Sunday, October 09, 2005

More 'Chicago' . . . with a little help from my friends!

First Photo: Our Chicago Bloggettes!
Don't forget that the NNBB Sisterhood are posting on CJ's Blog at:
Please feel free to post here ... and then join all of us at CJ's!

Click Girl ... collecting more money for The Red Heart Bracelets!


ClickGirl said...

Hi Everyone! Hope you will carry on from the last Blog!

Have a good one!!


droma said...

Hi Brenda,
Were you getting ready for a BACHELORETTE PARTY with waving those one Dollar bills?

Thank you for taking the time to let me know the great news. For once its' good to hear a young lady GAINING WEIGHT.


heiresschild said...

dr. oma,
LOL, LOL that's what i said to one of the nurses there also.


Anonymous said...

FRom Myriam,
Hi Brenda,

Your pictures are fantastic. I just had so much fun looking at all these hats. You ladies are very talented! Chicago seems to be a beautiful town.


Leslie: said...

Hi Brenda! Wish we could have met in MB but alas...I know we would hit it off. I love the photo of you in the hat shop. I just bought a new coat today and could use a hat to go with it. You have been so UP during this journey, always so positive about everything and I am sending you a HUGE {{{{HUG}}}}. What was the name of the hat shop - if you remember. The one you're wearing looks great on you - did you buy it? Inquiring minds want to know! :D

We will stay in touch and some day, maybe even next summer, I might just end up in Florida (always wanted to go to Disneyworld) and will come and getcha! Stay well!

ClickGirl said...

Ha Ha - you guys are funny! I was selling Red Heart Bracelets!! : ) But love the sense of humor here!

Hey Leslie. I agree! And definitely ... if you get down this way ... we will plan to meet! And, who knows, maybe before! Thanks much - for your kind comments. The feelings are mutual!

That pic is sooooo bad ... but I figure, if you can't laugh at yourself ... life would be no fun. : ) The hat shop was in the Hotel ... but I don't remember the name - just that we got in trouble for taking the picture ... and were watched the rest of the time we were in the shop (ha ha). I ended up wearing the little feather hat instead.

Warm regards,


dragonflyfilly said...

hey CLICKGIRL - will it matter in a hundred years? well it depends what IT is, but i think i get it: Don't sweat the small stuff...and point well taken. i have a pin from last year that reads: "Take my advice, i'm not using it" and i wear it to work." As a short-term intervention counsellor at a shelter for homeless women, (and in my other job as supportive care worker at an addictions centre) i have to try to keep my sense of humour, and sometimes it is very hard...but the women DO get a chuckle when they see the pin! tried to post this on SB, but before i had time to edit the Blog was closed.

p.s. thanks for reminding me: "We teach best what we most need to learn" - compliments of Richard Bach.

dragonflyfilly said...

LA DOLCE VIDA; i think perhaps you mean diaTRIBE : Gk:- pass time, discourse, Fr:-to spend time, wear away, or more current usage: 1.a prolonged discourse; 2. a bitter or abusive speech or writing; 3. ironical or satirical criticism...yes indeed, i suppose it could be anyone of those three.


ClickGirl said...

Hi PJ!

You got it! I've always loved that little pin. Just makes me stop and think - when I get upset about things.

Another 'food for thought' - this is totally 'random' - and not directed at any particular person, comment, etc. - I just think of it ... when I think of my pin (which is a little metal glazed pin with a white background and a tiny blue flower). The pin was my younger sisters pin. And, this next saying was something she had written in a book - and carried around with her all the time - when she was a teenager:

'Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet, on the heel of the foot that crushed it'.

About 'Don't Sweat the Small Stuff' ... I got that - but then someone, somewhere added 'It's All Small Stuff'. And then I had a problem with it. Because ... it's not All small stuff. Know what I mean? : )



ClickGirl said...

Thanks Suzanne. Yes - that photo in the hat shop was too funny! : ) And the Elevators! I've just never seen anything like it. And it was funny - because trying to meet someone was always confusing ... because it was so hard to remember which floor things were on. I had it down - by the time I left. And I am used to going into big Hotels - and getting to know 'the lay of the land' - because, for a good part of my career, I have 'lived' in those kinds of settings - traveling all over the world and having to find out where the ballrooms are ... and where the biz office is ... and where the clients are 'hanging out' ... and where the restaurants are. So this was really unusual for me to have such a hard time. But ... I did - finally - 'get it'. : )

And yes! We will all definitely have to meet up! We'll have to get back to planning a trip! : )

Well ... I am off for the night! See ya'll tomorrow! (Notice that 'ya'll' - for all those who love 'Southerners' - ha ha).



ClickGirl said...

Hey Dragon Fly Filly.

I forgot to mention in my last post ... but I also worked in a Homeless Shelter - doing grant writing, fundraising and producing all of the fundraising videos and the largest fundraising event every year. I still do their big annual event ... and they are one of the largest Shelters in the country ... and a model for other Shelters. Amazing place ... and made me appreciate - every - single - day ... how fortunate I was ... and how much I had in my life. Helps to give incredible perspective - doesn't it?

Also - loved your Post on SB - about how you would choose. Too funny! Love the tongue-in-cheek approach! : )



Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
Now you come down to South Florida, just when I leave town again. What perfect timimg.
I am off to see Grams this Thursday. I am going to the beach today. Go for a long walk, read some, swim some. Try to get the stress level down. I am not the most patient person in the world. I don't like the waiting game. And of course, I will be out of towm, when my test results come back in. It's just a waiting game now.
I will just let the EX get the results and interpret them for me.
You and those Chicago pictures crack me up. here is a good laugh. The sex Dr is now on the Today show now. If you have ever seen her show, she is a riot. First the Ubersexual male and now her. A great Today show.
Have an awesome day.

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Carol! Ordinarily I would not want to put up bad pics of myself - but somehow, I am feeling 'liberated' by this experience ... and really able to laugh at myself ... and my bad pics. Ha Ha

Hope your results come back quickly - and with good news! Keep us posted!

I'll definitely have other ops to go to So FL - because my two sisters live in Homestead. : ) As it turns out - the client didn't want to spend the money on the vid shoot ... so I won't be going now ... but may go to Chicago for a shoot in March. Yeah! Anyway ... I'm sure we will meet up some day ... as we each travel across the state. : )

That sex Doctor lady is too much. I have seen her 'a bit' ... but can't watch on a regular basis. Ha Ha

Yes CJ - so true! And - about Richard - it was one of the things that surprised me most ... and helped to form my opinion of him! I couldn't believe that he put those teeth on ... and those big, ugly glasses. He just was such a good sport. And just before that pic - the teeth broke - and he was looking into the mirror and trying to get them to stay in - and I was standing there laughing at him (the room we were in had mirrors along the wall). Anyway - was very funny ... and showed his sense of humor. I thought we looked like two 'little old people'. Ha Ha

Hey Wanda! Sorry I missed you last night! Glad to have you visit over here ... and on CJ's site (our NNBBS hostess)! Hope you enjoyed all of the pics too!

Well everyone ... have a great night!! I will check in later!



ClickGirl said...

Here is my funny pic!