Saturday, October 15, 2005

Smile ... and the World Smiles with You! : )


What you Bloggettes have been waiting for!

Or maybe something to keep you occupied ... while you are waiting for something much more exciting!

Me ... with the 'fly-away' hair. Just showing that I really can laugh at myself!

Notice (in the close-up, that I have so kindly provided for you) that the hair even flys straight up - proving that we truly were in ... 'The Windy City'
Fortunately, with a little graphics program, even the flying hair can be settled down!

"Smile ...
and the whole world Smiles with you!"


ClickGirl said...


While we wait ... why don't you share what made you Smile today. Or one of the moments in your life ... that when you think back on it ... still causes you to Smile.

Then ... Smile for the days we have spent getting to know each other.

Smile. And the world will Smile with us.



ClickGirl said...

Hey you! You are too funny, CJ! I just posted on your Blog ... and sent you a hugely long Email about 'you know who'. : ) Hope it all makes sense! Look forward to hearing back from you (four or five hours from now - ha ha). No, seriously ... very interesting stuff. We'll talk later!

Thanks again! You did Mah-veh-lahs Dah-link'! : )



Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi there Brenda, welcome back!! CJ did an outstandong job whilst you were gone!!
So....what made me SMILE today???......
IT is incredible that today of all days you posted that question!!

I ventured out today in the rain, wind, cold.... your basic yucky miserable Quebec fall weather!! I had a couple of things to pick up at the market.
Itinerants are not "allowed" to solicit at the market so I was quite surprised to see this kid curled up asleep with his dog in front of a to him lay a sign "I am starving,I have not eaten in days, got any spare change??"
I went about my shopping feeling rather ill...what to do?? He could have been one of my kids,one of your kids etc!! Do I just give him money?? Won't he then feed his dog and not himself?? What to do?? Well I worked myself into quite a state, if you knew me you..... would understand. Sooooooo I took ALL MY groceries and unloaded them into my car, went back to the boy and his dog. I woke him up ( I still can not believe I did that as I used to be painfully shy, believe it or not!!!) and asked him to "come with me" he asked if I was going to kick him out of the market?? I laughed, he was 10 times bigger than me..clearly I was not!! I said not to worry ....I was taking him for a hot lunch... he sheepishly wlaked with me to Premiere Moisson
( a very shi shi or upscale bakery/eatery in the market) We sat down and I MADE him order soup, hot chicken pie, dessert and coffee. We sat for an hour simply eating and chatting. He was fascinating, delightful and absolutley charming. Looking into his eyes I could see and feel his pain....he truly could have been any one of our sons.... 25 years old, from Halifax (14 hours from here) and alone, cold, dirty and so very hungry! One can imagine the looks we got from those "that have"!!!!
I told him about Father John, more commonly known as "Pops" who runs a bus service "Dans La Rue" (In the Street) for Itinerant kids in Montreal. He and his volunteers drive this bus around Montreal all night and day, picking up any homeless "kids" who need shelter and food..........and he even takes their dogs!! These kids are allowed to stay on the bus as long as they need then back to the streets...or they are taken to a shelter that Father John has set up, it is their choice. I fortunately happen to know of "Pops" as I have worked with Dans La Rue. I gave Ryan the coordinates and bus stop locations near the market.
This sweet sweet boy proceeded to give me one of the most heartfelt wonderful "thank you" hugs I have ever received in my life!
There were never 2 Smiles as wide as his and mine, nor tears as huge as mine at that moment in time! I am sure I saw mist in his eyes as well!
I have to say with this being The Big D (Decision) Day for all the women who participated in the SB quest,(BTW I did not send in a bio nor video) I found that my moments in time today put everything and all into perspective!
Random acts of kindness fill up our emotional bank accounts more than we will ever know.........and no one can take those incredible moments in time from us!!
What a day!! I am still smiling/crying as I type, and I will do so for a very long time....We, my Bloggette friends, are all so very privileged and fortunate.
Be thankful for all that you have....... NOT what you don't have!
To end my epic long story,( I do go on and on!!)It is once again time to give back so I am hopefully going to be a "Dans La Rue" volunteer and spend many precious moments in time with many Ryans!
Thanks for listening!
Good luck to all and to all a good night!
La Belle xox

ClickGirl said...

Hi Cheryl!

Loved your Smile Story!! I commented on it on SB ... and what a wonderful message for today on the SB Blog! Thank You!!

Warm regards,


heiresschild said...

wow, cheryl, that was such a beautiful, heartwarming story, and it has really blessed my heart.

it is things like that which remind me of how blessed i am truly am. i try not to complain, and even when i'm feeling a little down, i remember that many lost everything in new orleans recently, and i begin to count my blessings, and be grateful for what i do have. it really could always be worse.

thanks for sharing that with us. and i know you brought a smile to God's face today by reaching out to help one of His children. you could have ignored that young man and passed him by like so many other people did.

suzan sent me an email today, which brought a smile to my face. thank you suzan.

cj, you have been a most gracious hostess. thank you for all of your love and concern you've shown to me and everyone else. you've brought us many smiles.

brenda, welcome back hostess. i hope you were able to get a lot of work done, and it's always good to see your smiling face. i went to the movies yesterday and saw "elizabethtown." you and kirsten dunst favor each other. has anyone ever told you that? i kept saying, "she looks like someone i know." then i went, "i know, it's brenda." can i have your autograph?


