I smiled when I read Babette’s comment, ‘Can we just all get along’. I hope we can. I was also hoping we could agree to leave all the ‘nergativity’ on the SB site. : ) (Sorry - Is that being mean?).

Have a good one!


P.S. I’m not complaining … just came on tonight thinking about all of this ‘heavy stuff’ …

sunnida said...

BRENDAandCJ Thank you so
much for the list of names and
emails for all the sisters!!! You
two are so incredible, all the
hard work you've done to keep everyone
linked together... the second format
worked especially well for me!!

Muchos Gracias Muchachas,


Anonymous said...

Hi ladies,
I want to give an explanation of
GRAM NEGATIVE BACTERIA. I am at work at a Nursing Home, so it will be short.
Antibiotics treat only bacteria, by either controlling their multiplication= bacteriostatic, or killing them= bacteriocidal.
There are only few antibiotics for/against Gram neg. bacti.. When they get into the blood stream, as they have in your friend's, the bacteria are carried to all organs, where they do great damage, fast. Each bacteria doubles itself in a certain time, and I think for gram neg.bact. this is a short span.
Gam negative means they have 1 negative charge on their outer shell, this shell wants to be filled to saturation by grabbing electrons, here from tissues.
OK, some Chemistry 101, Example Water: H2 O;
Hydrogen has 1 electron on its outer (and only)shell, the nucleus has 2positive charges,
Oxygen has 6 electrons on its outer shell, but needs 8 to be saturated. Since the one electron on the H is loosely held, it is taken up by the Oxigen, with each O taking up 2 Hydrogens to sate its' outer shell, making for tight, stable bondage....kinky...
makes me laugh through my tears.

No one knows if she can hear you, but take even the slimmest chance for her to hear your voice.

OK, got to go; work 12 hr shifts.
The Nurses helped me get onto this site, they know what a softy I am

Anonymous said...

Giving The Freedom To Live

Accepting The Journeys Of Others

Each of us, in life, walks on the special path that the soul is destined to undertake. Our journeys are very different and we progress at different rates. The pitfalls and blessings we encounter are unique, yet we are all learning and no one form of knowledge is more important than any other. Even so, when we observe others, it can be easy to pass judgment on their decisions and to assume their actions will correspond with what we feel is right. But for every problem, there are a multitude of solutions. Everyone makes mistakes and, while watching others do so can be frustrating, it is important that you accept each person's unique way of doing things. Giving others the freedom to act in the way they feel are best without the fear of harsh judgments honors the capacity for growth that all people possess.

It is helpful to practice accepting others as they are. Never judge the decisions of others based on the path you would have taken because every person lives by different values and experiences. Challenge is a universal concept, but we all deal with difficulties in our own way. Give others the space to fail, but don't harden your heart against their experience. It isn't wise to try and fix people or control situations. You may feel compelled to intervene when difficulties arise, but it is important only to offer guidance when asked unless the person is involved in a truly dangerous situation or cannot act for themselves. Failure to choose the right path or to make enlightened decisions is simply another step on the journey. It is a means to experience and wisdom. Letting go of the need to influence others does not discount offering loving support and it does not mean that you need to stop caring. It does mean stepping back, dissolving judgment, and gracefully allowing others to live their own destinies.

Giving others the freedom to blossom in their own journeys gives you the freedom to take more notice of your own. You may not condone the actions you see taking place, but your reactions will be more loving by letting them be. And you will be able to focus on just being yourself, confident that the path you take is as right, valid, and special as any other.

Enjoy the Journey...

heiresschild said...

hi brenda, ladies, i don't mean to be negative, and if i came off that way, i apologize. i was just voicing my concerns and opinions i had, and have had for a while. and the more i saw certain comments, the more i just wanted to vent. so this evening i did that. i'm pretty low-key about things, but i think reading negative comments from the other site (and some were really negative) and hearing other's opinions just made me want to be free to express my opinion. for me, i've done that now, and will probably never say aloud those things again.

anyway, brenda, u didn't say i was being negative, but since i made some comments i usually don't make, i certainly don't want to have come off as being negative.

it's a serious time for me right now and i need my focus on some other things. any energy i give off i want it to be positive. hopefully, i didn't offend anyone. not my intention.


