Friday, September 30, 2005

Chicago Architecture ...

I know ... you were really wanting to see pics of someone and the Bloggerettes ... but I'm not involved in the little meetings ... so did a fantastic two hour walking tour of Chicago this morning. Incredible city! I just realized that I need to wear my glasses though ... as lots of the pics were 'bad'. So ... next batch ... I'll try to do better! Also - forgive the dates on the pics - didn't have time to mess around with editing or cropping. Just wanted to post -something- so that you would know that I do really care ... and haven't forgotten about any of you (except that mean Anonymous that said you were just competition for us - and that we didn't really care about you). : ) So - not true!! Wish all of you were here!


ClickGirl said...

Hello Everyone!! Sorry for the lame photos! I am most definitely better 'directing' (remember that I direct professional shooters - but don't actually do it myself) ... but I think I am finally getting used to this little cam ... and hopefully will do better with the next batch of pics! Check our Cathy in Carolina and SB site - as they are posting people shots there. Hope I can make up for my poor photography skills with my impressions (ha ha).

Sooooo ... I have a few minutes before I have to get dressed for the Cruise ... so I'll try to give you a little bit of an overview.
I did try to quickly scan through the Blogs - and have received a few Emails asking some specific questions - so I'll just try to do a general commentary here.

First - some of you were cracking me up ... because you were asking for pics before we even arrived! I didn't arrive until around 4 p.m. yesterday (Thursday). I tried to go online last night when I got in (2 a.m.) - but the connection was not working. This morning, I got up early and tried again - and finally got hooked up to the internet. But - the Blog was 'down for maintenance' ... so I wasn't able to post. So this is really the first time I've been able to access the Blogs.

So ... here goes:

First - this environment is a lot different than MB. MB is more of a 'resort casual' environment. This is 'big city' ... and not as relaxed and laid back. But it is lively and active. I heard some of the girls (not mentioning any names, Cathy) ... were out checking out the scene last night. : )

Once I got settled in, I met up with my friend, Jackie (Jacqueline in Illinois) - and her daughter. They are in the mother/daughter pic that Joe posted. We got down to the lobby just as the photo was being taken. We heard that there were about 75 here - for the 'early arrivals'. For those making comments about the quality - it really was just a kind of 'grab shot' - before everyone went down the stairs - and walked down to La Cantina. The temp was about 65 degrees - and just great walking weather.

I found it hard to recognize people from The Blog ... but, during the course of the evening I met Chandra and Paula ... and Yvonne from Hawaii was on the other side of the room - but I couldn't actually see her. Someone pointed out Cathy in Carolina - but I didn't actually get to meet her ... but spoke to her on the phone tonight. I was actually surprised at how many people came up to me and asked if I was Brenda or ClickGirl. As you may have heard - my hair is different now - than in the pic on my Blog. I have lighter brown hair, with blondish highlight - and I have given over to the natural 'chemo curls'. : ) I have mentioned that before - but I'm sure not everyone was paying attention to how I was wearing my hair these days. ha ha Anyway - it was a pleasant surprise to have people recognize me!

Outside of La Cantina was the first time I spoke to Joe. I saw him earlier - but he was busy ... and I didn't want to interupt him. I went up to him - and said that I was Brenda Curry (forgetting that he didn't even know my last name). Then I said, 'You probably know me better as ClickGirl'. He threw out his arms - and gave me a huge hug - then said he was expecting a brunette (ha ha). Then we had a nice little chat. He truly is a 'gem'! And Nancy is one lucky lady!! Was a real pleasure meeting him.

Dinner at La Cantina was a nice little buffet - and we went down these long, steep stairs into a sort of basement area - that had several little rooms with tables. Everyone just sat where they wanted - and in little groups. The thing that amazed me - was that most of them had never met before - and most of them were not Bloggettes - but they all seemed warm and friendly and acted like they were with old friends. It was fun to watch everyone - and just see what a diverse group of women had come to be part of this venture.

Richard made the rounds in the small rooms ... and just as we were finishing our meal (Jackie and I were last in line) ... Richard came into our room. There were about 20 or so ladies, at about 5 tables - and lots of lively conversation was going on. When Richard came in and sat down - everyone turned towards him - and he just started chatting. A couple of ladies had asked him what he wanted to know about the women involved ... and so he was asking some questions. But - being women - the women really wanted to know about Richard ... so the conversation turned back to questions about him.

