Friday, October 28, 2005


Please join the 'Adventurous Hearts' - in raising funds to support:

The American Heart Association

AND The World Heart Federation

OR The Red Cross
(for Hurricane Relief)!!

I'd like to challenge you to help meet a goal that I believe is attainable! We started with 500 bracelets ... and have 260 remaining.

I wonder if there would be some of you who would be willing to commit to collecting donations for 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 or 50 bracelets?

Here is the deal:
1. You send me an Email, telling me how many bracelets you will commit to - and include your mailing address.

2. I will send you the bracelets, tagged (see photo above), and ready to distribute.

3. You will collect $5 (U.S. Dollars) for each bracelet - and keep track of whether they go to 'Heart' or 'Hurricane'.

4. Once you have collected all of the funds, you will send me a check for the amount that you receive donations for - along with how many go to 'Heart' and 'Hurricane'. I'll send the self-addressed envelope - if you will spring for the return postage.

5. We will try to have all donations returned to me by the end of December - so that the donations can be mailed by December 31st, 2005.

If we are able to get donations for the remaining bracelets – we could easily have a total of $1,500!!

If we can do this - we will be able to donate:
$500 to The American Heart Association
$500 to The World Heart Federation
and $500 to The Red Cross!

That's not bad ... for a fairly small group of 'Adventurous Hearts' !!!

Think about giving a Red Heart Bracelet for the holidays – to those people who you care about. A gift of a donation to The American Heart Association, The World Heart Federation or The Red Cross is a wonderful holiday gift for the ones you Love … including the Children or Grandchildren in your lives. Perhaps Co-Workers or Friends. These bracelets would make a terrific ‘stocking stuffer’, Chanukkah or Kwanzaa gifts. Here is a list of holidays that might provide a great reason to give the Heart Bracelets as a gift, or even as part of the packaging on a gift:

In the U.S.:
November 2 – All Soul’s Day
November 3 – Sandwich Day
November 11 – Veterans Day
November 18 – Micky Mouse’s Birthday
November 20 – Children’s Day
November 24 – Thanksgiving Day
December 10 – Human Rights Day & Nobel Prize Day
December 12 – Poinsetta Day
December 25 – Christmas Day
December 26 – Kwanzaa

In Canada:
November 11 – Remembrance Day
December 25 – Christmas Day
December 26 – Boxing Day

In Belize:
November 19 – Garifuna Settlement Day
December 25 – Christmas Day
December 26 – Boxing Day

Please go to our Website for complete details on how to order:


Send your Email request to:

Thank you for your Support!
Let's make this a successful
'Adventurous Hearts' Campaign!!


ClickGirl said...

Welcome to all of the 'Adventurous Hearts' ... and others who are considering being a part of our group.

TODAY ... is a NEW Day!

Rejoice. And be Glad in it!

As you can see on the main page - I've posted the info about our new Red Bracelet Campaign ... and the links to the new Website and New 'Adventurous Hearts' Email Address are on that page. The links are also on the right side of my Blog page - with the links that are shown under my photo.

Please check out the new website - I've made more revisions ... and added an Adventurous Hearts Photo section. Check out TangoLady ... who is new to our group! Wow! Talk about Adventurous!! I want to travel with her!! : )

When you see the two montages that I have created - that will give you ideas for your montage. If you only have one or two pics - that is okay too! If you need me to pull pics from your Blogs - I can do that also - just let me know. So ... start getting those photos to me ... so we can 'show off' our Adventurous Hearts!


Also - I just wanted to tell everyone how much I appreciated the huge amount of support that I received during the past 24 hours! You all are truly, truly amazing ... and I am honored to be in your midst, here on the Blog. The outpouring from the Blog and through Email has just been simply incredible! Thank You SO very much. I am humbled ... and deeply touched!

Now ... as Cheryl says - let's get this thing GOING!! : )

With much gratitude,


Belizegial said...

Hey Brenda, good morning.

It is a new day down in the tropics and I am rejoicing in still being present to enjoy it!

Appears that I missed most of the action taking place on the blogs this past week but applaud your diplomacy in dealing with the matters at hand.

Your spirit of adventure and daring is applauded and kudos for restarting the Red Heart Bracelet campaign.

Cheers to all our wonderful Adventurous Hearts bloggers and bloggettes.

Today is a NEW day so take heart my friends.

traveln-hsr said...

Brenda, I'll put a temporary link at my homeschool site if you want to point to the red heart bracelets. I am in the process of putting a whole page on my favorite places to help out -- epsecially this time of year!

I saw an amazing movie last night about generations in a family. "Dreamer" - no "elder marginalization" and boy do Kurt Russell and Kris Kristofferson still look oooo-laa-laa!

Raking leaves today.


Anonymous said...

Good question Babette..Where Is Dale??? Sun is shining today in the Midwest! Much better than snow!! (Gosh I miss palm trees and the baby blue color of the ocean!)Have a great Saturday everyone!!! (Dont know how to highlight in blue yet for the bloggers names..but I will get it figured out!)

Anonymous said...

I now have my picture on the blog profile. That in itself is so exciting. Thanks Babette for the help! WOW! You ladies are good! Took me a few trys to figure out the sequence, but through previewing I got it!!!! OK Dale where are you now!!:)

ClickGirl said...

Good for you - Pennys from Heaven!!! Good for you! You are also on the Webpage! : )

Hi Amy! That would be great if you could put a link to the Heart Bracelets on your site! Would be much appreciated!! Thanks!

By the way - have you ever seen this?

Someone passed on this link several months ago - and I thought it was great. It was what had me realizing that we, as a fairly small group, could do amazing things - if we joined forces. Anyway - I thought it was cool.

Your comment about the links reminded me that I was planning to add a 'Links' page to our Website - and maybe everyone could provide like five favorite links - and we could have a Link List. It could be charitable things - or just things that we think are important ... or fun ... or interesting. So ... maybe we can do that. I have an entire page of travel related stuff that I was going to post as well (from my Trafalgar Travel Message Board days)! I was addicted there - before I found my way to the Blogs (ha ha)

Also Amy and Babette - I have a project to do today - but hope to check out the Email list stuff that you sent - and the PayPal stuff that Babette sent to me - as soon as I finish up with the other stuff.

Hey Babette -Thanks much! I'll check out your pics! And thanks for the thanks! : )

Oh - so I tried the background thing (in the wee hours of the morning - which was probably not a 'smart' thing to do). At first - the pic came in at the bottom right - over text. I tried again - and was using instructions from this other Blog instruction page - and it had this weird text all over my text (on the preview page). I finally got the photo in - I wanted to put the red heart bracelet in the background - and be able to scroll over it. Well - it put the bracelet at the top - over my Blog heading - and everything. So ... I decided to put it aside - and wait until I was not so tired. When I put the HTML text as it was before - it came back with a gray background - instead of white. I had copied the entire HTML Template - before doing anything - so I checked to make sure it was accurate - and it was. But it still came out with gray background - even though my preview showed white. So ... guess I have to live with gray for a bit - until I can figure it out.

When you do the background - what size pics do you use? I guess I was thinking it would stretch whatever pic I put in - but it didn't. So ... just curious. I am determined to do it ... when I have time. : )

Thanks Wanda! I'll send you an Email. Glad you are feeling better. : )

Hi Belizegial! Glad things are going good for you in beautiful Belize! Thanks so much - for the kind words!

Well Bloggers and Bloggettes: I'm off to get a couple of projects done. Will check back in later. Have a great day!!!

Rejoicing in the New Day,


ClickGirl said...

