Sunday, October 16, 2005

We Send to You ... Our Dear 'Sisters' ...

We send to you …

Twin star lilies in a crystal vase ...
The sight of a baby Hippo, just born ...
Pygmy music from north Africa ...
Brand new underwear ...
One deluxe Violin serenade ...
Tiny seashells in a toddler’s hand ...
Jewel-tone glass bottles ...
A private poetry recital, just for you ...
Homemade biscuits with soft butter ...
The applause of your ancestors ...

The sending is power-full

So we send you, my dear.
A bowl of ripe fruit that stays
that way until you’re ready to eat it.

We send you
A flannel nightgown that brushes the floor
and a paintbrush that whispers to you what to paint …

We send you
A path in the woods that leads to the gate,
which leads to the sea.
Then, a carpet of moss
and a tea party all set up!
You’re the first guest to arrive

We send you
Visions of ladders to the new places in your soul,
and slides that lead out of the negative slots.

We send you
New knowledge of your resilience and fortitude.

We send you
Special glue for the broken places.

We send you
Beauty in any ugliness you see,
and the ability to truly respect your own pain.


We send you
Turquoise water and pure white sand …

We send you
The Discovery of a key on the floor of the ocean …
this key is encrusted with tiny bits of shells
This is the key to your hidden self.
The only one you feel cannot be seen.
You are safe.
Let your hidden self float free …

We send you …
Daily prayers and the constancy of Love
Love is always with us …
Harder laughter and more tears (let’s cry more)
Rich butter cookies with no calories (shortbread is good)
A sudden, unplanned NAP

We send you
A dream in which you fully realize that none of us are more alone,
and that we are all seen, heard and loved just for being

We light a candle in your name

We are all succulent and brave, holy, ordinary, stumbling creatures

We send you ... Love

By Sark (with a slight revision - from 'I' to 'We' - in honor of our 'Sisters'
From 'Eat Mangoes Naked'

If you like crazy … whacky … fun … odd books … check out ‘Eat Mangoes Naked’ by Sark.

Here is the Website:

Click on ‘Sarks Planet’ too – for some cool stuff.


Canadian Bloggette said...


ClickGirl said...

Thanks Cheryl! Good suggestion! It is so appropriate! And ... I know how you feel. : )

So ... maybe we should all go to the SB Blog ... and start giving an 'I send you'. : )

I'm off for now (gotta sleep some time - ha ha). Until tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Ladies -- how can we resist a smile, when it is just a Clickgirl away?

I know it got quiet fast on the SB blog but it makes sense. My "conversation" with Richard Roe has ended. But it is not the only ‘conversation' I am having in my life.

I simply cannot in any way feel pained by this venture. Stories are being told right now which warrant sorrow, but not this one. There are dances to dance and grandbabies to hug!

My part in Richard Roe's Search was based on serendipity, fate, chance and choice. Who I am does not "speak" to this one man in the way he needs to be heard. But that does not one iota negate who I am.

There may or may not be a man in my future with whom I resonate. My life is rich end blessed every day and I will not even for a moment forget.

Thank you, intrepid travelers on this road we have shared . Oh, the places we have gone and the places that await us.

Best to all,
Connie AKA Dancingirl

droma said...

Good Morning,
Back to the begining... here at your blogsite. Good choice to resend your first posting, THANK YOU.
I did not mail RR anything, feeling much like cb re: the privacy issues of all this. Still I feel sad, and for once cannot think of any smartallic comments to leave.

Belizegial said...

Brenda, good morning

It's great to have you back as our NNBBSHD hostess!!

A personal thank you for the Red Heart bracelet which you sent all the way to Belize for moi. Thanks. I will be contacting you via e-mail on this today.

BTW, I got a grin from the pic of you and Richard with your fly-away hair on the Odyssey. Yes lady, you looked just about ready to fly onto a moonbeam with that handsome guy standing next to you :)

Ladies, one and all, I feel not only sadness but also joy on the blogs today. Yes, there is one door being closed for many, but so much joy and revelation for having been through this experience, even a sense of re-awakening for many who walked this way and lived through this journey.

Life is too short to remain sad. I am planning to keep in touch with everyone and will be continually watching to see how things progress for all of you.

Have a blessed Sunday.

droma said...

Cure/ treatmenr for blog withdrawal
Kinky Neck

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Droma...the cure for Blog Withdrawl??? Get right back in the saddle and Blog on!!!
Have a good one
Cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

Brenda-- forgot to say I love your "big smile, blonde carefree hair" photos -- you always come up with the right words/image for the right moment, dearheart. Hey, everybody, Brenda and I are meeting up in Tampa next week!!

Here's some words of wisdom someone once passed to me--"Ok, that was that. What's next?"

Ya never know, I could be joining the circus -- everyone check out for the first age 50+ aerial arts performing troupe. Are we nuts or what??

Best to all,
Connie the
"quintdecent" and "quintessent" Dancingirl

sunnida said...


I'm so glad you posted the
"I send you" again. I was looking
for it to show a friend the other
day and couldn't find it!!!
I've been so moved by all of the comments
posted since RR's letter was sent yesterday,
and hope that this beautiful quote eases
some of the sadness...

SMILE Lets hear more stories
about what made us smile today!!!
I loved your story Cheryl You are
the most generous of spirits!!!

We have a lot of homeless kids on our streets
and an abundance of vagrants on every off
ramp of the freeways holding signs stating
various needs or trying to get somewhere.
I often carry a bag of apples to give to them,
instead of money, some appreciate the gift
others scowl at me, as they only want money
for drugs.
But once, I too was moved to give to a young
man with a dog, carrying an army issue back
pack. His sign said that he was trying to get
home for Xmas, and he was a college student.
In the short amount of time I had, with the
traffic stopped, I pulled out a twenty and
gave it to him...thinking of my son and all
the mothers yearning for their children
to be home with them for the holidays.

Well, in my rear view mirror, I glimpsed him
gather up his pack and dog and dash across
the road to the nearest fast food restaurant.
I've always wished I could have done more
for him, so I continue to help other street
kids when ever I can. That moment still puts
a smile on my face.

Yesterday, flour and frosting were flying
in my kitchen as my son and his "girl"
friend made the cutest Halloween cookies!!
The innocence of their first love brought
back so many memories and smiles
as I remembered my first efforts to impress
boyfriends with my culinary skills.

I'm still all smiles as I munch on
the most wicked looking bats and spiders!!!

