Monday, September 19, 2005

UPDATE: NNBB Sisterhood Host Site!

Starting Monday – no Anonymous posters will be able to post on this Blog. The features will change – to prevent those postings. If you need to know how to set up a Blog – so that you can have a sign-on name – please let us know right away. The reason for this - is to allow a common courtesy to the 'regulars' - so that we can identify one post from another. Anonymous posters can still be 'Anonymous' - just using a sign-in name. It is more about courtesy - than about control and censorship. Thanks for your consideration!

Join the lovely Babette on her Blog! We will post updates from Chicago here!

Chi-Town’s Blog is still available for chatting … venting … sharing … whatever. Chi-Town won’t be joining us at the __ event in Chicago – but invites people to drop by her site any time for an open forum:

Linda will be posting our Chicago pics on the NNBBS Website. If you haven’t gotten your individual pic in to Linda- do that soon – and she will post your pic with the rest of the NNBB Sisterhood:

Don’t forget our important fundraiser …
for American Heart/World Heart OR The Red Cross:

If you want to be added to our Contact List - and receive a list of all of the other NNBBS Bloggettes, please contact CJ, ‘Keeper of the Contact List’ at:


ClickGirl said...

Welcome to the New
'Pre-Chicago' Blog.

Please feel free to continue to respond to posts from the last Blog. And don't forget that La Dolce Vida aka
Chi-Town Girl is hosting the Blog

as we lead up to the big Chicago Meet-up!
So we'll see you over there!!

I will also be monitoring my site as well ... and updating 'The List'. We will post pics from Chicago on both of our Blogs ... and Linda will post photos on the NNBBS Website as well. So ... we are all set for Chicago!!

And ... of course, you are always welcome here!

Warm regards,


ClickGirl said...

Hi There! Just go to my main page - and click on the Link for La Dolce Vida - it will take you right to her site!

Or - you can copy and paste this into your Browset - and hit Enter - and that will take you there also!

Let me know if you have any problems with that.

Good Luck!


ClickGirl said...

That should have been 'browser'! : )

heiresschild said...

hi brenda and everyone,

i posted this on la dolce vida's site, but wanted to post here also.

need some prayer here. a few ladies have been praying, but i'm opening up a little more right now.

my daughter is expecting her 1st baby (girl) in mid-november, but she has experienced some serious complications which are affecting her health. she had gestational diabetes and toxemia which is causing her blood pressure to be extremely high. she's only gained 12 lbs and 6 were gained within the last 2 weeks because of the gestational diabetes the dr said. she went back into the hospital just now, and they're keeping her, trying to bring her pressure down. if that doesn't work by wednesday, they are going to take the baby because they don't want my daughter to go into seizures. she's almost 32 weeks, and they don't want to take the baby before 36 weeks, but if her pressure doesn't come down, they will do it now. her husband is keeping me posted.

my brother has stage 2, malignant breast cancer. he was scheduled to have surgery on last tuesday, but the doctors wanted to do more tests. they have removed the lump already, and will be removing the surrounding tissue and the nipple. he will be undergoing 5 months of chemo.

please keep my whole family in prayer because when one is affected, then we all are.

and everyone, please continue to rejoice in the upcoming trip to chicago. i don't want to put a damper on anyone's fun, but i know there's power and strength in numbers so i desire your prayers.


linda in Tucson said...

Well.... sorry to start out the new blog with a bitch (not directed at you Brenda) but I for one won't be participating on Chi-Towns blog. She has been unforgettably rude to me, and done too much RR bashing for my comfort. There is not much worse internet etiquette than reprinting private e-mails.
Wish it was Sunni, Babette, Suzanne, Leslie or at least someone with reasonable tech skills including a digi-cam. When you are ready for a break here Brenda, I will change the blog link on NNBB to go directly to RR's blog. Hope to see you there!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Sylvia,
Thanks for the update on your daughter and brother. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers! Please keep us posted! And no apologies needed - about sharing such important life issues. God bless you and your famliy!

Warm regards,


ClickGirl said...

Hi Linda,

I understand and appreciate where you are coming from. You are definitely welcome to keep posting here ... along with anyone else who wants to! And ... I am fine with having the link go to me here. That is not a big deal - and people can feel free to post where they are most comfortable.

Also - this might be a good time to ask for volunteers - for while we are in Chicago ... or after Chicago. Any takers? It would be nice to rotate - so that everyone has a chance (if you want) to have everyone coming to their site. Whatcha think?

I'm off for now! Take care, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Ditto, Linda.

Anonymous said...

Not ditto, Linda! Forgiveness is the first step to a total understanding of oneself. It is human to err and divine to forgive. Get over yourself and move on with the program. The ball is being played in Chi Town's blog and you should play nice!

Dale Savage said...


You and yours are in my prayers.


ReeltorMe said...

Hi Brenda,
I am so excited to find out that you will be joining us in Chicago! You can add my name as one of the "blogettes" from Chicago area. I live 45 miles North of Chicago.
I look forward to meeting all of you then.......

ClickGirl said...

Hi Chandra. Yes - I am excited too! Will be great fun! I have you on the list under 'Chicago Roomies' - so please make sure that I have that right. I have the last two numbers on the list wrong - but I am having problems with my Blog tonight - and got Error messages ... so will wait and try again tomorrow. What a great group we have! Will be so wonderful to meet everyone from The Blogs!

Thanks to Everyone ... - for your posts. I'll be back on tomorrow - and hope there won't be Blog problems! : )

Warm regards,


P.S. I'm booked on the Thursday dinner at La Cantina and the Friday Cruise!

willemina said...

Hi Brenda,
I too was having blog problems tonight...
I just returned from the movie Red Eye. I have one word; SUSPENSEFUL!
I don't want to ruin it for everyone else so that's all I'll say. I was sitting on the edge of my seat the whole time!
So glad that you'll be in Chicago! I know that you'll keep us informed. Have a great time!
I know that I've said this before but I'll say it again:
You are one terrific lady!!!
Thanks for being who you are, you make this world a better place simply by being YOU!

willemina said...

