Thursday, October 27, 2005


I kindly request that there be no further reference to The Senior Bachelor venture on this Blog.

I have been asked to remove all reference, and certain photos, and I feel it important that I comply - even though, as most of you are aware, I have been extremely supportive and positive about that venture. But, in an effort to not create any confusion, and to adhere to the request that was made, I ask for your help in supporting this request.

Fortunately - I don't think we will be at a loss for things to discuss! You are all so great ... and I feel certain that we will be able to continue on ... with great discussions ... inspirational quotes ... and funny stories and jokes.
I thank you, in advance, for your cooperation!

So ... moving right along ... I've collected all of the various comments that have been made about our new group name - and last night - came up with this (a combination of several elements):

We are
Adventurous Hearts
… on the Journey of our Lives

We are all on a Journey in life …
whether it is Traveling or just a Journey,
on Our Journey...

'Adventurous Hearts' seemed to be the most preferred name - with 'Journey of the Hearts' a close second ... so I kept playing around with them last night - and thought - 'Yes' - we are - 'Adventurous Hearts' ... and we are on Our own Journeys. So ... this just felt 'right'.

Though I appreciate the suggestion about having something with humor - we've sort of 'been there' - with 'The Nanny Nanny Boo Boo Sisterhood' - and the reason that we were coming up with a new name - is that many of the posters were wanting something that better reflected who we were ... and what we were about. And something that could be taken seriously. We were looking for something that combined Adventure ... Traveling (i.e. Journey) ... and 'Heart'. The Heart doesn't come from 'Heart Disease' - but rather, from Us being caring 'Hearts' ... and because we met - through a search for 'Romance' (and Adventure). So that is really where the 'Heart' came from. And - that we so shared our hearts with each other - through our journey in the Blogs.

When we were looking for a cause - we just linked into American Heart and World Heart (with a Global reach) - because it was a natural connection - and the Red Bracelets that we had chosen would work great with that cause. After Hurricane Katrina, we linked in with Red Cross as well - so that we will be donating to three different causes. When we end the Red Heart Campaign at the end of the year - we can go in any direction that we want - and can give to any cause that we choose - and the 'Heart' will continue to be appropriate. So that is a little 'history' - of where all of that came from ... and about the possibilities before us! A huge Thanks! ... to everyone who contributed! Even the humorous suggestions! All were appreciated!!

So ... let me know what you think about the name! I'm excited about getting the website updated ... and moving forward! But ... it needs to be done - with a name that most everyone feels good about. Take a look - and see how it works for you:

With An 'Adventurous Heart',


P.S. If anyone wants further details about the first request - In keeping with maintaining a positive Blog - I will have to respond with a 'No Comment'. Hope that all of you will understand. Thanks so much!!



Leslie: said...

Hi Brenda and say Hi to Jackie, too I am fully supportive of the new name - LOVE IT! - and hope to hear how everything works itself out. I'm looking forward to being a part of the group going to Mexico in 2006 - if at all possible! Kudos to you both!

ReeltorMe said...

Hi Brenda,
Love your new name and thanks for all your work on it.
I would like to change that tag line to read:
"We are all on a journey in life....whether it's traveling or just on a journey - it's the journey and not the destination."

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you got on your knees and fell to that bafoon!! What a disappointment! Now all that is left is the fawning people, who will no doubt go on & on about what a beautiful site, wonderful people, etc. How generic. You had a great site going -- I can't believe you even took down the entrance to Jackie, re: Fab Finalist. You really deleted every final crumb that related (even remotely) to the egomaniacs site. So sad. But then again, you always spoke like you were one of them, on their side, etc. So, we shouldn't be so suprised. Just disappointed

Anonymous said...

On their payroll, maybe

Anonymous said...

Oh, quite right!! Every word was a mirror of that lackey Joe!! Including the (sighs), when people didn't understand things

ClickGirl said...