ClickGirl said...

Hey Sylvia ... no worries! I didn't think you were being negative! : )

Anonymous - very well said.

Warm regards,


ClickGirl said...

Hey Babette! When will dinner be ready! (ha ha)


linda in Tucson said...

heiresschild I think it's quite fine to express overall frustration with a situation as it applies to/affects you. Trouble starts when someone butts in and analyizes someone elses behavior that has nothing to do with them.
LOVED the anon post.
Hey Brenda I finally got a link on NNBBSH to the official bracelet spot. Sorry for the procrastination!

Dale Savage said...

Hi ladies, some of you I've corresponded with briefly. I consider you friends, though obviously not with the same bond you share.

Those of you who are in difficult circumstances and are concerned for family members and friends, you and they are in my prayers as well.

I just wanted to share this poem from Jane Kenyon (died of leukemia at age 47) with you. I've found it comforting in it's perspective.


Notes from the Other Side

I divested myself of despair
and fear when I came here.

Now there is no more catching
one's own eye in the mirror,

there are no bad books, no plastic,
no insurance premiums, and of course

no illness. Contrition
does not exist, nor gnashing

of teeth. No one howls as the first
clod of earth hits the casket.

The poor we no longer have with us.
Our calm hearts strike only the hour,

and God, as promised, proves
to be mercy clothed in light.

Jane Kenyon

Dale in Tucson

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Linda!

And thanks Dale ... for sharing that quote.

Good Night All!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow-The poem made me cry...and, it made me realize what an illusion my existence really is in the big scheme of things...Somehow, I look forward to that day of total peace and total surrender....Thanks for sharing..

Anonymous said...

Thank you anonymous. Beautiful. I hope those who need to see those words will see them AND hear them as well.

Let's be good to each other. There is tension in so many places in our lives and in this world, let's keep this a happy and supportive place. I know Brenda wants to allow everyone a place to speak freely, but I think it is only respectful to strive to be peaceful and not inflammatory here.

I heard of a Native American custom in which you go dig a hole and shout all your angriness into it and then cover them with dirt. The Earth takes them from you and purifies them. Yes, but what do the neighbors think??

Suzanne, we are keeping you in our hearts with good thoughts and saving your place til you come back.....
Best to all..

willemina said...

Good evening ladies,
I know some of you don't read the SB blog so I copied this to share with all of you...

Suzanne; you are in my prayers. God Bless.

"To Realize"

To realize the value of a sister ask someone who doesn't have one.

To realize the value of ten years, ask a newly divorced couple.

To realize the value of four years, ask a graduate.

To realize the value of one year, ask a student who has failed a final exam.

To realize the value of nine months, ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week, ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of one minute, ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize the value of one second, ask a person who has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.

Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.

-Rex Barker C.S.

Goodnight one and all...

willemina said...

Anonymous, Thank you for those beautiful words. That is a keeper! AMEN Love and Peace to all, Good night.

Dale, that was also very beautiful and I thank you too.

linda in Tucson said...

Connie I like seeing you here and there g'friend! I think you should put your pretty face on your blog posts. Then you could get obnoxious like me and put it in front of RR all the time, ha ha. I am fully expecting you to be standing at the end!

Anonymous said...

Linda--thank you darlin' -- can you get that vote to RR ---ASAP, please !

I wonder if the nature or format of the SB blog will change after the Sept 16 deadline? Perhaps to become informational only (like NNBBSH site) so the "policing" job can stop and more important details attended to -- I hope, I hope. We can continue our communication on these sister (and brother Dale) blogs.

sunnida said...

Morning All...

And a coyote morning YIP YIP
to Linda and other lucky
desert dwellers...I miss those
desert sounds so much!! Only three
more years and I'll be free to move back
to the Southwest!!!!

A special Thanks to ANON for the
beautiful quote...are those words
yours? Good words to start my day.

