Saturday, October 22, 2005


Hello Sisters of the Blog ...
and other Friends!

Several of you have asked me about my friend Jackie - so I would like to tell you about how we met. I had the pleasure of meeting Jackie in Chicago - after having communicated with her many times in the weeks prior to our arrival there. We have become great friends … and went from staying up until 2 a.m. talking in Chicago … to staying up until 2 a.m. talking on the phone, when we returned home. It has been great fun and we discovered that we share many of the same goals and desires in life. To share a little bit about what we have been working on … here is a message from Jackie:

Hello Everyone,

I was packing for a trip to Playa Del Carmen and Merida, Mexico when I saw a 'Wildest Dreams' segment on Oprah, in April, 2005. It struck me that, if you are a traveler – you are going to keep traveling – always – even alone. That desire to see and experience the world and its peoples, geography, cultures, customs, food – every little aspect of the human experience - is with you always.

Unfortunately, at our age … and being single, you do not always have the luxury of having someone that can go with you, let alone a great travel companion. But we travelers will keep on boarding that next plane for the next great adventure that awaits – even if it is by ourselves.

My daughter and I have traveled continuously together the last seventeen years and, with the end of her high school years fast approaching, I realized that I was losing my perfect traveling companion … to college. Several years ago I decided that, after practicing law for so many years (twenty-three years in November) and doing so many of our adventures together, that this would be the time for me to embark on some of my wildest dreams!!!

The trip to Mexico, in May, was the culmination of all of my previous trips, and was used to finalize different options in the Yucatan that might be of interest to us Solo Travelers, Mother and Daughter Travelers, and Adventurers of All Types. (It was my 5th visit there in the last 3 years and I have traveled to Mexico for the past 30 years). I put the final touches on my concept, by doing the planning and organizing of several small group trips, that I will be leading to Playa this winter, for the purpose of fun and adventure, but also – and more importantly - to serve as a focus group in developing a concept that I have been working on for the past couple of years, with several business partners. We all know that having someone to share in your adventure is SO MUCH MORE FUN AND MEANINGFUL …THAN TRAVELING BY YOURSELF.

“Learning - and the desire to keep on learning - through travel, is the key to ageless living” has been my pet project for the last four years. And it will emerge in the form of several venues starting winter 2006. There are all of these wonderful, talented, gifted, loving, caring, beautiful and single women out there - who want to share in adventures and travels with others … and we need to make that happen!!!

I have four years worth of research accumulated on this subject and my GREAT ESCAPE FOR WINTER 2006 is to put in motion the Playa “Laboratory”, along with meeting and participating in focus groups with women who have the same interest. Women are ‘the best’ at being able to identify and make a real difference in our plight. I knew four years ago that, as a single person, there was a venue that was needed for small groups of people to travel together in search of exploring this great world - in a more nontraditional manner than existing travel groups or single groups offer. I also knew that with my daughter being out of high school, that this was the time in my life to combine both business and pleasure pursuits … AND THE COUNTDOWN IS ON…………….

As a woman, mother, traveler, researcher, writer and business person – there is another story that needs to be told … and that story is about all of the talented and gifted women who we have met through this Blogging adventure!!!!

In the 1970’s I traveled all over Ireland collecting data and writing a research paper on the Irish women’s position in Irish society. Now, I want to travel to meet women who are interested in meeting and discussing their dreams as single women in the 2000’s … with regards to travel and adventure … for an article that I am writing.

It is time for me to continue on with the plans that I have developed. I have asked Brenda (who has so much talent - both behind and in front of the camera – not to mention great computer and writing skills) to join with me in my venture! I will be flying down to the great state of Florida next weekend - to meet with Brenda … and to map out our route for THE GREAT ESCAPE FOR WINTER 2006 … and to formulate our ideas for promoting single women who want to be involved in travel and adventure. In addition, I will be continuing to work on my Playa experiment! There are so many of us ‘would be’ women travelers … and we need to band together and promote ourselves and our unique talents … our life stories … and our dreams!!!!

Most Sincerely,


Jackie and I are both very excited about this venture … and it is the culmination of plans that have been ‘in the making’ for a long time. We just didn’t know each other yet … and our recent meeting and discussions had us realizing that we were both working towards very similar goals. As some of you know, I have been working towards getting into Documentary production … and I have traveled extensively over the past years – for business and pleasure. I’ve been working on plans for quite some time, to take my background in production and my love and experience in travel – and weave those things together, to allow me to make a living that will take me into my retirement years. I love sharing the stories and lives of people … and I’ve had a dream to lead groups of travelers … and document their journey … and then put their experiences to DVD – for a permanent and lasting memory of their trip.

I’ve had a great amount of experience in leading groups of travelers – and my first major trip was when I was 19 years old – traveling to Israel and Greece with my father, and a small group of ‘pilgrims’ to the Holy Land. Those travels continued when I was married … and beyond the trips to Israel, Egypt, Greece, etc. - my former husband and I developed and led youth trips to places such as Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas. One of our strongest programs was leading teens on Backpacking trips on the Appalachian Trail … with Whitewater Rafting excursions at the end of the hike. All of those experiences were of great help, when I went into the production world, and was responsible for managing and coordinating travel for our large productions and technical crews - as we traveled the United States … and the World.

Like Jackie, I have been working and planning and waiting for ‘the right moment’ for something to happen to allow me the opportunity to make my dreams a reality. When Jackie and I first started talking … I had a ‘gut feeling’ that something good would come from it. After spending so much time communicating before Chicago … and being together nearly every waking moment while we were in Chicago … and then having many heartfelt conversations since our return, we are both very excited about working together on this venture … and about providing opportunities for women to travel together. We knew for sure that we were one the right track – when Jackie sent me her input for this post – which included her plans for ‘The Great Escape’. Now … this is too much of a coincidence … but can you guess what the name of the website is - that I started working on, and developing for myself, over two years ago? It is … ‘The Great Escape’! I kid you not! If that is not ‘a sign’ … then nothing is! So our teaming up to combine our efforts – is not only a dream come true for the two of us … but a serendipitous act of fate!! (We had many other amazing ‘connections’ … that you just will not believe)!!

In addition to our venture, we are looking forward to continuing relationships with all of you, our ‘Sisters of The Blog’… and to helping facilitate connecting you with others … and initiating ways for you to communicate the things that are important to you … to others in the group – and beyond. That’s one reason why I wanted to develop the website for this group (with whatever name we end up choosing) – which will allow each of you to advertise and promote the businesses and causes that are important to you … and to have a forum for sharing that information!

Being a part of our Sisterhood will also allow all of us to ‘give back to others’ – by continuing our Red Heart Bracelet Campaign … which we will begin promoting more heavily, so that we can have all of the donations collected by the end of the year. I’ll have more on that in the next Blog!

Who would have thought that – that one day in April … would have offered so much … to so many!

Jackie and I will keep you posted on our venture … and we look forward to hearing about your dreams and desires … and what you are doing to make your dreams come true!!

Warm regards,


(This post edited and revised 10/22/05)


Anonymous said...

Hi ladies,
What a great idea. Count me in on your taveling group. What fun. Since my adveture with Grams, I have developed a serious desire to travel. Burt being alone, does hamper that sometimes.
Just don't make it the last weekend in April. My youngest is finally graduating from College after 5 years. Then he and my daughter will continue on in their studies come August. Lauren in Med school and Andrew in grad school.
Have an awesome night everyone.

linda in Tucson said...

Right On Girls!
What I love about this idea (well, one of the things...) is that you are truely doing it for heartfelt reasons...not self serving, self promoting, and other selfish stuff that is becoming way to obvious on the journey that we all met on.
I don't know how soon or how much I'll be able to participate...but the Universe is providing for me in strange and wonderful ways...

I feel the need to detach myself from the superficial hoo ha that was going on around "there"...this sounds way cool and I can't wait to see where you take it!

ReeltorMe said...