Our prayers will continue to surround you and your whole family...God Bless, Love and Hugs

heiresschild said...

early good morning everyone,

it's now 2:23 am here, and i'm trying to wind down to go to sleep for a bit. wanted to say thanks to dale, cj, brenda, suzanne, and willemina for all of your prayers and encouragement. at this point, the drs are planning to take the baby by the weekend. they've given my daughter shots to help develop the baby's lungs. i think i'm going to withdraw from my fall classes this week, which start on oct 1st so i can go out to CA for a couple of months to be with my daughter.

my brother is in positive spirits. he'll be undergoing 5 months of chemo, but he's doing well. he's doing treatments in miami so not sure what's going on as a result of "rita."

will keep suzan in prayer.

thanks again for the prayers. going to get a little sleep. have a good nite.


dragonflyfilly said...

g'day...hmmm...#10, is that the Great Gretsky's (retired) jersey number, or was his #9..never mind...FINALLY, i'm a 10! (lol I would like to invite people to post on my blog but i'm having difficulty with the URL, and beside being vertically challenged i'm also a bit cyber-site challenged, so you may not be able to reach me, but try anyway.

the blog site was doing maintenance work when i set up my account...but i think they were only doing that either Saturday or Sunday...

could i suggest that we all light a candle for HEIRESSCHILD when we are sitting at home working on our computers, or anytime that is convient for us? i believe this simple action by one person, collectively can have huge and positive consequences.

another sunny, crisp day in BBC (beautiful british columbia), i'm off for a swim,
cheers for now and thanks Brenda for sharing your Blog.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Wanda! You found me! Good to see you here! Yes - Cathy and I have been 'chatting'. Are you going to make it to Chicago? Hope so!!

Thanks Willemina! Appreciate your kind comments! Oh - I was having problems on the Blog last night too. Kept trying to 'publish' - and it wouldn't let me. Tonight - tried six times to post a photo ... and finally posted a different photo. Guess it does get 'bogged' down sometimes. : )

My oldest son and I are going to see Red Eye on Friday night. I love suspense! ; )

Thanks CJ! We did get lots of wind and huge rain storms today ... but the storm has pretty much moved past us now. Thanks for your concern! And, as you say, let's keep those in Rita's path in our prayers!

Hi Sylvia. I read the post on Chi-Towns Blog - about breast cancer in men ... and just wanted to say that it always depends on when the cancer is caught. It is true that there are different kinds of breast cancer - I don't think most people realize that. I had Ductal on one side and beginning stages of Ductal and Lobular on the other. At any rate - I wanted to offer you words of hope - and if the doctor says that your brother has a good prognosis, I would hold on to that - and encourage him to hold on to it.

All of my doctors told me that they thought that one reason that I recovered so quickly, was because I had such a positive attitude. They said that it was always a pleasure when I came in - because it showed them that what they did - could make a difference - and that they were doing some good. I did a lot of visualization - and when I went through Chemo - I imagined the Chemo going through my system and wiping out the Cancer cells.

The first treatment was terrifying to me - because when my friend dropped me off at home - I was all alone. I laid in bed all night long - afraid to fall asleep ... because I didn't know what was going to happen to me. I finally fell asleep - just out of pure exhaustion. When I woke up - I felt really good. And thought - this isn't going to be so bad. The anti-nausea drugs are very good - and I worked full-time through my entire treatment - and scheduled my Chemo around my shows. I did work at home for 6 months - so that I would not be exposed to people with colds, etc. So ... I hope your brother will have a similar experience. You just kind of have to make yourself get through it. Then ... you know, life really does go on! : )

I was thinking about your daughter too - and saw that same TV show that someone mentioned - and Katie Couric was mentioning the baby that was the size of a cell phone. So ... there are miracles to be had!! We'll just keep praying!

Yes - we are missing Suzan! Hope she is having fun!!

DragonFlyFilly - good idea about lighting candles!! And yes - those Blog problems were a pain! I'll check out your Blog - now that the Blog seems to be more stable! Oh - did I have it right that you will be coming to Chicago? Will be great to meet you!

I think that post about the Canadian Immigration is a Spam. But, you know, I really like the first two paragraphs so much ... I'm going to leave it on here. ( ha ha) It makes me feel good!

So ... where are our guys? Dale? Paul?

Well ... G'Night All. It is 3 a.m. - and I am definitely needing to get some sleep!

Take care,


heiresschild said...

good morning everyone,

brenda, thanks for sharing a little bit of what you went thru. one thing i've learned in life is when we go thru things, it's not always just for us, but for someone else in the future. we never know who we'll meet that will be going thru the same thing, or a similar thing, and then we can offer them some help, some words of wisdom, some hope, some encouragement, some peace, even some joy in the midst of their trial. we'll always have some kind of trial as we go thru life, but to look at it in a positive light, our trials strengthen us. thanks Brenda, because of what you've gone thru, you can share that with others. and even though everyone's situation is different, your positive attitude and encouraging words help to give people hope.

we are in some trying times in this world period. sometimes we feel like we're the only one going thru what we're going thru, but there are others who have been thru it; others who are going thru it now, just like we are; and still others who are going thru something much worse.

i'm sorry u had to experience your first night after your first treatment alone at home, but i'm glad to read that you continued on with a positive attitude. and it certainly strengthened you; we can see that from all you do on the blogsites, and from various things you share. you are such a beautiful person, inside and out. i mention inside beauty first because i think inner beauty counts so much more.

you and the other ladies have been so encouraging to me and my family. there are others who shared having the same diagnosis as my daughter, or knowing someone who experienced the same thing, and every one has had a positive outcome. that's encouraging to us.

prayers are being heard and answered. that's why i asked others to pray for us. there really is strength in numbers, and with so many praying, every area that needs to be prayed about will be covered. i cannot even express my deepest gratitude to each and everyone of you for including me and my family in your prayers, and for making me feel so much a part of this blog family. i tear up when i read encouraging words, or a poem someone wrote, or whenever someone lets me know they were thinking about me and my family. the outpouring of love and caring is so great, and much, much appreciated.

i will be leaving for califoria on Oct 2nd. i have to get some things in order before i go because i'll be gone 2-3 months.

will check back in later today. thanks again everyone, and enjoy the day.


p.s. brenda, your comment about leaving the spam comments is so funny

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Ladies,
I tried to explain to Sylvia what you, Brenda, just posted about breast cancer. I do not know if any of the postings showed up, my Puter set up is the cheapest and therefore the worst. For women there are 6 different types of
Breast CA, and the Ductal one is curable, Lobolar one is usually also curable. But in men Breast CA is a different "story", the prognosis is usually bad. Sorry, I do not like to be the bearer of bad news.

