Thursday, September 01, 2005


To everything there is a Season ...

A time to Laugh ...

We celebrate and enjoy the excitement of some of our NNBB Sisterhood ... and other Senior Bloggettes ... who are meeting and getting to know each other in the lovely Manhattan Beach ... along with __ aka The __, __, __ and The __ Rangers! We wish 'our Girls' a wonderful time on their journey for love and adventure! Be sure to check out our website at - to see the latest pics of the trip! You won't want to miss it! And check out http __ - for updates from __ and __.

Keep scrolling down - on this page - to see if you are on 'The Lists' ... and also to see the info on how to get one of our Red Heart Bracelets!

A time to Weep ...

No words can express the sadness ... as we watch so many suffer ...


ClickGirl said...

In case you are interested, here is a link that gives names of reputable agencies who are available to receive donations to help the folks affected by Hurricane Katrina:

heiresschild said...

ok ms. clickgirl/brenda - showcasing your talents on the new blog. very beautiful and appropriate (laughing, weeping, caring).


Anonymous said...

Brenda - I very much appreciate your sentiments and encourage everyone to participate in their own way to help heal our people and country in the aftermath of Katrina.

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone,
La Dolce: Any word? I am going to go buy some more candles and keep them burning with thoughts and prayers going your way.
I am so glad our sisterhood is having a blast.
I will embace my whole family tonight as we all get together for the first time since April. And Thank God we have each other.

Nina said...

Thanks Brenda for the information on the agencies regarding Hurricane Katrina. It's so sad and my heart goes out to all of them.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Good morning guys!!

Suzanne or Linda
please could you call me as soon as you can today?? I left my #s on Linda's email!
You guys look awesome
Thank s
Cheryl xox

CathyinCarolina said...


Have you tried calling the Hotel and have them deliver a message to Suzanne or Linda ???? I am trying to find the 800# and last names

sunnida said...

BRENDA Thanks for the
link...I immediately went there
to see how I could help...on the
outside, you feel so helpless,
and your blog
was so important to direct some energy
to the survivors in The Gulf states..

But our bloggettes need some support here it is.....SUPPORT!!!!!
There are a lot of women in MB...vying
for the heart and attention of Mr. ROEmance
I'm pulling for our bloggettes....

and Suzanne, Leslie, Linda, Mary
Zoe...and all the rest
and we're all ears when you recover from
the event. We want blow by blow details!!!


Anonymous said...

The loss in so catostrophic ladies. Enjoy MB. The real world will intrude soon enough.
Peace and love to one and all!

Anonymous said...

You Ladies Look Beautiful....

how come no photos of MB here ??

Canadian Bloggette said...

G'day Girlfriends!!
I just recieved an email from Chi'Town and great news to brighten the day.... HER DAD IS ON HIS WAY TO CHICAGO!!! It is all good.
She is taking some "quiet" time to reflect and regroup and asked if I would extend warm thanks on her behalf to all the Bloggettes for their prayers, support and compassion. She also sends warm wishes to the girls in MB, she is thinking each of you and is thrilled you are having a wonderful time... she will be back Blogging as soon as the dust settles....and will be back up and planning for Chicago with y'all real soon!
Great news.....the prayers worked!!
Love y'all
La Belle xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey BTW cathyincarolina,
Many thanks, I actually did get the 1-800 # yesterday and have been chatting with them.I just did not want to wake them up this am and I know that Linda has her laptop and checks her email and the blogs religiously...looooong story short.they called me 10 mins later..are they not the absolute BEST!!!
ps The 1-800 # is on one of the earlier Blogs on RR's site! Not sure which one...but ti is the one where Joe talks about cancellations due to Katrina
if you have trouble with that let me know and I can email it to you
Muchos Gracuis again.....the compassion never ends.......
"My oh My What a wonderful day!..oh yeah!!"
La Belle xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi Nina,
I just saw your message on my Blog, if you go to my Blog by clickng on my name and then click on "my profile" it takes you to a page where there is a box with "email" contact for you can email me any questions you have and I will be only too happy to answer...K?? You could leave me your email as well
Cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

Suzanne - I very much appreciated your description of the meeting. You said it so wonderfully and I want you to make sure and keep a copy of that post - do you know how to just print the screen in a blog? I would like a copy. I would like to write an article on this and I would very much like to quote you. thanks. I would be interested in other participants view from the woman's perspective.

Anonymous said...


If you highlight the particular piece then go to 'file' then to 'print' and choose 'selection' then ok ... that should print out Suzanne's piece for you :)

Anonymous said...

Phyl - you are a smart woman - it worked - thanks!!!

Anonymous said...


Glad it worked. I only know little bits of computer stuff. Babette is our resident expert but she's moving at the moment. I haven't even figured out the HTML thing here *LOL*. So glad to be of assistance though.

Ciao ........ Phyl

ClickGirl said...

I'm re-posting the link for reputable agencies to donate through. Sorry that the link was cut off. Here it is again:

(You need to copy it into Browser - and delete any spaces)

Lots of great places listed here!

ClickGirl said...

Don’t know if everyone noticed – but below the first two pics on my Blog – is our ‘Lists’ of who is in MB (the ones we know) … and the ones who are ‘wanting to be there’. Below that – is all of the Heart Bracelet info.

Thanks Sylvia. Didn’t turn out quite as planned – but I was getting sooooooo tired. : ) Maybe will ‘play’ more over the weekend.

Thanks Jacqueline. Ditto!

Hi Jacquelyn: – all photos are being posted to the NNBBS website – and the SB website – directly from MB. The links are on the front page of this Blog. They are great pics!! Very fun!

And Sunni: – So true! Definitely – we support our Girl Friends!! They are so Great!! And so good to keep us posted on their trip! Loving it!!

Hey Babette: – hope to see you back on soon! It’s not the same when you are away!!

Cindy B: Another thing you can do – is that you can actually just copy any of the text on the Blog – and paste it into a word document. You have to start under the poster name – as that is a link - then just highlight, hit Control C and go to MS Word and hit Control V. Then you don't have to re-type. Hope that helps.

To All of our NNBB Sisterhood … Thanks for all of your posts and photos!! For those leaving to come home tomorrow … Safe Travels!!!

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

Thank God for La Dolce, and that her Dad is on the way to his family. And let us keep praying for everyone else. This reaches so far. With no end in sight.
Have an awsome night everyone. My family is in, and we are going to their favorite ice cream place to celebrate us being together.
I hope you all had fun. Nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for La Dolce, and that her Dad is on the way to his family. And let us keep praying for everyone else. This reaches so far. With no end in sight.
Have an awsome night everyone. My family is in, and we are going to their favorite ice cream place to celebrate us being together.
I hope you all had fun. Nice pictures.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Connie and CJ!
Don't know if you are checking The Blogs - but I thought I'd jot a quick note (knowing that you are probably at 'the big party' at this moment). Connie, I'm hoping you got all three boxes that I shipped out (200/150/50)- and the return shipping label (just in case there were Heart Bracelets remaining). I called and left a message for you at the Hotel - and may call during the PJ party (hee hee) ... but just wanted you to know I was thinking about you ... and hoping that Heart Bracelet donations have been going well! Look forward to hearing from you!

Missing all of you! : )


P.S. You looked great in the pics!

linda in Tucson said...

Hi girls sorry I haven't been posting man and so little time, ha ha.
I'm gonna put a quick one over on RR. Suz and I are heading out in the a.m. and I'll write a summary of my view of the event sometime this weekend.

Dale Savage said...

Hi Ladies... my heart is moved as yours are at the devastation and human tragedy. Bless you all for your thoughts and prayers for all those who are suffering. We ALL need to do physically whatever we can to help now and in the days to come, but first I know we are all weeping with those who weep along the coast and among the families of the victims. Thanks, Brenda, for posting relief links... Dale

heiresschild said...

good morning all, up early for class today, but wanted to take a moment to thank u for info and updates in relation to hurricane katrina. our continued prayers for survivors, families, volunteers, workers, etc. in the days and months ahead.

Anonymous said...


THanks JOe for keeping us in the loop. The pictures are great and I can't wait to see Umberto's. You guys will need a week off after all this hard work.

On another note:
If you can open your home for housing, here are some websites:
" Civic Action, which set up on Thursday, said its Web site listed offers for 50,950 beds on Friday afternoon, and the number was climbing by more than 1,000 per hour." from MSNBC
I watched the concert yesterday and it was very touching.
One thing I know is that I am going to get some CPR etc. training as soon as I can. You never know when it will be needed.

Have a great week-end. Myriam

heiresschild said...

cj, i absolutely love u because u are so real. and that realness is so deep within. u may not even understand what or why i'm saying this but i just felt led to say that. plus i can feel your realness.


ClickGirl said...

Hello All!

For legal reasons all money collected thus far needs to go to the American Heart Association and World Heart Federation (because that is how we advertised it). But I was thinking today - with all of the comments and concern about the Hurricane Katrina victims - if you would want to begin collecting now for the 'Red Cross' (get that 'red' connection again?) for Hurricane victims ... until September 25th (which is World Heart Day). Beginning on the 25th - we could move back to collecting for our original cause. Our tag can remain 'Women with Heart'.

Let me know what you think. If you like that idea - I can set up a Blog just to collect funds for that (with PayPal). I was getting ready to do that for AHA and WHF - but decided to see what everyone thought first. Just an idea ... and it seemed appropriate.