He was sharing that he was surprised that more people didn't ask about what he did for a living ... and what he did for a certain period in his career. He talked about his life as a Stockbroker - and that he saw so many of the men around him that were living this life of drinking, cheating on their wives and just 'running' - but not really spending time with their families. He said that he decided that was not the kind of life that he wanted to live - and so they made changes in their lives - to allow him more time to be with his boys. It was very touching - when he talked about his relationship with his boys - and he said that rarely a day goes by that he does not talk to all three of them. There was a 'Dad's pride' in his voice.

He said that it was a harder transition for his wife - because she grew up in a lifestyle where they had people helping them and that it took a sacrifice to do what they did. For him, it seemed that it wasn't really a sacrifice - but a choice that he made (that's my impression). Anyway - he seemed very excited and happy and lively. Smiling ... and good sense of humor. This was my first time to really hear him talk - and he came across as a nice fellow. I'm hoping to have a few minutes to talk to him about Pop&Me - at some point ... but I am trying to be courteous and respectful of those who have actually submitted tapes and bios ... because this is really 'their party'. So I am trying to be sensitive to that.

Okay - so ... after dinner we all headed back to The Palmer House (which is gorgeous - but has a really strange elevator system). I've traveled around the world - and been in new and old hotels - but haven't ever seen anything quite so complicated. To go to Jackie's room - I had to go all the way to the first floor (I'm on 15) - and then back past 15 to her floor. There are - at least - three different banks of elevators. I've seen some that go 1-10 and then 10-20 ... but these are all varying numbers - and staggered - like L (lobby) to 10 and 15 to 20 on one elevator - then 11 to 14 and 21 to 24 on another. Very confusing. And the halls are like a maze ... but by the time I leave - I will have it figured out (ha ha).

When we got back from dinner - we all went to 'The State Room' - which is the general meeting room ... and Joe talked a little and Richard talked a little ... and then Joe introduced his niece and her Improv Group. They entertained us for a bit - including some funny little 'SB' sketches - and they were really terrific. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it - and it was a fun evening. Then - Joe gave away door prizes to several - a really nice perfume and then there was a drawing for six ladies - to sit at 'The Captain's Table tonight. They were pretty excited.

In between things - Joe signed about half of the women up for their meetings ... and the rest stayed after to sign-up. Jackie and I went down to the little 'Cigar Bar' (I think that is what it was) ... and talked until after 2 a.m.! It was fun getting to know each other - and sharing impressions and thoughts on everything.

Somebody asked about Breakfast ... and I'll leave that for someone else to describe ... because Jackie and I grabbed coffee/tea from a little cool coffee shop on the way to the walking tour (they have a lot of those kinds of coffee shops all around - very neat).

Looking forward to getting to know others from our group tonight ... and we are all meeting up at Navy Pier to have a group photo - and to wave to the live web cam!! So Everybody go to that website that Joe gave us ... and watch at 6:15 - whatever time zone this is (ha ha). It is one hour before Eastern Standard. I'm so bad! : )

So ... to show you how wrong that Anon was - I have just cut into about fifteen minutes of my 'getting dressed time' for tonight! So I'll sign off for now ... and will try to take better pictures tonight! I'll even put my glasses on! ha ha

Missing all of you!!!

Warm regards,


sunnida said...

BRENDA These are not lame!
Not by any stretch...They really capture
the essence of the city!!! Like the shot
of the two windows...NICE!!!
Have a blast tonight...wear your dancing
shoes...maybe Joe or Umberto will spin
you around the dance floor!!! Not RR...
I hear he's not a spinner!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brenda for doing all of that. You're fantastic :).
You know I was just kidding about you being in shock, don't you?

Sounds like you're having a really good time doing your thing. Only way to go I always think. Your photos were not lame by the way.

Enjoy it all. Look forward to hearing more if and when you get a moment.

Ciao ... Phyl

willemina said...

Thank you for your wonderful comments and I like your pics too. I also like to take pictures of I don't think they're lame at all
You describe everything in so much detail... makes me feel almost like I was there.

