Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Girls ... and Dale ... Just Want to have FUN!!!!

Photo not Available


ClickGirl said...

Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to create a new Blog ... so scrollitis doesn't set in! So ... Carry On!!!

I will be checking the Blogs ... but have an event coming up and will be working late Thursday & Friday - and gone most of Saturday. And ... tomorrow night I have to go shopping for an outfit. Yikes! : ) So ... I'll check in when I have a few minutes.

Have Fun, Fun, Fun Girls! And Dale ... and any other strong, silent types!

Later ...


P.S. Okay ... so Thursday is a reception for the Friday event ... and we have a whole group going together. Should be Fun ... and the most socializing (with guys) that I've done in a long time! : )

ClickGirl said...

Just wanted to mention that there was an update on Chi-Town's friend ... and a nice post from Dale on the last Blog ... so please check that out ... if you didn't have a chance to read it before I started the new post.

Happy Blogging!


sunnida said...


The collage of faces is fan-
tastic...you are so creative!!

Mine doesn't always pop up though,
it seems to get lost in cyberspace.
I have comcast cable too...

Is Dale in there? And would anyone
mind if he went to Chicago? Dale...
I love your site...you have so much to
say, and are such a loving father. Your
poetry is amazing...PUBLISH!!!!!

This from a hopeless, non-writer, avid


Anonymous said...

Just a few Katrina comments: My sister's church in Ohio sent two busses, seating 150 to Louisiana to transport any willing victims to a new place to get some help. They could only find 17 people willing to relocate there.

Our trapeze studio is having a huge yard sale here in GA on Saturday and the hurricane victims who are relocated here are invited to have first choice of anything they want from it. It is a small gesture, but at least I feel like I am helping in a personal way.

Anonymous said...

Brenda -
I loved what you said in one of the previous blogs about having been in a 'self-imposed solitude'. I thought I was the only one who did that! But it surprised me because you seem so warm, friendly, and outgoing. I look forward to meeting you in Chicago.


linda in Tucson said...

Helllllo girls! Love the collage Brenda, you are so creative!
Dale in Tucson is my friend who serves me up my Starbucks everyday. If you remember, he "googled" me one day and stumbled upon us and decided to join in. Such a sweetie! I'll think I'll snap his pic in uniform and put it on the NNBBSH site.
I am homebound for a few days nursing my mom who had (elective) surgery. The type most don't like to confess to! I am sure she will look fabulous but she is one sick puppy right now! The price we pay for beauty....

Dale Savage said...

Sunni, Thanks for the kind words. Feel free to leave comments when you visit!

I'm not on for Chicago--in drag nor out (CJ)! LOL...

I was commenting on how neat Chi-town's ideas sound--and Chicago IS a fabulous town--as long as it's not the dead of winter at any rate.

Speaking of in drag... after that comment, I had to think how funny it would be if RR got a cross-dresser, complete with video, bio, etc., in the crowd.


ClickGirl said...

Thanks CJ! : )

Hey Happy! So good to see you here again!

Hi Sunni. Unfortunately, I know just enough to be dangerous! (ha ha). Maybe it is too big of a file? That could cause it to hang up. Is anyone else having problems? And sure … we can put Dale in there! If he doesn’t mind. I can change to heading to Girls & Guys Just Want to have Fun! : )

That is great Connie. The company that I work for and my church have all had big efforts to donate. And our city had one of the airlines agree to take a load of donations – so the whole city was collecting. So many people gave that it would not fit in one airplane … so they are sending two! Just amazing!

I also talked to my younger son last night (Chris) – and his National Guard unit has been called up. He will leave in about three or four weeks – to travel to Waveland, Mississippi – which is right across from New Orleans. They will be serving there for a couple of weeks. Our state has been hesitant to send out our Guard units – in case we are hit again by another Hurricane.

Hey Babette. Thanks! I thought we needed a NNBB Montage! : ) And ... about Dale ... we have welcomed him with open Blogs! ha ha (I know - that was poor)! You should check out his Blog. He is a great writer … not to mention fisherman. : ) Oh – and glad you clarified what kind of pot you were getting (hee hee).