Have a great Sunday ALL


Canadian Bloggette said...

hey.............NNBBSH site is down!! What is up with that??? This is all way sad and it doesn't have to be.....Come on girls...come out and play, it is a great day and so many more to come!!
Cheryl xox

ClickGirl said...

Only have a minute here to post ... but wanted Wanda ... and the rest of you to know that Wanda's post (and Ada's ... and a few others) are on the 'Smile' Blog - right below this one. I left it open as well ... but switched over to this one last night ... when Cheryl and I were feeling a need for 'I Send to you'. : )

Thanks for all the great posts!



ReeltorMe said...

Hello Brenda and all,
I just got back from my 8 day tour of the National Parks and one cannot realize the beauty of our land. I got through the Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Monument Valley, Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park. It was incredible! Don't just view photos and read about these - hike their trails and view their splendor.
Well, I arrived home late last night and I had gone through 5 states yesterday: Utah, Arizona, Nevada and back to Wisconsin and home to Illinois. Quite remarkable huh?
It was a very emotional time to open my elimination letter from Richard and find that many of us had gotten them. We all had our hopes up but now we have to cheer on those lucky gals who we will be finding out about very soon. I would hate to be the ones eliminated in the next phase as that would be more difficult. So, better it be at this phase that we all heard instead of getting our hopes up even more and then being let down.
I am excited for those that remain and we will soon hear of who they are. I so admire Coach for standing by her convictions and it shows that we women are so strong and gut honest with our decisions. Coach, you are a real winner with all of us.
That's it for now and I will be share in the knowledge of these glorious gals as soon as they appear for us. Does anyone have any indication of who they might be?
Back home.......I remain,


ClickGirl said...

Sorry I haven't written much here (need to do my Smile story - ha ha) ... will try to catch up tomorrow! Couldn't sleep last night - and was up until 5 a.m. : ( - and then tried to get up at 7:30 ... and hit 'snooze'. Snoozed so much that I was an hour and a half past when I wanted to be a work! Yikes! Anyway - it wasn't a big deal ... because things are pretty quiet at the moment ... but I do need to get to bed early tonight. : )

But ... just wanted to say to Suzan - Absolutely! We definitely should do rotations on the Blog Hostessing. I really have been advocating for that - as I think it is a great experience ... and lots of fun! So ... who wants to be next? We can transfer to a new 'Hostess' in a bit. Two week cycles seem to work out the best. If we change too quickly - it gets confusing for the people trying to find us.

Regarding the link to NNBBS - I don't know if it is shut down - or if there is a problem with the server. I will check with Linda, as she has been maintaining that site. Will let you know! If it is shut down, I have an alternative site that I started when it was shut down after MB. I can get that up and running by next weekend - if the original site is gone. This new site has some nice features - like clicking on your photo takes you directly to your Blog (not all of them are activated - but try Babettes - as an example). It has a separate page for the Bracelets ... and even has a Blog feature - but I'm not sure if it is as good as the one we are currently using - so we may want to test that out. Leave a message - and let's see how it works! Also - I thought maybe each person might want to write a short sentence or two - or choose a quote that they love - that could go below their pic (very short though). : )

Anyway - take a look - and let me know what you think. Please remember - it is a 'work in progress' - and has a good amount of work still needed. But - it's a pretty good start for 24 hours worth of work. : ) Here is that Link:

So ... something to be thinking about ... several people have suggested to me that we choose a new name - and I wondered what all of you thought about that. I was thinking we could play off of the Heart Bracelets (which I hope we can continue promoting) ... and was thinking 'Women with Heart' ... or 'Travelers with Heart' ... or something along those lines. I think it needs to be something that communicates what connects us all. Why don't you throw out your ideas ... and then I'll post them together ... and we can vote on the one that seems to capture all of us. Then we can come up with a plan for moving forward - once Richard and his ladies begin their journey. I have a lot of ideas ... and I know that many others do as well. So let's start sharing ... and see where it takes us.

Thank you for coming here ... and sharing of your beautiful selves! You are truly blessings in my life! I can't even begin to express how much I have enjoyed this adventure. And how much I look forward to continuing on ... with all of you!

Warm regards,


P.S. Suzan - I have Peach/Mango Sorbet ... Yummy! I love both ... but especially Mangos!

P.S.S. Regarding the Red Heart Bracelets - I'll be doing more promoting soon ... and giving all of you an update on 'where we are'! Many apologies for taking so long on that ... but will have something to you soon. I also received three requests (Sunni - yours was one of them) the day before I left for Chicago. I will be getting those bracelets out this week. Again - sorry for the delay! And ... I'll check the P.O. Box tomorrow - to see if any more requests have come in! I am so 'not used to' a P.O. Box - that I keep forgetting to check it. I will get better though. : )

Also - Babette and I are sorting out the PayPal - as she already has one set up - and we may be able to use that.

So ... more updates on all of that soon!

willemina said...

Brenda, Thanks for the invitation to blog here with all of you wonderful ladies. I have tried to get on the NNBBSH site and found it's disabled for the time being...???

So here I am! I missed all of you and it feels good to be back.

What a wonderful greeting with the "I send you" I love it and I'm going to copy and paste it on to the SB site and share it with others like you've many have done that?

I have noticed that it's a little quiet over there. So sad because I think some are really hurt by the rejection.

This is where I want to be! It feels "right" here. I like the sisterhood support system you have in place. You truly have hearts of gold and it shows...thank you... thank you...thank you one and all!

So what are we planning here? Any trips on the horizon? I guess I should read through all of your postings and then comment huh? I'll do that tomorrow when I have more time.

Nice to see your smiling faces again...

Love and hugs to one and all from willy

droma said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

O.K. Gals, I’m B Aaa Ccc Kkk...

It was a glorious Monday & if you were sad one of my slogans was:
Drown your sorrows in the See's …. choclate.
So now that you are sugared up here is my invitation:

I had originally told RR that I wasn't interested 'cause I had a semi-commitment to something called GLOBAL VOLUNTEERS. Look it up on Google & if you call them to get a brochure, ask for Diane & mention my name (ADA). I told her I was waiting until after this weekend to mention this on the Blog to the SB ladies. I want to go to Costa Rica in Dec, Jan, or Feb. Can I interest anyone?