And there is no reason why we can't rotate causes - though, after doing 500 Heart Bracelets with tags for AHA/WHF - it would be nice to move back to that again - at least for a while. : )

So glad that our NNBB Sisters are on their way home. Hope that all arrive safely ... and I'm really looking forward to more comments and overviews ... and pics!

Bye for now ...


ClickGirl said...

Hey Suzanne! So glad you are back safe and sound! Thanks so much for the inside scoop on things. We'll look forward to more ... (hee hee).

Do you think there will be more Ladies coming on the SB Blog now - after the second Oprah airing and the MB Meet-up? Interestingly - when we were posting for people to come to our sites for updates - Joe was the one that said he hoped everyone would post on both sites - so that nothing would be missed. Hmmmm Guess they anticipate a ramp-up on things now?

Well ... I have to work tomorrow again (sob) and did today as well - though I did go for nails and pedicure after. : ) Will be touching base tomorrow p.m. EST. : )

Have a good one, everyone!



heiresschild said...

welcome back desertflowers aka desertfox, LOL

i wonder why rr said fox instead of flowers? i like reading your blogs 'cause u tell it like it is -the low-down dirty dirt. LOL hope i get to hear some of the really good muckraking from someone. LOL


linda in Tucson said...

Suzanne I'm home! Thanks for being my traveling buddy!
This is funny: The infamous underwear picture of me is gone from the blog.
Since everything said is so public, I'm watching my words a wee bit but I do want to report on something specific that pretty much sums up the way the women were treated.
Obviously RR knew who I am, I've put myself out there more than some w/my video, his sisters commenting on me, yada yada. I also had some quality semi-private time with him over dinner Friday night (just me, Suz, & Leslie at one end of the table w/him). Being the internet dating pro that I am, I am absolutely positive that we have had enough contact for him to have an opinion of whether or not he is attracted to/interested in me. I had a private moment with him Friday night and sincerely asked him that question, adding that I was attracted to him. He would not say anything one way or the other. Flat out, total, indifference. He said he would not let anyone know whether he was interested in them until after Sept 16th. Period.
This was quite humiliating. Never in a million years in my "normal" life would I show interest in a man for 4 months, and look him in the eye like an idiot asking "do you like me?" I felt like I was about 15 years old. Very very bad plan for handling some of the emotions that are surely coming up for some of these women. I'm not like heartsick or anything, just insulted. So there you have it!

linda in Tucson said...

an apology I got a little sassy on RR's blog while posting my report from last night. I didn't mean to be insulting to any older women who have had "work" done. I ablsolutely plan on having work done myself before too many more years. It just felt very weird after having been at the party for 3 days, to all of a sudden have all these new gold digging looking local ladies show up. There was lots of laughter at our table about the flavor of it, and I was just playing off of that. Not directed at any of our sisters!

linda in Tucson said...

Does anyone know how to e-mail Joe?

linda in Tucson said...

I thought you were staying off the blog you desert fox!

heiresschild said...

Here's a copy from the California newspaper of the article about the SeniorBachelor MB event in case some didn't see it

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Bachelorettes flock to area to meet traveling MB man
In a quest that began on "Oprah," Richard Roe is looking for six single travel companions "fit, fun and over 40" to accompany him around the world.
By Kristin S. Agostoni
Daily Breeze

Some got dolled up in strapless sundresses and stilettos, while others dressed down in jeans and summer capris. One made the six-hour drive from Rio Vista, while another booked a morning flight from Scottsdale, Ariz. A few brought girlfriends, yet some kept the trip a secret.

But each shared a common, dreamy goal of winning a few minutes with the eligible bachelor. Or, perhaps more importantly, getting the tanned, tall Manhattan Beach man to remember their names.

Considering the size of the crowd, the latter task seemed to be easier said than done.

Hawthorne's Ayres Hotel was teeming with women Thursday afternoon as Richard Roe's worldwide search for six single travel companions shifted into high gear, including face-to-face interviews, impromptu dates and cocktail parties that continue today.

The quest that first gained steam with Roe's appearance on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" in April was expected to draw at least 500 women, many of whom booked rooms and took off work for the entire two days.

"Humbling is knowing the fact that you all spent the money and time to come here," Roe boomed from outside the hotel lobby, having just staged his entrance in an antique convertible T-Bird.

"We're all cut from the same mold," said the bachelor, dressed in a pink linen shirt and khaki cargos. "We're all single. And we all don't want to be."

The afternoon showed all the signs of the typical, cheesy TV dating show: Dozens of eligible bachelorettes vying for one man's attention, eyes focused on a pricey and impressive prize -- an all-expenses paid trip with Roe around the world, with promises of romance and, just maybe, something long-term.

But in this case the 64-year-old divorcé's offer isn't open to just anyone. Prospects must be "fit, fun and over 40," qualifications that on Thursday won him many fans.

"Very nice guy. Very down-to-earth," gushed Beth Ann Forest, 53, of Georgetown, Texas.

"He has a quick wit," said Christine Lom, 62, of Moraga.

"Sincere. Communicates well," added 50-year-old Debby Eddy, who had just returned to the hotel from having a facial.

"He cuts to the chase," she said.

Roe, who gained name recognition in 2000 after creating a documentary with his son about father-son relationships, contends his travel offer has nothing to do with attracting more media attention or creating the next reality dating show. (Although applicants are asked to sign disclaimers saying their videotaped messages "may be used in any manner or media worldwide," as determined by Roe.)

The ultimate goal, he claims, is to find compatible travel partners and prove they can come from within his age bracket, a demographic that older, single men too often overlook.

"I want the world to see how many fabulous women are 50 and over," he said. "What keeps me going is the fact that I have found myself a non-unique person in a unique position. It's about the message. ... I really am in a position where I might be able to make a change."

Roe, who has three sons and lived most of his life in Philadelphia, never saw himself living alone on The Strand in Manhattan Beach.

But in 1994 his wife of 29 years asked for a divorce, a move that left him hurt and transformed him into "an emotional marshmallow."

"I loved her tremendously. It didn't seem fair," he says of Margaret Ann Davis, the niece of Grace Kelly, in his online biography. "Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I decided to run away."

So the retired stockbroker moved to Los Angeles, where his three sons had settled with their wives and children, and started a new venture with his second-born son: A feature-length documentary called "Pop & Me," highlighting 29 relationships between fathers and sons from Los Angeles to China.

Distributed by MGM, the film won the pair appearances on CNN, ABC World News and Oprah.

It wasn't until his second appearance on Winfrey's show, one that promised to make "Your Wildest Dreams Come True," that the senior bachelor travel contest was born.

Roe has since launched a Web site -- -- and started his own blog, gift store and online newsletter. He claims it has attracted hits from thousands of prospective mates around the world.

Of course, he admits there are a few "deal-breakers at my end."

Smokers? Forget about it.

Anyone more than a "social drinker?" No thanks.

"Let me add," Roe says on his Web site, "that I have never been arrested nor had any skirmishes with the law, and never had any serious illnesses or diseases of any kind. I suspect the woman I am interested in being with will have a similar background."

He hopes to narrow his choices down to 12 and eventually the lucky six, one for each month of his trip.

linda in Tucson said...

heiresschild thanks for the reprint, I hadn't seen it.
I don't want to spoil the many ways I had a fabulous time (having SOBER fun with GIRLS)....that is huge for me!But I feel very silly seeing the "rules" spelled out. Lucky 6 to spend 1 month each? That is really a stuck point for me. I (or was it Suz?) asked Richard what he would do it he found his love in one of these 6 yet had to travel with 5 more before settling down. He answered something to the effect of he would make an agreement with "the one" that they were "soulmates", and tell the other 5, yet still carry on with the traveling plans. Now I not a normal woman for finding this a strange plan? Realizing that the other 5 would probably just feel challenged by that statement and spend the month trying to "win" him? What kind of saint would it take to agree to that? Richard If you are peeking in, I will still travel with you but promise me that you won't fall in love with me 'cause I really don't think I would want to share. Deal? Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Hi ladies,
As I went out shopping today with my youngest and ex, we noticed something very right in our world.. Signs saying "Please donate to the Hurricane Katrina Fund" Now usually every Labor day weekend is donated to Jerry Lewis. Now I don't know who is collecting for Jerry this year. But it's not the fire, police or paramedics like usual.
They are staging very close to where we went shopping. And this is in South Florida. We still have people with no power, etc. But we remember. And we are giving. My ex didn't even squirm when he saw the size of the bill. He volunteered endless hours after Andrew. And I will gladly donate in any way and help.
I fell blessed to be here with my family safe and sound.
Have an awesome labor day ladies.
I am starting my day with watching the sun come up with my dog. Then the family.
Peace in the world to us all, Carol / aka Travelin

linda in Tucson said...

Suzanne Me thinks you are punchy from one very long day in a very little Kia w/moi. Did you take your Xanax? Time for bed and try to keep the snoring down!

linda in Tucson said...