Thanks Nancy. I think I got tired of being outgoing for a while. : ) I am on the go so much … and in my job, I am always meeting people and work with such a wide variety of people … and I got real involved in a singles group and did their website and weekly Email updates and sent out monthly postcards and coordinated all of the activities. I got so tired of being everyone’s ‘mother’ … and no one would help me … so I finally just phased it out … and then just needed a little time alone. At the same time – I had this stretch of several months where I was working crazy hours (even did a 6 week stretch w/o a day off) … and was really just too tired to do anything else. It’s amazing though – once you get used to it … it’s like addictive. I could hardly wait to get home and be alone. I have actually had to force myself to get out again. And I do enjoy it … and I’m having a lot of fun getting back into things again. I was figuring that I would never meet anyone – if I just spent all of my free time with my T.V. and my computer. (ha ha)

I am probably not going to make it to Chicago. The date changes are not working with my schedule … so it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to go. But I will be cheering again, from the sidelines!! : )

Hey Dale – too funny about the cross-dresser thing with SB! That would be a hoot!! There is this person on one of the matchmaker services that I think is a cross-dresser. But I’m not really sure. I can’t figure out if the person is just a quite large manly looking woman, or a man who doesn’t know how to dress well. Very puzzling.

Thanks MerryMary!! I love messing around with this new little graphics program that I got.

So Everyone … I had my nails and toes done today … and did a little shopping spree for ‘dress-up’ clothes. I have a few ‘show blacks’ that I recycle for most of my events – because I have to sit on risers in the back of the room – on headset – and call the shows … and I’m hidden by a big draped surround. Everybody is always ‘oooing’ and ‘aaaahhing’ over the big deal audio and lighting systems that we have – so most people don’t really pay much attention to me (except the crew and the client – ha ha). But since I’m going to be in ‘party mode’ at this event (after I work, of course) … I wanted to get something special. I now have three new outfits (couldn’t help myself). : ) Too fun! Maybe I'll bring my little camera and have someone take pics. Then I can have a pic with my current hair (much lighter and with curls). : ) We'll see!

We’ll – everyone have a great day tomorrow!! I’ll try to check in tomorrow night … if it isn’t too late. Thanks for letting me gush.



heiresschild said...

this is the first chance i've had to check the blogs today:

wow, we're live tonight; a lot of comedians on the blogs. LOL you all are so funny with your humor: suzan, dale, cj, bdnc.

sunni, is your name pronounced like "sunny?" you have such a sunny personality.

brenda, you are so creative. i love your new blog. i went to the post office today and my bracelet was there. thanks brenda. u did such a beautiful job with the red ribbon and the cards. i'll wear my bracelet proudly.

have a good night everyone.


ClickGirl said...

Thanks Sylvia! Glad you got the bracelet! Thanks for letting me know.

Take care,


ClickGirl said...

Okay ... so now - I really am going to bed! : ) My sis just got back from Atlantis/Bahamas ... and is leaving tomorrow for LA - so I wanted to jot her a quick Email before she left ... and couldn't resist checking the Blog one more time. My sis just sent me a fun link:

JAKE WEINER...coming to a theatre near you soon!


Jake is my nieces husband - and this is his third movie coming out (others are 'Red Eye', and his first with credits, 'A History of Violence' - which premieres on 9/21 - and was shot in Canada). He is in the credits - though they went so fast that I couldn't see his name. Jake is in the clip where the snowball is being thrown at him - and he has a 'one liner' - 'Hey, Merry Christmas neighbor'. By the way - he isn't an Actor ... he is one of the Producers doing a 'cameo' ala Hitchcock. : ) Sorry - not bragging - just excited for him. He is such a great guy ... and I am so happy for his success! I just think it is so cool! : )

heiresschild said...

brenda, that's exciting about your niece's husband. i started to see "red eye" but then chickened out - too, too much suspense for me (a wes craven film), even though i thought it would be a good movie. it may be still playing at some theatres now.


sunnida said...

Morning Brenda et all

Have a grand weekend girl!
Any excuse for new outfits..
We'd love to see those new
"blond?" curls too!!!!!

Also, my collage is popping
up just fine again...probably my teen
had the antenna unplugged from the modem
decreasing my signal...kids

Dale....lets see your photo with the girls..
As far as I'm concerned you're a "sister"!!!

Sylvia...Yes it's "Sunny'.. not pronounced
like the muslim group in Iraq.
when I try to chose Sunny on any internet
sign up, it's always taken, so I've become
Sunni, mostly to counter our gray, dismal
winters here in Oregon.

On the street, it's Deb, or Debbie or DDAy, but
for the internet, it's Sunni !!!!!

have a great day all....I'm off to coffee with
old friends who saw the Lion King last night
and hear all about it!!!

Anonymous said...


heiresschild said...

linda in tucson, i didn't realize the guy u were talking to in starbucks about googling you was "dale in tucson" that blogs here with us. i remember that blog conversation that night because that's when we were all googling ourselves. how special!

sunni, i went to see the "lion king" on sept 1st as one of my birthday presents. it was so good - such an awesome production with the beautiful costumes, the great singing and acting and dancing, the beautiful scenery, the lighting, everything about it was just fantabulous!


heiresschild said...

it's very peaceful and serene here.

sunnida said...