P.S. - Pennys - I think Dale is out defending Damsels in Distress. : )

(Thanks Dale!! You are 'The Best'!!)

Dale Savage said...

LOL... Nope... Dale's at work for a few more hours. Just having lunch at the moment.

I hope everyone's having a great day!

ciao y'all,
Dale in Tucson

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon! Now that I got past the big thrill of learning how to add a photo I gotta tell ya, Blogging is more addictive than chocolate, more draining than menopause sorry dale(lol) until you get it figured out, and an adventure on a highway that leads you all over the world! paula in florida I use to work at the Mall in your come town! I so miss the Mall there during the holiday seasons. The chocolate covered gummi bears there.."THE BEST". Better run...heading out for supper (yes supper...its an Iowa thing!) and to a concert of the Sweet Adelines, a group of singing women from the local area.

Anonymous said...

Typo..sorry...Home Town. Gotta remember to preview...and really, learning to post a photo, it was very draining. I just decided that today I would sit here until I got it figure out!!! Have a great rest of the weekend everyone! (preview preview preview)

heiresschild said...

brenda, love the "adventurous hearts" blogsite.

hi babette


heiresschild said...

bejaflur, i seem to be following you around on the blogs today.

brenda, new day, new pics, faster download. should have done this sooner. ha ha ha just being a little mischievous.


heiresschild said...

good nite wanda.


Dale Savage said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Dale Savage said...

and now that I'm home... They've all folded their tents and quietly slipped into the dusk... ;-)

ClickGirl said...

... but some of them are still up ... doing creative little things. : )

G'night All!


Dale Savage said...

LOL... Goodnight, Gracie.


ClickGirl said...

Goodnight John Boy. : )

Anonymous said...

Ah sweet blog at last I've found you. Will try to resurrect what I wrote last night tomorrow since I kept going back to the old blog. The reason for the funny way this came out is that it came to me with little icons. Anyone know if you can get these on here & if so how?

Now I lay me
Down to sleep
I pray the Lord
My shape to keep.

Please no wrinkles
Please no bags
And please lift my butt Before it sags.

Please no age spots
Please no gray
And as for my belly,
Please take it away.

Please keep me healthy
Please keep me young,
And thank you Dear Lord
For all that you've done.

Five tips for a woman....

1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.

2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.

3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you.

4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.

5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.

Foot Note:

One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob:
"If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts."

Saw Gd. Nt. & Gd. Lk. Recommend

Tomorrow Jerry Lewis re Dean & Me
I must be having a 50s fixation!

O.K. When I preveiwed this it didn't have spaces so I will fix it but still would like to know about icons.

ClickGirl said...


We have our own web name too:

And lots of new stuff on the web!! Check out those new pics (Thanks to Cheryl)!!

Still have more to do ... and loving it! : )

G'Night All.


Belizegial said...

An early good morning Brenda,

I just posted you an e-mail ref my blog profile address.

Ladies and Dale, here are some wisdom quotes for you to ponder during your coffee break today and tonite.....

have a nice Sunday all


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
-Albert Einstein

"The important thing is to not stop questioning."
-Albert Einstein

"This is how humans are: we question all our beliefs, except for the ones we really believe, and those we never think to question."
-Orson Scott Card

"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why."
-Bernard M. Baruch

"The first key to wisdom is constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the
-Peter Abelard

"Doubt is the key to knowledge."
-Persian proverb

"It is a farce to call any being virtuous whose virtues do not result from the exercise of its own reason."
-Mary Wollstonecraft

"It is necessary to distinguish between the virtue and the vice of
-Lemuel K. Washburn, Is The Bible Worth Reading And Other Essays, 1911

"The foundation of morality should not be made dependent on myth nor tied to any authority lest doubt about the myth or about the legitimacy of the authority imperil the foundation of sound judgment and action."
-Albert Einstein

"Without a doubt the greatest injury of all was done by basing morals on myth. For, sooner or later, myth is recognized for what it is, and disappears. Then morality loses the foundation on which it has been built."
-Lord Samuel

"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."
-The Dalai Lama

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do."
-Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon
is a Harsh Mistress

heiresschild said...

good morning everyone,

brenda, do you ever sleep? since you like to stay up working, i'm going to give you my password so you can work on my blogsite too. LOL but seriously, you're doing a great job on the site. but seriously let me know when you want my password.

dale, you're not off the hook, you know. inquiring minds still want to know.

ada, you are too funny! keep 'em coming. i didn't come back to baltimore yet because they sent my friend home for a few days while they look over the tests. will call you when i know i'm going back.

good morning enid, thanks for the early morning wisdom quotes. have a good day.

will check back later this evening. have a good day everyone.


heiresschild said...

oh yeah, enid, i just remembered, inquiring minds are waiting to hear from you too on "older women/younger men."


Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Brenda!
You are truly such a genius!!!!!!!!!!........the site looks awesome, absolutley fantastic, superb, brillaint!!
Here I thought I was getting so tech savey (sp?) and then you come up with this incredible site/montage of brilliance!!!
Hats off to you!! I am humbled!
PS...I thought I was bad!! YOU my friend are way worser!!! (as my youngest used to say!) 4:44 AM!!! Shame on you...tsk tsk!!
I know what it is like to be caught up in a creative zone........time just disappears! Hope you are at the very least sleeping in!!
Again...........WOW!! Congrats and have a great one!!
Cheryl xox

ClickGirl said...

Thanks Everyone! About the site ... and about the Diplomacy thing. : )
And thanks Wanda. I think that is a great idea. I know this is an open Blog - and that we do have freedom of speech - but I just want to be careful ... and not get into a 'he said/she said' situation. I believe, in the end, this will all be 'much ado about nothing' - as this Blog and the Website never have been a 'business' - and I never had a list from Chicago. Because the NNBBS site was 'allowed' ... and all of the MB gals posted pics of that event - with Richard, Joe and Umberto (and the other gals) - and I doubt that many wrote for permission (and Linda even had a link to her Nubriety biz), I believed that it was okay for me to post photos as well. I even have an Email, stating that my Blog was viewed - and enjoyed - and asking to use some of my photos and commentary. I thought that implyed consent. In addition, I have an Email that I sent (and that was responded to), stating that I would be putting up a new website for the group (NNBBS) - after the decision was made ... but that I wanted to wait, because I didn't want to do anything to take away from the big decision. The signals are very mixed - and I am surprised ... and disappointed.

Everything here and on the Web - was to help support the Bloggettes who were part of that venture. Nothing more. If a simple personal announcement about an upcoming biz venture (NOT related to all of this) can be so misconstrued - then I feel sorry for the people who don't take the time to read more carefully - and who don't have the courtesy to just write and ask for explanation of someone who had been very supportive 99.9% of the time. In fact, when I wrote to ask if it was okay for me to attend the Chicago event (because I had not sent in a vid/bio) - I wrote exactly what was posted on the other site - that I had been wanting to go into Documentary work - and I've written many times about my desire to combine that love - with travel. That has been no secret. And there are no 'veiled' 'secret' plans going on. All of that 'stuff' being said is just 'off the mark' and, in my opinion, irresponsible. They ARE in a business venture - and that is no way to treat their 'customers'.

Anyway - the less said about all of it - the better. Thanks to all - for your cooperation. I am not trying to 'stifle' anyone - I am, as I am sure all of you might be able to appreciate, trying to protect myself. I hope that everyone will just try to put themselves in my place - and understand (except those who have gazillions of dollars to afford a court battle). : ) And, despite what some may have misunderstood - Jackie is my 'Friend' - not my 'Lawyer'. We are just two gals who met ... had a lot in common ... got excited about travel ... and want to pursue our dreams ... without hurting anyone else in the process.