P.S. You have reached the limit of 6 posts in a row. After that constitutes talking to yourself!! (ha ha)

heiresschild said...

desertflowers and linda in tucson, u're keeping the blogsite jumping tonite. thanks for all of your comments. i must say i'm not surprised though at some of the things u've said. i'm sorry linda that u were insulted. i'd feel the same way too. i know rr's been following both of u on the blogs the last few months, so i really believe he knew who u were. probably part of a little game. but then again, if he wasn't the one reading the blogs, then he wouldn't know who u were, now would he? the good thing is u both had a good time in mb, and your eyes are wide open.

i think women who are not only beautiful, but strong, independent, intelligent, and successful have to have a special kind of man -- a man who is very comfortable and confident in knowing who he is, and doesn't have to play games.

and linda, u are a NORMAL woman for finding that a strange plan. that's like if he fell hard in love with the 1st woman, married her immediately, and then continued on the next 5 months with the other 5 ladies, but says "oh, by the way, i'm married now, but i had to carry out the agreed upon trip with you 5. duh!
(ok canadian bloggette, i think i was an elm tree and one characteristic was that i had a vivid imagination) LOL

have a good nite everyone.


ClickGirl said...

Hi Heiress Child/Sylvia: Thanks for posting that. Here are the parts that I found interesting:

The afternoon showed all the signs of the typical, cheesy TV dating show: Dozens of eligible bachelorettes vying for one man's attention, eyes focused on a pricey and impressive prize -- an all-expenses paid trip with Roe around the world, with promises of romance and, just maybe, something long-term.


He hopes to narrow his choices down to 12 and eventually the lucky six, one for each month of his trip.

Hey Suzanne aka Desert Fox (I can’t believe he didn’t know you! He was just pretending – I bet! He is probably afraid of you – ha ha ha – because you were the NNBBS Leader!):

Thanks for the explanation about the thing with Joe & us ‘hogging’ the SB site. I was just surprised – as he made that big point of writing - to ask us to post on both sites – when we were all writing about coming over here. But – maybe he was just making sure they didn’t lose their ‘following’. : ) Anyway – I figured we would go back to the way it was before MB anyway. So no biggy.

Yes – I agree – about going to Chicago. I don’t really expect that RR would choose me (but I didn’t want to say that on his site) – but I want to be part of ‘the group’. I’ll explain in an Email to you. I wouldn’t be taking it too seriously – just wanting to meet up with the NNBBS gals … and I love Chicago. By the way - did you catch my comment on SB about the odds being good – 6 out of 1,000 – better than my states lottery? Hee hee I was hoping someone would catch that tongue-in-cheek remark. : ) Though the rest – I was serious about. And now – just taking in all of the ‘reality’ comments – before making any other decisions.

Hey Linda! Very interesting! Thanks for sharing your experience with RR. And you are right – odd plan! I think that is what I was expecting of him – and why I was so upset a few Blogs ago – when I was concerned about people being hurt – and didn’t understand why he was doing the meet-ups this way – before he did a ‘short list’. I just felt it was unfair to ask all these women to come meet him – if they were not on ‘the short list’. Seems this may truly be more about promoting the ‘romance and adventure for all ages deal’ – whatever that ends up being … and the travel partners are just something to help promote ‘the plan’. Hmmmmmmmm By the way – I cracked up when I read that ‘sassy’ comment. Too funny!


Speaking of sticking up for you (because Suzanne was) – I wrote a comment to the Anonymous on SB that made the comments about ‘underwear and dental floss’ - but didn’t post it … because I thought you would prefer to let the subject drop. But I was sticking up for you … and very upset with that post. It’s not often that I go into ‘attack’ mode … but I did on that one. Made me very mad! But I loved your comeback on it … and your explanation! I thought you looked beautiful. Funny that the pic has been removed though.

Soooooo … Suzanne and Linda (and any others who were at MB) – here is what I want to know: In light of what was said in that article – and what both of you have said … do you think that RR is looking for ‘an arm piece’? Or do you think he will choose someone who is going to be able to throw on a backpack and climb Machu Picchu with him? The main reason that I was feeling like I might still stand a chance (yesterday – ha ha) – is that my impression of a lot of the ladies in the photos – was that if he wasn’t staying in a 5-Star Hotel – they wouldn’t be traveling with him. The women that looked like they would actually be able to – and willing – to stay in Hostels … and possibly tents … and no Star Hotels ... didn’t seem that great. If he really is looking for someone to travel with – often – and the kind of traveling he likes to do … I just didn’t see a lot of them fitting into that.

Also – I’m disappointed to hear he doesn’t read all of the Blogs. I believed him … because he kept saying he did. Yet it did ring of ‘thou doth protest too much’ – but I wanted to believe it was true. Now … just disappointed.

Oh well. Not surprised. Now I want to know more! Because – it seems like our suspicions were correct. : )

Hey Chi-Town - glad to see you back! Will look forward to hearing your update about your Dad. Hope he is okay. Also - agree with what you said. I think - as mentioned above - we were all pretty much right - in our initial thoughts about all of this.

So … now I’m going to bed, for real now … because I have to get up early to go to work. : ( But I couldn't resist checking one more time ... and I'm glad that I did. Gives me 'stuff' to think about while I'm falling to sleep. : )



Canadian Bloggette said...

Good evening ladies of the Blog!!!
I just returned from dinner and am feeling VERY bold and sassy at 1:15 AM!!!
I have only one thing to say, albeit one VERY poignant thing!!:
I said many moons ago in a Blog, gawd knows which, when and where.....whatever!!!...I said something along the lines of "please do not compromise yourselves for anything or anyone, it jist ain't worth it!!
So ladies ......hear me roar!!WE are women we are strong!!

Suzanne .....I am about to go ballistic re "The Quest" so pleeeeeeeease email me so we can collectively figure out a proactive solution....K???
Danka dahings
La Belle xox

Dale Savage said...

Oh my goodness, the gossip's juicy now that MB is over.

Desertflowers... you certainly know how to make a guy blush! ;) More to the point--curious. LOL... What COULD Linda have told you?!?!

I'm glad everyone's home safe and that you all had such a good time... also an eye-opening time.

ciao y'all,


Anonymous said...

Hello all!!
Returned safely from MB with a head full of stuff. Gotta unleash some of it!

Sure enough, I found Mary Olive in her green straw hat with a peacock feather -- surprisingly the ONLY lady at the LAX airport bedecked in that manner.

Oh the ladies! So many beautiful, interesting, fun ones and even some who came to whine and complain.

THE SCOOP ON THE BRACELETS: Joe regretfully informed me that other folks (upon hearing about our Heart Association bracelets) wanted their "causes" championed, too, and this became an issue for the Ayres Hotel (no table in the lobby was permitted) and for Senior Bachelor (which has its OWN mission, as we know).. SO, our Women With Heart efforts became downplayed in the scheme of the event. We will be sending $260 to Brenda from our sale at MB -- not even enough to cover Brenda's costs to set up this project! I am SO sorry Brenda. CJ and I made the bracelets visible and available as much as we could. There were some announcements by Joe, but not quite the push he seemed to have hoped to give us. Joe had many, many details to attend to and so this one took a back seat.

A fun "bracelet" experience was enjoyed by Mary Olive who will just have to relate that to you if she chooses.

CJ is taking care of sending Brenda the remaining bracelets and the $$ so I didn't have to carry all that on the plane. CJ you are a deartheart --thank you, thank you, thank you darlin'. You should all also know that CJ made a VERY generous $$ donation, JUST BECAUSE.And thank you to Suzanne Desertflowers for the display baskets that she kindly provuded.

Leslie and I were the best of roommates and had a GRAND time. AND SuzyQ and Flying Massage Therapist/Nutty Mermaid Michelle found they live 2 blocks apart and not to far away from me in Atlanta. We plan to get together and I hope they will come see my trapeze class fun and our show in October. NEW girlfriends were SUCH a wonderful part of all this. Mary Rose brought such FABULOUS kites and several of us had a relaxing time flying them and hanging at the beach Friday afternoon-- such a relief from the crowd and a great way to re-balance. Huge thanks to Mary Rose for bringing this fun to us, as well as her generous, lovely spirit.

On Saturday morning some of us went down to the beach because RR told us that Chris and Rich Jr. were playing in a VB tournie there. OMIGAWD!- they are SO hunky and cute with NICE buns like Pop. I went up before the game and said "Guess who we are ?"-- Senior Bachelorettes!" The boys were so pleasant to chat with us , looking exactly like the young men we saw filmed 10 years ago in Pop&Me. Alas, they lost the games that we were able to see. Pop was not there watching with us -- he was apparently taking care of some details with Umberto who will be staying with him for a couple months.

THE SCOOP ON NARROWING THE FIELD: R said he has so far received 900 videos. He plans to have them all looked at by end of Sept. The field will narrow to 12 Bachelorettes who will spend a week with the SB himself at some yet-to-be named location in order to have fun and get better acquainted. R said he expects no cattiness from these ladies -- so they need to come with the right attitude and confidence to make it so.

The judging panel appears to be 3 ladies at this point -- a daughter-in law; (ex-wife) Meg's best friend who has known R for a looooong time and an ex-girlfriend. I thought a sister was going to be involved but maybe that is not a definite so far?

Other ladies in R's life appeared at various times at this event including his hairdresser and manicurist (two lovely Asian women) and his young (30ish) and cute VB partner, Amber. Amber's insight (when we pumped her) was that R needs someone who can easily "go with the flow", that he is a stickler for being on time, that he loves intense, passionate political discussions, that he is highly competitive (no surprise), and that he gives her good advice about men.