Sylvia's daughter is in a very dangerous situation because the high Blood Pressure from the Toximia may cause her to have seizures that are difficult IF AT ALL to controll. We do not know exactly what the cause is. The Gestational Diabetes is a somewhat bad addition, but not the dangerous problem the Blood Pressure is. If she spills protein into her Urine is another bad sign, being the result of Kidney involvement, as MAY be the High Blood Pressure.
Since delivery of the baby amazingly returns the BP to normal in a couple days, this is often the path taken. The prematurety of the baby is right now not the the main concern, since it is not caused by a premature onset of Labor. The baby is usually "removed" by Caesarian section. Right now the mother's life is the dominant concern.
Again, I do not like to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like some explanation is missing to have Sylvia understand all this.

You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers.
God bless you

heiresschild said...

droma, i understand perfectly medically what is going, but again, i'm a person of great faith, and instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of the health issues, or dwelling on the bad news, and even dwelling on the bearer of bad news, i choose to dwell on my faith in the God that I serve because He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that i ask or think according to the power that works in me. plus, no weapon formed against my daughter, her baby, or my brother shall prosper.

the way brenda talked about it was not negative at all. the way you talk about it is very negative. i will not receive negativity of any kind, in any form, shape, or fashion about the outcome of my daughter's and my brother's health. and henceforth, i will do what i usually do, and had done in the beginning, and that is to pick a select few to agree with me in prayer for God's divine healing. that way i avoid all of the "bearers of bad news."

and God bless you too.


Anonymous said...

I will be leaving for DC tomorrow (in a hybrid car!) for the Peace Rally/March in DC. I wonder if I will be the only one blowing bubbles? My sign will say "Give peace a chance..."

Let us continue to hold each other up and make each other laugh.....I am proud to be called your sister.

Best to all

Anonymous said...

If you would like to add your voice to getting our troops out of Iraq go to: We are trying to deliver one million reasons to W by Monday.

dragonflyfilly said...

Hi Brenda, unfortunately, as much as i would LOVE to come to Chicago to meet everyone, and see the sights, and the FIREWORKS (after rainbows, fireworks are my next favourite events) but family commitments and logistics, and money keep me here for the time being, but maybe next time. (maybe we will all be invited to a wedding one year!!! - lol -YIKES, can you imagine. ) but my thoughts and best wishes will be with y'all,
cheers for now,

Anonymous said...

Dear Sylvia,
Please forgive me to have upset you
I ment to do the opposite.
You are so right, the power of faith supercedes everything. I have often shared prayers with my patients, as I do with my family and friends.
Maybe it is because English is not my first language, my way of expressing comes across harsh. It brought tears to my eyes when I first read your post, and was actually crying while typing because I kept loosing my attempts to reach you. Having participated in such difficult events of Health/Dis-ease, it sometimes helps to give better understanding of what is going on. I better shut up, this may again have the opposite effect of what I ment it to do.

Connie, thank you for your words

Like Brenda, lets all keep a positive attitude.
Attitude is Altitude.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

How amazing life is: This afternoon I received a letter and questionaire from the Cleveland Clinic. 30 years ago I joined their experimental "study" on Breast Cancer surgery. Than 33 years old, single mother, having breastfed all 3 of my children, I developed a lump in my left breast. Mammograms were inconclusive at such a young age,
Ultrasound was not invented yet.
The usual procedure was to have a
biopsy, and if poitive for Cancer,
a Mastectomy. Cleveland Clinic, were I had spent some time in training, was just starting a "study" to see if Lumpectomy was as effective as Mastectomy for treating certain Breast Cancers. Since mine was Ductal CA, no spread to the Lymphnodes, I was a candidate for this much less invasive procedure.
The questionaire sent is for the follow up studies. In a few weeks you will read about this, at that time revolutionary, procedure, and the data concerning survival, recurrences,and complications.
I was so stunned when this letter came today of all days; so I wanted to share my fortune with you

CathyinCarolina said...

Hey SharingtheNight !!!

We seem to miss each other on this Blog thang!!!

My friend Cooper said He mailed me pictures of you and him by Flathead Lake today. He said you did have Blue eyes as "Big as the Montana Sky".

I hope you get to come to Chicago, I think you are just playing with us here, You have so many boyfriends out there in Montana you don't have time for RR.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Connie!! Safe Travels!! Blow bubbles for all of us!! I will be with you in spirit!! Maybe next time … I can make the trek with you!!

Hey Babette! So good to see you again. I’m glad you are back with us again!

Dragon Fly Filly – So sorry that you are not going to make it to Chicago. Hopefully, there will be other opportunities for all of us to get together! Perhaps that Alaskan Cruise?

Hi Cathy!! Glad you got your pic up!! I added your pic to the Montage – but had problems loading the photo. In fact – lost the one I had on there … which is not a problem … because – guess what! It was L.A.!!! No one even noticed! : ) Anyway I’ll try again on Saturday – to get that up. I did replace the one that was up - on the Blog that is under The List – but it is much smaller. Just wouldn’t load properly tonight. But … I’ll figure it out!!