Hey Everyone! I was going to ask how everyone liked the new look - but I see the Anons got here before I could ask. (ha ha)

Thanks Leslie! Glad you like it! I am really looking forward to meeting you. And I am sure Jackie feels the same. : )

Hey Wanda - Glad you made it back safely from the Dentist. Sleep well. : )

Hi Chandra: I liked your suggestion for the tag. That has always been one of my favorites. Check out the revisions on the Website - and let me know what you think. I still have 'stuff to do' - but it's a pretty good start.

And Phyl - thanks much! I greatly value having your respect. It means more to me than you will know.

Also - I just edited the last Blog - but 'the important stuff' is still there. : ) Know what I mean? I am sure you will 'get it'.

The link to the Web was actually in the last Blog - but I decided to put the suggested name on the site - to see what it looked like - and to see what people thought. I also did some editing to the website - so that link to the Website is now posted on the main page of this Blog - which will actually make it easier for everyone - because you can just click on it. I'll also add it to my Links - so we will all be just a 'Click' away. (ha ha)

Hey Suzan - I hope that you know that you, of all people, are more than welcome here ... and welcome to express yourself freely. There are ways of doing that - without mentioning certain names. Please take time to read between the lines ... Okay? This relates very much to something that you wrote on Chi-Town's Blog too. Also - why should we give any 'free press' to someone who doesn't appreciate it?

Hi Francesca: I got your Email - haven't had time to respond - but will write soon. Sorry for the misunderstanding! Truly.

And ... about 'this'. No disillusionment. : ) Just think it is a bit silly - and not very 'wise'. Goes under the 'cut off your nose to spite your face' rule. : ) And yes - you are so right. We have plenty to talk about. I was getting rather bored anyway. Hee Hee

Anonymous: Got on my knees and fell? Ha Ha You, obviously, do not know me very well - though, apparently, you think you do. So - I am curious - if you think someone is an 'egomaniac' and 'buffoon' - why is it not a positive that I took down every crumb relating to that person? Your words sound like a huge contradiction to me. You should be thanking me!! Really!

And - what made my site 'great' - had nothing to do with that venture. IMO - a bit of trial and error ... a little creativity ... and lots of amazing people are what made this site what it is. We don't 'need' anyone else. Stick around ... maybe I will surprise you again ... in a more positive way.

I am one of them? On their side? On their Payroll? Too funny. Would I have spent hours of my day off removing stuff, if I was? You Anons are really something. You, who think you are so smart, might want to consider that I happen to be in an industry where I have to be very careful about photo releases and things like that. If someone says to me (or you) that they don't want their photo posted - it would be a wise thing to comply with that request. So, again, I (and you) don't 'need' 'them'. IMO - no big loss. Sorry that you feel it is. If you want to see more of 'that' - just go over to their site. It's there waiting for you. : )

Question to the Anons: If you really thought that I was 'one of them' and that 'every word was a mirror of that Lackey' - why did you waste your time coming here? I don't understand that mentality. It seems rather odd to me. But - I guess 'to each his/her own'.

And Hmmmmmmm - I never remember Joe doing 'Sighs'. I thought that I was being pretty original with that. Me thinks that is another contradiction. : )

Question (for anyone):
Why is it - that any time 'anything' happens - the Anons are here (or 'there') - ready to jump on it? But they are rarely around at other times - to contribute anything positive and 'of value'. Who are the Anons, anyway? On the Payroll? Mad 'Ex-Girlfriend'? Black sheep in the family? I'm just curious.

To All of 'The Friendly's': Thanks ... and please check out the changes to the Website. Also - how about if everyone sends me one of your favorite travel photos (by Email) - with a short caption or paragraph - and I will post those on the Website - to go along with our 'Adventurous Hearts' theme. Like - Suzan and her Sharks! Cheryl and the Kayaks! Babette in the Grand Canyon! : ) Okay? Wouldn't that be fun?