SOME ladies did not fly out til Sunday -- and there was a possibility of more RR time for them at Saturday dinner -- maybe Leslie will share more on that????

MY "take"?? I went to MB to see if this man is worth any further "ado" on my part. The answer is -- yes, I am still interested in this venture with him. I did not expect a "personal experience" with RR so could not be disappointed. What I did see was some wondrous stories of re-newed hope, friendship, sharing, and inspiration unfolding as well as some strong possibilities of more good times among new friends.

I remarked to Richard "The adventure continues!" and he said "Yes, with or without me."

I know this is LONG -- but hope it was interesting -- that's all I can think of for now.

Best to all -- we missed you sisters!

Anonymous said...

P.S. On the airplane, I sat next to a dentist who was flying back to New Orleans after a CA visit. He said he was being allowed 48 hours to assess the damage in his office and would not be permitted to return to his office for a month --- his practice and income are temporarily demolished. He had heard from all but one of his staff. He was NOT sympathetic about those who did not heed the warning to football stadium. He said it is within walking distance for those who needed it. BUT he did admit, they are so used to warnings, they often do not heed them.

P.S.S I donate blood to the Red Cross regularly-- 40 pints given over many years. If we donate $$ to Katrina, how can we be assured it is used wisely?? Does anyone know a tried-and-true organization? Would that be the Red Cross?

Back to reality we are....

Anonymous said...

Sorry! I just saw Brenda's "reputable agencie"s link! Thanks Clickchick. Are we all a little punchy??

heiresschild said...

good morning everyone, i've had a good nite's sleep....and now for the continuing sb-mb saga....

Anonymous said...

I've just read all this and will have to read it again .... I feel a bit sick to tell the truth because it seems RR is a blatant liar. He did say in his website that his wife asked him for a divorce. He did say he personally read the blogs and did the deletions and he also told me that in an email. I am so glad I went with what is right for me i.e. not going there and not sending in a video and Suzanne I agree with you. I DO NOT DO THE PURSUING!!!!!!

p.s. I always he was calculating and I did ask about a week ago in maybe Suz's blog where did the sisters disappear to!!

Also, re Linda's beautiful u'wear ... the first person to comment on that in the blog was Vj out of africa blah blah blah .... which surprised me somewhat but then I have my own sense of something not quite open there. Just thought I'd let you know in case you missed it.


heiresschild said...

hi phyl, i was looking for u last nite on rr's site when anon posted. thanks for your comments to joe in regards to anon's continued negative comments.

i was just coming over here on this site to ask u what does "IMO" mean? u used that in your comments to joe. also, what does "ROTFLOF" mean? i see these initials a lot in different comments, but can't figure out what they mean.


heiresschild said...

ladies, this is a portion of the sb-mb news article where rr talks about the wife and the divorce (scroll back up some for full article:

But in 1994 his wife of 29 years asked for a divorce, a move that left him hurt and transformed him into "an emotional marshmallow."

"I loved her tremendously. It didn't seem fair," he says of Margaret Ann Davis, the niece of Grace Kelly, in his online biography. "Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I decided to run away."


Anonymous said...

A couple more details for those who want them. The Murad Spa gift bag wasn't much! -- a coupon for a $130 treatment (marked down from $195) and 2 little tubes of special lotions. BUT chocolate abounded. "See's" chocolate donated 1000 boxes in which 10 plump luscious chocolates nestled. We were invited to take 2 boxes.

On Thursday night there was a gold box with one Sees chocolate on our pillow with this personally signed card: Thank you so much for coming to the first "Meet the Senior Bachelor Event"! Having you come all this way and stay at the hotel so we can meet in person means a great deal to me and I look forward to getting to know more about you. Thanks for helping to make this is incredible Adventure. Fondly, Rich Roe

BTW -- Leslie and I were lucky enough to sign up first to take a meeting -- so no lines for us! We were the "SB meeting" virgins -- the very first of the event. There were 4 of us and we were invited to ask questions -- I asked about the narrowing the field process, someone asked if RR liked touching and cuddling (he was surprised that this wasn't a given and said yes) and if there would be quiet time to just talk (instead of go,go,go) on the travels (yes). I think that was the gist of the meeting (Leslie? anything else?) At the first "general meeting", RR then proceeded to re-answer these questions to anyone who was gathered in the courtyard. It was the only General Meeting I was present for because I wanted to go play on the beach. I think Joe will re-think the meeting sign up process for Chicago. I do not think he intended it to be a demeaning or frustrating experience.

My two bits: Joe and Nancy are really quality folks with nothing to gain from this -- I cannot believe they would extend themselves like they have if this endeavor were an attempt to manipulate us and promote one man. If some of RR 's character could be surmised from his association with these two -- he is good people.

WHen asked to buy a bracelet RR said "not now" and my impression was that he wasn' t carrying cash. I wanted him to be wearing one! so gave one to him which I paid for later.

I think what many of us are struggling with are the "duel" SB missions which are quite frustrating and confusing. There is the travel and adventure and promotion of such which is a very public thing and then there is a very special and private hope of a personal connection. Richard, IMO, is concentrating on the first until he can get the second part down to being manageable. I do not agree with a lot of his methods and decisions in organizing and managing this venture -- but if you are interested in the 2nd, you'll have to put up with the first.

I do think you have to realize that because this is such a public venture (and after all, how we all got here) you must be comfortable with the public side of it all. RR has had his face up on screens in front of millions and I suppose it is unspoken that you as an applicant must be comfortable with that as well -- though it has never been an acknowledged variable. If RR's soulmate turned out to be a very private soul would he turn off the media machine for her sake? Or would he never choose a private soul in the first place because he is obviously not a private soul in some aspects of his life? I think the answer is what disgruntles people and feels like manipulation at times ....

Was RR's head spinning from all manner of beauty and attention -- you betcha, but was his judgment impaired? Here's an incident someone witnessed. This was shared on the cab ride to the airport. Friday night a lady tried very hard to follow RR to his room, had her hand on him , following him up the staircase at the end of the evening. According to the story, he turned around and said "what are you doing?". When Ms. Presumption voiced her intention he very firmly said "no" and with a traffic cop "STOP" hand out backed up the steps to the landing to make sure she wouldn't follow.

I also think that if we wanted to be recognized as individuals our real name would have had to be published with our blog photo every time over and over to be remembered -- Leslie will tell you -- ask her!

If you distrust RR's motives and question his intentions, perhaps the fact that he is giving other clearer heads a voice (i.e. the panel) in the choosing could lend more credibility to your thinking.

This is more than 2 bits more like 200 !

It all is about managing expectations -- Cheryl's mantra -- repeat after her.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Sylvia

IMO = in my opinion.
ROTFLMAO = rolling on the floor laughing my ass off !!! :)
ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing.

I know ... I know ... they're a bit mad/extreme but sort of online lingo.

I have to think about all I've read before I write again. Hope you're ok hon?

Ciao ........ Phyl

Anonymous said...

To Suzanne, Linda, Leslie, Connie & everyone who normally chats/posts I just want to say you all looked beautiful.

Connie: just a few quick comments on your last post.
Trying to get info from RR re this whole thing has been like drawing blood/pulling teeth. He has ducked and dived and order to avoid answering questions. He has been arrogant and rude also.
I agree with your opinion that the person/s who travel with him will have to get used to being photographed. The thing is he was asked all of this at the beginning. Why ... why ... why .. not be upfront about everything.

I do not believe he is looking for someone to fall in love with. He is doing a fantastic job of getting a major presentation to some tv network re dating or whatever for 40+ age groups.
I've travelled a lot on my own, so has Cheryl and others. I can tell you that I met up with people in different places and would travel on with them for maybe a couple of weeks or a few days as I wanted. The point I'm making here is that it's not hard to meet up with travelling partners and even have a little fling if you want to.

Equally it would not be difficult to advertise for someone to travel with, meet up beforehand to see if you get on and make an agreement that if you get on each other's nerves you split.

This 'thing' is a 'to be in the spotlight/fame' thing... which is, as I've said till I'm now turning blue in the face, ;) perfectly fine but why be so goddam evasive and now it also appears he has been lying. What's that about?

He also said for ages that his plan was to visit at least 6? cities to meet people. I think it has become increasingly obvious that Richard will suit only Richard. The meeting was on his turf and the other one will be on Oprah's turf.

I'd better shut up for the moment.
Just my rambling thoughts and opinions not directed at anyone :).

Ciao ..... Phyl

Belizegial said...

Hey Ladies, good morning. Just up from a long sleep. Made coffee and then came directly to this site to get all the updates on the MB event and to read up the postmortem. It has been interesting reading the different reviews so far.

One comment that struck me came from Suzanne i.e. that Richard does not read the blogs. My gut tells me this is not so. I have been following this saga since it began and some of the postings that came in under Richard's blog id were very personal, filled with emotion (anger at times, ha ha! and at other times a very real and boyish excitement) and too visceral to have been written by a 'ghost writer'. If indeed he has not been writing these postings himself, then it has to be someone else who is very closely tied into his very strong emotions viz a viz this adventure.

It also became very apparent to me, over the past few months, that Richard is not looking for a fling. Instead, he very much appears to be searching for a long-term partner in this adventure and is willing to put himself 'out there' to achieve this. That is a very real goal. From what Linda has found through conversations with him, the plan is not too well defined as yet how he will handle his potential 'soulmate' if indeed she should turn out to be the first one he travels with. I can't imagine anyone carrying through with 5 others just to see this through. There must be a more humanitarian way to complete the mission.