HI All,

I saw RED EYE too, and it was
pretty good...the best part was
how the woman became so
empowered as the movie pro-
gressed. GO... GIRL POWER!!!

Also, my friends loved the Lion King...
the amazing masks and puppets were
made by an artist I know here in
P-town, who also made the opening
ceremony puppets for the Atlanta Olympics.
such incredible talent!!!!!

Anyone here going to Chicago?

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi y'all, Bloggette Beautious Babes and Blogger Boy Buddies (sorry..best I can do for now...pathetic!


I am sooooooooo out of the loop, yikes! It feels like forever since I Blogged last!! Miss y'all need some quality Blogging time with my buddies!!
So much stuff going on....eeeegads!!
I am in Vancouver presently visiting my delightful darling doctor daughter.....yes I AM SO VERY PROUD!!! So no worries BDNC and Brenda I will not be in Chi'Town either.....oh well, so very sad, and way too bad......however together we WILL survive!!
I am actually hooking up with Leslie on Sat for dinner. was supposed to be tonight but due to circumstances WAY beyond my control (food poisoning last night...gross!!)we rebooked for Sat....can't wait to put a person to that "angel" face and get caught up with all the SB "stuff" or "poop & scoop" ya know! Should be beyond a hoot!!I was really hoping to visit with Babette as well but don't think I can make it up to see her....a 4 hour drive...such a shame to be so close yet so far!! Such good intentions!!
I am back home on the 25th and will definately have my groove back by then!!

Brenda...your "I send you" and your collage are magnificent!! You are truly a treasure with a huge heart!! I sent the "I send you" to all my daughters who thought it was so wonderful they have in turn sent it to others!!
Gotta run, I am on grandog duty today...
Thought for the day:


Thinking of y'all and......
Wishing you all and more in health, life and love
Cheryl xox

linda in Tucson said...

Hi Girls So glad the spirit around here has been feeling upbeat! The friendships I have made here truely mean a lot to me. I've been getting a lot of e-mail sort of accusing me of being too sassy, sexy, whatever over on RR's blog. My point is....I really want to be on this journey with him and I'm going to see it through to the end.
My attitude has changed...running hot and cold the last few months but right now I want to be IN and will continue to express that. Sorry if that offends anyone but like I said from the getgo...
I was really in this for the boy!

Anonymous said...

Hello Ladies and Gents
I am checking in from Waikiki. Too much fun and sun. And the hotel is so awesome, on the beach, an hi to Doris on the blog. I can't believe you island hopped to say hello. WOW! And I promise to just come back for a visit with you.
I don't know if you realize our age differences here. Doris (not her real name) is the same age as my late Mom. RR has NO CLUE!
Jet lag has hit me big time. And after traveling all summer. I have no clue what time zone I am in. Let alone my body.
I stepped on a scale last night, almost had a heart attack, realized why my clothes don't fit, and when I land in South Floria, why I will take up running again, in the sand, barefoot. May I shave off that mid-life womens crisis 20 pounds. Oh, they call that maturity. I call that B-SHIT.
Now I am loving HI and why i took the chance and came here.
A really great decision. The waves are way up. Too bad I don't surf. Loving life in Hawaii.
La Dolce, I only have 24 hrs on this $$$$$ line. So please write me.
Same to you my little dessert flower.
Im just now catching up to the blog.
Ladies, play nice. Life is too short.
Loving life, Travelin

ReeltorMe said...

What a great little collage you have done with all our photos.
You are so sweet.
Why aren't you coming with us to Chicago? Or are you?


ClickGirl said...

Hello Bloggees! So … by popular request … Dale is in our Montage!! (Hope you don’t mind, Dale)!!

Thanks Sylvia. I read some reviews about Red Eye – and understand that it is not like the typical Wes Craven ‘slasher’ films. Maybe Sunni can shed some light on that? My sister says it is scary though.

Whatcha think, Sunni? That is great that you saw Red Eye. Maybe I can get my friend to go with me on Saturday. I have to see it! Have to help support Jake and April … and sweet little Olivia! Speaking of ‘Girl Power’ – my niece, April – has three scripts sold - and one Lifetime movie. All of her screenplays are about women who are strong - - but they are comedy type rolls. I’ll try to find the write up about her – that really describes her type of writing (she’s been written up in Variety and also in one chapter in a book about screenwriters). Anyway – she felt it was important to do movies that were supportive of women – and the first one that starts filming is ‘Major Movie Star’ with Jessica Simpson. She is excited … but nervous about it. Another one of her screenplays was bought by Jennifer Lopez … but they are still in planning stages on that. Anyway … I think it is great that she is doing that kind of work. I’m really looking forward to them getting ‘to the screen’. The last time we were all together – she was talking about how hard it was – because it takes years to get to that point. And so much is invested in it – especially emotionally. So … I hope it is successful … because she has worked so hard for it.