Thanks Sylvia and CJ. It is somehow a comfort – to think that my experiences might be able to help someone else. And … as CJ says – I was really not alone. I’ve been wanting to put some of the things that I wrote on a website … so I might try to post some of that. Might be of help to someone.

And Sylvia ... Glad you liked the Spam comment. Just trying to keep some humor going here. : )

Hi Ellen, Thanks for your post … and I think, as you say, that perhaps the language was preventing us from truly understanding your intent. I think I understand now – and I really appreciate your effort to explain. Thank you!

And I do think it is good that you explained that there are different kinds of Breast CA. When I was diagnosed, I did not know that – and it is bad enough being diagnosed – but then having to research and understand about the kinds of Breast CA, just adds one more thing to all that has to be sorted through.

And, though I am not an expert on Breast CA in men – I do know that with all cancers – the earlier you catch it – the better. And though the prognosis may ‘usually’ be bad for men – I think that you would agree that each case has to be evaluated individually … and based on the results of the surgery and the biopsy and blood results.

I also believe that many doctors are concerned about giving ‘false hope’ – so they sometimes paint a grim picture … and don’t always allow for the miracles that might happen. And I don’t mean ‘mysterious’ weird things – I mean just the every day things that can’t be explained.

My older brother was paralyzed and given five years to live – and was told he would never do anything. He lived thirty incredible years … and learned to drive a van, graduated from college, developed an online company to help others with disabilities, he ‘marched’ in his wheelchair on the Capitol in California – to protest for better treatment of the disabled … and when he died, he was working on his Masters degree.

So … people often go beyond what their prognosis dictates. I’m sure you have seen that many times.

How ironic that you would receive that study report today. I pray that I will some day be receiving a 30 year notice! How wonderful … and what hope that gives me! I am coming up on my five year anniversary … and feel like I have gone ‘light years’ since that Valentine’s Day diagnosis! I am on a five year study for the new Silicone Implants – two years in on that study.

I also had Ductal Carcinoma – and asked about Lumpectomy. But I had it in all four quadrants – and had suspicion for microinvasion into the lymphatic system. The one lymph node they removed was negative – but the Oncologist really wanted a better sampling – so we did the Chemo – just as a precaution. I didn’t want to take any chances – because I did have ‘the cancer gene’. So I had a bilateral Mastectomy – and they found beginning stages of Ductal and Lobular on the side that had not had a biopsy. I was very lucky that I requested bilateral. Or … I might not be here today. So … makes me grateful to be alive!

And please, Ellen, don’t stop posting!! We will sort through the misunderstandings – and figure it out. It is important for us to learn from you … and I can tell that you were trying to offer help. So please stay with us!

Well … Good Night – Everyone I won’t be on the Blog tomorrow – because after work I am going to have dinner … and see Red Eye with my oldest son. Will be back on Saturday! I’ll try to post the ‘Red Carpet’ pics of my sis and her daughter and son-in-law … at the Premiere of ‘A History of Violence’ that was last night – at Paramount in L.A.! Too fun!

Have a good one!!



P.S. The deleted Posts were repeats … or just Spam!

ClickGirl said...

Great Carol! Thanks for letting me know! I just went through and listed everyone who said they were going - but might have missed some people ... and may have some on who are no longer going. So ... just want to make sure. I sent the list to Joe and Richard - and Joe was very appreciative. So ... I would like to make sure it is accurate - and updated. So ... thanks much!!


Dale Savage said...

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone heard anything from Forest Hills?

In '89 I can remember experiencing extraordinary rains, floods, and landslides in Guatemala and southern Mexico. I later learned that Hurricane Hugo (which devastated the Carolinas) was also dumping torrential rains off in Central America.

From what they are saying about Rita, I have to wonder what Cozumel might be experiencing--even though it's well out of the path of the hurricane.

Sylvia... my prayers are especially with you and Kerrene and baby tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

You are such a diplomat!!!
And thank you for interpreting.

I studied medicine to help women, since I was appalled by the way male Doctors talked "down" to their female patients, and often did not take the time to explain anything. We, as women, think that our doctor knows all about us,
but their knowledge often does not go any further than the physical and medical aspects, little about our emotional natures much influenced by hormonal flux. They often did not know much more than other men, and we all know how little that is.


When I started in practice as General Practitioner and Obstetricion in 1973, I was the only female physician in ~ a 100 mile radius.
My greatest claim to fame is my helping establish the NATURAL CHILDBIRTH classes, mostly so that women, and hopefully their partners
learned about the physical and emotional changes during and after pregnancy.
I have been heavily involved with Planned Parenthood since my Junor year in Med. School (in Kirksville,MO).
By 1975 I added managing a BREAST CANCER SUPPORT goup, where ladies with personal experience would start visiting with Breast Cancer Patients already while in the hospital.

Like you did, people in general do not know that there are more than one Breast Cancer, many even think
that the word CANCER applies to ALL Cancers.

While on my soap(y) box, let me point out a couple other misconceptions about Breast Cancer.
This is from Ann Landers' 5/6/1995
"the risk of getting BC "ONE IN EIGHT" is probably branded in your brains...the figure refers to a woman's general risk of getting BC sometime in her lifetime if she lives to be 95 (Mary Daly,M.D.)
The chances are:
In a 20 year old, ONE in 2,500
at age 30, its' ONE in 233.
at 40, ONE in 63,
at 50, ONE in 41
at 60, 1 in 28, at 70 1 in 24,
at 80 1 in 16
The risk is LOWER if your relative developed Breast Cancer AFTER 50, and had it only in ONE BREAST.

I just read that Sylvia's daughter Kerrine had a significant drop in her Blood Pressure and Protein loss.
That is WONDER-FULL!!!!!!!

D.O.(Doctor of Osteopathy)

heiresschild said...

hi all,

just got an email from forest hills. she's ok. her flight was cancelled today because it was going into houston, but she'll be on a flight out tomorrow.

let's pray for those caught in hurricane rita.


Anonymous said...