I had to laugh at Connie's comment. Yes, indeed it has to do with managing expectations (thanks CB). Going into this quest with eyes wide open and expectations set very low, is possibly the best way to handle the non-emotional reactions coming from Richard. He is, after all, bound and determined to give everyone a fair chance. If he had become too cosy with anyone on this first outing, that would have made all the other potentials feel 'left out in the rain' so I can't really blame him one way or the other. He is indeed caught between a rock and a hard place during the preliminaries.

Ladies, I appreciate the inside feedback from all of you. I applaud your courage in going to MB and being a part of this. The sisterhood is as a result of your own tremendous efforts. No one else can take credit for that. Your smiling familiar faces beaming out from amongst a crowd of strangers was indeed appreciated by myself and many others who have started identifying with you throughout the past few months.

Thanks Brenda for your e-mail which I just saw today. I will be looking out for my 'heart' bracelet. Mil gracias.

Anonymous said...

If RR is 'too busy' to read the blog(s), how does Joe have the time?!? Isn't he in his early 50's? Doesn't he have a job? Is taking care of RR his fulltime job? Or what?!? So many questions about this whole thing, so few answers....


Anonymous said...

Hi Belizegial

Your comment on RR reading the blogs makes sense from the point of view of the angry responses he used to give but why would he/Joe? tell Suzanne that he doesn't read them if this is not the case?

Nancy: indeed, where does Joe get the time if he is the only one reading them.

The way I see it, someone is lying about who reads the blog ... why is there a need to lie? If people lie about such an everyday thing, then how can you believe anything they say!

BTW folks, there is a new blog and more pics on SB if anyone is interested.

Chi-Town .... I'm smiling at your postings .... agree with most of what you say. I'm gonna get myself a nice glass of wine before dinner to contemplate :)

Ciao .... Phyl

p.s. I think it's very very weird that RR said he did not know who Suzanne was when she asked. All very confusing.

Anonymous said...

Ladies-- one more unfortunate piece of info from Joe @bracelets -- he said we will not be given "permission" to sell them at another SB "meet" event. Now keep in mind-- I never asked to have SB permission-- I was very willing to sell them from my room and away from the frenzy. It was Joe who took a more generous approach to selling them and then had to recant when the hotel took issue. Please do not take this wrong -- we do not need SB to promote our cause -- we took it up on our own initiative and we should continue in that manner-- IMO.

Phyl -- I tried hard to reserve judgment about RR until meeting him. I hope you realize you are putting forth impressions only from these one dimensional means (reading words) or two dimensional (hearing and seeing film/video/TV).

I am totally aware of RR's arrogance and his reticience and his behavior and his words as a dogged follower of this venture. Yes, he has set himself up in this public way to be scrutinzed and boy, do we. I still have no sense of Richard, the man, the private self at the end of the day, one on one. Don't you think it is wise and just that he protect that? Even with the minor celebrity he is attracting, I do not blame him.

It is my choice to continue reserving judgment.. If given the opportunity perhaps another level of information will be gained, but I am NOT expecting it from RR's newsletters and blogs and public persona.

LADIES-- do not forget -- you are choosing to be here. If this is irking the hell out of you -- this is the place to voice it -- but I notice you are not going away ! So something is still intriguing you about this adventure and you continue to be drawn to the SB blog.

I contend -- if others opinions about RR can divert you-- then this is definitely not for you.

We all know in EVERY relationship (regardless of the nature and gender and situation) there will
be parts of it to be forgiven and tolerated on both sides. It is a generosity of spirit to see clearly another's frailties and shortfalls and love them regardless -- a necessary and reciprocal part ot a healthy relationship, IMHO. BUT--it is your choice to decide the extent of your tolerance -- WHAT are YOU willing to live with?

For my part -- I cannot say-- I don't think any of us can say what would be required in the way of tolerance to be with RR -- we are conjecturing all over the place and making many judgments -- but I still reserve a place to know him better (given the opportunity) before making a decision.

I know RR doesn't need or care about my opinion about any of this -- but I am presenting my response for some of the things i've been feeling.

Still unloading my brain from MB ...please be kind.

Anonymous said...

Chi-town -- why have you offered to help RR with the Chicago event when you feel the way you do?

Some of the questions we've had were answered in MB , tho I am too tired to address them -- about why he hasn't found someone yadayada. Hope others wil speak up or I will later....

The 6 cities and other details I think are just poor organization and lack of forethought -- which is very unfortunate for all of us. You can handle this rocky road or not, your choice.....

Anonymous said...

Connie: all of my thoughts were not directed at your post :). They were a reflection on all of the posts I've seen so far today and yes of course you have the right to reserve your own judgement of him for as long as you want :).
I am aware that my thoughts are being formed from the written word but I am a strongly intuitive person and tend to go with that. So much evasiveness usually means one is hiding something.

I absolutely agree with you that every person will form their own opinions or not as the case may be and also agree that RR probably wouldn't let a private side of him be seen. However, the flip side of that is he has very publicly written about his emotions regarding his ex-wife's seeking a divorce and also about not wanting to be alone so it's interesting that you still have no sense of who he is.

I guess that's the real crux .... will he ever reveal anything real about who he is ... i.e. is he just a public image?

So if anything I've said today has upset anyone, I apologise .... it certainly wasn't meant that way.

I am of the school that says we can agree to differ :).

Peace & ciao ..... Phyl

p.s. ignore any typos please ;)

Anonymous said...

p.s. forgot to add that I'm also basing my thoughts on email contact with him....

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, Phyl, thanks for your response. My experience with "intuition" is that despite our best efforts it is possible that it is still filtered through and interpreted from our own stuff. Be assured I am doing my homework to gather any info out there and I am slowly, systematically building my opinion, watchfully and carefully, from a variety of means and sources about RR.

At the risk of looking like some weird stalker --I am looking at info about his kids (googled each boys name), his ex (read a bio of Grace Kelly to glean info about R's ex-mother-in-law, Peggy Kelly Davis and to better understand Meg's background and what she possibly brought to her marriage with R) , found photos of R during his camp director days, listened to his friends (some who have blogged, some whom we met in MB) as well as R's words, images and actions. Even, dare I reveal-- walked up the beach with a few ladies to have a look at his house. His address is available online.

I looked carefully at the faces and responses of R's friends, associates, and his sons when they speak of him. I have my radar out for artifice, insincerity, hucksterism and manipulation. I would not dignify my interest or presence in the face of any of that and think sufficiently well of myself to remove myself if ANY whiff of that is present.

I see an imperfect man going about a dream and a mission in an imperfect way.

That's what I see.

Gawd -- I've got to get off here. Sorry for the blog-hogging -- but that's what blogettes are for, yes? Now -- what was the limit before you self-destruct??


Anonymous said...


*LOL* you do sound like a stalker .... just kiddin ;). Glad you can agree to differ in certain areas although I feel you probably agree on certain levels. BTW I was not questioning (and never would) your integrity :).

In fairness to Chi-Town, she has had a few horrendous days not knowing where her Dad was as he lives in New Orleans. As I recall from her postings she offered to give Richard et al names of brilliantly suitable venues for Chicago. She lives there and has lots of contacts there and was being very helpful. My understanding from her postings is that while she may not be very 'into' Richard at the moment, she would like to meet some of the ladies with whom she interacts on this (Brenda's) and other blogs.
Sounds great cause she sounds like a fun/genuine person but you know this yourself so ............ for GAWWD's sake people ..... calm down everyone. A shift has taken place because of MB .... one can never go back ... and people are probably not sure now which way they are leaning. Just my two cents worth!

Peace & love to all

Ciao ...... Phyl

p.s. Connie: no ... my intuition does not have anything to do with what others say ... sometimes what others' say confirms what my intuition has been telling me though :)

Anonymous said...

Ladies, a fun story to share
Several years ago before Internet dating, when I decided to answer ads in high-end magazines for singles seeking singles, I decided to answer a few ads that men had placed.
I thought well, I am interested in a few of these men, so I sent off my photograph, wrote a lovely introduction about myself.
Ok, so I answered more then 10 of them, I did not think they would answer me. Are you laughing yet?
Not one but all the men answered! I had to take up meeting them as a full time job and this is what I can share with you.
No matter what a man writes, or how he sounds on the phone, you never know how you are going to feel about him until you meet him face to face, look him in the eyes and feel the connection between the two of you.
Communication…. Is So Important.
Then for me to really know how I feel about someone I have to know how well they travel.
Traveling really brings out the true nature of someone.

So back to the meeting part I was so swamped with meeting men, I was on over load. I met wonderful men, kind men, retired men, businessmen, doctors’ lawyers and Indian chiefs. I took this very seriously as I did not want to hurt anyone’s feelings, I did not go on the Oprah show nor was I under contract to do anything else with anyone. I was looking for the man of my dreams. It takes time to find him. I don’t like to rush anything I love a long courtship so for me it takes time to really know people intimately.
Did I find him in that dating process? No
Am I a focused woman? Yes
Was I like a kid stuck with her hand in a cookie jar? YES !

Do I think that Mr. Roe is swamped right now? Yes.

Does anyone else see the red flags I do ?
Does anyone else see how this man talks from both sides of his mouth ?