Also … the curls were particularly ‘curly’ tonight … and got a couple of nice compliments from work … and friends at the event. No ‘potentials’ there though … but was still worth going. Tomorrow is ‘the big night’ … and I probably won’t be back on here until Saturday night or Sunday morning. Unless I peek into the Blogs before I leave work – for the event (ha ha). Oh – and I’m glad the collage is popping up. I was ‘clueless’ to help! : )

Hi Babette: No sleeping in for this one!! At least until Sunday! : )
I haven’t heard from Old Geezer. I’m surprised … because he was threatening to go to MB. Maybe he will check out Chicago. : )

Thanks Suzan: Yes – I am proud of Chris. He is such a great young man … and as he says, ‘That’s why I went into the National Guard’ (to help people). I’m very lucky!
And yes – the pics for the montage grew. Maybe I’ll have to go to a second one! : )
Oh – and Suzanne is back!! And back on SB too!! YEAH!! : ) Because – as you say – there are lots of new Bloggers – and we need her to help us keep them straight. I have just had to ‘skim’ the last couple of days – and it is like a whirlwind of newbies. We need to get back over there and ‘claim our turf’. Ha ha (just joking)

Hi Suzanne! Thanks so much. That means a lot to me! Also – I sent you an Email too. Hope to have time to check your Blog tonight too. : )

Thanks Merry Mary! Appreciate your sweet comments!

Hey Cheryl! So sorry you were sick. Glad you are having a great time with your daughters … and that all of you liked ‘I Send You’. I’ll try to put up more of her stuff – on the next Blog! Have lots of fun!!

Carol in Waikiki!! Thanks for checking in! So glad you are having a good time! Enjoy for us!! : ) Wish we lived closer … I’d be on the beach with you! I need to get back to that. I had a five mile trek I used to do … but haven’t been for a few months. Must get back to that!!

Hi Linda …Sorry you are getting negative comments. I crack up every time I see a new pic … and think that definitely you will be remembered! : ) Hang in there! Not too much longer to wait!

So Bloggettes and Bloggers: No more nice comments to me! It’s going to go to my head! Ha Ha …. Not! I love it. (hee hee) All of you are so great! : )

Well, I’m off for a couple of days! Have fun … and Happy Blogging. See you soon!

Warm regards,


sunnida said...

CAROL aka travelin
you're in my favorite place...
I'm so tempted to hop on a
flight, I'm serious, my kid got
his cast off his arm, we should
go....now.... I love Hawaii!!!
My Dad and I used to do tai chi under
the Banyan tree in the park near the zoo!

DaleDid you see Brenda plopped
you right on my lap in the collage? Hmmm

CB , You're out in cloud-ville
Pacific NW. I'm so envious you're meeting
Leslie, YOu girls behave now....haha...not.

bdnc You should be there with
those girls...drive on down!!! GIRL POWER!

Linda Go for it!!!! This girl
is not going to get in your way...stick
your neck out...with no regrets!!!!

I'm off to part a few clouds so I can see
that Aurora Borealis!!! Wish me luck!!


sunnida said...

Brenda Glad your curls
were "curly". Don't forget that
those 'potentials' have friends
who are also potentials!!!!
Have fun at the big party!!!
Also, what
Great news about your niece selling
all her scripts...such a hard biz to break into.
Good for her!!!
Re: Redeye...not too much slashing going
on...or scary airplane crashing out of sky,
which was my fear...it's more psychological
and verbal terror...and like I said, the girl
really gets enviably powerful at the end...
I don't want to give anything away!!!!
Wes did good!


Dale Savage said...

Omg... lol... I didn't even notice I was in the montage! Too funny. Somehow, I never saw myself as part of a "sister"hood!

Sigh... there I am surrounded by beautiful, accomplished, intelligent women! And it's ALL vicarious! LOL... Sometime's life's just not fair. ;)

Brenda... sweet of you to include me there.

And Sunni... it looks more to me like YOU are in my lap rather than the other way around! --not that I mind, understand. ;)

Peace all,

Dale Savage said...

BTW Sunni... You have some really incredible artwork there on your site--a very interesting concept in your painting. I also really love your travel pix. You've had some wonderful travels.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Dale,

I have not yet said "hola" to you, our token right sided male/sister!! Yah!! You are indeed an endangered species!!
So....suck it up... LOL!!( an Aussie expression that I picked up ) and enjoy the "lap thing", all for one and one for all...it works!!
Bonsoir a tous!!
Will update you apres dinner with Leslie!!
Cheryl xox

sunnida said...