MERRY MARY: My travel agent is doing a weekend at Canyon Ranch (Tuscon) beginning of Dec. I am sure she would also love to put together something for the Blogettes. I still love CJ’s idea of a P.J. party. I have a timeshare in Hilton Head, S.C. & someone else I have communicated with has one also somewhere in S.C. Depending upon how many people were interested…. I also mentioned to RR (he mentioned that he was a director for a camp – how he met Umberto) about doing a camp (not camping) thing. It wouldn’t be as expensive which is good for some. The summer camp I went to (same as Artie Garfunkel of Simon &..) is now a camp for adults so we could have lots of the women get together.

I can’t hostess the blog, but since I am an event planner & my friends call me their social director I would be willing to do that as my share for the blog.

I got a mass e-mailing so I am also sending it out to that list. Thus you may hear of this 2x. My apologies. Also I always send things out BCC so no one else that I send to has your address.

Hoping to hear from you,


P.S. Wanted to say Coach - You are a FIRST CLASS ACT. Sorry I didn't get to meet you but you are a great role model for your team besides being beautiful.

Willy, glad to see you back.

Lady Base Camp said...

It's great to see you all here. I am having a hard time with this.

Canadian Bloggette said...

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

I personally feel so very fortunate and priviledged to be amongst such vibrant accomplished women (and Dale!!) of a certain age with such immeasurable richness....within!

Cheers to all!
La Belle xox

Dale Savage said...

Ahhhhh, Ladies, I saw someone mention Canyon Ranch in Tucson as a possible meeting place. There's another here too that's an Ophrah favorite. I think she sent a bunch of school teachers here some time back--Miraval. That one's just less than 2 minutes from me. If any of you ever get over there, let me know and I'll be happy to treat you to a home cooked meal!

ciao y'all,

Dale Savage said...

Oops! Coach, I think I misspelled it too! LOL...

Oprah, I meant... sigh.


ReeltorMe said...

Hi everyone,
WOW. What can anyone say about those FABULOUS FINALISTS! And revealed with a full moon. It certainly humbles us but then this has brought us all together so we cannot be a bit sad about anything. I think we are all the better for being a part of the event. It's a learning experience and I would not have traded meeting all the wonderful gals in Chicago for anything! And Brenda, isn't it great that Jackie is one of the selected ones? I was pulling for her. Let's us think of something great to do where we can get together with meeting those that we haven't met here. Someone is bound to be an organizer of events like a cruise, etc.
This has been a part of our lives for so long it is tough to break the cycle but I guess we can now wait for the weeks ahead where the FF(new term Fabulous Finalists) & RR will have to eliminate even more. It will be tough for those that have to be eliminated again. Such highs and lows we are all witnessing. That's why we need to have a party to celebrate the starting of our lives again.
I hope we can think of a new name for the new site. Like The Castaways! Yikes, kidding. My daughter suggested that we get a group to go to Oprah and call ourselves the Richard Rejects. (just trying to be silly to lighten things)
I hope that I have an opportunity to meet some of the gals that weren't in Chicago. Let's think about getting together and have an organizer volunteer to maybe have a winter get together. That way maybe we can watch RR and one of those FF wander around the world............and laugh at "what could have been."

heiresschild said...

words have such power - i didn't apply for the sb journey, but if i did, and didn't get chosen, i still wouldn't be a "reject," even in kidding. i saw someone earlier today was feeling that way.

hi babette, i guess i'm too late for dinner, huh?

shar aka coach, these are the first comments i've ever made to you; just wanted to say i admire your decision. some of what your decision says to me is that you know who you are, and what you want out of a relationship, and because of that you were not willing to settle. even though it may have been a hard decision, you were able to walk away with your integrity intact, knowing that you cannot fix people (that applies to us all), or relationships as you stated. i'm glad you have a good friend in lois.


heiresschild said...

Hey Girl, with your shoulders so round,
Why do you sit slumped over, with your head hung down?
Feeling low with each and every sigh,
Look up, look up, cause your Help draws nigh.

Hey Girl, with your shoulders so round,
Why do you sit with your head hung down?
Sighing, sighing with such dispair,
Wondering if even anyone cares.

Hey Girl, with your shoulders so round,
And your head slumped down
Almost to the ground,
Don't dispair, someone cares.

Hey Girl, with your shoulders so round, and your head hung down
Touching, touching almost to the ground,
It's not that bad, nothing is ever,
The whole thing is to let nothing weigh you down
So you'll have energy as light as a feather.

Hey Girl, with your shoulders so round
And now your head no longer almost touches the ground
Cause now you're beginning to get My drift
All those weighty things are just like rift.

Hey Girl, with your shoulders squared,
Energy-packed because now you hear
What I've been saying all along,
Our problems, to us, don't belong.

Belizegial said...

Hi Ladies and Dale it is official, I am addicted to you all!!!

It is very late down in the tropics and I just got off my night shift, but I HAD to check in to see what the hey is going on?!!

CJ *LOL*, yes we are a country eternally on holiday. It sounds fun but when you are running a business and trying to make that profit margin grow, it can wreak havoc with your projections, if ya know what I mean :)

I didn't recognize any of the fabulous finalists except for I'm Connie Pick Me who was hard to miss (ha ha), the Flying Massage Therapist and Paula in Florida. Gael also looks familiar from MB but the rest are all unfamiliar faces. Overall, a bunch of great looking gals and smart too from reading up on their bios.

If this were the lottery, I would have lost out big time as none of my choices came through.

For all the participants who didn't make the final list, you are still fabulous in my eyes, each and every one of you. I admire your courage in joining up with the Senior Bachelor in this adventure and making it so fun for those of us on the blogs all these past months.

Clickgirl, CJ, LeslieinVanCan, MaryRose, ConnieakaDancinGirl, CanadianBlogette, LindainTuscon, Coach, Desertflowers, LaDolceVida, MerryMary, CarolakaTravelin, StarliteinMyEyes, LadyBaseCamp, Dr. Oma, Foresthills, Sunni, Willemina, HeiressChild, SoftRain, OperaWench, Happy, BDNC, Phyl, CathyinCarolina, ValtheGal akaFlowingWhiteWater, Ella SkyWatcher and everyone else I am not mentioning here but who sincerely touched my heart over the past while, since April when I joined you in our little community of bloggers.

I celebrate each and everyone of you for your great hearts souls minds and capacity to love.