I have watched all of you from the very beginning reading the blog; I too wanted to jump in with both feet on this adventure. I am free to travel, single, fit and beautiful, at one time I thought I would be a perfect match for this man. I speak 3 languages, over 50; I am well traveled and available. We all love to project our romantic interest onto our next man or project. We are creative, smart, talented, romantic women.
As I continued to observe, I had too many red flags go off for my comfort. Now this is coming from a woman that has traveled all over the world for both adventure and high-end travel.
I am not caught up with fame, camera crews, and drama. I have lived that high profile life already. I am not seeking my 5 minutes of fame in reality TV nor would I want my love life documented on that level.

I remain optimistic.

I am still seeking that special man in my life and I know I will meet him, perhaps I will run into him today while shopping at Trader Joes, or at the gas station pumping my gas or tomorrow when I am walking my dogs in the park. Or better yet the next time I take the train from Argentina, and I get off in the wrong place in Bolivia, thinking I have stepped off into a gypsy encampment in a town 10 thousand feet above sea level and had to bribe my way back on the train to ride in the caboose, to have the most spectacular train ride in existence. Where a man next to me kept rubbing my ponytail exclaiming oro (gold), as he had never seen blonde hair before. The train stopped for herds of llamas, we opened the double doors of this narrow gauge rail train car, where we peered out light headed to see 400 foot drop offs to the most beautiful waterfalls in existence. Women in full dress with 20 petticoats under their skirts were chewing coco leaves, with their hair braids and bolo hats. Had I stepped into a time warp 100 years back?
But that is another story.

I continue to support all your journeys. Jacquelyn

Anonymous said...


Beautifully written ...... are you a writer? :)

Canadian Bloggette said...

Dear Bloggettes and NNBBSH,
This surely is quite the incredible journey, but then no one ever promised a rose garden, no one ever said it would be easy!
We are each and very one of us fortunate enough to live in free democratic societies where freedom of speech is both permitted and promoted.It is wonderful to hear all the different points of view from the various attendees, allowing each and every one of us the "freedom" to formulate our own opinions as individuals regarding RR's sense of meaning and purpose re his mission/quest.
It is everyone's freedom/right to chose:

On Choosing One's Attitude, "Everything can be taken from a man but ...the last of the human freedoms - to choose
one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
“Man’s search for Meaning”
Dr Viktor Frankl p.104

It is also a wonderful thing to live in a society where people are treated and respected as free thinking individuals....let us not forget.... So ladies keep on truckin' share your experiences with us, give us your post mortems, your constructive input is valued.
La Belle xox

Anonymous said...

I would say I would have to agree with all of you.

Just WHAT was MB all about? Heard rumors to money issues, also about the true event happening here.

I think we all need to be careful and listen to our inner-selfs.

All take care.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for being so honest. So he is a liar .... totally blatant ... and if anyone else challenges me on saying this, well they know where they can go!!!!!!!!!!I'm not gonna repeat the stuff I said earlier or the stuff Happy said. I believe Suzanne .... she has no reason to lie because she didn't have an agenda.

Well .... RR and his 'posse' must think that women are pretty stupid if they thought we wouldn't remember stuff that was posted, especially when he was so belligerant(sp?).

Interesting post from Vj .... little temper tantrum from the soooo sweet usual postings ... lol.
I'm falling asleep here ... its nearly 02.00 am but I was so mad I wanted to see who would post.

Love ..... Phyl

Anonymous said...


What man would go to something like that? If the situation was reversed I, as a woman, wouldn't go. Rich Ole Geezer was right. Glad I stood up for his right to speak. He maintained from the beginning that RR was demeaning women ... dangling the carrot and eventually maybe bestowing the wonder of his company on 1 ... then 6 .... now 12 !!!!!!!! semi-finalists ...... FFS. At least Geezer was honest.

As for promoting the cause of romance etc for 40+ .... just a name for the reality show that yer man was trying to sign up for ;).

John sounds lovely ... enjoy

Phyl x

Anonymous said...

Ms Scottsdale ie Carol was the one that had her hand on his butt all night. I saw her when she tried to follow him up stairs to bed also. She actually waved goodnight to people-if that is what he is looking for good luck. Just might be the one for the show.

Anonymous said...

Or was it Ms Cape Cod-there were so many that made me feel embarrassed to be a woman!

But the best part was meeting a lot of neat woman!!!!

Canadian Bloggette said...

CJ....well said....
Hope you don't mind, I would like to add three very essential things that no one man nor woman nor child should ever compromise at any cost:



and the most important..


take best care of you
La Belle xox

Canadian Bloggette said... takes a lifetime to build respect and trust within any relationship
and ..........but one finite moment to lose it!
La Belle xox

Nina said...

Hi Ladies,
Ok, so don't smack me, LOL!! I have enjoyed reading all about RR and the trip. However, I am NOT surprised at the negative things I have read. I don't claim to be a mind reader by any means but even if I was divorced (will be final this week)RR would not be the man for me. He is many things but not a man I would want to be involved with. I don't think he will ever find his true love. I don't think he's ever gotten over his wife leaving him. Plus, he has baggage. I'm not going to write a long response here but you all met some wonderful women from your MB experience and I know you all will have these friends for years to come. By reading all the blogs it has taken my mind off my problems, divorce, being taken by a man I love and trusted and THOUGHT I knew- so thanks for that!!!
Hugs :)

linda in Tucson said...

Hi girls I haven't posted here or "there" today, I'm really blogged out. I don't really want to put anymore energy towards analyzation of RR's intentions. I have NO regrets, and my current attitude somewhat resembles Connie's (leaning towards positive)...,BTW you are one fantastic girl and I can truely see you being in this until the end.
Suz I can hear your hurt and frustration and I feel bad. Hope you can focus on the fun and laughter that was had, and not dwell on the things that made you feel slighted. I'm wild about you and you're much more delightful in your "up" mode!
Phyl, Brenda CB and others? thanks for sticking up for me on the SB blog re: catty stuff about undies and belly button piercings!

linda in Tucson said...

Suzanne I am really sorry if my comments contributed to making you feel bad. I felt a strong connection with you as soon as we met, which never faltered in all the time we spent together. I was just trying to say that I was feeling for you....I couldn't hear any of the joy I know we experienced in your tone the last few days and that made me sad to realize that you had walked away with so much sorrow. I'm still wild about you.....please don't cross over into being critical of me.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Good morning to all my Bloggette Buddies,
Just thought I would start your day another couple of little tidbits of wisdom or "Mantras" that my I taught my precious daughters to live by..we have amny that we live by but I thought these appropriate for today!



I am a true optomist,a chick with rose coloured glasses...... it saddens me greatly when I do a reality check and realise that narcissism in fact thrives in this world of ours, it is almost pandemic! Life is real short ladies..... IT IS WHAT IT IS AND IT ISN'T WHAT IT ISN'T....and where would we be without friends( yet another mantra!!) When things get tough you have the comfort and solace of knowing a friend is right there behind you... supporting you and believing in you!
Hang in y'all

Tomorrow this too will all be history!
(another valuable Mantra!!)

ps Suzanne, for what is it worth and I am sure I am not alone when I say: I happen to think you look dynamite in those photos....if ONLY I looked like that in a bathing suit!!!!

Ciao Bellas
La Belle xox

ReeltorMe said...

Hello all you great ladies,
Wow. I, for one, appreciate everyone's comments as it has been very enlightening. You can always count on women to be straight forward and gut honest! There is something innate in all of us that truly "tell it as it is." It's honesty I guess. I think that is what we have in common as females and over any man.
LaBelle - I teach a course in Attitude and quote Victor Frnkl quite often. There is so much to be said when we can all talk openly. It is especially important to hear from those that witnessed the event. This SB experience is quite unusual in that it was brought about from a feeling of "hope" from all of us in a new mode of meeting someone. Our responses in this form are so vast that it brings so many people together that feel the same thing so it proves that there are so many people looking for "connections."
Chi Town: Are you still taking part in the Chicago event?
Clickgirl: Thanks a bunch for monitoring all of these open comments on MB and letting all of us bond even more. I, too, think that it has brought together some dynamic women who together can do so many things as a group that it makes all of this worthwhile and encouraging! Keep up the good work.
Linda: Thanks to you on your honesty and every experience has meaning. Lessons are learned from every experience we have. We just might not know the meaning at the time.

P.S. Yeah for the sisterhood!

Anonymous said...

I have not joined your blog, but think I will. You all seem like neat ladies and I think out of this we could maybe meet once ot twice a year and have a giggle.

Why not plan our own events and let the news out to the "for older, wiser, mature men". You just never know what would come of it.

This has been a reminder and eye opener as to why I have stayed single for ten years.

There are other things woud could yak about besides RR.

Also, I got the impression some of you where going to Chicago for anothr round of See's Candy...why?

Anonymous said...

I have not joined your blog, but think I will. You all seem like neat ladies and I think out of this we could maybe meet once ot twice a year and have a giggle.

Why not plan our own events and let the news out to the "for older, wiser, mature men". You just never know what would come of it.

This has been a reminder and eye opener as to why I have stayed single for ten years.

There are other things woud could yak about besides RR.

Also, I got the impression some of you where going to Chicago for anothr round of See's Candy...why?

linda in Tucson said...