Hey Dale,

Thanks for the look see at my
blog...and the art compliments.
I had a lot of fun painting those.

Now I'm into making movies, the Tuna
in the Trippin' with Carson blog is the star
of my current feature...Carson is the cinema-
tographer, and I edit the film footage...
not POP&ME, but quite hilarious!!!

No Oscar contention here or trips on to
Oprah to promote it...I was going to send
it to RR as my entry video...what do you
think? just kidding...my motto is
"have kid will travel"...no SB for me!!

So Dale...a coyote yip yip to you down
in ol' Tucson...

xox to all

Dale Savage said...


C'est un vrai plaisir de faire votre connaissance.

(and forgive my failing 30+ year old memories of French if I've just said something amiss). LOL


Ciao to all

CathyinCarolina said...

Oh, I'm going to cry, Clickgirl

I just read that you will probably not come to Chicago!!!!

I think I can say this in this group, after we have come to know each other quit well,

I honestly was looking forward to meeting you and some of the others we have blogged with as much as meeting the Master of Ceremonies.

I would be afraid to say that in alot of groups, thinking that someone would conclude that I had sexual orientation toward other women, I think the ones of us who have shared our hearts here on the Blog understand the comraderier which has developed.

It really broke my heart to not go to MB because I just wanted to meet the other wonderful ladies we have come to know here.

Did you end up submitting materials???

I have thrown mine together at the last minute, mostly to just be in all the fun.

Let me just mention that if you could come for any portion of the Chicago event, you have a place to stay. I have reserved a room for Thursday through Saturday night and I may stay on, because I intend to connect with old friends there.

I have not advertised for a roomie, since a girlfriend of mine may
come along. But hey, we know how to do that PJ party the entire time and the Palmer house did not charge for the 2nd person.

I have to run now, but hope to talk next week on the blog.

love and laughs, Cath

sunnida said...

From around the world ... 
Some of these are recognizable straight away - in the UK they would say "When the cat's away, the mice will play". The Ugandan equivalent is "When the master is absent, the frogs hop into the house". Others seem to make no sense whatsoever. If anyone can tell me why the pants of today are better than the trousers of tomorrow, I'd love to know. 
. Zimbabwe - Whoever ploughs with a team of donkeys must have patience. 
. Egypt - The barking of a dog does not disturb the man on a camel. 
. Uganda - The hunter in pursuit of an elephant does not stop to throw stones at birds. 
. Thailand - Life is so short we must move very slowly. 
. Ethiopia - The frog wanted to be as big as the elephant, but he burst. 
. South Africa - If you are looking for a fly in your food it means that you are full. 
. Kenya - You may laugh at a friend's roof, but don't laugh at his sleeping accommodation. 
. Niger - If the owner of the goat is not afraid to travel by night, the owner of a hyena certainly will not be. 
. North Africa - Better a handful of dry dates than to own the Gate of Peacocks and be kicked by a broody camel. 
. Burkina Faso - The pants of today are better than the trousers of tomorrow. 
. Uganda - When the master is absent, the frogs hop into the house. 
. Thailand - At high tide the fish eat ants; at low tide the ants eat fish. 
. Benin - The frog does not jump in the daytime without reason. 
. China - Do not swat a fly on your friend's head with an axe. 
. Georgia - The cat which did not reach the sausage said: "Anyhow, it's Friday". 

Anonymous said...

Sunni and Dale look kind of cute together....

Canadian Bloggette said...

Bonjourno y'all from rainy Vancouver!!
Dale your french est tres bon!! Not bad for a rookie!

I will update y'all post dinner with Leslie tomorrow night and will extend hugs from everyone!

Hopefully I will be more in the loop when I get home on the 25th...I feel like a stranger on the blog or a newbie Bloggette!!

a demain
have a good one
Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Yo Babbette,
What to say??
WE are not going to Chicago....but at least YOU have sunshine!!!
Know that I am trying my best...!! Will try to call you on the weekend beore I leave for Tofino....K?? Would truly love to see you and we could do wine with whine!! Yah!!
Common...couldn't ya come and have dinner with Leslie and me??
Take best care of you
Cheryl xox

heiresschild said...

linda in tucson, you gotta be true to yourself and who u are. as cj would say, go4it.

brenda, i love how u include everyone in your comments. u make people feel so special and needed and wanted and loved. did i get them all? LOL

sunni, thanks for the heads up on "red eye." if it's still playing here i'll go see it; if it's gone, it'll be on dvd shortly anyway.