Hi Brenda & Jackie,
What a fabulous idea! Isn't it wonderful how the laws of the universe are at work at all times? It was meant to be with you two.
You can count me in. I have been divorced for over 15 years and have spent all that time trying to find travel companions who share the same type of interests. I can find women who either have the money or the time but never both. And usually don't have the health or stamina to keep up with me.
Why not call our new website: "Go With Your Heart" which is what the two of you did and what we should all do.
That's all folks.........

heiresschild said...

hi chandra, thanks again for your help last nite. you provided me with new and helpful information. i started my classes 2 weeks later than everyone else, so i'm playing catch up a bit. i think they had already talked about a broker, but you gave me just what i needed while i'm still catching up on my reading. my professor was out today so that gives me a little more time to work on my assignment.

hi wanda, i got the website you posted on the blog on the other page. thanks, i will use it tomorrow to look for what i need. you gave me some good info also. i appreciate your willingness to help me. i hope the swelling has gone down in your cheeks, and the infection is clearing up so the dentist can do what needs to be done. feel better.

hi linda, i'm glad you're feeling better. take your time. it's a process, but God already has it worked out. we just have to know the plan and follow it.

have a good nite everyone.


Leslie: said...

Brenda and Jackie! This is absolutely amazing! You can definitely count me in on whatever comes from this. I have always wanted to travel, but like Chandra, couldn't find friends who had the either the time and/or the money to join me. Also, I've always been afraid that if I gave up the security of my teaching position to do what I really wanted, I'd end up homeless.

This whole adventure has been so eye opening to me. I realize now that life is too short to not try to realize our dreams. Besides travel, my dream has been to write. From meeting so many wonderful women through Richard's search, I am now working on making my dream come true.

I am going to spend the next few months working on the financial aspects of ending my teaching career and beginning a new one writing. I have been thinking of all the women I met who became widows very young in life (between the ages of 40ish and 60ish) and I would like to write an inspirational book of surviving one of the worst tragedies a woman can imagine. Losing your husband at an age where you are too young to be relegated to the back pew of the church but too old to easily meet suitable or available men is more than difficult. No, we do not NEED a man, but most of us really do want to have someone to love and someone to love us. It is just simply in our nature.

We are all survivors. Most of us have had to raise our children alone. Most of us have had to work full time while doing so. Some of us have had support (financial and/or emotional) and some of us not.

All these years, I thought I was one of a very few young widows and in a category of my own. Now I realize that is not true. If I can help one young widow through my dream of writing about "our" survival, it will all have been worth it.

I've never done this before, but am willing to learn all aspects of writing and publishing in order to realize this dream. Maybe you, Brenda, have some ideas of how to go about this (since you're in the media environment). Maybe we could eventually do a documentary. Something. Anything. We need to get this story out.

Regarding divorcees. I know that they have gone through or do go through a lot of the same grieving processes that widows do. But I have no experience of that. Let me try to do this one project and if it's successful, maybe I could do something similar for you.

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has lost her husband from accident, illness, violence, or suicide (like I did), was in the age range I mentioned above, and would like to take part in this venture. I would use pseudonyms so as to make it easier to tell your story fully. Please contact me through my blog. Thanks to all.

ReeltorMe said...

I've got it: "Follow Your Heart?"
That really says it all.

That sounds like a great idea you have come up with and I wonder just how many of us have been inspired with all of this SB adventure? We can all add some real stories about widows that have been an inspiration. I hope to meet you sometime soon.
It sounds like Brenda and Jackie found something also. I hope to hear more connections and inpspirations along the way.
Go SOX! YEAH - game one!!


droma said...

Brenda & Jackie,
Fine ideas, exactly what us ladies here need. We are at another "akward" stage of life, where we do not fit too well into the every day society. I have travelled the last 30 years mostly by myself; that does not mean I would like to continue doing so.
Our maturity puts us into that special similar position where sharing with other women is of great benefit and joy to all.
More so when not vying for men.
Nothing like GIRLFRIENDS!

droma said...

ps: At first I thought my and ada's kinky/feathery bar stool behavior closed the last blog down.

Forget about blogwithdrawal, this is getting to be too good.
But dragonflyfilly, I'll take a hot/cold shower anyway, be environmentally friendly.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Count me in... I am soooooooo there!!
Keep me posted!!
Cheryl xox

Dale Savage said...

LOL Doktor Ellen, Am DEFINITELY NOT gay here, but your upside down stool comment last night made my sphincter twitch involuntarily and made me laugh!

Brenda and Jackie, What an incredible concept! Would I have to be in drag to tag along? ;-)

Blessings to all and my prayers extend to all of you in southern FL as well as the Yucatan,

ciao y'all,

Belizegial said...

Hey everyone, what a universal concept you have come up with here for those who dislike traveling alone and yet know that going out is way better than always staying in. What's not fun about that?
Feel the wind catching in our sails here, way to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Me too. But as I have mentioned on the blog there are already some of this sort of thing. WTC & Gutsy Women. If any one wants more info let me know. Still pushing my Global Volunteers.

WANDA - you talked about walnuts in your mouth. Get back to the other kind soon. LOL Hope you'll be feeling better also.

LESLIE - sent you an e-mail. When
you write back let me know good times.

Soft Rain - great funnies on RR's blog.

Syliva - You haven't mentioned daughter & baby lately or brother. Hope all are doing well.

I'm a blog junkie now, but RR & here is all I can do. They're time consuming enough.

They don't seem to know what Wilma will do. So dry thoughts to all. Here we have had the wettest October since records started in the 1800s.

Anonymous said...


Dear Diary:

MONDAY: What a wonderful cruise this is going to be! I felt
singularly honored this evening as the Captain asked me to dine at his table.

TUESDAY: I spent the entire afternoon on the bridge with the Captain. He is so charming.

WEDNESDAY: The Captain made several proposals to me unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.

THURSDAY: Tonight the Captain threatened to sink the ship if I do not give in to his indecent proposals!

FRIDAY: This afternoon I saved 1600 lives... twice!

Is this why we need to travel together?

Anonymous said...

Saw this last Feb. Re foot/6. Thing happens only when you use same hand & foot r/r or l/l; rf/lh or lf/rh - foot continues in same direction. Also it seems to only be the # 6. Don't know why. Anyone with neuro background have an answer?

Amazing that I can do this at all considering it has only taken how many blogs for me to mention it.?

heiresschild said...

leslie, that's a good project for u. i became a widow at age 33 and my husband was 36 when he died from lung cancer.

ada, sorry i had shared with a few people thru email, but not openly on the blogsite. my granddaughter, karyce (rhymes with paris; greek for "grace") came home last monday. she was almost 5 lbs then, so i'm sure she's over 5 lbs now. she's doing well, and her parents are ecstatic to have her home. my brother is doing well also. he's had his surgery, and will be doing treatments over the next 4-5 months. thanks for asking.

again, i thank everyone for all of their prayers for karyce and her mom, and for my brother and the rest of the family.


Anonymous said...

It seems as if almost everyone that entered this journey had some kind of profit making agenda: especially the finalists.
Did Richard really want a travel companion or did anyone really want him as a travel companion?
Now he wants us to submit 5 men's names: For what to be used to chase around his finalists rejects for another year? It is hilarious to watch this all play out. It is so sad that there are so many vunerable women out there. They don't have to be. They are bright , intelligent, good hearted women. I am sure this will probably get deleted. I guess we all should have a chance for an opinion I believe I share many here today.

Leslie: said...

Ladies I've been struggling to set up a separate blog area on my site for responses to the young widow idea. However, I'm having some problems. Bear with me, please. In the meantime, you can still email me to let me know if you are interested. Thanks a lot - I've already received a few responses.

linda in Tucson said...

Vanessa Nice to see you here...keep writing, I love to read it!
Leslie How cool that you are taking steps to change careers, gain personal freedom. Writing is a passion of mine...I journal in an unusual style. Yes, I really can go deeper than "guess what I am wearing?" Ha. I posted last nights journaling on my blog...if anyone is killing time, and wants to get into my at-the-moment-slightly-unstable mind :)

sunnida said...

What A Great Idea
It's one thing we all have in
common, our love for travel!!!
(and romance and adventure!!)
Count me in, too!!! I've been playing
travel catch-up the last 5 years and have
been to some fantastic places and know
some great travel if you
need some input give me a holler!!!