Rising above it all,


P.S. For those of you who feel this is such a huge 'tragedy' - remember that I had cancer - and so, to me, this all seems very trivial - in the whole scheme of things. It would take a lot more than removing a few words and photos - for me to be upset. I feel sad for the ones doing the asking - because I always tried to be supportive and considerate. So ... it is their loss. Not mine. Life is much, much too short - for letting something like this bother me. And you! Sigh. (written w/o mirroring Joe) : )

Anonymous said...

Hello Brenda and Jackie! I love the name Adventurous Hearts. I feel there are alot of positive women who REALLY care with all their heart. Its nice to know that so many people are supportive and positive in a time when turmoil is everywhere. I personally am thankful for every day and try to make each day a new adventure by adapting to what comes my way. I am trying to figure out more on my blog profile and will try to get more of that figured out. I love to read and my favorite author Richard Paul Evans will be in Iowa City on November 12!! Yes I will be traveling there to get his latest book I have, The Sunflower, signed in person. Just one more adventure I can build for myself and give myself something to look forward to on a day off. Sometimes you don't have to look to far to find something to be happy about, and the new friends I am finding along this journey has taught me that complete strangers can become great and supportive friends!!Blog on!!!

heiresschild said...

i have dial-up (yeah, yeah, i know, but there are still a few of us who do!)so i want to say i can get to this blogsite and comment page a lot faster now that some of the pics are gone. do u know how long it takes for pics to download?


ClickGirl said...

Hey Babette - Waaahhhooooo right back at you! : ) Thank you soooo much!! I did get the PayPal thing - and the NNBBS should be fine - as that is still the Email address. I have to change the P.O. Box too - before I change it on the Web. Little details - you know. I'll sort the PayPal thing tomorrow - and respond to your Email. Was a bit busy this afternoon (ha ha). Sigh!!

So True Peg!! And your venture to meet Richard Paul Evans sounds cool. I love to do stuff like that too! We'll look forward to hearing more about that! And ... thanks so much for your great post!

Hey Sylvia - You know, I never realized that the photos slowed down the dial up folks. So ... see there was a really positive thing about what happened! (ha ha)! Maybe I'll move more of the photos over to the Website - and remove some others on here! Thanks for letting me know that! I guess I am spoiled by my DSL ... so apologies for not realizing that it bogged you (and others) down.

If you have time - would you please let me know how the Webpage loads? I'd be curious to know ... because I thought that it wouldn't need download time - but I am not sure how that works ... and I don't want it to be so loaded that people can't access it. So - if you have a chance ... would appreciate it! Thanks much!

Goodnight Bloggers and Bloggettes!

Sittin' in the Sunshine,


ReeltorMe said...

You are such a sweetheart and we all love and admire you!!
The website loads just fine and it speaks loudly of your creativity and strong love of "the journey." I vote you the Queen of the Hearts site!!!
Thanks for coming into our lives and I can't wait to hear about the plans unfolding with you and Jackie......

heiresschild said...

well brenda, since you have been voted the "queen of hearts," will you make us some tarts? i like apple. just a bit of silly humor before bed.


heiresschild said...

brenda, it didn't take long for the webpage to load.

willemina said...

Hi Sylvia...How's Karyce doing? Any pics yet?

Brenda, I love the new name...It fits us all! I also love the new website. You certainly have put a lot of love in this project and it shows! Thank you so much.

I haven't been blogging much lately. Trying to get caught up with everyday chores that I've been neglecting. I'm sure you can all relate...

I'm so glad to hear that you are home safe from your excursion to the Grand Canyon...I hope you are feeling better after your unrelated hospital stay. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

Hello also to Leslie, Phyl, Suzan, Chandra, la dolce vida, Wanda, pennys from heaven, love 2 travel...

Hugs to all and good night

soft_rain said...

New name , sounds good to me !!

Sorry to say , I never liked the other one .

Cool website!!

ClickGirl said...

Hi Suzan - I am writing you an Email!!!! Please, please - hold off until you hear from me!!

Many thanks!!