OH BTW, i published few pictures of Katrina prior to land fall of Mother Nature. Photos taken by UA pilots. I have few more but this Blog is a bit screwed up today and i couldn't publish the rest.
Please click Katrina
to view it.

dragonflyfilly said...

Good Morning Brenda: check out Richard's blog for my most recent and hopefully "inspirational" message ref. Dragonfly...
thanks for the clarification regarding 'not sure', yes, i was kind of unclear myself, not saying one way or the other if i was going; i guess in my head i knew i was not going, but in my heart i want to be there, so i was actually very confused myself. Chicago is just too distant for me at the moment, LOTS going on in my life at the moment,and i need to be at my homebase for the next two months!
I kinda thought click-girl meant that, but it could also mean click as in "jibe; jel; connect on a deep emotional, level; you know what i mean...
Creative Chick is catchy, i like that, too bad some guys are not too bright! oh well

I have not had time to spend fixing up my blog - i think i will have to get my daughter to come over and help me; that will be faster for me.

i'm a bit slow, and there is so much info to assimilate, i'm sorry i got Syvia mixed up with Leslie, my sincere apologies, hope neither was offended...

SYLVIA; i lit a canle for you yesterday and i have one burning again today, as i will probably be indoors most of the day as i have to wait for the plumbing inspector to come and pass the work on the pipes. [major renos. going on in my building Sept/Oct.- the water is shut off again today; buckets and jugs in kitchen and bathroom for daily use. feel like i'm "living off the land - out in the boonies" AGAIN!

i haven't even checked out the info on the Alaskan Cruise as that seemed like such a REMOTE possibility (mostly financially), but who knows, things may change, so i will, and VISUALIZE like mad, and maybe i can make it mom has been on three cruised to Alaska, and loved every one of them. The first one she did about 22 years ago, when the cruise ships were much smaller...

well, have a great day and weekend
cheers for now

Anonymous said...

La Dolce Vida I am sorry that no one is commenting about what Linda said about you. It seems when soft rain was getting all mushey we all teased her, but now Linda is practically calling Richard to her bed with welcoming arms and no one seems to notice. To be a woman is not to be some man's sex toy. To be a Lady is certainly not what I characterize Linda as being. Quite frankly, I'm sick about her stupid, flirty post. She acts like she is a 15 year old with hormonal problems, if you ask me.

Just Joyce

heiresschild said...

dr oma, i want to apologize on this site for any misunderstanding i may have had in what you were saying to me. i won't even blame it on the language barrier because sometimes two people speaking the same language have a breakdown in communication. i don't ever want to do anything that would hinder you or anyone else from commenting on this blogsite or any other, and i do hope you would continue to lend your expertise knowledge or whatever comment you'd like to leave.


heiresschild said...

ANNOUNCEMENT: ok everyone, my new granddaughter is officially here today, weighing in at 3 lb, 8 oz with a headful of hair. she's in the incubator, of course, but everything is looking well. the doctors said even though it was 32 weeks, she had the development of a baby at 35 weeks. another of God's miracles. thanks for all of your prayers. we couldn't have made it thru sanely (is that a word?) without them. will report more later.


Nina said...

Sylvia, so glad your grandaughter is here and she will be fine!!! I know you will enjoy this little bundle of joy!!
Hugs :)

Anonymous said...

You are right! we are blessed... i also have to have mammogram and pap smear every year, my only thrill in life at this point. I love being a woman! :-)

Anonymous said...

Just Joyce: Thanks for having the courage to say what I believe many of us have not said. From what Linda has said she has overcome many things, and now I pray that she learns that she is someone who deserves respect and that she does not need to ask a man if he 'wants to know what her pajamas look like'. I have found many of her statements to be very troubling, and I hope that she will learn to respect herself in a healthy way. My prayers are with her as she comes to learn she is so much more than a 'sex toy'....

Anonymous said...


Strange request i.e. leave the blog clear for updates, apres Chicago and beyond! Why not close it down and just hope that some people might then read Richard's and your comments only! That way you could kill two birds with one stone as in you wouldn't have to delete anyone whose opinion might differ from you guys.

Wow wow - the old ego stuff gets bigger and bigger and ..... surely will eventually burst!!!!!!

To the person who colors outside the lines: go girl, good for you. My understanding is that a blog is a place to comment but then again you may not yet understand that this blog is extremely controlled by very insecure people.

Wonder will anyone get to read this before its deleted!

Anonymous said...


just taking the liberty of posting the above before it will probably get deleted on SB blog. Thanks.

linda in Tucson said...

CJ I appreciate your using your identity and not "anon"....really I do! I realize that my style is not appreciated by many but please don't feel you need to pray for me to change. My prayers have been answered. I have "before" pictures and stories that would make you weep. I am happy, at peace, and feel beautiful for the first time in many many years. And yes....I like to tease! No intention of being someones "sextoy" (I would be a kept woman right now if that was the case). I'm just coming out of what for me was near death and I'm joyous!

Anonymous said...

TO are very good with words!!!!.So eloquently put..I wish I had the talent you have to tell someone that they are making such a fool of themselves..
Men don't like a woman who expresses herself in such a DESPERATE way..that will usually just end up in a one night stand and then they never call.. I have learned that from my own experience . Big Mistake..Don't be too easy.
Ladies of the blog..most men are in control and LOVE a challenge.
LINDA, don't be so available. he already knows who you are and I guarentee he has already made his decisions.

willemina said...

Congratulations Grandma!!!

MARK 11.24
"Therefore I say to you, all things whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you shall receive and they shall come to you".

God does hear our prayers...AMEN

willemina said...

Brenda, What a breath of fresh air you are!!!

I love who you are and what you stand for. You're an inspiration for so many...

I feel bad because I haven't been checking your blog as often as I wanted to. I am so sorry to hear what you've gone through. I really do believe that if I ever go through anything like you have, that I would also think positive and BELIEVE that I would get better. God has the power to heal and just as I wrote to Sylvia: whatever we ask for in prayer and truly believe, that we shall receive.

I believe in miracles...