LESLIE I'm so glad to see you
and some of the others looking forward to
projects that extend beyond our initial draw
to these blogs...your book will provide so
much healing for those involved!! Kudos!!

LINDA Keep that wind in your
hair and your sails!!! YOU know how much
I support you, keep doing the work, I know
you'll pull through!!
VANESSA I noticed you among
the finalists, your warmth just leaps out of
your photo. So I was really happy to see
you join the blogs!!! Welcome!!! I love read-
ing what you have to say!!

Could you all say a PRAYER for my
best friends daughter...she's having surgery tomorrow for a brain tumor and cyst
that came on very suddenly.
Rachael was just starting pre-med and started
having headaches and losing her balance. At
first the doctors thought that it was just a
cyst, but on Friday found a tumor, and are
operating immediately. She's just the best and brightest and my son's big sis!!
Her Dad and I are really struggling to show a
brave front!!

Thanks All

Anonymous said...

Brenda and Jackie sounds like a great idea and wonderful experiences.

When I can help please let me know.

If anyone would like to go to Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania for 3 weeks February 2006, please let me know. Plans are not finalized and are somewhat flexible at this point and will probably include: Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Tasmania, ChristChurch, New Zealand and Cairns, Australia.

My e-mail is on my website.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for your responses ... and kind comments!! Jackie and I are, needless to say, very excited! As you can imagine ... we are busy, busy, busy!

I'm also busy working on the new Website for all of us as well ... but just wanted to respond quickly ... and check out the Blogs. : )

Leslie - love your ideas ... and we should definitely talk! I don't really know much about the publishing world - but when Connie returns home (she was due back today) - maybe she can offer some suggestions. I had the chance to read her 'Grandfather Tree' book - which is really wonderful (!!) and she may be able to give some advice on how to get a book published - as she has done that. But a future documentary - is a great idea ... and exactly the kind of work that I want to do! Anyway - let's communicate further on this.

Hey Linda - I'll check out your site. Journaling is such a great way to document and work through 'things of life'. I'll be interested to follow your 'story'. Hang in there!! We are here for you!

Hi Sylvia. Glad to hear that your daughter and 'babe' are doing well ... and that your brother is getting the needed treatment. Hope that goes well for him. Have been thinking of you and your family. : )

Hello Belizegial - hope that you survived the Hurricane ... and that Belize didn't have much damage. We are in the Hurricane Warning zone - and schools are closed tomorrow - and we are expecting Tropical Storm force winds - though Wilma is expected to hit below us - with the major force being felt south of the eye. But ... as Hurricanes are so unpredictable - I always watch closely - in case it makes an unexpected turn. Anyway - have been thinking about you - and your area. And, of course, all of SO FL - where my two sisters live!

So Dale: ... I don't think you will have to go 'in drag'. (Ha Ha) : )

Hi Vanessa aka Jump 8: Welcome to my Blog. So ... glad to see you here!

Also - Congrats on being one of the 'Fabulous Finalists'! Good for you! We will be enjoying following Richard - and the SB venture ... so it's great to 'meet' you! I was so interested in what you wrote - and will send you an Email - to discuss further. And how cool that we live fairly close to each other. Your farm looks beautiful - and the filming that was done there sounds like it would have been amazing ... and I'd love to hear more about the producer that you were mentioning as well. Sounds like he is doing some of the kinds of things that I want to do. Anyway - let's chat!

Hi Chandra! Thanks much!! Also love your 'Names' for our Group! You have had the 'best' ones (IMHO) ... and I'll be posting the list and stuff in a bit. I'm working on the Website - and hope to have something by end of day. So ... look for that later.

Hey Phyl: See .. I couldn't block Anon's - because I didn't want to lose you. : ) But now you have a name! Glad to see you!

Love2Travel: Wow! Very cool! Thanks for sharing about your experience. Will touch base with you.

Thanks Sunni! Will get in touch with you! Also - my prayers are with Rachel ... and all of you! Please keep us posted ... and stay strong!

Hi Concerned Anonymous - I've never deleted anyone on this Blog (except the occasional Spam that comes in from time to time). So ... feel free to express yourself. I just ask for posters to be respectful of others. If people are just posting thoughts, feelings, questions, quotes and other expressions - that is welcome here. It is only when personal attacks happen - that I would be tempted to delete. But - I saw nothing in your post that would have led me to delete. You are welcome to your opinion.

I/we can't really answer your questions - because I/we can't speak for RR - but I think the request for asking the women to provide men that they know - was a request that came from many women (especially in Chicago) - who were realizing that RR couldn't choose everyone - and there would be many women left - not as 'rejects' - but who just were not in the final group. So this was a way for people to meet men who came with a personal recommendation from one of the SB participants. Now, how all of that will work out - is still to be seen.

I'm not sure that 'almost everyone' has agendas - but certainly, when you put this many women together - for so many months - following a venture such as SB, it would be normal to expect that people would be sharing what they are doing ... and where they are heading in their lives. I think that is wonderful ... and supports what you were saying at the end of your comments. It is, indeed, sad that there are some vulnerable women who got involved in the SB venture - but I have seen many more who are incredible ... exciting ... intelligent ... and worthy (as you mentioned - they could be ... I think many are!). Instead of being 'hilarious' to watch all of this play out - I find it interesting and fascinating. What a great study in human nature ... and what a great opportunity this has been for us to connect and meet other women - who were out there searching and curious as well! I tend to look for the good - in whatever I am experiencing. : )

Well ... Everyone ... I've got to get back to the website work ... but just wanted to stop in here for a bit. Thanks again ... for your support and comments. It is much appreciated!



ReeltorMe said...

Hi Brenda,
If we have titles or lines from songs do we have to have copyright permission?
You Gotta Have Heart
A Total Eclipse of the Heart
Miles of Heart
anyone else?

Just some thoughts. "Here's to Hearts." HTH
As you can tell I love just finding the right name for something. I create scenes out of antique Blue Ball canning jars with zinc lids that I cover with hand crochet lace and then put corn husk dools inside in a scene and any old wooden boxes that I fill with small trinkets and antiques that can be hung on the wall and I had to come up with a name back in the 70's and it was perfect! "Shadows of Yesterday" I do have to get back into my art again. I have tons of old blue jars and boxes. I am a preservationist and it fits right into preserving the "old."
Goin' to watch the Sox!


Anonymous said...

Hi everybody- It was SO GREAT to spend time with Brenda, everybody's favorite sister. We had a regular gabfest.

I got home before any signs of Wilma were seen. Hope it stays that way in FL.

My son and I were attending a seminar in Tampa about Internet Marketing. Lots of good info was presented. As I get going and know details, I will be letting you know more about my website and products. For anyone who needs this info: I self- published my books through and worked with Anita WHelchel.

I love that Jackie and Brenda are creating well-thought out travel opportunities for a demographic they personally know. Let us all go forward with our adventures !

Interesting....somehow See's Candy got my address and sent a catalog...hmm.

Best to all.

Leslie: said...

Welcome home Connie! Got your email and will respond later. Thx for the info re publishing. Sounds like you're getting your own new life going for you now, too. I think a lot of us have benefited from Richard's own adventure and it has spurred us on to realize our own dreams. Party on, ladies...

ReeltorMe said...

I also got a See's catalog and I wonder if all of the gals that signed in for Chicago got one? Maybe it was coincidence? Hmmmmmm.
I never watch any TV but my new favorite program is Grey's Anatomy and I blew it for the Sox game...........GO SOX! Second win.
And in all that miserable rain!

ClickGirl said...

Hello Bloggettes!!

So ... check out the Website that I have been working on ... and let me know what you think:

You can help by doing the following:
1. Please check your photo - and click on it - to make sure it takes you to your Blog page.

2. If your pic is not on here ... or you want a different pic - just send it to me by Email - and I will switch it out. If I have a pic on my Blog - from Chicago - I can crop almost any of those pics as well - if there is a better one of you in those photos.

3. If you want your pic removed - or do not want to connect to your Blog, please let me know.

I'll try to add more pics from the events as well. Once I get everything finalized - we can start working on the 'Ad Page' - so start working on what you want to put in ... and we'll get that going real soon.