Anonymous said...

Do you know how refreshing it is to realize you are not the only single woman over 45 left in the world? (lol) Use to feel that way. (Use to) This is great!

Anonymous said...

ooooopppppppss(or under 45)

Anonymous said...

I wrote this earlier in the day & couldn't find the new blog. Now there is so much to say, please excuse my blogness hogness. The new stuff will be at the end.

First of all Congrats Chi. People – Of course it must have been the magic us ladies brought to the town (he he – maybe here it should be she she LOL).

Francessca, it hurts when you lose a friend, esp. when so early. May it stop raining on you, will call.

Amy – this is a direct quote: “I have always appreciated humor, it can surely be a more sophisticated way to accomplish a goal! Now that I am over 45 I appreciate the "Listen Honey" Lady! But anyway, my opinion is that you might think about stepping away from a specific female ailment.” So I assumed you meant my funny stuff about mammograms. If I misunderstood, I am sorry, hope you see my confusion. As I often state, a common state for me. I’m also with you re the e-mail list.

I too am always amazed at the power of language. That’s why we need to choose words & punctuation carefully. & sometimes the dictionary doesn’t help.

ABC News had a segment tonight about how they are designing planes for oldsters. “The better to [travel on] my dear[s].”

Suzan – As of 8:30 “no blog found” for your sight.

The Dayton Daily News published the winning entries in the Erma Bombeck Writing Competition. 1st place in Humor category by Leigh Anne Jasheway of Eugene, Oregon.

"The First Time's Always the Worst"

The first mammogram is the worst. Especially when the machine catches on fire. That's what happened to me. The technician, Gail, positioned me exactly as she wanted me (think a really complicated game of Twister -right hand on the blue, left shoulder on the yellow, right breast as far away as humanly possible from the rest of your body). Then she clamped the machine down so tight, I think my breast actually turned inside out. I'm pretty sure Victoria's Secret doesn't have a bra for that.
Suddenly, there was a loud popping noise. I looked down at my right breast to make sure it hadn't exploded. Nope, it was still flat as a pancake and still attached to my body."Oh no!" Gail said loudly. These are, perhaps, the words you least want to hear from any health professional. Suddenly, she came flying past me, her lab coat whipping behind her, on her way out the door. She yelled over her shoulder, "The machine's on fire, I'm going to get help!"
OK, I was wrong; 'The machine's on fire,' are the worst words you can hear from a health professional. Especially if you're all alone and semi-permanently attached to A MACHINE and don't know if it's THE MACHINE in question. I struggled for a few seconds trying to get free, but even Houdini couldn't have escaped. I decided to go to plan B: yelling at the top of my lung (the one that was still working).
I hadn't seen anything on fire, so my panic hadn't quite reached epic proportions. But then I started to smell smoke coming from behind the partition. "This is ridiculous," I thought. I can't die like this. What would they put in my obituary? Cause of death: breast entrapment?
I may have inhaled some fumes because I started to hallucinate. An imaginary fireman rushed in with a fire hose and a hatchet.
"Howdy,ma'am," he said. "What's happened here?" he asked, averting his eyes.
"My breasts were too hot for the machine," I quipped, as my imaginary fireman ran out of the room again. "This is gonna take the Jaws of Life!"
In reality, Gail returned with a fire extinguisher and put out the fire. She gave me a big smile and released me from the machine.
"Sorry! That's the first time that's ever happened. Why don't you take a few minutes to relax before we finish up?"
I think that's what she said. I was running across the parking lot in my backless paper gown at the time.

After I'd relaxed for a few years, I figured I might go back. But I was bringing my own fire extinguisher.


My mom gave me this great poem - don't know author but I have passed it to many women. It seems appropriate now & I give it to all of you for any future use:

I miss you not at all my pet,
I pass you on to her
But I perceive, how much I'd grieve to pass along to her
The most entrancing man of all,
The man I thought you were.
"Free, Free at last.
Thank the Lord, we're free at last." We are now what this is meant to be. That was that, it is now over. End of chapter, or better yet Prologue. That was the set up. Now for most, as it would have to have been, our own journey.