So ... Yes - I'm not sleeping very well at the moment. : ) But ... I slept in ... until 9:30 a.m. this morning. But remember - with Daylight Savings time ... I gained an hour! : ) And ... I truly am 'a night owl'. It is how I have survived in the Production biz for so many year! I have always been that way. But - tonight - back to my regular schedule because I start back to work tomorrow morning - and have an important project to do - to help one of the other Producers. So ... was just trying to get as much done as possible - because next week I won't have as much time. : )

Hey Babette: I got it!! I got the white back! This is weird - because what was in the template was exactly the same as what I had copied and pasted - but I just re-pasted the original HTML over what was in there - and it went back to white. I don't understand it - but don't care - because it worked! Yeah!! And - for now - I'm not going to worry about a background. Will figure it out eventually - but think it needs to be a regular photo - and not a graphic like I had. So ... will try that ... later. : )

Hey Belizegial - I'll check my Email. Thanks for letting me know. Thanks for the nice 'Sunday thoughts'.

Hope all of you have a great day!! I'm off to finish an important project that I am working on!



Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Everyone! The Music City Chorus of the Sweet Adelines International had an awesome concert last night with the theme "Proud To Be An American". Does make me realize we are fortunate to live in a country that gives us the freedom we have, and how thankful I am for the men and women who serve our country to keep us from harms way. Time to get busy with homework and writing a post card to my Florida grandson. Yes, every Sunday I HAND WRITE a post card to my Florida grandson and send it "snail-mail" and send it on my way to work on Monday morning. I have been doing this ever since I moved back to Iowa, 5 years and 4 months ago. Roughly 276 that means 276 plus post cards...and they are all different. I get a post card from everywhere I visit. So if anyone sees a grandma at the post card rack in an airport it could be me (lol). I told him I would send them until he turned 16. His comment was why stop then? So be it...I will be sending one card a week until my next journey!.... Cold and rainy here in the midwest...but at least it's not snow and ice YET!:) Have a great day everyone!

dragonflyfilly said...

Brenda, thanks for the info on audio. will try it when i have lots of time.

hmmmm, "This is my simple religion...the philosophy is kindness" - the Dalai Lama.
i was just re-reading this this morning at 1:30 a.m. Vancouver time, Belizegial...great minds think alike??

have to get ready for my b/d PARTY!!


Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Brenda,
My heart goes out to you, there is not a worse feeling when you have done something from the goodness of your heart and it is "miscontrued" and "perceived" as devious and wrong!
For what it is have my total 100% support, I think you are an outstanding and remarkable woman and I stand in support of ALL that you do!! You are a true survivor!
I am sure I speak for all Bloggettes and Blogger (Dale!!)as I know WE appreciate and thank you for ALL ALL that you have done and are
doing to RAISE CONSCIENCENESS and BRING AWARENESS to the "Adventurous Hearts" cause, as innocent as it is!!! It is not easy to be proactive at times!!
or as Kermit would say...."It is not easy being green!!"

Life does start at 50 or even 45!!!

So please...........there is not one thing nor one person in life worth losong sleep over and compromising who and what you are all about and what you believe in!!...K??
ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!
Love to you xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Cheryl aka La Belle

Canadian Bloggette said...

PS. Marty,
All you have to do is click on the person's name (in BLUE) as it appears in a post and it takes you directly to their "Blog" if they have one!
Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hey Jump8,
I love your spirit, you too, cleary, are a survivor and to all "we survivors" I send this...two of my favorite passages from "Man's Search for Meaning"...some of my many mantras in life!!

“Even a victim of a hopeless situation facing a fate he cannot change, may rise above himself, may grow beyond himself, and by so doing change himself. He may turn a personal tragedy into a triumph.”

"Love is the ultimate and highset goal to which man can aspire"
Dr.Viktor Frankl

La Belle xox aka Cheryl

Leslie: said...

Hi Vanessa! I'm wondering if you're going to be staying with all the other "finalists" or are you still going to stay where you told me you'd book a place? Just curious as you certainly sound like your "own person."

Belizegial said...

Hi Ladies,

Just checking back in for a moment. Would like to comment on the following:

Sylvia, you got me on the spot. I had to ponder awhile before coming back at ya on the older women/younger men survey. Having weighed the pros and cons and having been the poster girl at one time for this type of pairing, IMHO there are too many cons against this type of relationship surviving. Mine didn't.

However, there are exceptions to the rule and we can only wait to see how the most recent famous pairing of Demi and Ashton Krutcher(sp) will work may defy and beat the odds to prove me wrong.

Dragonflyfilly, yes, in this instance great minds do think alike. We both agree with the Dalai Lame that the philosophy of kindness towards each other does work wonders to bring us closer together when all else fails.

Vanessa, you have touched on the heart of the matter. Love is borne of suffering. Without pain, without suffering, we cannot truly understand the depth of our soul's capacity for kindness, tolerance and compassion towards our fellow beings.

Thanks to all of you for sharing on this and other blogs. Each time I return here, I learn just a little bit more about each of you and in the process, a little more about myself.

Good night and God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jump8 and Hello to Brenda and

Can't believe it is October 30th!!?? I echo so many of your sentiments Jump8 and really look forward to meeting you. I think we will find that we share so much. Have a great week!!!!

Time is precious and so short - everyone needs to smile !!! We are blessed and lucky to have had the opportunity to meet one another!!!! And that is a great thing - Take Care Everyone, Jackie

ReeltorMe said...

La Belle & Vanessa & Brenda,
I love your human spirits! We women are awesome and have more capacity to understanding than any man on earth.
I love the study of the human mind and spirit. Life and It's Meaning by Viktor Frankl is one of my favorite books and everyone should read it. There is a fine example of the human spirit and its endurance and capacity to survive under horrific odds. Another favorite of mine is Seat of the Soul.
You are so right, Vanessa, in that until you have come up against the most difficult trials you don't appreciate the simple and wonderful things in life. In 1980 my younger sister died at the age of 39 and her husband, who was an alcoholic, locked her 3 kids out of the house upon her death, I knew nothing of how that would destroy my life. Her children all came to me with no money or clothes and I raised them along with my 3 children. Ages 8-14 - 6 schools. Life was never the same and to this day I only slightly avoided a nervous breakdown and it split my marriage up and until I got through all of it I never knew how much I had learned and grown since then. So, we don't realize the gifts and blessings until sometimes years later. We question "why" but down the road we find that there is a lesson for us somewhere in the circumstances that we needed to learn and benefit from.
God bless all of the bloggets and our stories to tell. It is said that we sometimes envy the others that look like their lives are so great until we trade with them and discover that we are better off than they.
Love all of you and Brenda, our special Adventure of the Heart goddess. The site is awesome!!!!!


Dale Savage said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ClickGirl said...

Hello Everyone:
You know - I was going to come on here tonight and try to write some thoughtful ... and maybe somewhat inspirational words ... but after reading all that has been written this fine day ... I don't believe that there is anything that I can add to the wonderful comments that have already been made here. Thanks to all of you ... for just being 'you'! I am moved - beyond words - by your support and your amazing adventurous Hearts. Much gratitude!

My Mantras of the day:
'Whatever doesn't kill you ... will make you stronger'

'This too shall pass'

'Out of Chaos ... Creation'
(something good comes from every bad situation ... if you just look deep enough)

Have a wonderful Monday!

Peace and Love,


ReeltorMe said...