Hope you like the site! Now ... on to THE NAME!!



ClickGirl said...


Okay … now … on to ‘The Names! Wow … a lot of you were in rare form on the SB Blog for a bit – and so just to revisit some of the names that were suggested … and give you a few more chuckles … here is a list of the names that were mentioned. Some … are just too funny!

And some are more in line with what I think we were looking for – based on the comments that I have received from many of you. I’ve highlighted – in blue – the names that I think will work – and best represent who we are … and what we are about. I think Babette and Chandra win the prize – for the names that best bring together the heart … and the journey!

Merry Mary:
We are the Golden Girls with heart and we keep our knockers up
Happy Golden Heart Survivors
Golden Hearts Sisterhood

The Stool Sisterhood
The Stoolies
The Sisterhood’s Stool
Sexy Tool Sisters
Soul Sisters
Sexy Soul Sisters
Succulent Sisters

Dana Point Lois:
Stool Sisters
Sassy Stool Sisters
Sexy Stool Sisters

Thangy Stool Sisters

Sisterhood of Buns
Satellitte Sisterhood
Sisters of the Post
Soleil Sisters
Dessert Divas
Puter Pigeons
Goober Girls

Stool Pigeons

United Cupcake Society
United Cupcake Sisterhood
United Dessert Society
United Dessert Sisterhood
United Soulmate Sisterhood

Mary Rose:
United Soulmates Sisterhood
Soulmates Sisterhood

Love 2 Travel:
The Wonder Women of the SB Blog
Wonder Women Sisterhood

Sisterhood of the Traveling
Sisterhood of Friends
Sisterhood of Divas
Sisterhood of Dynamos
Sisterhood of Foxes
Sisterhood of Fantastics
Sisterhood of Bloggers

WOW (Watch out World)

Women Rock! The new and improved NNBBSH

Golden Heart’s Women’s Traveling Club Sisterhood

The Sisterhood of the Traveling
The Sisterhood of the Travelers
Stool Hens
Buns of Stool
The Stoolie Girls

Sisters of The Blog
Travelers with Heart
Heart for Traveling
Heart for Travel
Sisters of the Heart
The Traveling Hearts

Traveling Hearts

Brenda & Babette:
Women with Heart
Women with Hearts

We are all on a journey in life and it seems to depict what we are doing whether it is traveling or just a journey on our journey.....
Journey of the Hearts
Hearts on a Journey
The Travelin’ Hearts
Go with Your Heart
Follow Your Heart
You Gotta Have Heart
A Total Eclipse of the Heart
Miles of Heart
Here’s to Hearts

Thanks to all of you ... for participating! Even with the humorous ones! Pic your favorite – or top three – and we’ll see what we come up with! Please remember that it will be nice to tie in the Red Heart Bracelets … and Traveling! Thanks much! I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts!

Waiting for Wilma,


P.S. I think my favorite ... is Chandra's - 'Journey of the Hearts'. : )

We are in ‘Hurricane Warning’ mode – and all Schools and Government offices are closed tomorrow – and we are expecting high winds – even though Hurricane Wilma is expected to hit well south of Tampa. Naples, Ft. Myers, Sarasota and below - are projected to be affected fairly heavily … but I never take these storms for granted. Last year, Charley was headed right for us … and jogged at the last minute – and missed us. So … just always have to watch and make sure there are no overnight shifts in the track. Which means … I probably won’t sleep much tonight. : )

Paula, Vanessa, Charmaine, Carol … and other ‘Florida Girls’ … hope you are safe and out of harms way!

Leslie: said...

Brenda just checked out the new website and it's GREAT! I really must send you another photo of myself, though. I didn't realize it was so dark and spotty. Yuk! Now, as you say, we must think of a suitable NAME. I'll get my thinking cap on and try to come up with something. I think alliteration would be the key.

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Leslie! I changed the pic - so check the site again - just do a 'refresh' - to see the new photo. Also - check out the long list of names that I posted ... and let me know what you think!



Leslie: said...

Hi Brenda Just getting ready for school so don't have much time. Photo looks better, but I don't see a long list of names. Where would they be? I checked each page, but.... Have a good day and I'll check in later. Caio.

Nina said...

Brenda and Jackie, GREAT writing and awesome new site!!! You two ladies are so GREAT together!! I do like Journey of Hearts, has a nice ring to it!

I'm a new grandmother as of Saturday, Jace was born at 2:00 PM, weighed 8 pounds. I'll try to post some photos on my blog next week but this week I'm working on the Hungate Historical Society Treasurer's report and etc.

You women are all an inspiration to me and hugs to you ALL!!!

heiresschild said...

good morning ladies & gent(s),
i'm babysitting my 7 month old granddaughter today, so while she's napping, i thought i'd blog a bit.

since brenda's blog is open for different topics and viewpoints, here's a topic i wanted to discuss and get feedback on.

i watched tyra banks show today, and she had older women who were dating younger men. they call the women who do that "cougars."

these women were talking about the double standards for men and women, even in today's society--how it's ok for men to date younger women with no name calling, but how when older women date younger men, they are called "perverts," "cougars,", etc.

the women who were on there today were about 10 years older than the men. one woman was 31 dating a man 21, another woman was 35 dating a 25 year old. then there was a woman who was going thru a divorce after being married 12 years--she was 32 dating a 22 year old.

it was very interesting, and a good topic for discussion, don't you think? good, i'm glad you agree. so, would any of you ladies date a younger man, or have any of you dated a younger man before? or, if you are a man blogging here, would you date a much younger woman? if so, comments? if not, comments?

personally, i'd date a younger man. i'm 53 yrs old, so i think i'd be willing to go as young as 40, if he's a mature 40 and doesn't want children. i may just be feeling this way because i haven't dated a younger man before, but i am open to it.

those are my views; i'd really like to hear some other viewpoints.


CathyinCarolina said...


The new site is awesome, Clickgirl

I tried to leave a comment and it would not let me, it maybe me, but I love it!!

You!!You are awesome and Jackie, although I did not get to know her as well as I feel that I know you, I had just a wonderful connection with you both!!!

I am so thrilled that this adventure is waking up dreams in all of us, or empowering us to accomplish the ones that we were dreaming of.

I love the fact that we can all stay connected with our Internet connectivity!!!!

You Girls Goooooooo!!!!

I am so inspired by the both of you!!!!

heiresschild said...


thanks for sharing that with me. sorry about what happened to you in that particular marriage relationship, but i'm glad it hasn't soured you on future relationships.


Leslie: said...

I sort of like the name The Traveling Sisterhood Just my thought for the day.

ReeltorMe said...

Glad to see that someone else is active in a local historical society as that is where I got my start many years ago. I have been into preservation as far back as the 60's and have continued into real estate and my specialization of historic and vintage homes in my area. I was Pres. of the local historical society and Director of our museum back in the 70's. I then researched over 500 homes and buildings to be placed on the National Register and published a book on our landmarks. That is what got me into real estate over 26 years ago.
Enough said and as you can tell you touched on my love of history and my interest in architecture and I spun out of control.


droma said...

My late husband was 11 yrs. younger. I had been divorced for 20 yrs., and we were together for 3 yrs. before I agreed to get remarried. The age difference never was a problem. I think how you relate to each other is what matters. There are people that never grow up, others that are mature beyond their age from childhood on. It was funny when my 43 y/o husband used his AARP card to get an Hotel dicount (that was better than AAA's).

Paul Harvey: "By nature animals die when they get past their reproductive years. A man may be fertile all his life. (Charly Chaplin was over 90 when he fathered a child.)
Grandmothers are very important, that is why human's lifespans differ from all other animals."

I have a patient that is 16 yrs. older than her husband, and they have been married over 20 yrs.. He is 63 now. Their marriage is very fine.

I must admit, it is good for the ego when younger men show interest.
So follow your heart, you have the privilege as a lady to avoid telling your age until you feel ready to do so.

You are like many of us women, our own worst critics.
At the last Singles Dance I had the fun of telling a man: "I have children as old as you are" Guess I look good when the lights are not bright. (See, Suzan, I do it too, should have taken his come on
as a compliment, and left it at that).
I came to the USA when 20 y/o, so when it comes to music or events,
it may have been "before my American time".