ANON - Why the negativity? You seem bitter of the other place so isn't it sweeter here? You don't know what went on so I think an apology is in order. Do it as anon. Then come out & play - the water is fine!

BRENDA - My nearly nightly Thank you.

Mex. new to me too.

Anonymous said...

Since this is a night for new this is just a test for me

In above poem it should be thought

Good night sweet princesses

Yahoo! it worked but it is a lot of trouble.

heiresschild said...

even though i love the new name, the old name holds special sentiment. that was the 1st set of bloggettes, and there was so much fun and closeness, which is how the nannynannybooboosisterhood came about. with additional ladies joining in and embarking on a new journey, it's just time for a new name, new memories, new friendships, hence "the adventurous hearts."

ada, i thought the other mammogram story from earlier today was funny, but this one surely gets the "funny award." i am literally laughing so hard, tears are running down my face. who knew you had such a sense of humor? well, probably you knew.

willy, hi, karyce is doing great. no pics yet; still waiting on mom & dad to send me some. i had my 7-month old granddaughter this week, and will have her tomorrow and 3 days next week, so i'm taking pictures of her. maybe by next week, i'll have pics of karyce also and can send them together.

good nite everyone. good nite john boy.


ClickGirl said...

Hi Marty Thanks! ... : )

Hey Ada! Good for you! Thanks for the posts. Your Mammo stuff is so funny.

Hi Sylvia - so true about the names. I'll do a 'Tribute to the NNBBS'! : ) That will be fun!
But not tonight. Ugh - it is 2:11 a.m.!! I better get to bed!

Yes - Sylvia - can't wait to see the pics of Karyce! How cool!

G'Night All!


ClickGirl said...


I broke my own rule ... and deleted a post tonight ... but have written to the poster with explanation. It wasn't a 'bad' post - or anything like that. But - I just wanted to explain ... so that people wouldn't be upset about it. When I've had some more sleep - I'll try to do a better explanation. : )


droma said...

The name brings new pictures to mind every time I read it.

This did'nt make the last blog, and now I hope it's not offensive. My suggestion re names:
Leave SENIOR to RR, he is the one old enough.

Yes, tears running down my cheeks!!
as you dash across the parking lot, mooning....

Those darn machines make droopers out of troopers, more than nursing 10 babies will do.

2 sounds one should not let slip, especially when delivering a baby and/ or repairing the episiotomy:


droma said...

ps: Had Hormone surges in my e-mail last evening.

CathyinCarolina said...


for the New Name, I Love it!!!

Man............ I hate when people get modivated by fear of this and fear of that, you just have to let them go on in their very fearful worlds!!!

I appreciate your possitive outlook on life, ClickgirL!!!

Tried and true, I have held a great respect for you thru this entire adventure!!!!!

Your friend from North Carolina!!

ClickGirl said...

Dr. Oma/Ellen - I agree! And not offensive at all.

Thanks Easy Reader and Cathy!

Glad everyone likes the new name!! Thanks Sunni! And thanks to Chandra for the great 'tag'. Now - send in those 'Adventurous Photos' to me!

Also - I just want to make sure that everyone understands - the 'Adventurous Hearts' is our Bloggette Website - replacing the NNBB Sisterhood site that Linda had set up. It doesn't have anything to do with what Jackie and I are working on (which will be totally separate from this Blog). I think there might have been a bit of confusion about that - so just wanted to make sure that I explained that properly.

Have a good one!

Moving along,


heiresschild said...

dr oma, you have a good sense of humor also. if i ever hear a dr say those words, "oops! and oh no!," i'll know he/she's in big trouble.


traveln-hsr said...


Wow, you guys talk all the time!