bdnc, both of your photos are beautiful. i hope u get to hook up with canadian bloggette and leslie.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sunni,
I just read your Bio, and you live in Portland. My kind of adopted daughter just moved there last year with her new husband Doug. I was just in Portland with my Grandmother checking in. Doug is the NEW artist in town. His name is Doug Smith and he is selling so much of his stuff, he is painting full time. They like to do the 1st Thursdays and they just found a new venue. If you see them, please give My daughter a huge hug for me, and Doug too. They are so sweet. And I love Hawaii. I am definately coming back though.
Have an awesome day and if you see my kid, say hello. carolannguzik@mac.com

heiresschild said...

hi everyone: someone forwarded this to me:

>>> A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said,
>>> "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like."
>>>The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in.
>>> In the middle of the room was a large round table.
>>>In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.
>>> The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished.
>>>They were holding spoons with very long handles and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths.
>>>The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. The Lord said, "You have seen Hell."
>>> They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water.
>>>The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking.
>>>The holy man said, "I don't understand."
>>> "It is simple" said the Lord, "it requires but one skill. You see, they have learned to feed each other. While the greedy think only of themselves."

have a good nite.


Dale Savage said...

Sylvia, that was a wonderful thought--a very deep punch line. Mind if I steal it for one of my blogs?

Desertflowers... "Don’t be scared, we don’t bite, maybe just small little nibbles. LOL"

You reminded me of a verse I always enjoyed from a poem from Pablo Neruda"

I have gone marking the atlas of your body
with crosses of fire.
My mouth went across: a spider, trying to hide.
In you, behind you, timid, driven by thirst.

and for the Spanish speakers (I seem to remember at least one)the verse in the original...

He ido marcando con cruces de fuego
el atlas blanco de tu cuerpo.
Mi boca era una araña que cruzaba escondiéndose.
En ti, detrás de ti, temerosa, sedienta.


heiresschild said...

i know, i said good nite, but i had to come back again before i go to bed.

dale, sure, by all means use that for your blog.

welcome dana point lois to the nnbbsisterhood blog where, i guarantee , u'll love it.

good nite again.


Anonymous said...

hello fellow bloggers i have a question for anyone willing to give me some advice my husband of 20 years started having an affair with someone he had one date with before we where married now when i try to talk to him about her or why he says that our marrage and family meant nothing and that even when we where having intimate relations he would close his eyes and pertend it was her.i am very confused at how someone could do that for 20 years. any ideas how i can come to understand this?

Leslie: said...

Hi everyone! I know you all are wondering about Cheryl and me getting together. Well, I just got home from dropping her off at her daughter's and I have to tell you that we had a FANTASTIC time tonight. So much fun talking talking talking laughing laughing laughing...good food at Season's restaurant in Queen Elizabeth Park on Little Mountain. The view was fabulous - we watched the sun set and then the city lights come alive complete with the Grouse Mountain ski run lights up the mountains near the "Lions." We must have spent 3 hours at the restaurant and then strolled a ways in the park taking photos of each other at some landmarks and catching the full moon in the background. If anyone saw or heard us, they probably thought we were some kind of nutty tourists. (Well, one of us WAS! LOL) Anyway, Cheryl is AWESOME - a really classy lady full of life and charm. I sure hope she moves out this way so we can spend more time together. Regardless, we are now great friends! She'll be posting some photos on her own site after she gets home and is able to sift through all her vacation photos. I'm sure you'll enjoy them and have a good laugh like we did when we were taking them. She'll be checking in herself with her own perspective so...stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

to anonymous

The only thing to understand is 1)whether he's willing to change his mind and reconcile. 2) whether you can believe or trust him again.

If the answer to #1 is "No" -IMMEDIATELY protect yourself financially by secretely getting copies of every single legal and financial paper you have ever had together including copies of bank accounts. If and when you seek out a lawyer - hope you don't live in "No-Fault" state. (At any rate, don't file "no-fault", it's notoriously slanted to favor divorcing men!)

If the answer if yes to #1 and no to #2, you both will need GOOD counseling to get past it & he needs ultimatums to prove himself to you again.

If divorce is the route you go it will NOT be easy!! Dreams of your future, your perceptions of today & yesterday have been cruelly destroyed. Going though it will be like going through your own purgatory & hell & death- if you care as much as it sounds like you may.

Your hubby's statement of "thinking of her for 20 years" sounds calculated to be especially hurtful to you. Very passive aggressive.

Some basic very sound advice has already been given here by a couple of bloggers.

The phenom of crumbling long-term marriages has increased in the last 10 -15 years at an amazing rate. In the 1950's it made national headlines when Nelson Rockerfeller's wife divorced him after 25 years. And not just because he was a big political figure. The story's slant was: "Why could anyone married for as long as 25 years get/want a divorce?"