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am wrong. I think I read that one of his chosen missed the deadline for her materials.If I were one of you I would be p....d off!!!! To late now anyways. RR changed the rules so many times, but I would consider that an insult. If I am right than you all know who I am talking about. Beautiful blonde or not, thats cheating. Carol

Anonymous said...

Oh I knew I forgot something last night, the name:
Golden Hearts Women's Traveling Club Sisterhood but GoGirls (not go go) for short. LOL. Whatever, we need a short name to type when we want to get in the blog.
Also, there is a Women's Travel Club. I get brochures from them all the time. Just wind me up & I will get whatever info we need.

Also a poem that I have been meaning to send: This is a little bit of a downer but think of it more as a warning to DO IT NOW!

Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.

And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.
And he rang mine but we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.

"Tomorrow" I say! "I will call on Jim
Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.

Around the corner, yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram sir," "Jim died today."
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.

Remember to always say what you mean.
If you love someone, tell them.
Don't be afraid to express yourself.
Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you.
Because when you decide that it is the right time it might be too late.

Seize the day. Never have regrets.
And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they have helped make you the person that you are today.

In some respects the women here have made us who we are today.

KARENJW - For the first 10 years of my daughter's life we gave her a music box each year. I love your idea of an "applause box". I think we should market the idea. Hey, it beats a pet rock, esp. now we have all the ladies to talk to instead.
Suzan - Another thing in common- Ilove G. Carlin. Will try to call. When I do remind me to tell you aout a greeting.
CarolLee in CO - what a nice affirming friend you have.
I have loved hearing from some of the women re my post SB ideas but they are not telling me which ones they are most interested in.
Good night ladies, & esp. to those still hurting - "....tomorrow is another day" - ride the sun!

I'm too tired to proof-read. English people put me in a corner.

heiresschild said...

belizegial, thanks, i have enjoyed communicating with you over the past few months, and it won't stop. i consider you one of my new friends, and i celebrate you as well for your great heart, soul, mind, and capacity to love.

to prarie critter, re your remarks made on the sb site to the ladies who weren't chosen, i thought you were a bit insensitive. regardless of how you feel about the outcome, everyone is different, and we have to be sensitive and show compassion to those who are hurting. this situation may not have left you with a bad taste in your mouth, but there may be something in your future that will. the same insensitivity that you show now just may come back to you. i saw what happened coming from the beginning of the whole sb journey, but it doesn't mean i don't feel the pain of these ladies.

lady base camp, i hope you are feeling better today.


Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Dale!! Big Hola to all!!
Canyon Ranch...GREAT idea!!
How do feel aount 40, 50, 60 ,70+++ of your closet Bodacious Bloggette Buddies showing up for a home cooked meal??? Careful what you wish for!!
You are on !!
Whaddya think ladies of the Blog??
Cheryl xox

soft_rain said...

A good way for all of us not to loose contact is to leave a post at all the ladies blogs....I have started with you......If Richard's blog shuts down, so does our means of conection.....

Dale Savage said...

LOL CB, Miraval! Miraval! Canyon Ranch is waaaay the heck away from me. LOL Miraval is just right over there---> Dos minutos--no mas. LOL AND Miraval is the one Oprah has some interest in. MM's got the idea. Maybe the mention of Oprah could get a sweet package. LOL

Babette, Welcome back. Glad you are getting over that bug!

Everyone have a great day!

ciao y'all,

70+, huh? Have to think about that... The most I've done so far's been about 50, but I had the three daughters at home for a kitchen crew! LOL ;-)

droma said...

Hi Ladies,
Guess I am still on RR's shh,,list.
Posted ~2 AM: WOW,
What an impressive group of ladies.
No wonder it was so difficult to make this semi- finalist decision.
We are ALL addicted to blogging.
Help with withdrawal, PLEASE, the ole Doc here needs it. Ellen

Help from anyone here, re:

CathyinCarolina said...

Carol or others who felt a late video was accepted!!!

If our little skit gave the impression that Paula submitted her video late, let me correct that. It could have been likely me that that rumor would be circulated about.

The Late Video that was trying to be submitted was "Gentleman Prefer Blondes", which Marilyn Monroe and Jane Mansfield stared in.

I am sure Paula got her video in right on time, if this is the question???

I talked Paula into playing Marilyn, cause I wanted to sing and not act!!!

She was really reluctant to do it at first, saying that she did not have the Bustline for it, but agreed and did a fantastic job!!!

All about Fun!!!

ReeltorMe said...

Hi all,
This addiction to the blog is awful. Now that my real estate business here in the Midwest is settling down to a dull roar I can be around the house more which is tempting to get online and blow the rest of the day. Gads, to think that I USED TO accomplish something!
Brenda: how about naming the site "The travelin' hearts?" I'm up for others chiming in on names.
MerryMary: I just saw George Carlin live the weekend before we met in Chicago. He is a stitch and his mind goes 100 mph. He is back live after rehab and loosing his wife I guess. See him if you can.
cathyincarolina: You are such a cool gal and I love you. I am with you 100% in that we NEED to keep in touch and get things going toward finding a way to keep together. I gave the suggestion about the "focus group" in different age groups in RR's room on Sunday morning but he sure glossed over that. It seems the best way to activate women into ideas to move forward with. I really wish there was someone who would organize this great bunch of women in getting together somewhere and we can then find a way of keeping in touch and progressing forward. There is so much that we can do for each other. Think about someone who would coordinate a group of us - maybe a cruise or someplace to just hang loose. Look at how the Red Hat society snowballed from one person's idea. We could go in many directions outside of the RR project and still be a part of that.
lady base camp: I love the way you write. It just is so descriptive and creates so many pictures and emotion. You should be a writer... keep it up and I will look forward to more.
bdnc: I just got back from the same trip that you just took also. I went on a Caravan bus tour to Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Monument Valley, Bryce and Zion National Parks. Where were you and why didn't I run into you? I hiked down from Bryce 5 miles and my favorite was definately Bryce Canyon on the Queen's Garden trail. I want to go back there.
That's enough for now, gals, but seriously - let's plan something so that we ALL have something to look forward to. Perfect for a winter's plan.....and we can all be watching RR and his 6 travelers......go around the world where our "hearts are travelin'" with them.

dragonflyfilly said...

hi BRENDA, i just found your fowarded e-mails and attachments (about 9 of them)in my e-mail junk file. Thanks. I read part of one, but honestly, i really don't care to spend too much time of that old GEEZER, i don't want to read the crap that he writes...and he does not scare the words of Aerosmith: "what you fear will meet you halfway"... (so i just deleted and junked the remainder)
drop in and see me some time.

i hope you are well and happy,

dragonflyfilly said...

hey Dear OMA, need help, one of the old classics when your cravings hit: take a very cold shower...or HOT, cold or hot, it does not matter...anything to distract maybe this will work for blogging...well here it is 2:27 and i have not had MY shower yet, so i will take my own advice, TAKE A HOT SHOWER, then cuddle up with "dr.phil"

cheers for now,

P.S. Kitty says "HI"

dragonflyfilly said...