Verstehen Sie?

BTW, Demi Moore is a High School dropout.

willemina said...

Hello ladies and Dale
Wow, there sure is a lot happening here! I have been posting on occasion on the SB blog but not like I used to. I think I am losing my enthusiasm...

Brenda and Jackie
The two of you are awesome! Sounds like you both have some great ideas and I would love to be included...

Congratulations grandma (Oma) Nina! I'll be checking for pics on your blog next week...

My thoughts and prayers are with Rachael and all of those who love her...God hears all prayers...

My best wishes are with you to make your dream come true and write the book you are thinking of...I'm sure it will help to heal many broken spirits...I wish you God Speed in your endeavor...

I haven't read all of the blogs but I will try to make it a point to catch up here and try to post at least once a day in the future. You ladies and Dale :) are all so very special and I am honored to be in your presence.

Marty and everyone
California in January is still on although we don't have a specific date yet. Please post on my blog if you are interested and we'll figure out the details later...
God Bless and goodnight to all

Anonymous said...

Wow! so much to say!
Connie, I'm interested in possibly self publishing but couldn't get on site you provided.
Good luck to Sunni's friend's daughter.
Congrats to Nina on Nace! Is that pronounced like Nancy minus “n”,or rhyme with face?
Wished all shelter from the storm but if it didn’t happen, minimal disruption.

My younger man story: Since my hubby's death I have only had 3 dates. One was the heat/a.c. man. I am 58 he is 43. I said "J. Do you know how hard it is to find a good heat/a.c. man? I don't want to screw up this relationship. He said: Just go to dinner with me & I'd like to pick you up on my motorcycle. What a bike! White with a back & armrests for me, heat, speakers & mike in the helmets! I had a blast. But we had nothing in common. He made some funny comments. He did however say he would still do the heat/a.c.

Life is too short so take your happiness where you find it, is how I feel. It is just rare that a big difference in age will last a long time. If you only care for the short time, go for it. & it is not my place to judge anyway. I do however, not think it is right for older people to have young children because it is not fair to the children. Yes, you can lose a young parent, but playing the odds.... My parents were 37 (Mom) & 40 (Dad) when I was born. That was old in the 1940s & I didn't like having old parents. They both lived to at least 80 but my Mom was in a nursing home for 10 years & my father was being treated for cancer until his heart gave out. Thus I was in my 40s when they died. I would have liked my kids to have grandparents longer. My in-laws, who were younger than my parents, died first so no guarantees.

Brenda: Nice website. Especially like the quote in blue. Hope that will always stay up. True hearts by any name still beat strong.

Since I have blabbed so long, no joke du jour.

heiresschild said...

good morning ladies & gent(s),

it's a beautiful day in my neighborhood. ok, so it's raining, and windy, and still dark outside.

sunni, i hope things went well for rachael during her surgery yesterday. will continue to keep all of you all in prayer.

wanda, suzan, safari soul, dr oma, marty, ada, thanks. that was good conversation on older women/younger men. i appreciate all of you sharing your personal experiences. you all gave me such good comments from so many different perspectives. it seems to be more common than people know, probably because folk don't go around announcing their ages.

ada, motorcycle, huh? you're more daring than me. LOL

another topic today?????


ReeltorMe said...

safari soul,
I love your colorful site and very creative. I didn't know we had another Realtor in the midst. I cannot find an email address on it for you?


sunnida said...

Thanks everyone...Rachael
had her surgery late yesterday
and the doctors reported the
tumor was sucessfully removed and
that it looked benign!! We're all so
relieved, now she can get back on track
with med school!! Her boyfriend is a total
cut-up and was keeping the mood light
which I really feel speeds healing! Plus
he and my son really hit it off, and were
making plans to get together and rebuild
computers!!! He's 25yo and my boy is 15,
so it will be fantastic for him to have a
mentor, close to his own age, as I'm so
out of the loop of all this tech stuff!!!

Anyway, names...there are some great
ones!!! I love the new site Breanda
Do you think the name should be easily
googled? as in putting words in likes
travel, or women, if we want to attract
other people? or is this only for NNBBSH?

I love the wordadventure in there
Next Adventure
Adventurous Hearts
Simply Adventurous Sisters (SAS)

Hugs to All,

Anonymous said...

Count me in!! Great idea ladies!!

Anonymous said...

I am figuring out the blog and will get my picture posted hopefully tonight! I was not picked as a finalist..but really appreciate the helpful emails for those I have contacted when I realized I was not picked. (lol) I really am thankful for the communication and think this is a great idea! Keep up the great work!

Leslie: said...

An English professor wrote the words : "A woman without her man is nothing" on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it

All of the males in the class wrote: "A woman, without her man, is nothing."

All the females in the class wrote: "A woman: Without her, man is nothing."

Punctuation is powerful!!!!

Have a great day, everyone!

heiresschild said...

wanda, i think (?) mary r, who posts on the sb site, is a motorcycle rider. i'm not sure if i would ride if someone paid me a million dollars. then again...

sunni, so glad rachael's surgery went well. a little laughter really can lighten up the heaviness.

i've been quiet on the new names so far because even though there have been some nice ones, nothing has grabbed me until the one sunni just mentioned: adventurous hearts. i like that one the best, and because there's no gender in it, that leaves it open for men to join in as well.

leslie, i like the punctuation. which one you say? lol


heiresschild said...


i was just watching michael jordan on oprah today. he was saying his dad used to let him ride a dirt bike when he was about 7 years old, but when he went pro he wasn't allowed to ride motorcycles. now that he has retired he says he loves to ride, and does it quite often. he said he loves the speed, attitude, and dare devilness as a part of riding a motorcycle.


sunnida said...

Thanks Sylvia for your vote
for Adventurous Hearts

I sure feel that way when I'm on the
road traveling and just starting a new

I spent the day with Rachael and she was
really suffering...I know tomorrow will be
better, but for today, it was all about the
pain management, and the fact that they cut
the muscles in her neck and now she can't lift
her head. She's young and I know will heal
quickly...and this will be a blurred memory
soon enough. And her Dad, who is one of my
dearest friends, was really relieved to have
the surgery over and the good news. We were
all smiles today!!

So, off to pack for L.A., Maybe I'll cruise by
Manhattan Beach and see if I can see RR
on the volley ball court!! Is anyone sending
in Bio's and photos for the his site?

Hugs, Sunni

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Everyone! Really appreciate all of your great comments! Sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here to respond … but spent last night talking to my Sisters – hearing about their storm damage. They both live in Homestead. They are all fine … but just have lots of stuff to deal with … and no power. My younger Sister is in the process of selling her home – and they had just gotten everything fixed up from Hurricane Katrina damage … and now they have to go through the whole thing all over. It is costly … and just mainly tiring for them. And my older Sister was saying that, after surviving Hurricane Andrew, every storm brings back that anxious feeling. They do feel fortunate though – because it could have been worse. Anyway – just needed to know they were okay … and also wanted to call my Parents – as my Dad has not been well. So … I was taking care of important family matters. : )

Hi Cathy – Thanks for your comments! I’ll see if I can figure out why you couldn’t leave a comment on the Web. Which place did you try? There are a couple of options … and I tried them all after I published – but they all work for me. But – as I am the Administrator – I’m not sure it will react the same for me … as for others. Anyway – will see what I can sort out. Thanks for letting me know.

Hey Linda – glad to see that you are moving forward in your own way – and that you have such a great attitude! Good for you!!

Hi Leslie – Sorry – I didn’t explain very well, where the names were. Guess I was too ‘webbed out’. Ha Ha They are on this Blog – just scroll back – closer to the top - and see the very, very long list of names that were suggested for our group. I highlighted in blue, the ones that I thought would work best … and there are more suggestions below.

Oh … Love the punctuation thing! Too cute!

Hi Nina: – Congrats on the new Grandbaby! How cool!

Hey Connie – Welcome home! It was so great meeting you … and I am excited for you, about your new venture! Looking forward to hearing more about it!