Hello all,
For those of you that did not have the special opportunity of meeting some of these awesome gals, you missed one mind altering experience! Just attending the Chicago event gave me the awareness of the total greatness of this group of gals. I am sure those of you that attended the event can attest to that. It made me thankful to have met these great women and I only hope that we will continue to stay together with our thoughts and ideas which can benefit all of us in one way or another. It's great to be a part of this group which collectively has so much energy and heart!
Let's just continue on our journey and somwhere down the road we will all be able to hopefully meet one another sometime, someplace.
A toast to the Adventures of the Heart!

Mary R said...

Hi everyone,
Brenda, you are awsome!
Now, thanks to you, there is a site worth reading about real stuff. We appreciated your help with the SB stuff, but never thought about it leading to this GREAT VENUE. What a talent you have!!!!!

I did just get my last ramblings posted on my blog site. The "leftover caserole" is an old family receipt, very simple and again made the night before.

Till later.
Mary Rose

Canadian Bloggette said...

What a group of life affirming, life altering, "Succulent Women/Man"!!!
WE have truly sumitted a huge mountain all together, and hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....THAT IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT!!!
Muchos Gracious a tous!!!
Nighty night to all
and to our one and only blessed Dale!
Cheryl xox aka la Belle

Canadian Bloggette said...

Ok ok ok...
sorry ONE last little ditty,
was just cleaning up after my daughter and her cutie patootie were her for dinner, playing some tunes...and thought of y'all...many thanks to good old Bobby Dylan!! Remember him?? Yah!!

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It don't matter, anyhow
An' it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don't know by now
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and I'll be gone
You're the reason I'm trav'lin' on
Don't think twice, it's all right!

OH YEAH!!!!!
I am thinking THIS would be a great theme song for Adventurous Hearts...hmmmm??!!
OK NOW IT IS 3:30 AM here in the Great White North!! Off to bed!!
Sweet dreams y'all!!
La Belle aka Cheryl xox

Anonymous said...

Wrote this whole long thing after copying from word document & then when I went to edit & add to it, it said page expired & I lost it. How long do you have to write?

That's it, no more editing!!

Soap box gone, & will tell individuals my messages. However:

Why don't warlocks have children?

They have Halloweeners.

Boo Happy Holiday to You

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the section with our travel pictures! What a wonderful way to see parts of the world from my own computer desk!! Great pics!! And what inspirational writing is happening! Have a great day everyone!! P.S. is it possible to run spell check from a post when I am in preview? I tend to type like I

traveln-hsr said...


Hi! I missed all the fun over the weekend on the blog. My weekends just get away from me. I am rennovating a Historic Victorian house - we're almost there and then there's the maintenance and leaves, and crocus bulbs, and leaves - you know what I mean? Sunday we paid attention to one of our family traditions - the Great pumpkin hunt. When my son was very little our neighbors and our family would go out to find the biggest pumpkin. "Uncle Randy" loves halloween and would try to find a huge pumpkin for his house. One year we found a 500 pound pumpkin. Anyway, we have done this for 13 years and each year more and more of the folks who tag along get fewer and fewer. Yesterday wasn't about a giant pumpkin - it was about carmel apples and the haunted hayride. Silly, but our Autum tradition!

On the technical stuff. Background images are tough to do right! I think the bracelets page is great the way you have it. But if you want to do a background image, use jpg and try to keep the resolution as "slim" as possible. The best example of "slim" resolution I can give is at our website, on the first page I have images from our travel. When I generated them I chose "low quality". When you land on the page they load "fast". If you click on the link "about these images" and flip through the photo album you'll see the images load slow. I used "high quality" so the quality and the size of the jpeg is larger. Hope that helps. If not email me. My email is on my blog page here, click on travlnhsr.


Babette: yes I love Dakota Fanning - what a great kid!

I am also in the process of adding paypal and a number of other services to add a littel e-commerce to our site if you have questions, I might be able to help there too.

Happy Halloween!

How about a cyber pumpkin: Link: cyber pumpkin


Lady Base Camp said...

Thanks for the invite Belizegial, I'm glad to see the wonderful familiar names and faces. ANd I love the focus on us as "Aventurous Hearts", that gives me something to strive for in eliminating other adjectives that would at times describe my love life (dangerous and stupid!)

Anonymous said...

LadyBaseCamp still plays both sides.

heiresschild said...

it's pretty quiet here this evening. have a good nite everyone.

brenda, hope you get some early sleep tonite.

cheryl and ada, maybe i should say the same thing to you since you both were up until wee hours in the morning.


ReeltorMe said...

Hello all,
Just a note about another bachelor that was on the Oprah Show several years ago when I happened to be in the audience on one day.
His name was Paul Walton and he was suppose to be a "millionaire" looking for his soul mate. It was most interesting since I went up to him afterward and gave him my business card and he gathered up a bunch of gals from the area and came back in from California to meet all of us in Chicago again.
After finding out that he only received a million dollars from a lawsuit it was by far very apparent he was not a true millionaire and he was a real looser. I don't think anyone ever knew that since my daughter, the reporter, found it out. Oprah later got very upset at him for sending a photo out that he took of the two of them for his Christmas cards. She did not give her permission on that and she found out and was very mad. This guy was a real looser and I walked out knowing it when all of us got together in the city.
So, not everyone on her show is really worthwhile and I hope that this gives you an idea of some unworthy people that she has come in contact with unknowingly. They should be doing a lot better job at checking people out first before having them on the show. But, I guess something can start out innocently and take a different direction.
So, for those of us that desire to email her I hope that we know enough about this SB event in order to voice our opinions.

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi LadyBaseCamp!!
Many thanks for your comments on my Blog site!! I tried to email you through your Blog...alas no go!!!
So I hope Brenda doesn't mind if I respond here!!
1st...many thanks for the comments re: the two chairs photos, I am, for whatever reason, obsessed by 2 empty chairs, I have an entire collection of "Two Chair" photos taken from everywhere I venture.
2nd...The photo of my sister and I, yes we are so very close, she is as opposite to me as day is to night!!It was only in our late twenties, when I became a single Mom, that she and I became so very close. She is married but never wanted children, so my girls became her girls! To this day she is my best friend and I have instilled that same "love for sisters" within my 3 girls...there is nothing like it! Sisters are there to laugh with you, cry with you,share your deepest darkest secrets, listen to you, tell you when you are being totally off the wall ridiculous, then turn around and hug you...just because you need it!! SO....please never worry about your daughters...they are truly blessed to be so close and have one another!!
Nothing could ever replace nor replicate my love for my sister.
Thanks again for your comments, I so enjoy getting feedback on my Blog! Makes my day!
Take care of you
Cheryl xox

Canadian Bloggette said...

I do not mean to be a s..t disturber but..............
In two days tomorrow will be yesterday.
Is it not preferable to move forward in life and not live in and dwell on the past? What purpose would emailing etc Oprah serve?? Perhaps, (only a suggestion!!!) best to let sleeping dogs lie and keep on trucking!
Absolutley no malintent intended, just my humble opinion for what it is worth....LOVE TO ALL
cheryl xox

ReeltorMe said...

I, too, am obsessed with two empty chairs and also have a lot of photos of them when I go to the Caribbean almost every year. I love the island of St.Martin and have been there 12 times after 4 hurricanes. I have been to many of the other islands but still call that one my favorite.
I agree with you in every respect about not stirring up the pot with emailing Oprah. Joe asked us to do it and I wonder how many have done so??
Let's just move forward in our new direction and not try to live in the past. We have lots to do and too little time to do it. So, let's continue on our journies and try and spread peace wherever we go. It sure will bring a lot more followers........