Enjoy the movie tonight with your son. I thought it was great but really didn't want to spoil it for you or anyone else by talking about it here.

Take care and have a great weekend. I am going to L.A. to see the King Tut Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History this weekend with my sister. By the way, have you seen the pic of my sister and I on my blog???

linda in Tucson said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to comment or not but here goes. To be fair to Linda I have never seen her post a nasty comment about anyone. It is interesting that there have been a few comments addressed to her re her style of communication on the blog. Yes, its flirty but thats surely ok. I wonder what it is that makes others uncomfortable with her posts? At the end of the day it is her own business what way she wishes to interact and she has made it very clear that she wants to be one of the people chosen to travel.

I reckon the discomfort other people may be feeling around this is not what Linda is saying, per se, but more a reaction to the bigger picture as in not liking the fact that so many women are vying for one man. I don't like it personally but each to their own.

Curious Linda, as to why you don't know much about girls as you said. Surely you must have had female friends throughout your life?

Anonymous said...

p.s. The only bitchy comment I saw posted by Linda was the one re Dolce Vida and that was a reaction to Dolce Vida publishing emails between them. I would have been pretty annoyed too as I consider emails to be private and also from the content it would appear that there was a degree of interference going on which really had nothing to do with other people.

Incidentally, these posts have nothing to do with being on one side or another here. I just wanted to try to introduce a degree of objectivity.

linda in Tucson said...
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Anonymous said...

Here we go again!
I don't always agree with what Linda says or does but this is HER way of communicating and this is how she wants Richard and everyone else to know her.

I believe that this is how she really is in actual life. I don't think this is an act. This is her... believe it or not! Richard will either like her or NOT...and that's what this whole thing is about anyway right? I don't think it wold be fair to put on an act just to please Richard and then he finds out later that you are not really who or what you say you least with Linda what you see is what you get...I think?

Anonymous said...

Bravo to you Linda for overcoming your alcohol addiction!!! Lets not judge lest we be judged!
I agree that you're not everyone's cup of tea but that's what makes this world so great, we're all different. We just have to wait and see what type of woman Richard is attracted to...

linda in Tucson said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Sometimes we think because someone did ten things to us and we only did one thing to them it makes us better, but really it makes us just as bad. It is not about the number of times we do a thing but it is the thing. So linda if you feel you never did anything rude or crude to anyone and Dolce Vida was rude to you the fact that you called her that name made you just as rude as you said she was. Sometimes we think because we overcome a certain thing it makes us to much better than someone else but just because you overcome one thing does not mean you don't need to overcome in other areas. Your behavior is really demeaning and hopefully one day you will look back and see it. It's really slutty behavior.

linda in Tucson said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I think you "don't do girls" because of the competition.That is why you are so mean and bitter and such a flirt.Mean and bitter acts out in different ways.

linda in Tucson said...
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linda in Tucson said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Linda. Don't use the g'friend word so's GIRLFRIEND..and we all know that chi-town is not one of yours...friendship is precious and a previlage that is urned....

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda & everyone

Just a quickie to say have a lovely time in Chicago ... I smiled when I read that you had decided to go. Did you ever actually send in a video? Anyway it will be lovely for you to meet up with people you know from yours and other blogs.

To everyone else going, have a lovely time also meeting each other. I just read Chi-town's blog and she said she has been instructed by RR not to attend the functions!!!! How weird .... she has been so helpful with offers of lifts etc etc and has given so much information on her city.

For now ..... ciao .... Phyl

Anonymous said...

On your Chicago list, it looks like 3 names are made up, somebody's strange idea of Fun.
Illinois FFFF Fairy
I am connie-pick me up
Sherry-wherever I park.
The "FFFF Fairy" defended me once after I made another one of my BLUNDERS, finding RR's use of a fake business card, made up to be used when he needed to impress somebody, deciving. I also did not care for his description of the Hotel Manager as a SCHMUCK with GRIMY LITTLE HANDS, falling for his ruse.

Osteopathy was "founded" >130 years ago by Dr. A.T. Still, in Kirksville, MO..
A D.O. is like a M.D. and a Charopracticer ROLLED into one.
Our Education is like the M.D.'s:
After getting a B.S. degree, come 4 years of Medical School, 1 year of Internship, than a Residency for 2 to 6 years in whatever Specialty field one elects to go into. We have to pass the same Board Exams to get a license to practice. Each State has their own test requirements before you can apply for a license in that State.
In our Med Schools--they are seperate from the MD's, we are tought Manipulation, sort of what the Charopracticers call Adjustments.
In some DOs Schools you can elect to take MD after your name.
Another BIG difference is our Philosophy, TO TREAT THE WHOLE PERSON, individually considering their medical and environmental situations.
When RR had his "pinched nerve"
carol/travellin recommended he go see a D.O..
Her ex and Father in Law are DOs. Her daughter is aspiring to become one. If you remember Carol said something about her daughter going to take the nationally given MCAT
at the end of August. Acceptance into Medical Schools depends much on how well you do in this test.
Results are given ~ 6 weeks after taking it.
Hope Carol is enjoying Hawaii.


Belizegial said...

Ladies and Dale, greetings on this sunny afternoon in the tropics.

I wanted to post in my comment on the way the emotions on the blog have been fluctuating lately.

Let me state this clearly, we all started off as friends. Linda in Tuscon and Chi Town Girl have been two of the more outspoken ladies on the blogs and both are very real and authentic persons, each in their own different styles.

If both were to actually meet in person, I am positive that they would be able to clear up the misunderstandings that have been occurring lately and this whole hoo ha (one of Linda's terms) would be cause for much laughter. Ladies, if you think about it, there is no real reason to continue with the dissensions. Life is too short and there is much much more fun in looking forward than looking backward to remember what was said and done. We are WOMEN, hear us roar in unison and with each other, never against each other.

Here is an excerpt from the Desiderata posting on BNDC's blog site. Something for us all to consider and remember in our daily interactions....