Are we counting nights until Sept 16
deadline for sending in videos? I can't
believe that some part of me still wants
to send in the materials that I've prepared,
what's that about? Why can't I let the ROE-mance
process move on without me? Even though
I'm not free to go on a long trip...I'm feeling very
strange about not participating...weird!!!

Off to the gym to clear the cobwebs from
this cluttered mind.


sunnida said...

Love the idea of digging a
hole for all your anger.....
the Native Americans certainly
have a lot of great customs...I could
dig one next to my neighbors yard and
send an anonymous note telling her
about the custom...Might get her glaring
eyes to soften a bit....poor woman is going
to regret it when she gets older and sees
the frown lines in her brow!!!


heiresschild said...

good afternoon everyone, just wanted to say how much i love blogging over here, which includes reading the comments, as well as me leaving comments. the different back and forth conversations, opinions, poems, writings, the bracelets fundraiser, travel experiences, etc. are what constitutes this as being a good blogsite to me.

it's a lot of "flava" here - sort of like a stew with different mixes of veggies, herbs and spices. once those mixes blend together and simmer to allow the flavors to mesh, voila, u have a delicious stew.

my daughter and i were having a conversation today about people and freedom of speech and different opinions - that's what makes the world "go round." that's how i feel about this blogsite. the differences are interesting. we have an unique group of ladies who blog here. and i'm glad to be a part, whether i leave a comment or just read other's comments.

have a blessed day, and enjoy some fun today - laugh a little, life is too short.


Anonymous said...

Hi ladies,
For once I was sooo glad my post came through, it had been my 4th try. Before, when I could not get onto a blog I just let it be, it was not that important....and often later on I wonder why I even bothered. Like with my questioning
RR's integrity. Did some of the responses surprise me, like Leslie's, she was so mellow before MB. One of my blog friends mailed me that a FFFF Fairy had come to my defense...Funny.

A couple things I want to throw into this stew(ing?) here:
Francesca, how is your father?
Wasn't it you that is willing to open your home to blogettes on their Chicago visit? I used to think Chi-Town stood for China-T

In one or THE first Newsletter RR told how much he had been contacted after the 4/27 Oprah show
and that he sent the tapes received to ?? , without him looking at them.

I heard foresthills first cat-toilet ta(i)le before, with it ending blamed on the grinning dog.
Took the wind out of offended cat lovers' sails. With the second one I was picturing the B-day suit clad lady chasing the behind the dryer cat. She may have ended up wrapped like a mummy to cover her scratches....where is the Scotch?

To my e-mail blogette friend I had been wondering if RR paid for the Heart Bracelet...she answered that
in POP&ME there were some complaints from his sons re $$;
so again, ladies beware when you travel with him...like you alresdy were warned earlier on this blog.
Once I was told that anyone tight with their $ is often also tight about sharing their (if present) emotions, including when making love.....takers, not givers...

Anyone taking bets about phyl returning? In the very beginning of blogsville she got "fed up" and stayed away for a while. She seemed more at ease on this blog.
I hope the Irish lass will return. Without viral foggy brain. Foresthills, did you get my drift about hormone foggy brain? You had posted a to many GREAT assessment of RR, only to "eat crow" due to Homone swings.

To all a good 13th,
Ellen, (in Ohio, office in Kent)

Anonymous said...

from Sheila:
sorry about writing as anon,
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but no matter what username I put in, it comes up as taken - so this is the best I can do!

I was just introduced to rr and his quest 8/25 on Oprah, and I've been reading the blogs to get a better idea of what this is all about. I really want to thank all of you for your comments. I've been trying to get an overview of rr and you've helped a lot.

I'm sorry to hear there's so much tension among you, though. You're all such caring, delightful, intelligent, wonderful women.

Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'd like to mention what I'm seeing as an observer, and get your input:

From my vantage point, this journey appears to have always been about Richard's "Wildest Dream". Not yours, not mine, but Richard's. So, if rr decides he wants to have 200 women drooling over him, in MB, in Chicago, or anywhere else, then it's still his choice - it's his dream! I haven't noticed anywhere that Richard has ever expressed anything differently.

