Friday, November 04, 2005

"Jackie and Brenda's Amazing Adventures"

comes to
Beach ...

Friday, November 4th, 2005: Jackie arrives in Tampa, FL ... and Cathy in Carolina graciously provides Limo service for her transportation to the beautiful Clearwater Beach, one of 'The Top Beaches in the World'! (top picture)

ClickGirl and Jackie walk a five mile trek on the Beach (Brenda's 'regular spot') ... and watch the sun set across the horizon. No dolphin pods were spotted yet. (picture below on left)

Dinner at the Famous Frenchy's Rockaway Grill on Clearwater Beach (picture below on right) ... with their signature grilled Grouper (named 'Best of The Bay') ... was amazing! The Margarita's were 'Awesome'!! Meetings all day tomorrow ... and more special events to come!! Stay tuned for more of our journey! No one will be eliminated along the way! But we have a special guest appearing tomorrow night - and we'll clue you in at the appropriate time! In the meantime ... all of you Adventurous Hearts ... have a 'good one'!!

Best to you ... from 'The Beach Girls',

Brenda and Jackie
(Photos courtesy of ClickGirl ... all rights reserved. Oh never mind ... feel free to copy any of them that you would like!)


heiresschild said...

hi brenda & jackie, i'm loving it. i'm so excited for you two. the pics are beautiful, and thanks, brenda, for permission to copy. just kidding, but i thought that was real cute. i can't wait to find out who the special guest is tomorrow. any clues?

can you believe it? before i could even finish my post, a spammer beat me to the 1st place blog.


ReeltorMe said...

Hi Brenda & Jackie,
GO GIRLS! "Be still my heart!" I am so jealous!
You two are the stars! Keep up your updates and photos - it's like being there.
Have a ball and we wish we were all down there with you!
Enjoy! But make sure to get us some travel plans to come.....
P.S. Cathyincarolina - hey, gal, you should have been the driver...

Anonymous said...

Brenda and Jackie: Awesome pictures! I sooooooo miss Florida!

traveln-hsr said...

hi Brenda & Jackie! Love the pictures! Love the description of the events even better! I am so happy that you are getting to do this together! Have fun!


Belizegial said...

Good morning friends,

Just checking in for an early rise visit.

It's approximately 2:32 a.m. down in the tropics and the end of a long work week for myself.

Glad to see that things are going well in your world and that Jackie and Brenda are together for the weekend. The pics are fab, I like Jackie's boots, so tres chic :)

Have fun ladies and keep us posted on new plans and developments for the Adventurous Hearts.

Hasta luego.

droma said...

Special guest appearance!! Awaiting with baited breath!
Could it be RR running away from himself, to beg foregiveness????
Have a good week end, all you Characters, ahh, ladies of Character.

Anonymous said...

Ladies have an awesome day at the beach,
My adopted daughter got married on that beach at sunset. Barefoot of course.
Well my daughter and I are off to the Ft. Lauderdale boat show for the day. To actually enjoy one, not work one. Another sunny day in Paradise. The boat show is on, so life might just begin getting back to normal.
What fun you 2 are going to have.
Have an awesome day everyone!

heiresschild said...

brenda & jackie, that pic with the sunset is so beautiful.

willemina said...

Hello ladies...
Brenda and Jackie...It sounds like the two of you are having a fabulous time together. Margaritas are my fav (on the rocks with salt...YUM! Have one for me...The pictures so far are wonderful and I will be checking back later tonight to see who your special surprise guest will be...Sylvia asked for any clues...???
I also love Florida. My son and his family used to live in Melbourne and then moved to Lake Mary. I visited them often. They have recently moved to Denver which I also love. Heck, I'd go visit them if they lived in Minot, ND (not that Minot ND is a bad place...I've heard it's rather cold and destitute at times.
I want to say hello to all of the wonderful ladies who post here...I haven't disappeared from the blogs...just taking a break. I'm off to Saturday morning soccer games with my grandaughters (last week Alexandra who is 5 yrs old scored 4 goals!) The score was 5-1 although they don't keep score at that young age but I did ;-)

Anonymous said...