SOFTRAIN --- you have not posted on my site; -- Try FLAMINGO'S HIDEWAY, or any one of the numerous sub-sites, -- or the new one that i have just constructed: FFFWF
"Filly" (means "lover of lips", lol)

Anonymous said...

CJ - What you said sounds good to me! I think we're all ready for some plans to be made so we'll have something to look forward to. Yet no one knows where to begin. So if you would be willing to do the research, I think that would be great that the travel agency would be willing to pay you!

Speaking of 'the list', even though I've been following the blogs from the beginning, I don't post much, so I don't know if I'm on it. Something came in my email titled something like'The List' (maybe it was from you, come to think of it), but my dinosaur of a computer couldn't access it. (Either that or I'm not computer-literate enough to figure out how!)


ReeltorMe said...

Brenda & CathyinCarolina,

I just sent you two our theme song..........wish I could pass it on to all the bloggers...


Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi there y'all,
With regards to the "list" and our email addresses:
When one creates an email address one is automatically open to spam and all sorts of unsolicited garbage, it is OUR responsibility to open or not!
CJ you have done an outstanding job regarding the gathering of info for this list, and for that we thank you!!! but you can not be held responsible for monitoring unwanted "stuff" (for lack of a better word) happening. We must be responsible for our own mail...
open or not to open
that is the question we should each ask ourselves before we open mail from unknown persons or addresses.
Again CJ can not thank you enough ........I know how much you time and energy you invested in this....... from your very big big heart!! DANKA and Love ya!! xox
Cherly xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Big trouble when one can not even spell their name right!! YIKES!!!

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Babbling Beautiful Babbette,
Miss you too girlie!
have been so very busy doing the most rewarding job of life....mothering...spending tons of time with my girls and my Mom and Dad!!
My baby girl, who is 32 and about to have her baby in January is doing great...thank you so much for asking!! As are my other 2 girls...all good, actually so much better than good...GREAT!!
How is your little petunia doing?? and how are you doing?? How was Vegas??? Apart from getting lost!! That sounds like something I would do!!
Take care of you and yours, keep in touch, I will be back on the west coast in the spring!! Yah!! Will see you then for SURE!! I maybe for a very loooong time!!Am looking at property! Hmmm!! The world is our oyster!!
Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Thought this a wonderful poem to kick off this post...very apropo for all.....hope you enjoy...from me to you!

The Set of the Sails
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

One ship drives east, and another west
With the self-same winds that blow;
'Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales
That decides the way to go.

Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,
As they voyage along through life;
'Tis the will of the soul
That decides its goal,
And not the calm or the strife.

la Belle xox

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone,
I am on the Cape with Grams. Who of course wants me to stay put and ride out Wilma in dryer territories. But I may just head back home a day early. Batten down the hatches and ride it out. It seems the storm has slowed down.
Our trip to Maine was awesome. This house is awesome. Grams is awesome. But I really like my place too. And I love sleeping in my own bed.
My daughter is going to DC on Friday for a week. So it should be a quiet week for me. I need to tap down a little stress for awhile.
I did check the final 24. Didn't read their bios. Cute ones. I see several have dropped out.
That's ok, I did that a long time ago.
My youngest just informed me we have a end of April graduation. YEA! All 3 done and graduated. I did good. They did great. " But Mom, I will only have 178 credits." His goal was 180. But he wants to finish. 3 majors and 3 minors is enough.
I fell asleep early tonight. Hence I am up right now. But I am going back to sleep, after checking the flight schedules tomorrow.
Have an awesome night everyone.

ClickGirl said...

Great ideas Chandra! Scroll back and check out my comments – and let me know what you think! And thanks for ‘I will Survive’!! Too funny. I was cracking up!

And EverybodyGuess what!!! Several of us are working on some ideas about travel … about organizing, etc.! So share your ideas here … or send them to me or Cathy (in Carolina) via Email … and we’ll try to sort them and pull them all together. Then we’ll post a collection of the ideas that we have received. We’ve had a huge outpouring of interest – via the Blog and Emails to both of us! So let’s take advantage of the momentum … and get organized!

If you haven’t read my earlier post that has the link to the website that I’ve been working on (please remember that it is in draft format at the moment … just a ‘work in progress’).
I also had some other suggestions – so please scroll back and look at my post of 10/17 at 10:34 p.m. – and let us know what you think. Another thing that we can do with our website – is have pages for advertising (free!!) … and we can put links to your biz websites too. Anyway … read that post! : ) And then let’s hear your ideas on a name … and other ‘stuff’!

Hi Marty. Hope you are feeling better … and know that there are no ‘rejects’, as Sylvia commented. Any of us who choose – can be winners. It is all in our attitude … and perception of how we view the situation. I hope that, in time, everyone realizes the great gift that we have all been given – to have met so many amazing ‘sisters’ … with an opportunity to travel together … and receive support and be part of this amazing ‘sisterhood’! None of you are 'rejects'!

Hi Wanda … thanks for your great ‘words of wisdom’ … and your amazing story of strength! And for your wonderful humor (haven’t slept with 2000 men – ha ha – you are so funny! : ) And – don’t sell yourself short. You have much to offer!

Hi Sharon. Good to see you here. Thanks for sharing with us. I really admire your decision … and hope that we have the chance to meet ‘down the road’. I also hope that you (and Lois) will be involved … as we develop this group … and move forward.

La Belle Cheryl!! Thank You. Thank You. Thank You! You are such an inspiration. I sooooo appreciate your positive comments.

Hello Soft_Rain – a bunch of us actually rotate Blogs – and have one Hostess for a couple of weeks at a time. Other Blogs that we have been to - have been Suzanne (DesertFlowers/Fox), Babette, Chi-Town and CJ. We have a couple of people lined up for the next two rounds … and it gives people a chance to get involved. Right now, I’m hosting … and welcome you and any others who want to come and chat with us. We actually started this after Richard’s Blog was shut down (long time ago - after the ‘Marginalization’ Blog) … and we have been getting to know each other and discussing things that were not appropriate for the SB Blog (because, rightfully so, he wanted to keep his Blog focused on his venture). So … feel free to hang around … and invite your friends!