I also noted that Richard said he was suprised when his wife ended their relationship. What's up with that? IMHO it looks like either rr wasn't in tune with his wife's feelings, or his wife was deceitful. Either way, they guy just doesn't seem to know a lot about women. I'm not criticizing him for it, I'm just being realistic. After all, hasn't Richard been suprised by the fact that many women have bonded during this experience? And, isn't that what most healthy women do best - bond?

I think Richard is who he is, and that's ok. He's also a product of his time . . . but, aren't we all?

I give Richard credit for knowing himself enough to know that he needed to "run away", and did it. He's obviously handsome, charming, has a great sense of humor, etc. But, has he resolved his issues? Who knows? . . . only Richard. Does it matter? I know I wouldn't be baring my soul to everyone if it was my dream!

It seems the best thing for all of us is to just relax and let the guy have fun? Richard's never said we'd go wherever we wanted to go. He's never said we'd do whatever we wanted to do. He's never even said he'd be pleasant company. So what?

I think all the women here will be able to handle whatever happens on a trip with Richard! If we just keep in mind that this trip is about Richard, and not about us. If we can have fun in the process, then that's a bonus. I can't see how any one of us will get hurt if we just coninue to think clearly, and make our decisions accordingly.

Leslie: said...

La Dolce Vida You had me ROTFLOL with that story! Good one! BTW, am praying for your dear friend that there will be a miracle.

Droma Hey, don't worry, I'm still very mellow. Just didn't appreciate some of the comments - it is very unusual for me to respond to "nergativity." Usually, I simply ignore it. Back to normal now. :) I just wanna have some fun with you great gals.

Glad you're back, Connie and I, too, appreciate the story about the Native American custom.

And finally, Willemina thanks for copying "To Realize" - very profound and so true.

Have a great day everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hello Brenda,

Just wondering whether you will be able to make the Chicago meeting. I will enjoy meeting you and bring some bracelets as heart problems are our family issues and I will be happy to support the cause!!!!
Once we know the location, I will make my reservations and will arrive on Thursday with departure on Sunday. Looking forward to meeting you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies,
Regarding the “Freedom to Live”, I believe it was posted originally in one of RR’s blog in the very beginning......

It was so profound to me I copied it and kept it.

It seemed the best to share it again last night with all of us again. I don’t know who wrote it…. someone wiser, kinder, smarter, more loving then I am for sure. I sure strive to be that daily.

The only thing I know for sure in life is “Control is an Illusion"…

Enjoy your journey’s
With love to all of you, Jacquelyn

Anonymous said...

You know CJ - you express all of that - but yet you are one of the first ones to jump to negative conclusions - based on what??? And then someone asks you to explain your position - as a judge does - and you avoid. Stay and be a part of the venting but always have the facts to back up what you are saying - and you will understand the true freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

CJ-- I like that plan. And I bet Brenda is too much of a sweetheart to say she would like to keep peace here too. Thanks for a good idea. Onward.

heiresschild said...

chi-town girl, thanks for the afternoon laughter. and yeah, i did think it was going to be dirty. LOL


heiresschild said...

oh yeah, the stew is simmering! but we're going to keep the fire low.

cj, and don't forget the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings where now Thomas is a judge and even though Anita Hill is not a joke and i believe she now advocates sometimes on behalf of women, she wasn't taken serious enough back then because Thomas became a supreme court judge anyway.

as i've been watching a little bit of the hearings for roberts on tv as he's being questioned for his "judgeship," it made me think about thomas/hill and how info emerges at certain times, but it also made me think about the outcome of it all.


heiresschild said...