I hope you'll have someone take a picture of you so we can see your new hairdo? We'll be looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing more great pics...

We knew you'd come thru for us...
Whatever you do, I'm sure you'll make it fun...

Belizegial said...

Hi Brenda, just got in from 'work' and had to come visit you first!!

Thanks for the eye account and backdrop description of what is taking place in Chicago. You are so detailed, I love it.

For those thirsty for info, this is the place to come back to.

Have a great Odyssey and see ya later!

Anonymous said...

Brenda: Told you you would fall IN LOVE WITH JOE!! The man has the patience of Job :), and he seems to be a generally warm person...But, I believe he is truly suited to do this kind of public relations, as he has such a kind, even temperment. I have already asked him to 'clone' himself, but no word on that, lol....BTW, the pics are FANTASTIC! To go to Chicago and not feature some of the architecture would be such a loss for the rest of us....Will you have time to make the museum???? I too am wondering how you look as a mysterious blonde :)...
Your Richard experience is similar to the range of feelings that I went through...His blogs seem to have a controlling edge that is a real 'turn off' to me, but then when you talk to him he seems more real and seems to have more depth. Then when I challenged him to answer a question he became somewhat defensive...Curious to me...I definitely think he is better looking in person than in photos, but that he should avoid profile shots [Suzan, you have a GREAT PROFILE!! :)] And, his eyes are incredibly blue...On the other hand when I read the media stuff and other stuff I am just so sure that I don't like what he is all about...It is a connundrum!! In a way, I guess I have to admire Richard to be able to continue to sit down and seem to be open and vulnerable in his discussions, as many crticisms have been sent his way. I wonder if Joe has been able to shield Richard from negative comments? After everything is said an done, I still say that the best thing Richard has going for him is Joe and the wonderful women who have literally come out of the woodwork that personally inspire me to believe that THE BEST IS YET TO COME !! I am so glad that you had a chance to meet the 'mother daughter' duo..I have been fascinated by seeing the shots of them together..I think it is beyond cool that a daughter would travel with, and support, her Mom on this adventure...They are darling together and look like they have a wonderful, loving relationship! I can't imagine all the ladies WALKING such a distance in their 'Jimmy Choos', lol...But, I guess I should remember that this so-called adventure has been 'billed' as part 'Survivor':)...
Well, did you fall in love??? Do you wish you were a 'contenda'?? I double dog dare you to answer! lol...I hope all of your other business will go well too!

Anonymous said...

I don't think we can thank you enough for the pictures. I have never been to Chicago, but looks like a place I should visit.

Thank you so very much,


sunnida said...

BRENDA I just finished
reading about the cruise...I can't
tell you how glad I am that everyone
is having such a blast...
HOpe you got some sleep...sounds like
you have a full day ahead...I'm sorry I
didn't go now...I'd have been right with
you today seeing the art museums!!!!
The collections are the best in the
USA...I'll bet your first stop was for that
Chai Tea Latte at Dunkin'
Donuts coffee for me either!!!
I'm off to see our major new Art Museum
Wing opening today that puts Portland on the
map with LA and San Fran!!!!


ReeltorMe said...

Hi Brenda and fellow bloggers,
First of all, I want to confirm that our Brenda is just as sweet (if not sweeter) than she seems on the blogs. Her attention to detail has to be her best quality and we all benefit from that. It was such a pleasure to meet you and I wish I had more time to spend getting to know you and every one of those wonderful gals that came to Chicago. At least those of us on the blog had some kind of insight into ourselves in advance and that was a blessing. This all seems like an extended family.
And, yes, Brenda continued to put the needs of the bloggers first and foremost always saying that they wanted more photos. She was the female photo hostess of the Chicago event just for us bloggers. Service with a smile.
The event was fantastic and you cannot believe all of the dynamics inside any given place where all of us were. You could feel the energy and it was wonderful.
I just want to say thanks to you for all you do for us and it was so nice to meet you in person. I hope to spend more time with you at another event in the future. That's the incredible thing about all of this is that it just doesn't stop here.
I feel so priviledged to have been there and hope to be continuing on this road of adventure with all of you.......(it's just too tough to get back into this real world now.)