Yes, Chandra thanks for the reminder that the reasons for the lessons learned are not always apparent at the time. I am a true believer in that....also in the thought that all people are brought into our lives for a reason. Some for a season, some for a lifetime. Sometimes for your benefit, sometimes for theirs.
I will be looking forward to the unfolding of the reasons I was involved in this journey.
I am taking down the NNBBSH website, thanks for letting me be the hostess....I think it has run it's course. I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone with my portrayal of them. If anyone is interested in the domain name and doing your own thing I would be happy to transfer it.
Thank you to each of you who have made a small contribution to my efforts at learning how to have sober fun with girls. I probably need a little more practice. :)

Anonymous said...

Please, please let's keep this web site going!

heiresschild said...

good afternoon everyone, and it is a good afternoon because God woke each of us up today, and we're in our right minds, and we have strength in our minds and bodies, and we have some great friendships and relationships through the various blogsites, and for some, the mb trip.

I needed to say that because i am feeling so sad right now after reading the last comments from desertflowers/suzanne amd linda in tucson/linda. I haven't personally communicated with either of u, but through the blogging i think u both are such warm and loving ladies. u're smart, intelligent and beautiful. it makes me sad to know that u feel hurt, or insulted, or other negative feelings u are experiencing right now.

suzanne, u look good in that bathing suit. u look good in all of your pictures. i've visited your site.

and linda, u've done an excellent job with the nnbbsh site. don't forget the last part - sisterhood. sometimes sisters go thru things, but the love is still there. i don't think any of us feel disappointed in any way about how u have made us feel. u've done excellent in showing us how to have sober girl fun. u just don't know how much all of u on the blogs make me laugh. sometimes i would mention that u all are so funny, but there were a lot of times i just laughed to myself. u all have become a part of my life thru the blogs. and i want that to continue.

i hate what is being said about us over on the other site. there are some mean and vicious people in this world. and i said us because i've been more vocal lately than i usually am, so that means they're talking about me too. but like some had said, we have freedom to speak. and for that i'm glad. i like over here because we can freely exercise our freedoms of speech without being deleted.

plans were talked about for a possible cruise, and future travels, and a new blog host every so often. i hope u all continue with those ideas. focus on what's been good, and what's good, and what will be good. forget sb and any negativity associated with it. ladies, let's continuing doing our thing.

clickgirl, i just happened to notice while clicking over here that u have 2005 profile views on your site and this is the year 2005. just a little tidbit to lighten things up a bit.

everyone, have a great rest of the day.


Anonymous said...

What other site is saying negative things about people? I guess I am missing that one-guess that is a good thing.

Let's keep the mission us women want-we are smart, beautiful, funny and I enjoyed meeting everyone of you. I knew nothing about this site until after mb and love it.

Let's find a way to keep this going and have giggles all the way.

Anonymous said...

To My NNBBSH friends:
Suzanne: Geez, Suzanne, I was thinking HOW GREAT you look in your bathing suit...In fact, I was noticing how toned your hamstrings seemed...I am not into women, but I think you look 'MAVELOUS'....
Linda: You have done an AWESOME job on the NNBBSH site, and while I haven't had the time to thank you I want to thank you for your kind sensitivity in mentioning that I was not the one you spoke of having 'too much' surgery, lol..I know I have had a lot of it :)...
I finally had the time to go back and look in the envelope, and as Connie so rightly mentioned we collected $260.00 for our 'women with heart'...I have sent you two E-mails to offer my daughter's help to sell the rest of them, but I know you are busy...If I don't hear from you I will get a certified check to you and send the bracelets to your fed ex number in the next couple of days...Sorry that it will take that long, but I have yet another dental appointment tomorrow and I have to do some legal stuff at court with my son-in-law...I hope you will understand...
Ladies: I think the most TRAGIC thing that could EVER come out of this wonderful relationship would be to turn our disappointment inwardand toward one another!! You are EACH unique, wonderful and amazing women who have given me a renewed sense of hope for my future and my happiness...I am so heartened at the way ALL of you are not only amazing but thriving in your lives and careers...To be so stimulating and self-supporting individually is something to be celebrated....In my heart I believe that the ONLY reason women have not exceeded their potential to compete in this man's world is that they have not been more supportive of one another...Since I have been married six times, it is obvious that I am not a man-hater, lol...But,if I could do it all over again I would get a wonderful career helping people..Of course, I wouldn't have my girls, so it is difficult to wish a 'do-over' :)......I have NEVER traveled alone, and to hear Suzan talk to me about going away by herself and joining dive trips and to hear others talk about the many adventures they have had trekking on their own and meeting new people has opened up a vast horizon to this girl in la la land...YOU ALL AMAZE ME!! Never doubt your value or all of the success you have NOW!! I had to laugh when I saw a woman lawyer who was complaining and looking for a man....All I could think was, finding a man is easy, it is passing the bar that is hard...Men are a dime a dozen!! Having the freedom to do what you want when you want, even on a very small scale is so much better than selling your very soul to be with any man...JMHO...Would it be wonderful to meet a soul mate..YOU BETCHA, but it would also be great if Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy were real......What I would give anything for right now is a stimulating job where I could help and encourage others....Others who would really appreciate that encouragement and compassion...I never found that in any man....Sooner or later all relationships become routine and you take each other for granted...I think it is inevitible......Think about it any man our age is going to have 'baggage' as most of us have..And, when you fall in love with a man our age you may be signing up to be a nurse, not a wife.......I see the opportuntity to make wonderful, stimulating relationships with interesting and intelligent women who are not walking around feeling like they are not complete without a man...I am all for stimulating relationships with men or women, but I am really passionate about women supporting women, because I grew up being told I was 'only one half of a couple' and that my destiny was to be a wife and mother...Being a Mom has been a blessing I could NEVER have imagined, but for all of the love, devotion, compassion and concern that I freely gave in my marriages I could have had real personal and financial security individually...There is no security for those who follow this SB adventure...I obviously do not know the man, but when you give your power away to anyone, you no longer have it available to nurture yourselves...It is time for us to 'grieve' for the dream of being 'Cinderella' and to 'grieve' ALL of the fairy tales and realize WE DO NOT NEED TO BE RESCUED BY ANYONE!! We are a POWERFUL FORCE who can stand alone....There is only security in WHAT YOU GIVE YOURSELF, and in the HOPE and FAITH that you have in yourself and in your Maker...
MaryOlive: Bless your heart!! I thanked you for the peacock in MB, but I wanted to again acknowledge your thoughtfulness!! You are a sweetheart...
I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW HONORED I AM TO HAVE MET ALL OF YOU!! 'A house divided cannot stand' So, let us be above the fray and be the wonderful group of women we all are!!
I celebrate ANYONE who continues to dream and persue 'the process'!! My only prayer is that it will be a good process and that when it is over the participants will still have their dignity, their honor, and a strong sense of WHO THEY ARE!
My prayers are with those without homes and without food and today I am blessed!! Today, I have enough.....Today, I am safe and my family is safe! Thank you Lord!

heiresschild said...

cj, as always, thank you for beautiful words of wisdom.


Anonymous said...

Mary Olive -- what a bright star you are. I, too, want to thank you for the adorable peacock. How fun and thoughtful of you. Hope your travels home were safe and pleasant. Be well, my friend. It was delightful to get to know you.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Personally speaking, for what it is worth, I strongly feel that taking down the NNBBSH site would be a was built and maintained (kindness of Linda!)as a vehicle to unite women of a certain age and provide entertainment and fun....which it has done very successfully, in my humble opinion!
There are always bumps and hiccups, a learning curve, at the embryonic please don't make a knee jerk reaction to fresh emotions by dismantling it......that would only serve to feed pesimism and negativity. Didn't the site get thousands of hits within a couple of days???
It is EXACTLY AT TIMES SUCH AS THIS THAT PEOPLE NEED PEOPLE esp we women of that age!! This is an opportunity to take "tragedy and turn it into triumph"
Just food for thought from the crazy Canuck
La Belle xox

ClickGirl said...

Where to start?

First … thanks to all of you … for your comments. For sharing honestly … and from your hearts … from your disappointments … and your hopefulness – Thank You! And thanks to those of you who wrote – offering inspiration … and caring … and words of support. And to others who are reading … and haven’t posted above – thanks for being ‘here’ with us. We hope you are here in the spirit of kindness … and not negativity!

I’ve posted on the SB site … a very long … and probably last post. I have to say that I was very, very disturbed by the comments on SB. About Linda … about CJ … about Vj (who I don’t really know) … and even about Richard’s hair … and about ‘us’ … and my Blog. I just don’t understand how people can write such mean comments. And I felt a bit disappointed by Richard’s comment as well. Maybe he should leave it to Joe to read and write his Blog. So … as I really don’t think it is healthy to continue to be subjected to that kind of negativity … I’ll just stay over here … and pop over to your Blogs as well. I’m not suggesting that anyone else stop posting over there … I’m just speaking about me personally.

I hope that we will continue to support each other … and I hope that we keep the NNBB Sisterhood ‘alive’ – or some kind of Sisterhood alive. I still believe we are ‘Women with Heart’! And I have … from the beginning … been more impressed with the amazing women that I have met … than Richard. I love the idea of traveling together … and have already posted and written to Suzanne about that. So … I’d love to hear your thoughts on that! And Suzanne would as well.