There are some of us who could expound on that for a long time...except that it's water under the bridge.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi there y'all,
Just quickly checking in before I leave for the week (kayacking)....Angel Face aka Leslie and I had such a fantastic time together last night at dinner, she is exactly as she looks, very sweet!! With an angel face like hers you would HAVE to be sweet!! We of course yacked and giggled for hours at a fabulous restaurant over looking the spectacular city lights of Vancouver AND a full moon! Who could ask for more?
Will post photos of our soiree as soon as I return...gotta run, ferry to catch!!
Thinking of y'all
Cheryl xox

Nina said...

Brenda, how talented and proud you must be of April!!!
To all you great ladies, have a great night!! I'm so far behind on reading the blog, I'm not sure I'll ever catch up!
TO ANON; if you like to contact me via e-mail please let me know. My divorce was final Friday at 8:30 AM, YEA!!! My divorce was quite similar to yours and maybe I could help you in some way.

Anonymous said...

hello everyone thanks for the advice. nina my email address is hoosierpo@hotmail.com and i would welcome any ideas on how to overcome the emotional turmoil i seem to be stuck in.thanks to great people like you i know i will get through this.

linda in Tucson said...

Well I'm not sure if my crazy hat was appreciated over on RR, so I'll show it off here, ha

ClickGirl said...

Hello Everyone!!

Check out 'The List' for Chicago!!

Scroll down past the Photo Montage - and see all the names. If you see anything that is not correct - please let me know ... and I will change it. Also - let me know who is rooming together - and I'll add your name to that list. Great group! Looks like about 30 (not sure about a few of them).

And ... I booked a flight tonight! So I am definitely going! More on that later. : ) I'm excited though! Should be great fun!!


ClickGirl said...

Hi Paul! So glad that you found our posts on your site. I was worried that you might never see them. : ) And yes – we do have a lot going on here! Please feel free to join us anytime. We have a great group of ladies … and Dale from Tucson … and a few ‘strong, silent’ type guys who don’t write often. At any rate, everyone is welcome to post here … and though we started as a result of the Senior Bachelor venture … we hope to go on long after that is over. Will look forward to getting to know you.

Leslie and Cheryl – Thanks for sharing about your time together! Looking forward to the pics!!

Thanks Sylvia. : )

Dana Point Lois – Thanks much! And Welcome!

And New Anonymous … hope that the other Bloggettes were able to offer some help to you. Hang in there!

Thanks CJ – for keeping up with that great list that you created! CJ deserves an extra special thanks for all that work that she put in! She has graciously included me as helping with it – but I honestly just did a ‘Save As’ – and saved it into a different format – for those who could not access MS Word. So … CJ is the ‘owner of the List’!! Thanks soooooooooooo much! So ... if you haven't given her your info - please send her an Email - and she will add you to a list that we are sending via Email only (for privacy reasons).

Babette and Sunni – so glad that you both saw Red Eye. Sylvia – if you see it – I’ll be interested to hear what you have to say. I’m going to see it this week – with my oldest son.

Hi Nina, Sunni and Suzanne – About my niece, April … Thanks. Yes – that biz is very hard to break into. April is mid-30’s and has been working at it since she got out of college. She has gone back and forth between N.Y. and L.A. – and started out working as a Production Assistant to Writers on the movie sets. It was a great experience for her – and really helped her to get to know people in the biz. Her husband, Jake, is a Producer – and helps to find and promote new movies … and it is very cool that both of their careers are really taking off at the same time. And Jake’s sister, Jennifer Weiner, was just written up in People Mag – because her book, ‘In Her Shoes’, has been made into a movie – and comes out next month (starring Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette) … and her fourth novel is due out this month (‘Goodnight Nobody’). She has three best selling novels – ‘In Her Shoes’, ‘Good in Bed’ and ‘Little Earthquakes’. So … it is really fun to watch them as their careers have developed. I’m so happy for them!! They are all just great people too.

Oh – and Suzanne … better watch that muckracker word … ha ha ha ha Remember what an issue was made of that on SB site? : )

Hey Dale – Thanks – glad you liked your pic. Just felt you were part of our group. : ) And I’m glad you and Sunni like my placement of your pic. Maybe there is something to read into that? Hee hee Maybe I should go into matchmaking … or I could just move your pic every few days – so that you have a chance to be next to everyone. Ha Ha

Oh Linda … love the hat! You are soooo funny! Thanks for the good laugh!!