Ada - no I wasn't referring to the mamogram stuff - that was a stitch! A friend of mine just was diagnosed two weeks ago with breast canver and we are all horrified, but it was the mamogram that caught it. My sister-in-law died of cancer and there seems ot be really high a=occurance of cancer here in Southwest Ohio. When I was talking about stepping away from a female ailment I was referring to the name of the Nanny-boo-boo site that was being worked on. I thought the hearts part was comming from heart disease which now I read sort of was *and* I was confusing the request to help name Brenda and Jackie's new venture I thought that's what we were discussing...I guess that's what happens when you read too fast!

Sorry for making refernces to SB. I just had an experience with that and I thought that was the common thread here. I am good not discussing that here too. It was a blip on my radar for a time and now I've moved on. I can't believe that request came! All that stuff that Jacke wrote was beautiful adn I can't believe it's gone now. Why would the folks at SB care about that? Maybe the action at the SB website has dropped off and they are attempting to get it back. Oh well, everyone plays differently I suppose.

On the new venture - that's what I was talking about. I can help! I can help! I worked in the software industry for over a decade and a half and I continue to do online work as I homeschool so if you need programming help or internet help, I'm there. I help a number of non-profits around here on volunteer basis so I manage to stay plugged in.I am in the process of trying to make our website more commercial, so I know how to do that, it just doesn't happen too fast at my house because we'd rther hit the road than the keybaord! If this venture blooms into something good and you need help - count on me!! I'd really like to find a way to get to travel with a great group of people to some cool places and maybe do something good for all us "Listen Honeys" out there!

traveln-hsr said...

well that was dumb, it asked for a password and then posted my unfinished post.

Anyway, the Adventurous Hearts site is great!


ClickGirl said...

Hi Amy,

Thanks! That is great! It's great to know there are resources like you out there!! I may be getting in touch with you for help. We also have Babette - who is a computer Guru (to me). Glad you like the name ... and the site!

And yes - I am afraid that maybe I didn't communicate very well - probably because of my excitement - but several people (maybe 'the others' also) - seemed to think that 'everything' was connected. But it is not. Glad you brought that up!

Just to help everyone understand ... we have:

1. My Blog - a personal, non-money making place to Blog. Not associated with any other Blog (except Blogging with B, ClickGirl's Photos & Namedropping). Currently, my personal Blog is the Host Site for the 'Adventurous Hearts'.

2. The 'Adventurous Hearts' Website (formerly NNBBS site). A non-money making website - for the Bloggettes. Not associated with any other venture. Will have a page that allows for people to advertise their ventures - for free - as a service to the Bloggettes. Is a place that will provide info - to help make our Blogging experience easier. It has the link to the Host Blog, Links on the Photos that take you to a persons Blog and will have instructions on how to post photos, etc. So - will be a tool for us to use. I'll also be posting more photos there - so that the Blog will load faster for the Dial-up folks. It also has our fundraiser info (non-profit).

3. Jackie and Brenda's venture. We will have our own website. Not associated with any Blog - or the 'Adventurous Hearts' web.

Soooooo - hope that explains everything. Apologies - if I gave any wrong impressions!

Also - Amy - you can still read Jackie's beautiful words! Just scroll past the first Blog Post - and you will see the pic of Jackie and me ... and all of 'the important stuff'. : ) The stuff that I deleted was not needed. We just did it as a courtesy - and to be supportive. But, hey, if it is not wanted ... no biggy to me! I don't go where I am not wanted. : )

Okay ... where are those 'Adventurous' photos???? : )

Waiting for pics,


P.S. Just wanted to mention - that I have, from the time I first started this Blog, researched and considered what it would take to use it as a business opportunity as well. And - we all have the right and freedom to do that. We don't need 'permission' from anybody to do that. But ... if I choose to do that at some point - I will certainly be up front and honest about it. : )

traveln-hsr said...

Hi Brenda,

I did find the writing Jackie did. I am glad you didn't delete all of it!

If you need technical help, just ask!