Every night I think, o.k. been reading during the day so tonight will be short. WRONG always. Went to Francessca’s to find out the scoop re Vanessa. - 2 hours later:

Vanessa – Why didn’t you stay at the Ayers?
Punctuality is one of my weakest features but… Hello, people have cell phones today. Why didn’t he/someone call just to find out if you were o.k.? Re: losing 3 women? What or how did the other 2 say/feel? When traveling, if you were in a 3rd world market & were separated… this would scare me.

From the beginning: Another one for the gut. Oh gut, you never fail me.

Vanessa call me – on your way back home, come to horse country – Maryland. I will welcome you like a guest, but make you feel like family.

Amy – You too. If you can wait until the 1st weekend in May: We have the Sheep & Wool Festival where you can learn all about alpacas, lamas etc. for free. I go every year though unfortunately it is the same weekend as the Film Festival. Others said they might consider coming. Maybe this could be our East coast version of the “Stoolies” since no one responded to my suggestion of a Miss. River cruise. Also my music composer daughter’s day job is at NPR. She loves it. Last week worked on the interview with the guy who got the U.S. rights for March of the Penguins. She always has neat stories to tell.
Farmers Only . Com is a hoot.

Carol – Welcome back to the living. Amazing what we take for granted until it is taken away.

Wanda – Didn’t know you were N.A. My friend’s grandson calls me MANY COLORED WOMAN. It is such a perfect name for me. Glad the “roots are being taken care of” (teeth & your heart felt feelings)

Marty – I just assumed I was the booby prize winner among these comput. savvy women. When I got my MA they said to be in the program you had to know or take a comput. class. I said great. I thought they would say “Take the shrink wrap off the box, open it, plug it in…etc.” Instead I was taught Pagemaker on an Apple. Therefore it’s like I was taught to x & divide without learning to + or subtract. Plus I am a very slow learner. I am totally understanding of your situation & supportive. Did the info help? One suggestion when you take the class: If you have a laptop, ask if you can bring it to class. It’s hard to learn on 1 computer & then go to another. Good Luck. The JOKE DU JOUR is for you.

The little boy asks:Daddy, how was I born?
Ah, my son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Well, you see your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on MSN.
Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe.We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a blessed little Popup appeared and said:

You've Got Male!

Sat Nov 05, 04:20:49 AM EST

Ada said...
I saw this couple perform Fri. night (10/28). If you get a chance - they are in the D.C. but have traveled to most of the U.S. states & Europe- go see them. As it turns out, Maura graduated from my alma mammy, Ithaca College, where she studied voice.

They do a wide range of styles: Besides the folk, pop, rock, country and "secular gospel", whatever that is, they even did Bach,. Married, they are married on stage as well. By that I mean, they read each other as couples do. They are warm, personable & a charming couple and funny: Maura said she wrote a haiku.
THIS IS POLITICAL - Don't know if we can put polit stuff on here. If this is a non let me know. If offending anyone Sorry, but for now SKIP to end of poems + next para.
Scooter Libby,
Tom Delay,
Karl Rove
Hope the prison menu is good

Then it was Pete's turn
Get on your Scooter
Begin to Rove without Delay
Watch out for the Bush.

And then apologized to the whole administration & played I Fear You Must Be Going.

They write much of their own songs but what impressed me the most was their guitar playing. Pete also plays the electric sitar. It is phenomenal. I have never heard that kind of virtuosity on those instruments, (including Bach who must be positively rolling positively in his grave). Sometimes they do duets on one guitar.

The concert went from 8-10:30.The opening act was good too but I'm not sure of her name: something like Lisa Carlisle. Because of the small venue, they were able to mingle before, during intermission, & after the concert talking to people & seeming interested in everyone there. The website is

Nov. 5 - Bitchin' Babes

Sat Nov 05, 05:01:26 AM EST

CathyinCarolina said...


You Ladies are Awesome!!!!

Brenda, you just include everyone, don't you!!!

I wish I were there with my Limousine, I would gladly drive, although those Margaritas sound very tempting, we might have to have a driver!!!

Thank you clickgirl for sharing your joy with everyone,

What a D---- Shame that your leadership skills were not encouraged (and I do not see any reason to skirt around naming the SB site).