Sheila aka anon, i don't think there is tension among the women here so much as we have different personalities and have that freedom to express them here. that sometimes means expressing opinions and saying things that everyone won't agree with or understand, but as i said earlier "that's what makes the world go round." it would probably be dull if we all thought alike and said the same things. i just don't like it when people say outright mean things about somebody else, especially when they don't really know the person.

u mentioned u were trying to get an overview of the rr and the sb journey. different people's input, along with what u read yourself and your own opinions will help with that overview.

i'm not so sure about anyone not being hurt in the end though. i read people's comments about looking into his blue eyes and melting, etc. even though some may be half-kidding, some may not be. and to go and spend a month with him builds and strengthens those "soul ties." when a person is hoping deep in their heart, i think it's kind of hard when it doesn't materialize.

rr is going to narrow the search down to 12 women, with only 6 of those women being picked. but when the 12 spend time together with him, bonds will be formed, and when those 6 who are not picked have to go back home, there are going to be some emotions that have to be dealt with. some women fall harder than others.

and rr is not just promoting fun, but he's also promoting romance. he has said if romance develops (may not be the exact wording so don't quote me), then that's something added, so of course, the thoughts and hopes for romance are there for some of the ones who are on this journey, hoping to be one of the six. and there may be some who just want the adventure of an all-expense paid trip with the senior bachelor himself.

linda in Tucson said...

I've become a pretty big cheerleader for this whole thing lately, as you may have noticed! But I gotta say, in response to heiresschild that yes indeed, there is a big chance that people will walk away hurt. If they really and truely fell for the man....how could they not? What a dreadful pain to feel love for a man and know that he is spending months in exotic locations with other women. He had best hope that the women he picks go along just for the f_u_n and that they don't all end up in l_o_v_e

heiresschild said...

all right, here's a little jeopardy trivia. i wish i could promise whoever gets the correct answer will definitely be one of the six for the sb journey, but NOT! i have no authority in that area, but i can give u the jeopardy answer, which is:

The number of Canadian provinces that border the Great Lakes.

so all of you brainiacs, what's the answer?


Leslie: said...

I believe it's ONE - Ontario! Do I get a prize???? Eh? Eh? Eh?

Anyway, regarding hurt feelings etc. After my husband died, I never wanted to be that hurt emotionally again. But, now I've realized that by dwelling on past hurts and not taking the chance, I'd never have the opportunity to love or be loved again. And that is worth the chance I take. We all know that we don't need a man for money or reproduction or emotional support. We need a man because we want to be loved in that way again (and I don't necessarily mean sexually, although that might be nice again, too.) So, that's why I'm in this - to find a new love for the last third of my life. The travel part is just an added bonus. Call me old-fashioned, but c'est moi!

heiresschild said...

now leslie, did u watch jeopardy tonite or are u smart and really knew the answer? LOL

but u know u're right, so your prize will be u're still being considered for an adventurous journey with the senior bachelor himself, Richard Roe. how's that for a prize, leslie?


heiresschild said...

oops, sorry leslie, i just noticed, you didn't phrase your answer in the form of a question. unfortunately, your answer doesn't count now even though it's correct.


Leslie: said...

What is ONE? NOW do I get the prize????

I just happen to be Canadian and lived in Ontario for about 2 1/2 years. I sort of thought to myself, "What an easy question." We study Canadian geography just like the Americans study USA geography. So maybe I'm smart but it's probably just that old high school geography that came back at the right moment. HAH Going to watch Canadian Idol tonight. I think we're down to 3 contestants and they're REALLY good.

Leslie: said...

Oh, PS - Alex Trebeck ALWAYS has a Canadian question on Jeopardy 'cuz he's a Canadian, too! :D

Leslie: said...

CJ You have just GOT to come over to my site and see my "before and after" pictures. I know you'll get a kick out of them. Of course, everyone else is welcome to take a peek, too.

heiresschild said...

ok, leslie, the same prize that was initially offered to you is still yours. LOL

yes i remembered alex is canadian. i've heard canada is a beautiful country, and i will visit it one of these days.

everyone have a good nite.


Dale Savage said...

Darn!... Chi-Town, you are making me envious! I hope the ladies take you up on your offer. Chicago can be a wonderful place to visit. (I have a daughter there in college).

And the Art Institute is one of my favorite museums!

The food tour sounds like something to die for...

(Briefly considers cross-dressing for a weekend just for the chance to take part!... ;-) Nah, not my style. LOL)

Ladies you should DEFINITELY take the lead from Chi-town. What a deal!

ClickGirl said...


Hey Everyone ... Go to the new Blog ... after catching up on the latest posts on here!