Hi Wanda – so sorry that you can’t access the site. If you copy the link into your browser – then hit ‘Enter’ – it should take you there.
I will send it in an Email - which might be easier for you. I’ll try to see if I can change out your pic - and put the one from your website in. Will let you know when I finish.

Also … Good luck on your career search!

Welcome EasyReader – Thanks much! And – Yes! Join us! There are so many amazing women (and one great guy) … and we are very glad to have you with us.

Hello Suzan – thanks for the Great Ideas (ha ha). Seriously … got your Email too – will write soon! Look forward to communicating with you further!

On the Blog - I agree that it will be good to feature different topics. At one point – I had about five different topics to post to – but then MB happened – and everyone went away for a bit – so it never really worked. So the ‘one at a time’ Blog seemed to work best. And we were planning to alternate Blogs – so that everyone can have the chance to be the Hostess (or Host). I think that will work – and we will always have a link to the current Blog Hostess on the Webpage … so that if someone was not sure where the group was posting – they could just go there and click on the link. So … we can try that for a while. I did have a Blog set up on the Website – but it didn’t work very well – so I deleted it. It wasn’t a very good Blog set up.

Also - your comments about dating a younger guy are exactly the same as my thoughts. I’ve ‘been there … done that’ … and just felt it wasn’t really for me. Though when I was really active in the online dating – I can’t even tell you how many younger guys wrote to me … and kept pressing – even when I said I wasn’t interested. That is why I now say in my Profiles that I am not interested in being someone’s ‘Mrs. Robinson’. Ha ha Though, like Safari Soul, I have had some good experiences with guys who are a little younger – and my last long-term relationship was with a man who was 6 years younger … and we were together for four years.

Safari Soul – thanks for sharing! Appreciated your comments!

Sylvia – Thanks for bringing up the ‘dating younger men’ topic. Great idea to discuss different issues and interests. Keep ‘em coming! : )

Hey Sunni – so glad to hear that Rachael’s surgery was successful … and the tumor benign. And that is great that her boyfriend brought in humor to the situation. I agree – that it helps in the healing. When I was getting ready to go in for my bilateral mastectomy – my older sister blew up one of the rubber gloves that the medical staff wears. She took a marker and made a face on it – the fingers were ‘the hair’ – and on one side she wrote ‘Dr. D. – Steady Hands’ (for my General Surgeon) … and ‘Dr. G. - Make Me Pretty’ (for my Plastic Surgeon). The nurses stuck it on my I.V. – and everyone loved it. It was removed when I went into the O.R. – but was on again – when I woke up in recovery. When the Surgeons came to see me after the surgery – they both laughed and commented on it. I always thought – ‘It couldn’t hurt’ – to have the Docs smiling when they started into my procedures. : ) We had lots of other funny things that we did – and I know that it helped me – to keep a sense of humor about all of it. So … Rachael is fortunate – to have people in her life who will give her that precious gift!

And yes – we will definitely have key words on our Web. As soon as we agree on the name – and I add that on the site – then I’ll add that feature. And no – our Web is not just for NNBBS – (or whatever we will be). It can grow with us … and also be a place where we can support each other financially as well – with our Advertising page. It will be fun to see how it evolves.

Hi Marty – Check out Willemina’s Blog – to find out about California in Jan. She is helping to coordinate that. FYI - to anyone interested - some of the gals are meeting up in California in January - so go to Willemina's Blog to find out more info!

Hey Chandra – Spin out of control any time! Love it! : )

Hello Ada – love your story about the Heat/AC guy that you dated. I met a really great guy through online dating - but just didn’t really think it would work for us. But I now have a great AC guy too. So … not a bad thing!

And thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate it!

Welcome Pennys from Heaven! Glad to have you with us!

Hi Vanessa! How did all of your people (and horses) do during the Hurricane? Monday was a crazy day here – and even as far north as we were – we had heavy winds and lots of rain. Our temps dropped overnight – from the 80’s to the 50’s! Which is actually quite pleasant!

Love the site that you posted. I’ll check that out further in a bit. Thanks for sharing.

Also – I posted your pic on the Web – and owe you an Email too!

Thanks Phyl!

A special thanks Sylvia and Sunni – for the new suggestions. Got me thinking about combining some of ‘the favorites’. So … what about one of these (or a variation on one of these) for our new group name:

‘Journey of the Adventurous Hearts’

‘Journeys of the Adventurous Heart’

‘Adventurous Journeys of the Heart’

‘Adventurous Journey of the Hearts’

‘Adventurous Hearts on a Journey’

‘Adventurous Travelers with Heart’

‘Journey of the Hearts
of the Simply Adventurous Sisters’

And we can include the ‘tag’ that Chandra wrote:
‘We are all on a journey in life … whether it is traveling or just a journey, on our journey.....

So … let’s try to make a decision over the next couple of days – so that I can get the Website completed – and get our key words set up.

Next up … our Heart Bracelet Campaign!!!

Safe in Florida,


(Sunni – I will be sending your Heart Bracelets out tomorrow! So sorry for the delay!)

heiresschild said...

hi brenda, just to clarify--sunni was the one that came up with the "adventurous hearts." i was just emailing u to say i really liked that name she had suggested, but the idea was hers.

so, i like the "adventurous hearts" with the tag chandra wrote "we are all on a journey in life... i know u have to hear from others; i just wanted to add my input.


Dale Savage said...

Good evening one and all!

Leslie, I would have to go with the second reading... and I'm a GUY! Go figure. ;)

Wanda and Sylvia, I used to do much of my work in Southeast Asia on motorcycle--a dirtbike. It was always an adventure--crossing rivers, going up mountain footpaths in the jungle, etc. Later on in the US, I used one alot too, but just sort of gradually stopped after my mother's death. (I also had small children at the time). Not really sure why that happened, but I always loved the sense of freedom.

Sunni, as others have voiced. I am so thankful that Rachel seems to have weathered her surgery well. I hope you and C. have a great time in LA. You'll have to fill us all in when you are back!

ciao y'all,

Anonymous said...

Brenda, Thanks for the e-mails. Your hands are full yet you took the time --Thanks! Will reply tomorrow.

Glad the Rachel storm & Wilma storms are over. Yet the aftermath is hard too. Good Luck to all.

Here's the famous Mammy Poem I promised in case anyone has missed it. With apologies to Dale:

For years and years they told me,
Be careful of your breasts.
Don't ever squeeze or bruise them.
And give them monthly tests.

So I heeded all their warnings,
And protected them by law.
Guarded them very carefully,
And I always wore my bra.

After 30 years of astute care,
My gyno, Dr. Pruitt,
Said I should get a Mammogram
"OK," I said, "let's do it."

"Stand up here real close" she said,
(She got my boob in line),
"And tell me when it hurts," she said,
"Ah yes! Right there, that's fine."

She stepped upon a pedal,
I could not believe my eyes!
A plastic plate came slamming down,
My hooter's in a vise!

My skin was stretched and mangled,
From underneath my chin.
My poor boob was being squashed,
To Swedish Pancake thin.

Excruciating pain I felt,
Within it's viselike grip.
A prisoner in this vicious thing,
My poor defenseless tit!

"Take a deep breath" she said to me,
Who does she think she's kidding?!?
My chest is mashed in her machine,
And woozy I am getting.

"There, that's good," I heard her say,
(The room was slowly swaying.)
"Now, let's have a go at the other one."
Have mercy, I was praying.

It squeezed me from both up and down,
It squeezed me from both sides.
I'll bet SHE'S never had this done,
To HER tender little hide.

Next time that they make me do this,
I will request a blindfold.
I have no wish to see again,
My knockers getting steam rolled.

If I had no problem when I came in,
I surely have one now.
If there had been a cyst in there,
It would have gone "ker-pow!"

This machine was created by a man,
Of this, I have no doubt.
I'd like to stick his balls in there,
And see how THEY come out!

What brought me on this kick is that I went to check on the date of my gyn appt. I usually make it when I 'm finished with the present one. I do that 'cause I have a special way. Do either mam or gyn in your birthday month & then do the other 6 mos. later. That covers you thru the year better & you can always remember it. The problem this time is that I must have forgotten. Now I have to wait until Mar.! (& I'm out of my schedule!) So much for the med. world caring...