Hi Cathy – thanks much - for explaining about ‘MM’ and her late video tape! I was smiling when I realized that people thought it was Paula – for real – and didn’t get that it was a funny Skit! See … You did such a good job organizing it – that it looked real! Ha Ha

Thanks Willemina! Glad to have you here! Not sure if it was okay to call you Willy – like I have been doing? : )

Glad to see you back, Ada. I’ll check out Global Volunteers. Sounds good.

Hey … Dale has the right idea! Get the remainder of the 60-80 Bloggettes who were not chosen (forget about those others who did not become Bloggettes!) to come to Miraval … for a home cooked meal! Lovin’ it! : ) (just teasing Dale – but it does sound like a good idea)!

Belizegial! Thinking of you … and us …with the big Hurricane brewing down there! Yikes!!! Looks like Wilma is heading towards my two sisters (in South FL) … or maybe even up to me. Hope not!! Hope you are okay though! Also – thanks for your supportive words to all of the gals who were on the adventure!

Lost Girl … Babette … so glad you got ‘un-lost’! Glad to see you back – in new form (ha ha). Glad you are feeling better too!

Hi DragonFlyFilly – Hmmmmmmm - I only sent one response to CJ’s initial Email. Perhaps those were Emails from CJ?

So Bloggettes! I got to meet Connie aka DancinGirl today!! She is beautiful … and amazing! We had a great time talking … but it wasn’t nearly enough time to cover everything (ha ha) … so we are getting together for dinner on Saturday too (provided we don’t have a Hurricane!). Anyway … so fun meeting her, her son and his friend!

So … I’ll be ‘playing it by ear’ on the Hurricane thing! If the Hurricane doesn’t hit – I’ll be working on the website! : )

We are getting lots of great suggestions for new names … so keep them coming … and I will post a list over the weekend!

Thanks to all of you … just for being who you are!



Anonymous said...

CB - loved the poem.
Poetry is very special to me. When my husband died, I wrote a journal in poems, which I am trying to get published. Anyone have contacts in the publishing world?

I have tried to send e-mails out (Dale, Ilene etc.) but there is a problem on microsoft between Comcast (me) & anyone who has hotmail or msn.

I'm also back in the state of confusion. I thought RR's blog ( which I can't get onto - long story ) & here (or whoever is hosting) is the general blog. Peoples' personal blogs is where you post to them personally or write them e-mails. It is bad enough it takes me hours to get thru RR's & this blog when I want to hear the latest, if I have to go to everyone's blog I will really have no other life! Am I wrong?

Sorry to hear about Jackie. Hope it is nothing serious. Naughty me wants to know who got in because of coach backing out.

Glad most of the women are out of their funks. If there are still others, come out & play, we will make you feel better.

To those in Wilma's path good luck. Try to keep your chin up & keep dry.

This is women's history month so I am sending this old chestnut out. I loved E.M. & truly felt our collective loss in no longer having her lovely, comical, touching etc. perspective. She was so right on & had so much wisdom.

(written after she found out she was dying from cancer).

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would have been more "I love you's." More "I'm sorry's."
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...look at it and really see it . live it and never give it back. Stop sweating the small stuff.
Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what.
Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.

This is the blog.

Canadian Bloggette said...

And thank you Ada,
That is one of my all time favorites! Breat inspiration!

La Belle xox

ps. Should any of you check RR's site there are some great sisterhood names coming up!! ie Sexy Stool Sisters...if you read the postings you will understand..quite funny!!

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey top of the day to y'all!!
Ya know what??.........The world is our oyster and I am THINKING of possibly possibly running a B&B somehwere out there...whaddya think?? I could do my jewelry designing all the while meeting fabulous people travelling!!
I am off to the country tonight, have a hot date LOL!! with my girlfriends, we are going to dinner and a play, will stay out there as it is a 1.5 hour drive!
Catch y'all good to yourselves and one another!
Love to all
Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

hey Dolce!!!
How about trying to come up with a name for us all!!! Come on, babe, "suck it up" you can do it!!
Cheryl xox
Ps Hope you feel better soon!!

ReeltorMe said...

How about "The Journey of the Hearts" ? or "Hearts on a Journey"?
We are all on a journey in life and it seems to depict what we are doing whether it is traveling or just a journey on our journey.....
Cheryl: you are a stitch and I hope we can meet someday soon.
Meanwhile, gotta go to yoga now. I do have a life in between reading all the blogs. Maybe. Sometimes anyway. Man, my butt is sore from sitting - and... do computers add to bad eyesight? I just had lense implants so maybe it won't matter. What if the next society should want to exhume and study our bodies? Implants, steel rods, fake teeth, silicone and plastic surgery..........yikes. That ought to keep them busy trying to figure it out -


ReeltorMe said...

Hi again,
.......oops......too many "journies" in the preceeding email..........sorry.


droma said...

Are YOU serious???
This is not a joking matter, and calling AAA only brought me a toe-
tow?-truck, with extra benzine to fuel my addiction. Their maps just led me further astray, to right here.
Saw a Doctor (=in the mirror), no help or sympathy there.

send your room mate out of the room and over to RR's men's blog.

I am European, so the hot/cold shower has to wait till Saturday.
Can't ruin our cleanlyness reputation!!!!

And to all of you/us Ladies: as tangolady and itchyfeet said:
"The only SENIOR here is RR!"

Anonymous said...

Below are replies to those that blog on RR's, since as you all know I can't go there.

I got a brochure today from my travel agent called Gutsy Women. (Hey aren't we all that?!) I know they are doing a DaVinci Code trip. If I ever get off these blogs maybe I will have time to look thru it. I will get back to you all.

Karen JW – You’re darn right, your life was pretty impressive! It’s getting that time again for all of us to watch It’s A Wonderful Life.

Soft rain – A way to remember that it’s double “s” is that you always want another with this word,DESSERT,- double “SS”.

CJ – liked your joke re sample. If we ever get sound on the blog, I have a great joke along those lines but you need to hear it with an Irish accent.

Loved these also : 'Mr. Right'? or 'Mr. Right Now', & the great 'pick-up' line.