ClickGirl said...


Hope you had a devilishly fun day today!!!

Thanks Chandra!! Ditto!! It was a pleasure meeting you too!

Hey Mary Rose. Will try to get over to your site. Thanks for your kind remarks!

Thanks Babette! Will look forward to seeing the pics - and putting some on the web. I'll probably do some more tomorrow night when I get home from work.

Yes Penny's - Isn't it fun to see some of the travels! It will only get better ... as we add more pics! My Sisters loved it - but my younger sister said the Adventure pages might be too big - so I will adjust that. She is 'The PhotoShop Queen' - so I take her advice! : )

And - unfortunately - no spell check. That is why I often do my posts in MS Word - then copy and paste in. Or - just type it in, preview - make corrections ... then post. Anyway - no biggie.

Sorry Ada, that you had problems. If you did your original in a word doc - you should be able to just re-copy it into the refreshed page. I've never had a problem with length of time - but on another computer that I had I often got 'time out' messages - so that might be the problem. May be in your settings - but I wouldn't be able to help on that one. I have an I.T. Department that helps me when I have trouble (I'm soooo lucky ... and spoiled)! Maybe your daughter would know your system well enough to help? I bet she would be able to help. Hope you can sort that out. I know it an be frustrating.

Hey Amy - Appreciate the tips. I am going to wait until the next title page to try the background again. I did it once - but the original bracelet photo that I was using was just not right for it. What Babette has on her site is perfect - a beautiful scene. So ... I'll try (when I've had more sleep - ha ha).

Welcome Lady Base Camp! Glad you like our Adventurous Hearts name. After lots of suggestions (many, many), Sunni was the one that came up with that ... and Chandra came up with our tag that is on the Website.

Hope you will share some of your 'stuff' for our Web. Love your writing! I was sorry to see that some of it was gone ... because I was going to write on your Blog one day - to comment on your writings about your friend. That was so moving ... and I should have written a post when I read it - but I just wanted to let it simmer in my mind for a bit ... then missed the opportunity. So ... hope we will be seeing many more touching writings like that.

Hi Sylvia ... yes ... I'm going to bed 'early' tonight! I am starting to get dark circles under my eyes from staying up so late (early). But I should be back in my routine in a couple of days. : ) Then weekend after next, I go on show site for four days, in Orlando, and will be working long nights (I've heard until 2 a.m.) - so this might be good 'practice'. NOT!! : )

Thanks SweetPMe. I think, as it has been suggested in another Blog, that there is nothing wrong with people writing to Oprah to share how they feel. It is really up to each person to do as they choose. And I think it would be important to present a fair and balanced approach ... and be sharing about the amazing community that has developed as a result of this venture. I believe that is 'The Story'. When I tell people about all of these amazing women that I met - on a Blog - it just seems unreal. And incredible! I think Oprah would love to know about that. I still want to send her a Red Heart Bracelet! : )

Hi Belaflur - didn't want to leave you out! : )

Good Night All!! Sleep Tight. Don't let the Goblins get you (hee hee hee hee). >.,.<

Devilishly Yours,


ClickGirl said...

Hello Anonymous - This is a special post - just for you - on this day when some monsters come out of their dwellings. Just wondered why you felt you had to post mean comments about other people? Does it give you pleasure to be unkind? I'm just trying to understand you - and why you would make a statement like you made - about Lady Base Camp. She has done nothing to deserve that. Could you please explain - so that I can understand your reasoning?



Anonymous said...

Everyone must be out Trick or Treating or getting some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's :) I took my beloved Bun-Bun out trick or treating..she was a "Leopard". I was just me. canadianbogettethe more I am learning about blogging the more I am figuring out other blog sites. What amazing pictures of your travels. Thanks for sharing....truly beautiful pictures. daleintusconare you still at work??? Happy Halloween everyone..and Bun-Bun and I did the cyper pumpkin...cute!

Canadian Bloggette said...

Hi Pennys from heaven
Muchos gracius.....were you refering to the photos on my Blog site??? I had such a great time putting it all morphed into a journal of sorts. I relived every step of my "Odyssey"!!
No the start of this adventure I (and most others!!) knew zero about blogging and look at us now...we have earned our PhD in "Blog 101"
Rock on!!
Take care of you and Bun-Bun, I can envision her/him?? just by the name!! Cutie patootie!!
Cheryl xox

dragonflyfilly said...

hey BRENDA, is that you as Little Red Riding Hood, or the Big Bad Wolfe. Great disguise!


dragonflyfilly said...

ohhhhh, it's a Devil!!!

wow, devilicious!!!!

ClickGirl said...

No PJ Those are Devil Horns! It was 'Bad Brenda' being a 'She-Devil'. I look like I was having a bad night. Ha Ha Of course - offering up full disclosure - that was quite a few years ago! I think I was late 30's/early 40's. Ah memories! ; )

Hey Love2Travel ... okay, so you are going to make this little devil cry! Thank you! And yep - no 'naughty mat' here ... but sometimes just a little scolding? : ) No, seriously ... I really am curious - because I don't get it. It is probably someone who gets pleasure in stirring things up - and I know we should just ignore it ... but I can't. Because I think it could be harmful - and cause people to feel bad - and go away. And I don't want that. Know what I mean?

Good news! We have two more people wanting their pics on the Webpage and wanting to be part of our group ... and I have Babette's pics to post also - and I'll try to update that tomorrow night. Will let you know when new stuff is there. Anyway - I am excited! Our Adventurous Hearts is having a great response!! Yeah!!

Have a wonderful day in your neighborhood ... where ever in the world it is!


dragonflyfilly said...

ok, CLICKGIRL and LOVE2TRAVEL,what have i missed and who is stirring up what? -- truly, i really am out of the loop, oh well, never i really NEED to know?

Brenda, i did not see the horns, better get my eyes checked, but a very cute look i must say! so, i guess the ghosts and goblins are making their way home...

Boooooo for now,

Anonymous said...

Or in my case

I even like the initials A.H.s – we are!

I was too tired to rewrite what I wrote last night so if I forget someone –Sorry.

Vanessa – loved the Gonozo quote. Is that us? Haven’t heard from you & was worried about you. My friend from Boynton Beach had lots of damage. And the mother of a friend of mine lives in a hi-rise. She had no electricity, no land or cell phone. My friend lives in D.C. His brother lives 3 hrs. from the mother but can’t get gas to get to mom. Very scary. Brenda, as I said to you – “My splinter hurts me more than your broken arm hurts me.” Thanks for the kind words re my daughter (Sherene). Still no word about the contest. Will let everyone know when I do.

Speaking of my daughter, I don’t like Maya Angelou because she wasn’t very nice to Sherene, but since Oprah (didn’t she look great?) made that lovely speech for Rosa Parks my Joke du Jour is:

In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthdayOprah asked her what she thought of growing older. She said it was "exciting." Regarding body changes, she said there were many, occurring her breasts. They seem to be in a race to see which will reach her waist, first. I share this....

by Maya Angelou

When I was in my younger days,
I weighed a few pounds less,
I needn't hold my tummy in
to wear a belted dress.
But now that I am older,
I've set my body free;
There's the comfort of elastic
Where once my waist would be.
Inventor of those high-heeled shoes
My feet have not forgiven;
I have to wear a nine now,
But used to wear a seven.
And how about those pantyhose-
They're sized by weight, you see,
So how come when I put them on
The crotch is at my knee?
I need to wear these glasses
As the print's been getting smaller;
And it wasn't very long ago
I know that I was taller.
Though my hair has turned to gray
and my skin no longer fits,
On the inside, I'm the same old me,
It's the outside's changed a bit.