Dear Linda: No disappointment from me! I appreciate your willingness to share your experiences. Thank you!! Regarding the Web – as we have over 400 Heart Bracelets - with tags that have that Web address on them – could we still use the site to promote the bracelets? I’ll be glad to take that on … as I hate that I made a financial investment – that will be a loss … if we are not able to receive donations for the bracelets. I think we can continue to distribute them … and receive donations. I wasn’t expecting to receive compensation – I did it as a donation … but would at least like to see us continue with distributing them … so that the money made can go for a good cause. And – so that all of my efforts were not totally in vain. Remember – in the beginning – we were just doing it on our own anyway. So we had a little ‘boost’ up prior to MB … and now we are back to reality with it. So – I don’t see that as a huge problem. And we can offer for people to choose to donate to Hurricane Katrina Relief … or AHA/WHF. CJ has also said that her daughter might be able to take some of them to where she works … so I’ll discuss that with CJ. I’d really like to see us continue with our effort. I'll write to you - to touch base about the site.

And Suzanne … I too thought you looked incredible in the bathing suit! I even showed Coco, the Editor that I was working with … and said – ‘I wish I looked that good! And I can look like that – if I will just make the effort’! That pic is an inspiration for me – to get myself back in shape. I have allowed my cancer/chemo to be an excuse for way too long! I recently lost nine pounds – but have more to go … and need to exercise – so that I can look like you! : ) Seeing that pic … just gave me the push that I needed!! So … please … know that you are considered very beautiful … in terrific shape … and someone with lots of courage. I hope you know that!

Welcome Marty! Thanks for your comments. This site will remain … and will evolve into whatever it needs to be. Doesn’t have to be connected to SB – though I still think it is important to support those who are still involved in the venture … as I consider them part of ‘us’ as well. To go to the other Blogs – just click on the posters name – and it will take you to their Blog. You can see wonderful photos … and poetry … and bits of stories of people’s lives.

Leslie!! Where are you! We are missing you!

Well … what do you say, Gals? Let’s Plan a Trip!!!!

My warmest regards to All!


ClickGirl said...

I agree, Cheryl! Let's make something out of this! We are an amazing group of women!! I have been 'revived' from 'meeting' all of you! I can't even begin to tell you how you have all inspired me ... and what you have brought to my life - each in your own unique way. I had been in a sort of 'self-imposed' solitude for a long, long time now. I was perfectly content to sit at home and play on my computer and watch Reality Shows (okay - so I watched some good stuff too - but you know what I mean). I had pulled away from all of my friends ... and just wanted to be alone.

But having met all of you has given me this incredible boost of energy and excitement about life. And a realization that if I don't 'get going' my life is going to pass before me ... and I will have never finished fulfilling the many dreams that I have. I want to do so much more ... and I want to travel (but I don't really enjoy traveling alone ... because I love sharing the excitement with other 'beings' - and because I have done the alone thing for too long).

So ... I agree so much with Cheryl ... and CJ ... and others. Let's take this opportunity ... and do something with it!

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Brenda. I was in the process of working on some ideas last winter for women to get together and travel and also meet other single men in a more meaningful and professional way than with the current dating sites. So I have followed the SB process and the women's blogs as research to arrive at a means to accomplish that goal. You are all really incredible women and I think this is a perfect opportunity to put our collective minds together to work towards this goal. I posted a question on Suzanne's blog that I would appreciate feedback on if anyone is so willing to give their opinion. I think so many of us women are in the same position. I use to think that maybe I was in the wrong location but you have all totally banished that premise as we have women from New York, Carolina, Atlanta, Tampa, Chicago, Tuscon, Arizona, California, etc. etc. There does appear to be a common thread amongst the women who have posted on these blogs but I will save my thoughts for now on that. Definitely keep your sisterhood site going - just change the emphasis on it - women can be a great resource for other women. I look forward to your thoughts on the question posted on Suzanne's site. Thanks.

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Cindy! Great comments!I'll check out Suzanne's site! Will be interested in hearing your thoughts ... and curious to know what the common thread it. I was thinking travel. : )

Warm regards,

ClickGirl said...

Hey CJ,

I sent you another Email! Don't know if you got the first ... but check your Email ... and we can discuss. Thanks much - for all of your help on the Heart Bracelets!

Sorry I was slow to respond - had to work all weekend. : (

Warm regards,


Belizegial said...

Hello ladies, a quick input on the events that have transpired since yesterday.

Linda, sorry to hear that the NNBBSH site is going to be taken down. Hope that Brenda (clickgirl) and yourself can work out something to keep it going as it appears to have become a victim of the present circumstance.

To the ladies of the sisterhood, hope that we can reconnect and get past the present difficulties. Men come and go, but sisters are forever. The MB event was a blast for some and a negative for others. Understandable but it is now history. As CJ(?) or one of our sharper sisters once predicted, the eventual outcome of the SB journey will not be determined by what was said or not said on these here blogs. It most likely will come down to a group panel selection based on a pre-set criteria.

We senior blogettes are here to have fun interactions with each other, share our wit and wisdom and if all is good, make the world a more positive place for those like minded individuals like ourselves who dare to go outside our own comfort zones whilst maintaining a healthy sense of self and respect for each other.

Thanks for allowing me to post in my two cents (bzn) and have yourselves a good one today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone

I've just read through SB blog and I see that I've been attacked by RR for making wildly inaccurate statements (indeed he has said I did this in the past). My post was very to the point:

I echoed Brenda's words. Gave my opinion to Lady Jayne and addressed Richard on the issue of saying he read the blog when he told people in MB he didn't.

It would be good if the sources from MB backed up what they said. I realise that it was my choice to say what I said on SB blog but I had no reason to doubt what I read here.

Can anyone remember me making wildly inaccurate statements before on SB blog. My recollection is that if it was my opinion I always stated that this was the case. I would appreciate feedback as I am very confused and quite upset at his response. However, if no-one wants to give any, that's fine too. Like I said earlier, it was my choice to post what I said.


linda in Tucson said...

I'm torn between feeling that I should back off here for awhile, yet being drawn to the happenings. I just get really uncomfortable when things turn critical. Not that we shouldn't all be free to express our opinions but Suzanne you really hurt my feelings when you suggested I would somehow have had my "bubble burst" because you got some special recognition, and the implication that I felt I was the "princess". Perhaps this would be more appropriate to address in a private e-mail but hey...we've let it all hang out there thus far. I sure don't mind a little gossip here and there, but stretching of the facts is not playing nice. So...for the record in my defense I'm going to point out that Suz did give the thumbs up for posting every pic of herself. In fact, we picked from several to get the best one. So it's not playing fair to suggest I was putting someone in an unfavorable light and that I wouldn't have done that to myself.
OK, I feel better.
Suz I am still wild about you, and hope we can rise above this hoo ha.

Canadian Bloggette said...

LESLIE............yoo hoo!!

Where are you gilrfriend???
The "mother" in me is starting to worry, and that is not good!
La Belle xox

Anonymous said...

This is an age old dynamic being played out of “ she said, he said” , second hand information and repeated information.
Then RR stood up for Linda and basically said what ever anyone said about him was liar.
So in essence what he has done is answer Linda’s question as to if he is interested in her?? Yes he is, on some level.
The only women who really know what transpired in MB are the women who were actually in MB, the rest of us have second hand news.
Personally I believe Susanne and that is my personal choice.
For Linda to succeed forward in her quest for RR she needs to back up “ act like a lady ” NOT that she isn’t already a lady, do not take that statement wrong. It’s what RR likes.

This is the age-old act of deferring to a man
Watch it play out, we have done this behavior for 100’s of years
RR had spoken now he expects us all to jump.. Did anyone ask how high?

What were those things?
Laughing on my ass rolling on the floor hysterically.

High drama here.

To lose this site would be a great loss indeed for everyone…..

Canadian Bloggette said...

hey Bloggettes,
It saddens me greatly to witness "adventure and fun" turning into adversity. How bout turning the other is short and bubbles are bursting!

"When someone hurts us
we should write it down
in sand where the winds of
forgiveness can erase it away.
But when someone does
something good for us,
we must engrave it in stone
where no wind
can erase it"

La Belle xox

Anonymous said...


Check her blogsite...for message from Leslie. :) The mother in me was also beginning to worry.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Thanks Anon,
I will now let "mother" relax!!

Anonymous said...

phyl you said you "feel a bit sick to tell the truth because it seems RR is a blatant liar. "

linda in Tucson said...

jenny not to worry about this site...this is Brenda's blog and I don't think she's going anywhere. It was me who said I was going to take the NNBBSH website off the internet, which doesn't effect the blogs. I did take it down but I got a lot of positive feedback around leaving it be. So in fairness to the fact that it's not MINE it's everybody's I'm working on getting it back up. Then if the girls who go to Chicago want to add pictures there they can do so by e-mailing to me.

Anonymous said...

Jenny -
I think I'm going to Chicago. The dates keep changing, so when I know for sure when it is, I can see who's available to take care of my cat. Are you going? Driving or flying?


Canadian Bloggette said...

Hello out there in Blogville!!
I seem to have alot of hits on my Blog...........please leave comments so I can respond! K guys??Danka dahlings


La belle xox

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous

I'm not sure what you're saying ... I just feel sick ... ok ... and probably won't blog anymore ....

ClickGirl said...

NEW BLOG STARTED ... so scrollitis won't set in! : )