This makes me so angry this am, that some well meaning person on RR's site this morning trying to help me open my eyes to WHATEVER!!

Yeah!!! I do see!!!And I will probably save most of my ranting and raving until Chi-Town Girl gets her site back up, 'cause Clickgirl is a PeaceMaker and I don't want to create any problems for her. But Clickgirl, I cannot see that you are responsible for whatsome one else says on your Blog!!!

But, just a word to whoever was trying to help me on SB site, I am not simply a follower, I have been in on this creative process from the very beginning or close, and I know how the feminine energy that
Richard asked for has contributed to his project and I realize how crutial it is to continue a meaningful journey.

Why don't we all give each other credit for having half a brain!!!

Well, I am realizing that this is best taken to the SB site!!!We used to rant and rave there with out fear of reprimand, I'll see if that still works!!!

Clickgirl you and Jackie are great blessing and I am sorry for making waves here in the wonderful place that you have created here, I think it is a sign of your Higher Intelligence that thru all the communications that you and I have had that you have never questioned mine or anyone else's continued involvement in the SB thing,

People who are being true to their own inward guidance, usually give other people the benefit of the doubt, that they are following theirs.

Love and Peace to all!!!

ClickGirl said...

Hey Cathy ... we wish you were here! And please ... rant all you want!! You have my permission to say whatever you want!! About anything ... anyone you want. : )

We are headed out to the pool - to work - will be back with more later! : )

Love to All!


heiresschild said...

willy, i had just sent you an email because i hadn't seen you around the blogs, or heard from you. glad you're doing well; understand about the needed break. yeaaaaa for alexandra and the scored goals!

brenda, headed to the pool to work, huh? yeah, yeah, tell us anything! lol lol, just kidding!

marty, i hope you're feeling better this day.


Canadian Bloggette said...



HEY........just had a thought, actually... TWO thoughts whilst in the shower!!...that is scarey in of itself!!

Thought #1:
Aventurous Hearts!!= AH!!!!!!!!

Thought #2:
Anyone heard of or seen the "Vagina Monologues"??? Seriously now!! sisters ....are the "Vagina Dialogues"!!! LOL!!

Just my quirky sense of humour on a dreary, cold, grey Saturday AM in the Great White North!!! Hope it puts a smile on your faces!!
Have a good one ladies and gentleman!!
Cheryl xox

CathyinCarolina said...

Is anyone else having trouble accessing Chi-Town's Blog or is it me??

One of our Pals from Chicago wants directions on getting to this blog and Chi-Towns and I am having trouble pulling up the other.

Anyone who can help, post right back, Thanks,

traveln-hsr said...

Hi Ladies,

Thanks Ada for the tip on Alpacas. I have another source here too, a homeschooling lady who has an Alpaca "ranch": Brushy-Fork-Farm.

traveln-hsr said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
traveln-hsr said...

Brenda -- Sometimes this site chops posts - maybe that why you can't post live post continued..

Maybe one of these days I'll actually buy that farm!

Cheryl I have heard about the Vagina Monologues, pretty interesting comedy/common sense, funny, serious, -- hard to describe stuff. The Author of the play is dedicated to stopping violence against women, something near and dear to my heart! A link to a description of her and her work: Vagina Monologues

traveln-hsr said... post continued..

Definately worth a busy woman's time!

I'd go on a Misissippi Cruise - Delta Queen used to offer a good 3 day trip from Memphis to New orleans that was doable $$-wise and time wise.



heiresschild said...

cathy, i was having trouble accessing chi town's site and this one also. i tried a few times, then waited a few minutes, and i was able to click right on. it has happened to me twice today.


ReeltorMe said...

Has anyone seen the Vagina Monologues? It's hilarious. Basically, it is a dialogue of 4 different women sitting on stools and they have a bunch of index cards from an audience with questions and comments having to do with the vagina. They take off with those and adlib in all directions. It is a stitch and quite unique. Believe it or not there are men in the audience that are laughing their heads off also. The show is in most large cities and is quite successful.
It's been around for a few years because I saw it several years ago.