I assume you are asking for photos of us Adventurous Hearts?!! I'll see what I can find. I am the photographer at our house, so all I have are dopey pictures of me that are taken at the most inopportune times...I have cool photography from some of the places we travel, boy do I have those kinds of photos!

Also I think email lists are a good way to go. Keeps you from being "censored". I am including links to two for you to look at in case you're not sure what I am talking about. One is a huge group that is a National email list for homeschoolers, members only but not too moderated and the other is one I own that I monitor. We use these becasue we discuss kids and schooling etc, so membership is guarded closely and posts are protected from public view.

National, Our Email List

Both these lists are homeschooling lists but they might give you an idea of what you can do. There's a calendar, photos, files, databse it really is a powerful web tool if you can use it!

Anyway, it's a thought.

Physics today...when was the last time you thought about that?


heiresschild said...

i saw a reference that a list with people's personal info was generated at the chicago meet, which i did not attend. however, i just want to make it clear that cj had put together a list of all of those who wanted to be on it long before chicago. that list contains names, email address, interests, best way to contact you (so phone numbers, if that's the best way), and astrological signs. therefore, any list being generated is thru cj, and not a list that was passed out in chicago by other people.

i'm saying this because i don't want people to get the idea that info given in confidence to other people is being given out among ourselves. the adventurous hearts have our own list previously done under the nnbbsh.

brenda, if any clarification needs to be done re the list, jump right in. thanx.


ClickGirl said...

Thanks Sylvia. The only list that I know about is the one that CJ has so carefully cared for. That was a list of anyone who wanted to be included as part of our group (NNBBS) - and people sent their names directly to CJ, if they wanted to be included - and she only sends it out to people in our group. It is not intended to be a 'mailing list' for business purposes. To my knowledge - it has not been used in that way.

I signed a form in Chicago, with my personal info, but I thought the information was for SB use only. I certainly was not intending that my personal information be given out - on a list - to all of those attending the Chicago event. Nor did I receive a copy of that list - or have any access to it. I don't know what Joe is referring to - when he brings that up. I hope that he is mistaken - because I don't feel that giving my personal information to everyone who attended the Chicago event - as 'protecting' my information.

Thanks for your concern though!

And CJ - hope all is well with you. Thanks for jumping in - and explaining. Much appreciated!


Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey all!!!!!
Brave Brenda,
Brilliant Babbette,
Charming CJ,
Delightfully Darling Dale ( sorry girls, he is so very special, an endangered species: a male who is in touch with their right side ( the right side of their brain, that is!! sorry bout that Dale, no pun are such a rare commodity!!)
Fabulous Francesca,
Lovely Leslie etc,
if I missed anyone it was not intentional!!
I apologise...I have not been very active on the Blog as I have been super busy wiht my girls, getting ready for several shows and a Television Fashion Segment (very VERY exciting!!)!!
Anyway.....Brenda I have sent you an email with photos of my "Life Adventures" or my "Odyssey" over the past several months. PLEASE feel free to post any or all of them on your new Adventurous Hearts Site..if ya need more, I just happen to have thousands!!
If my "Life Adventures" prove to inspire just one "person of a certain age" to get up and just do it...I will be very pleased!
I have been so very fortunate to have traveled all around many parts of the globe on my own over the past months and would love the opportunity to share my experiences wiht anyone interested. My adventures proved to be a hugley life affirming and empowering "Odyssey" and along the way I became a firm believer that
You don't have to be big.... nor young, to be just got to get up and to do it!
Take best care y'all
Cheryl aka La Belle xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Come on guys.....
Lets get this show on the road!!!
Here's hats off to:
Adventurous Hearts
Lets Rock n' Roll and show them how to do it!!
cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

The website of Adventurous Hearts is really turning out great!! My Florida family FINALLY has electricity after Wilma went through. Hope everyone is off to an adventurous weekend!! Cold here in the Midwest! BRRRRRRRRRR

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Cheryl and Peg! I'll catch you on the new Blog!!