MM - sorry re your friends & that I didn't mention it when we spoke. Enjoyed our chat.

Paula, If you want a 2nd Papillon, I have a friend for you to get in touch with. She also shows them.

LOIS – I think there is a new name on the 24. Wren? Or Tamara? (To me she looks like Helen Hunt) At least there are 24 names. Cindee looks like someone but I am not sure (a cross between Eva Marie Saint & ???)

Marty – love the angel/friends quote.

CB - I heard you make the most beautiful jewlery. A little blogette told me. Have you ever thought about applying to the ACC?
Then you could come show in their show in Balt. I always work this show. It is so successful for many of the craftspeople that they only do this show. This could be another bloGETTOGETHER.

What about the Madonna Inn? That is such a funky place. 1st. time there was 1973. Then we took the kids there, many years later & it got seedy but I heard it is better again.

Someone also told me about a 10-bedroom place in Nags Head. The PJ party would allow no makeup, hair or fancy clothes (just flannel nighties or Tees & sweats) so we should fit a bunch of us in-- In Duck, each night someone else made dinner.

Health & Dryness to those that need it.

JOKE DU JOUR: Twenty dollars

On their wedding night, the young bride approached her new husband and
asked for $20.00 for their first lovemaking encounter. In his highly
aroused state, her husband readily agreed.

This scenario was repeated each time they made love, for more than 30
years, with him thinking that it was a cute way for her to afford new
clothes and other incidentals that she needed.

Arriving home around noon one day, she was surprised to find her husband
a very drunken state. During the next few minutes, he explained that his

employer was going through a process of corporate downsizing, and he had

been let go. It was unlikely that, at the age of 59, he'd be able to
another position that paid anywhere near what he'd been earning, and
therefore, they were financially ruined.

Calmly, his wife handed him a bank book which showed more than thirty
of steady deposits and interest totaling nearly $1 million. Then she
him certificates of deposits issued by the bank which were
worth over $2 million, and informed him that they were one of the
depositors in the bank. She explained that for the more than three
she had "charged" him for sex, these holdings had multiplied and these
the results of her savings and investments.

Faced with evidence of cash and investments worth over $3 million, her
husband was so astounded he could barely speak, but finally he found his

voice and blurted out, "If I'd had any idea what you were doing, I would

have given you all my business!"

That's when she shot him.

You know, sometimes, men just don't know when to keep their mouths shut.

With my diarheea (sp?) of the mouth I am right in there with the samples.

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone from rainy South Florida!
My dog is thrilled to have me home again. My daughter is leaving this morning for DC. So peace and quiet are in my weekend plans.
I see hurricane Wilma is stalling and just cranking and spinning out there in the water. So I will just hang out here by the beach. Go walking in the rain on the beach. And enjoy myself.
For all of us in Wilmas path. Here we go again. Stay safe and batten down the hatches. I do think I might stay home for a few weeks. That way another Hurricane won't come my way.
Have an awesome day everyone.

heiresschild said...

good morning everyone,

we're having chilly, rainy weather here today in md, but it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood (thank u mr rogers)

carol aka/traveling, i love reading about your travels--those with your grandmother and those apart from your grandmother, and your walks on the beach, and your sitting on the beach, and your daughter who stays with u, and your dog. thanks for sharing your journal with us.


heiresschild said...

good evening everyone,

i'm taking a class, "small business management," and i need answers to 3 questions for an assignment i have. i had to contact a real estate broker to find out the following, and since i haven't heard back from the person i emailed, i'm putting the questions here. if anyone knows the answers or can help, please feel free to post the answers or let me know any contact information.

1) how does the broker bring the buyer and seller together?
2) what does the broker do to facilitate the sale?
3) what methods does the broker use to determine the value of a business?

again, i'd appreciate any help anyone can give me. thanks.


ReeltorMe said...

Hi all,
Brrrr - it is getting cold here in the Midwest (40's) and my buns are getting goose bumps. I don't do well in cold weather but put up with it each year swearing that I will not live here another winter. Oh, well, until I find an alternative I will just complain every year about this time.
Babette: I have no idea why I didn't run into you in the Grand Canyon except that I was not lost and you were. How could you get lost there? I climbed down the Angel trail just a little and when I heard that one of the mules had gone over the edge the day before I didn't want to go further. I watched the mountain goats jumping around on the edges and saw the rams down there but I stayed at the top where I was safe, thank you. I did get in on that lecture on falcons. And watched the deer at sunrise. I loved the big warm fireplaces in El Tovar. Did you stay there?
CJ: Thanks for those kind words and I hope to sometime meet just everyone on the blog. The gals I have met are so wonderful and I really want to have a chance to meet the rest. We must get all of us together to do something fun (and warm) soon.
Karen from Houston emailed me and she is temporarily pre-occupied for the time being. So, I will say.........GO SOX! So she won't hear me.

heiresschild said...

hi wanda,

i'm in the state of maryland


heiresschild said...

hi chandra,

i've sent you 2 emails today. if they're not in your inbox, they might be in the junk folder.


S.L. Enderman said...

Wow! I thought I was the only person who read books by the author Sark. I have one of her books called insperation sandwich. I have always thought of her as an insperation and whenever I read that book I've always enjoyed it and the words have never gotten old.

Belizegial said...

Brenda, CJ and everyone else inquiring into the status of this ole belizegial.

Well, with the grace of God, our little country was once again spared the wrath of Wilma.

The all clear was given yesterday as the eye moved past us and came on shore around the Yucatan peninsula, specifically Cozumel and Cancun.

We still have rain and tropical storm force winds but nothing as damaging as the real thing would have been.

I am keeping all the Florida gals in my prayers that you too will be spared from this one.

It is late so I am only doing a quick check in.

More tomorrow when I am more alert. Have a good night all.

Anonymous said...

Wanda - Thanks. If I ever do stand-up, can I have you in my audience?

soft_rain - Cute jokes.

JanieGirl –
The Jews light “yartzheit candles” to commemorate the day of the death of someone. You can buy the candles in supermarkets if you live in a community that has any Jews. They are in a glass or metal can because they are supposed to burn for 24 hrs. so you don’t have to worry about starting a fire.

Remember the movie Calendar Girls made about the real women who posed to raise money for a friend whose husband had cancer: “You’re looking at January.”