That’s all for tonight! Good-Night All!!


dragonflyfilly said...

hey there!
Why "clickgirl" - just curious.

so why am i listed under unsure?
well, you can try to check into my blog, but i'm not sure if (...ah, right!) i have set it up so you can do that..well, give it a try and i'll see,

heiresschild said...

hi brenda, how did everything go this weekend with your job function?


dragonflyfilly said...

yes, CND BLOGGETTE, wasn't that a spectacular moon last night, glad someone else out there saw it...i was thinking about everyone out in RichardRoeville, because there had been a recent reference to a beautiful moon sighting. i tend to get a bit dizzy when i see beautiful natural sights, and it is strange but one does always want to share them, Actually i was driving my daughter home so we BOTH enjoyed it: i actually yuelled "oh my [expletive] look at that!" so loud that i gave her an awful fright!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Dragon Fly Filly aka pj!
Welcome! The reason you were in 'Not Sure' - was because I wasn't sure. : ) I went back through the past few SB Blogs - and scanned through to see who said they were going to Chicago - and I wasn't sure, from reading your posts, if you were going. Anyway - you are 'on the list' now! : ) Thanks for letting me know.

Why ClickGirl? I spend a lot of time on the computer - and you 'Click' with the mouse - so ClickGirl is a name I came up with with I first started online stuff. I tried C_Chick ... for Creative Chick - but guys seemed to think it meant something else - so I don't use that very much anymore. (ha ha)

Hi Sylvia. My event went really well. Very smooth ... and pretty flawless. So I was pleased. We were a little more subdued than I was expecting ... it wasn't quite the 'party night' that I was wanting. Some of the people left right after the dinner - so by the time I got all of my production stuff packed up - they were gone. So four of us went and had a drink at the Marriott Waterside - and then my friend and I stayed up late talking 'girl talk'. It was great catching up with her. We had breakfast sitting by the water and had lunch at my sons Bennigan's ... and did lots more 'girl talk'. : ) Anyway - it was a nice weekend. Thanks for asking! I'll tell my 'Silver Anniversary Dress' story tomorrow.

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

Brenda-- Have a fabulous time in Chi-town. I know you will be glad you went -- you are already a well-loved "sister" and everyone knows your name! Take that new dress! Best to all ...

CathyinCarolina said...

Now I am getting excited!!! sounds like some of the friends we have made here are really going to get to meet in Chicago, as I have dreamed of from the beginning.

Just like you guys wanted all of us at MB, that will be the only down side, that all of our Buds will not be there.

I don't have time to read what is going on right now, but I wanted to update my situation, since I had told Clickgirl that my (as Montel says)"differently abled" friend from North Carolina was coming with me and now cannot come or chose not to come with me.

I will post her picture later, she is a senior bachelorette with physical challenges but has followed this Saga through me, anyway she has decided that a friend here needs her during that time.

So, I will be coming by myself at this point. But I am also hopeful that Wanda from Montana will get to come. I see you computer savey women have a list going, so I thought I would take time to give you our update.

I heard from Montana last night that My guyfriend, that has a cabin, there and Wanda from Polson were Moonwatching!!!

He called and said she was just a real cute and lively person and that they had enjoyed meeting each other. Neither had a camera and promised to get us a picture today when they have lunch. Hope I get to hear all about it from Wanda in Chicago.

So, see there ladies, we have to recycle these guys that we do know
because there seems to be a shortage!!!!! Love to all!!!

Anonymous said...

One woman's trash is another woman's treasure???

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, that's a little crude.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
It seems I got home this afternoon, just in time for yet another Hurricane. Too funny. My feet and ankles really swelled up on the flight in from Hawaii. It looks like my apartment got hit by a Hurricane also. My daughter moved in over the weekend. I know this place was really clean, when I left.
I am Happy to be home, but would have gladly spent another week. Jet lag bit me big time going out. I just can't wait to see what happens now.
But Hawaii was so worth the trip. No regrets. Another one of lifes lessons learned. Nice guy. Sweet.
Have fun in Chicago. I am still debating on Vegas the 1st week of October. Probably not going to happen.
I want to stay home for a little bit.
Tired, and they say that Hurricane is hitting tonight. So sleep time.

Anonymous said...

Brenda -

I'm so glad you will be joining us in Chicago! I think I remember your saying somewhere that we should let you know if we want a NNBBSH bracelet. I'd like you to bring one for me to purchase.

Thanks -


ClickGirl said...

Hi All! Starting a New Blog!!

La Dolce Vida aka Chi-Town is the Blog Hostess for the Chicago Event ... so post there ... or feel free to continue to post here too. We will both be posting pics from Chicago ... and Linda will be posting pics to the NNBBS Website as well.

On to the new Blog! Just carry any comments from this Blog over to the new one! THANKS!!