When I pulled this out, found some other cute things. They will be my jokes du jour for the next few days.

Tomorrow I'm going to the rink for an 80th b'day party for one of my skating partners. At night seeing La Traviata. Hope I don't fall asleep so I must get some now.

Leslie: said...

Ada! What a great way to start my day - with rolling on the floor laughing out loud laughter! Every woman can identify with your poem - thanks for sharing.

CathyinCarolina said...

I vote: Adventerous Hearts

Again the non-gender being important, even tho you may in up female dominated, you would not want to eliminated folks like
Dale and any other males who are brave souls, like him.

Anonymous said...

Brenda and Jackie, ladies and DALE!! You have made my day. I was checking out the blog site and when I seen the nice "Welcome" it made me smile! How nice to be remembered, and knowing how busy everyone is this tells me you really care about people alot to make each person feel welcome and important. With a daughter son-in-law and grandchildren in Stuart Florida I stay tuned to the hurricanes as they happen. My thoughts are with all those that went thru Wilma and please stay safe in the clean-up and recovery period. My daughters family is still without electricity and she said a cup of hot coffee is really sounding good about now!

CathyinCarolina said...


I just re-tried posting under the "Traveling Chair", and was not successful, but maybe it's just me, you know I am a Natural Blonde.

You are still "Wow-ing me" with you skills!!!!!

You go, Girl!!!!

ReeltorMe said...

Hi Brenda & all,
My vote is for the first name: "Journey of the Adventurous Hearts." It has a nice ring to it.
JOTAH for short.
My tag should read: "We are all on a journey in life - whether it is traveling or on life's journey."

traveln-hsr said...

I read the blogs every now and then that are the spin-offs from the Senior Bachelor. Though I wrote at the SB blog a couple of times I often found myself deleting posts because I just wasn't comfortable in that forum. Early on in the Senior Bachelor search I began writing to Richard and he wrote back to me, often. They were very friendly and heartfelt sentiments and replies in our correspondences. I did not enter the search and so the correspondences ended for reasons that will stay between Richard and I. I was interested in the travel for 6 months and I would have done it, but I just wasn't really into the "search" part of SB, though I do think highly of Richard Roe and his efforts so far. I am writing here today because of all the personalities I witnessed through Senior Bachelor, Brenda seems to be somewhat of a kindred spirit. I was so happy and impressed to read about the work she plans to do with Jackie - wow what a great turn of events!

I am a traveler and I am interested in this endeavor as well! My travel currently isn't of the "single" person theme, though I am a single mom. I travel with my student and boy do we have fun! I travel to teach and to bring world culture to my highly gifted student and to the other people I deal with in the "cyber community". There are plenty of women just like me, so factor us into this equation!!!

Our electronic world crashed around us (literally - hard drive failure) about five weeks ago, so I have been trying to recover from that at the same time I was gearing up for another "school year". Our blog and website have been neglected, so if you stop by bear that in mind! But I am also offering whatever I can to help and be a part of this too!

Amy Cortez
The Traveln' Homeschooler

ClickGirl said...

Hi Sylvia. I knew that. Hee Hee - But reading Sunni’s comments – and yours is what ‘spurred’ me into thinking of combining both of the Titles. : ) So I felt you deserved credit too. : )

Welcome Back Babette! Glad you are back with us ... after going to the ER because of your ordeal - getting lost in the Grand Canyon! (ha ha) I'm just joking! I know that didn't have anything to do with it! But we are still waiting to hear about your 'Lost' experience - when you are feeling up to it! : )

Thanks Wanda!! : )

Thanks Pennys from Heaven!

Oooooh Suzan! You are being mean! Ha Ha (just joking – I agree)! : )

Hi Traveln-hsr – Wow. Thank you! So sorry about your hard drive! I have been there – and know how painful that can be! Glad you are up and running again – and I’m so glad that you stopped by to post here. Hope you will become a regular with us! Also – we have another ‘Homeschooler’ – Sunni … so you two will have something in common as well. Loved your Blog and Website – in my initial glance. Will look more thoroughly later. Thanks for sharing! And we will definitely put you on our list!

Hey Cathy – I’ll try to check it again tonight. It could be that I have a typo. I need to post a new pic too – so will check it out. It might be me … being an ‘un-natural’ blonde! Ha Ha I was at a meeting today at The Peabody Orlando – with a whole team of people who partner together to put on a huge Give Kids the World Gala every year. Last years efforts raised $600,000 in one night! Today was my first meeting with the team – preparing for the May 2006 event. There were about 10 of us – and none of them have seen me since I started having my lighter highlights done … so I was quite the topic of conversation today. They all liked my new ‘blonde’ hair. : ) I still don’t think of it as blonde … and what do I know. My hair gal calls it ‘highlights’ and ‘lowlights’. : )

So Everyone ...
I’m off to post two new pics to the Web – and see if I can figure out why that one link doesn’t work. Will be back later – to see if we have more comments on the names! I’m liking where we are headed with it! Thanks for all of the input! More later …


soft_rain said...

With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment,

It is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person, which almost went unnoticed last week.

Larry La Prise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey" died peacefully at age 93.

The most traumatic part for the family was getting him into the coffin.

First they put his left leg in... and then the trouble started.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Everyone!

On the new website, I added pics for Peg and Wanda ... and checked the link from under 'The Travelin Chair'. It seems to be correct - but if some of you could check it - and send an Email from clicking on that link - just so we can check it - I would really appreciate it. Please write 'WEB CHECK' in the Subject line of the Email. Thanks much!
(please copy and paste into your Browser)


soft_rain said...

Ada: so poem is so funny!!!
Too much!!!!

ClickGirl said...

Hey Soft Rain ... and white kitty! Welcome ... and thanks for the grin. Hee Hee You had me going ... just for a line. : )

Hi Marty- If you go to my Archives - to July 17th, then scroll down to the 'Welcome Bloggettes' post - you can scroll down a bit to two posts that I wrote to Canadian Bloggette. That has instructions for doing Photos. Hope that helps.

Also - I haven't heard of any complaints from SB about this site, in fact, it was started at Richard's request, as he wanted to keep his Blog specifically for his venture - and suggested that we all create our own Blogs. I started mine - and invited others to come here to discuss things that were not appropriate on the SB Blog. We've been here since July ... and when I was in Chicago, both Richard and Joe thanked me for my positive Blog. In fact, Joe wrote to me after I posted my pics and commentary and asked to use it for the SB Newsletter (which they did). He even told me that Richard and him were reading it - and viewing my pics - and laughed and enjoyed what I had posted. So - no - I haven't received any flack - and don't really expect to receive any. And many people post on both Blogs. So ... don't know why they would be upset. : ) I do think that their site will pick up - when they announce the trip participants. Also - it's not really that unusual for there to be dips in people posting - as people come in and out from their busy lives. : )

Okay ... I'm off for now. Take care! Sleep well!

In honor of the Hokey Pokey,


soft_rain said...

Babbette glad you made it back safe.....

Love to make you guys laugh

Anonymous said...

Liked the jokes & to quote soft rain: "Love to make you guys laugh"
Cry sometimes too.

How to Prepare for Mammogram

Many women are afraid of their first mammogram, but there is no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam and doing the following exercises, you will be totally prepared for the test. And best of all, you can do these simple exercises right in your own home.


Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast in door. Shut as hard as possible and lean on the door for good measure. Hold that position for five seconds. Repeat again in case the first time wasn't effective enough.


Visit your garage at 3 AM when the temperature of the cement floor is just perfect. Take off all your clothes and lie comfortably on the floor with one breast wedged under the rear tire of the car. Ask a friend to slowly back the car up until your breast is sufficiently flattened and chilled.. Turn over and repeat with the other breast.


Freeze two metal bookends over night. Strip to the waist. Invite a stranger into the room. Press the bookends against one of your breasts. Smash the bookends together as hard as you can. Set up an appointment with the stranger to meet next year and do it again.

Old but it came with the e-mail & is still funny. Just a thought for all the women out there:

MENtal illness, MENstrual cramps, MENtal breakdown, MENopause...Ever notice how all of women's problems start with men?