Re letters to Oprah: Just be careful what you say. Nobody wants a law suit.

Still trying to reach val the gal & pj – no e-mails.

LBC – nice piece/peace on your kids.

Hey, look at me - italics & blue!

heiresschild said...

good morning ada, the only way you can reach "val the gal" is thru the sb site. pj is "dragon fly filly" and i think you can access her email thru her blogsite. hopes this info helps.


heiresschild said...

ada, correction--pj's email address is not listed on her site. she'll have to give you that personally. sorry about the misinformation.


Anonymous said...

Good morning all :) canadianblogetteAll your pics are great. I made it to your blogsite and was reading your "Odyssey". Terrific pictures of your travels, the people, and the sites. I hope you keep posting more also! This winter, when it is blizzarding here in Iowa....I can't wait to sit and look through the beautiful pictures of warm and sunny places! Bun-Bun is a gray and white doe who is my loyal companion! She is spoiled rotten and will travel with me where ever life takes me! Four years ago I would never of thought of owning a rabbit, but through circumstances I have her...and we get along really well! She has made for some interesting speeches in Public Speaking!! Does anyone know of a trusted website for putting into book form some poems I have written that I would like to get into a bound book for my family and friends? Take care all, and have a great rest of the day!!

traveln-hsr said...


Canadian Blogette - I started reading your Odyssey when you first started posting it. I have pointed some other traveling homeschoolers to it to read. I think many of us who homeschool like to fly under the radar so we are not very good at commenting and complimenting. Your writing is good and your travels are great! I am especially fond of your kayak photos. Currently I have to stick with my 13YO as a guide, but love your guide! I'd paddle all day too!

pennies from heaven - There's a website I signed up to do some publishing at called Lulu, Link: Lulu I haven't followed through with the publishing yet so I don't know how they work. The link off the first page of the Adventurous Hearts website to SARK has a good page about getting published. I bookmarked it the other day but didn't read in detail.

Brenda - What format would you like phots for the website? I am still uncomfortable with putting my photo on the world wide web, but I might send some other images.

I had an idea - what if we started posting our upcomming travels and if possible, some of us could hook up and maybe have a special day as a group? We'd have to think about our safety in doing this sort of thing in a public forum, but it's a thought.


Anonymous said...

Pennys from Heaven and anyone interested in self-publishing. I have been pleased with National Writers Press. I think the website might be undergoing some changes, but feel free to contact Anita Whelchel at or call her
720-851-1944. They are located in Parker, CO. I have an ISBN and Library of Congress number and copyright on my work, but if you don't need/want all that, say so.

Best to all,

Anonymous said...

Amy and home schoolers and everyone! I am developing "Zen Mother" free parenting tips to offer online (SOON!). -- This is a result of the Internet Marketing seminar my son INSISTED I take several weeks ago. My son is developing my website as we speak. I will post the website address when it is up, but meanwhile if you or anyone you know is interested in receiving "Zen Mothering" please sign up to be on my email list by sending me that request at

I am also developing "survival techniques" to teach kids in crisis situations. They will include how to build a debris hut for shelter, how to collect clean water, how to make a fire using flint and a knife. I don't have personal expert knowledge of but think some basic first aid should be taught as well as some basic rescue strategies.

Come to think of it -- ADULTS should learn this stuff! BTW-- did you all realize you have gallons of clean water you can access in the hot water tank in your home should you ever need it?

My children's book "A Story from Grandfather Tree" will be for sale in a couple weeks.

Here's the blurb on that:
Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods abound when Mother Earth shows her grief from being neglected. A STORY FROM GRANDFATHER TREE is a timely tale reminding the two-legged humans to remember their blessings and take care of the earth.

P.S. This story was written in 1994!!!

Best to all,

sunnida said...

The website looks so beautiful
THANK YOU so much
for all of the hard work and
late nights you spent on it!!
I'm so excited to share it with all of
my friends and potential art clients...
this has sooooo many possibilities!!!! KUDOS

I've been out of town in L.A. for a few days
and can't believe all that has happened
since last Thursday!!!

My son and I had such a hectic week, and
weekend at a convention for 8000 computer
geeks, I was a bit out of place, but found a
few other misplaced parents to hang with.
Then we saw the King Tut exhibit and went
to the La Brea Tar pits across the street, so
there was an educational moment in our
otherwise geek oriented weekend.
We got home just in time to throw up some
spiderwebs and and get into costume for
the adorable little treaters!!! I had to shut
off the lights early as I ran out of candy,
but this was at the 200 mark, I'm not ex-

SO now I'm putting the final things in my bag
for a trip to the Sahara with an archaeology
pal from Santa Fe. I can't wait to post photos
on our new adventures site in
a on a camel wearing a shesh,
that's a turban, or head wrap that keeps your
head cool and protects from blowing sand.
We're going with a group of her collegues to
document some of the rock art sites in the
Acacus mountains near Algeria.
I finally feel FREE, my son is OK with me
being gone for longer times and I can get
back to some of my earlier passions!!! YIPPEE

I loooove seeing all the creativity happening
in our group...writing books, poetry, pub- all are so inspiring!!!
As CJ would say GO4IT!!!


P.S. There is a great photo of a woman wear-
ing an orange shesh at Leptis Magna in Libya.
In the NYTIMES Sunday travel section. It's
under a little heading having to do with
fashion on trips!!! You can find it online.

Anonymous said...

BREAK TIME! Checking the blog quick, Marty...I never knew you were in a car accident. I am so sorry to hear that. My prayers are with you and please, please, keep us all posted on the outcome. I admire your strenth and courage! Thanks to traveln-hsr and dancinggirl for the information on where to check for getting things published! You ladies are AWESOME! The help and kindness I see here is to be admired! What quick responses from a terrific group of people. Thanks again for all the help! The midwest had a hard frost this morning..and I see coming to work that there are huge piles of a bountiful crop on the ground. The bins are so full and the harvest so great they are running out of storage. Have a peaceful afternoon!!

droma said...


Clean water in the toilet tank.
Thanks for all the info to publish.
I am writing a book on Nutrition.

Prayers to you and family.

And to all: GOD BLESS!!!

dragonflyfilly said...

Hi ADA, visit my site "Flamingo's Hideaway" so we can chat a bit...i don't give out my e-mail to everyone (this is how i try to protect myself from "strange people", if you know what i mean), but once i get to know you a bit, and if you can be identified on your own Blog (age, town, etc) then i don't mind giving you my hotmail e-mail.

cheers for now,

Anonymous said...

Marty – me too. Can’t remember. New idea – put both blog & word document up on screen so you can write as you go down the names. Good luck in court.

Sunni – trip sounds great. Always an extra when you go with a special group. Bon Voyage,

Babette – I feel the same way re Halloween. These days it’s Holloween. I haven’t gotten trick or treaters in so long I no longer buy the candy. One can’t do fun treats etc. I feel the same way about teachers. Now that kids need hugs more than ever teachers can’t even touch them. My son’s kindergarten teacher took him out on a picnic (long story). Could anyone in their right mind do that today? What a shame, how sad.

Re: cancer. Just spoke to a friend last night who’s been battling cancer for about 9 years. Doc also said no more chemo, even tho it spread to her brain. But she was having so much trouble they gave her 5 days, weekend off, 5 days of radiation & she is doing much better.