" not distress
yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue
and loneliness. Beyond a
wholesome discipline, be gentle
with yourself. You are a child
of the universe, no less than
the trees and the stars; you
have a right to be here. And
whether or not it is clear to
you, no doubt the universe is
unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to
be, and whatever your labors and
aspirations, in the noisy
confusion of life keep peace
within your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery,
and broken dreams, it is still
a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy."

DanaPoint Lois, I took a peek at your blog site and want to add that you have succeeded where many have failed :) Congrats and I hope to do the same shortly.

Anonymous said...

Reality of American Heritage - Check out our Arrowhead Indian Art artist site at Very moving Native American art at wholesale prices. Treat yourself at our Arrowhead Indian Art art site at It's worth looking even if you don't buy!

Anonymous said...

I still practice, now in a Nursing
Home, on little old geezers that built teepees when I get near them....and they would love to have those manipulated.
OK, show me where the naughty mat is.

ps: bdnc,
I'll explain some things on your blog, if you'll forget about the discription of myself there posted a while ago.

Anonymous said...

Hey Wanda

Just saw your post. So you're moving to California .... wow ... big move. I know you were there a few weeks so is it something perhaps to do with that ;)?

Sounds really exciting for you. What was the deciding factor for you. You don't have to say if you don't want but I'm just interested.
Good luck with it all. Have an absolute ball and a happy life there. It is a beautiful state but I'm sure Montana is also. I've been to CA but not MA.

Love & ciao .......... Phyl

Anonymous said...

The power of the blog
There is a power shift going on. Via blog and message board technology, consumers can voice their opinions in a new way -- and a way that should be taken seriously by travel vendors.
Hi, I was just checking out blogs and surfing through some and found you! I like your blog. I will book mark it and come back soon. If you are interested, go see my horse art related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of art

Anonymous said...

To Clickgirl, (
Brenda) do you mind giving me your e-mail address..I could not click directly in thru your name. I would like to chat with you.
Thanks for being so helful on this site.

ClickGirl said...

Hey Babette! Thanks SO much! The site looks beautiful!!
Also – thanks for your comments above. Yeh – those big needles are scary!! I had a bunch of those ‘fine needle biopsies’. They really didn’t hurt – but those needles! Yikes!! And you are so right – about us being blessed in many ways!

Thanks Ellen/ Dr. Oma. Appreciate your comments … and the fact that you chose a career that helps women. And I’m so impressed about your managing Brest Cancer Support Groups. Such a needed thing! Good for you!

Thanks for the info on the names. I deleted the FFFF Fairy – I guess that should have been obvious. : ) Connie and Sherry are real people – but I had Sherry twice. Thanks for noticing though!

Hi DragonFlyFilly: Yeh – some guys are too much. I guess I was pretty naïve when I first started going online. Because Creative Chick was already taken – and I didn’t want to be Creative Chick 853 or something – I just thought: C_Chick. Sounded good to me. My last name starts with a ‘C’ … and so that ‘C’ could be for both. Never … ever … did I think of what some guys thought of. : )

And - Yes – Visualize the Alaskan Cruise!! Would be such fun!!

Hi Sylvia! So glad about the baby! All of you are still in my prayers!

Thanks Willemina! : ) I loved Red Eye. Had a great time with my son. Hope you enjoyed the King Tut Exhibit. I had the pleasure of seeing it in Egypt quite a few years ago. It is incredible!

Hello Phyl! Good to see you again! Thanks for the good wishes on the Chicago trip. I plan to have a great time! I didn’t send in a video … long story … but had some other reasons to go to Chicago … and decided it would be worthwhile to meet all of the Bloggerettes! And, because of my desire to do Documentaries – thought it would be interesting to meet Richard – and hear about some of his experiences. Plus – I love Chicago!

Hi Dana Point Lois – Don’t be embarrassed by how long it too to figure out the Blog! It took me many attempts! And lots and lots of patience! Just glad you finally did it.

Hey Belizegial: Thank you so much for your comments and observations – and for the excerpt from Desiderata. Very much appreciated!! I hope your words are 'heard'. : )

Hi Wanda. Sorry that you won’t be with us in Chicago … but hope your move goes well … and that you will keep in touch with us!

Mzbhvn – It worked! : )

Hey Forest Hills – Suzan!!! So glad to see you back safely! We were worried … because of the weather … but knew you would have a great trip. A big CONGRATS to you!! Looking forward to seeing the pics!!

Thanks Linda P! I changed the list. Really appreciate you letting me know. Do Connie and Adelaide have screen names? I think I may have some duplicates – because I am not connecting screen names and real names. Just want to be accurate. Thanks!

Hi FlowerGirl – my Email is
Look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks to Babette – for being our NNBBS Blog Host. Check our her great Blog!!

Warm regards,


Dale Savage said...

Hi MerryMary... yup, it's a trout--either a rainbow or cutbow (a natural cutthroat/rainbow hybrid). I forget which. Congrats on your trophy brown. I would love to fish the White. Arkansas's my home state, but sadly have never fished the White River.

Brenda... I heard Red Eye mentioned on a nationally syndicated radio talk show on Friday. Two guys were discussing movies. One said, "There are two airplane movies out this week--Red Eye's the one to see!" I bet that gives at least some boost in numbers around the country! :-)

WB Forest Hills... Congratulations on your certification and safe return.

ciao y'all,
Dale in Tucson

ClickGirl said...

Hey Dale. Cool! Thanks for sharing that! My son and I saw 'Red Eye' - and we thought it was great (and not just because Jake was involved with it - ha ha). It was very intense - and full of suspense. Now ... I can hardly wait for 'A History of Violence'! Jake's name is first in the credits!



Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda

I know you'll have a great time in Chicago meeting people and making contacts.... you're a natural at it :).

That's why I know you will so forgive me for making one last anonymous post .... even though I will be signing my name ....


You don't allow anon posts on your blog (I think) but I just wanted to say hi and you sound great. Love the stuff you post and wey hey .... you cook .... I just love a guy who cooks for me *LOL* ... especially if its fish and freshly caught .... I know, I know, to all you veggies, I sound like a cannibal. I'm not though ;).