Yes, I remember Franceso Scuvallo because I always said that I wanted to be photographed by him for my 50th b.d. Am writing the rest of this hours later so some of this is after I have checked the blog again. Didn’t know he had died.

CallmeLin- You girls are so funny (re the chocolate) Like Bush when given chicken soup with matzo balls asked what kind of animal is a matzo. Wow, even the Jews only have restrictions on couples during that time, not banishment.

Honestgal - Wow, even the Jews only have restrictions on couples during that time, not banishment. Someone was telling me about a takeoff on the 52 virgins promised terrorists: instead they get a 52-year old virgin
Welcome JUMP 8 . I came in late too but in your case just “jump in.” You probably won’t see this until someone sends you over to “Click Girl” or someone posts this on RR’s blog. Vanessa – in Baltimore we have a circle at one of the convents here that anyone can walk. It’s very gentle.

LBC – What a lovely idea re the labs.! Wouldn’t it be great if whenever we met that would be the first thing we did so that it would be there throughout our get-together. Speaking of get-together wouldn’t it be better to do the winter ones in warm places & go north in the summer? Re the get-togethers – I can’t keep them all straight. Maybe that’s why we need a calendar!

I have been to Oz 2x & N.Z. once so if anyone wants info let me know. Is no one interested in the Global Volunteers? If not but someone wants to meet me in Costa Rica before or after that o.k. too.

S—t I went to correct mistakes & lost this. Good that some was on a word document. Anyway to Save as you go along?

The JOKE DU JOUR is a semi reminder, before we get too far away from the “stool” theme. It’s awful but get these done.

A gastroenterologist/proctologist claims that these are actual comments made by his patients made while he was performing Colonoscopies:

1. "Take it easy, Doc, you're boldly going where no man has gone before."

2. "Find Amelia Earhart yet?"

3. "Can you hear me NOW?"

4. "Oh boy, that was sphincterrific!"

5. "Could you write me a note for my wife, saying that my head is not, in fact, up there?"

6. "You know, in some states, we're now legally married."

7. "Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?"

8. "You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out. You do the Hokey Pokey...."

9. "Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!"

10."If your hand doesn't fit, you must acquit!"

11. "Hey, Doc, let me know if you find my dignity."

12. "You used to be an executive at Enron, didn't you?"

13. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

This is going on too long so maybe I’ll have time to find my Mam.Poem & then I’ll blab about that. And I'm not checking mistakes anymore.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else get a Perfect Match e-mail with the pic of Richard & the ladies at the Navy Pier? I recognized Josie & the blond in the red suit (she sat at my table on the cruise). If anyone knows these folks you might want to tell them. I don't think either blogs. Is this the reason for the releases?

Really off now.

Anonymous said...

I just received a mass e-mail from RR. This is the response I sent him.


You know I am a go getter, risk taker, organizer etc. but I take issue with the way you are doing this. I have no right to "[taking] take the liberty of signing them up for a totally free Newsletter that among other things, will address our collective needs ", to reveal someone's e-mail address & then put the onus on them to remove it. Maybe they don't care! One can send this letter on to them so they can sign up if they want. It is like Pandora's box, once it's out, there is no control over it. I would be upset with someone who did that to me. I am not saying you are doing something wrong, but with identity theft rampant in this country/world it is wrong to give out any info on anyone else or ask someone else to do that.

I think your passion & vision are commendable. Don't ruin this before it starts. In your enthusiasm perhaps you have not thought it through 'cause you are so eager to make it happen. As it is some people are questioning your motives. Don't give them more fuel.

All the best to you,


P.S. Just so you know, I am sending this out to others.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi Ada,
I was a victim of "identity theft" and believe me it is not FUN!!
The group involved had access to ALL my personal info, SIN #, Credit cards, my personal history including my family.
The worst part is that by the time you are cognitive of the fact that someone else is using your identity, hosts of other have been given and are using the info obtained to open accounts etc etc under your name and it is solely up to you to prove WHO you are and WHO you aren't...nightmare!! Very frightening feeling, such an invasion of privacy. I should add that this evolved via my the theft of my mail over a year ago and their are still reprocussions...even with police involvement and intervention!
So ......message to all......
If and when in doubt...err on the side of caution!!
La Belle xox

Anonymous said...

Good day everyone from South Florida!
Is anything else happening in the world besides Wilma? Please let us know. Our coverage is 100% Wilma. Am I going to get wet? YES! When? Who knows.
My neighbor and I have set up a coctail area on our covered area to sit, stay dry and watch. With our dogs by our sides. Of course.
We are laughing over the change in times. But welcome to Hurricane season.
We choose to stay warm. You northern girls, please enjoy all that white stuff. It makes me cold, I can't breathe, and makes my bones hurt.
But we do get semi cold here. A sweatshirt under a warm up jacket, flip flops, year round, no stockings, panty hose, etc. And the beach year around. With warm water.
So keep us in your prayers here in Florida. Monday should get wet. We think. The feeder bands are already coming thru.
Have an awesome day everyone.
Carol aka/travelin
ps: no Pajama party in February please. I do have to work the Miami Boat show. Presidents weekend. And Arizona works for me.

ClickGirl said...

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. I tried to post Thursday night - and it didn't save - and I couldn't get back on the Blog again. Had to work Friday ... then went to get my hair done ... then went to meet up with Connie. We had a wonderful meal together ... and great conversation! I didn't get home until really late ... then had to leave this morning for another appointment. So ... I am back now ... and will be starting a new Blog ... and will respond to many of the comments on this Blog. So ... expect that later today.

In the meantime ... have a great day!! We are on 'Hurricane Watch' - though the projections are placing it much further South. I really feel for those who have been - and are - being affected by Wilma ... and hope that it will not do any more damage!

Take Care Bloggers and Bloggettes!


droma said...

Nice jokes!
Right up the male joke alley!
re: stools: How do you seat 4 gay men? Turn a stool upside down.
(Delete if too politically incorrect)
La Dolce,
Attributed W O W to tangolady-- on your blog; sorry!
Its Saturday, and I will try the hot/cold shower routine for blogwithdrawal. I'll be back if it does not help.
(& still) Kinky Neck

Anonymous said...

DROMA -Glad you liked them. & here's one in honor of you though hope you are feeling better:

What's the difference between sexy & kinky?

Sexy is a feather.
Kinky is a whole chicken.

This was told to me by the guy who played the monk in the Xerox commercial: "It's a miracle!"
We were at an ABA convention in San Fran.