The day the doctor told my husband about his 50/50 chance he said something that I always felt. People say “I fought cancer & beat it.”
They are just the lucky ones. The Dr. said :”I see people with bad attitudes make it & those with good attitudes not make it & vice versa.” One needs a good attitudes ‘cause a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Patients should never be made to feel they didn’t do enough to fight. It makes me so mad. Good Luck to your family. Just give your love & support. You might want to suggest to your sister to send out info on a mass e-mail. People don’t mind, usually. They want to know yet don’t want to bother the folks.

Sorry, guess I’ve been spending too much time on the soap box – bring back a naughty mat!

Penny – Also try Lightning Source. You can print as many copies as you want with them. Dan Fuson
Client Account Manager
Lightning Source Inc.
Tel: 615-213-4549
Fax: 615-213-4426

More tonight.

Anonymous said...

Goodevening to Everyone,

Started packing for my trip to the beach with our blog host!!!
I have a whole suitcase full of materials that we can sit out by the pool and work away on - love wireless!!! And probably two more suitcases......I hope you have a BIG Car Brenda.......hey maybe we might need CathyinCarolina to send her limo for me at the airport and she can come too!!!!

We will need to post a few pictures of our adventurous hearts as I am sure we will have something to 'show-n-tell'!!!!

Hope everyone is doing great on this 1st day of November, 2005.
I had better get back to real work so I am ready for Friday.

Anonymous said...

Good evening everyone. WOW...

ada"Thanks" to you also for the information on publishing documents. I am thinking alot of us may be busier now than ever making contacts and sending out emails with our work etc. seeing our dreams finally starting to unfold!(lol) All the information really helps and continues to give me hope in getting ideas and writings in a printed book.

babetteMy thoughts & prayers are with you, your brother-in-law, sister, and families at this challenging time.

sunniThe Sahara pictures are ones I will be looking forward to seeing! That is somewhere I will probably never have the opportunity to go visit, but to see the scenery through your eyes will be wonderful I am sure! I can't wait! :)

Canadian Bloggette said...

Danka Foresthills!!!!!!!!

God bless you and yours our Bodacious Babbette!!!!!!!

and y'all lets sing OUT SO SO VERY LOUD...and FILL THOSE EMPTY CHAIRS!!!

OK...all together now!!! more time........

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It don't matter, anyhow
An' it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don't know by now
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and I'll be gone
You're the reason I'm trav'lin' on
Don't think twice, it's all right!

Thank you Bobby Dylan..OH YEAH!!!!!

and noooo...I AM NOT ON DRUGS!!!
My drug of choice is...LIFE!!!
Nighty night y'all...don't let the
Blog Bugs Bite!!
Cheryl xox

ReeltorMe said...

Hello all,
Jackie and Brenda.....I hope that all that luggage is filled with fabulous ideas for your new venture. We await your announcement and wish you the quiet time to put it all together. The "time has come" for all of us.
Foresthill......gracias. I hope we get a chance to meet sometime. It's such fun to discover just who the bloggers are when meeting face to face like we did in Chicago. Makes everything more personal.
Let's hope that we can all get together in the near future.

ReeltorMe said...


sorry. you got more than one hill I suspect?


ClickGirl said...

Jackie sent me this funny, funny link tonight … and it got me in a Mona B Mood! : )
(You will need to copy and paste into your browser)

Mona Lisa Mania:
Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named you
You’re so like the lady with the mystic smile
Is it only ‘cause you’re lonely they have blamed you
For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile
Do you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa
Or is this your way to hide a broken heart
Many dreams have been brought to your doorstep
They just lie there, and they die there
Are you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa
Or just a cold and lonely, lovely work of art

Written by Livingston and Evans Recorded January 7, 1958

More Mona fun:

And … if you aren’t into Mona … check out the music on the main Blog page … especially for Cheryl!


Mona B

droma said...

MONA BRENDA....what a change, from being develish to a mysterious smile!

You let us see your serious side, and a nice side it is.
Someone beat cancer! Great, but not every cancer is beatable. And if the quality of life is lousy, why put yourself or expect someone to put up with it. If there is any chance, the Doctor will be glad to tell you, because she/ he wants very badly for the person to survive. One thing that helps, is not to avoid the person. We all feel so helpless, and do not know what to say or do when we know someone is dying. Find out if just sitting in the room with hem is welcome....even if you are reading or so.
Ever been to a Hospice? I used to spend some volunteer time there. The Nurses that work there are such gems, much to learn from them.


ClickGirl said...

Okay … so now … seriously
(I know … I’m being ‘goofy’ tonight)!

Hi Ada, Thanks much! And thanks for the Maya stuff too. Will look forward to hearing more about your daughter! And you do the same thing that I do. If I keep the Word doc. next to the Blog (like half page format) – I can scroll down and respond as I read. Saves a lot of time … and … I would never remember everything. I used to do what Marty mentioned – with little post notes … but then it took too long. : )

Sorry to hear about your friend … but glad the radiation is helping. I think you are so right – as there is really no rhyme or reason to why one person responds to treatment … and another doesn’t. There are so many variables … and so many different kinds of cancer, grades, odds, etc. When I was diagnosed – I just thought breast cancer was breast cancer. I didn’t know there were different kinds. And I learned really quickly that just because odds were good for you – it didn’t mean that you wouldn’t be one of the ones in the 2-5% margin (which I was). I lived for the first few years feeling like it was not ‘if I had a recurrence’ … but ‘when’. After I made it three and a half years … I finally started feeling like maybe it wouldn’t come back … and that living in the fear of it would not do me any good … and might become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I am (let’s all cheer now!) four months from my five year mark of the date of my diagnosis (Valentine’s Day!) … and I was just reading the statistics … and the chance of recurrence if you make it to five years drops incredibly. So … I am holding on to those positive ‘odds’ … all the while knowing that none of us know what tomorrow may hold. So I try to just ‘live’ (really live) each day … in the hopes that those odds hold for me.

Hey Marty – I made the new tags for the bracelets tonight … and will try to get to the P.O. tomorrow to mail them. I have about 20-some to mail out! Yeah!

Also – you will be in my prayers this Friday. Hope it goes well!

Hi Babette – so sorry to hear about your brother in law. It is so hard, in situations like that, to know what to say … but I am sure that your sisters and her husband know how much you care. And all of you will most definitely be in my thoughts and prayers!

Hi Suzan … So good to see you here … and was sorry to read (on Francesca’s Blog), that you had been in such pain! My heart goes out to you … and I hope you are feeling better now. We were missing you! Hope you have safe travels!

Thanks CJ! I have plenty of bracelets! 230 – after I send this batch out! I’ll let you know when I sort out the PayPal stuff … Babette did send me something ... but I still have to figure it out. : ) Guess I should have been doing that - instead of 'playing Mona'. : )

I don't think anyone took over 'the list' - so ...would love to have you continue on with that. If you don't mind.

Hi Amy – jpg are best … but I’ve gotten bmp too – and then just take them into my photo program and convert them to jpg. Just takes a bit longer. And no problem – if you don’t want your pic. Just send whatever you are comfortable with – and something that we can use to link to your web – or whatever. And I had thought the same thing – that if people want to post about upcoming trips or meet-ups, we could do that on the Web. Maybe just dates and City/State (not exact location) and a link to one Email for contact info. That could work. So – for the ones going to CA (or anywhere) – if you want me to post info on the Web – I’ll be glad to do that.

Thanks for sharing that Connie! And I can vouch for ‘A Story from Grandfather Tree’ … as I was honored to read it, when Connie was here in Tampa. I’ll be buying copies for all of the young ones in my family!! It will make very special Christmas gifts! And – I love the ‘Zen Mother’ concept! So … Connie!! : ) Good for you Connie! I’m so excited to see where this goes … and know it will all be good!