So ..... later maybe .... who knows .... maybe I'll get a blog name. Only problem is that every name I put in they/it rejects!!!! What's that about????? Their loss *LOL*.

Oh BTW I did a kinda long post on Chi-town's blog. Was gonna post it here also but too tired. Don't kill me ..... even metaphorically speaking .... I don't hate Americans .... only the present administration ;)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh God, Brenda ... bet you're glad you decided to not allow any more anon postings ;). But hey, its only moi.

For now and in case I don't get to speak to you guys going to the Windy City ....... have a wonderful time with each other.

Peace .... ciao ... slan ....


Anonymous said...

You are such a great host. You are on top of everything. You've changed chicago link already. :-) So quick! *lol*
I have to say goodnight for now!

sunnida said...

Hi Brenda,
Have a grnd time in Chicago
Do you have a hat???

I'm anxiously waiting for the
'History of Violence" movie too...
Viggo has bumped JDepp off my fave
heart throb list. I saw the other plane
movie today, and can't recommend it...
but go see 'In Her Shoes when it comes
out...I got a sneak preview and it's a very
sweet story about sisters, insecurities,
and thinking that being in someone
elses shoes your life would be better.
A clever metaphor that plays out in
multiple pairs of fancy designer shoes.

Night all...and ladies... don't forget to
take your Jimmie Choos to Chicago!!!


linda in Tucson said...

Hi girls! Brenda I'm not sure when your break starts...but I am going to change the link from NNBB to go to Babette's house today, and I'll be posting over there for awhile. Soooo excited you decided to go to Chicago and don't forget we want the inside scoop! Where is CJ? is she going?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Merry Mary, I do eat animal crackers AND gummi worms as a vegetarian, but only with many apologies, of course.

For my peace rally report, see the SB blog.

Hugs to all.

Anonymous said...

merry mary,
MY MEN in the Nrsing Home are definately not on Viagra. In the olden times, before they had married couples stay in the same room, it was a big(?) problem with the men trying to sneek into rooms looking for a willing mate.
Talking about Viagra reminds me of a fairly recent MARGINALIZATION re
women: Almost none of the Insurances would pay for Birth Controll Pills, but for Viagra, at $ 10.oo/tab., Insurance and Medicare both paid full price!!!!

Love your fishy stories.
Reminds me: does IT smell like fish, and taste like chicken?

Hey, phyl is back!!! you ladies that took me up on my bet, pay up,

phyl, just make up something to use as blogger name, its' getting like e-mail, anything halfway familiar is already taken. And we do not want to miss your input.
Maybe it can nutralize some of the weird, double inuendo stuff I write. Maybe that is the reason why I have trouble posting, I get rejected in transit.

My grandchildren often call me
goofy oma.

Dale Savage said...

Phyl, Dia duit! Thanks for stopping by the blog and also for your comments here. Sorry abt the anon posts. I use that and word verification to keep out the spam.

Sadly, it also limits some legit comments such as by yourself. :-(

I do thank you for the kind words--makes my day! Go raibh maith agat.

Beannacht Dé leat! Slán go fóill.


Anonymous said...

Ladies:Looks like everything is cooking! I hope everyone has the MOST WONDERFUL TIME IN CHICAGO and that the weather will be great!
I am busy getting birth certs and passport for my daughter and I who are doing some cruising in November. And, I have been learning some stuff about being an independent travel agent with a new online company that is endorsed by IATA and the other travel professionals...It is a hoot...Featured in Forbes it was started by two guys in their fraternity basement....I was able to join for $500, and it entitles me to so many discounts and fam trips...All I have to do is give my pin number to anyone who want to buy discounted travel and they go to my site and reserve their travel and I get the commissions...Anyway, since the discounts are so great it will save me lots of money in the future...I could have gotten the Palmer House for $149 [double occupancy] through this site and $317 round trip airfare from CA...Anyway, I am impressed, but I want to learn so much more about travel, so I am really 'working' the site and learning all I can...It is ALL SUZANNE'S FAULT!! Now, I want to go places and dive like she is doing! And, I decided if I can't find a job I can create my own, while I continue to study and pass the bar exam...I am such a curious person and so this is really fun for me...And, I am figuring that if I have my own home business I can finally get DSL and 'write it off', since this stupid 'dial-up' is for the birds, lol! I am waiting to hear from a man with whom I am supposed to have a job interview this week, but since the company is headquartered in Texas I am wondering if the recent problems will chill hiring...So, in the meantime I am getting some household chores done so that whatever opportunities come my way, I will be ready...I didn' realize that Red Eye was also a plane movie, lol...I just went to see FlightPlan with my daughter yesterday and I have to say I really liked it...Jodi Foster really hasn't done too many movies the last few years, so even though the movie was 'panned' in a few reviews I read, my daughter really wanted to see it, and I was dying for popcorn with LOTS OF BUTTER!! I couldn't believe it! I haven't been to the movie theater is so long that I didn't even realize they LET YOU PUT YOUR OWN BUTTER ON YOUR POPCORN!! I thought someone would be fishy about it, but it WAS THE SAME BUTTER [or butter substitute, lol] THAT I REMEMBER FROM MY LAST MOVIE!! I love that 'cause they never used to put enough on...Anyway, I digress, lol....There are some very cute movies coming out for the holidays, and for the Canadians Charlize Theron is starring in a movie called "North Country" that looks amazing! Her acting in the trailor looked like another academy award to me!! All the reviews on History of Violence were astonishing! I didn't see a negative one Brenda so your relative should be very proud indeed! Casanova trailor made me want to go back to Venice really bad, although some of the backdrops were obvioulsy fake...
Anyway, that is it for now...BABETTE, BLESS YOUR HEART!! Thanks for taking over the site duties so Miss Brenda can go and play with the girls and not have to do any late night blog hosting!

ClickGirl said...

Hey Everyone ... NEW HAPPY BLOG!!!

See you there!! : )