And when we have real trouble, it's HISterectomy!!!

Don't forget to have a mammogram --our lives really do depend on it, and the part you play in my life is so valuable that I ask you to endure the pain.

Brenda - Got right to the site with the address you gave above. I want to know is there a way to get right to the blog? i.e. How to put in favorites so it comes up with the current blogs(i.e. new ones) What I do now is C&P the address into a new google.

Also, are we opening this up to non -SB people? At the rink today talked with one of the single women skaters & wondered if she wants to come along can she?
The 80 yr. old b.d. boy asked why I wasn't skating. We often ice- danced together. I was tempted to go home & get my skates. I sure do miss it.

Anonymous said...

This was part of an e-mail I sent to RR:
One final item - the blog. " My opinion.( the coarse part) .......everybody has one".

Richard, don't be so afraid of the negative comments. The women that love you will defend you. Deleting stuff just stirs up curiosity. This leads to rumor etc. Things can be put on other blogs anyway. Then you have no way to refute if you are deleted. In addition, your blog may be the 1st sight people go to. Nip it in the bud. Like me, others may not have the patience to search out "the tooth, whole tooth etc." I think this is what happened with those bloggettes you banished (I think wrongly) & everyone was hurt.

Again, I will post the last para on click girl.

I finally got around to sending this to RR tonight. You know the quote: "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend unto the death your right to say it." I really feel that way but also if you have something against me SAY IT TO ME. If you want me to go to Hell, tell me to, too (but not two). So far everyone has been very nice & welcoming to me. Man, I wish I could do the fancy fonts here!

My mom had a friend. And then she didn't have a friend because someone told this friend my mother either said or did or didn't do something. They wasted many years & this women wasn't at my wedding which I would have liked her to be.
She was around again & I kept in touch with her until her untimely death.
Thus I can't say let's be adults but we are starting something so special here, let's not muck it up.

O.K. off my soapbox. It was just that I finally wrote to R, have been discussing it with some of the ladies & wanted to get it off my chest (esp. if I get a mam. he he)Won't mention it again.

soft_rain said...

anon: That was so's a keeper......

Only the laugh out loud one's are keeper's

traveln-hsr said...

Hi, I am going to venture an opinion here about the title for the new venture. As great as the Heart Bracelets are, Heart disease isn't the only thing that effects women so why box yourself into that by using that name? There are a bunch of "issues" I could suggest to add to this part of the journey. Maybe make the "hearts" part a subdivision of the new site. This opens the entire thing up to more a global title that might be easier for all kinds of people to relate to.

I have always appreciated humor, it can surely be a more sophisticated way to accomplish a goal! Now that I am over 45 I appreciate the "Listen Honey" Lady! But anyway, my opinion is that you might think about stepping away from a specific female ailment. One of the things RR pointed out and that our age group is marginalized. In my correspondences with RR we discussed that idea and I suggested that is was the language that is used today that causes *us* -our age group - to feel that way. Language is powerful and this is the idea I am suggesting. I said this to RR, that he was in a position to do something selfless about our age group being marginalized. I suggested "SageBachelor" instead of SeniorBachelor. A lead balloon with Richard! Anyway, my opinion is to choose language for your title that *invites* *everyone* in.

Remember Arlo and Woodie Guthrie? How about "Happy Hobos", or if you must, "Happy Hobo Hearts"?


Anonymous said...

Sorry, the last anon. (Prep for Mam) was me, Ada. Must have hit the wrong button. After that long speech, know that I would never post as anon.
Amy - I just have a bunch of that mam. stuff together & rather than hog the site, have been sending it out daily, in bits. I can stop if people prefer me to, no problem.

Below is RR's response
Ada, Thanks for the info. We have decided that our approach re the blog will be to delete all comments that are untrue or ones we feel not appropriate. Since some have left the blog, we have a lot less monitoring to do and I am happy they are gone. I'm not trying to sell you on this, just different strokes for different folks and that's our policy, and will remain our policy. Quite frankly, the negative ladies are not the ones we choose to work with, and it is a very small number when you consider there are close to 25,000 women overall!!! Take care, RR

My answer: Richard, That's the point, there are things & people that have NOT been negative & still been removed. Still it's "your house, your rules" & this can be the end of discussion.

All the best,


traveln-hsr said...

Ada, I don't understand your post - if it was directed to me. I didn't blog at SB so my posts didn't get removed. (I was unaware that actually happened to posts there). I just wasn't comfortable blogging there. My references to RR are from the letters we exchanged discussing a couple of issues, one of them, marginaliztion of our age group. RR seems to have his own opinions and ideas about things and so did I. I happen to think he could have used the momentum he generated in *another* way, like what Brenda and Jackie seem to be interested in doing. It will be very difficult now I think for Richard to seperate his *search* which is about him, to something that is bigger for others. One thing I did observe in my email exchanges with the SB was that he only seemed to reply in length to the notes that were laced with compliments to him, which bothered me a little. He was somewhat curt if I wrote very frank things, and sometimes his replies made feel like "wow- what's that all about?". In general I try to stay away from negative. Negative is just too draining. And I'll be happy if we can manage to pull off something like what Brenda and Jackie are proposing in this blog. I think it would be great!


traveln-hsr said...

Oh - one other thing. Blogs are very public. One thing I might suggest is a email list to discuss the details of this venture Brenda and Jackie are proposing. As homeschoolers we use email lists a lot. Membership can be loosly or tightly controlled and what gets written is only viewed by the members. Just an idea. Off to work on Algebra.


ClickGirl said...

Hi Francesca: So sorry to hear about your friend. She was fortunate to have you there - during these past months. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Hi Ada: Thanks for sharing - and the good comments. And, especially, the positive way that you presented it. Much appreciated!

Regarding our group (the 'evolving' NNBBS) - yes - certainly, anyone is encouraged to join us. I don't really see us having many boundaries - though our focus will probably naturally be 45ish and older singles. So your friend is definitely welcome.

Hey Suzan - ha ha on your Sage comment. : ) Also - will check out your link. Thanks for posting that! Poor Cozumel!

Hi Amy. Thanks for your very thoughtful post. And you really have hit the key to what I have been striving for here. At the moment, this Blog is my personal Blog - but also the Host Site for what used to be 'The NNBBS' (more on that in a minute). I have tried to provide a place for us to share and discuss things (in the beginning it was mostly about the SB venture) - while keeping with a more positive attitude. We can express opinions without being mean and unkind - and I have tried to encourage that kind of posting. From time to time people have needed to 'vent' - and that is understandable - and accepted - as long as it doesn't keep rehashing and rehashing something to the point of pure negativity. I, like you, don't really want to 'live' with that kind of stuff. Life is too short ... and I've seen too many people live that way ... and it's not for me. So I really hope that we can 'take the high road' - and try to make this a place that is positive and useful ... and a place that we feel good about visiting. I'm not saying that we should ignore truth and reality - and that every post needs to be 'flowery' and 'cheerful' - because there are times when we need - we truly 'need' - to share some hurt of our heart. But, hopefully, it can be done in a such a way that it is an expression of feelings - and not an attack on another human being. I think talking about ideas and plans and what we are doing is just much more interesting anyway.

That is a great point - about Blogs being very public. We had a discussion about this a while back - and I commented that I had typed in 'Senior Bachelor' in 'Dogpile' (my search engine of choice) - and some posts from VJ aka Dreamweaver came up - plus many others. So it is all very public. In fact, unless you have a link to a public business (like Real Estate) which has your real name - I would discourage people having their full name on their profiles ... and the Email that a person gives out should not have their real name in it. I create free Hotmail accounts - to use for things like this - that are very public. It is just a way to protect yourself ... and not give out info, until you know someone.

That is also a good idea about the Email list - or I was even thinking of a Message Board - where it would be easier to have a variety of subjects - and people could 'join' - so that the comments would not be so public. I'll check into that further.

To All: About the venture with Jackie and me ... we are meeting next weekend - and we will actually be developing our own website which will have more information about our plans.

I greatly appreciate all of the good thoughts and comments ... let's continue on ... on a new Blog!

See you on the new one!!