Canadian Bloggette said...

Can't begin to decribe how saddened I am by the inactivity on the Blogs tonight as the "news" filters down. The silence is almost deafening. I so hope everyone is OK....wish I could give real live hugs to all.

Tomorrow today will be all but history.... and life will go on.

Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Brenda,
I am feeling totally helpless, impotent and was thinking it would be such a wonderfully appropriate time to post "I send you" on RR's Blog....what do you think....could you?? I would do it but I feel it should be from you..I can not tell you how much I have enjoyed and shared "I send you" and I feel perhaps there are some who could use those warm words right about now.
Cheryl xox

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Sylvia ... and I've never been told that ... but, gosh, I am terribly flattered! I think Kirsten is adorable! I saw trailers for that movie - and thinking that I wanted to see it - because I like most movies that she is in.

Cheryl - Yes - it is a bit quiet and sad tonight. I have a little list that I have been making ... and I think about each person when I put their name down ... and have a little 'moment' for them. I have received a few Emails - and the thing that I am really touched by, is how positive all of the comments have been ... and how much it has meant to them ... and that they look forward to continuing on. I think that is terrific.

And Cheryl - your Story - shared on SB too - was just perfect! A great reminder about keeping things in perspective. Thanks for sharing that so beautifully. : )

Smiles to all of you tonight!


ClickGirl said...

Hi CJ ... would you believe - that Kylieidaho actually posted it earlier today on SB! That was why I suggested coming to my site - if she liked Sark. So ... isn't that cool? Maybe I will put it back up on my Blog ... : ) Thanks for that great idea!

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

Brenda, Welcome back! You have big shoes to fill. One thing I like about your place is the way the preview comes up: with my eyes & the usual late hour, the better to see it, my dear & hopefully make any necessary corrections.

Ladies, you have touched my heart, again & again.

I am in N.C. When I get back I will post an invitation to an adventure that I have been planning from the beginning of 2005.

Good wishes to all us winners.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Ada,
Thanks much. Will look forward to your return ... and your post. Sounds interesting!

And Wanda ... thanks so much for bringing your Smile here! And for sharing with us! You have a beautiful attitude ... that is very moving. Definitely ... don't become a forgotten Bloggette!

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

Hi y'all (As I said I am in the south),

Finally got my letter this morning.
We need a copy to put in a time capsule 'cause this has been a cultural phenom. & will continue to be so. Many have made a commitment to stay on & I am one. Both Richard & all the ladies have been a class act. My crazy hat off to all of you.

It has been 2 glorious days here in Duck. I was going to say getting lots of R & R & then realized how funny that was! LOL

Maybe I should quit while I am behind.

Sunny Sunday to all,


P.S. One of my slogans for See's Choclate was:

"Drown you sorrows in the See's (Choclate)" LOL

Belizegial said...

Hi there ladies, just before I hit my pillows want to tell you all what made me smile today.

We have a little dog (not sure what breed she is) who is a real survivor. My daughters have named her Cinammon due to her coloring.

When she first came to us she was a scrawny little thing which urgently needed fattening up. My kids fed her milk and bread at the beginning as she was a small pup and then moved her to solid food similar to what a real mom would do with a growing baby.

Somewhere along the way, someone came into our yard during the night and attacked Cinammon in a real bad way. We thought she wasn't going to make it as she had a lot of facial and leg injuries and skin abrasions. She also lost her courage to bark and not a peep came out of her. For a long time, she was really cowed.

However, with medication from the vet and a lot of love and encouragement from my kids ad myself, Cinammon made it back on her feet.

Lately, we found out that she is due to have pups. She is a comical sight as her stomach grows daily and she is eating up a storm. Most heartening though is that she has gotten her voice back and is barking at anything that moves. She is back in her groove and it is our joy to see her appearance and behaviour improving daily.

I have taken certain precautions to ensure that it is not so easy to get into my yard anymore during the night and am trusting to the Almighty that Cinammon will be allowed to bring her pups into this world safely and soundly.

It made me smile today to see her romp and play with the kids, on the mend and most definitely on the way to full recovery.

CathyinCarolina said...

Smile indeeed!!!!!

Well they say it is a bigger insult to be ignored, than for someone to actually recognize you with some sort of reaction!!!

So, I am smiling at Joe's announcement that the Finalists have been notified, and I have no notification either way.

I did however get a e-mail from Richard Friday or Saturday thanking me for a picture of my friend TheCoopMan with Wanda aka Sharingthenight, which I really thought I sent to Joe.

Anyway, he said he enjoyed meeting me in Chicago and don't remember what else, so maybe that was it, I did not get the letter that many other ladies got.

Anyway, I can really understand the disappointment by many, because even tho I never felt in my wildest imagination that Richard and I were compatible, I cannot say that I was not disappointed at hearing that 24 had been chosen and I had nothing either way in my e-mail.

I sympothise with ones who really believed that there was chemistry between them and Richard.

I hope that everyone will stay involved and give this a chance to develop into something wonderful for everyone.

Thanks Clickgirl for being Who you are, We love you!!!!