Hi Sunni! I went to your Blog last night – to write to you – but thought you might not find my post (and then I got ‘lost’ looking through the masks and paintings again – ha ha). Couldn’t help myself. : ) Anyway – I just wanted you to know – in addition to all of the posts on the Blog … I have been getting so many Emails saying how much people love the new name! And people have written to say that it just so reflects what is happening in their lives – that they wanted to be a part of it. So … we all owe you a huge ‘Thanks’! For your great suggestion! It does suit us! I’m excited too … and have so much more that I’m working on adding. And have more stuff to update too. So … very cool!

Welcome back! We were missing you!! Isn’t the King Tut exhibit incredible!?! I saw it in Egypt … and just loved it! I’ll have to see if I can find the pic of me on a camel … and scan it so that I can post it. : ) But how terrific that you are going to the Sahara! What a great trip that sounds like! We will wait for the pics … and hopefully some comments too!

Hey Jackie … don’t forget the hat and the sunscreen!! It’s in the 80’s during the day! : )

So Everyone ... We will post pics of ‘Jackie and Brenda’s Amazing Adventure’ to Clearwater Beach! This Weekend!! Look for our exciting journal! We are planning on having lots of fun too! We are staying right next door to the famous ‘Frenchy’s on the Beach’ … which has ‘the best’ Grouper sandwiches! We are just a few steps from the soft, white sands of one of ‘The Top Beaches in the World’ (maybe I should get a job at the Tourism department – ha ha) … and we will be taking walks in the morning and evening … on a little five mile trek that I do – that is at the north end of the Beach. Where we will walk, I often see dolphin rolling in the waves … and there is a nature preserve at the end of that section … where we will watch the sunset. We’ll send ‘postcard’ pics via the Blog … from us to you!!

Good night … from the lady with the mystic smile,

Brenda aka Mona B

Anonymous said...

Suzan - didn't know you were going away. Bon Voyage.

Spoke to Cathy. She seems really hot to trot re the calendar. She also wants to have a male side. I thought if we do want to do this maybe we could get together with “GLAMOUR SHOTS.” This way each one could go to their local one to have their pic taken; we wouldn’t have to meet to do it. Then we could vote for the winners. However, first we need to decide who is in on this & then ask the important questions: “Who would buy this (the orig. Calendar Girls did it to raise $ for a local concern)? If anyone would, what to do with the $? Who would be the coordinator? ETC? Etc?

Re: Get Together – I told “him” I was not interested in a cruise to Alaska. Would still be interested in an A.H. cruise. How about one down the Miss. River? Each coast would only have to come ½ way? Anyone interested?

dragonflyfilly – went to your blog. The one with the, as usual, great joke from softrain (lighthouse)

Since we are now in Nov. & many of you are Americans I will start with my Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday)jokes. Below is from last year as you can tell, but David Letterman had her on so I thought if he can repeat, so can I.


Martha Stewart will not be dining with us this Thanksgiving.I'm telling you in advance, so don't act surprised.

Since Ms. Stewart won't be coming, I've made a few small changes:

Our sidewalk will not be lined with homemade, paper bag luminaries. After a trial run, it was decided that no matter how cleverly done, rows of flaming lunch sacks do not have the desired welcoming effect.

Once inside, our guests will note that the entry hall is not
decorated with the swags of Indian corn and fall foliage I had planned to make. Instead, I've gotten the kids involved in the decorating by having them track in colorful autumn leaves from the front yard. The mud was their idea.

The dining table will not be covered with expensive linens, fancy china, or crystal goblets. If possible, we will use dishes that match and everyone will get a fork. Since this IS Thanksgiving, we will refrain from using the plastic Peter Rabbit plates and the Santa napkins from last Christmas.

Our centerpiece will not be the tower of fresh fruit and flowers that I promised. Instead we will be displaying a hedgehog-like decoration hand-crafted from the finest construction paper. The artist assures me it is a turkey.

We will be dining fashionably late. The children will entertain
you while you wait. I'm sure they will be happy to share every choice comment I have made regarding Thanksgiving, pilgrims and the turkey hotline. Please remember that most of these comments were made at 5:00 a.m. upon discovering that the turkey was still hard enough to cut diamonds.

I actually have had a run-in with a frozen turkey like the above.

As accompaniment to the children's recital, I will play a recording of tribal drumming. If the children should mention that I don't own a recording of tribal drumming, or that tribal drumming sounds suspiciously like a frozen turkey in a clothes dryer, ignore them. They are lying.

We toyed with the idea of ringing a dainty silver bell to announce the start of our feast. In the end, we chose to keep our traditional method. We've also decided against a formal seating arrangement. When the smoke alarm sounds, please gather around the table and sit where you like.

In the spirit of harmony, we will ask the children to sit at a
separate table. In a separate room. Next door.

Now, I know you have all seen pictures of one person carving a turkey in front of a crowd of appreciative onlookers. This will not be happening at our dinner. For safety reasons, the turkey will be carved in a private ceremony. I stress "private," meaning: Do not, under any circumstances, enter the kitchen to laugh at me. Do not send small, unsuspecting children to check on my progress. I have an electric knife. The turkey is unarmed. It stands to reason that I will eventually win. When I do, we will eat.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind my young diners that "passing the rolls" is not a football play. Nor is it a request to bean your sister in the head with warm tasty bread.

Oh, and one reminder for the adults: For the duration of the meal, and especially while in the presence of you diners, we will refer to the giblet gravy by it's lesser-known name: Cheese Sauce. If a young diner questions you regarding the origins or type of Cheese Sauce, plead ignorance. Cheese Sauce stains.

Before I forget, there is one last change. Instead of offering a choice between 12 different scrumptious desserts, we will be serving the traditional pumpkin pie, garnished with whipped cream and small fingerprints. You will still have a choice; take it or leave it.

Martha Stewart will not be dining with us this Thanksgiving. She probably won't come next year either.

I am thankful.

Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

P.S. There has been some snippiness on the "other blog" re jokes. A simple no more is all that is necessary for me. I myself, appreciate the humor.

ClickGirl said...

Hey Amy and Babette ... how do you make a link 'connect' on the Blog comments? I know how to do it in the Posts ... but couldn't find instructions - well ... I found two ideas - but neither one worked. But I think I noticed that you two have done that. Am I correct? Would love to know how to do that!

Thanks much!!

Brenda aka Mona B - just for tonight.

Anonymous said...

ClickGirl – fun link, & I like DaVinch’s new wench. Thanks for your nice reply. Cheering you on to your 5 year mark. No wonder the heart bracelets mean so much.

Ellen too. I always tell those who have lost someone to be gentle with some of the stupid comments people will make. They are also hurting & don’t know what to say. I have been a widow for over 5 years now & have met many others & I still don’t know what to say so your advice is good. BTW What kind of dr. are you?

Suzan – what happened?

Connie? Are you the pick me one? Do you belong to SCBWI? Will check out your book.

Better get this out before I have to write more.

CathyinCarolina said...

Clickgirl this Blogging thing is becoming massive, i just now came to this site to read!!!

I do want to be responsible for 10 bracelets, I even lost mine that I got in Chicago. I will e-mail you to give you my address.

and i want to do the Calendar, but we need to consider what has happened here with the Bracelets, without a plan for marketing, like Ada says, how would they sell??

i guess our families might buy them, but my family usually expects me to give to them free.

Anyone have ideas for making money from a calendar to at least pay for expenses???